I am borrowing a neighbor’s cell phone on Tuesday to take a picture of my fuko. Now, what do I do? I’m so discombobulated. (It means I’m stupid.)
Btw, I went to the doctor, today, to see if I broke my toe when my fuko maliciously attacked me when I was walking by it in my living room. It’s okay, but it has now turned an even lovelier shade of purple.
You could also take the photo/s with the phone, have that person email them to you and then you can save/download 'em to your computer and upload them to the meh forum in steps 5-7.
Edit: if you do use their phone, make sure to logout of meh, so they don’t hijack your account!
@medz for what it’s worth my Galaxy S7 doesn’t seem to like their image uploader.
@Barney if it gives you a hassle trying to upload I would suggest the email method @medz mentioned or asking them to temporarily install the Imgur app and upload them to imgur that way.
@communist True dat. @barney can email me at:
medzjunkmail@ the email domain of google (rhymes will pee mail)
I even promise to keep your email address secret and safe at no additional cost.
@Barney yeah if it’s not a smart phone…does it have email?
You’ll want to either email the photos to yourself or hook it to the computer and grab the photos that way…somehow get the photos onto the computer and post them from your computer using the same steps as above.
@Barney as ignorant said, those are two options – when you say it is not smart, what kind of phone is it?? even modern dumb phones can send pictures Want me to email you my phone # so we can walk you through this?? No need to panic.
@Ignorant@mikibell I couldn’t find a charger so I called my neighbor at work. (Gee, she loved that. Not!) Anyway, I’m going to meet her on her lunch hour and pick up the charger. She did say that the phone does email pictures, so I’m good there.
This is so crazy. All I want to do is take a picture… Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone will steal my Fuko thingy while I’m gone.
If I need to, I’ll ask for your phone number. What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.
/giphy "surely you can’t be serious"
Are we talking a flip-phone? Sometimes you can send a text message to an email address. You could try that to send it to your own email. OR, find a usb cable that fits (might be the same one that charges it) and connect the phone to your computer and get the picture off that way. In the off chance the phone has a micro SD card in it (not a SIM card, mind you), you could pop that out and find a normal SD card adapter to then put into a slot on your computer (if it has it) or find a USB adapter for SD cards.
If you email me, I suppose I could give you my google voice # and you could text the picture to that number and then I could post it for you. You would have to promise to keep it secret and keep it safe, though.
Edit: Also, if you email me your mailing address, I can mail you a gently used digital camera with the USB stuff you’ll need to get pictures over to the computer.
Aww, @medz, I didn’t mean for this to be so complicated. Thanks for your offer, but we will use your google voice # only as a last resort.
One way or another, I’m going to figure this out. (Yes, it’s a flip phone.)
I still have high hopes that someone will steal the stupid Fuko thing while I’m gone.
I didn’t see your camera offer until just now. That’s very kind of you, but if I don’t get this phone camera thing figured out, I’m just going to give up. The digital age is probably not for me.
@Barney i know we’ve had our differences, but i’ve taught my octengenarian parents how to ‘do computers’, and i’d be happy to help/teach you as well (so long as you agree with all my posts going forward )
@Barney Wow! What a awesome day this must have been for you WAY back in 2016!! Joy, joy, joy! Do you remember the feeling? Look how far you’ve come!! Woohoo!!
Btw; Happy Thanksgiving my purple lovin fiend! Always!!
To add insult to injury, I was standing in my driveway trying to figure out how to work the cell phone camera and my mail carrier (yes, the one who delivered my Fuko), stopped and said, “I’ve gotta get a picture of that.” He pulled out his camera, quickly snapped a picture, and left. Am I the only one left on this earth who doesn’t know how to take a digital picture?
@Ignorant Honestly, I didn’t find it very easy, but thanks to you good people on the forum, I muddled my way through it. So I guess if a Barney can do it, anyone can do it
To all you image wizards: I have some PDFs on my phone (android). Do I need to convert to png or jpg to upload?
These are PDFs of full webpages, so they need to come out reasonably sharp and readable after any conversion.
