(unofficial) Mehrican Exchange 6 Shipping & REVEAL THREAD
11It is on this thread that you post about what you receive, preferably photos -including that of funny notes, exclaim how this was the best exchange ever, some people even take photos of the unveiling…
Be sure to tag your sender with @sendername so they know you are posting about the greatest box in the whole wide universe; the box that @sendername sent you.
Remember most people put some thought into these and I can speak from first hand experience, more than once, how disappointing it is not to even have your box acknowledged.
Please only refer to people by their meh name rather than their real name to preserve privacy.
If you received literal trash or your box hasn’t come in a reasonable length of time email me at mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com and let me know the issues so that I can contact your sender or otherwise try to deal with the problem.
As some people have mailed their boxes today, to arrive on Wednesday, hopefully there will be posts in this thread starting Wednesday evening.
If you are trying to post photos from your phone turn your phone into landscape mode (presuming I recall the repeated posted directions) to see the little mountain with a moon icon (it is on the same line as the bold, italic, etc. icons). Click on that and then you can drag and drop your photos.
@dave and @thumperchick if this thread could be put as a broadcast no later than Wednesday when some boxes are going to arrive I would really appreciate it. And thank you both for your assistance with the threads and fixing things for me (which then makes the exchange so much better!).
- 125 comments, 459 replies
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ALL emails have been sent out with who you are sending to. If you did not get an email and think you are participating first check your spam. Then email me if you still can’t find it: mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com
@Kidsandliz has made the reveal thread and handed out assignments meaning she’s now fair game for scapegoating!
@jbartus NOPE - still may have people who don’t get their box and I still have to keep up with the threads and emails I am getting from people. HA!
@Kidsandliz not buying it. Dealing with rare situations that might happen down the road and keeping up with your email are not full time pursuits. Plenty of time for goating. Eligibility is locked in and goat-seeking missiles are en route to your location.
@jbartus Well do it for July and you will be disappointed. No internet at my mom’s (have to sit in the lobby and am not going to do that much) and not even a cell signal at the farm.
What’s up with farms and no cell signals? Same thing on Mom’s farm in TN. Had to climb a tree on the top of a hill to get a single signal bar, or drive 15 minutes to the highway for a decent signal.
@ruouttaurmind farmers don’t grow cell towers???
@jbartus true but not till july we still have the june goatwho deserves blame
@mikibell Ha! Fair one!

Paywall WSJ article
Rural America Is Stranded in the Dial-Up Age
June 15 2017
@f00l 3 mbps when I was homeless last year living in a shed on a farm. Reality was if 2 of us were online then <1 to 1.12 mbps. At the moment I have 10 - wish it was more but it is too expensive. Actually AT&T (and this is in the capital city of this state) only has this apt building set up for 3 mbps; with Comcast you can get more (and so I have comcast OMG). Of course with comcast the thought of justifiable homicide crosses one’s mind every time it is necessary to call customer service/support…
@Kidsandliz I walk into their CS office with any issue at all. It’s amazing what an on-site manager can do to fix issues that baffle desk or online CS people. Usual wait time <10 minutes.
@ruouttaurmind figure out how to get cows to pay a monthly fee and they will drop some towers out in the boonies.

Hey folks… if you are asking me to send messages (eg tracking numbers or you will be late sending or the moon landed in your back yard so the sky really did fall - or whatever) on to folks please tell me who is your person so I don’t have to look it up. Thank you.
BUMP as today someone’s box should have arrived and tomorrow another one…
@gertiestn check your email I sent you the information again last night. Did you get it?
@Kidsandliz Yes, thank you.
@Pamtha did you get your box? Your sender said it was delivered yesterday to “at your garage or some other location”. Please go look for it if you don’t already have it.
@Kidsandliz Yes! I got home last night at 9 pm from camping vacation, and was peering confusedly at the box thinking “what in the world did I order this time” before I had the “AHA! That’s my MEH exchange and I gotta put my box together for my unlucky recipient!”. I have not opened it yet - trying to be work productive AND put the house back in order. So mystery sender, I SWEAR I will take the time likely tonight after I retrieve the dog from the boarding kennel to do an unhurried grand opening.
I also solemnly swear to get my loot package assembled and out to my recipient.
@Pamtha Glad to hear you got it. Hope you had fun. We will hold you to those promises or you will be added to the short list of those to be goated in the future LOL
Oooo. I wonder what you got.
@PlacidPenguin Ha I wonder what I got in my cool box from… hmmmm… YOU??
@PlacidPenguin one of your boxes has been mailed
@yugrudfooz @mikeleemm your box has been mailed
@Avalora @boredashell @riotdemon your boxes have been mailed. Check your email for the tracking number (shortly that is as I am going through emails posting but haven’t sent the emails, will do that next)
OK the emails have been sent so you should be able to now get your hands on the tracking numbers and count down the days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds until
blast offuntil your big surprise comes!Friday - Sunday I will have really limited email as I will be on a farm where there is none so if you are sending me stuff to send on to your recipient, know I am going to be slow in responding.
@Sarahsandroid your box should be arriving/arrived yesterday or today
@Sarahsandroid @Avalora @boredashell @riotdemon @mikeleemm @Pamtha and etc please post when your box arrives even if you aren’t ready to post the reveal and pictures.
@Kidsandliz not a problem at all
@thumperchick @Dave
Which of you would like the opportunity to rename this the shipping/reveal thread and mark this as a broadcasted thread?
@SpaceBreak @thumperchick @Dave I second that request. I had already put out a request to make this a broadcast…Meanwhile we just need to keep bumping it. Since there are just under 50 people involved, likely we don’t need separate threads (eg one for shipping and one for the reveal).

/giphy you got it dude
@Thumperchick thank you!
(Guess I’m going first.)
Just got my box from @Kawa and I must express my pleasure.
As soon as I got it, my penguin plush tried claiming the box.
Eventually though, we came to an agreement, and I was able to claim the box for myself.
In the box was the following:
And last of all, a blue origami penguin which will sit on my desk (if my penguin plush allows).

Thank you @Kawa!
@PlacidPenguin I’m glad this worked out so well! You’re very welcome!
@brainmist @captameherican check your email for tracking numbers.
Please don’t send me a request for your tracking number, you will only get sent one if one is sent to me. AND… I WILL HAVE VERY LIMITED INTERNET ACCESS Friday afternoon though Sunday evening. So there will be delays in me sending emails with this information. In fact I haven’t even sent my person their tracking number and likely it arrived today (or should have anyway).
@Kidsandliz Could you please send me my tracking number?!
@zachdecker I can only send tracking numbers if the person sending to you has sent it to me.
Can you please and me a buncha random tracking numbers for the hell of it?
/giphy numbers

@f00l no too tired. Been at the farm all day.
Woah Woah. How did I not become incuded in this exchange? I am a passed exchanger. I was AFK in Europe for a few weeks. Perhaps I missed the forum post.
@connorbush Yup you missed the original post and the procrastination one and that it was finally on broadcast… next one will be in a few months. You are not alone though. A couple of others blew right by too it or procrastinated too long.
@Kidsandliz drat. depression.
Oh this looks real neat! Going to keep my eye out for the next one to get in on this
I have lots of neat stuff to give out, and I like getting random things. Is there any way to sign up to be notified for the next one? Or do I have to remember to look? 
@SkyyPunk You have to look.
Woohoo I see We’re getting spammed by B$ with multiple B$ accounts. Where’s my box…oh yeah I’m not a fake account.
@DJMajickMan ???
@Kidsandliz he’s on of those B$ spammers
@Cerridwyn Nope, @DJMajickMan is legit. He’s been a mehmber of the forums for at least a couple of years.
@ruouttaurmind was kidding
I have not mailed either of my boxes yet. HOWEVER, I did get the boxes from the PO, have taped them into box-shapes capable of holding mediocrity, and am putting things in them. Awesome things. Also awful crap. If will be up to the recipients to determine which is which.
Oooh. Also, I do NO research on my victims. The beauty of the mehrican exchange is that it often leaves you with suitable “gifts” for the next round!
Seriously though, I’m working on them.
@DaveInSoCal me too it will go out Saturday.
@DaveInSoCal You are further along than I am; all I have is a mediocre pile of things to put in a box I have not yet acquired.
@togle check your email for a tracking number
@jamesstout check your email for a message
@Dave @shawn this is just a suggestion… It would be helpful if the broadcast threads also greyed out when the newest comments have been read.
@RiotDemon this is my biggest problem with having something like this made a broadcast. There is no signifier of whether you’re up to date or not.
@djslack yeah. It’s a little frustrating. I like that it’s at the top because it’s a broadcast, but the lack of greying out makes me either check it way too often, or never.
@RiotDemon I thought broadcasts used to disappear after you read them… I’m not participating in this crap swap, so the broadcast is all up in my grill all the time for no reason.
@metageist check your email - you have a message
@readjn tracking number has been emailed to you
I got my really awesome, over the top box from @oldcatlady today.
So many things that make noise. Elvis ear buds, other ear buds, a portable speaker, boom swap headphones.
Pink hubman, keyboard case for tablet, led headlamp, pepper spray and alarm kit, meh phone stand that you build from the box.
Two boxes of different scents of body wipes containing six packs each, five sunglasses, Washington dc playing cards, coin purse, stickers and pin, beachy napkins and star thank you pin.
My first fidget spinner, woot monkey that probably screamed all through the mail because he screeched at me just shuffling my box around, a grapes ornament, a stick that I’m not sure what it is, precious moments free puppies box.
Close up of the stick. Shellac test?
Three shirts including the scream cat that I loved!
The last thing was a meh party hat that I quickly assembled and wore while taking photos.
I attempted to get my dog to wear it, but she just wasn’t having it.
Thanks so much @oldcatlady for this fantastic box that made my day so much better! I had fun unboxing it and can’t wait to test all the headphones and such. So many useful things! I’ll be wearing the shirts soon!
@RiotDemon You’re very welcome. It was a lot of fun. And that’s a shillelagh left behind by a visiting leprechaun, of course.
@OldCatLady wow. I feel like an idiot. It clearly says Irish shillelagh now that I look at it. I really thought someone was testing different shellacs and they just spelled it weird, lol.
@OldCatLady wearing the Mrowr shirt today. As I was doing the laundry, I noticed the ninja moon one is actually glow in the dark. Neat!
Great work. Next time you can send boxes to all of us! You can fill all the boxes up with the 10K t-shirts you just bought from Woot!
@f00l Thirty three. I only bought 33 shirts. And some sweatshirts. I do have six more on order.
@OldCatLady - Ahem. By my count, that’s the third time a couple of those things have appeared in the forum. It will be fun to see how many times they cycle around.
(Hot pink hubperson, precious puppy box).
@KDemo I still have a couple of hubpeople in a box somewhere. I sent a green one to someone else. Somebody sometime is going to get the USB flashing red and blue lights and a lot of monkeys from way back when, too.
@OldCatLady OH OH OH!!!
Woot-off lights are about the only thing I ever wanted yet never got from woot in a BOC or even in an order.
@baqui63 I lied, the red and blue ones apparently went in the mehrican exchange box to boredashell. HOWEVER, I have the yellow set. Email your address (and T shirt size) to alurawilson at gmail and you can have them, with thanks.
And the yellow woot off lights are way betterer than the red and blue ones, so this is even more coolness.
I will do the above, but be warned: I must reciprocate in some meaningful way.
It seems you are cleaning up and/or downsizing, so this offer is not one of BOC or fuk(o|u) material (unless you want such things: I stopped counting BOC wins after 85 and got every fuk(o|u) prior to the circuit breaker scheme, so there is much crap to be given). Rather, I’d like to send you something you would enjoy and use yourself.
For example, I make my own strawberry jam (though the last batch didn’t set up quite right so it is great tasting but a wee bit closer to strawberry sauce than I like). I also make my own beer, apple cider and other things that contain alcohol, which could work if you partake of the occasional tipple. And I made (well, helped make) @miraclewhipsers who is a most excellent baker of yummy things to eat like pies and cakes and cookies and other such things; I can certainly commission her to make something to order. (I also bake, but she is much more accomplished than I at this particular art.)
You are a good soul.
@OldCatLady, come here and appreciate this!
Dammit, you’d think I could spell my own daughter’s meh username!
There. Now she should get the notification!
@baqui63 oh darn…and I didnt take you up on your offer for food last year!
@jsneider I owe you thanks for this awesome and very interesting box of goodies. Contained inside was
2 table tennis
3.giant plastic needle
4make a lemon clock kit
5 two Christmas pez dispensers
6 popcorn boxes
7 glow stick
8 peppermint hot chocolate
9 playing cards
10 a hook rack
11 a broom holder
12 4 containers of something called bouncing clay
13 a tin of fancy pate
Wonderful quirky and awesome
I got mine! I believe it’s a bit of a hit in my household (to put it mildly).
We got:
My boyfriend was SUPER excited for the disc golf putter (he plays) and the Indiana Jones game. To quote him - “This guy. I like this guy.” (Apologies if you’re a girl.)
Thanks @Nigglez!
@Avalora You’re very welcome! I’m glad you like everything. p.s. You got it right.
@Avalora Oh BTW I totally forgot. since you said your husband plays DG, he might want the spec for the disc I sent. Can’t remember if I wrote it on the back.
@nigglez Thank you! I just double checked and you did write the info on the back too.
@placidpenguin came through with an eclectic mix. I am super excited about the brand new kitchen scale, as my old one is, well, old. This is new and fancy! *Some classic books I have not read since grade school
*Pens, penciles and paper clips
*Glossy photo paper
*Nylon wallet (sending kid to camp tomorrow!)
*Cell phone accessories (I needed a vent mount!)
*White noise machine (if it works, it will be regifted to a friend who annoys me with her damn phone noise app)
*Army men (I gotta story about those)
*Flashlight (I hoard those!)
*Not an elephant adoption certificate
*Toothpaste (also to camping kid)
*Scar cream (ummm?)
*little storage cans
*Necklace (one of those fancy statement pieces)
*1958 radio repair guide and a Civil War battle GPS map from Parkers Cross Rds, TN (I live in heart of Civil War Richmond battlefields)
Fun stuff!! Thanks for sharing it, I need some batteries now.
Glad you enjoyed. I honestly had no idea what was in the box, so I was as excited as you were to open it to find out what was inside.
The white noise machine works.
And the wooden pieces which you put the plastic soldiers on are wooden ‘dividers’ from a cheap wooden bookcase which I bought on eBay.
Wow. I suddenly find myself second guessing the contents of the box I sent…
/giphy worried

@ruouttaurmind me too, but you have to remember, the people that sent boxes early enough to already be revealed are likely overachievers.


