Image Uploading
33You can now insert images directly into our forum.
If you click the image icon at the bottom of the post or comment editor, you used to see this:
Now, you will see this much more attractive dialog:
If you select a file by clicking “Upload…” or drag an image onto the box, you’ll get an image link that you can insert in your post. If you prefer, you can still use the old method of putting in a direct link to an image.
This should be particularly distressing for those of you who will be receiving a Fukobukuro in the coming days. You folks no longer have an excuse to avoid sharing pictures of the horrible things we mailed you.
- 19 comments, 60 replies
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Now there’s another thing to complain about which isn’t available to mobile users in portrait mode.
(Oh and sure, some people may appreciate this feature.)
@FroodyFrog If only there’s someone for those complaints to be directed to …
(Hi, @dashcloud!)
This makes me unnaturally excited.

Yes! Thank you so much for this! Now I no longer have to go through extra steps to post pictures. You are less and less meh everyday. To show my gratitude, here’s a picture of my sleeping puppy.
@PurplePawprints What beautiful fuzzy slipper(s)
@PurplePawprints A+ pup 10/10 would star again
Thank you for allowing us to foul your servers with our dirty pixels!!
(I only have like 3 photos on my iPad, here is a broken speaker)
@cinoclav Imported M&Ms?
@narfcake Not mine, I just love the perfect sticker placement.
Hey, this works!
I was afraid to touch the center of the web because I didn’t know what might be activated.
/giphy accidental upload

@joelmw have you considered using a vpn like tunnelbear at work?
@communist I’m not that committed. Here’s what happens when I even go to their site.
I’m lazy, goddamnit. And I don’t exactly have time to waste–rather, I need to optimize my time wastage. Even periodic searches for workable image hosting solutions have wasted more time than I have. As soon as I have it going, the fuckers fuck with something else. Hell, I have a hard time doing my actual job sometimes, as much as they block and obstruct.
@communist That’s a typical error when I go to a cloud storage site or whatever.
@communist Here’s another:

@joelmw try this one
@communist That one actually appears to be open (for now). But it’s more money than I was wanting to pay ($0). Still, good to know. Thanks.
I just have to try it.
@harrison Can we get a write up about the architecture of this feature, and what lead to the decision to open up an image hoster?
@dashcloud There’s nothing very fascinating going on in the backend, but if there’s interest I could talk about putting together the React component behind the dialog.
@harrison That’s amazing that putting up an image hosting component is now trivial enough to be unnoteworthy… Are you using AWS, Azure, or something in-house to store the images?
@dashcloud Cloudinary, same CDN we use for our other images. @medz posted about it below here
For anyone feeling nostalgic, the still has the old dialog
Who owns the images? If the server is hacked or crashes, are my pics safely backed up?
@medz looks like i hope they’re legit and won’t sell my pics.
@hallmike so i think meh will be held liable if we misuse the service since i assume we’re uploading contributed content to their account. Fun!
@medz @hallmike
Works for me.
@Shawn @Harrison @OtherWebDevStaffIDontKnowYet
/giphy Great Job!

Great feature addition! I probably won’t use it personally because I often want to upload straight from my clipboard (feature improvement idea perhaps?) which imgur is great at but I can see this helping a lot of people. You’ve had a busy week!
You mean @katylava ?
@FroodyFrog do I? I don’t know, I’m not familiar with all the mehmployees and their positions. I (think I) know @hollboll is Customer Service, I’ve generally assumed from context that @shawn is a web dev, perhaps the head web dev not sure, and from this thread I have inferred that @harrison is also on the web dev team. Beyond that I think @snapster owns the joint or something, and @matthew makes videos, naturally there’s also @Thumperchick who, while not technically employed, is basically employed as the moderator for this lovely forum.
Beyond that, I know nothing.
@katylava are you the staffer I’m kinda sorta but not really looking for i.e. a web dev team mehmeber?
I have a list of the staffers who have revealed themselves, along with some names they used in the past.
@FroodyFrog wait… they change names?! Who told them they could do that? Don’t they know that doing so could lead to mass confusion, panic, and hysteria?
To be fair, I only have one listing for an alternative name, and this person doesn’t really make posts from what I can tell.

