Meh bag
Dr. Seuss pop-up book - Happy Birthday to You
Precious Moments “God Loveth A Cheerful Giver,” from June of 1998
Copper Mule Cup (or at least it looks copper)
I like Irk T-shirt, medium
Like I said, Meh
BUT WAIT…something inside the bag:
A beer cozie with Meh. on it
A Meh. magnet - nope, wrong. Not a magnet. Maybe a Meh. sticker? Yes, a Meh. sticker.
AND black sunglasses with purple (Barney?) temples and Meh. printed on the temples.
@carl669 Hey, leave her alone. Not all of us are technical wizards around here. Geez, he goes off to China for a few days, comes back and thinks he owns the place.
Mine got to Smartpost this morning-adjusted 2.0 lb holding weight to actual weight of 2.4 lb. With the box weighing something-this probably means my fuko weighs less than 2 lbs. Not a good sign.
@jwithy I’ve got a broken meta watch with the charger (thanks meh) . You can have it. The watch only works with the charger attached which makes it less than convenient. Not sure how to contact you outside of this forum.
@brhfl@sammydog01 I have to admit, my gf and I own two large and one small Boynton pigs. Her name (from the tag) is Gertrude Swine. Yeah, big fan here.
What the fuck.
This is my second Fuko. The first one had a damn 36" tall damn cat thing.
This box shows up. The mailman could barely fit it in his little mail-mobile.
A 50" long meh-box. Great, another damn cat. shit.
Once I opened the thing up, I was greeted by:
A 48" tall devil thing with a 12" long dick.
What the fuck did I do to you meh???
Do I deserve a damn 4 foot tall devil??
I look closer, the dick is removable. It’s a damn stick to beat the devil-drum?
I tried pounding on the devil with the devil drum dick. It sounds like shit. It sure ain’t no drum. SHIT! Meh tricked me into pounding devil dicks. You bastards! Damn.
I dump the rest of the box onto the floor:
An Alien wall toy. Ehhhh…
Purple meh shades… Hmmm… OK…
meh coosie. Keep beer cold? I like it!!!
meh sticker… Going on my toolbox. Not bad…
Grand Tour shower curtains… I can shower & pretend I’m naked in Paris! Wheee!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY napkins. Well, maybe usable…
Piranha Shades… These seem to be nice sunglasses!
Red Meh Bag. Always useful.
I improved the devil with the shades…
I’d say thanks, except you mailed me a 4’ tall damn devil.
I’m afraid to try for my third fuko…
@capguncowboy It has to be about the most hideous looking thing since the 3’ tall damn cat I got last time.
No, this is even worse. It’s hands are wrapped around it’s removable dick. I don’t think I can even donate this thing.
@daveinwarsh Donate? No sir. That there is a White Elephant gift. Someone needs to receive that as some sort of gift. They need to feel obligated to keep it despite their true desire to rid themselves of it.
@daveinwarsh After seeing this, I am bit of afraid of what I may get in 5.2 lb hilarious psychotic iguana. Hopefully your order reference wasn’t indonesian-phallus-drum or I really am in trouble.
send me the red devil!!! My grandmas high school was the red devils and i need to give it to her for xmas so i either get my inheritance immediately or never.
@daveinwarsh Cool devil! Hey, give your Sheltie a hug for us. She (or he) looks just like our 16 year old girl we had to have put down June 2nd. We still miss her every day.
@OldCatLady I know. Actually I just had to laugh. Don’t tell meh though… After 3 beers, it isn’t quite as hideous, though it’s still ugly. My wife can’t believe it. lol…
@daveinwarsh OMG this is hilarious. I was crying I was laughing so hard. I really need to know where I can get one of these for a gift! Thank you for sharing and for the perfect write up!
@daveinwarsh I have a dear friend that loves all things hilarious. I even sent her your post so that she could laugh along. Her reply? “HILARIOUS!!!” as well as “WTF is “meh” anyway?”. I obviously need to educate her!
@owlhooter I looked for Bali drums online. There’s nothing like this devil-dick drum. It turns out that Bali makes other different bad-sounding instruments!
@daveinwarsh i’m incredibly scared i might have the 2nd in what could be a matching set to yours. i’ll be opening it tonight. i can only imagine what a demon lady would look like and which of her body parts could be seen as “musical”.
The gang here has been nervously awaiting the arrival of the Fuko…
…and it arrived much earlier than expected.
The usual suspects: bag, koozie, sunglasses, sticker.
Star Wars ruler.
Cheap plastic butt-ugly yellow corvette model.
Party stick-on tattoos.
An old anatomical knee with removable parts! It will certainly provide a minute or two of fun.
Thanks meh!
@PenguinOnTheRox You are correct. Here’s what’s on the box:
I see one listed for around $30 on Amazon and cheaper on ebay. I was going to donate it but it’s yours if you want it.
My 33.6 lb Fukobukaru arrived, left out by my door immediately after a rainstorm.
So far, so good.
1 - Fuko bag
1 - Meh koozie
1 - Meh sticker
1 - Pair of Meh sunglasses
1 - Mooing meat thermometer (wet box, likely due to delivery)
1 - Dart gun
1 - 6 balloons
1 - LensKit for a cell phone (damaged box, likely prior to arrival
3 - Suction cup thingies (seems like for picking up panes of glass or something)
All in all, that maybe accounts for 2 lbs of this box. Behold the remainder, 30 lbs of “Waterless Cookware”!
3 - Lids (two sizes, 1 missing the temperature attachment)
2 - Sauce pans (different sizes)
3 - Large pots (2 large, 1 larger)
4 - Strainers that seem to fit inside the pots (same size)
5 - Bowls? (I think they go inside the other pots for cooking, but who knows?!?!, 4 of one size, 1 of the other)
2 - Silicone pot holders
1 - Lid or something (it kind of fits some of the things)
1 - Instruction guide to make sure I don’t kill myself with the first use
1 - Instruction Book to give recipes so I learn to cook without water
I literally have never even heard of “waterless cooking” and I think I need to get some lids for the larger size pots, but this will really help me along with my waterless lifestyle.
@pengieh I think the strainers are meant to be used as steamer baskets? That would make sense to be waterless cooking, seeing as the food isn’t in the water.
@pengieh I have had waterless cookware since I went to a friend’s Homemaker’s Guild party where it was demonstrated and bought a set on payments. Mine is only 3 ply stainless but currently they sell 5 ply. Multiple layers for even heating was a selling point. Use on the stove on low heat with a small amount of water in the bottom pan and the baskets stacked on top with veggies or other items with a lid on top. Cook your entire meal on one burner was another selling point. You do need a little bit of water but you aren’t supposed to have to keep adding water as in other cookware. I do not have the bowls but see using them as mixing or prep bowls. The plastic handles are the only weak link as they are damaged if subject to excessive heat. How durable are they you ask? Mine are now over 30 years old and still in use. Only have one saucepan that got overheated when I scorched gravy in it. That caused a hot spot that likes to burn. They are a great product. Awesome fuko.
Updated to 17.3 lbs!! This fuko is my first ever so I hope it’s gentle. I’m getting nervous, but thank goodness it’s not going to be the devil dick drum!..unless they had more
If works, be satisfied-got other assorted crap such as the sun glasses, pencil holder, mello smellos, USB power adapter, and happy birthday streamers (exact same product sells on amazon for 5.48 so I have recouped my initial investment.
All in all not a bad haul-more functional than my first fuko and most important good enough to keep my wife from giving me grief when I order the next fuko.
Holy Fuko. My package arrived today- total weight is 15lbs. Totally happy with my purchase!!! Rock the Fuko!!
Can’t wait for the next one! Thanks, Meh!
Mine arrived today!
Had an interesting assortment of things in it
red Meh Fuko bag
black Meh can cozie
purple Meh sunglasses
“meh.” sticker!
notably not-meh-branded snap cable
green singing birthday monkey
Aliens Alien Queen calendar watch
pair of Cobra 2-way radios (packaging opened and poorly taped back together)
and weirdest of all, a “Dennis Miller” talking action figure
I don’t know who Dennis Miller is, but judging by the blatantly racist and decidedly unfunny quotes the doll says I don’t really care to know either. This doll is going straight to the trash, not even worth white elephanting.
The Aliens watch though, will make for a great white elephant gift!
When I saw the monkey, I was really hoping it would be meh branded and be a renaissance of the classic Woot! monkeys… I collected those woot monkeys for several years and still have an impressive lineup of color/cape variants on my shelf.
Sadly though it is an unaffiliated monkey. It is smaller than the normal woot monkeys and slightly larger than the woot keychain monkeys, and instead of screaming, it sings "Happy birthday to you! You live in a zoo, you look like a monkey, and you smell like one too!"
I would put it with the woot monkeys anyway, but as soon as it started singing… well, see for yourself:
@KDemo I second that. He likes to think he’s much smarter than he is. Or maybe he is really smart – doesn’t make him funny though. Anyone else remember when he attempted to ruin Monday Night Football with color commentary?
@capguncowboy i think he is really smart… too smart to know what’s funny to the rest of us. you have to be very extremely knowledgable about … everything … to get his jokes.
-Meh bag, sunglasses, sticker, and cuzie
-Coors Light hat
-bluetooth headset
-Clifford’s Birthday Party book WITH STICKERS
-Turtle Tuck pet costume
-DeliPRO slicing guide knife
-Regal 1 GHz RMT2004-EXT-20. After some googling, it appears to be a “Multi-Tap” that’s used for “delivering video services”
Okay, the party is now over, y’all. You can go home, because has transferred Irk to me. No, really. See?
All I have to do is run some of the mile and a half of lights that I own into the openings and then fire it up with my new Cobra CJIC 250 300 Amp Portable Jump-Start/Air Compressor with A/C and D/C Power Outlets. I will wrap my new meh coozie around a cold beer, wear my new meh PURPLE shades, put my new meh. sticker onto my car window, and cuddle up with my new Itty Bitty Birthday Boo, by Gund. For company I have an Alien (for ages 18+) wall relief and a Silly Surfer model. The menu will be egg sandwiches (the red & white plastic thing), accompanied by whatever I bring home from shopping with my red Fuko bag. On second thought, I really don’t want the Alien for company. Really. I am so very grateful to have Boo and Irk instead of the Devil Drum, though.
(WTF am I going to do with meh Irk sign? The ‘I’ alone is 18" tall and 6" deep… Suggestions very welcome.)
@RiotDemon No need to send money, although the alien thing I have is exactly the same as @OldCatLady s. Send me your address at sammydog001 at the gmail thing. I’ll be out of town for a week but can mail it when I get back.
21.1 lbs, escaped the warehouse Monday, delivered today (Thanks Smartpost!)
fuko bag
awesome meh super swag pack (koozie, glasses, sticker)
Birthday Diva shot glass on beads necklace
Cowboy Gun cap gun, looks vintage
Chef Pals chicken thermometer, goes “cockle-doodle-doo”
Mitaki-Japan 30 LED Lantern. LED bulbs, compass, handle, requires 4 D batteries (wtf? Assuming run time of 27 months, I guess)
and the one thing that has consistently made me jealous of other fuk* recipients: Neato Botvac 65! Returned to but appears new inside. Will check it out and see.
Thanks and a happy birthday, Meh! I hope to find the card from last year to send back to you soon!
Botvac was used and a return. Dirty but not overly so. Charged up and it is currently vacuuming my living room. I appreciate its orderly approach to navigating. I think we’re going to get along just fine!
I waited and checked everyday to follow the shipping status. 2lb… has to update at some point… 12.5lb. Now that sounds promising. Will it be a Neato or Roomba… maybe a new receiver, it would be cool if I got the Korean takeout sign like someone else did in the past. I rush home today and see a good size box. It has some heft. I tell myself has to be something you can’t use. Don’t oversell it. The kids are excited. We take it in the camper because that’s what kids do I guess. I open it up and see… WTF… a brass peacock… ummmm…huh.
So I got an Elvis beer tray (Elvis not really my thing but I have a few old beer trays)
2 different place mats?
My Little Pony book (5yr old took that)
Clifford Birthday book (2 year old took that)
And the bag, sticker, classes and coozie combo.
With Meh expect the unexpected. You win MEH… I need a beer
@brhfl The Mohu is a good over-the-air TV antenna, that was recommended to me. It could make a cord-cutter out of you, if you got a TV… I own one. The un-amplified one is $30 and the amplified one costs more. So a good deal!
@Veloslave@YodaDaenerys it’s an AA 2XL. Wouldn’t need anything in return. Drop me a line back here if either of you are interested. If you’re both interested, figure out which of you wants the left and which of you wants the right half.
@pellucid This thing actually isn’t an antenna (though, seeing that they’re primarily an antenna company, it makes sense why they tout the antenna passthrough so much!). It looks to be a connected sort of device with Netflix, YouTube, TV Guide, etc. apps. Not seeing it on their website, probably explains why Meh has them…
@brhfl Sure, I’d love it, and if I have to choose, i’ll take the outside, @veloslave can have the inside . I do have an AA XL of the VMP shirt that I would be happy to ship in return.
@Yoda_Daenerys Kind of forgot about this what with the thread becoming so unwieldy! I see @veloslave starred your comment, but just going to wait for confirmation that they don’t want it since they did ask first. Otherwise, drop me a line, b at [my username] dot com.
Got my fuko today.
Fuko bag with purple glasses, meh cozy and a meh sticker.
Toy dart gun.
Hulk vs Thor squeeze toy.
A plain Burgandy T-shirt XL(used?).
A folding Happy Birthday banner.
Logitech Harmony Touch remote. Obviously a return. Power adapter was missing, but no big deal since it’s usb.
It might have gotten use at meh since it had 2 Seiki tvs and a Denon receiver listed as devices. I highly doubt someone that owns a Denon receiver would own 2 Seiki tvs, so keep your eyes pealed, we may have a Denon receiver coming up.
Biggest Disappointment since I’ve been getting bags, well done meh …well done.
meh bag
meh koozie
meh sticker ( nice quality )
meh sunglasses
Diva shot glass on a beaded chain
soft dart gun
Old Fashion Ice Cream Kit
(But I don’t own an Ice Cream Maker, and the box says
2011 on it, so it will go right into the trash)
Samsung Bluetooth Headset…looks used …eeewwww
and the best part…
Silver Plated Monkey Candy Dish
@somf69 hey… I ate some frozen chicken the other day and after noting a slightly off taste, checked the date and it was 2008. You can handle that ice cream kit, my friend!
Yay! Thank you meh for the tablet! The one from the last Fuku really was terrible, it couldn’t even support the BusStop app I was planning to use it with!
I’m still charging the new one, but it already feels and looks like an elegant knock-off. If you could sneak another one in next time I can finally realize my dream of having a little frame on the wall that tells me when the next bus is coming.
(Not pictured) Pokemon Wall Graffiti and a standard issue brown wooden walking cane. (how the hell do they know how old I am?)
A re-manufactured food sealer (with the original owners mailing label still on it…lol)
A Happy birthday Big Shot glass
Meh Sunglasses
Meh Sticker
Meh Koozie
And oh yeah…
A straight from the 70’s Sankyo (Sounds like what a rapper says about the Italian Navy) Pachinko Machine that is old, weighs a ton, falling apart, missing glass and who knows what other parts and looks like it has been sitting outside in the sun for a few years.
@Veloslave The Sankyo machine might be worth some money. I’ve started seeing a few last couple years at auctions and yard sales asking $50 - $150 in much worse shape.
Happy Birthday Meh!!!
My five pounds of fun arrived. YAY!!!
Birthday shot glass
Meh bag, sunglasses, coozie and sticker
Bluetooth speaker
Plastic toy hair dryer
Creepy mug with crocodile (will go nicely with my spider one. )
Craig touchscreen tablet
And… My favorite thing…
A wooden carved elephant wall hanging thing.
Thanks, Meh! Fuko11 arrived today, all 17 lbs of it:
Meh bag with Meh-branded items: coozie, glasses, and sticker
Party hats, appropriate for the birthday!
Smelly stickers … wow, that takes me back to the day. Scratch and sniff, oh yeah!
2003 (“vintage”) Dennis Miller action figure by Talking Presidents, new, still in box, but the “try me” battery is dead. Very apropos now for the current political scene.
And the pièce de résistance? A stainless steel electric skillet, currently selling via online stores between $150 & $160, plus shipping.
Well, the good news is my Fuko11 arrived early. The bad news is my Fuko11 arrived. At first I was excited to see a large box at my front door that was the size and shape of a decent size flat panel TV. Could Meh have noticed my comments about not having a TV and sent one to fill this void in my life? Umm, nope. Apparently they thought a broken wooden rocking toucan would be more useful. Here is the complete list:
• Broken wooden rocking toucan (head separated from body)
• Bubba 1 gallon insulated beverage dispenser (new)
• Spiderman 3 Giant Graffix
• Giant PEZ Collectors Bank
• “Berenstain Bears and Too Much Birthday” book with stickers
• Meh stuff (sticker, koozie, purple sunglasses)
• Red Fuko bag
Unless the rocking toucan is worth something on Antique Roadshow, it’s headed to the dumpster. All in all, quite Meh. Although, compared to the BOC I got today, this haul was extraordinary. Oy.
@heartny Nice Bubba! Those are real nice quality containers… lifetime warranty with a cool website and excellent support should you ever need it. Wanna trade for a Pachinko machine? (fine print: local pick up only or you pay shipping LOL)
@heartny I am with @ChadP and @hollboll, fix it or return it. All you need is a 1/4" drill bit, some 1/4" furniture dowels, a bottle of wood glue, a drill, and about 15 minutes of your time. That thing is cool!
If you want to return it in better shape than you found it and live in NY as your name implies we could arrange to meet up (eastern NY anyhow… like Albany?) and I could repair it before sending it back, I have all of the tools, materials, and know how.
Just opened my birthday Fuko, which arrived in a half opened, half empty box and 1.4 lbs. under the advertised 4 lbs., so I didn’t expect much (sorry, but it’s not a night for me to deal with pics):
Meh bag, sunglasses, coozie, sticker
Birthday coloring book
Ford Trucks cap
Particularly nondescript Creature Cup (that reminds me, tomorrow is trash day)
Microsoft Surface Touch Cover (new, original packaging, vintage 2012) $30.49 on Amazon. I’ll ask around to see if I know anyone with an old Surface and no keyboard cover to give it to.