/image little lebowski urban achievers
@ruouttaurmind Me too. I feel very underdressed here
@djslack @ruouttaurmind - Don’t worry. As was said in the instructions - people here are at all income levels. Many of us send what can fit into a (in my case medium) priority mail box. End of story. I didn’t send nearly as much or as expensive as stuff as what has been posted - and remember likely people had most of this stuff just lying around the house unused already; are re-gifting stuff people gave to them… This time around I didn’t buy anything except one candy item. Hopefully my person will like what I sent (she should have gotten it already Wed or Thurs) as I did some forum hunting and when she said, “a woman can never have too many of X” and I had 6 X’s that I was going to sell in a garage sale that happened to be new, I put that in instead. When she said she had never managed to get a Fuko, I shared some fuku and fuko swag since I have gotten 4 of them… and the rest - well some I had been sent in a previous exchange, some was misc other things lying around, one was an unused christmas present my kid rejected because it didn’t meet her picky specifications even though it was what she had wanted…but no way is it as much or as impressive as some of the posts in this thread or even in older reveal threads - but I just couldn’t afford the postage for a bigger box and had no money to buy things.
@Kidsandliz Sources: I’ve been buying BoCs since they were $3. including shipping, in 2010. I still have a bag of monkeys, a storage rack full of extremely random items, and a few items bought because they were twofers. Some things came when I personally crashed meh.com’s servers, back in the day, and got Fuko bags. I recently bought random shirts when they were $1.50, with free shipping. (Sweatshirts were $3.) In short, I was thrilled to get the stuff OUT of here.
@ruouttaurmind you mean…you didn’t send me a custom made window cling? Or hot rod? …sigh…guess I will be disappointed
Seriously, I somewhat doubt you have anything to worry about!
@OldCatLady still jealous I missed the sweatshirts!
@mikibell @OldCatLady I’m a bit green myself. I don’t think all the people bragging about the wonderful warm weather should have been allowed to buy them all. We are practically freezing up north.
@speediedelivery You too can participate in the grab. At midnight CST, go to the http://shirt.woot.com/ site and click on whatever ‘birthday blowout’ comes up. Next time it’s scheduled to change is the 27th, but it could be sooner, or they could add things to the sale. (Krampus mugs, 2/$3. T-shirts, you never know.)
@OldCatLady I am kidding. I have eyed several of the birthday sales but that one was sold out before I checked it. If it comes back around I will be in.
@speediedelivery You have to sit there, sleepless, with finger poised. Like the rest of us. Then you wonder why, if it’s 98 outside, you just ordered five sweatshirts.
I’m still putting my box together.
@riceatusc You drew your own name? (Sorry. Sometimes I can’t help myself.)
@gertiestn can’t wait to see what I get me
@placidpenguin sent your box today. Expect it in 2-3 business days.
@YourLazyButt Aha! Instant karma! I sent your box today, YourLazyButt. The USPS tells me you should get it Monday. (I didn’t ask which Monday.)
@bsci87 your box went in the mail today! It’s coming from Baltimore, I’d guess you should see it Tuesday! If you don’t see it by then, I’ll shoot the tracking number over to Kidsandliz but I don’t see a point in jumbling up her mailbox while she’s away
@smigit2002 I haven’t done this before so I’m curious about this. Although, if it was an empty box, yeah, I’ve had that happen before. I’m the youngest of 3 brothers so growing up was interesting.
Thank you for the news. I’ll keep an eye out for it. You’re up in Baltimore? I lived in Maryland for 31 years, most of it in Davidsonville. What do you do? How do you like Baltimore? I moved down here in November of 2014 and I can tell you that I appreciate the lack of traffic. Between the Baltimore and DC beltways, I spent more time than I ever want to again in stop and go traffic…mostly stop. Have you lived there for a while? Down here, if a traffic light quick cycles, they think that’s a backup. No, 4 hours to go 5 miles is a backup. Uggg. I go up to the area about 3 times a year now and I am happy about the HOV lanes on the DC beltway and south of the mixing bowl. I was just up there for the Preakness and I go every year. Great time but it seems they want to move the race to Laurel.
Again, very nice of you to give me a heads up. I’ll be looking forward to it.
God Bless,
@smigit2002 you are in Baltimore? We should have a meet up
@CaptAmehrican Yup! Actually moved in September. Used to live in Windsor Mill, right by the Security Square Mall, now live in Severn, just south of BWI. I believe we met once shortly after your car accident. You had received a computer monitor as part of a fuku, and had no use for it, so I swung by and picked it up
@bsci87 Boo empty boxes! It’s funny you say that, there actually ARE two small empty boxes in the shipment, I didn’t have any bubble wrap or packing supplies, so I used them to fill up the top of the box.
My family moved to MD when I was 5. Grew up in Calvert County, went to school and now work at UMBC, to the south of Baltimore. I studied Technical Theatre in school (scenic construction, lighting and sound design) and now manage the events staff for the university, running lighting, sound, video and event logistics for anything from lectures to karaokes, dance parties to concerts and cultural events. It’s a good job, work with good people and have good state benefits, so any complaints I have are small and usually petty
I usually say I live in Baltimore online, since it’s the easiest landmark, but for someone familiar with the area, our house is in Severn, just south of the airport. I’ve been kicking around Baltimore County and northern Anne Arundel for the last 10 years, and yeah, the traffic can be pretty bad, but honestly, I’ll take 695 over 495 any day. Half the reason for our recent move to Severn was the commute, I can now hop on 195 and drive straight into work.
Anyways, I hope the package arrives safely and there’s something of interest within for you and yours!
@smigit2002 yes I had forgotten who the username was. I was kinda out of it for a few days after
@smigit2002 Your box is going in the mail tomorrow!
@DaveInSoCal Thanks for the heads up, Dave! Can’t wait to see what shows up! No worries on the lack of research, you probably wouldn’t have found anything particularly enlightening anyways!
@smigit2002 In the mail! I think the estimated delivery is Wednesday.
@DaveInSoCal Sweet! Sounds about right, Priority Mail can actually be pretty awesome
@bsci87 Looks like your package was delivered to a parcel locker Monday afternoon!!!
@smigit2002 Hi Pat, My sincere apologies for not getting back to you before now. As far as I know, your box arrived unharmed. I just got back home from a week I didn’t expect and well when you don’t expect to be gone for a week, you don’t pack enough clothes for it. For me, it was 4 surveys each going further away and it wasn’t fun. My neighbor took in my mail and since she is recovering from hip surgery, I’m not going to disturb her tonight for my mail. She’s pretty trustworthy so I’m figuring everything will be there. I will retrieve the mail tomorrow and write back then. Another unfortunate part was that I only had my phone with me and I can’t get to my regular email account from it. I’ve had the same email address since the late 80’s and I end up getting around 1,500 emails a day (98% are garbage) and that would overload my phone.
Please forgive my obvious lack of manners. It was very nice of you to send me a box and I wish I was here to get it. Although, this is the first time I have gotten nailed with 4 surveys without going home and out of the blue so maybe you did this to me??? Ok, I’m probably way off with that…probably…but I don’t want you to think I’m a bigger slime ball than you already do.
God Bless and I will write back soon,
@bsci87 No worries, take your time!
@smigit2002 Thank you so much for the excellent box and again my sincere apologies for my extremely rude behavior. A lot of things converged on me and everything was on a “must do it now” format. If anyone ever says you don’t know how to put a gift together, they are lying to you. Your theme was terrific. I love the Meh fanny pack. I also don’t have a quad copter but I am anxious to give it a try. Your generosity is overwhelming and honestly appreciated. I will share some of the items with my son as a Dad, I think that’s my obligation.
My sincere thanks for sending me such a nice box. That was great of you to put such care into something for a complete stranger. I really love everything.
God Bless and thank you again,
@mehbee Your box went in the mail yesterday so I think it should reach you on Tuesday. It’s coming from Virginia Beach so it shouldn’t be a hard trip. Hopefully, you will see it around then.
God Bless
@bsci87 Guess what, it must have been an Atlanta Braves fan at the post office because I got my box even EARLIER!! Haha, I’m just playing with ya. I received my box today and I love it! I’m posting a picture, of course. I love the cups. I have twin grandsons who come every other weekend to visit their dad who lives with us. They are, let’s say rambunctuous. These cups are perfect for them, and my floors and furniture. I actually bought the robot boxing game for them, which they play all the time at home, so it gives them something they can play here when it rains. But my two favorite things, are the scan card organizer, didn’t know they made something like that and I NEED it. I’m constantly losing my cards. I live in the country and we tend to leave our keys in our vehicles so I never know which keys I will have and never know if I’ll have my scan cards…now I’ll have all of them right in my purse. My second favorite thing, your letter. It was so funny and friendly and well, it talked about my Braves. Yes, they suck this year, but they are still my Braves. In fact, I took my youngest grandchild, Harper, to her very first baseball game yesterday.
So thank you very, very much. I’m happy to get to be your very first mehrican exchange.
enter image description here
I suppose to indicate who I shipped it so, or it that supposed to be a surprise?
@f00l I think that’s a personal choice. Though I wanted to give my person a heads up to the incoming box.
Well I didn’t ship my box to My Own Lazy Butt.
I must have shipped my box to Someone Else’s Lazy Butt.
@f00l I’m not sure but i think your gunna like the box i sent you
You box arrived today. Am full of anticipation! As yet unopened!
Thx for excitement!
/youtube anticipation Carly Simon
@f00l so things might get weird. Just to let you know
Dear @mweinberger - Your box is set to arrive Monday. Or at least that’s what the post office lady told me.
Sounds good, unfortunately (for the box) I get on a 5 night cruise on Monday morning
My reveal post may be a tad late…
@mweinberger You’re not delaying your cruise for this?
@mweinberger Well heck! Have fun on your cruise!
Reposting from a different post my response to Kidsandliz. Please refer to paragraph three of the start of the reveal thread. This may be my first time doing an exchange and if what I’m about to repost upsets you think about how she feels. Plus it’s just plain rude so hate me all you want- I can take it.
@Kidsandliz I will post it and I’m sorry that some people are not posting pictures or a response from what you have done. Not only did you take the time and energy to assemble and mail to who wanted to participate but you also took on the headache of creating this round of exchanges. I certainly appreciate all you have done. I’ve never been around for one of these so I was excited about it. My husband couldn’t get the package out in time and took yet another 12 hour shift so I went through Amazon w/prime shipping to get a box to my person. Only problem is that I couldn’t post my user name in the gift receipt because Amazon wouldn’t allow it. She should get it all on the 27th (they split the order into two shipments) but other than my real name she’s not going to know who the heck I am. You did so much for us it is only fair to have some reciprocation for what you did for us and who you sent to. Don’t apologize for being “grumpy” you deserve to feel that way and besides- I think you’re being too generous - I would have been a little harsher in explaining my feelings! If/when we do this again pick me as your person I get to send a box to - I’d do my best to put a smile on your face - then maybe you would feel like you came out on top if you receive no feedback from your own.
So, go ahead, hate away…
(BTW @OldCatLady you got stuck with me
@WTFsunshine Hmm maybe next time I’ll have everyone send to me and then run for the hills? LOL Who is sent to whom was and will continue to be random, including me in the “random”. Others ran the first 5, of which @sturderc ran the first 4 and dreamed this up to begin with so actually we should be thanking him. I just got coerced into doing it this time around and plagiarized much of what he dreamed up. So thanks for the thanks but because of those who came before me, this was pretty easy - just a bit time consuming since I chose not to give out email addresses at the request of several people. Next time I think I’ll have a yes/no for can the receiver’s email be given to the sender so I am not caught in the middle of all those tracking numbers (and yes I know I have 7 to send from yesterday and today. Will take care of that shortly).
@WTFsunshine I got three boxes today, with notes! Then I put everything into one box, and put it on the floor, and I have two cats in it, staring in opposite directions, pointedly ignoring each other. Pix to come. Wow.
@Kidsandliz I don’t think previous exchanges have involved sending tracking numbers. That may be just extra work on your part - maybe senders should hang on to the tracking in case something goes awry, but otherwise just let the USPS work its magic.
@djslack I didn’t include the email address of the recipients like has sometimes happened in the past. As a result I guess people wanted to pass the tracking numbers on and sent them to me. I think next time I will include a box for “is it ok to give out your email address to your sender” and then I won’t be the middle man.
@OldCatLady… I just looked at the posts above and my husband is a firefighter/paramedic and works 24hrs on and 48hrs off. I had told Kidsandliz that over the sending period he had a 36hr shift and then a 48hr shift and the post office would have been closed by the time he got off duty Saturday and then Sunday it’s still closed. Then he picked up another 12hrs so the box I originally had was not going to make it to you down south in a reasonable amount of time so I tried to make the new box as personal as I could but in looking at the posts it won’t be as “big” as some of the ones revealed so as ruouttaurmind and djslack said I’m feeling a bit apprehensive/inadequate about how you will like it. I’m keeping my other box so when we do this again I’ll change a few things for the new person but I’ll be more prepared. Hope “it’s the thought that counts” holds true.
@WTFsunshine DO NOT feel apprehensive/inadequate. I, and some others, only sent what would fit into a medium priority mail box. This is NOT christmas. This is supposed to be fun, silly, sort of like a fuku/o so a crap shoot with respect to what shows up. There is NO requirement to buy anything special for the person you are sending to although some of us do choose a bit about what goes into the box based on what we can find.
I bought my person some candy. The rest I already had in a garage sale pile, some of which fit what they said they liked on a post from a year ago. Yes 2 things in that garage sale pile were brand new, some was previous meh fuku/o meh branded items since they had posted they had never gotten a fuko and I have gotten 2 fuku’s and 2 fuko’s… and yes with a previous recipient I took ping pong balls I bought at Walmart and used a sharpie to copy the meh “logo” on them (they had said on an old post they wished meh sold ping pong balls). I also saw they were a fan of a sports team and bought, on a post christmas clearance, a sports ornament with that team stuff on it. Didn’t spend much money, took me an evening to do a good job on the ping pong balls.
There is NO requirement to personalize it. There is a requirement not to send trash/broken junk. There is a requirement to post what you got. Some people have sent me info to send on to their recipient that they are going to be late sending or not home to receive so please send late (OK to do as long as people send me the info to send on so people know what is happening and so they don’t wonder if they are being screwed by someone who is never going to send or someone who received and then never posted).
Life happens and things sometimes go out late. As a courtesy to the receiver it is nice to let them know. I have emailed those whose sender said their stuff is going out late. Usually I remember to tell the one who gave me that information I did it. The last bunch I might have forgotten as I have been where there is no cell or internet service (farm - family reunion) until I get back to the hotel late but even then I have to help my mom (she is disabled) rather than spend time on the internet so all I did was a quick check, send and go to sleep.
Not worth worrying about being slightly out of the guidelines with respect to dates. This is, after all, meh. (grin). You do what you can when you can and then sit back and enjoy the results. This is supposed to be fun, not angst producing so don’t stress out about this.
@Kidsandliz I agree with everything you say except for the part about this NOT being Christmas.
Waiting to get my box and for my recipient to get theirs feels exactly like Christmas!
You have done a bang up job here.
If you ever do it again, my only suggestion would be that the mailing deadline be at least 1 week after assignments are emailed out, and to pick a Tuesday or Wednesday as the final shipping deadline.
The reasons: this gives all of us who always has procrastinate about everything the entire weekend to get the box together, and then a full Monday and Tuesday to get the box to the shipper.
Much thanks for your industry or organization here.
All Hail The Great @kidsandliz for pulling this together!!!
@f00l good point about the deadline
@zachdecker Well yes - I was referring to what people spend on christmas, not the excitement of waiting to see what you get. : )
@f00l ps you are welcome
You continue to be super organized and helpful.
I just re-read the instructions and realized we’re required to post what we receive. Thank you @cargogod
@moonhat Hey, that’s not a Built NY case!
USPS tracking is STILL down, after at least 3 hours. It’s 4:50 PM EST on Monday.
Tracking has been working for me.
@ruouttaurmind Not sure how you fit so much amazing stuff into such a small box. What a great Mehxchange!
A VMP shirt
2 Meh coozies
4 assorted DVD’s
A Puzzle
A pay pal windup (cool)
Checkered Duct Tape
Wildlife pins
Key chain
USB charger
LED Headlamp (nice)
Safety vest
Charging cord
A book
Comic note book
Needle nose pen ( never saw that before)
Safety Vest
Pittsburgh brand tape measure (must be a Harbor Freight fan)
bunch of skull beads (no comment)
A Fidget Cube. (yea)
Thanks so much!
@readnj I hope you’ll find something there you can use or enjoy.
The book, The Barrytown Trilogy, was written by my favourite Irish author, Roddy Doyle. This is the unabridged UK edition, in all it’s Irish glory.
Each of the three stories in this trilogy was made into films. The most notable of which is the 1991 Alan Parker film The Commitments, and one of my favourite Colm Meaney films, The Van.
@readnj nice! I’m especially jelly of the vmp shirt and the otter pin!
@RiotDemon The otter pin (usually called a badge or pin badge in the UK) is from a wildlife series offered by the RSPB and are collected in the UK about like Disney pins are in the US. They cost £1 each and the proceeds go to fund the RSPB projects, and maintain wildlife refuges throughout the UK. Very similar to the Audubon Society.
@ruouttaurmind sad. Not available for purchase on their store, only from the special collection boxes I’m the UK.
@RiotDemon Several sellers on eBay.co.uk offering badges from RSPB. I’ll check my collection for another otter. Or maybe you’d like a nice puffin?
Or a perhaps a red squirrel? 🐿
(Ok, so that was a puffin on my iOS emoji picker, now it’s morphed into a penguin!)
@ruouttaurmind thanks. Went poking around and found a seller called rspb that says the money goes to charity. Not sure if it’s official or not. Red squirrel sounds cute! Otter is special though.
/giphy otter

@RiotDemon Here’s their official eBay site https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/rspb/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
And an otter badge: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RSPB-Pin-Badge-Otter-GNaH-backing-card-00396-/391794072245?hash=item5b38bf1ab5:g:7X4AAOSwopRYdks4
Oi! This just sunk in. Are you in UK permanent like, or on holiday? Whereabouts?
@ruouttaurmind that was an auto correct typo that I didn’t notice until later.
Supposed to say in the UK. Not that I’m in the UK.
@thismyusername haha, so cute
@RiotDemon Well then, no cuppa an Jaffa cakes for you!
@RiotDemon When we first moved to the north I was a zoo volunteer and since I was in love with, and fascinated by, otters they let me swim and play with the otters to get them use to their new habitat. After hating leaving my southern roots and being teased by northerners for having an accent (like they don’t have one) the otters are my fondest memory. I have a five shelf collection of otters and a three shelf collection of frogs (my other favorite animal(amphibian)). @ruouttaurmind The fact that the UK includes them (the otters) is great!
@ruouttaurmind the polish deli close by sells the polish version of jaffa cakes, in the good flavors, like raspberry, so I’m good with that.
@WTFsunshine wow, just a wee bit jealous. They’re so fun to watch.
@RiotDemon Delicje cakes! They have strawberry too.
So @OldCatLady, your box you sent me is wonderful and I will soon be posting pictures. Hopefully tomorrow by the latest. Can’t wait to see what else this exchange has in store
@boredashell Pictures and video! And that bag is GoPro stuff.
So, I was told by my tracking app that the box from @YourLazyButt would come today. When the mail came earlier and there was no box, I figured it would come tomorrow.
A little while ago though, the mail truck came back and there was a large box.
I didn’t get a picture of my penguin plush waiting anxiously for me to open it, which honestly is a shame.
Large penguin plush (to serve as a bodyguard for my small penguin plush).
Lots of glow stick stuff.
Triop kit.
Private property sign.
Delightful note from @YourLazyButt.
Family gathering.

