I’ve never lost my keys, phone, wallet, etc. but at least twice a year I’ll wake up and have no idea where my pants are. Last time it happened, they ended up being in the freezer.
@Kyeh it’s a pretty common method for some people who buy high-end jeans to freeze them to kill off smelly bacteria instead of wash them, since washing them is discouraged.
@jitc@Kyeh Yeah, refrigerators and freezers don’t kill the bacteria, they just slow their growth.
To kill bacteria (without adding anything to the jeans) you would need to “bake” them. The temperature and duration would be dependent on the particular bacteria you’re targeting.
Or so I recall from my microbio class 20 years ago. (we didn’t talk about jeans, just bacteria)
@kostia This is why I always recommend getting several pairs, and placing them in spots you might need them. I have one next to my spot on the couch, another on my night stand, and a third in the car. I also have a couple of extras, just in case. Other locations could include the office (home and work), kitchen, and bathroom. I work in a warehouse, and don’t have to read anything small enough to need glasses, yet, so I don’t keep any at work.
It wasn’t that long ago I had 20/20 vision, so not being able to read things is frustrating. What are the odds of winning a class action against the technology companies that make phones and computers?
@kostia@TheCO2 The ones I want to line up against the wall are the UI people who think that light grey (or any damn-near-white shade) on a white background is adequate contrast. I’d kneecap one per hour until they all agreed never to do that again.
What’s wrong with a light gray contrast for the background? My phone is set like that and then goes darker at 5pm. I can’t look at the white/blue bc it will give me migraines.
@kostia@Star2236@TheCO2@werehatrack People with limited or no sight use screen readers to be able to read websites. If there isn’t enough contrast between the font and the background, the screen reader can’t read what’s on the screen.
There’s a law called Section 508 for short that lays out the specifications for websites and documents so screen readers and other accessibility devices (for deaf people, people with physical disabilities, etc.) can function. All government sites and electronic documents have to comply with the specifications, but non-governmental sites and businesses aren’t required to. It makes good business sense to be Section 508 compliant, but a lot of companies either don’t know or don’t care.
@kostia@TheCO2@werehatrack The guts of computers these days tend to be black on black on black with dark gray text. Just as bad as white on light gray.
Train of thought, thank you. I’m surprised that nobody said it before you. I hate trying to think of what I was just thinking about. My house has post it notes all over it and I still forget shit.
@narfcake@TheCO2 That would make a great April Fool’s episode of a true crime show. They spend the whole show sleuthing and at the end they find a guy with a house full of stolen 10mm sockets.
@Star2236 I have multiple “projects in progress” because in the midst of doing one, I find another I also need to do, or another I have to do in order to do the previous one, so I kind of rotate between them - very ADD.
@Kyeh@Star2236 In the IT world that chain having to this and this in order to do that (sometimes to the point of forgetting what that was) has come to be called “Yak Shaving”.
@blaineg@Kyeh@Star2236 I tend to call it an infinite onion problem, because there’s always another layer, and the more you dig in, the more tears it causes
@Kyeh@Star2236@blaineg@werehatrack My house has 3 floors. If completing a task requires me to visit another floor, I sometimes will get distracted by some other minor task on the way. Then I’ll forget what I was originally after, so I have to retrace my steps in hopes of jogging my memory. (And hope that the second round does not lead to yet another distraction.)
I totally get the cleaning the different floors thing. I go down to pack up stuff in my basement (just fill up a small box of stuff I don’t need everyday) and I start looking at this and trying to find this and what goes to that and then I look at the clock and I’ve been down there 2 hours and have one thing in the box. It’s mind boggling how I can get so distracted. I know how bc I already gotten rid of a house full of stuff and still set my brothers apartment up with brand new stuff and have a bunch left. What I see is my treasures and family heirlooms/ stuff I’ve spent real money on and don’t want to get rid of. I’m a hoarder
Also the brace I wear to stabilize my bone-on-bone thumb. I’m on my third one in about 6 months. I take it off to do something and set it down, then forget where I put it. Last week, I left it in the bathroom at Starbucks.