If I do convert, before imgur or hosting wherever, what’s the best way to do a reasonable quality conversion starting w my phone and not necessarily using my laptop, since I am so incredibly lazy.
I could pickup my laptop and use it I spoze, if that would be better. The laptop would be about 5 inches away when I would be doing all this, and man, I might have already suffered thru a tough day. It’s so much work to reach over and pick the damned thing up. But I could do it. Irfanview is installed on said laptop, if that matters.
The source files top out at 3.66mb, except for 1 file that’s 27.33mb, no idea why it’s so much bigger, doesn’t look like it should be bigger than the others?? Anyway, do those file sizes mean I’ll have a file size hosting problem after conversion, given that these need to be readable?
I almost never deal with images except to look at them, so apologies for being clueless.
Seem to work pretty well.
-Opened the app
-Clicked the plus sign in lower right to add the pdf (found mine PDF under the Downloads folder)
-Clicked Convert to image (JPG) (played an annoying ad the 2nd time at this step)
-It creates a separate image for each page in the original pdf
-The images are saved in the “X2IMG” folder on your external storage
You can upload JPEG, PNG, GIF, APNG, TIFF, PDF, and XCF (GIMP) files to Imgur. Please note that TIFF, PDF and XCF (GIMP) will be converted to PNG on upload. PNGs over 756KB are automatically converted to JPG. Imgur does not currently support WEBM, MP4, or GIFV uploads. They will need to be converted before upload.
The maximum file size for non-animated images is 20MB. The maximum file size for GIFs is 200MB. GIF files over 2MB will be converted to GIFVs. PNG files over 5MB will be converted to JPEGs.
Non-animated images over 1MB for anonymous uploads and 5MB for account holders will be lossily compressed. All non-animated images receive lossless compression that reduces filesize while maintaining quality. Large GIFs will be converted to GIFV, which shrinks file size while maintaining high quality.
@f00l I don’t allow Barney to have a credit card; she has no spending control. I, on the other hand, will shop anytime day or night, but in moderation.
So perhaps it’s the recursive being controlling the bong controlling the being controlling the bong controlling the being controlling the bong controlling…
@f00l copy that shared link to imgur.com and upload it there. its less hassle and this way its guaranteed to work. if i remember correctly last time dropbox shared links didnt work on meh forums.
@f00l Meh should load any image (.jpg, .gif, or .png) just fine. For your second question, use the Private Browsing mode of your browser to check out the link you’re going to post- if you can see or get to your account details, you’ll want to change settings to avoid leaking any info.
I am borrowing a neighbor’s cell phone on Tuesday to take a picture of my fuko. Now, what do I do? I’m so discombobulated. (It means I’m stupid.)
Btw, I went to the doctor, today, to see if I broke my toe when my fuko maliciously attacked me when I was walking by it in my living room. It’s okay, but it has now turned an even lovelier shade of purple.
Thanks Meh, I still love you.
@Barney Gotta love a purple toe.
Easiest way is to probably load it direct from the phone.
You could also take the photo/s with the phone, have that person email them to you and then you can save/download 'em to your computer and upload them to the meh forum in steps 5-7.
Edit: if you do use their phone, make sure to logout of meh, so they don’t hijack your account!
@medz Uh, huh… Yeah… Hmm… Well… Okay… Piece of cake?
We’ll see. Thanks for the help.
@medz for what it’s worth my Galaxy S7 doesn’t seem to like their image uploader.
@Barney if it gives you a hassle trying to upload I would suggest the email method @medz mentioned or asking them to temporarily install the Imgur app and upload them to imgur that way.
@jbartus Why does everything have to be so complicated? I need e-a-s-y because I’ve never even taken a digital picture before.
Maybe I should just get out my crayons and draw what I got like I did with my goat prize. @hollboll, would you be willing to post for me again?
@Barney to encourage us to drink.
@Barney everything isn’t so complicated I’ve been told. Just accept it, it’s easier that way.
@Ignorant I’m putting you on my list of incorrigible people. You should feel honored.
@Barney honored I am.
@looseneck I didn’t want you to feel lonely.
Sorry for the delayed reply, but yes @barney if you want to send me drawings, I’ll post them for you.
@Barney I am honored to be first on your list
@Ignorant Ahh, the bat signal!
@Ignorant Wait JUST a minute. All I had to do was just click on that picture thing? Crap. Who knew it was easy?