@YourLazyButt - Thanks for this really enjoyable box!
@PlacidPenguin nice little family you got there.
@PlacidPenguin I’m glad you liked it. This being my first mehexchange, I was worried. Definitely learned a lot from others for next time to make future exchanges even better. I love your little penguin. He is super cute btw.
It’s all about having fun anyways. No way to go wrong.
I was so excited when I arrived home and saw a box from Amazon. -Finally my complete DVD set of The Greatest American Hero had arrived!
When I set the box down on the table it emitted a loud monkey scream though. Imagine my disappointment when I saw it was not from Amazon at all.

I am not sure whether woot’s mothership would appreciate the defacement of their logo.

My box from @djslack included the following:
Thanks @djslack!
I am marginally less disappointed now.
@zachdecker I hope you and your kids enjoy it! Also, +1 for Greatest American Hero.
Eragon is the name of the main character in the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini.
It is also the name of the first book in aforementioned series, and by extension, the name of the first (and only) movie adaptation.
I received my super full box from @captamehrican today! Complete with box art:

@metageist Contents include:


dog approves of your offering
Also I believe the “pride of meh” is too nice in your drawing.

/image decrepit sailboat
@metageist That pet food brand concerns me. I and Love and You. What does it mean? It is like some bad Google translate from a foreign language.
@metageist @captamehrican sparklers? Wasnt that on the “I solemnly swear this box does not have them” list at the post office?
@Pamtha maybe but i didn’t read anything about it. Besides they are fun and 4th of july is soon. Plus I mean I gave the guy a flamingo he might be destructive and want to explode it.
@Pamtha I won’t tell the post office if you won’t…

@CaptAmehrican watching a flamingo explode sounds like a good idea. Then I can use the bandaids to patch it back up! Also not a dude over here, unless you count the
@metageist @captamehrican Oh PLEASE blow something up or do something horribly inappropriate and vaguely perverted with the flamingo and sparklers. I would gladly replace them, illegal mailing and all!
@f00l box arrived! Opened but haven’t gone through it yet.
That was quick.
The PO got it 2pm Sat.
An awesome box from @f00l! Contents included:
I might have added a bit to the note. I also like that it was all packaged in a water resistant plastic bag in a large priority box in a extremely efficient manner. Thanks a bunch, @f00l!
Hey, @oldcatlady- @DaveInSoCal got your headphones. Maybe he’ll sell them to you.
I think that heart rate watch us s pretty good one. I know Mio developed the tech a lot of these watches use, and another division of the corporation has serious patents for hospital monitoring equipment.
I would have kept in, but I already have a Garmin and a fitbit.
The Otterboxes might be I think for Samsung Notes. Don’t know which gen.
Of all my childhood picture books, that’s the one that stays with me.
This is the same author of the classic Make Way For Ducklings.
Bit this is the book he wrote for children and adults.
Because children who live in good situations, with positive, solid families and safe places, sometimes have nearly perfect seasons when the world just keeps revealing new breataking moments.
And of course because children are young, and time does not stop, these nearly perfect seasons pass on to more normal ones.
And it’s only much later, perhaps years or decades later, that someone realizes how precious those moments were, and how every child should have them, and how, when you are a child having a rare nearly perfect season, you never know hiw irreplaceable those moments are, when you are experiencing them.
It’s only long after, when our lives have changed and changed and changed again, that we can look back and see the rarity and innocence of that magic.
Hope some of those things suit you well.
@gertiestn Just got off work and found my box waiting for me. Currently working on uploading pics. I only have a mobile device right now and it isn’t giving me the upload picture option. Will have it up by the end of the night though.
@YourLazyButt try moving it to horizontal nor portrait mode . It only works for me that way
@YourLazyButt I’m just glad it got there. There’s nothing especially pretty in the box!
@CaptAmehrican tried that. My iPhone only shows the white text box and my keyboard. Am I missing something?
@gertiestn I actually quite like the items. Very excited to try out my new socks and those cookies
To all the people who sent me tracking numbers yesterday and today, or comments they were sending late: I have sent on those messages to the folks you are sending to. My battery is on 3% so I am not taking the time to @ each one of you. If you are wondering if I got yours sent on, email and I will reply tomorrow.
@Kidsandliz You have really gone above and beyond with this.
SOMEBODY should have gotten a box from me today.
@mossygreen So, uh, @jestout, did you get a box? Last Monday maybe?
@mossygreen hey! Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I had an unexpected bereavement and some travel as a result . I’m trying to get my sh*t back together now and getting all your stuff made me really happy. Reveal post down the bottom to follow. My apologies
Two boxes were on my doorstep this evening… first up, @mweinberger came through with this cool box of “the things from around my house”:

Thanks @mweinberger!
@djslack Hmm, I have no idea whats on that disk. If its something cool let me know.
El disquete de misterio:

Google tells me this says “Employees for 50 years for retirement age”. Also, I took this photo right side up.
@djslack Ah, that’s my fathers handwriting “Employees with at least 50 years until retirement”. This is probably a disk with an excel spredsheet from when he worked in HR at Cable&Wireless Panama. No idea how it got in there ¯\(ツ)/¯
@mweinberger @djslack It probably has their SSN’s, retirement account numbers, etc. Nothing important…
According to USPS, you should have received your box on Friday.
@PlacidPenguin i think that is my grandpa and he might need help uploading pictures lol. His box was pretty awesome though. Helping him post everything along with my first one tomorrow
@boredashell I love that your grandpa is participating. Send him over to chat sometime.
@sammydog01 for sure. When i showed him meh.com he fell in love at first sight. He knew it was suppose to be when the vinyl record player came up.
I was traveling on the motorcycle for the weekend and didn’t get a chance to do this until today. My grandson has had me looking online here every morning now for the last couple of years, I love it and have bought a lot of great stuff. I really look forward to seeing what is offered each day and this is the first time I participated in the exchange, he told me to do it last time but being retired keeps me way to busy (
thank you for such a great box look forward to doing this again.
Grandpa (grohman360)
Glad you enjoyed the experience.
(And huh, I thought the dash cam was in a different box.)
Posting on behalf of @YourLazyButt who swears his phone (iphone 5s) won’t let him upload photos even when turned in landscape mode… so my not so lazy butt is doing it his sorry butt… (grin)
He says…
@gertiestn, Received your amazing box.
Included was the following:
-Silly Surfers paint set
-30 LED work light
-piranha brand sunglasses
-touch gloves
-Moscow mule mug
-What would MacGyver Do? book
-m&m usb
-meh socks (freaking amazing. I love socks)
-first rain incense (could smell it when I opened the box)
-Berger cookies(tastes amazing. I’ll probably eat them all tonight)
-and the last but best item. A red fuko bag (I’ll use it for all my mediocre grocery shopping)
(Also a very nicely written note)
Thank you for the amazing box. It was a blast to open and I couldn’t ask for a better box sender.
PS don’t blame kidsandliz that the photo is sideways as it came to me this way
@Kidsandliz and @YourLazyButt , Thank both of you for your efforts. I gotta say that I loved putting this box together–it was my first–& I’m glad the stuff pleases you, YLB.
@Kidsandliz thanks for posting. Maybe I’m just dumb and can’t see it.
@YourLazyButt You are welcome
@yugrudfooz I hope you received your box. USPS said it arrived on Saturday.
I didn’t receive it… what time did it come. I was home in the afternoon
@readnj lmao that kinda pisses me off, did someone steal your package
Will check USPS tommorow… send me the confirmation email yugrudfoo@hotmail.com
Next up, @capguncowboy brings a big Amazon box of random goodness:

It’s a home run of a random crap box, @capguncowboy! Thanks!
Somehow both of my senders locked in on my love of LED lights and kitchen gadgets, so I feel like a big winner tonight.
Close-up of the plugs that don’t seem quite right.
Solid metal tabs and approx. 28AWG wire, maybe appropriate for the current they’ll handle but seem like they were made by someone who had read about U.S. style outlet plugs in a book once:
Am I strange for being weirded out by them? (I’m still totally going to use the lights somewhere and enjoy their multiple display patterns).
@djslack I always thought they were strange as well. I bought like 30 strings of those a few years ago and make mason jar lanterns. They were great for that, but I never trusted them enough to use them for anything inside the house.
I’m glad you enjoyed the box!
@capguncowboy @djslack
@djslack I totally considered sending you that same soap dispenser, I have an extra one of those at home too.
@mick Hey, just wanted to let you know that I got your box yesterday. Kids had a great time opening it up and digging in to all the mehness. Will have pics and contents posted later today for everyone.
@brainmist has one coming today.

@zachdecker Yay!
@cargogod should have one tomorrow…
@riceatusc, you should have received your package yesterday.
@riotdemon @brainmist @zackdecker I SCREWED UP!!! I gave @zackdecker the address for @riotdemon when it was supposed to go to @brainmist. So Sorry!!! Anyway @riotdemon will be sending the box on to @brainmist and I will be reimbursing @riotdemon for the postage. However it may take @riotdemon a few days to get it out as she is taking care of her mother and spends a lot of time on the road around her work schedule with that and so getting to the post office is going to be tricky. I will let @brainmist and @zackdecker both know when it is sent. Thank goodness for honest meh folks! And again I apologize to the three of you for my screw up. Hopefully it is the only one.
@Kidsandliz Oh noes! Have I mentioned that everything I touch turns to chaos and that my life is best described with “ack!”?
But look, it’s not a big deal; maybe @riotdemon needed the extra cheer. So if it gets sent or doesn’t… Meh. I still had fun putting together my box of random crap. (It’s really, really random. Sorry/ you’re welcome, @cargogod.)
@brainmist I’ll definitely be forwarding it along. I’ll be checking my work schedule later to see when I can squeeze in a post office run.
@RiotDemon If it is priority mail and not opened, line out your address and write Forward to [correct address]. You can drop it off or send with your mail carrier. You do not need to pay postage again.
@speediedelivery Cool idea! That will save me money LOL
@Kidsandliz It is legal and allowed so why not?
@speediedelivery yes why not indeed : )
@Kidsandliz sorry, I opened it before I emailed you to check for a letter or something to see why I got another box. Wasn’t a priority box either, at least I don’t think so.
@RiotDemon If the postage was visible and if it fits in a priority box and that is cheaper would it be possible for you to send it on that way? Or can it be taped shut such that it doesn’t look like it has been opened? Not your fault you opened it of course, it is mine for screwing up.
@Kidsandliz iirc, it might have been Ups because it didn’t come with my regular mail. I’ll check when I get home.
@RiotDemon It can’t hurt to contact whoever and check for free shipping. And no rush… I’ll get it when I get it.
@RiotDemon ok. I would just appreciate you sending it out the cheapest way, if possible with your schedule that is, since I am reimbursing you.
@RiotDemon Hey you haven’t send me how much I owe you in postage yet… Has it gone out yet for @brainmist?
@Kidsandliz unfortunately not. I’ve been working whenever the post office has been open.
Should be going out tomorrow morning assuming nothing else happens to get in my way.
@RiotDemon OK thanks for the update
I’ve received a box from Sarasota, NY!
Unfortunately I’m about to launch into an afternoon of back-to-back interviews from 1:30 until 5:30. So I won’t have time to properly devote to opening this box here in the office. But the moment I get home (well, after taking the dogs out) I’ll be digging in!
I’ve finally taken some pics of the incredibly diverse and interesting box I received from @Turken and family. No doubt there’s a story behind nearly everything in the box, and I’m hoping @Turken will share some of the history here?

Thank you, @Turken! Hopefully you’ll tell me about the drawings, as well as the Loganberry adult beverage, and possibly explain how the Brain Games calendar came to cease it’s progression on Valentines day?
And what’s the story on the recalled Disney movie? Was this one of the ones with the frames of porn inserted randomly?
Oh, and did you ever get that toilet fixed?
@ruouttaurmind Casserole dish- way to make the Postal Service pay for offering flat rate shipping.
@sammydog01 “If it fits, it ships”.
@ruouttaurmind Froakie!!! Love him!
@ruouttaurmind Sorry for the slow reply, vacation and all this past week. Glad that the box arrived with everything apparently intact. Not that exciting of a story behind the items, mostly just stuff sitting around at the office or home that were within easy reach.
Drawings were done by kid#1. She’s obsessed with pokemon, so we have tons of these things sitting around. That particular one I believe came from a “I’m stressed out from my siblings, so I’m going to my room to draw” session.
The loganberry beverage isn’t for adults only, it’s just a non-carbonated juice-like beverage concocted by a local guy and sold at his BBQ restaurant. Nice guy, but the drink is too sweet for my taste so it sat in the fridge for a few month before I sent it along.
Brain calendar wasn’t being used because I was frustrated with it being repetitive variations on only a handful of mediocre puzzle types. Toilet-guy got the boot because I was tired of him falling off the can as he didn’t fit on my desk that well.
I did fix the toilet, after I went to a real hardware store and bought the proper sized gasket. But by that time I already had opened the walmart special and was too lazy to return it, so if you can get yours to take it back, hey more power (and cash) to you!
Toys were stuff we had dupes of around the house for one reason or another. Same with the corningware dish. I had four in my office alone (not to mention the dozen or so in storage at home), so figured I could share the love and part with one. Everybody needs at least one corningware dish. Most awesome cookware ever made. Shame about what WorldKitchen did with the brand after they bought it, but that’s a rant for another day.
And yeah, the VHS is exactly that.
Anywho, glad you appear to like the box!
Received a great box from @Grohman360!!
new USB cup warmer
new bullet action cam
new leather GPS holster
slightly used book (the shack)
thanks!! great stuff!!!
@jsneider glad you enjoyed it, I really didn’t know what to put in the box and will look forward to the next exchange. (I read the book and really liked it but that was just me (
Recieved my box today from @tellatale and I must say, well done!
Frozen Fever Storybook Playset
Star Wars Metal Model
Assorted SW paper
magnetic moustache white
2 SW keychains
BB8 ornament
Yo-Kai Watch Plush
Two containers of paper line
Thanks again, fantastic job!
@studerc So glad you liked it! Since it was my first box I was a bit nervous.
Also, to the poor sap that I got. Youll get your box soon. Grad school continues to literally suck the life from my body.
@studerc How much longer until you are done?
@Kidsandliz Technically pre-doctoral now. When Im done with my Administration classwork next summer I will have 3 or 4 classes and my dissertation to finish my doctorate.
@studerc At various points in this process the best thing you can repeat to yourself over and over is, “There are good reasons why I am doing this. The fact that I can’t think of any of them right now is not good enough reason to quit.”. There was more than one point in the process I had to repeat that to myself… An abusive department didn’t help, getting cancer for the first time in the middle of that didn’t help, a troubled adopted at an older age kid who was flying off the rails didn’t help… repeating that did help on occasion when it wasn’t practical to run away from home.
And remember the best dissertation is a done dissertation that they pass. That is not the time to be a perfectionist. No one reads those things except your committee, your family, and other doctoral students (and the occasional search committee - but mostly they’d rather you tell them about it during your job talk than have to read it themselves).
@SR510, yours should have arrived yesterday. Hopefully it got there in one piece!
@Avalora It did! I was just coming in to make my report…this is the first chance I’ve had.
I got a wonderfully random box including:

A 2-pack of Woolite dryer balls
A Miracle Peeler (peels with one side…julienne with the other!) with a bonus mandoline
A Woot monkey with a red-checked cape
A Tiger Quiz Wiz(!)
Four T-shirts in various sizes (my favorite is probably the Salsa Dancing shirt…a bit small for me, but I have a sewing machine and may repurpose it.)
A pack of 2 LED lights on lanyards
A travel bottle
A customizable zombie action figure
A USS Enterprise dashboard accessory
A netbook sleeve
A small purse / wallet
A miniature totem pole
A jar opener
A set of measuring spoons adorably shaped like a cat
I am very pleased. Thank you so much!
@SR510 just went looking for those cat measuring spoons… $20 at Wal-Mart, $11 at eBay. Cute!
@SR510 Oh good! You’re welcome! I was hoping there would be a least a few things in the mix that you could actually use.
@WTFsunshine did some serious research, and hit my ‘likes’ with every single item.
-Benedict Cumberbatch (photo)
-magic wand, complete with instructions
-big teardrop shaped crystal, the kind you hang with fishing line in windows so you have sun prisms. It rained all day.
-combo tea scoop and infuser, perfect because I just bought a pound of loose tea and I have no patience with the teapot routine
-the best toilet paper EVER

-50 Peppermint Stick zinnia seeds
Thanks @WTFsunshine! Guinness cat wouldn’t get out of the way, sorry about the photo.
@OldCatLady @WTFsunshine Love that toilet paper!! Maybe he will kiss your butt! If you want to get banned from his twitter account use it on poop and post the results LOL. Hmm maybe better not. Who knows what the secret service might think.
@OldCatLady I’m glad you liked it. The research idea with instructions on how to do it came from @Kidsandliz (considering that it took me six months to figure out that hitting the stars meant that I liked something) without her I never would’ve known how to guess what you like. Finally found your “likes” in 2015/2016. You stated at one point that you wish Drumf would get a flesh-eating disease so I figured that you could use the wand towards him each time you had to see him. You got stuck with a Wiccan so the wand was just cute but crystals are up my alley so I was glad you said you like them. Love cats so glad he/she got in the photo. Toilet paper find was a bonus! Best wishes!
@WTFsunshine Thanks again. I have a bucket full of straight holly branches and a pile of (small) oak branches that need peeling and trimming, so they can become wands. I just need time to do it. If I use the Dremel on the oak before it dries out, they will have carvings. This has to be done outside because cats, and it’s been raining a ton. The one you sent is underdressed, so paint pens are in order. Oh look, a Michael’s coupon-.
So, I was the lucky recipient of a whopping 14-pound box of meh from the generous @mick. Included in the box were:

(also not pictured - the overwhelming guilt from not sending a box nearly as big and as cool as the one I got)
Overall, lots of fun for the whole family with a little bit of something for everyone. The Squinkies were a particular hit with the kids, and I laid claim to the caramel sauce before anyone else could. Again, thanks for the massively meh box of randomness Mick!
@Turken …and it took me so long trying to figure out why my picture was uploaded upside down that I lost the edit window. Can a mod nuke that first pic? thanks.
You’re wanted.
@Turken FTFY. feel free to tag me for moderator grunt work.
@Thumperchick Thanks for doing that…
@Turken YAY!!! you got your box with only one broken thing!! WOO HOO!! lol
my pleasure mr. or ms. turken!! guess i will never know…
one of the great mysteries of life…
seems like the box brought your family a little silly fun. that makes me happy.
the only serious thing i sent you, was the crazy salt. i love this salty spice salt stuff… great on cooking everything. probably have this in NY too??
The downside of shipping late…I must look at everyone else’s loot pics and wonder about the adequacy of my box…
@brainmist Each person has their own financial limits. Everything I sent fit inside a medium priority mail box. I saw at least one other medium box on the reveal. Some of us are broke. You never know what is in someone’s junk pile (eg good stuff in their junk pile - I had some new stuff in my junk pile I sent on as well as some used stuff. I only bought one thing - a big Hershey’s candy kiss). Be thoughtful, give someone a good laugh with your note… and don’t worry.
Lol! Yeah, I went for a mix of functional and humorous. There’s one item I hope is fun/nostalgic, and a few I hope are recognized as joke. Anyway, it’s definitely a fuku/fuko hybrid.
Your box came Monday afternoon!
But Monday and Tuesday were hell. Kinda. And so I had maybe an hour or two at home in the evening awake total.
And then I got caught up in the T-shirt thread. And was tired.
And as you can see I’m all whiney and pathetic.
Excuses excuses. Please ignore them.
So I didn’t let myself open the box till just now. Because if I couldn’t give a report then I didn’t get to peek.
Also I didn’t let self read this thread. No fair. If I didn’t have the time or energy to open the box, I didn’t get to read the thread.
So. Finally. Here goes.
(PS forgivee for the delay if you can. If you can’t, well, I get it. ).
I got an excellent and most intriguing box.
Have have not yet had time to okay with anything. But I intend too.
Because it’s a pita to post pix from a phone, I spreading this out over lists of posts. Ok?
Here goes:
Here doesn’t go.
I took nice pix. And the uploader is refusing to access them. It wants fresh pix. Only everything it all packed up again already.
So I have to get home and re-photo everything with a camera that likes me better.
Perhaps 9-100pm CT this evening? I hope?
I owe you.
PS I like horror.
PS I like Hulk.
PS I like rocks and minerals.
PS Ozzy!
PS and more. In a few hours.
PS I am happy and grateful.
PS Soonest!
@f00l i feel so accomplished right now.
P.S. you didn’t mention how you felt about dogs
Ok I got home around midnight last night.
Not 9pm as had anticipated.
No biggie, just “life is weird”.
Ok now have pix. I hope they will upload.
Even if they just upload sideways.
I am gonna start a new post for that.
I got my box from @DaveInSoCal today. He mislabled it as mediocre… but it was packed with awesome! Seriously, I’m pretty nerded out about it!
First thing I saw when I opened the box was a “Make Donald Drumpf Again” hat. I love John Oliver and immediately grinned from ear-to-ear. Then my wife stole it… ughhh… Someone needs to grab her by the pu… errr… nevermind!
Firefly valvestem cap for a motorcycle – gonna look sweet on my Bonanza Mini Bike
Rubber thingy, I think maybe a doorstop? I think it’s a door stop – I’m gonna’ go with doorstop
Pressy device. Works with android, but I’m not exactly sure what it does (yet). I’m sure I’ll use it once I discover it’s the coolest thing ever invented!
Logitech Harmony Remote. I’ve wanted one of these for years but never could justify spending money on it. Will definitely be put to use!
Proven thermometer – I have kids. This will definitely be sterilized and used.
Calily Hair Straightening Brush - my wife stole it as soon as the pictures were done
1 pack of Pez orange flavored candy
NETCNA Car holder for your phone, or maybe a phone holder for your car. I’m trying to figure out which holds which!
Cigarette lighter USB charger. Mine broke today. This is definitely a sign that there is a Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Hitastion Fidget Spinner – Really cool little aluminum spinner with a nice carrying case. My son will probably steal it before the week is over
Black fidget spinner - Will also be stolen by Friday
Stylus pen
Ping Pong ball
Kaplan Schweser playing cards
Magnetic Air Vent Mount for Mobile Devices (looks pretty solid and I’ll probably use it at least once
2-pack of Hot Hands – I go camping a lot, so these will get put to good use!
Bondi doorknob? hanger thingy ?
Reusable plastic/rubber bottle cork
Nascar Brightstick (I think it’s just a glowstick). My daughter ran off with it
SLT Stickup Bluetooth Speaker
Micro USB Cable
Geocaching patch. I have a friend that’s obsessed with geocaching. He’s going to love this!
Chef’s silicone oven mitt – it’s orange!
Matchbox puzzle - “The cross”
Music Bulb, LED Bluetooth lightbulb
AC Plug adapter for Euro plugs or American plugs
Men’s Large Shirt. My wife grabbed it before I could look at it any further :(*
Bottle Top (makes a 12 oz can into a bottle). Looks pretty neat
Seriously Dave, job well done. I love it! Thank you!
@capguncowboy both your addresses are showing.
@capguncowboy that t-shirt is so cute. Great haul! Lots of fun stuff!
@capguncowboy Glad you liked it! It was fun to put together.
@thunperchick would you blur our addresses please?
@DaveInSoCal @RiotDemon
Yes, sorry about that! been a long day! All fixed!
@capguncowboy Now that I have a few extra minutes:
WOOHOO! Glad you liked it! The rubber thingy is indeed a doorstop.
The pressy plugs into your headphone jack and turns it into an extra button. It lets you use phone functions/apps like activating the camera, making a phone call, whatevs.
I believe the thermometer has never been used. Or has it? Sterilization is probably a good idea.
THAT’S NOT A PING PONG BALL! That is official unofficial meh art, custom designed by @kidsandliz. She gave me a 6 pack of them in a previous exchange, and I’m sharing them (except for one). I recommend buying one of those glass baseball display cases for it.
I LOVE my air vent phone mount. Hope it works well for you!
The little hanger guy’s arms and legs bend up so you can hang even MOAR stuff!
The plastic can bottle tops are neat, but also make a great practical joke. They’re a huge pain to take off without crushing the can. Give it to someone and watch them try while their beer is full. Mel Brooks style comedy ensues!
I’m happy you’re happy! The hair straightener thing is from china and I got it for free. Not disparaging china as a whole, but some of their stuff is junk. I encourage your wife to try a small amount of hair initially to make sure it doesn’t burst into flames or anything.
/giphy another satisfied customer

Also, that gif is stupid.
@DaveInSoCal, holy crap that was a lot of stuff! And your lack of research was spot on!
Disregard is right, USPS certainly didn’t TRY to not bang this box around!
Had to peel back the postage to read the rest of the note
Gary does appreciate a good box!
Quite the full box!
Not sure if it is a hand puppet, or a costume for my cat… unfortunately, it’s too small for either Ash or Gary, so I’m guessing it’s a hand puppet.

Bruno really appreciates the pets with the new glove!
Dave, again, a completely amazing box, thank you so much!!! Looking forward to using all of it!
Ash felt left out of the pictures

And the party light actually works pretty well!
@smigit2002 I’m glad you like everything! The bitcoin is definitely real. Go to the bank and demand they give you cash for it
The “hand puppet” is so you can make a wine bottle look fancy! Don’t ask me, one of my neighbors gave it to me years ago on a bottle. I felt it was time it continues its journey.
Enjoy all the things!
@smigit2002 your custom branded (meh style with a sharpie) meh ping pong ball started its life as part of a vanilla plain ping pong ball pack of 6 in meh exchange #4 where your sender received them. You are now part of an elite group of 3 of who has one. Your sender only has 4 left…
@Kidsandliz The real question is, do I hold onto it and cherish it forever, or do I pay it forward at the next exchange?
@DaveInSoCal now that I know the costume is for wine, what better bottle to put it on than vintage 2014 Meh Wine!

Thanks again!!!
@mossygreen sorry for the delay, you should have your box Friday.
@mehbee Don’t worry about it, I’m not in any rush. And I’m probably going to see Baby Driver on Friday, so it will clearly be the DAY EVERYTHING HAPPENS.
@mossygreen well Baby Driver will definitely be the highlight.
@mehbee It came and it’s GREAT (although I have to in good conscience give the edge to Baby Driver); I will post photos as soon as I make my bed. Which, while it probably won’t be until Tuesday, might not be until Tuesday.
PS EVERYONE SHOULD SEE BABY DRIVER. Let’s make Edgar Wright some honest summer blockbuster money!
@mossygreen Trust me, I never thought I could compete with a movie. I mean its not like I sent a major award or anything.
@moonhat sent me an awesome box! I opened it and found… a backpack. All by its lonesome. But then I realized all the things were INSIDE the backpack! This actually added a whole new dimension to the package. I got to treasure hunt through all the zippered compartments and pockets for the things.
Pictures first, then the list:

A baby blue polo shirt from a credit union I think
LAdies makeup bag
Wine bottle stopper shaped like a flower
Panda bouncy ball
Money bouncy ball
Some lotions
Anti itch cream (not shown). Expired in 2015 and discarded by nurse wife.
Screen wiper
AWESOME BOOK “A Dog’s Life” which is an autobiography of a dog’s journey.
Finger tentacles (2). Already using to annoy wife.
7 deadly sins gumballs
Bacon and clown air fresheners
Two boxes of chocolate. As far as the wife is concerned, one arrived empty.
MUSTACHE POST IT NOTES! I’m going to write “I mustache you a question. Please call me” on every one.
SUPER AWESOME SURFBOARD PLAQUE. “Screw the cracker, Polly want a Cocktail!”
I love it. Thanks @moonhat!!!
Yay! I’m so glad you like it! Alas, realized a note would have been nice after it shipped but I’m glad you found all the things!
@cwolfpack3 USPS says your box arrived on Monday, did you get it?
@metageist Yes! We had family situation on-going the past few days. Just got chance to open it and take photos. You did a super job, thank you so much!!!
i had to put on my super duper granny glasses to read@boredashell tiny teeny writing on the mailing label . no note at all inside box ! nothin i tell ya!!
some cool stuff though…
a book lamp thing… might need new battery. i can’t turn it on.
coconut oil cookbook
2 white plastic ball things that come apart. i have no idea what these are for?..
GREEN crystal growing kit. green coincidence? lol
ray charles cd’s. have some, love him. nice addition.
the crazy who? mr. mick, loves the who.
nascar poncho
couple rocks
pill thingy
cat and bird figures
egg cuber… i know you did not, but who honestly buys an egg cuber? ?
some colorful eggs and matching plate.
couple other… notes, coaster, bracelet.
and the monkey…
my grandma lucy beauvais was a fabulous knitter/crocheter. she made these monkeys and other stuff animal toys back in the sixties. hers were bigger and so much better made.
she had 16 children, so come on, tons of grand kids…lol
but she made sure she gave each grand kid a handmade knitted friend.
i lost the monkey she made me, many years ago. it was not very important in my younger years.
i wish i had it now.
nice remembering though…
my box was great!!
and i thank you.
@mick ice ball molds.
Square eggs… Probably good for bento type lunch boxes.
Mehrican Ex 6 box arrived from @metageist who seems to be my twin in taste, vocation, and style, only on the opposite coast. Or, she did a very good job of figuring me out!
The box had all the right elements: fun, artful inspiration, geek factor, and locally or regionally themed gifts.
instruction book (my boys will love this!)
Thank you so much, I love it all!
@cwolfpack3 Yay I’m glad the box got to you intact and unbroken!
I’m glad you like the fabric. It was always one of those pieces in my giant craft stash that I liked but didn’t know what to do with. Make something fun
Here is my second attempt at The Great Reveal!
A pen and pen holder! Refillable.
I esp like this because the symbol for “pi” is on the box.
enter image description here
A maple leaf dish. I love maple leaves.
Cool small rocks. I love pretty rocks. What I think is a temp tattoo. Know a kid who prob wants this.
The Hess are molds you can use to make ice balls. I never made ice balls before. I guess that will change soon. Will try this.
Lemonade crystals (love lemonnare)
And a thing to grow real crystals.
I have a thing for rocks and crystals. Happy happy.
A travel toothbrush (always useful).
A USB dongle to let you read SD cards. Good.
Hero Incredible Hulk!
Hello Minions pencils!
A card game that looks interesting.
A compact rain pancho (good to have in glove box I think).
And a compact camera I’ve yet to play with.
Ooooh. Horror! Classic Horror is excellent!
And Ozzy!
I’ve never before played an Ozzie cd. Guess it’s time to start.
Ok now, what is this? Some sort of small real animal pelt. I don’t know what animal tho.
The way it’s constructed it seems to be meant for some particular use, but I have no idea what.
@f00l yep its a wolf.
I hope I didn’t miss anything in the box. I went thru the packing carefully.
You wanted to know how I feel about dogs?
All dogs are good dogs. All dogs are excellent wonderful loving sweet fabulous adorable dogs.
/giphy dog