/giphy interesting

/giphy stalk much?
@jbartus yes. @katylava is a dev.
For making the list, or keeping track of names?
What? Huh? Hello? Yes?
I’m the other Web developer. I haven’t worked on a lot of the cool customer-facing stuff though. Not for any reason in particular, just happened to work out that way. Or, well, I guess it’s fair to say I haven’t been as interested in that stuff. Which is weird… why not?
I guess I have some introspection to do.
You’re the main one, THEY’RE the other ones.
(Did that sound convincing?)
@jbartus Poor @katylava gets to work on the “fun” stuff like sales tax.
@katylava it’s okay, I get how it works. I do front end for the most part and leave the under the hood stuff to others, so naturally when everybody sees the end results of our collective labor I’m the one getting piled with praise.
You said ‘the other’, who is your ‘other’ or are there three total?
@FroodyFrog tracking the names.
@jbartus 5 software engineers, 3 of which you might classify as Web developers, but the lines are awfully fuzzy.
It’s not my fault. I happened to notice one day though that a name on my list which I got when I saw a post on a thread happened to be different the next time I saw the post.
The good kind of fuzzy?
/giphy fuzzy

@katylava those lines usually are. Well like I said @shawn if you guys ever want to crowdsource help or have a testing view you guys want someone who understands this stuff to play with let me know.
@jbartus There’s a whole mess of stuff over at and we accept PRs.
@shawn cool, now I have a hat brim to go with your name!
@DMlivezey I see a bike begging to be stolen, is there more significance to that picture than you’ve revealed?
@jbartus i was just trying out the new image posting jazz, butt the other end of the cable has the u-lock going thru frame and rear tire and bike stand, so me thinks it is pretty secure.
/giphy stolen bike

@DMlivezey I accept no responsibility for comments made regarding the security of a bike I could not see the entirety of.
Did this change come about so that images would stop disappearing? Or so pic heavy threads would, potentially, load faster? Or both?
@Thumperchick or neither?
@katylava isn’t it awesome when users assume causality where there is none?
Why can’t you guys just have wanted to make it easier to post images here? haha
@thismyusername saved
/giphy tacos
@JerseyFrank it seems that giphy doesn’t like tacos.
@JerseyFrank @Thumperchick
/giphy mexican food

@medz oh giphy u crazy
@katylava @medz
Some of the results which I’ve seen from the new feature are hilarious.
@JerseyFrank if you only you had VMP… imagine the tacos it would have shown… if only…
/giphy tacos

So I guess I need to start doing this more often, because apparently I’ve exceeded Cloudinary’s (the main image hosting site not blocked by my agency’s filtering) free capacities. They’ve been nice about it, and I’m admittedly a cheap bastard, but $49/month isn’t quite in my price range. Any of the following images shown below that I’ve posted here is likely to disappear.

My warning (in fairness, they reached out to me via email and, like I said, were very nice about it; this is just to show my sins):

My options:

That’s only $588 a year for a basic plan.
Why do things have to be so fucking complicated?
I like the goat one.
@joelmw If you have Amazon Prime, it includes unlimited cloud storage for photos.
@rockblossom Yeah, I don’t think it’s gonna work from my PC at work (which is where I do most of my meh goofing off). Somewhat surprisingly, our filters let me part of the way in, but then I see a lot of this, and uploading hangs, etc. etc. fuckitall. It’s really not so horrible. Just a hassle and annoying.
Similar sorts of things happen with Google Drive; and it’s super inconsistent. The inconsistency is partly a reflection of the fact that our security guys are still figuring things out–which is disconcerting but I don’t altogether hate it because it means that I can usually find an easy way around the obstructions, but not in this case.
That Prime photo thing might be cool otherwise though. I’ve been meaning to look into it some more.
@rockblossom And this has been spinning for about a half hour.
I’m gonna leave it over lunch, just for grins.
does your work have a “non-biz” wifi for employee and contractor tablets/laptops/phones?
Could you use your phone or tablet over the alt network or cell carrier?
@f00l I can use my phone and tablet over a cellular network. Prefer to not use my phone 'cause it counts against my data plan. The guest wifi is actually more restrictive than what I have access to as an employee (and given my role). But the bottom line is that the PC is just easier for many things and I prefer it.
Photo never uploaded at Prime, btw. And still just those placeholders where my other images should be.