@Barney Man, this is all YOUR fault. Now I’m going to post pictures all the time. ALL THE TIME.
(Really glad you asked this question. Thank you.)
@Shrdlu lol
@Shrdlu Ahh, another one who was NOT paying attention in class. Glad I could help.
I’ll be expecting a lot more pictures from you.
You don’t have your own phone?
@conandlibrarian Aww, I wish.
if you still have trouble, you can always email or text the picture to someone and they can post it
otherwise, i use imgur.com(use the phone browser)
the upload button is on the top right
@communist True dat. @barney can email me at:
medzjunkmail@ the email domain of google (rhymes will pee mail)
I even promise to keep your email address secret and safe at no additional cost.
@medz Thanks, as inept as I am, I may take you up on that offer.
@Barney you can send it to me … whatever makes your day easier…
@medz is that offer open to all aMeh.ricans?
@Yoda_Daenerys Sure. Unless I get inundated with bogus requests. Then everyone goes to junk mail.
/giphy purple toe

@cattylaq Even with my purple toe, my feet are not that ugly.
So, I got everything lined up to take the picture. I had to use my garage door as a backdrop because I’m lacking space inside my house.
Got ready to take the picture and… The camera needs to be recharged. -sigh- Looking for something to charge up this sucker.
Oh, and right now, traffic is slowing down in my neighborhood as the lookie loos stop and stare. Hey, maybe I should put a “For Sale” sign on it!
Btw this is not a smart phone. Will this make a difference?
@medz @mikibell @Ignorant Help please?
@Barney yeah if it’s not a smart phone…does it have email?
You’ll want to either email the photos to yourself or hook it to the computer and grab the photos that way…somehow get the photos onto the computer and post them from your computer using the same steps as above.
@Barney as ignorant said, those are two options – when you say it is not smart, what kind of phone is it?? even modern dumb phones can send pictures
Want me to email you my phone # so we can walk you through this?? No need to panic.
@Ignorant @mikibell I couldn’t find a charger so I called my neighbor at work. (Gee, she loved that. Not!) Anyway, I’m going to meet her on her lunch hour and pick up the charger. She did say that the phone does email pictures, so I’m good there.
This is so crazy. All I want to do is take a picture… Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone will steal my Fuko thingy while I’m gone.
If I need to, I’ll ask for your phone number. What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.

/giphy "surely you can’t be serious"
Are we talking a flip-phone? Sometimes you can send a text message to an email address. You could try that to send it to your own email. OR, find a usb cable that fits (might be the same one that charges it) and connect the phone to your computer and get the picture off that way. In the off chance the phone has a micro SD card in it (not a SIM card, mind you), you could pop that out and find a normal SD card adapter to then put into a slot on your computer (if it has it) or find a USB adapter for SD cards.
If you email me, I suppose I could give you my google voice # and you could text the picture to that number and then I could post it for you. You would have to promise to keep it secret and keep it safe, though.
Edit: Also, if you email me your mailing address, I can mail you a gently used digital camera with the USB stuff you’ll need to get pictures over to the computer.
Aww, @medz, I didn’t mean for this to be so complicated. Thanks for your offer, but we will use your google voice # only as a last resort.
One way or another, I’m going to figure this out. (Yes, it’s a flip phone.)
I still have high hopes that someone will steal the stupid Fuko thing while I’m gone.
I didn’t see your camera offer until just now. That’s very kind of you, but if I don’t get this phone camera thing figured out, I’m just going to give up. The digital age is probably not for me.
@Barney I don’t think the digital age is for me, either. Except for the whole interwebs stuff: online shopping, search engines. Oh, and video games.
@Barney i know we’ve had our differences, but i’ve taught my octengenarian parents how to ‘do computers’, and i’d be happy to help/teach you as well (so long as you agree with all my posts going forward
@Yoda_Daenerys You see, I almost always find it hard to tell if you are serious or not, so I am going to politely decline your offer.
Besides all I need is:
/youtube a little help from my friends
And I’ll get by.
@Barney it’s funny you should mention that, my 3 adult kids tell me the same thing, and they’ve known me for a while.
my offer of help is flat out serious, i’m good at it.
I did it!! I posted TWO pictures! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
/giphy Barney happy dance

@Barney yay!!!
I would like to thank all of the little people who made this possible. Thanks @Ignorant, @medz, and @mikibell.
@Barney Nice work! Those things are legit. Certainly a conversation starter.
Here’s a link to the post with the pics for any stragglers: https://meh.com/forum/topics/fuko-11-second-birthday-reveal#5797bda580779ee409226923
@medz My mailman said it looks like they are made out of old, broken, waterbed pieces. Yeah, they kinda do.
@Barney Wow! What a awesome day this must have been for you WAY back in 2016!! Joy, joy, joy! Do you remember the feeling? Look how far you’ve come!! Woohoo!!

Btw; Happy Thanksgiving my purple lovin fiend!
@Barney So you are the one that posted the dick pic?
To add insult to injury, I was standing in my driveway trying to figure out how to work the cell phone camera and my mail carrier (yes, the one who delivered my Fuko), stopped and said, “I’ve gotta get a picture of that.” He pulled out his camera, quickly snapped a picture, and left. Am I the only one left on this earth who doesn’t know how to take a digital picture?
@Barney Nope, not any more. You’re a pro now!
@dolphinone Hahahaha, nope.
Posting photos, so easy @Barney can do it.
@Ignorant Honestly, I didn’t find it very easy, but thanks to you good people on the forum, I muddled my way through it. So I guess if a Barney can do it, anyone can do it
@Barney yes (but with those carvings adorning your abode who cares if you can take a pic)
@thismyusername I’m going to try as hard as I can to give them away.

/giphy for sale free
When can I expect delivery? (It says free shipping)
@jbartus I lied.
@Barney I’m gonna report you to Consumer Affairs, the BBB, the FTC, and MY MOMMY!