Isn’t that the tiniest wolf ever then?
What is that intended to be used for? A decoration? Or something else?
@f00l lol i did not believe it either. Got it at the ren fest in kc last year and that is what the lady told me. I feel like it is a coyote
I couldn’t think of anything to make with it
I think coyote fur is a little stiffer and more wiry perhaps?
But I know little about that.
Odd item tho.
Why did the ren faire lady lady give it to you?
@f00l it was in a $10 random stuff bag. It was full of bones feathers and fur. It came with 2 of the faces and they are the only thing i have yet to make something out of. I went back to ask the lady after checking them out and she said it was a wolf, i didn’t argue. She also had a lion skull for $85. Bout walked away with it
Hey all - those of you who haven’t shipped yet if you would please email mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com and let me know when you think your box might go out I’d sure appreciate it. Then I can contact your recipient to let them know they haven’t been forgotten.
27 people have not yet posted about their boxes - either because they have not come yet (and some are still being mailed out) or they came but they haven’t gotten around to posting… PLEASE POST when they have come.
Thank you,
The Management
Last week I received in my (snail) mailbox a CD, “Animal Whispers,” by Tim Wheater and Elizabeth Whiter. It’s a CD from England and was sent in an envelope without a return address. Where the return address would have been, there was a picture of a paw print. This was sent in an envelope that seemed to come from a store in London.
There was no Meh username on the envelope, and I don’t know whether this was sent as my Meh box. Does this ring any bells with anyone?
FWIW, my cat Mowgli and I are quite pleased.
@gertiestn Here I am, talking to myself again. The “Animal Whispers” CD that I received is no longer from a mysterious source, and I no longer have to ponder whether it came from someone Mehish. It didn’t. Aren’t you glad to know?
@gertiestn Yup good to know… would have been entertaining if it had come from your sender though…
@baqui63 - your box was delivered to your mailroom (“agent”) on Monday. Are they generally honest and efficient over there??
@Pamtha @baqui63 I have the same question, for the same recipient.
@SR510 @Pamtha
Yes, the mailroom is honest. That’s why deliveries go to my job, because at home they’d sit on the sidewalk where anyone who walks or drives by can take them. I’ve also asked the mailroom to wait for me to come and get my stuff, rather than delivering it upstairs, because it is kinda stupid for them to carry something upstairs so that I have to carry it back down, past the mailroom, to my car.
It looks like the boxes were delivered on Monday or Tuesday. I put both into my car on Wed morning. I considered a post at that time saying something like “Got the boxes; life’s crazy knob is on 11 right now so pix will follow soon” but decided it wasn’t really needed because of the tracking and all.
Then work on Wed went to shit (up past 14, maybe 15) and Thurs made Wed seem fun (in before 8AM and home after 10 PM both days), plus once home I needed to prep for a friend’s visit (basically so @publicart would have a place to sleep). I picked him up from JFK about 6AM Fri and spent much of the day playing tour guide. After PA went to bed, I checked email and started typing this.
Regardless of the reasons, I apologize for not acknowledging delivery of your boxes until now. In my defense, I do not recall there being a deadline for doing so; if there was and I missed it, apologies for doing that as well.
I might get a chance to post pix tomorrow night but don’t count on it. I promise I’ll do it on Sunday.
Hey @togle, Your box shows as delivered on Wednesday “In / At Mailbox”. Just want to make sure you got it. For whoever is sending to me, I’m in Colorado until the 3rd. I will post pics as soon as I get home (If it’s delivered
If anyone is near Larkspur, CO, come see Prima and I as guest cast of the Colorado Renaissance Faire. We are the couple in “rust”.
@Bogie Hey, @Bogie! Yes, I am told that the box was delivered to the house earlier this week. Alas, I am not there to open it, and I wont let the fam open it without me. I will be home tomorrow (today? I think it’s after midnight now. Saturday, regardless), so I will open it and post tomorrow or Sunday. Thank you in advance!
@Bogie … And I apologize, the having to leave town was unexpected. If it had been more planned/organized, I would have posted something general in the thread
@Boredashell your box was shipped a bit late, but it’s on way! Surprises that will make you say Meh await.
@mikeleemm @Boredashell has terrible luck with people shipping to him on time.
@mikeleemm @mossygreen. Yeah it has been awesome experiences every time but i do get some slow moving boxes lol. Both boxes are epic and i know i have yet to post pictures. Life has been way to crazy but will properly reveal on this thread tonight when i get to slow down a little bit
My box arrived super fast Monday, but took me until Friday to actually post, sorry!!! I also got distracted with the fidget spinner in there. I could never bring myself to buy one, but here we are…
I couldn’t figure out who to tag, just George, so hopefully you see this. First, I was very excited to find the Fuku bag holding everything! In there was also the Meh sticker and glasses, bag of balloons, a glowy cup, multi-tool light, the little pocket knife Meh sold recently (I wished I had gotten more, so perfect). There’s also some party favors bouncy ball, Sweet tarts, half flip things. Some popcorn stickers to go along with some coffee ones I got in my Fuku a while back! Titos can kozy, USB hub man, mini parachute dude, gag pen, rubber ring thing. Then there’s the Northern Exposure DVD set, with the actual disks, and a House of Blues Bob Dylan CD. Finally, the coolest thing in the bag, a leather Indian Head penny bracelet made by George. Very cool, and disappointingly not all that Meh.
@mikeleemm Can you take a closeup pic of the Indian Head bracelet that “Just George” made? From what I can see, it looks pretty cool.
Here it is, it’s very cool.
@mikeleemm Thanks! Ah, it’s beautiful. Just George will you marry me? Or at least tell me if you sell these online?
@Barney Isn’t it gorgeous!!
@mehbee Yep, it sure is!
Wow. Want.
@f00l This!
@mikeleemm Can I just say “Jealous!”. Agree with @f00l and @Barney Just George if you do sell these or other types please let us know!
@Barney I received word your marriage proposal has been accepted. Email mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com for the particulars.
@f00l @mehbee @WTFsunshine
And unusual offer, possibly from Nigeria (grin), arrived in my inbox this morning (be sure to include your @name so I know who you are). Email mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com for the particulars.
@f00l @mehbee @WTFsunshine That was supposed to be: possibly from a Nigerian prince (grin)… oops too late to edit.
And for the rest of you nosey folks see this thread:
@Kidsandliz Gee, I hope he likes purple.
@Barney Well purple is the color of royalty…
ATTENTION WTFsunshine! I’m really hoping that you see this. I want to apologize for not sending out my box on time. I did email kidsandliz last Saturday asking her to please inform you of my delay and that I should be mailing out your box Monday. Unfortunately we had a death in the family. My nephew passed away unexpectedly and needless to say I’ve been extremely scatterbrained all week and forgot to send your box. But fear not my friend! I sent it today (Friday 6/30) priority mail and you should be receiving it on Monday. I added a couple of extra goodies to make up for my tardiness
I hope you enjoy it and I hope you have as much fun opening it as I had putting it together.
@candiedisilvio1 so sorry for your loss.
Terrible thing. I’m so sorry to hear.
@WTFsunshine ^
So sorry for your loss.
@candiedisilvio1 I am truly sorry for your loss. You didn’t have to add or send priority you had a reason why and I’m sorry you felt a need to apologize because you do not. Now I can’t wait for Monday to arrive @Barney thank you for tagging me so I would see this.
@Barney Didn’t feel right to add this to the other post but is now a good time to try to email you about ordering your spinners? I hadn’t seen you in the forum lately and assumed that you were busy and didn’t want to bother you but since I see you now I thought I would ask.
@WTFsunshine isn’t it @Bogie that makes spinners?
@WTFsunshine Yep, you need to contact @Bogie. His email addy is Bogie21 at gmail dot com.
@candiedisilvio1 I’m sorry for your loss, too. Please take care.
@candiedisilvio1 I wish strength and peace to you and your extended family…
@Barney @RiotDemon Well…don’t I feel like an ass! Thank you to you both for correcting me. I’m going to go sit in a corner and put myself in a time out. Ping @Bogie email coming your way and if you are too busy just let me know in a reply back.
@WTFsunshine Did you contact @kidsandliz about the bracelet?
@WTFsunshine sounds good.
@candiedisilvio1 I really wish I knew how to tag everyone individually to thank you for your kind wishes about the recent passing of my nephew. Thank you all so much. Your words of encouragement and kindness really means a lot to me. Your an amazing group of people god bless you all
@candiedisilvio1 To tag someone, use the @ in front of the username. If they have notifications turned on an email will be sent. It is a pretty good group here.
My condolences as well.
@candiedisilvio1 I did post this on the day of the mehrathon and apparently it didn’t take so I tried again the other day after emailing with @Kidsandliz and once again it didn’t take. So - for my third try I’m putting it here because scrolling to the bottom causes issues (please accept my apologies for my apparent failures at getting the post to take and also no pictures because my son and husband both ran of with items even as I screamed I needed to get pictures). So the list:
I can’t thank you enough for such a wonderful box-it had something for everyone in it-means a lot to me!
Okay- it wiggled again- like it did the last two times- now I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it stays this time! Copy and pasted it so just in case it’s lost again so I don’t have to type it all over again. Once again I can’t thank you enough!
@WTFsunshine yup I see it here so this time it took.
@WTFsunshine I’m so glad you and your family liked the box and I’m sorry you had such a hard time posting. (I’m glad it’s not just me LOL) It was a lot of fun putting it together. The hook with the suction cup thingie is for the hummingbird feeder that I just realized never made it in the box. Ummm maybe you can use it to dry your socks on it.
I’m sorry I didn’t notice the camera had film in it…scary The damn thing was so old I’m surprised the film didn’t disintegrate! Maybe you can do me a favor and dispose of it in a very dark place never to see the light of day again. But most of all I want to thank you for your service and your families service. Im also disabled EMS and nothing is harder than not being able to do what you love. So please enjoy the Fuku crap I just wish it could have been more for such a special family.
@candiedisilvio1 I will find a feeder to use with the hook. Also, as I explained to @Kidsandliz I didn’t get the box for a while because there are three street addresses in our city that have the same three numbers. Normally I end up with everyone’s mail/packages because I have to do my shopping online and we assume the sorting department sees the first three letters and just puts in our stack. My husband would deliver the packages to the other address and write notes on the letters saying wrong address. One is only about one subdivision over and the other is across the city. After the fourth note he wrote on the fifth that if the sorting issue didn’t get resolved then he would contact the Post Master General. Sooooo…your package to me went to the furthest address. The homeowner there tried to deliver it on a day when my husband was on duty and I sleep through the day. So he attempted again and my husband was home to receive it. The man said he was impressed with your box taping skills
but really wanted to know about my username that was written on the box. So, it did arrive on time but just to the wrong people. Hence, why it didn’t get posted sooner. I did try to post it as soon as I could but it apparently didn’t take during the mehrithon (or after Kidsandliz contacted me). I’m sorry to her about your EMS and I hope you also have a good support system/family. Your box was special so please don’t apologize. As stated - they loved it, and so did I, and at least they left me some items to keep for myself! I am sorry I wasn’t able to get pictures but they grabbed and ran away and even with my inability to speak properly I know they heard/understood me 🗣
@WTFsunshine Wow! I never new the postal service started a get to know your neighbor program LOL Seriously that has to be a total pain in the butt. Im glad that you have such honest people in your area something that is an inconvenience could have been a nightmare. It really made me smile to hear the reason why you couldn’t take photos was because everyone ran off with the loot!! I just saw the post that we’re going to have another exchange in a couple months this truly has been a wonderful experience.
@candiedisilvio1 Yep, they’re good people - and should be since we deliver theirs all the time. I’m glad you enjoyed it- this was my first time doing this and I couldn’t have done it without @Kidsandliz. I’m just very angry that with everything she has done and gone through, while still keeping up with all of the different things this branched into, that some of her people can’t take the time to post a reply to her boxes that she sent to them. Don’t be in it if you can’t reciprocate even with a simple reply. I hope they have enough feelings to at least feel ashamed. But, I’m glad you are happy, I just wish my post didn’t take so long to make you feel anxious or for what you went through that you felt the need to add more or ship faster. You did just fine. I’m happy and you’re happy so it’s all good.
Wow! What a cool, supercool & double awesome Meh @Baqui63 sent me. Just the right mix of creepy, groovey, useless & useful. Thank you!
It’s contents were;
(dressed like David Bowie, dressed like Ziggy Stardust) Hair.
“Bret, it’s me David Bowie…wear an eyepatch”-FOTC
-2 pair of Soccer shorts.
My boys love em’!
-NASCAR / NFL Motorola Headset
"Ready set…Turn left!"
-Multicolor drinking straws
-Solar Cockroach (were these two meant to be together? I think so!)
-Nucular Bomb car freshener
"It’s the bomb!"
-5 in 1 emergency whistle
-2 Under the counter battery powered LED lights
-All in 1 home office kit
-Glowbars- not a food product (invented & marketed by Homer Simpson, should I be worried?).
-Supermanly sipping cup for big kids.
-Shirtwoot “Other worlds” comic book.
-Grocery bag tote.
-Hands free driving microphone.
-5 Soda Sippie Snap straw.
Say that fast 3 times! I dare ya!
-Pull back soft dart gun with dartboard.
“Ready, aim, softfire!”
-Action drill “Safe & non-toxic”
@Geolaw asked me to post the photos for him since the goat @Trillian has cursed him
so here we go:

Ok, that didn’t work. My attempt to upload photos has failed.
@Geolaw Well, I couldn’t resist so I said it five times fast and almost made it…the last was 5 Soda Snippie Sap Straw.
You posted it so I did it. Kinda like when someone writes “I scream You scream We all scream for ice cream” and not only do you sing it in your head but you also scream it while you’re singing it in your head. (Maybe it’s just me)
@WTFsunshine Why don’t you just short cut the entire thing, open the freezer, get some ice cream out and then eat it? That is so much more rewarding…
@Kidsandliz Currently the freezer has chocolate with Reese’s peanut butter cup chunks in it. Love it and can’t stop eating it. For the occasional brain freeze I do the trick where you put your tongue to the roof of your mouth which cuts down on the amount of time you utter “shit,shit,ohh shit and damn I did it again” in your head. We have a side-by-side freezer/refrigerator and I keep it down low so I can get to it. Found out that this also cuts down on it getting ice crystals when I don’t get to all of it in a certain amount of time.

/image “brain freeze”
These should help:
@Geolaw You just need the individual direct URL for each photo. They have to end in .jpg or another picture file extension. They’ll populate automatically
Looks like @cargogod has a delivery at their parcel locker. I hope you got your box o’ crap!
@brainmist I sure did! Finally got it pick up and unpacked.
Tux, our cat has laid claim to the ‘Hean’ T-Shirt for a bed lining, and he also really like the feather-covered styrofoam “hedgehog”(?) as his newest cat toy! Score 2 for the cat!
My wife love cookbooks, so that was a hit!
Our neighbor across from us happened to need a nice leash for their dog, and wind toy found its way onto the patio.
As for the rest, most is still up for grabs, but the Sake set is all mine!
@CargoGod Hah! Glad you liked the sake set, I caught your post on mugs after I sent it. The Hean sorry was meant to mimic the old shirts used for packing in the fuku, so if the cat loves it, bonus!
@Nigglez check your email for a message ASAP. Need to confirm that you typed in the correct address (I copy/paste from the google form) as your box was sent and then returned to sender. They will resend once your address is confirmed as correct or you found a typo and that is fixed.
Im finally home and have finally opened the box! And it’s splendid!
That vase is amazing. Im so pleased you shared it with me. Thank you!!
Early last week, I received a large USPS flat rate box from @pamtha. For various reasons partially detailed elsewhere I was unable to do the photo thing until today.
The box contained an extremely nice assortment of stuff, all of which will be useful (even if only for the next meh exchange). I will make some detailed comments about items later, but first to show and list the entire contents.
(This parenthetical comment would be a picture of the contents of the box from @pamtha if only meh’s picture uploader thought that .jpg files were pictures… I’ll get the picture uploaded in a moment, tho likely to a reply to this post.)
Starting at the top right and going in a decreasing diameter widdershins* spiral:
*see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widdershins
Not sure why it worked this time. I did exactly the same as before, except that I hadn’t typed anything before trying to upload the photo.
Additional details re: some of the items, in no particular order. (I’ll deal with the NSFW envelope last.)
Rube Goldberg toy: earlier this year I refereed a Rube Goldberg Machine Contest in White Plains NY and met Rube’s granddaughter Julie, who now runs the Rube Goldberg foundation. I was slightly disappointed that I was unable to snag any of the prizes she’d brought for the kids (various Rube Goldberg kits like the one from @pamtha) though I believe I will regift it to my neighbor’s daughter for her birthday in a few days.
CAH GEEK PACK: this is one of the few CAH add-on packs I do (er… did) not have. If only I had more friends with whom I could play CAH more often.
Slinky Jr: long (more than 40 years) ago, my (full size) Slinky was damaged in an accident and became unable to walk properly. I will keep this one for myself, likely at work. First tho, I will see what my cats think of it.
Etch A Sketch: I had one of these long ago and eventually ripped it open to get at the aluminum power inside for making thermite (eh… I was 12 or 13 and Amazon wouldn’t be selling bomb making supplies over the Internet for several decades).
BTW: Skittles (except for the Sour ones, which I do like but make my teeth hurt) and Lifesavers Mints are two of my most favorite candies. As I type this, I’ve been munching on the Lifesavers Mints.
@baqui63 How can mints be orange flavor?