Saved the best for last - a Citizen Eco-Drive (light-powered) Stiletto women’s watch with 42 diamonds set around a sapphire crystal, mother-of-pearl dial, and two-tone stainless steel case and link bracelet, in original packaging, so far keeping perfect time after brief exposure to light. Lists for $695, offered on newegg for $297.58, elsewhere for $340 to $450. If someone did get into the Fuko box, sure glad they didn’t dig too deep. As you might guess, my wife’s opinion of Meh and my Fuku/Fuko habit has suddenly mellowed.
My Fuko box arrived today:
1 Fuko bag
1 Meh sticker
1 pair of purple Meh sunglasses
1 Meh beer coozie
1 happy birthday monkey
1 iPhone 5 case
1 deck of Edward Scissor hands playing cards
1 pair of headphones - not working, jack busted
1 Minions Windows tablet - Does not turn on, maybe can be RMA’ed.
Now I wait in anticipation for my second shipment, no note in the box so the e-mail received from Hollboll is the stand alone notification. I will return when the mystery item(s) arrive.
I was trying to avoid this thread, but with my fuko stuck in “label created” limbo and then after Holly asked for my number to set up delivery, the suspense was killing me. Looks like lots of fun variety this time! I’m even more anxious now to see what shows up at my door whenever it decides to get here… plus, I’m pretty sure @hollboll promised my future boyfriend/future future husband would be delivering it
Hi, @Kleineleh! I need your number to give to this super-great, incredibly handsome, single Catholic guy I know. He loves cooking, is great at fixing things around the house, and is bringing you a fuko.
1x Fuku bag
1x Pack of Fancy Fringed Blowouts
1x Meh coozie
1x Meh sticker
1x Meh Sunglasses
1x Pack of Happy Birthday napkins
1x Marvel Clash of the Titans FF vs Doctor Doom something or other
1x Pack of Who? playing cards (real cards, not digital ones)
1x AMT ERTL yellow plastic 1995 Corvette Convertible
1x PoGo Power Card Portable Credit Card Sized SmartPhone Charger (which I’ll never use since my phones are too smart to use one of these things)
and finally…
1x large desk lamp with shade that I had to throw away because it arrived with a completely shattered base, broken metal rods and crushed lamp shade.
Well my weight finally updated from 2.2lbs to 25.6 lbs so it might not be a standard bunch of stuff. I was wondering why 4 packages got shipped the same day and they arrive Thursday, Friday, Saturday(Fuko), and Monday according to fedex. But as a sidenote I did get my second BoC today to go with my first Fuko/u from meh. Somehow the BoC was pretty great. I will use all but one item in the box.
(Solar outdoor light, earbuds, Shorts(the correct size even), Mort & Monte 2016 magnet, kidrobot Micro Do it yourself superhero, a zipper tote, computer mouse shaped pencil sharpeners, and finally prepasted vinyl wallpaper border pattern 324B05866… go ahead and pick that part number to pieces.)
My Fuko arrived. I could tell something was not quite right by the sound it made when I hefted its 13.9 pounds into my house. It sounded… broken.
Undeterred, I unboxed it and found:
• (6) party hats — Will use for my pity party.
• (1) Meh. sticker — Will stick to something.
• (1) Meh. beer cosy — Will use while drinking my sorrows away.
• (1) Pair Meh. sunglasses — Will use so nobody can see me crying.
• (1) Meh. bag — Will use to lug around the shattered pieces of my heart.
• (1) Alien digital watch — Just bought my wife and daughter Fitbits. This is slightly more meh.
• (1) package of Mello Smello Scratch & Smell Stickers — Will use to mask the stench of my disappointment.
• (1) Torx screw — Thanks, I guess.
And, finally, there was a box that once held 10 reams of paper. That box was the source of the broken sound. I opened it with some trepidation. And inside…
• A large ceramic pot. That was broken into several hundred shards. Completely shattered beyond any hope of repair. Sad, because it actually looked like it was a nice pot when in one piece.
Now if only I had a Roomba to clean up all the little foot-impaling pieces of pottery that currently are littered across my office floor. (Yes, that’s a subtle hint, Meh, in case you were wondering.)
Oh, well. It was fun anyway. I still love you, Meh! And I’ll be sure to send pictures when I slice my foot open on a razor-sharp sliver of kiln-fired misery.
@rv617 I can sympathize. A great looking lamp was included in my Fuku which was shattered and broken during shipping. Meh can’t seem to figure out how to pack stuff. Well, if we ever need dangerously random shards of broken glass we’ll know where to get it.
Received my large but light Fuko box yesterday. Of course the cats had to inspect it first.
Lots of Texas air (which I released back into it’s natural habitat) and bubble wrap
Red Fuko bag
meh koozie
meh sticker (yes!!)
meh sunglasses
Size XL Stealth VMP shirt (anyone need one?)
Pepsi tray
Elvis Blue Hawaii ceramic glasses/candle holder/things
Empty Darth Vader Bazooka gum container - my nephew is going to go nuts for this
Izon View camera that I accidentally left out of the group shot
Freakin’ awesome skeleton woman canvas art print. Seriously, I love this thing so much! We have skulls all over our living room (you can see some of them in the window in the first pic) and this will fit right in! Thanks meh!!!
Red swag bag (Quality sticker btw, though I don’t know where I could fit it).
A Audio earbuds (Badly repackaged, quickly trashed -I ain’t sticking a used earbud in my head)
Gojo headsets (2x, gonna give these to the day care and see if the kids play telemarketer or drive thru attendant)
Innergie USB Charger/cable (says its 2.1 amp, and the retractign cable seems decent, so I might use this)
Foam animal masks pack (definitely going to the day care)
Summer study 3rd grade flash cards (going in the box of teacher aids my wife has, I’m sure we’ll find someone who wants them)
All in all, decidedly mediocre, though worth $5.
/giphy perfectly mediocre
Well, my Fuku was pretty decent!
1x Fuku bag
1x Meh coozie
1x Meh sticker
1x Meh Sunglasses
1x Pack of popcorn Mello Smello stickers
1x Crocodile Mug
1x Budweiser hat
1x Little Miss Birthday book
1x AMT ERTL yellow plastic 1995 Corvette Convertible
1x Holmes HEPA air purifier
All well worth the price of admission! Thanks MEH!
@mattguyver If those stickers are anything like the ones I got, you definitely won’t need the air purifier to remove the smell of popcorn from your house.
My 4.7 lb box came this morning. It was fairly awesome… err… mediocre
Red Fuko bag
Meh coozie
Meh Sticker – going on the back of the wife’s van
Meh sunglasses
Happy Birthday pink teddy bear
Silly Surfers “Riding Tandem” model kit
7" Tablet cover/keyboard – looks pretty nice though
Cheater reading glasses – god damnit! I just got rid of the ones I got a while back
Haier 9" Tablet
The tablet showed no sign of life. I plugged it up and it still didn’t do anything after 10 minutes. Meh.
I did a hard reset on it by holding the volume up + power buttons, then wiped the user info and rebooted.
It works now, but the screen is garbage. It reminds me of the early LCD screens that could only be seen from certain angles. Oh well, the kids will get this. YAY!
Picked it up at the Post Office today, weight updated to nearly 25 pounds.
Fuko bag
meh koozie
meh sunglasses
meh sticker
Budweiser cap
Pokemon Wall Graffix
VMP T-shirt
128 ounce Bubba mug
…and a rather large saddle blanket bull head with coon tails on the ears!
Pretty impressive meh. Thank you very much!
I told sweetie that I was going to hang the bull head on the dining room wall. She said she would cut my dick off if I did. I guess it will have to go up with the coon tails.
My 18 pound one arrived today, contents are:
Boom box (said broken, but works fine)
Motley Crue Wall Grafix
Motorcycle Saddle Bags
Corvette Toy Car
The Meh Bag/Coozie/Glasses/Sticker (not pictured)
A couple of hamburgers that I think may be stale because they’re pretty hard. Almost broke a tooth. Heh well they’re actually salt and pepper shakers. Neat novelty. Especially if you like burgers.
Stickup Bluetooth Speaker - I think it may be for the shower not sure yet, I’ll have to read the box.
Summer Study Flash Cards
Not bad. Especially considering the tablet seems to be working properly. Mom will enjoy using that I think.
Alright, I’ve been getting ready for disappointment and it’s finally on my doorstep!
I can safely say I didn’t expect this.
So aside from the previously bag and swag I received
-4 bags of Texas air (safety first)
-a projection alarm clock (neat)
-a Star Wars ruler (would have been great for elementary school)
-a Miller Lite trucker hat (instant redneck costume)
-an old mechanical grandpa toy from Japan (terrifying)
Thanks Meh for delivering this unholy vessel into my domicile in an effort to lift its curse laid atop your shiny heads.
2.7 lbs fuko arrived! I only get small ones Well last time I got a used dirty desk vacuum attachment.
Fuko bag of course, the drink cozy, meh stickers, and sun glasses.
Some kind of old power tool toy.
Scratch and sniff stickers. These made my whole bag/box smell awful. Seriously, they smell like wet dog. (Thyme I think it’s supposed to be) Everything smells like wet dog.
As seen on TV egg thing
-Salt shakers? The feet threw me at first, but I think they’re salt shakers. Originally I thought maybe they’re some aroma thing because the whole bag smelled just awful.
One of the tank ones is chipped sadly but not badly. I actually kinda like these, just because of how odd they are.
And last and almost certainly least:
This absolutely filthy martian notifier watch. I mean at first I was moderately excited. I mean, hey, nice watch, even if it’s broken. But then I looked at it.
Oh god I feel filthy just touching the thing. I have no idea why Meh would even accept that as a return? My guess is that someone owned one and ordered another sending their in to meh saying it was used or something. That or it’s the worst refurbished unit I’ve ever seen. Seriously how does it even get so filthy? It’s also insanely greasy (which didn’t show up on camera). I genuinely have no idea how it gets so dirty. Did that past owner not shower? Did they intentionally rub it into dirt? Did they leave it in a junk drawer for 3 years and forget about it? I-… I… Well I’m not really complaining, just trying to explain how gross this thing is in person.
As far as I can tell it’s totally dead. No USB cable included. I need to find a micro USB cable and charge it, but I’m not even sure if that’s worth the trouble. I can change the bands probably, but still.
Hopefully all the images aren’t too much!
Edit: It also came packaged in this thing, not a nice boxed version like the other guys
@narfcake I was going to just wipe the thing down anyway! I was being moderately sarcastic throughout the whole thing, just mentioning it for giggles. The real pain is going to be the glass rims and such, since there’s a lot of dirt stuck in the grooves there and I’m not sure how to get that out.
Here’s is what I got:
-meh bag, sunglasses, refreshment coozie, and sticker
-birthday hat
-my little pony book
-prince xizor vinyl doll “with realistic falleen hair”
-uniden 2-way radios
@craigslistprime Only one Prince Xizor? For the record, local charity thrift stores were surprisingly pleased to take them off our hands. We’d planned to unload them at a dozen stores, but only ended up going to a little over half that many because several places asked for more. Pretty sure I saw some from my batch on ebay (local sellers) but they weren’t getting much interest.
I forgot to mention, the Shark steam mop from the last fuko works, it’s hot!
So delivery was scheduled for Sat the 23rd for a few days. Early yesterday it updated to Monday the 25th. Yesterday evening it changed to Fri the 22nd. It arrived today. Maybe the regular scheduler is on vacation?
So this cornucopia of fun for all ages contained
• The meh logo stuff (sticker is really nice, but don’t think I’ll put it on my car next to the candidate stickers, at least until after the election)
• A red bag, which I’ll never take for granted although sad that I missed out on the valentine pink one.
• Scary sharp Rocky Mountain knife which will be very useful for cutting Rocky Mountains.
• A tablet case and keyboard (also rec’d in last fuko)
• Spongebob watch
• Birthday balloons
• Handy power tools, and (not pictured)
• Little (not red) Corvette.
Thanks so much, meh, happy birthday to us!!
Overlooked details: Rocky Mountain Knife AS SEEN ON TV!!! Includes True spark flint fire starter, and the handle opens to reveal a bandage, sewing needle, safety pin, two fish hooks, fishing weights, fishing line, and matches.
After the earthquake, I’ll be the one fishing in the goldfish bowl, and filleting the fish with my Rocky Mountain Knife AS SEEN ON TV!
Well, after viewing some of the offerings included in this Fuko sale, especially after the weight update to 22.6lbs from the 2.0lb marker, I have to say I really wasn’t looking forward to the delivery. I didn’t need wooden things. Most of those have been pretty creepy.
Well, the box gets here, it’s big and bulky and heavy on one side. I’m getting a little nervous at this point. I bring it inside, put it up on my table.
Okay, is that a Dennis Miller trash talking dumpster doll under the bags of Texas air? I used to like him, but somewhere along the line he quit being funny and started being mean.
Yep. Husband sez don’t you even want to see what he has to say? Nope. And flash cards, a green singing monkey, a Rocky Mountain knife, Meh glasses. sticker, coozie and Fuko bag. None of which explains the weight.
But this did:
Is it true? Is it real? Is it refurbed? I know that there are pranksters who work at Meh. I’ve wondered if that’s on the application for employment. “Are you a prankster? Y N”
I open the box up, is it really what it says it is?
@AttyVette And I love meh. I’ve run that thing three times in the past two days and right now, I’m actually washing floors! It’s a Mehracle!
It’s been a couple of weeks since I washed floors and it’s going so much more quickly today than I imagined possible. My husband grinds metal back in his shop and so much of that fine dust finds its way into the house, either in the air, on feet or on the cats.
Yeah, I think Meh is alright. And my feet shouldn’t get dirtier indoors, than out.
So my 8.4 lb Fuko came today…
XL Meh VMP shirt (at least this should fit)
Fuko bag
Meh sticker, coozie, shades.
Marilyn Monroe desktop neon sign.
Family Guy grim reaper bendable toy
Izon view.
And OMG WTF is this creepy doll? My wife was thoroughly creeped out and my 6 year old appears to be creeped out with her. However, my 2 year old seems to love it.
@owlhooter haha, I think I have that doll’s miniature family member in my belongings. Really. It was my first baby dolls when I was an infant. I will try to locate it and get a photo to share.
Mine arrived today, 2 days earlier than originally targeted by the FedEx, weighing in at 1.41 kg:
Meh. bag
Meh. cozy
Meh. sunglasses
Meh. sticker —>>> Yay! (I suggested these be sold in some post a while back, but I won’t be expecting any royalties since they’re givin’ 'em away)
Moo cow thermometer (3rd time in my Fuko collection)
Clifford Birthday Party book
Classic Marvels Battles Team Ups ‘game’
Smartphone lens kit, slightly crushed box but not damaged in the least
Midland XTC-200 wearable action cam
XTC mount kit (combo seems to be valued around $50 on Amazon)
Thanks Meh and welcome to your terrible two’s!
Here’s a Meh.pic:
troubles with that, the video will do
The Marvel game in all it’s video excitement:
Now, I’m not saying I could spend all night playing this game (or the model’s hand that I videoed with my new XTC action cam) but that is some exciting shit fight! Right?
I’m working on the strategy later tonight, after I do a couple of other things.
( Please, please, please don't )
( cook me into beef! )
o ^__^
o (oo)\_______
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||----w |
|| ||
Got mine today! Largest fuko for me thus far.
Fuko bag
30bulb LED lantern!
String of Christmas lights with terrifying soapy stars!
Ch-ch-Cha-Chia! T-shirt!
Diva beads with glass!
Meh sticker, cookie, and sunglasses!
And a freakin Neato botvac! (Looks to be a return/referb but I don’t care! If it works it’s my new cleaning slave, if it’s dead it’s parts shall live on!)
A very happy birthday to Meh! And many thanks for the wonderful fuko!
Ps for Meh guys and gals: botvac had a packing slip and request form from the vendor, if you guys need it sent back to you or emailed let me know!
mine arrived today
Meh bag, sticker, coozie, sunglasses.
shower curtain
Foodsaver vacuum sealer - can it be a return if it’s today’s deal ???
a “happy birthday” stuffed animal
hardcover book (Free The Market!)
Nick Jr Wonder Pets “Turtle Tuck” pet costume sized for large dogs.
considering I was prepared for a pallet of scrap metal, I think I did quite well!!
My giant 15.6 lb box arrived today, and contained probably my favoritest thing ever.
The Monkey Man (according to a handwritten tag attached. It also says $250.00. Ha.)
And a few other things:
A Budweiser hat
Easy Eggwich thing
Happy birthday streamers
Reading glasses +2.00
The Daily Mood flip thing (it does not have a Meh mood)
AR outlet speaker (that looks handy)
And the Meh swag:
Bag, sunglasses, sticker, and drink koozie
Mr. Monkey Man left a bit of himself on some of the other items. Don’t touch the Monkey Man without gloves is our motto.
Thanks, Meh! I got a big kick out of the statue, and the rest of the stuff doesn’t suck.
@daveinwarsh Thanks, Dave. I mean, he’s no devil dude with the giant penis. But he does have a penis, which is the point. Although not as pointed. More of a suggestion, really.
All the Mediocre stuff (Bag, koozie, sunglasses, sticker)
Happy Birthday Temporary Tattoos
Mello Smellos “The Original Scratch & Smell Stickers” Pizza Scent
Miller Lite Cap
Bem Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Duo
After all that, this Corona Box was left. Did they send me beer?
My Fuko arrived, I hadn’t checked the delivery date or weight so totally a surprise! I thanked my postie and then ran out of the post office to the car and opened it right there. Wait until I got home? No way! It’s a 65 mile drive to my US Post Office!
Had no expectations (since I didn’t know weight of box) and hey, it’s a fuko!
meh sticker (Big decision, put on rollbar of car or on boat… what to do, what to do…)
meh koozie (Oh my, it fits perfectly around my bottle of beer!)
purple meh glasses (All the cool kids are wearing them, right?)
Citizen Eco-Drive (Tag on box says “remorse used too large”. I haven’t worn a watch in 10 years, not sure what will happen to this)
Foam animal masks pack (grandkids will love these!)
Super No-nox Gulf vintage cap (A neighbor claimed it for a 6 pack of beer, thought that was a fair trade!)
3Plus Snap Fitness (“Turns fitness into your lifestyle!” uh… yeah.)
Pet-O-Meter (a pet odometer. The cat looked at me and said “I will claw your eyes out…”)
A red fuko bag (I now have 2 reds, a black and a pink! Plus a funky red knapsack one.)
I’m happy with my box of meh, very glad I didn’t have to explain to Canadian customs why I had a 48" tall devil thing with a 12" long dick in the car with me.
so i got my fuko today and opened it at work and everyone was freaking out like “what the hell did you get and why” and etc. etc. etc. so that’s not the exciting part of this story.