/giphy mommy dearest
@Barney o.O
To all you image wizards: I have some PDFs on my phone (android). Do I need to convert to png or jpg to upload?
These are PDFs of full webpages, so they need to come out reasonably sharp and readable after any conversion.
If I do convert, before imgur or hosting wherever, what’s the best way to do a reasonable quality conversion starting w my phone and not necessarily using my laptop, since I am so incredibly lazy.
I could pickup my laptop and use it I spoze, if that would be better. The laptop would be about 5 inches away when I would be doing all this, and man, I might have already suffered thru a tough day. It’s so much work to reach over and pick the damned thing up. But I could do it. Irfanview is installed on said laptop, if that matters.
The source files top out at 3.66mb, except for 1 file that’s 27.33mb, no idea why it’s so much bigger, doesn’t look like it should be bigger than the others?? Anyway, do those file sizes mean I’ll have a file size hosting problem after conversion, given that these need to be readable?
I almost never deal with images except to look at them, so apologies for being clueless.
@ignorant @medz @mikibell @anyoneelse
@f00l hmmm… Probably an app for that…
If it all fits on the screen, you could take a screenshot then crop that image
Maybe there is a image printer similar to PDF printers you could use to “print” to an image.
I’ve never went from PDF to image on the phone so I’m no real help.
@f00l sorry, like @medz I’m not much help with PDF to image conversion on phone.
@f00l I tried out an app called X2IMG from the google play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whenair.x2img
Seem to work pretty well.
-Opened the app
-Clicked the plus sign in lower right to add the pdf (found mine PDF under the Downloads folder)
-Clicked Convert to image (JPG) (played an annoying ad the 2nd time at this step)
-It creates a separate image for each page in the original pdf
-The images are saved in the “X2IMG” folder on your external storage
Cool thx. Do you happen to know what the size limit is at imgur? I know, I’m just being lazy, will look it up. <pout>
@f00l 20MB
You can upload JPEG, PNG, GIF, APNG, TIFF, PDF, and XCF (GIMP) files to Imgur. Please note that TIFF, PDF and XCF (GIMP) will be converted to PNG on upload. PNGs over 756KB are automatically converted to JPG. Imgur does not currently support WEBM, MP4, or GIFV uploads. They will need to be converted before upload.
The maximum file size for non-animated images is 20MB. The maximum file size for GIFs is 200MB. GIF files over 2MB will be converted to GIFVs. PNG files over 5MB will be converted to JPEGs.
Non-animated images over 1MB for anonymous uploads and 5MB for account holders will be lossily compressed. All non-animated images receive lossless compression that reduces filesize while maintaining quality. Large GIFs will be converted to GIFV, which shrinks file size while maintaining high quality.
@f00l yeah, so it looks like imgur will convert your PDFs to PNG automatically. I would suggest using their app for ease of use on a phone.
Wait, do Fuko’s not count as orders?
“Barney isn’t sure about this whole meh thing having placed 0 orders, clicked the meh button 12 times, and voted in 31 polls.”
@connorbush She has a secret alter ego that actually buys things.
@sammydog01 GOT it. Same. Darn @connerbush not buying anything… cheap ass evil twin of mine.
/giphy psychedelic purple

@ELUNO I love purple.
Does @Barney only buy stuff herself if it’s purple?
@f00l Since she’s mentioned purchasing shirts in other threads here before, I would have to say no.
@f00l I don’t allow Barney to have a credit card; she has no spending control. I, on the other hand, will shop anytime day or night, but in moderation.
@Barney speaking in third person?
@RiotDemon Someone has to control the strings on the puppet.
Oooohhh, the recursive being controlling the being controlling the being controlling the being controlling…
@Barney’s tripping mah head. Nice.
So perhaps it’s the recursive being controlling the bong controlling the being controlling the bong controlling the being controlling the bong controlling…
@f00l Let me guess – OCD?
Where’s my bong?
Moar stooopid q’s
If I have a shared file (image, or PDF) in a shared n location in Google Docs or Dropbox, can I link to it here in the forums and have the image load?
And if I do that, will I be outing my Dropbox or Google Docs account/email, or offering that account as an attack target?
@f00l copy that shared link to imgur.com and upload it there. its less hassle and this way its guaranteed to work. if i remember correctly last time dropbox shared links didnt work on meh forums.
I was worried about imgur size limits, but it like ok’d like that won’t be a problem on the png files.
@f00l Meh should load any image (.jpg, .gif, or .png) just fine. For your second question, use the Private Browsing mode of your browser to check out the link you’re going to post- if you can see or get to your account details, you’ll want to change settings to avoid leaking any info.
Thx for private browsing idea.
@Barney Where ARE the pictures of what i’m thinking MUST have been your first IRK?