/giphy confused
And finally, the NSFW envelope… I am unsure whether I was hoping that it was or was not some form of porn. Thankfully/regrettably, it was not porn but rather nine “coloring book pages.”
I was unaware that this web site existed, tho I am not at all surprised by its existence.
Also, these are SFW at my work: public college, academic freedom, etc. plus the fact that even if someone were looking over my shoulder and complained, the system logs would later show that they downloaded and printed the pages as well as a lot of other “NSFW” stuff. (As @pamtha noted, I work in IT…
@pamtha! A most excellent haul! Thank you!
@sammydog01 They are mildly minty and slightly orange-y, a quite enjoyable combination. Vanilla and mint is another such that I like.
I will grant that I am an Altoids enjoyer (I do not find them all that strong) and (slightly) prefer peppermint and spearmint to wintergreen and the milder mints.
@baqui63 So glad it worked out!!! I swear, I did not stalk your Rube Goldberg efforts, that was just pure luck. I need to print more of those coloring pages so I can color the word FUCK in an artistic way.
I also received a large box not owned by the USPS* from @SR510 (interesting fact: my older daughter used to live less than a mile’s walk from @SR510 in an ESE direction; small world, huh?).
In a generally left to right and top to bottom order:
*Were you aware that the USPS retains ownership of their frakking flat rate boxes? Read the fine print on the box if you don’t believe this. I am considering returning all of the old used ones I have to them.
A closeup of the Speaker Dock info:
I will regift this to one of my iPhone person friends, even tho I’m guessing it is not for any of the modern iPhones.
And finally a closeup of the three kazoos:
“www.little-tommy.net I Timothy 4:12”
“Michigan State University - College of Natural Science”
“Thanks for coming to our Wedding” (which has to be the most awesome Wedding Favor I’ve ever seen).
I love the kazoos! (I have never had a kazoo before; my cats do not seem to like the sound) and I’m looking forward to playing the Utter Nonsense game with my daughter units and their friends.
The daughter of a friend of mine will love the pink bag, so it will have a happy home.
So far, I have not been able to figure out what is in the Plankton tin. I must do this before I can decide if it will be an appropriate gift for my SBSP loving friend.
All in all, a most wonderfully meh box! Thanks!
@baqui63 the speaker dock says lightning on it, so it’s for modern iPhones. Win!
@baqui63 Huzzah! I’m glad you liked it!
The Plankton tin contains a digital watch; the battery is assuredly dead by now, but it might still work as a wrist accessory?
@brainmist I sent your box from @zachdecker today. Should arrive on the 10th. Sorry it’s slow, but that was the cheapest way.
@riceatusc Did you receive a mysterious box one week ago, or do I need to initiate a search and rescue effort by the usps?
/youtube barenaked ladies one week
@djslack sorry, I had to go out of town for a few weeks last minute for work. My neighbor told me that I have a few packages, so I’m sure that it is one of them. I get back Sunday and an excited to see what is there!
@riceatusc No worries, just glad it (and you) are not MIA. Safe travels and don’t set your expectations too high
@readnj Thanks Steve!

@readnj Still can’t believe you paid $40 for shipping, your wild. Girlfriend kept blasting me with the water finger.
@yugrudfooz I was already at the post office with the box when I got that news. Apparently if you use a priority label on other than a priority box it can get pricey. Also the fact it was heavy and going coast to coast didn’t help. Lesson learned. Glad the gf liked the squirt gun finger. It seemed perfect for this kind of thing.
@yugrudfooz DALEKS!!! Cool folders!!!
Just got from vacation and low and behold but what awaits me - a box of crap from baquil63, and I mean that in the nicest and sincerest way. I couldn’t believe how much he put into a flat rate box, it was like one of those wooden block puzzles where each piece has a place - needless to say, it didn’t all fit back in after I perused through my treasures. Here is some of the stuff I got-
@tellatale I love purple.
Wait there is more…
HDMI Cable
Eight Glow Bars
Bath Fizz shaped as a Brain
MityLite Flashlight with Batteries
Vinyl Card Protectors - Card Condoms
Slaplet Bracelets and accessories
Two sets of notepads
Spanish Style Hand Fan
Pearl Necklace
I can’t think @baquil63 for making my first exchange so memorable. Not sure what I am going to do with all the stuff but I’ll think of something.
@tellatale Wow! That’s quite a haul. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone posted the same sentiment ‘couldn’t believe how much stuff was crammed into a flat rate box’.
@baqui63 ping. I think the above message was for you.
@speediedelivery Thanks!
@Tellatale, I’m glad you like the stuff!
@tellatale Oh… not sure how long those batteries have been sitting in a box here… They may be dead. If they aren’t be careful… they may leak fairly quickly.
Wait …after a long dark slumber I emerge to find two goats came and went, AND that I missed the mehrican exchange?! Gaaaaah! I know @Kittysprinkles (jimmies) roofied me that night - pfft.
@mfladd Who are you and where have you been? @f00l has been crying in her pillow every night.
Oh, and welcome back!
@mfladd A lot of other things happened, but go post in the goat thread and we’ll tell you.
Don’t worry be happy.
(Not a suggestion.)
@mfladd welcome back!
Are you HAPPY yet?
I don’t care if it makes you completely miserable to do this, it’s time for you to be HAPPY*.
/giphy happy

While you are busy being miserable, go look at your PM’s on Woot.
@f00l I did see that one. Thank you. How ya been bitch?
@RiotDemon Thanks.How’s it hangin MetalHead? Maybe hit or miss for awhile still.
@dashcloud I will. I want to hear the gossip.
@mfladd welcome back.
@Barney Hiya “Oh Purple One”. May I just share with you my heartfelt condolences for your loss. We are reaching that time in our lives when it happens more and more frequently to those close to us. It’s life, but it doesn’t make it any less sad.
@mfladd Well there will be another one in a couple of months. At least you haven’t missed the next fuko yet. We are anticipating practically daily (like nearer the end of the week perhaps?). Welcome back. We missed the entertaining interchanges between you and @kittysprinkles.
I’m cool.
@Kidsandliz Thanks. I’ve missed you deviants. 2 months works perfectly for me. And I have plenty of crap available.
@Thumperchick Thanks T-Hump. I hope you and the family are doing well. They grow up too quickly.
Thank you, @mfladd.
@mfladd hopefully it’ll be more hits than misses. Nice to know you’re still around.
@RiotDemon I am like herpes and luggage. You keep that shit forever
@mfladd You’re back!!! I missed you!
/giphy Happy Dance

@mehbee What up Bee?! And I am not up to date with any of my scifi shows. Whoa is me. No spoilers!!!
@mfladd Then you need to remedy that so we can chat! Dark Matter, Killjoys and Wynonna Earp finally came back on,totally worth the wait. Due to DVR issues, I’m completely behind on The Expanse and need to fix that quickly. Shadowhunters has been good too. Some of the more mainstream networks like NBC and Fox have some new shows coming out. They are finally jumping in the SciFi bandwagon… The Gifted and I think its called West Texas something start soon, looking forward to it.
@mfladd In that you require medication to tolerate and someone is always kicking the shit out of you when no one’s looking?
I got an amazing box from @mossygreen. Sorry it’s taken so long, shit has been shit.
First and foremost my kitten was most stoked with the box. She had to be fought off
We got:
-one of those ball and spoke toys which is my new obsession
-a spinning top (kitten loves this)
-some plastic animals
I can’t get to my iPhone to post pics on safari, any tips ? I don’t see the mountains mentioned in the OP
@jestout Turn your phone sideways (landscape mode). And I don’t think of them as mountains, I think of it as looking for the bat signal. Anyway, it’s at the bottom of the page and it is a black, jagged triangle with a circle kinda in the middle.
Did I pass my Rorschach test?
@jestout It’s a Woot BOC tradition to include your cat in the pics. Sure, this isn’t Woot, nor is it a BOC, but why break such a good tradition?
My person should receive their box today. Sorry for the delay, but details came out while I was on a long business trip.
Yay. Another box. This time from @tinamarie1974.
Unfortunately, one of my numerous penguins beat me to it.
We were about to dive into the box, but the RAM card which I use to open boxes slipped, and I had to treat the wound.
After a long while, I finally got everything out of the box.
I started organizing the stuff, but there was so much, I gave up.
First, a really nice note from @tinamarie1974 apologizing for the delay.
Bear with me while I compile the list…
Ok, here we go.
35 piece Pinocchio puzzle.

Picture frame.
A book entitled Regrettable Superheros: The Loot Crate edition
Mock security camera.
Marvel ice cube tray.
Mini replica of the pink hoverboard from Back to the Future 2
Woot screaming monkey keychain.
Wireless Bluetooth speaker with selfie feature apparently. No. I am not kidding.
Actually, I’m happy about this, because I was thinking about getting another Bluetooth speaker. I mean, I have others, but I wanted a mini one.
Back to the box.
Cow beef thermometer.
A banana slicer. (Because why not?)
Painted wooden figure of The Joker from Loot Crate. (Starting to see a few themes.)
2PAC shot glass.
Carrot bowling game.
2013 party glasses.
Fake mustache. Yay. Now I can sneak into Texas without being noticed.
A thingy to make paper beads from newspapers or magazines.

Mophie battery pack for Galaxy S3. It’s white and can hold 2300 mAh. Oh, and another micro-usb cable.
Still with me? Because we’re not done.
Mini 7 bulb flashlight.

Decorated wooden egg thing.
Multi-use Batman thing. I was confused at first until I noticed that one wing has a mini-Phillips head screwdriver, and the other has a mini-flathead screwdriver. At that point I realized it’s a multi-use tool. It also opens cans.
A lion keychain.
A money clip.
Two movies from Blockbuster; John Tucker Must Die and Surfer, Dude.
A seed kit to grow a blue spruce tree.
A mini voice recorder which can hold a 10 second recording. Wanted one for a while, but then smartphones came out.
Plastic ring with LEDs.
Party shot bottle stopper.
Replacements for a cap gun. Ironic, since I sent a capgun to someone this Mehxchange.
Green Apple flavored Aero Shot Energy thing.
Anti-slip pad for electronics.
Half scale Endo skull from Loot Crate. Associated with Terminator Genesis.
I bring the association up, because I also got…
A brain chip from the same movie. (Tempted to make a joke aimed at @Barney, but I’ll hold back.)
A 3 pack of bracelets and rings.
A mini coin pouch (I think).
And finally, a dog tag necklace.
Ok. I think I got everything down.
Very nice job @tinamarie1974, and yes. It WAS meh-tastic.
@PlacidPenguin really nice haul. Loving the terminator stuff.
@PlacidPenguin I am glad you liked it, sorry I couldn’t find any penguins at my house…I tried drawimg one but my artistic skills are limited to stick figures…meh…
Wowie! A rather large package from @Studer was delivered to me just last Friday and after an agonizing weekend out of town I finally got to open it!
-7 Habits, I have a little bro who will be getting this.
-Pocket Thesaurus
-South Park seasons 2 and 6, Absolutely awesome one of my favorite shows
-Air pump? wasn’t brave enough to plug it in yet
-Wheels, Axels, and a CO2 charge
-Door stop with a suspiciously “CO2 charge shaped” hole in the end, possible DIY rocketcar?
-Tea Lights
-Some kind of stone, It is going into the landscaping out in front of my house.
Keychain Breathalyzer, Should be fun at parties
-Trip Glasses! too bad the battery was dead…Definitely need to scrounge up a replacement
-3 Pairs of Sunglasses, I already put one pair in the car
-Pocket Dominoes
-Cars Pedometer, maybe my little nephew can use this
-Nerf revolver
-Socker Boppers!!! The Mandela Effect is kicking in strong with these. All of my friends and I could have sworn these were called Sock’EM Boppers back in the 90s
Super thank you for such an awesome package!
@nigglez they changed their name at some point in time. The wiki doesn’t say when exactly.
@nigglez @studerc…paging you…
@nigglez That CO2 racecar should be loads of fun. We built some of those as kids and raced them on a pinewood derby track… backwards.
@brainmist check your email. Your box has been returned to sender twice and I need to confirm the address is correct.
@Kidsandliz oh no
I wrote the address on the box twice just in case the label went missing.
@RiotDemon I just checked and this well-traveled box was finally delivered to its real destination today.
Would the following people:
please contact me and let me know if you haven’t posted your loot because (a) you are a lazy bum who needs punished and you promise to post today or (b) your sender hasn’t sent anything yet so they are a lazy bum and needs punished and banned from future exchanges, or ( c) I am a lazy bum and missed somehow that you have posted so need punished because I just made you look bad (and so feel free to reply to this so you are publicly vindicated). Please send an email to me at mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com
And yes @PlacidPenguin I will be posting shortly what you sent me as I feel a bit more human today…
If you sent a box and it wasn’t to one of the above people on that list that I know hasn’t posted and I missed that they haven’t posted please let me know as well (I suppose that comes under ( c))
@Kidsandliz Mostly I am a lazy bum, but there’s a lot of water in my basement right now and I can’t concentrate.
@mossygreen What a pain in the butt to have a flooded basement. My parent’s basement used to flood on a regular basis. There was more than one night when they dragged the lot of us out of bed in the middle of the night to make a chain to send stuff up the stairs (them staying dry the kids getting wet LOL). That was always a mess to clean up.
@mossygreen you poor thing. That stinks! Hopefully you dont have too much loss
@Kidsandliz I’ll take option B for $500 Alex
@tinamarie1974 I sent that person an email
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Aw, thanks. We had a ton of stuff in the basement (and we knew better), and the water’s up to the ceiling. The upstairs is fine, the waters are receding and we’ll probably be able to pump it out in a couple of days. It sucks (so much, especially for my mom), but there are people who have things a lot worse (not in our neighborhood thank goodness, just in general). We have our crappy, flooding house, the upstairs junk, our relative health, and a large tree did not fall on me during the storm (I watched it fall on a spot I had been standing a couple of minutes previously from a few yards away, and where I would have been had I decided to rescue the recycling bin). It also didn’t fall on the house or another tree.
Long story short: it’s going to be awhile before I post, but I will post, and the led lantern that @mehbee sent me came in really handy (first because I knew I wanted to order them when they came up in the meh-rathon, and then because we lost power the next day).
@mossygreen The mold, and how quickly it grows, will be one of your biggest initial problems (besides getting every last thing out of the basement while it is still wet). Getting industrial fans (which will be in short supply) to blow walls, support beams, anything not metal or cement dry is key to do ASAP… although cement, if not sealed well is a real PITA to get mold out of, while a pressure washer helps you still may be scrubbing with nasty stuff (so decent gloves to protect your hands from chemicals matter and having enough expendable scrub brushes - both of which will also be in short supply)… I do not envy you with the cleanup. Sorry your family is having to go through this.
Oh and the “know better part”… umm… the repeated basement human chain bit in my post echoes that… lets just say, that is human nature.
@Kidsandliz You sent boxes and I still haven’t seen anyone reply in a listing to your 1) kindness in sending to them and 2) because of all of the hard work you put into not only running the exchange this time - which you also kept up while at your family reunion and 3) continuing to do this and the Prince X contest and reveal thread and 4) still hard at working on it after getting sick from a tick. Others have posted for numbers 2, 3 and 4 but not a thing for #1. I’m was getting impatient before but now I’m just angry. If I missed the people that you sent to actually finally posting then I semi apologize except for the fact of what took you so long? She sent them out early so you should have been near the top of the thread.
@WTFsunshine I finally posted further down the thread what I sent. That person also has not sent to their person (someone else will be sending). They will be banned from future exchanges. My track record with people posting what I send them now stands at 2/5 which is disappointing. I very much regret sending this person meh branded fukU and fukO stuff, some very nice new stuff… Tracking indicates delivered a month ago.
@Kidsandliz Seeing as how I have mentioned before that I don’t have a filter and I cuss worse than a sailor I am restraining myself so I don’t offend the ones on here that don’t like swearing. Because if I were to type what I’m thinking it would probably fill up the next 12 lines in this post. I’ll tone it down and leave it at Selfish Aholes I’m going to hit the say it button now because I really really really want to type out what I’m thinking.
@PlacidPenguin saved my box to send since I was going to be out of town. It was waiting for me when I got back.