what IS exciting is the terror i felt when i was sitting home alone in the dark working on writing some music only to hear this awful high-pitched whine coming from god-knows-where. it was really unsettling, seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere. i got up and walked to the front door. could it be something wrong with my computer? i leaned in close but the sound didn’t get louder. could it be coming from outside? yet as i got further from the table it got softer (but was still there). could it be something wrong with the fridge? one of my LED bulbs? no dice. the sound continued despite my efforts.
one last thought: am i going mad??? is this finally it???
and then my eyes met those of the Rodney Dangerfield talking doll, staring directly at me. a shiver ran down my spine as i noticed its broken jaw gaping, the cry emerging from within. could it be??? of course not… yet i leaned closer, closer… the squealing stopped. and then…
i shrieked, tossing the doll to the floor, its head tumbling free from the body, rolling towards me, faster, faster. as i scrambled through the kitchen to flee its pursuit it continued to pick up speed, its hideous mouth clacking and crunching hungrily with every rotation. i reached quickly for whatever i could find, anything to fend off this demonic beast. a wine bottle. SMASH. it continued undeterred, the red wine dribbling from its lips like fresh blood. a knife. i threw it. it missed. damn. i was cornered, nowhere left to go… when suddenly, the head stopped. my heart pounding, my mind racing, i froze, waiting, hoping it was over.
then it moved. slowly. as if guided by unseen hands. it rose, from its position on its side until it sat upright, as though its neck extended into the floor, connecting with an unimaginable body below. rotating slowly, it came to face me, those dead, blue eyes meeting mine once more. the jaw clenched; my heart skipped one beat, two, three… as its mouth opened the squeal returned. "heeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEE—"
my fingers found a frying pan. in one swift motion, fingers tightening, my arm whipping high above my head, swinging around, i let the pan fly–
…and that’s when reality set back in. i leaned my ear close to the speaker on the doll’s base. yep, that’s the culprit. pushed the button on the base again and the squealing gave way to the soft, indeterminate sounds of a nearly-dead battery finally giving up. anyways, here’s a picture:
Welp. Shipment one arrived today. Honestly…it was more of a let down than I had expected. Here’s to hoping that the second shipment is a bit more exciting.
1 standard birthday swag bag (sunglasses, stickers, coozie)
1 Nostaglia Electrics Ice Cream Mix. 2011
1 Mini hand clippers
1 Set of scratch and sniff stickers
1 Mini Werewolf statue.
Fuko arrived today – I was prepared for it to be decidedly meh at 4.5 pounds. The only other one I’ve gotten was about 20 pounds (last year’s birthday Fuku) and it was awesome (listening to my Palo Alto Rhombus speakers right now!), so I tried to have lower expectations for this Fuko.
This Fuko was definitely not meh…I received:
A giant happy birthday banner
A Fuko bag
Meh koozie
Meh sunglasses
Meh sticker
A crisp new black and red cap
A crocodile “creature cup” mug
A crushed copper Moscow mule mug that I (kind of) bent back into shape
A pair of Marley Liberate XLBT bluetooth headphones, with a post it note attached that said “bluetooth doesn’t work”
However, I guess maybe whoever returned these didn’t try hard enough, because I got the headphones paired with my phone in about 2 minutes, and they work perfectly and sound great!
Thank you, Meh, for giving me badass audio equipment two years in a row!
-alligator (or is it a crocodile?) creature cup (broken… 2 big pieces & one small shard)
-7" Tablet PC w/ HiDef TV (a return, probably busted, but might work some)
-new black cap with orange (top) and green (bottom) visor
-meh sunglasses with purple!!! frame
-pack of maybe two dozen assorted washable tattoos
-SmartWatch G2 Lite (a return, likely busted)
-meh sticker!
-meh koozie!
-meh “no luck bag” (or perhaps it should be read “luck no bag”?)
Overall awesomely meh, though slightly bittersweet as I think the alligator/crocodile creature cup is the only one I was missing. I shall attempt to make it whole again.
Got my Fuko in yesterday, enclosed was:
1 - meh. sticker
1 - meh. coozie (beer not included)
1 - pair meh.-branded swag sunglasses
1 - meh. fuko bag
1 - RCA 7" Tablet PC with High Definition TV
1 - ‘Midnight Nation’ Comic Book
32 - Happy Birthday Temporary Tattoos
6 - Bags of Texas Air
2 - Empty Air Bags
And last but not least…
1 - Totally Bizzare Cat Sculpture Thing
Sadly, the most interesting item in the bag overall, the RCA 7" Tablet PC with High Definition TV, is broken beyond repair. To all appearances it was a brand new tablet that someone managed to break the USB port off of the circuit board on and promptly returned. How this happens without even removing the cling film from the screen is beyond me.
@narfcake what does repairing it entail? I kinda wanna hear from another recipient of the same tablet before putting any more effort into it than I have.
as in most of the above, meh coozie/sticker/sunglasses/bag.
1 bluetooth keyboard case - which I have received multiple previously in other fuko/fuku’s, and not been very successful at giving away… but we keep trying.
1 random comicbook
1 Mr T coloring book & vinyl record.
1 roughly life-sized sugar skull (my favorite item of the bunch)
My li’l fuko came in, half-open (or half-shut, if you’re an optimist), this afternoon:
red Fuko bag
meh. sunglasses, sticker, and beer-hugger
birthday clappyhands
digital Aliens watch
casually racist Dennis Miller doll (I got the “family suitable” model)
functional Altec Lansing iM7 speaker dock
The speaker sounds good; it was packaged in an Easy Eggwich box and didn’t include a power adapter, so I had to buy D batteries for the first time in probably seventeen years. That experience alone was worth five bucks.
My 2lbs of $100 bills turned into 3.8lbs of the following:
Red Fuko bag.
Special K measuring cup.
Meh sunglasses, cozy, and sticker.
Pin the Tail on the Goat game. Oh wait, it’s Donkey. NM
CoorsLight Ball cap just in time for the merger.
Motorola TX500 In-car Speakerphone. Paired OK with my iphone. We’ll see if it works.
Marley Liberate XLBT - an obvious return so not sure if it works. Still pretty cool though. Charging it as I type. I’ll let you guys know.
Overall not as good as 2lbs of $100 bills but I’m happy with this unlucky bag.
Everyone got something of questionable value it seems, one electronic, headphones or speaker etc. even a vacuum or steam mop!
That removable dick demon was over the top though.
I got a large box with the bag, cozy, sunglasses and kids book. That’s it, besides the Texas air!!
4 too small for 18" box items, seems everyone else’s box averaged 9 items.
First Fukubukuo after half dozen tries. No QC in shipping dept?? Is there another box?
Should be something else for all the speakers and Bubba tumblers I relieved you of.
@craigcush I feel like you are drastically missing the true essence behind the term ‘meh’. What you got sounds like it was of comparable approximate value to what I received when considering that the electrical gizmo you’re jealous was, in my case, irreparable within the confines of the skill set of the average citizen.
@jbartus I get the essence. Just saying the average of all posters made me question the giant box for what I could put in my pocket. One or more items fell out in shipping.
Of odd note: did anyone get pet toys? Seems Meh pets enjoyed their deals!! No returns to Fuku.
@craigcush boxes vary in value, it’s luck of the draw. I suspect they just kind of line up boxes and throw random stuff in each one. Mine was relatively worthless outside of the Meh swag, so was yours, by my figuring the swag would cost at least $5 if they sold it so…
Craig 7 inch touch screen android tablet
The Meh bundle and bag
Sticker Stories book "llama llama birthday party"
Babylon 5 paperback book "Legions of Fire Book 2 - Armies of Light and Dark"
Crocodile creature cup
Gojo cellphone holders (2).
So far the tablet is a no go. After charging, the screen lights up for a moment when started, longer when started with the volume control also pressed, but nothing displays. I may try to find a mini-hdmi cable around to see if it outputs anything, but probably isn’t worth the effort. So it goes.
Thanks Meh! It really was meh but one can’t have too many Fuku/o bags, the koozie is going to work, and the ‘meh’ sticker is going to look awesome when I find just the right place to put it.
@duodec Got the Craig tablet running. As it turns out the lit screen with lines that occasionally move is a often a symptom of loose or bad connections to the screen. So I opened it up, pulled, cleaned, and reseated all the ribbon cables that seemed to lead to the screen, and voila, working tablet.
With full access to everything google knows about Alejandra (redacted); email, photos, etc. in her approximately 140 hours of usage of this device.
Seriously, never ever EVER turn in or trade in a device like this without factory resetting it or making sure that has been done. If you can’t its better to physically destroy it than turn it in. ID theft are NOT us but if this tablet ended up elsewhere I bet it could have led to that. It has now been factory reset and wiped. And we have an android toy to play with.
1x Meh bag
1x Meh sticker
1x Meh beer cozy
1x Meh sunglasses (sensing a theme here)
1x Speck case for iPod Nano 4G
2x Musical straws
1x Notepad and cutlery (only has a knife)
1x Wooden Cuckoo clock (slightly damaged)
1x Dolphin Android tablet (works!)
1x Wooden bull (slightly damaged, but I glued the pieces that had broken).
@denboy oh, duh. It is a water buffalo. Not sure why I thought it was a bull. Anyway, he’s happy to be back in one piece and my daughter has him in her room, haha.
@jsh139 That cuckoo clock is awesome. My mom has one from when my parents lived in Germany in the 70s. Also the water buffalo, I’m a cheese monger and water buffalo cheese is awesome!
Goodness greeted me when I arrive home last night. I was apprehensive since it had been 18 months since my last fuku. The apprehension quickly was replaced with disappointment. Way to go meh! Mission accomplished! Here’s what the stork brought me…
meh swag bag including fuku bag, glasses beer koozie and sticker
Wall Graffix Mario, my daughter loved this
Mello Smellos scratch ‘n’ sniff stickers - 9 count, my daughter loved this
-Little Miss Birthday by Roger Hargreaves, my daughter loved this
Summer Study Flash Cards - Grade 2, my daughter will not love these
bem Bluetooth speaker - batteries will not hold a charge
And last but certainly not least…
traditional style telephone, not certain if it is functioning
Thanks for the laughs (my daughter) and cries (me).
Love you!
@djslack@tonylegrone in my younger years i would have been all about the phone. But the promise of robo (election) calls over the next four months and thus loud bells ringing combined with two sleeping kids, makes this not possible.
Arghh…my two pound Fuko (yep, still .91 Kg) is moving FARTHER away from me. Tuesday it was 50 miles away…today (Friday), its 80 miles away. Smart…um…post. Maybe FedEx knows something about this Fuko…and they’re leary about delivering it…
Some sort of ancient digital camera with 8 MB storage but it is waterproof and the drivers are compatible with windows 98se, windows xp, and windows 2000
Got the birthday bag and goodies, an animal print throw blanket thing, a mophie juice pack. Good haul.
But wait there’s more … a Tru Blood bar mirror. (Great now all the neighborhood vampires will think I have a supply of synthetic blood).
And finally a large ten stringed instrument of some sort.
Pretty great mix. I am mildly disappointed their wasn’t a broken Haier tablet to got with the other two I’ve received but the TruBlood mirror makes up for it.
@russellwilde@russellwilde It’s either a Lute or a lyre. Maybe Meh is subtly saying yer a looter or a liar. (I sure hope you see what I tried to do there.)
@Barney Thanks for the welcome! I’m not quite sure what I’m doing here at Meh…I just started a few weeks ago and am trying to figure it out. Testing returns has been the majority of my day.
J-Lab Pro-7" tablet, won’t turn on after all night on charger (and I got a dead Haier tablet last time, ugh).
Clock radio with projection of time on wall/ceiling.
Generic wired hands-free headset.
Happy birthday stuffed bear.
Meh bag, coozie, sunglasses & sticker.
I got my 9.9-lb fuko box this afternoon, and it contains:
1 Leather Motorcycle Luggage Set (2 Bags plus 4 small bags)
1 Fuko Shopping Bag
1 Happy Birthday Napkins
1 Meh Sunglasses
1 Meh Sticker
1 Meh Koozie
1 Dr. Doom v.s. The Fantastic Four Toy
Got home late today to find a giant (22.8 lb) box blocking my 2nd story landing. Bet my upstairs neighbor loved that XD. Just glad the USPS didn’t deliver it to the wrong apartment, like they usually do.
The fukery:
-meh swag: red bag purple glasses, sticker, white coozie
-Hisense Sero 8
-Classic Marvel Battles Team-Ups Wolverine vs The Thing (I love this thing but it’ll probably go to a nephew)
-birthday balloons 6 pack- Happy birthday meh!
-pet pedometer so I can body shame Pixel
-Giant Buddha head, slightly damaged (back corner of the base, I can fix)- I love it!
And a box for Pixel to play in.
This has been a delightful experience, despite it not including a pet dirt-eating robot. It’s my first fuko! Thanks, meh!
There’s something inside Pixel wants. She keeps trying to make the hole bigger…
@HemlockTea i could make myself a moderator real quick and fix them… but i’m always afraid i’ll do something stupid as a moderator. i’m sure a real moderator will fix your post eventually.
Got home late today to find a giant (22.8 lb) box blocking my 2nd story landing. Bet my upstairs neighbor loved that XD. Just glad the USPS didn’t deliver it to the wrong apartment, like they usually do.
Pixel and hard cider for scale.
This looks promising…
The fukery:
-meh swag: red bag purple glasses, sticker, white coozie
-Hisense Sero 8
-Classic Marvel Battles Team-Ups Wolverine vs The Thing (I love this thing but it’ll probably go to a nephew)
-birthday balloons 6 pack- Happy birthday meh!
-pet pedometer so I can body shame Pixel
-Giant Buddha head, slightly damaged (back corner of the base, I can fix)- I love it!
And a box for Pixel to play in.
This has been a delightful experience, despite it not including a pet dirt-eating robot. It’s my first fuko! Thanks, meh!
There’s something inside Pixel wants. She keeps trying to make the hole bigger…
Before this gets ridiculous (and it is going to get ridiculous in a minute), here’s a quick item list:
Bag of meh-branded goodness (I now understand all of the sticker hype. And I got one of the black oozy cooties! Yay!)
Keyboard case
Lots of smelly stickers
Tool toys (in an open package)
Happy Birthday, Little Pookie (Ah! Another word that sounds like koozie!)
A bunch of espresso capsules (not to be mistaken for the coffee pods of the simple folk)
Now, for the picture pictures. (Before you say “SIX pictures of your cat???” I want you to know that it was going to be ten and could have been 35. You should admire my restraint.)
As soon as I started arranging things, Seal claimed everything and declared that there would be no taking of pictures. Perhaps in retaliation, I violated our rules of conduct and mutual respect and set the sticker on top of her.
Did you seriously just put that on top of me?
Oh! I’m sorry… Am I in your way?
(I have omitted the pictures of her washing away the traces of my transgression and the first moments of realizing the potential for fun with espresso capsules.)
(A while later.)
(A bit after that.)
But, lest you worry… my sins have been forgiven and my cat is cuddling again.
(Or is she getting back at me by cuddling up against my leg when she knows it’s too hot for that?)
@jimmyd103 Thanks! She has actually won over many non-cat people. She is as chill and sweet as she is beautiful. She makes things like trimming her claws or giving her eye drops absurdly easy.
My 17.3 lbs of glorious crap came today and I immehdiately dove in!
1 red bag
1 Meh sticker
1 Meh sunglasses
1 Meh coozie
1 foam dart gun (going to hubby)
1 ceramic mug
1 Happy Birthday crazy straw
1 set of GoJo cell phone headset thingies - more like NoGoJo
1 Odd ceramic Barbie shoe chest with a purse inside
1 Shred Emulsifier blender - would be badass but I have a Vitamix already
The haul plus 2/5 of our cats deciding what is theirs…
Odd Barbie shoes and micro purse. Choking hazard but cute!
Overall, my first Fuko is very meh and I love it! Thanks, Meh!
So I got mostly the same stuff as others -meh swag, tablet case, wall graffix, trick birthday candles - but my partially inflated birthday balloon contained this:
It probably means nothing, but I wanted to post it just in case I could exchange it for a free drink or an Irk plushie.
Fuko contents:
Wonderpets dog costume (not pictured - claimed)
Curious George birthday book
Easy Egg microwave sandwich maker
Goodyear hat
Meh glasses
Meh koozie
Meh sticker
Precise Heat 16-Inch Rectangular Surgical Stainless - it’s $89.95 new on Amazon - I haven’t checked to see if it works or not.
@benjaMEHn All my ‘iPad’ BT keyboards pair obediently with my Android devices. BT is BT. I find a secret satisfaction in subverting Apple labelled items.
My Fuko was dropped off at my house a couple of hours ago. My mailman rang the doorbell when he delivered my regular mail, looked at me, and gave a sigh of relief. “Good, you’re home. I have a package for you.” I told him that I was expecting one and he said, “I may need your help unloading it from the mail truck.” I looked at him kind of funny and said that my tracking showed it to be 2 pounds. He kind of giggled and said, “Nope.” And he left to go get his truck.
I knew I was in trouble when he backed his truck up into my drive. He hopped out and said that the package is about 6 ft. long and that one end had come undone. He said that the people at the post office are taking bets that it’s a totem pole. (He knows all about Fukus and Fukos because of my shopping addiction.)
Yep, it’s made out of wood and it’s a little heavy. We unloaded it onto the driveway. He smiled at me and said, “Good luck,” and quickly left.
Now it’s about 100 degrees, here in Kansas, and there I was out there with my box cutter, carefully cutting through the box that was thoughtfully wrapped with lots of tape by the kind shipping people at Meh. Before unwrapping, however, I weighed it. Or at least I tried. Balancing that six foot box that was approximately 15 inches tall and 15 inches in depth, on my tiny little scale, was not a whole lot of fun. I bet my neighbors were having a good snicker at my expense. 39.6 pounds. Not bad, I guess.
About 45 minutes later my was drive was covered in pieces of cardboard, shrink wrap plastic (or whatever that mailing plastic is called) and my new prized (?) possession.
Now the problem is, I can’t show it to you because I don’t have a camera. The neighborhood computer geek is at camp so he can’t help me. Let me just say that, yes, my Fuko is 6 feet tall and is too big for me to keep in my little ol’ house.
@RiotDemon You have no idea how close your guess is.
So, it’s confession time. I propped my Fuko thingy on the living room floor next to a cabinet. Then, like the idiot I am, I forgot it was there, walked right by it barefoot and hit it with my left foot. Ouch! I think I may have broken my middle toe, or at the very least it’s very badly sprained. I can barely walk; I can’t even begin to get a shoe on. Pix will have to wait.