My marbles.
My temper?
My cool…
My bearings.
My place!
My mind;
My glasses
@xerdkwa That’s the choice I was immediately looking for.
And, of course, glasses are harder to find when you are not wearing them.
@phendrick @xerdkwa Even hard to find when you ARE wearing them.
Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.
My proper punctuation:
Truly ALL of the Above!
I’ve never lost my keys, phone, wallet, etc. but at least twice a year I’ll wake up and have no idea where my pants are. Last time it happened, they ended up being in the freezer.
@brennyn @Kyeh Some things are better not answered.
@brennyn @Kyeh @narfcake We have a cold case that needs to be solved.
@Kyeh it’s a pretty common method for some people who buy high-end jeans to freeze them to kill off smelly bacteria instead of wash them, since washing them is discouraged.
@jitc Huh, TIL. Thanks … but does it work? Obviously I’ve never owned pants that fancy.
@Kyeh it doesn’t, actually. Just a really common myth among denim fanatics, apparently.
@jitc Oh! It did sound wrong to me. Yick.
@jitc @Kyeh Yeah, refrigerators and freezers don’t kill the bacteria, they just slow their growth.
To kill bacteria (without adding anything to the jeans) you would need to “bake” them. The temperature and duration would be dependent on the particular bacteria you’re targeting.
Or so I recall from my microbio class 20 years ago. (we didn’t talk about jeans, just bacteria)
@jitc @xobzoo
Also true of clothes moths!
Reading glasses.
signed, an Old Person
@kostia This is why I always recommend getting several pairs, and placing them in spots you might need them. I have one next to my spot on the couch, another on my night stand, and a third in the car. I also have a couple of extras, just in case. Other locations could include the office (home and work), kitchen, and bathroom. I work in a warehouse, and don’t have to read anything small enough to need glasses, yet, so I don’t keep any at work.
It wasn’t that long ago I had 20/20 vision, so not being able to read things is frustrating. What are the odds of winning a class action against the technology companies that make phones and computers?
@TheCO2 We’re going to have to wait until millennials need readers for that class action. There aren’t enough gen Xers to win!
@kostia Xers had a better start than millennials, when it comes to this stuff. I was almost 30 before I had my first smartphone.
We can expect them to need readers a lot sooner.
@kostia @TheCO2 The ones I want to line up against the wall are the UI people who think that light grey (or any damn-near-white shade) on a white background is adequate contrast. I’d kneecap one per hour until they all agreed never to do that again.
@kostia @TheCO2 @werehatrack
What’s wrong with a light gray contrast for the background? My phone is set like that and then goes darker at 5pm. I can’t look at the white/blue bc it will give me migraines.
@kostia @Star2236 @TheCO2 @werehatrack People with limited or no sight use screen readers to be able to read websites. If there isn’t enough contrast between the font and the background, the screen reader can’t read what’s on the screen.
There’s a law called Section 508 for short that lays out the specifications for websites and documents so screen readers and other accessibility devices (for deaf people, people with physical disabilities, etc.) can function. All government sites and electronic documents have to comply with the specifications, but non-governmental sites and businesses aren’t required to. It makes good business sense to be Section 508 compliant, but a lot of companies either don’t know or don’t care.
@kostia @TheCO2 @werehatrack The guts of computers these days tend to be black on black on black with dark gray text. Just as bad as white on light gray.
@kostia @TheCO2 You can easily change text size on any computer or phone I’ve seen.
@blaineg @kostia This is true, but that doesn’t make them any less hard on your eyes.
Train of thought, thank you. I’m surprised that nobody said it before you. I hate trying to think of what I was just thinking about. My house has post it notes all over it and I still forget shit.
@Star2236 Isn’t it just so aggravating??!
I’m old and have earned the right to lose my patience. The other things I lose are just acquired behaviors.
@phendrick One of my favorite shirts:

@phendrick Santa?
@TheCO2 Probably just a temp at the Pole.
7/16” socket. Or whatever size I happen to need at the moment.
Also, my train of thought.
@tweezak In my case, it’s the 10mm deep wobbly.