As you can tell it was packed to the brim.
Dumping it out
A more organized view:
And some close ups
What was inside was a very eclectic pile of
junkstuff, some of which I will need some guidance as to what is it/used for.See next message for list.
Hmm well those last two photos were right side up when I loaded them…
Blue toy factory dog and Ty beanie baby Theadore - both of whom will likely be confiscated by small children 4 and under
Evidence that @placidpenguin has too much time on his hands - large rubber band ball. Probably needs given to a soon to be 4th grader to smuggle to school to use in the classroom in conjunction with spit balls
Halo lantern that works. I think these came from meh when they sold a set of three? Useful for camping and power outages.
A thing that I am not sure what it is used for except to power something. As one port is the same as an andriod phone and the other is usb maybe a battery backup? Uses batteries and then has a DC 5v port. Says Etekcity. Has a bag to hold it.
White elastic posture corrector, hand labeled as such.Perhaps I need to send to @barnie so she has good posture at her wedding to Prince X?
Zippered glasses case that my glasses fit into
A mini quad copter with what looks like all the pieces, instructions and 3 extra propellers. Haven’t tested it if works yet. Hopefully it does. Will need to keep it away from the cats because likely it is also cat bait.
A very worn out men’s wallet (that if I leave downstairs with free on it will disappear) and a metal money clip where the card says “No more bulky wallets”. As it tore the card when I took the card out, it might tear money too.
A safety manual to likely an exploding samsung phone (did not look up the model number on the safety manual to confirm but why else would I be sent this, if not for irony?).
Screwdriver with removable heads. Will be put to good use as all my lovely 30 year old Craftsman tools were stolen when I moved into this dump.
Manual pencil sharpener. Along with one pencil that needs sharpened and 2 automatic pencils. 10 pens of which 6 work, unfortunately not the cow one.
Screen or glasses cleaning cloth.
LDesigns wireless charger, plug into cigarette lighter, ubs charger,
Halo clear scratch protector for an iphone 6. Maybe I can trim the edges for an iphone 5
Green plastic soldiers
2 card readers
3 pins (I love PBS, PBS digital solutions, one in favor of libraries).
One disposable chopsticks, I presume so I can eat ice cream more efficiently (you know - stab a scoop and lick it like an ice cream cone).
One round bandaid
One of those credit card multi tool things that TSA probably would think is a weapon
4 chargers and one cord for an android phone
One container 1/2 full of solution - for what use I have no clue. Says do not spray directly on device.
Four UBS charger plugs, and 2 adaptors of some sort, one of which looks like it might be to be able to use USA stuff in the two hole foreign electric plug ins?
And then four things I have no clue what the heck they are:

Enlightenment please!
Thank you so much! I will be using some of this stuff, some of it I can gift and some will show up in a later exchange.
Been told the lantern did not come from meh… well wherever it came from it works fine.
Now for the unidentified objects:
The RCA-Lyra is an 11 year old MP3 player
The skinomi thing is used for screen protectors which get applied using liquid. This piece helps remove liquid by pressing down on screen protector and pushing towards edge of device.
The plastic thing with black dots was ripped from an old cordless phone. It’s the piece between the buttons and the main board.
The last thing is a multi-crayon thing. You pop out a color and put it on the holder on top.
@barney - I misspelled the flagging of you in my above message. I will repeat the relevant section so you don’t need to go hunting.
Found out the Etekcity thing is a bright lantern and then can also be used to recharge phones. Quite bright - far brighter than the halo lantern.
Finally in town from a long business trip so I can upload what I received.
I’m at work right now, so I’ll be sure to list everything I received in the morning when I get off. Overall good stuff from @djslack
@yugrudfooz delivered a truly strange and lovely box!
So there’s a long saga to my box from @morningsave, which went first to @riotdemon, then was returned twice as undeliverable by UPS (with whom I have an account, fer cryin’ out loud!), then didn’t show up as I spent the day hovering and doing yardwork, just in case it was the undergrowth that scared them away, then DID show up sneakily at an unexpected door…
It was starting to remind me… Of something…
@brainmist I think you mean @zachdecker (as there is no @morningsave in this exchange)??
Ok, maybe not THAT much drama. But close! Contents had been spindled more than a Winchester, but nothing was broken.
And I was so excited, I started unpacking and shooting pics even though an hour with a chainsaw leaves the hands really shaky. Assume the pictures are blurry because they’re ACTION SHOTS!!
Right in top was a note from @RiotDemon, who not only sent along this box THREE TIMES YOU HAD ONE JOB UPS, ONE JOB!!
They also sent their own little goodies:
Wait. There’s a pattern here. Does everyone know I’m a zombie? And have I started to smell? Is this a hint?
Beneath this loot was MORE LOOT! Admittedly, I have the mind of a magpie, but this seems brilliant!
I was going to go through in order. But then I came to the bottom, where were these books:

Puzzles? I love puzzles! But mine is the mind of a magpie, not a negotia- OMG THIS IS A SECRET MESSAGE!
Which I shall endeavour to decipher. Badly.
The logic puzzles are an obvious hint. The other book…M and N are outlined… Is it about Minnesota? It’s probably about Minnesota.
But back to the top:
One of the most stand out items was this globe. It appealed straight off, being black as my shriveled heart, but I was surprised to find it was solid, cuddled up against the mini beach ball. What was its arcane purpose?!

Hmm. Closer look.

@brainmist Some of the stuff was originally labeled as to its source. -I tried to include something purchased from meh.com, something from morningsave, something from knivesandspeakerdocks.com something from my neighbor’s garbage can, etc.
I’m not surprised it has gotten even more mixed up than it originally was.
@Kidsandliz Ack, yes! Ok, tired brain is tired. Sorry, @zachdecker !
@brainmist The suspense is unbearable. Did you use the knife to stab open the globe and find…
Next up: Lots of miscellaneous electronics. Can you ever have too many outlet timers? The Gremlins who keep stealing mine say No. Speaker docks, OTOH, yes… Unless you have a Bluetooth adapter!
There were light bulbs, one of which had escaped its box and… Wait. Wait a second here.
Also, how do you know about the dim lighting conditions in my house?
Also a fire alarm… Wait, is this another clue about global warming?
And some snazzy metallic stickers. These will, believe it or not, get used, because I’m old but I just don’t care.
The coup, though, was this magnificence:
You know the annoying friend who will pretend talk using their hand as receiver? I am now that friend, except the conversations will be REAL. I can’t wait for winter!
And assorted miscellany.
![enter image description here][2]
![enter image description here][3]
It took me a while to figure out the buttons were for screw holes in wood shelves. Which does actually make them useful. (Adds to drawer of things I swear will be useful someday).
The brand is Madison… And Wisconsin is adjacent to Minnesota.
The gorilla glue was immediately useful, because last week I broke this bowl, and was out of super glue.
![enter image description here][4]
And now… Voila!
![enter image description here][5]
Well, mostly voila. It took a few tries, and now it’s misaligned on one side, because that’s always how WAIT, HOW DID YOU KNOW, @Zachdecker???
Even the squeegee had already been useful, because I was so excited about @zachdecker’s clairvoyance/ espionage that I should my drink, and I squeegeed up the mess. But how could he know? The box was sent weeks ago!!

So what have we learned? @zachdecker is psychic, clairvoyant, excellent at espionage, or able to predict that the average meh fan likes knives and electronics. Global warming is bad, and the earth will stab us for it, which is probably the fault of Wisconsin’s screwhole wooden peg, Paul Ryan. But we can sound the alarm and maybe put things back together, even if not quite like new. And that would be shiny. Also, post too many pics, and things get glitchy. Puzzle solved!
I did not stab open the globe, because it seems metal, and nothing is rattling inside. It’s probably a red herring.
Thank you so much, @zachdecker, for the delightfully amusing box of crap, to @riotdemon for persevering until it got where it needed to go, and especially @kidsandliz, who organized this while thing. I feel that, like this mehtastic box, we’ve made a long journey together, of exploration and discovery. So I leave those of you still reading (probably because I tagged you) with this:
@brainmist I’m glad you liked the little undead stickers. I liked them, but an ex gave them to me, and it just made me sad to see them. As for the incense, it’s my favorite. I love all the scents in the pack. I’m really picky about incense, but those I love. I usually have 2-3 packs at my house because I can never remember how many I have at home and I’ll just grab a pack when I’m at the grocery store if I’m in that aisle.
No praise is needed about forwarding the box. I only shipped it once. I don’t know wtf usps was doing with it.
@zachdecker The photo of the open box of lightbulbs made me laugh. I have a couple of boxes in a cabinet that say led bulbs, but have cfls in them. They are still good, but the leds were really cheap and I didn’t want to wait years for the cfls to burn out.
@RiotDemon Crap, I forgot to add my interpretation, that it represented an idea that was outside the box and different from expectations!
The incense was varieties I like too. An excellent box, all around.
@brainmist Actually that Mind & Heart book is a textbook LOL. Actually a pretty good one and the author is well known in the field of negotiation.
If the following people would contact me I’d appreciate it:
Please contact me at mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com

Here is what I sent my person since I want the world to know. Below is the letter I put in the medium priority mail box I sent my person that lists much, but not all, of the stuff I crammed into that box:
After snooping around meh I discovered that you believe (erroneously I am sure unless there is a lot of justifiable homicide going on in your household and you keep having to throw knives in the river – or maybe you juggle with them?) that a woman can never have too many knives. Well now you have 6 more. They have never been used (but I couldn’t fit them in the priority mail box had I left them in their original box). My brother-in-law says a man can never have too many screwdrivers and my sister says a woman can never have too many flashlights – so each to their own. They are only wrapped in paper towels so be careful taking them out.
I also found you had never gotten a fukU (the “good stuff” event we haven’t seen since the first year) or a fukO (the “bad stuff" event that is the norm now). So I have collected stuff I have gotten from both to send to you (and also, to some degree tried to duplicate that experience for you – except things are not left rattling around a box to break like they are when meh sends them). The stuff below is from fukU’s and FukO’s I have gotten:
• The red bag thing is a fukU item so a much more limited addition, rare bag, only offered once that I remember. So now you have my only red fukU drawstring bag (I do have a purple FukO one but that is used, this one is new).
• The meh branded hockey puck and can holder cozy thing is from a more recent fukO.
• The Meta watch I got in a fukO and have no idea if it works. Never even removed it from the box. You will have to search meh to find out (as they also sold these) what is up with these. Odds are high it is missing a part like a charger and/or broken (so welcome to the fukO experience as this is common)
• The valentines were part of either a VMP mailing or fukO?? I can’t remember.
The wall hanging heart with a key on the boards – I won that in a drawing (I was going for the $100 visa cash card, oh well). Never been hung on a wall or door – maybe you can use if for a valentine’s door decoration?
The Big Hershey Kiss – that is a new item, never opened. There are some office supplies in there that are also new (post it notes, clips, etc.).
The little speakers in the box are stereo by the way. Bought them from meh new. Never been out of the box. With Fuku’s you can get some new things. The person I was going to send them to for a birthday present bought themselves a really nice bluetooth set and made this present obsolete.
The cat mouse – well I saw you have cats, or at least one cat. It may or may not be of interest to them. You might need to rub cat nip on it. While there may be a stray cat hair on it (I do have 4 cats and everything in this house has a stray cat hair on it or two or a million) it is unused. I have a duplicate one that my younger cat carries by the tail around the apartment and sits protecting it (my older ones are 16 and are mostly not interested in playing with toys anymore except that on a fishing rod that I dangle over them so they can play while being lazy and not getting up – they are window sitters).
The remaining items are from my garage sale pile, other mehrican exchanges… no guarantee anything works or will be useful to you (again a common fukO experience and I am trying to duplicate that for you plus throw in some nicer stuff). I just packed that stuff in until nothing more would fit in the box.
Hope you enjoy at least some of what is in here.
PS There was also a small (like 4-6") wind chime, a small wood puzzle, some hot mit thing for the oven (still in the packaging), a weird green alien figure, something (I forget what) that I don’t know what it is… there are still a few more treasures that have slipped my mind.
That sounds like a pretty nice box.
All said.
@f00l I thought it was, I researched them on this forum and found things they said they wanted. Under the circumstances that this person also hasn’t sent to who they were supposed to send to, I so so so regret sending them the irreplaceable meh branded fukU and fukO branded stuff, the new stuff… sigh. Tracking indicated the stuff was delivered a month ago.
I have 2 people who have been screwed in this exchange (well actually a 3rd person but that person is being taken care of already and should have a surprise box arriving sometime this week). I have sent an email to my other back up person to see if they can still be a backup. I need one more backup for sure (and maybe two although that is unknown at this point). If you are drowning in mehrican exchange worthy stuff and would be willing to volunteer to send someone a box I would be forever grateful (as would the recipient). You (and any others who are sending a box to those who got screwed) might even be able to bribe me when the next exchange rolls around (grin).
@Kidsandliz If I had a few days I’m sure I can scrounge up some stuff around here to send to someone. Fair warning, my box would include some stuff received in this current exchange
@metageist Thanks. A few days would work fine. The people have already waited far longer than that. Just getting something would make their day.
@Kidsandliz I can dig up another box. No worries, just let me know. I can probably have one out by Friday afternoon-ish.
@Kidsandliz I’m hoping the screw-ers aren’t names known to most of us?
@ruouttaurmind Thanks. I will email you. They are first timers for the exchange although at least one of them has posted some on and off.
@Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind Once again, I think those who do not follow through with sending a box, should have their names screamed from this thread for all to hear. Followed by shunning. And then tar and feathers. Or tar and feathers first and then shunning? I can’t make up my mind.