Oh, and my toe is now a very lovely shade of purple.
Let’s see if I get this right. After a week at home with bronchitis and pneumonia my meh has arrived!
My (very) large cat is waiting for a box to play in.
Barbie Fashion Clutch and gloves.
Birthday tattoos.
Mello Smellos. (unknown if they smell … still to sick for nasal facilities to work.)
Meh Glasses, koozie, sticker, and Bag.
and. . . .from Mexico complete with dead leaves and leftover dirt. a CERAMIC DUCK… missing a third leg needed to have it stand straight up but otherwise intact.
@Kirgen I think my one cat was 18 pounds before we switched from dry to wet food. His body couldn’t metabolize it properly according to the vet. Lost a ton of weight and kept it off.
@RiotDemon Barn cat, messed up genetics. He does not eat a lot of dry food, occasional wet food, and, up until a couple months ago, as many mice as he could catch. Sometimes 10+ a day. Vet says he is diabetic but okay.
@Kirgen If you end up having to give him insulin shots despite what they say, you can keep that expensive ($265) vial far longer than one month (as long as it is clear it is good - was 6 mo and counting and then my cat went into diabetes remission). And they can go into remission so you kind of have to keep on top of their glucose level. A human walmart meter is cheaper than a cat one but then calibrate that with the vet because it doesn’t read cats right (mine is off about 20-25 points with lower glucose and around 100 or so once you hit around 300). Good enough to see if your cat risks hypoglycemia (been there once with this cat and twice with another) or perhaps needs an insulin increase (one with this cat and then he went into remission not long after that). When my 17 pound cat lost weight his diabetes went into remission. Guess it is sort of like human diabetes.
I wonder if meh bought the inventory of some local curio shop that was going out of business, or made a deal to buy all of their oddest items? So many unique treasures, and so many laughs reading this thread. You guys are just the best.
(What some of our homes will look like after a few more of these fukos).
Unexpected surprise when I got back into town today! And I still haven’t had a chance to open it! (And please ignore all the crappy color samples and peeling paint, I had to pause partway through the process)
I sure hope he’s got enough air in there, I have no idea how long he’s been waiting on my porch!
I did a double take when reading the small version of the sticker, read it twice, was sure I was misreading it, then got to the zoomed image… falls over again
What’s inside? Also is there some story behind the sticker? Are you close enough to Meh that they might have dispatched their boyfriend to deliver it?
@jbartus I loved seeing that. I think it’s hilarious! When Holly emailed me to get my phone number to set up a delivery, I asked her if it was a nice Catholic husband and told her go ahead and pass my number on if she knew any good candidates. It snowballed from there
My 38.3 lbs fuko landed yesterday.
USPS somehow misdirected the box so it took an additional day to get here. The working theory in the household is that somebody may have broken into it but was sorely disappointed (more on that in a moment).
Here’s the damaged box
Still managed to get the usual suspects in this fuko though:
many bags of Texas air, too many to bother counting
red meh fuku bag
meh sunglasses
meh sticker
meh koozie
Spiderman wall graffix
Dracula trinket box
birthday candles
And the unique items…
Microeconomics textbook (used), sticker price $61.90 from a second hand book store. Looking up the stickers on the book reveals that it came from Springfield, MO.
Features chapters such as:
The Gross Cost of Groscost: Or How Arizona Learned about the Law of Demand
Why the Doctor Is Not In
Keeping Bugs Bunny and the Back Street Boys at Bay in Canada
Do Rats Have Downward-Sloping Demand Curves?
Reminds of me of my college days.
And finally, the monstrosity that warranted the huge box:
a closer look…
It looks pretty dope but I’m afraid it’ll be a pain in the ass to repair and get up and running. This, coupled with an impending move, makes me think it won’t be traveling with us to our new home.
Thanks meh, always happy to play the twisted fuku/o game. Happy birthday!
@daveinwarsh Res. Page 95 of this:
Rats also prefer root beer to quinine water.
Reading this, if I understand it correctly, it looks like meh is playing us in similar ways (e.g. “What is particularly interesting about the experimental results is that the Giffen good case was demonstrated in exactly the circumstances that theory emphasizes are necessary—a strongly inferior good, with most of the budget devoted to purchases of that good.” (page 95)). LOL
@daveinwarsh Res was supposed to be Yes… too late to edit.
PS @snapster, in reference to the message above this one, since it is too late to edit that one… you are hoping the theory holds with us and we are like those rats? Yes? (grin)
I finally got my Fuko, unlike everyone else mine stayed at 2 lb the whole time, I was surprised when I got a note in my mailbox saying “there was no safe place to leave my package.” what couldn’t they leave my 2lb package in the mailbox I wondered? Well because, it was 4’ tall definitely not 2lb, and definitely couldn’t fit in my mailbox. What I ended up getting was,
Barbie clutch
Happy birthday tattoos
Martin notifier
4 rechargeable AAA batteries
An incomplete dyson Animal complete
And the best for last…
308 coffee scratch and sniff stickers!
@Stoicgent There’s a lesson in there about how FedEx lies like a rug IRT size and weight, so nobody should worry about them. Was the Dyson complete or not?
@OldCatLady no, sadly it was missing the Swivel C-Clip Connector, basically the part that keeps the base on the vacuum cleaner. The literal linchpin. So I have a non working vacuum because it’s missing a 2$ part. Lol
@RiotDemon already getting the part, I’m excited to work on a new project! The notifier is a watch that vibrates and displays phone messages. It’s neat.
A nice size box landed on my porch a couple days ago (sorry, I have a life) and inside was a pile of Meh!
Wonder Pets! Pet Costume (Thanks meh for reminding my that my Gabby isn’t with us anymore… )
Southpark Lunchbox (I work at home, but I still plan on packing my lunch in it anyway.)
Llama Llama Stickers! ( I can never have too many of these)
Standard, run-of-the-mill Fuku Bag.
Sunglasses my Granddaughter will love.
SHRED Emulsifier! (According to Amazon Reviews, it’s be blender you buy (±$99) if you can’t afford a Blendtec. I have a Blendtec.)
Probably the coolest of them all, a VERY beat up copy of CRYPTONOMICON by Neil Stephenson! (Yeah, I’ll be reading that on my trip to Chicago next week if it will hold together!)
Not bad, overall. Totally better than I expected! Happy Birthday Meh.
So I got my 26.4 lb box… And I have a bone to pick with you, Meh… I mean, I really don’t as this is a Fukobukuru… But still.
-1 Meh Bag
-1 Meh Koozie
-1 Meh Sunglasses
-1 Happy Birthday Sign
-1 Package of Mello Smello Stickers.
-1 Creature Cups: Alligator (Goes well with my Octopus one got last year).
-1 Super Mario Slugger Wall Decal… Trying to figure out where to put that one in the office…
-1 Infinity Keyboard Case for Android/Windows tablets… I think. I don’t know.
-1 Meh Sticker, which now joins my sticker collection at my desk:
But here’s the issue…
-1 Tailgater Active Bluetooth Speaker
This is nice. Still works. Has its plug, looks like it still holds a charge… But, um, here’s the awkward thing. The last Fuku I scored?
You sent me a Ion Block Rocker Bluetooth Speaker.
So yeah, now I have two of these type of Bluetooth speakers… 3 if you count the one I bought for my friend for her birthday party because she wanted karaoke… That one I bought brand new, mind you…
OK…now I’m really perplexed. Originally said it was going to arrive on Friday. On Tuesday, it was fifty miles away, and thought…“Oh, it’ll get here a day early.” Then nothing…until Thursday, when it showed up eighty miles away…with, will be delivered on Saturday. And of course, on Saturday, it was changed to “will be delivered on Monday.”
So went out Monday, and came back, expecting it to be delivered from Post Office with mail (just checked, still listed at 2 lbs, .91 Kg). Instead got a pink slip from the PO indicating couldn’t be delivered, with the note “heavy”. So now I’ve got to trek to the Post Office to pick it up…and can’t do that until tomorrow.
Don’t know whether to be excited or what at this point. Normally they leave it in one of the community mail bins that lock, or drop it at the front door, ring the bell, and run.
Whew! Finally able to sit still long enough to post!
After placing my fuko order I gave it a few days to process and then began stalking the FedEx delivery manager only to see the same “label created” status every. single. time. Then this thread appeared and I figured I’d check out what everyone else got while I’m waiting. Patiently. And checking FedEx. Then @hollboll emailed asking for my number to set up delivery of my new boyfriend. And I got less patient and more anxious about what mediocrity was headed my way. Then I had a friend in from out of town who suggested we go see another friend in Austin. So we went. And I kept checking FedEx while we were gone. Nothing there, still just “label created.” No delivery phone call either, so I figured it’d show up sometime the next week. We left Austin and I got home just in time to unpack my car, change clothes, re-pack my car, and head to work. But as I pulled up, I noticed a GIANT… thing wrapped in black plastic on my front porch. The label explained why shipping info hadn’t updated as Meh had chosen their very elite Catholic Boyfriend Delivery Service- which is obviously not tracked by the Delivery Manager. I was totally surprised and super-psyched to see what it was, but only had time to snap a few pics, drag it in, and run back out the door. I thought about my poor Catholic boyfriend waiting in that box all night and felt bad, but there was nothing I could do.
I was FINALLY able to open it yesterday morning and once I got the plastic off, I was even more confused.
What is that?? That is not the ring I was looking for…
It’s a giant ass globe!
It’s old, and actually kinda neat! But wait, there’s more hiding underneath. Once I wrestled it out of the bottom box…
-Meh bag, sticker, glasses, koozie (all but the sticker were immediately used. The sticker needs a special home)
-Uno Ultimate Water Bottle fanny pack (or holster?)
-Berenstein Bears Birthday Book (LOVE them!)
-Mooing meat thermometer
-Ridiculously soft Get Cozy throw blanket
I’m sorry I missed the actual delivery and potentially a nice marryable type guy, but this was still so much fun! Thanks, Meh!
Now, what to do with this thing…
@Kleineleh the real trick is turning something not meant to be a box into a box. Getting the whole top assembly to cleanly hinge upward would be a challenge.
@jbartus Yeah, I’d have to add some support and some kind of frame to the inside. Which is harder since it’s spherical. But that would be so much fun to open up and have a drink out of
My 42 pound package arrived this weekend, having been punted from SmartPost to FedEx Ground for being 5 feet tall and nearly 4 feet wide. Impressed with its massive girth, I immediately seized it and went to town. With trembling hands, I carefully unfurled the prophylactic sheath of bubble wrap that encased the magnificent creature within.
Behold, a Giant Cock!
While a giant cock is on every gal’s wish list, I see now that I should have been more specific. And now that I have one, I’ve learned that a giant cock can definitely be more than a handful. Due to my small apartment the giant cock is lurking in my kitchen, and he is in my face every time I walk in my front door. Every time I reach for an adult beverage, there is a giant cock blocking my refrigerator. It’s hard to grasp the enormity of the situation. How long before the friction of day-to-day life drives us apart? I don’t even know what to call him - Cocky McCockface? And if I later decide that he is too much for me to handle, how should I phrase my Craigslist ad for a 60 inch cock?
I came home from Comic-Con late Thursday night to find a 3 foot tall box blocking my front door. I was tired but I eventually managed to get my key in the door to unlock it and drag the box inside. Although I wanted to open my first ever fuku/o I really needed to shower and sleep. I took off early the next morning and didn’t get to open the box until I had a few spare minutes Saturday morning. The box had been left standing on one end. When I opened it the largest and heaviest item was on top of all of the small items but nothing was crushed. I took a quick picture before leaving the house. Sunday I finally took a closer look and found a few more items in the fuku bag.
1 Meh Bag
1 Meh Koozie
1 Meh Sunglasses
1 Meh Sticker
1 Easy Eggwich
1 little tikes baby hot dog
1 Little Miss Birthday book
1 crocodile creature cup
9 pack of mello smello pizza scented stickers
1 neato botvac 65 (originally sent to a J. Hate who refused the shipment)
21.6 lbs
@mehla I am loving my BotVac. My husband even made it its own house. (I need to keep it covered because cats don’t recognize its smell and feel like it’s okay to mark it. Ran it twice on Saturday, once Sunday, then washed the floors (no carpeting here), then yesterday and today.
I’m actually barefoot again. Because of shop dust, cat fur, litter and little pieces of kibble, I started wearing socks or shoes. I run the vac in the morning and it’s all good. If it runs out of battery power before it’s done, it goes home, then recharges and resumes when it’s ready.
This thing is truly magic. And it doesn’t scare the bejeebers out of the cats.
@Barney The first time I ran it, Sagwa followed it and others watched it. But after that, nothing.
It has a laser in it that checks to see if anything is in front of it, it doesn’t run into things and yesterday, the front door was open and three or four cats were sitting there, looking out the screen. The vac started down the entryway and they just sat there, looking out the door. It annoyed me because the vac just turned around and went the other way.
@lisaviolet I don’t have any cats so the vac won’t need to avoid anything but furniture. I’m not sure how well the laser sensor works on mine. The vac bumped into just about everything when it was scoping out the rooms.
My Fuko Saga…Finished! (except for my wife seeing this stuff…)
Originally said it was going to arrive on Friday. On Tuesday, it was fifty miles away, and thought…“Oh, it’ll get here a day early.” Then nothing…until Thursday, when it showed up eighty miles away…with, “will be delivered on Saturday.” And of course, on Saturday, it was changed to “will be delivered on Monday.”
So went out Monday, and came back, expecting it to be delivered from Post Office with mail (just checked, still listed at 2 lbs, .91 Kg). Instead got a pink slip from the PO indicating couldn’t be delivered, with the note “heavy”.
So today I trekked to the Post Office to pick it up. The post office guy said…“whoa, too heavy to pick up”, so they brought it out on a cart, and allowed me to wheel it out to my car. The box was pretty unwieldy, but I managed to maneuver it into my car. Got it home, dumped the box onto the floor of my garage…and here’s the results:
1 Ancient Remington Cash Register (year unknown at this time…weighs about 100 pounds)
1 Universal Saddlebag (guess it can be used with any type of horse)
Not sure how I can follow up after that righteous looking cash register but I’ll try and make it short and sweet. This was my very first Fuko unboxing in the 763 mediocre days that I have lurked this amazing site
My 3.2 lbs of Mehness arrived right as I left on vacation so I was forced to wait in anticiMehciation to open it until today. Being that my package didn’t grow in weight as much as others left me feeling it would likely be less than impressive but to be honest it probably could have just been the red branded bag to put a sizable smile on my face. Ok here goes:
-1 Meh Bag
-1 Meh Koozie
-1 Meh Sunglasses
-1 Meh Sticker
-1 Nickelodeon Zone Lunch Box plastered with pictures of SpongeBob, Jimmy Neutron, Rugrats, Fairly Odd Parents and some others I couldn’t name without looking them up
-1 Happy Birthday Swirls (My co-workers will appreciate these at work the next time I decorate a cubicle!)
-1 Barbie shoe hinged box with tiny pink purse inside
-1 Innergie USB power adapter (Can never seem to have enough of these!)
And last but not least
-1 Awox StriimLIGHT LED light with built-in Bluetooth Speaker (Actually looks pretty neat!)
All in all I can certainly say this was not a let down or Meh down and thank you very much to the whole Meh team!!! Look forward to birthday number three and beyond and all the fun times it will surely bring!
The BOX. What. It looks a lot like @daveinwarsh 's dick demon packaging so I was pretty, as you can guess, ecstatic to open it to reveal my own genitally-enhanced supernatural being.
Unfortunately I was very disappointed.
So, in a particular order, here are the innards of my phallic box.
1 - Callaway Big Bertha golf club set. Oh good! Not sure how much it’s worth yet. Maybe like $100?
1 - Pokemon Dialga wall decal
1 - Futurama Collectible Tin Sign. Best show ever.
1 - Water bottle fanny pack, perhaps? Or maybe I wear it on my back like a backpack. It looks a bit like a stingray with snaps
1 - Fuko bag. Condition: crumpled but still full of goodies
1 - Flattened Meh birthday hat with a broken strap. Not pictured.
Overall, pretty sweet. The meh decal and glasses make me happy. I’ll probably slap the sticker on my car window and wear the glasses when I do my Shipt deliveries.
Good Stuff: Fuku bag
meh Sticker
meh can cozy (worst can cozy ever made)
Meh sunglasses - starting to notice my eyes beginning to cross a little (ala the jerk - wondering if this is a problem)
And introducing, Pete the Pirate Monkey! He is an exotic drink holder carved from a coconut. Unfortunately, he was not carrying any tickets to someplace exotic… Meh
Posting a little late here, but better late than never, right? I thought my Fuko was interesting, but after a quick look at what others received, it’s comparatively meh on the interesting scale.
Anyway, here is my haul:
-Fuko bag
-Meh can cozy
-Meh sticker
-Awesome Meh sunglasses
-Decorative Happy Birthday chocolate mold
-Chef Pals Beef Thermometer
-A leather motorcycle saddle bag! (It also has a weather cover that’s not pictured)
Looks like I’m first. I feel special.
Very Meh bag. No garbage. Included:
Meh bag
Dr. Seuss pop-up book - Happy Birthday to You
Precious Moments “God Loveth A Cheerful Giver,” from June of 1998
Copper Mule Cup (or at least it looks copper)
I like Irk T-shirt, medium
Like I said, Meh
BUT WAIT…something inside the bag:
A beer cozie with Meh. on it
A Meh. magnet - nope, wrong. Not a magnet. Maybe a Meh. sticker? Yes, a Meh. sticker.
AND black sunglasses with purple (Barney?) temples and Meh. printed on the temples.
Wow, what a haul! Er, I mean, what Meh.
@pooflady - Awesome! Excited about the meh logo stuff. Congratulations on being the inaugural reveal!
@pooflady @Barney may have inspired a whole line of Meh Purple Branded merchandise.