@werehatrack I feel your pain.
/image missing 10mm

@narfcake How many people would hunt me down, if I mentioned having several boxes of stolen 10 mm sockets?
@narfcake This one has always bothered me. I have never lost a 10mm and I even used to work as a mechanic.
@narfcake I found that having this at hand would cause missing 10mm sockets to mysteriously appear.
@TheCO2 All of r/justrolledintotheshop.
@werehatrack I have that set. For the first few weeks, it disappeared into the space between the seat and cargo area.
@narfcake @TheCO2 @werehatrack That’s an impressive disappearing act!
@narfcake @TheCO2
It’s you!??
@narfcake @yakkoTDI It’s been more the 12mm for me, but they do have legs.
@blaineg @narfcake I will neither confirm nor deny that.
@narfcake @TheCO2 That would make a great April Fool’s episode of a true crime show. They spend the whole show sleuthing and at the end they find a guy with a house full of stolen 10mm sockets.
The Irk puppet.
@stinks Did you really lose it, or did it sneak off?
My desire to show goodwill towards my fellow humans.
It’s a tie between
Motivation to get things done and
My “give-a-shit”,factor to do them.
Close third:
My E-cigarette. I can lose it while holding it
Train of thought. I can clearly remember things from 50 years ago, but not what I got up to do a minute ago. Sigh…
My glasses, particularly if I’m wearing them at the time.
My train of thought and motivation to do said thing I’m trying to remember to do.
@Star2236 I have multiple “projects in progress” because in the midst of doing one, I find another I also need to do, or another I have to do in order to do the previous one, so I kind of rotate between them - very ADD.
@Kyeh @Star2236 In the IT world that chain having to this and this in order to do that (sometimes to the point of forgetting what that was) has come to be called “Yak Shaving”.
Here’s a perfect example.
@blaineg @Kyeh @Star2236 I tend to call it an infinite onion problem, because there’s always another layer, and the more you dig in, the more tears it causes
@Kyeh @Star2236 @blaineg @werehatrack My house has 3 floors. If completing a task requires me to visit another floor, I sometimes will get distracted by some other minor task on the way. Then I’ll forget what I was originally after, so I have to retrace my steps in hopes of jogging my memory. (And hope that the second round does not lead to yet another distraction.)
@blaineg @Kyeh @macromeh @werehatrack

I totally get the cleaning the different floors thing. I go down to pack up stuff in my basement (just fill up a small box of stuff I don’t need everyday) and I start looking at this and trying to find this and what goes to that and then I look at the clock and I’ve been down there 2 hours and have one thing in the box. It’s mind boggling how I can get so distracted. I know how bc I already gotten rid of a house full of stuff and still set my brothers apartment up with brand new stuff and have a bunch left. What I see is my treasures and family heirlooms/ stuff I’ve spent real money on and don’t want to get rid of. I’m a hoarder
@blaineg @macromeh @Star2236 @werehatrack Yep! All of that sounds way too familiar.
That Hal replacing the lightbulb clip is spot on!
Also the brace I wear to stabilize my bone-on-bone thumb. I’m on my third one in about 6 months. I take it off to do something and set it down, then forget where I put it. Last week, I left it in the bathroom at Starbucks.
Product will flee.
@blaineg That’s so great!
@blaineg You win the internet, um, yesterday.
Gearwrench has several single or double size sets.
I probably should have answered patience, but I lose the keys to my house (and doors within my house) frequently enough that wasn’t my go-to answer.
wait… you lock the doors INSIDE your house with a key?? That’s some scary shit!
@chienfou @jitc The doors to the closets full of high-end jeans, maybe!
@chienfou I have small children and places I don’t want them going.
@Kyeh I just know about the fancy denim, I don’t actually own it.
OK, that makes sense…
oh wait… those ARE your small children… right??
@chienfou Pretty sure. Took them all home from the hospital myself.


I start out listening, then by the time they get to the 3rd or 4th sentence I’m all … “Squirrel !!!”…
@chienfou Dug!
I guess they don’t call you crazy dog for nothin’!