/giphy blacklisted
@RiotDemon Finally a good one. And next is a public hanging.
@Kidsandliz, @Barney, @RiotDemon, I believe in the next exchange there should be a term requirement for Mehmbership. By checking profile and/or forum activity, ensure the user has been in the fold for at least… whatever. Six months? A year? this prevents (or at least limits) the ability to create a fake account, or for opportunists to join just to screw someone in the exchange.
Yes, as I think through this, it’s a reasonable qualification.
@ruouttaurmind @Barney, @RiotDemon Yes there will be further screening next time and non-senders will be banned. As it was I caught one person with a fake email address and valid user ID. Left them out.
Freakin’ connivers. Always working an angle, always looking for the gimmick. Puh.
/giphy hang 'em high

@ruouttaurmind says the man whose profile is not accessible!!!
If a user has history of forum presence, that’s easy. If they don’t, you are required to enable profile access to qualify for the list?
@Barney i think you have to tar them before they are shunned…otherwise they will be expecting the punishment
@tinamarie1974 I always get those mixed up. But I do enjoy a good old fashioned tar and feathering.
@Barney remind me not to piss you off…but I do like the way you think!!
@tinamarie1974 And I have a long memory.
That’s a good thing.
It enables you to get revenge long after other people forget.
(Not that you would do such a thing.)
@metageist @ruouttaurmind please check your email. I really appreciate your generosity!!
@Barney Once as kids we were on the roof of the cabin putting roofing tar over a leaking metal roof. Well my cousin accidentally knocked off the big bucket of tar. It landed upside down on the porch stoop step. Oops. We had had a pillow fight outside and wrecked a feather pillow. So being
stupidclever kids we decided to scoop up all the feathers and put them over where we couldn’t scrape up the tar. Yup tarred and feathered the stoop step. The adults couldn’t decide whether to kill us when they stopped laughing or torture us picking out each and every feather (they chose the later and then with turpentine - if I recall correctly what we used - we had to scrub and scrub that step.)@Kidsandliz Email received. I’m all up on it. Should get one out this afternoon or tomorrow morning at the latest.
@ruouttaurmind Thank you for being so generous!
@Kidsandliz Since I didn’t hear back from you I am presuming that you don’t need another box from me.
I (vaguely) recall saying this already but in case that was only in my own head, I thank you kindly for your hard and diligent work in doing this thing. It sucks that your recipient welched.
I feel these people should be publicly named and allowed a chance to explain themselves, though they should be banned from future mehxchanges in almost all cases. I also agree with those who propose minimal participation requirements, including >X months of membership, >Y purchases and (probably) >Z posts in the forum, though I am unsure what values should be used for X, Y and Z.
FWIW, last weekend, I sorted through the roughly cubic yard of boxes in my bedroom (all stuff has been organized and moved to basement) and came up with two large boxes packed with items for 4-6 mehxchange boxes. Plus there is the stuff in the living room and the unorganized parts of the basement to go thru…
@Kidsandliz I’m happy I could help. You’ve done so much for the exchange to succeed, I’ll be damned if I’ll let some slacker spoil your efforts!
@baqui63 Thanks. I heard back from others first. I know I emailed some people from the sign up who said they’d help but without looking I can’t remember whom. If I forgot to reply to/email you I am sorry (still dealing with Lyme disease and sometimes I miss a few things). Unfortunately each exchange I have noticed that there has been a need for a few generous souls to make up for the asshats who take and don’t give. As a result your boxes will come in handy next time for sure.
And yes next time I will do some initial screening (and posting how I will screen). In the end only one person sent a crap box, two didn’t send at all (one of whom also didn’t post either and that person has been on the forum and posted enough times that that person would have slipped through the screening anyway), one gave a fake email address so planned to take and not send but fortunately I saw his email bounced before I assigned him to anyone, and everyone else sent and posted. There were, I think, 49 people in the exchange of which only 3 were jerks which isn’t all that bad all things considered. And of course there were some heroes who picked up the slack or offered to but weren’t needed in the end - this time around anyway.
After the University Mail Room not sending the package issue got sorted out, my Exchange bag arrived on Tuesday! Sorry it took me a couple days to post this!!!
Items blocked by my nosy cat:
My cat was SUPER interested in the Mexican candies, which I found interesting because she is almost never interested in Hooman foods. Hopefully I’ll get the guts to try them!
(the Bullet Formatting thing totally broke this post, Trying to get in all the editing I can to fix it before I run out of time)
Who sent to you?
@mflassy Oops, left that out! @Jamesstout was the sender.
Hey @moonhat I heard a rumor that you got something today!!! Do tell!
@Kidsandliz I did, I did! I’m so excited to get a fun box of stuff like I see in the pics on here…! It was a blast opening it (and trying to stop my husband from stealing things) and I’ll post pics tomorrow… there was Dvd’s, books, toys, keychains, a meh bag and a woot bag, so much super good stuff, and I think it’s from @placidpenguin because I saw a Placid Penguin, Inc in the return address? But so sweet and I’m such a happy lady now!!
@moonhat Yes that is who it is from to make up for the crappy one item box you got.
@Kidsandliz @placidpenguin you guys rock, truly. You’ve made my week!
@moonhat Nice collection of stuff. @placidpenguin sent a great box. Is that mouse toy on the floor from the box or from a cat you have?
Here is the wonderfulness that I received from @placidpenguin –
-John Tucker Must Die DVD
-Surfer Dude DVD (Matthew Maconaughy!)
-Taming the Infinite book
-The Name of War book
-Three 2018 calendars
-a woot bag!
-a Meh bag!
-various random pads of paper (already brought them to work)
-a great coca cola coupon! My husband might have stolen it already
-a little mushroom desk vacuum
-a nice pen
-a big squishy kushy ball thing. My cat Eddie tried to escape with it but it was too big for him to move
-ring caps
-tampered glass protector for phone
-money clip (swiped by husband)
-batman keychain opener! Very cool
-a couple tiny rubber duckies
-a energy shot
-lipstick holder case (have always wanted one of these)
-a recorder keychain thing
-a tiny digital photo keychain!
-a car cell holder that you put in the vents (I love these!)
-plastic bracelets
-a roly wolf toy thing (Hubby explained what it was, I forgot)
-a Kia google glass thing, fun!!
Thanks again @placidpenguin you are so nice
@placidpenguin sent you a Google Cardboard headset? Fun.
@Kidsandliz yes I have 3 cats- Nora, Eddie and Archie
@mflassy actually google cardboard- I don’t know exactly what it is- I need to find a link for it, from Kia I think? I’ll get it figured out but it looks fun!
@moonhat you can download apps and watch YouTube videos in 3d.
Just go on Google play and search cardboard.
You stick your phone in it and it becomes almost like a virtual reality headset.
@RiotDemon thanks! Should I put apps on my phone for it too?
@moonhat Yep! Lots of fun apps. If you like horror start with Chair In a Room, 11:57, or Sisters. Something like those are fun. The cardboard app has a camera for taking 3D type photos.
If you get a controller you can use on your phone, there’s a bunch of games you can play where you actually move around. Those you need either a different headset or to strap the one you have to your head with a headband or something, lol.
One more time.
For @kidsandliz
@f00l You are welcome but it isn’t a big deal. Heck others have done this before me, including @studerc who started the whole thing and ran it 4 times and then @Yoda_Daenerys ran #5 and I have only run one #6 - this one so the thanks really needs to go to those who did this before me.
Agreed. Absolutely.
Thanks to you both for all that work and caring and energy, in doing these.
Hey @Tinamarie1974 read your email
@Tinamarie1974 Oops forgot to send it. Sent it just now.
@Kidsandliz got it and responded. Thank you! :))
It’s really heartwarming that there’s so many of you that are willing to send stuff without getting items in return.
It’s a bummer that there’s people on the forum that have the guts to not follow through on their end.
A big thanks to the awesome people that picked up the slack!

/giphy thanks!
@RiotDemon Yes I am so very thankful for those folks - whether or not their services were needed this time around!!!
/youtube talking heads same as it ever was
@RiotDemon People sign up for this and then never send anything? Do they get stuff? WTF?!

They should be taken behind the barn and then shot.
@mfladd Yes we have had several screw others by taking and not sending, or in one case sending a really, really crappy box. And then sometimes we have people who never post to thank their sender. I had a nag a few to get them to post. A couple have sent late (although not always their fault) and one was sent to the wrong person (my fault) who then sent it on to the right person and then a third person was so kind to pay the postage so I wouldn’t have to. So mostly we have good souls involved in this. Not sure we can ever stop all bad behavior.
@Kidsandliz anyone that wants to complain just needs to sign up to run the next
@Kidsandliz there is always those who ruin it for everyone. It is just amazing how many good people are on this forum.
@Kidsandliz Did you get enough volunteers? I have tons of stuff I could send.
@sammydog01 Yes we have enough and the folks have already been sent their boxes… save it for next time LOL. Thanks for the offer.
For the suggestion box…
New senders required to send to a central location priority mail. Central location then forwards the boxes along to the proper place. No extra postage required. This would place a delay in transit but if no box sent, no box in return. You would not be able to personalize boxes but it may be a fair trade off. It might end up with new people trading with each other unless they have an earlier mail date.
Alternative, proof of mailing required before their address is valid in the exchange. Have a set of senders wait a bit longer before getting the place to send out. You could maybe catch more people by having two windows to mail.
@speediedelivery I worry that’s a lot of work for the organizer, and does make it a bit less fun for first timers who want to do it right. I was a first timer and while I didn’t stuff my box chock full of delights I think I did fine for sending given the fact I was unemployed at the time, including a tiny personalized item and something with “meh.” on it (though not Mediocre Labs made). And apparently I was one of the first to send out, since my recipient was the first to put a reveal pic on here.
But if we want to do some reasonable gatekeeping, maybe we do it on the signup side, before any packages go out. Perhaps a higher prerequisite of Meh presence? Minimum number of posts, minimum altruism score, minimum account age, minimum number of purchases on Meh? I think if you make the barrier to entry a bit higher without making it harder to actually participate you’ll weed out a lot of bad eggs.
How does this part work?
@Kawa Just throwing the ideas out there. I was hoping to generate some other thoughts and opinions. It is hard to vet internet usernames since it is easy to have an alter ego. Someone can create names, post and qualify then change the username and do it again. I have not participated recently, do you need an account here to play now?
It could be everyone sent to a central location and the first sender gets the next box to arrive and down the line. The central person then sends to the last arriving box. It would limit other carriers so more money is not spent on mailing. It would be alot of work swapping and checking lists.
I guess it would be the decision of the person running the show.
@f00l Any first class or priority mail can be forwarded at no charge if it is not opened. Cross off the address and put forward to the new address.
It would be a job for someone or even a few people. Maybe a set of regional coordinators to mix boxes up and keep postage down for all?
There could be a requirement that newbies send out first and provide tracking to the exchange admin.
I am presuming that if someone has done one or two exchanges, and everyone had been happy about that person’s conduct, then they could be considered to be “exchange participants emeritus” or something.
I am presuming that if an “exchange regular” screws up, that person is prob having singular stress at that moment, and is likely to make good in the end.
Yeah the admin or a few assistants could handle that. A little extra work.
But the boxes could still be personalized, couldn’t they? Assuming the boxes all had return address on them?
@f00l If assignments are made before mailing. If the addresses are drawn after mailing from the ones that mailed it would not work.
@kidsandliz @metageist I am happy to report I went outside to check the mail today and found a mystery box sitting on my porch

ke up exchange box from a very kind @metageist! There were lots of goodies and a very nice note!
Upon opening the box, I found out that it was a ma
The box contained:
this item!
*A jump rope
*A very large puzzle
*Several stickers and “wound” tattoos
*Magnet for Pagliacci’s Pizza - If I’m ever in Bellevue, WA I know where to go for pie
*A pair of aviator sunglasses
*A plastic cat
*A cat toy - mouse
*A deck of playing cards
*A book - “How to tell if your cat is plotting to KILL you” Since I truly believe cats have an ulterior motive, I think this is hilarious and a must read!
*A Meh hockey puck! Given my love for hockey (Go Blues!) I
*Three hair barrettes - they will go to good use
*A carabeiner - I don’t know how to spell it
*Last but not least two really pretty photographs - I love photography so these are great!
Thanks again and I hope I uploaded these pics correctly!!
Not sure how I duplicated that one pic, sorry but it is really pretty and worth viewing a few times
And a candle I just realized I forgot the candle, sorry!!
@tinamarie1974 The black cat is actually magnetic, I think its supposed to hold pins or paper clips on your desk
@metageist oh that is cool. I’ll have to bring it to work and try it out
@metageist Thanks again for sending her one when her sender crapped out!
Can someone please tell me how to post pictures? I thought all you had to do was…oh crap turn phone sideways and the image comes back…duh so please don’t mind this test
@candiedisilvio1 so what else did you get besides a woot monkey?
Oh @ruouttaurmind thank you, thank you, and have I said THANK YOU yet?!?! I received the best box ever! The amazing thing is you weren’t assigned to me but you we’re kind enough to send me such an amazing box when the person that should have pooped out!! Thank you Lizandkids for arranging this substitute. I love every single thing in my box. It was Woot/meh/crap-tastic! (Honestly not one crappy thing in the whole box)

I received a Woot Hear Me scream Flying Monkey!! So cool I love him! I did have to wrestle him out of Charlie’s mouth…no worries he’s safe now
Two Core bamboo cutting boards! I love to cook thank you for personalizing the box.
Who does not love Egg McMuffin’s? I know I love Egg McMuffin’s! I can make them now with the Easy Eggwich Microwave Egg Cooker although my son-in-law did try to steal it from me… I had to stab him with a fork
A very cool book that tells you the meaning of Cockney Rhyming Slang by Shelley Klein.
Here’s an example: Adam and Eve= Believe
"Would you Adam and Eve it!" Is a popular phrase from the mid-19 century, “I didn’t Adam and Eve it” and it is still used today to express disbelief. Cool right?!?
My very first fidget and a straw that snaps on top of your soda.
Dear lord it’s the box that keeps on giving!
MORE WOOT SWAG!! A Woot Cupcake! Woot woot!!!
AND…More Woot swag! ( can you hear me grinning from ear to ear). It’s A really cool ShirtWoot lanyard and keychain
Well at this point the boxes really over-the-top already right? There’s still more stuff!!!
A Garadise power bank! Which I will definitely use since I had to borrow my daughters for vacation. thank you so much
A Sorker Bluetooth car charger!!
A really nice SG Scientific Games T-shirt then…
Smurfs pins! A Chinese Checker Board and a captain America Air Freshener!
![enter image description here][13]
@candiedisilvio1 if I am not mistaken the figit is bluetooth…
Awesome box!
@ruouttaurmind where did you get that adorable cupcake? (Obviously woot…but how did I miss it?)
@candiedisilvio1 Nice box!
@candiedisilvio1 I’m glad you enjoyed the box! I tried to include useful, interesting, amusing and just plain silly so all the fun groups would be appropriately represented. I figured you had enough disappointment from your original sender screwing the system, I wanted to make sure you got the goods with this one.
@mikibell, the cupcake came in a BOC many years ago. I recall TT at the time proclaiming it is a LCD screen duster. The back is like microfiber or whatevs.
The spinner is indeed blue, but I didn’t notice any teeth on it anywhere.
@candiedisilvio1 PS: If you ever find yourself in a casino, and see that Willie Wonka game… skip it; It’s hungrier than me at a Chinese buffet, and your dollars are the sesame chicken!
@ruouttaurmind really you went way above board and I thank you so very much. I had to split up the post because I was giving myself an anxiety attack worrying that my phone was going to freeze and I’d loose everything. I truly honestly 100% love every single thing in this box and know I know to stay away from the Willy!
@candiedisilvio1 that sounds dirty lol
Sorry I had to split this up I was scared I’d loose it all…and the box STILL kept on giving!
A new deck of NAPA Cards, a Dragon Fly keychain, 3 umm I mean 4 (I ate one already
) Panda Express Fortune Cookies
And how very sweet you put something in for my little Charlie Bacon flavor Canine Carry Out Treats!
The king of kings, the swag of all swag…how did I get so fricken lucky!!!
THE ONE THE ONLY CAN IT BE?!?!? Could you Adam and Eve it? THE MEH PUCK!!
Thank you @ruouttaurmind I don’t know if I am worthy to receive it but I promise you I shall cherish it!
And my remarkable amazing box was finally at a close. Thank you so much @ruouttaurmind Your box was truly amazing and thank you again for stepping up to the plate. I bow to the giver of the swag. You made my heart smile!
@candiedisilvio1 Aww, shucks. Weren’t nuttin.
@candiedisilvio1 BTW, that dragonfly is a certified B-grade celebrity! He’s been viewed by over 175,000 people in my “how to make a paracord dragonfly” instructable.
I see what you did there.
@ruouttaurmind A celebrity dragonfly on top of everything else!?! Mind is officially blown
@ruouttaurmind LOL I couldn’t help it
@candiedisilvio1 your too funny!!! It really is cool! I’m going to have to look him up…have you named him/her lol
@ruouttaurmind it was so much more than nothing

He used to go by his given name, but ever since the instructable blew up he changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol.
@ruouttaurmind I will cherish )72$?lawqke knowing it came from your heart
LMAO! Fair one!
Thank you @lizandkids it truly is an amazing box and thank you so much for arranging this and the whole exchange. You did a stellar job.
@candiedisilvio1 You are welcome however it is the people in the exchange who did the outstanding job sending their folks nice boxes (well most of them anyway) and I really appreciate people posting what they got so their sender can have their efforts recognized. Thanks all.
Bumping this thread for the new to exchange people so they can see examples of the random but not junk stuff that makes up an exchange box