/giphy brand name merchandise
@OldCatLady I knew I left my glasses somewhere.

/image real cool purple sunglasses
@pooflady I love purple.
@pooflady An “I Like Irk” shirt?!?! Lucky!!!
@pooflady it may be the jetlag, but i’m not seeing the picture of your haul. what? you didn’t post a pic? for shame.
@carl669 I have a new phone that I don’t yet know how to use. But besides that, don’t know how to get a picture from the phone to here. My apologies.
@carl669 Hey, leave her alone. Not all of us are technical wizards around here. Geez, he goes off to China for a few days, comes back and thinks he owns the place.
@Barney doesn’t china own everything? i just assumed that i’d be given part of that ownership by visiting. the chinese government lied to me!!
@carl669 Would you like to buy some oceanfront property in Kansas?
@Barney no thanks. i’ve already got some in Iowa.
No shipping info yet.
/giphy im sad

@un0 holy hell not ^ THAT sad though.

/giphy not that sad
/giphy that’s crossing the line

@pooflady Congrat’s on the crap! Thanks for sharing!
my AV doesn’t like something on this page
@smerfherder what av do you use?
@communist malwarebytes blocked an outgoing domain when I opened this thread.
Mine got to Smartpost this morning-adjusted 2.0 lb holding weight to actual weight of 2.4 lb. With the box weighing something-this probably means my fuko weighs less than 2 lbs. Not a good sign.
/giphy 4lb fuko coming my way!!! The weight finally updated from the holder and it grew!!

Box on the way and made it inside state borders this morning. I am hoping I’ll see it tomorrow! Weight has updated to 17.7 lbs. Whoah!
Nothing to reveal but the weight finally updated today.
When did this become the shipping update thread? If I see new posts here, I expect to see reveals! It’s disappointing otherwise.
@communist I grump a lot.
1x Meh Bag
1x Meh Koozie
1x Meh Glasses
1x Meh Sticker
1x Happy Birthday Musical Straw
1x Outlet Speaker
1x Shower Curtain
1x Wireless Headset
1x Dart Gun
1x Mighty Charger
1x Creepy rusted metal bird castle/cage
Thx Meh!
@lichme I will gladly pay $5 for that sticker. Hopefully it will come in my fuko.
@lichme How much did your bundle of goodies weigh-looks give the kind of crapola I am about to get given my 2.4 lbs weight.
@Felton10 Tracking said 8.9Lbs but felt lighter. 18x18x18
@lichme - The bird cage looks wonderful! (The chair looks awfully comfy, too). You got some good stuff there.
@conandlibrarian If you don’t get one, you can have mine.
@lichme great score & I totally dig the birdcage!
Whelp, first one ever, and here’s what I got!
4.2 lbs. of meh
1x Meh Bag
1x Meh Koozie
1x Meh Glasses
1x Meh Sticker
1x Chevrolet Trucker Cap
1x Happy Birthday Little Pookie Sandra Boynton board book
1x Crocodile Creature Cup mug
1x Emergency Alert Walkie Talkie Radios
and the most meh of the bunch:
1x META Smartwatch.
Was pretty stoked about the watch until I realized it has a proprietary charger that wasn’t in the box.
Maybe one of you received a charger? meh.
Still: fun!
@jwithy ooh I like the mug
@jwithy how much did your package according to FedEx weigh?
@Felton10 4.2 lbs (right there in the headline
@jwithy I’ve got a broken meta watch with the charger (thanks meh) . You can have it. The watch only works with the charger attached which makes it less than convenient. Not sure how to contact you outside of this forum.
@jwithy Sandra Boynton!
@brhfl I love her books. They were well worn at our house.
@brhfl i know, right?!
@kevin8er ooo! but then, how do we know the charger actually works…
@jwithy ummmm… Because it powers my broken watch. As soon as I unhook it the watch losses power.
@brhfl @sammydog01 I have to admit, my gf and I own two large and one small Boynton pigs. Her name (from the tag) is Gertrude Swine. Yeah, big fan here.
@kevin8er fair enough! would love to figure out a way to get the charger from ya.
@metageist aww one of the buttons keeps falling out of the smartwatch, I was looking forward to trying it.
@metageist remembers.
@evbarnstormer You just blew my mind
/giphy mind blown

@evbarnstormer I did just go get the book to verify and there is indeed a -stain and not a -stein. I’m still going to write that e though.
@evbarnstormer This is life changing.
@evbarnstormer but he said Bernstein. So, it must be a third parallel universe where Bernie sanders is president.
@metageist How much did fedex say your package weighed?
@Felton10 3 lbs
@hollboll ok everyone calm down and stop remembering things differently before we break Time
@evbarnstormer Oh man, oh jeese. I dunno about this Rick!
Disregard everything I said about my packages weight. It’s mother trucking 24lbs!
I mean, oh “yay”. ehem
@un0 my last fuko went to 18 lbs and I got a brand new roomba.
@un0 Mine was 15.2 lbs & had a devil dick drum.
Good luck…
@un0 you win, mine is 22.8
@HemlockTea I win, 25.7.
@un0 Ha… got all ya bitches beat with a “honey, get the hand truck” 41.5 lbs.
@Veloslave could be a bag of dirt…
@un0 I sense a Neato…
What the fuck.
This is my second Fuko. The first one had a damn 36" tall damn cat thing.
This box shows up. The mailman could barely fit it in his little mail-mobile.

A 50" long meh-box. Great, another damn cat. shit.
Once I opened the thing up, I was greeted by:

A 48" tall devil thing with a 12" long dick.
What the fuck did I do to you meh???
Do I deserve a damn 4 foot tall devil??
I look closer, the dick is removable. It’s a damn stick to beat the devil-drum?

I tried pounding on the devil with the devil drum dick. It sounds like shit. It sure ain’t no drum. SHIT! Meh tricked me into pounding devil dicks. You bastards! Damn.
I dump the rest of the box onto the floor:

An Alien wall toy. Ehhhh…
Purple meh shades… Hmmm… OK…
meh coosie. Keep beer cold? I like it!!!
meh sticker… Going on my toolbox. Not bad…
Grand Tour shower curtains… I can shower & pretend I’m naked in Paris! Wheee!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY napkins. Well, maybe usable…
Piranha Shades… These seem to be nice sunglasses!
Red Meh Bag. Always useful.
I improved the devil with the shades…

I’d say thanks, except you mailed me a 4’ tall damn devil.
I’m afraid to try for my third fuko…
@daveinwarsh lmao i spit my drink on my keyboard. I love it. Glad I didn’t get it – at least not that I’m aware
@daveinwarsh Best fuko ever!
@capguncowboy It has to be about the most hideous looking thing since the 3’ tall damn cat I got last time.
No, this is even worse. It’s hands are wrapped around it’s removable dick. I don’t think I can even donate this thing.
@daveinwarsh If I lived in Warshington I would come over and pack it into my minivan.
@sammydog01 Yes. I feel like I was fuko’ed…
@daveinwarsh Donate? No sir. That there is a White Elephant gift. Someone needs to receive that as some sort of gift. They need to feel obligated to keep it despite their true desire to rid themselves of it.
@daveinwarsh I had some sort of tummy thing going on early Monday morning, had some major coughing and my sides really hurt.
It’s been a while since I screamed with laughter.
Thank you.
@daveinwarsh Bah Ha Ha…Oh my gosh, I haven’t laughed out loud, that hard simultaneously getting completely creeped out from a post in, well, EVER!!!
@daveinwarsh That dick-devil is everything!
@daveinwarsh After seeing this, I am bit of afraid of what I may get in 5.2 lb hilarious psychotic iguana. Hopefully your order reference wasn’t indonesian-phallus-drum or I really am in trouble.
@kphilippe Mine was a “ragged-secretive-secretary”. You may be safe…
send me the red devil!!! My grandmas high school was the red devils and i need to give it to her for xmas so i either get my inheritance immediately or never.
@daveinwarsh I’ve looked at the pictures three times. Every time it gets funnier. Meh likes you! They really, really like you!
@daveinwarsh Is he single?
@daveinwarsh I don’t know what your secretary looks like… Something secretive about that thing.
@daveinwarsh Looks like you got yourself a slit drum. Maybe you can get some sucker to take it off your hands on ebay.
@daveinwarsh i can’t possibly express how many stars this fuko deserves.
@daveinwarsh Hah, this rube doesn’t know how to play the devil dick drums
@jmoor783 its something like this
@daveinwarsh I love purple, not so much red.
@daveinwarsh Cool devil! Hey, give your Sheltie a hug for us. She (or he) looks just like our 16 year old girl we had to have put down June 2nd. We still miss her every day.
@Stumpy91 That’s so sad for you. I give her a hug every day.
@OldCatLady I know. Actually I just had to laugh. Don’t tell meh though… After 3 beers, it isn’t quite as hideous, though it’s still ugly. My wife can’t believe it. lol…
@daveinwarsh I cannot even begin to express how hard I was laughing reading your post. That… I am so glad I got a weird orange cat now.
@daveinwarsh OMG this is hilarious. I was crying I was laughing so hard. I really need to know where I can get one of these for a gift! Thank you for sharing and for the perfect write up!
@Stumpy91 woof. Beautiful Shelties!
@uraqtc I have no idea what sane person on Earth would want one of these. If you give one as a gift, that person may hate you forever…
@daveinwarsh I have a dear friend that loves all things hilarious. I even sent her your post so that she could laugh along. Her reply? “HILARIOUS!!!” as well as “WTF is “meh” anyway?”. I obviously need to educate her!
@owlhooter I looked for Bali drums online. There’s nothing like this devil-dick drum. It turns out that Bali makes other different bad-sounding instruments!
@daveinwarsh OhMyGod! WTF!
@daveinwarsh - Compare it to this? (But yours is sooo much better)
It says that one is missing its “phallic drum stick”.
@KDemo Oh, oops haha. Too late to delete.
@daveinwarsh i’m incredibly scared i might have the 2nd in what could be a matching set to yours. i’ll be opening it tonight. i can only imagine what a demon lady would look like and which of her body parts could be seen as “musical”.
@janetv My box looked like that (if yours is 6 ft), but mine was wrapped in lots and lots of tape. Hmm, are you SURE you want to open it? Beware –
Good news?!?!?
Mine went from 2.0 lbs to 8.0 lbs
/giphy expanding

TIL good things can come in big packages (see: 4’ devil dick) and small ones (see: below). My 4 lb Fuko came with:
Thanks, Meh! ¡And Feliz Cumpleaños!
@Madboy121 Congrats on getting ZERO devil-dick-drums! Woo Hooo!
The gang here has been nervously awaiting the arrival of the Fuko…

…and it arrived much earlier than expected.
The usual suspects: bag, koozie, sunglasses, sticker.
Star Wars ruler.
Cheap plastic butt-ugly yellow corvette model.
Party stick-on tattoos.
An old anatomical knee with removable parts! It will certainly provide a minute or two of fun.
Thanks meh!
@etheltheflog that corvette looks like a “dealer promo” which can be valuable. What does the box it came in say?
@PenguinOnTheRox You are correct. Here’s what’s on the box:

I see one listed for around $30 on Amazon and cheaper on ebay. I was going to donate it but it’s yours if you want it.
@etheltheflog just saw this mention. I’ll take it off your hands if you still have it.
My 33.6 lb Fukobukaru arrived, left out by my door immediately after a rainstorm.
So far, so good.

1 - Fuko bag
1 - Meh koozie
1 - Meh sticker
1 - Pair of Meh sunglasses
1 - Mooing meat thermometer (wet box, likely due to delivery)
1 - Dart gun
1 - 6 balloons
1 - LensKit for a cell phone (damaged box, likely prior to arrival
3 - Suction cup thingies (seems like for picking up panes of glass or something)
All in all, that maybe accounts for 2 lbs of this box. Behold the remainder, 30 lbs of “Waterless Cookware”!

3 - Lids (two sizes, 1 missing the temperature attachment)
2 - Sauce pans (different sizes)
3 - Large pots (2 large, 1 larger)
4 - Strainers that seem to fit inside the pots (same size)
5 - Bowls? (I think they go inside the other pots for cooking, but who knows?!?!, 4 of one size, 1 of the other)
2 - Silicone pot holders
1 - Lid or something (it kind of fits some of the things)
1 - Instruction guide to make sure I don’t kill myself with the first use
1 - Instruction Book to give recipes so I learn to cook without water
I literally have never even heard of “waterless cooking” and I think I need to get some lids for the larger size pots, but this will really help me along with my waterless lifestyle.
@pengieh Well, that’s great if you live in California. I can see some awesome meals on their way.
@pengieh I think the strainers are meant to be used as steamer baskets? That would make sense to be waterless cooking, seeing as the food isn’t in the water.
@pengieh Let us know how it works, OK?
@pengieh I have had waterless cookware since I went to a friend’s Homemaker’s Guild party where it was demonstrated and bought a set on payments. Mine is only 3 ply stainless but currently they sell 5 ply. Multiple layers for even heating was a selling point. Use on the stove on low heat with a small amount of water in the bottom pan and the baskets stacked on top with veggies or other items with a lid on top. Cook your entire meal on one burner was another selling point. You do need a little bit of water but you aren’t supposed to have to keep adding water as in other cookware. I do not have the bowls but see using them as mixing or prep bowls. The plastic handles are the only weak link as they are damaged if subject to excessive heat. How durable are they you ask? Mine are now over 30 years old and still in use. Only have one saucepan that got overheated when I scorched gravy in it. That caused a hot spot that likes to burn. They are a great product. Awesome fuko.
Didnt even get a bag with mine and now everyones pimpin with glasses and a hat?! ARGGGH
@natekimh I think a bag was guaranteed- check with CS. I think you’re out of luck with the glasses and hat.
@natekimh Yep, we can get you a bag, that should have been in there. Shoot our team a message here.
@MEHcus thank you.
My polarizing-surprised-imp will arrive Thursday, it seems.
It finally updated with 4.2 lbs, which does bode better than the 2 lbs placeholder, but seems underweight for a new Dyson vacuum cleaner
/giphy polarizing-surprised-imp

@capguncowboy I just watched this about 30 times.
@jbrookebarrow @capguncowboy I so want to know what the hell that’s from. Can’t pick up enough from the video to tell.
@Bingo it looked like a white pickup truck to me that came sideways across the lanes.
@Bingo I’m pretty sure the vehicle came the wrong way down that off ramp.
no devil dick here

just some consumer electronic waste and earwax
Updated to 17.3 lbs!! This fuko is my first ever so I hope it’s gentle. I’m getting nervous, but thank goodness it’s not going to be the devil dick drum!..unless they had more
Got a phone cover in my Fuko. Wrong size for my phone, but Meh sure seems to know my style preferences.
Ok, I’m super glad I looked in this thread. I’m excited now!
@Thumperchick They wouldn’t send YOU a drum. That would be wrong, with a kid around.
@Thumperchick So’s that big red guy.
My shipping weight updated to 22.6 lbs. Supposed to be here Friday, probably be here tomorrow.
I hope there’s not a female version of that ugly ass drum thing.
@lisaviolet Look on Ebay for ‘slit drum’ and see.
@OldCatLady Ewww.
@lisaviolet That’s about what a devil drum would weigh… good luck.
Out for delivery, went from 2lb placeholder to 12 now 15!
Got my 2.4 lb bundle of joy today. As predicted, mine contained a Meta smartwatch.
Don’t get excited-mine is the 69.66 special.
If works, be satisfied-got other assorted crap such as the sun glasses, pencil holder, mello smellos, USB power adapter, and happy birthday streamers (exact same product sells on amazon for 5.48 so I have recouped my initial investment.
All in all not a bad haul-more functional than my first fuko and most important good enough to keep my wife from giving me grief when I order the next fuko.
Holy Fuko. My package arrived today- total weight is 15lbs. Totally happy with my purchase!!! Rock the Fuko!!
Can’t wait for the next one! Thanks, Meh!
Its here! +Shark Steam Mop not in photo.

I think meh is trying to get me to clean more. First a neato botvac now a steam mop. Damn you guys.
My 25.7 lb fuko came today.

Mr. Happy rug
Happy Birthday toilet paper
128 oz Bubba
Bag, sunglasses, sticker, and koozie
What’s that in the bottom?

Criminal Research Products?
Ooh, it’s a fingerprint kit!

And a fingerprint camera! Or parts of one.

Now I can go out and play CSI! Thanks, guys! I LOVE all of my new and previously used stuff! Best fuko ever!
@sammydog01 Forgot to mention the South Park dartboard because my son immediately stole it.
@sammydog01 Awesome!
@sammydog01 SO JEALOUS.
Mine arrived today!
Had an interesting assortment of things in it
I don’t know who Dennis Miller is, but judging by the blatantly racist and decidedly unfunny quotes the doll says I don’t really care to know either. This doll is going straight to the trash, not even worth white elephanting.
The Aliens watch though, will make for a great white elephant gift!
When I saw the monkey, I was really hoping it would be meh branded and be a renaissance of the classic Woot! monkeys… I collected those woot monkeys for several years and still have an impressive lineup of color/cape variants on my shelf.
Sadly though it is an unaffiliated monkey. It is smaller than the normal woot monkeys and slightly larger than the woot keychain monkeys, and instead of screaming, it sings "Happy birthday to you! You live in a zoo, you look like a monkey, and you smell like one too!"
I would put it with the woot monkeys anyway, but as soon as it started singing… well, see for yourself:
@kasona - I think you know all you need to know about Dennis Miller. Appropriate reaction.
Pretty kitty deserves a toy.
@KDemo I second that. He likes to think he’s much smarter than he is. Or maybe he is really smart – doesn’t make him funny though. Anyone else remember when he attempted to ruin Monday Night Football with color commentary?
/giphy dennis miller shut up

@capguncowboy Had to watch with the sound off
@kasona The Dennis Miller doll is a MUST regift item. I completely disapprove of your garbage trashing.
@kasona I love purple.
@capguncowboy i think he is really smart… too smart to know what’s funny to the rest of us. you have to be very extremely knowledgable about … everything … to get his jokes.
Should I do a video comparative opening of my BOC and Fuko that are both coming tomorrow? Just a pound apart in weight.
@juststephen I like videos. Much easier than reading
@juststephen yes.
@capguncowboy I’ll make a text version just for you.
@juststephen Same here. BOC 2.9 lb vs Fuko 3.8 lb.
@juststephen only if you wear an Irk mask and a Meh. t-shirt
That can be arranged. I don’t have an official Meh shirt, but I could probably throw something together.
A piece of printer paper with an IRK head printing on it for a mask.
That work?
@juststephen i’ll be sure to star it if you do
you could discretely open the Meh. box prior to rolling film, get the Meh. sticker, pin it to a black t-shirt…
ah, fuggetaboutit!
@Yoda_Daenerys Your video will be up shortly.
What the hell! I signed my first apartment lease and now I’m such a changed man that I’m commenting in this forum!?
Anyway, in all its 5.8 lb glory:
Thanks meh.!
@wooterondo I think your “scary, fuzzy, tentacled multipet toy” is supposed to be a birthday cake?
Congrats on your haul…and apartment!

@dolphinone a cake certainly makes much more sense!
but after seeing the fuku from @daveinwarsh …
@wooterondo LOL!!! Right?!?
And hi!
@KDemo I though hello was supposed to be a .jpg, not a .gif
@wooterondo That hat is super cool!
-Meh bag, sunglasses, sticker, and cuzie
-Coors Light hat
-bluetooth headset
-Clifford’s Birthday Party book WITH STICKERS
-Turtle Tuck pet costume
-DeliPRO slicing guide knife
-Regal 1 GHz RMT2004-EXT-20. After some googling, it appears to be a “Multi-Tap” that’s used for “delivering video services”
Loved my first Fuko. Thanks Meh!

Okay, the party is now over, y’all. You can go home, because has transferred Irk to me. No, really. See?

All I have to do is run some of the mile and a half of lights that I own into the openings and then fire it up with my new Cobra CJIC 250 300 Amp Portable Jump-Start/Air Compressor with A/C and D/C Power Outlets. I will wrap my new meh coozie around a cold beer, wear my new meh PURPLE shades, put my new meh. sticker onto my car window, and cuddle up with my new Itty Bitty Birthday Boo, by Gund. For company I have an Alien (for ages 18+) wall relief and a Silly Surfer model. The menu will be egg sandwiches (the red & white plastic thing), accompanied by whatever I bring home from shopping with my red Fuko bag. On second thought, I really don’t want the Alien for company. Really. I am so very grateful to have Boo and Irk instead of the Devil Drum, though.
(WTF am I going to do with meh Irk sign? The ‘I’ alone is 18" tall and 6" deep… Suggestions very welcome.)
@OldCatLady Love and cherish it always? I’d hang it up on my office wall
Looks like it would have originally had lights inside it
@OldCatLady I’d keep it. Maybe hang it on my door so everyone would know who lived there. That’s just me though.
I was going to do a comparison. Here it is; the Fuko was 35" tall, the BoC was 10" tall, but did include a monkey and a bag. Nuff said.
@OldCatLady I have a living room wall that can handle that and would make it look fabulous!
@OldCatLady I’m so jealous of all these people getting alien stuff. Lucky!
@RiotDemon I may have one of those Alien things if you want one.
@RiotDemon If you want it, I’ll send it to you. It can’t stay here.
@OldCatLady @sammydog01 how do I send you money to cover shipping??
@RiotDemon No need to send money, although the alien thing I have is exactly the same as @OldCatLady s. Send me your address at sammydog001 at the gmail thing. I’ll be out of town for a week but can mail it when I get back.
21.1 lbs, escaped the warehouse Monday, delivered today (Thanks Smartpost!)
Thanks and a happy birthday, Meh! I hope to find the card from last year to send back to you soon!
Botvac was used and a return. Dirty but not overly so. Charged up and it is currently vacuuming my living room. I appreciate its orderly approach to navigating. I think we’re going to get along just fine!
For @galmaegi, here was Crimson checking out the haul:
@djslack Hi Crimson!
I waited and checked everyday to follow the shipping status. 2lb… has to update at some point… 12.5lb. Now that sounds promising. Will it be a Neato or Roomba… maybe a new receiver, it would be cool if I got the Korean takeout sign like someone else did in the past. I rush home today and see a good size box. It has some heft. I tell myself has to be something you can’t use. Don’t oversell it. The kids are excited. We take it in the camper because that’s what kids do I guess. I open it up and see… WTF… a brass peacock… ummmm…huh.

So I got an Elvis beer tray (Elvis not really my thing but I have a few old beer trays)
2 different place mats?
My Little Pony book (5yr old took that)
Clifford Birthday book (2 year old took that)
And the bag, sticker, classes and coozie combo.
With Meh expect the unexpected. You win MEH… I need a beer
@StrangerDanger To be fair, you did get a birthday theme in there.
@OldCatLady yea it was all good. The peacock gave me a good laugh.
@StrangerDanger i snorted reading your post - thanks!
So we got…
Right on, not bad!
@brhfl What size? Wanna trade for something?
@brhfl ditto on the trade offer, i have some VMP t-shirts that i’ve ‘outgrown’ - actually never tried to squeeze into them.
@brhfl The Mohu is a good over-the-air TV antenna, that was recommended to me. It could make a cord-cutter out of you, if you got a TV… I own one. The un-amplified one is $30 and the amplified one costs more. So a good deal!
@Veloslave @YodaDaenerys it’s an AA 2XL. Wouldn’t need anything in return. Drop me a line back here if either of you are interested. If you’re both interested, figure out which of you wants the left and which of you wants the right half.
@pellucid This thing actually isn’t an antenna (though, seeing that they’re primarily an antenna company, it makes sense why they tout the antenna passthrough so much!). It looks to be a connected sort of device with Netflix, YouTube, TV Guide, etc. apps. Not seeing it on their website, probably explains why Meh has them…
@brhfl And if neither of them wear that size, I do!
@cinoclav You’ll be next in line then, but I should probably ping @Yoda_Daenerys with the underscore in there first… oops.
@brhfl Sure, I’d love it, and if I have to choose, i’ll take the outside, @veloslave can have the inside
. I do have an AA XL of the VMP shirt that I would be happy to ship in return.
@Yoda_Daenerys Kind of forgot about this what with the thread becoming so unwieldy! I see @veloslave starred your comment, but just going to wait for confirmation that they don’t want it since they did ask first. Otherwise, drop me a line, b at [my username] dot com.
Got my fuko today.
Fuko bag with purple glasses, meh cozy and a meh sticker.
Toy dart gun.
Hulk vs Thor squeeze toy.
A plain Burgandy T-shirt XL(used?).
A folding Happy Birthday banner.
Logitech Harmony Touch remote. Obviously a return. Power adapter was missing, but no big deal since it’s usb.
It might have gotten use at meh since it had 2 Seiki tvs and a Denon receiver listed as devices. I highly doubt someone that owns a Denon receiver would own 2 Seiki tvs, so keep your eyes pealed, we may have a Denon receiver coming up.
As always, money well spent. Thanks Meh!
What a Clusterfuck…
Biggest Disappointment since I’ve been getting bags, well done meh …well done.
meh bag
meh koozie
meh sticker ( nice quality )
meh sunglasses
Diva shot glass on a beaded chain
soft dart gun
Old Fashion Ice Cream Kit
(But I don’t own an Ice Cream Maker, and the box says
2011 on it, so it will go right into the trash)
Samsung Bluetooth Headset…looks used …eeewwww
and the best part…
Silver Plated Monkey Candy Dish
@somf69 hey… I ate some frozen chicken the other day and after noting a slightly off taste, checked the date and it was 2008. You can handle that ice cream kit, my friend!
Got mine today as well:
Meh koozie
Happy Birthday Straw
Meh Sunglasses
Sero 8 “Hisense” (Tablet)
HM1900 Bluetooth headset
GoJo Hands Free
Classic Marvel Battles Team-ups
Meh Sticker!
Yay! Thank you meh for the tablet! The one from the last Fuku really was terrible, it couldn’t even support the BusStop app I was planning to use it with!
I’m still charging the new one, but it already feels and looks like an elegant knock-off. If you could sneak another one in next time I can finally realize my dream of having a little frame on the wall that tells me when the next bus is coming.
Straight from the WTF department…!
(Not pictured) Pokemon Wall Graffiti and a standard issue brown wooden walking cane. (how the hell do they know how old I am?)
A re-manufactured food sealer (with the original owners mailing label still on it…lol)
A Happy birthday Big Shot glass
Meh Sunglasses
Meh Sticker
Meh Koozie
And oh yeah…
A straight from the 70’s Sankyo (Sounds like what a rapper says about the Italian Navy) Pachinko Machine that is old, weighs a ton, falling apart, missing glass and who knows what other parts and looks like it has been sitting outside in the sun for a few years.
@Veloslave A pachinko machine and a food sealer? So awesome!
@Veloslave On account of the current Pokemon Go craze, that wall art might fetch some $$.
@narfcake Thanks Cake… I might have missed that fact… timing is everything.
@Veloslave The Sankyo machine might be worth some money. I’ve started seeing a few last couple years at auctions and yard sales asking $50 - $150 in much worse shape.
@Veloslave That looks like the same pachinko machine that my Gramps somehow bought and kept years and years ago…
Happy Birthday Meh!!!
My five pounds of fun arrived. YAY!!!
Birthday shot glass
Meh bag, sunglasses, coozie and sticker
Bluetooth speaker
Plastic toy hair dryer
Creepy mug with crocodile (will go nicely with my spider one.
Craig touchscreen tablet
And… My favorite thing…
A wooden carved elephant wall hanging thing.
Thank you meh for another fun Fuko!!!
Aw man, jealous.
Thanks, Meh! Fuko11 arrived today, all 17 lbs of it:
Happy Birthday!
@cwolfpack3 Cool stuff!
@cwolfpack3 Really nice presentation! Did you use an app to make your photos cartoon-ish with cool fonts?
@pellucid Thanks! Yes: ComicLife by Plasq.
@daveinwarsh I agree, thanks!
My 4.2 lb. Fuko arrived today and spouse couldn’t wait until I got home to open it…so here is the Fuko meh in all it’s glory …well it’s Mehness

Sigh --still no roomba so I could clean up – truly meh birthday FUKO BUT I did get some neat stuff and worth the price I paid for it…
@AttyVette I love purple.
Well, the good news is my Fuko11 arrived early. The bad news is my Fuko11 arrived. At first I was excited to see a large box at my front door that was the size and shape of a decent size flat panel TV. Could Meh have noticed my comments about not having a TV and sent one to fill this void in my life? Umm, nope. Apparently they thought a broken wooden rocking toucan would be more useful. Here is the complete list:
• Broken wooden rocking toucan (head separated from body)
• Bubba 1 gallon insulated beverage dispenser (new)
• Spiderman 3 Giant Graffix
• Giant PEZ Collectors Bank
• “Berenstain Bears and Too Much Birthday” book with stickers
• Meh stuff (sticker, koozie, purple sunglasses)
• Red Fuko bag
Unless the rocking toucan is worth something on Antique Roadshow, it’s headed to the dumpster. All in all, quite Meh. Although, compared to the BOC I got today, this haul was extraordinary. Oy.
@heartny Nice Bubba! Those are real nice quality containers… lifetime warranty with a cool website and excellent support should you ever need it. Wanna trade for a Pachinko machine? (fine print: local pick up only or you pay shipping LOL)
@Veloslave Thanks, but no thanks. Could I interest you in a broken wooden rocking toucan perhaps?
@heartny Glue the head. Do not disrespect the toucan by throwing it away. Or send it back.
@heartny I like the toucan. It’s classy.
@heartny I LOVE that toucan rocking horse. I’m with @chadp, don’t throw it away. At the very least send it back, I’ll glue the head back on.
@heartny I love purple. That bird is weird.
@heartny I am with @ChadP and @hollboll, fix it or return it. All you need is a 1/4" drill bit, some 1/4" furniture dowels, a bottle of wood glue, a drill, and about 15 minutes of your time. That thing is cool!
If you want to return it in better shape than you found it and live in NY as your name implies we could arrange to meet up (eastern NY anyhow… like Albany?) and I could repair it before sending it back, I have all of the tools, materials, and know how.
@heartny My husband asked me to tell you that he is offering to pay shipping if you are willing to send it to him. Please don’t throw it away.
Just opened my birthday Fuko, which arrived in a half opened, half empty box and 1.4 lbs. under the advertised 4 lbs., so I didn’t expect much (sorry, but it’s not a night for me to deal with pics):
My Fuko box arrived today:
1 Fuko bag
1 Meh sticker
1 pair of purple Meh sunglasses
1 Meh beer coozie
1 happy birthday monkey
1 iPhone 5 case
1 deck of Edward Scissor hands playing cards
1 pair of headphones - not working, jack busted
1 Minions Windows tablet - Does not turn on, maybe can be RMA’ed.
Now I wait in anticipation for my second shipment, no note in the box so the e-mail received from Hollboll is the stand alone notification. I will return when the mystery item(s) arrive.
@Raider I love purple.
Here’s mine:
So yeah, can’t complain.
@lemonswithsalt shit that was signed? i gave away the wrong copy!
/me wonders who Gray Puryear is
you sure did! Gray Puryear…
/me pretends to know who Gray Puryear is
I was trying to avoid this thread, but with my fuko stuck in “label created” limbo and then after Holly asked for my number to set up delivery, the suspense was killing me. Looks like lots of fun variety this time! I’m even more anxious now to see what shows up at my door whenever it decides to get here… plus, I’m pretty sure @hollboll promised my future boyfriend/future future husband would be delivering it
@Kleineleh May all your Fuko and studly bf dreams come true!
@Kleineleh He’s just getting ready to deliver it. See?

@cwolfpack3 Here’s hoping…!
@OldCatLady Thanks! I just hope he doesn’t get in trouble, he seems to have lost his uniform shirt…
@Kleineleh hey now, I didn’t promise, I just implied.
@hollboll From your email:
Or, at least, that’s what I read
@Kleineleh His brother is driving the delivery truck. They have to pick up a couple more guys on the delivery crew, and they’re running a little late.

@OldCatLady I didn’t order anything, but can he stop by anyway? I might need someone to move a fridge, or something… Yeah, that’s it…
Well, my Fuku was totally MEH!
1x Fuku bag
1x Pack of Fancy Fringed Blowouts
1x Meh coozie
1x Meh sticker
1x Meh Sunglasses
1x Pack of Happy Birthday napkins
1x Marvel Clash of the Titans FF vs Doctor Doom something or other
1x Pack of Who? playing cards (real cards, not digital ones)
1x AMT ERTL yellow plastic 1995 Corvette Convertible
1x PoGo Power Card Portable Credit Card Sized SmartPhone Charger (which I’ll never use since my phones are too smart to use one of these things)
and finally…
1x large desk lamp with shade that I had to throw away because it arrived with a completely shattered base, broken metal rods and crushed lamp shade.
Anyway, definitely Meh!
Well my weight finally updated from 2.2lbs to 25.6 lbs so it might not be a standard bunch of stuff. I was wondering why 4 packages got shipped the same day and they arrive Thursday, Friday, Saturday(Fuko), and Monday according to fedex. But as a sidenote I did get my second BoC today to go with my first Fuko/u from meh. Somehow the BoC was pretty great. I will use all but one item in the box.
(Solar outdoor light, earbuds, Shorts(the correct size even), Mort & Monte 2016 magnet, kidrobot Micro Do it yourself superhero, a zipper tote, computer mouse shaped pencil sharpeners, and finally prepasted vinyl wallpaper border pattern 324B05866… go ahead and pick that part number to pieces.)
To be continued when Meh Birthday Fuko Arrives!
Mine is out for delivery today. Can’t wait for my 9.7 pounds of meh!
Cue the sad trombone.

/giphy sad trombone
My Fuko arrived. I could tell something was not quite right by the sound it made when I hefted its 13.9 pounds into my house. It sounded… broken.
Undeterred, I unboxed it and found:
• (6) party hats — Will use for my pity party.
• (1) Meh. sticker — Will stick to something.
• (1) Meh. beer cosy — Will use while drinking my sorrows away.
• (1) Pair Meh. sunglasses — Will use so nobody can see me crying.
• (1) Meh. bag — Will use to lug around the shattered pieces of my heart.
• (1) Alien digital watch — Just bought my wife and daughter Fitbits. This is slightly more meh.
• (1) package of Mello Smello Scratch & Smell Stickers — Will use to mask the stench of my disappointment.
• (1) Torx screw — Thanks, I guess.
And, finally, there was a box that once held 10 reams of paper. That box was the source of the broken sound. I opened it with some trepidation. And inside…
• A large ceramic pot. That was broken into several hundred shards. Completely shattered beyond any hope of repair. Sad, because it actually looked like it was a nice pot when in one piece.
Now if only I had a Roomba to clean up all the little foot-impaling pieces of pottery that currently are littered across my office floor. (Yes, that’s a subtle hint, Meh, in case you were wondering.)
Oh, well. It was fun anyway. I still love you, Meh! And I’ll be sure to send pictures when I slice my foot open on a razor-sharp sliver of kiln-fired misery.

Update: To add insult to injury, the Mello Smello Scratch & Smell Stickers don’t even smell!!!
@rv617 What’s the date on the stickers? Somewhere, somehow, meh got hoards of supermarket toy aisle stuff from the 70’s and 80’s.
@narfcake The stickers are a 2011 vintage. Evidently not a very good year for smelly stickers.
@rv617 If I recall correctly, that was actually a big ole ceramic egg, not a pot But I could be wrong.
@rv617 I can sympathize. A great looking lamp was included in my Fuku which was shattered and broken during shipping. Meh can’t seem to figure out how to pack stuff. Well, if we ever need dangerously random shards of broken glass we’ll know where to get it.
@MEHcus Ah, well that makes sense. Maybe the giant egg just hatched en-route. So where’s my ceramic dinosaur?
@rv617 That same thing happened in my first (and only fuko) - it once was a beautiful cake tray, but came shattered. Super lame.
I even contacted support about it and all they said was “sucks to be you” (more or less).
I wasn’t expecting much, but I definitely wasn’t expecting shattered glass
@luvche21 Kind of reminds me of the old Bag o’ Glass skit on SNL with Dan Akroyd.
Anyway, I already know it sucks to be me, so I think I’ll skip contacting support.
Still, a Roomba would go a long way toward making everything better…
@rv617 Yes, yes it would. A Roomba AND a speaker dock is all I need!

1 - red fuko bag/coozie/sunglasses combo
1 - resident evil wall graffix
1 - birthday straw
1 - TOCC usb charger
1 - “Huff 'n Puff” game(?). 90% broken. (check out the girl’s facial expression!)
1 - “Zippy” Snack maker
Most awful one I’ve ever gotten. Happy Birthday Meh! You’re working to balance out the good ones I’ve gotten in the past.
PSA: Kids should not huff.
Received my large but light Fuko box yesterday. Of course the cats had to inspect it first.

Lots of Texas air (which I released back into it’s natural habitat) and bubble wrap

Red Fuko bag

meh koozie
meh sticker (yes!!)
meh sunglasses
Size XL Stealth VMP shirt (anyone need one?)
Pepsi tray
Elvis Blue Hawaii ceramic glasses/candle holder/things
Empty Darth Vader Bazooka gum container - my nephew is going to go nuts for this
Izon View camera that I accidentally left out of the group shot
Freakin’ awesome skeleton woman canvas art print. Seriously, I love this thing so much! We have skulls all over our living room (you can see some of them in the window in the first pic) and this will fit right in! Thanks meh!!!
@stardate820926 I just love seeing the cats (or dogs) on this fuko thread.
@stardate820926 I’ll take the shirt, please.
@badger65 It’s yours! Send me your address at my username at the hotmail
17 lbs on my front porch, so excited!! Soon to be disappointed
Red swag bag (Quality sticker btw, though I don’t know where I could fit it).
A Audio earbuds (Badly repackaged, quickly trashed -I ain’t sticking a used earbud in my head)
Gojo headsets (2x, gonna give these to the day care and see if the kids play telemarketer or drive thru attendant)
Innergie USB Charger/cable (says its 2.1 amp, and the retractign cable seems decent, so I might use this)
Foam animal masks pack (definitely going to the day care)
Summer study 3rd grade flash cards (going in the box of teacher aids my wife has, I’m sure we’ll find someone who wants them)
All in all, decidedly mediocre, though worth $5.

/giphy perfectly mediocre
Well, my Fuku was pretty decent!
1x Fuku bag
1x Meh coozie
1x Meh sticker
1x Meh Sunglasses
1x Pack of popcorn Mello Smello stickers
1x Crocodile Mug
1x Budweiser hat
1x Little Miss Birthday book
1x AMT ERTL yellow plastic 1995 Corvette Convertible
1x Holmes HEPA air purifier
All well worth the price of admission! Thanks MEH!
@mattguyver If those stickers are anything like the ones I got, you definitely won’t need the air purifier to remove the smell of popcorn from your house.
Definitely Meh. Probably the most blah meh ever. Can’t figure out how to upload the picture though. Ugh
@badger65 upload it to (no account needed), grab the direct link into your clipboard and paste it in the comment
My 4.7 lb box came this morning. It was fairly awesome… err… mediocre
Red Fuko bag
Meh coozie
Meh Sticker – going on the back of the wife’s van
Meh sunglasses
Happy Birthday pink teddy bear
Silly Surfers “Riding Tandem” model kit
7" Tablet cover/keyboard – looks pretty nice though
Cheater reading glasses – god damnit! I just got rid of the ones I got a while back
Haier 9" Tablet
The tablet showed no sign of life. I plugged it up and it still didn’t do anything after 10 minutes. Meh.
I did a hard reset on it by holding the volume up + power buttons, then wiped the user info and rebooted.
It works now, but the screen is garbage. It reminds me of the early LCD screens that could only be seen from certain angles. Oh well, the kids will get this. YAY!
I haven’t even watched it yet myself, horribly done video with my webcam of a dual unboxing.
I’m wearing an IRK mask and a shirt I ruined to make it a MEH shirt. Pictures/itemized to come.
@juststephen The video doesn’t exist?!
@galmaegi If only there was some
onegoat to blame for that …@galmaegi @narfcake Here you go:
@juststephen well done!
@juststephen I don’t see a text version
@capguncowboy Look one post below for a text list… Also photos.
@juststephen - Thanks, Irk!
MEH coozie and stickers.
Bluetooth keyboard for Ipad mini.
Temporary tattoo’s
Classic Marvel Team Up’s
Meh Glasses
Weird monkey guy.
I now have the Meh-est scooter around! It covers up the brand logo well - with how much trouble it has given me, it might as well be the Meh-Mobile.
@juststephen I love the monkey! He would be perfect for remote controls.
@juststephen Where do you even buy a Coastal 50 scooter?
@cinoclav It’s a TMec 50cc. They throw so many names. This scoot has caused me so much trouble… Falls apart very quickly.
@juststephen I think I have those same exact mirrors on my scooter!
Picked it up at the Post Office today, weight updated to nearly 25 pounds.
…and a rather large saddle blanket bull head with coon tails on the ears!
Pretty impressive meh. Thank you very much!
I told sweetie that I was going to hang the bull head on the dining room wall. She said she would cut my dick off if I did. I guess it will have to go up with the coon tails.
@2many2no You should ask her if you can hang your dick up on the dining room wall next to the bull head
@capguncowboy I think that was the joke…
I walk to the mailroom in my office building to find this gigantic box!

I got a few stares while carrying it down the hall to my office. The contents were pretty amazing.
This has been an awesome fuko!
@tonylegrone My cat would love that shoe chair.
@HemlockTea I just brought it home today and it immediately became the new cat throne.
@tonylegrone You could reupholster the stiletto with sisal or carpeting and get an all in one cat throne/scratching post!
@HemlockTea Also, that’s a gorgeous kitty, looks like mine
@HemlockTea that’s not a bad idea! And thanks, that’s Marzipan. She runs this place.
My 18 pound one arrived today, contents are:
Boom box (said broken, but works fine)
Motley Crue Wall Grafix
Motorcycle Saddle Bags
Corvette Toy Car
The Meh Bag/Coozie/Glasses/Sticker (not pictured)
Not bad. Especially considering the tablet seems to be working properly. Mom will enjoy using that I think.
Thanks meh. And Happy
@44R0N7 I forgot to mention the best part about the speaker, it’s purple!
@44R0N7 Aww, I love purple.
Alright, I’ve been getting ready for disappointment and it’s finally on my doorstep!

I can safely say I didn’t expect this.
So aside from the previously bag and swag I received
-4 bags of Texas air (safety first)
-a projection alarm clock (neat)
-a Star Wars ruler (would have been great for elementary school)
-a Miller Lite trucker hat (instant redneck costume)
-an old mechanical grandpa toy from Japan (terrifying)
Thanks Meh for delivering this unholy vessel into my domicile in an effort to lift its curse laid atop your shiny heads.
This box is huge! That means it has huge guts!

Thanks Meh!
2.7 lbs fuko arrived! I only get small ones
Well last time I got a used dirty desk vacuum attachment.
Fuko bag of course, the drink cozy, meh stickers, and sun glasses.
Some kind of old power tool toy.
Scratch and sniff stickers. These made my whole bag/box smell awful. Seriously, they smell like wet dog. (Thyme I think it’s supposed to be) Everything smells like wet dog.
-Salt shakers? The feet threw me at first, but I think they’re salt shakers. Originally I thought maybe they’re some aroma thing because the whole bag smelled just awful.
but not badly. I actually kinda like these, just because of how odd they are.
One of the tank ones is chipped sadly
And last and almost certainly least:
Oh god I feel filthy just touching the thing. I have no idea why Meh would even accept that as a return? My guess is that someone owned one and ordered another sending their in to meh saying it was used or something. That or it’s the worst refurbished unit I’ve ever seen. Seriously how does it even get so filthy? It’s also insanely greasy (which didn’t show up on camera). I genuinely have no idea how it gets so dirty. Did that past owner not shower? Did they intentionally rub it into dirt? Did they leave it in a junk drawer for 3 years and forget about it? I-… I… Well I’m not really complaining, just trying to explain how gross this thing is in person.
As far as I can tell it’s totally dead. No USB cable included. I need to find a micro USB cable and charge it, but I’m not even sure if that’s worth the trouble. I can change the bands probably, but still.
Hopefully all the images aren’t too much!
Edit: It also came packaged in this thing, not a nice boxed version like the other guys
@Nexar Probably should’ve put nice in quotes to show the sarcasm :S
@Nexar Use a disinfecting wipe on the watch and you’ll be fine.
@narfcake I was going to just wipe the thing down anyway! I was being moderately sarcastic throughout the whole thing, just mentioning it for giggles. The real pain is going to be the glass rims and such, since there’s a lot of dirt stuck in the grooves there and I’m not sure how to get that out.
@Nexar Try q-tips dipped in a little rubbing alcohol.
@Nexar - If that doesn’t work, try a toothpick on the smaller grooves.
@Nexar those feet shakers made me laugh. The painting on the toes is awful. I like the tanks.
Here’s is what I got:
-meh bag, sunglasses, refreshment coozie, and sticker
-birthday hat
-my little pony book
-prince xizor vinyl doll “with realistic falleen hair”
-uniden 2-way radios
@craigslistprime Only one Prince Xizor? For the record, local charity thrift stores were surprisingly pleased to take them off our hands. We’d planned to unload them at a dozen stores, but only ended up going to a little over half that many because several places asked for more. Pretty sure I saw some from my batch on ebay (local sellers) but they weren’t getting much interest.
As the site’s serial complainer, I wanted to chime in with how happy my wife was with this order:
Lucky to have gotten one and very pleasantly surprised
I forgot to mention, the Shark steam mop from the last fuko works, it’s hot!
So delivery was scheduled for Sat the 23rd for a few days. Early yesterday it updated to Monday the 25th. Yesterday evening it changed to Fri the 22nd. It arrived today. Maybe the regular scheduler is on vacation?
So this cornucopia of fun for all ages contained
• The meh logo stuff (sticker is really nice, but don’t think I’ll put it on my car next to the candidate stickers, at least until after the election)
• A red bag, which I’ll never take for granted although sad that I missed out on the valentine pink one.
• Scary sharp Rocky Mountain knife which will be very useful for cutting Rocky Mountains.
• A tablet case and keyboard (also rec’d in last fuko)
• Spongebob watch
• Birthday balloons
• Handy power tools, and (not pictured)
• Little (not red) Corvette.
Thanks so much, meh, happy birthday to us!!
@KDemo I have an extra pink fuku bag I can send you.
@Barney, you have an extra? Y’know, it’ll probably be worth a fortune in a few years, but if you’re sure . . . My username preceded by 333 at google.

Overlooked details: Rocky Mountain Knife AS SEEN ON TV!!! Includes True spark flint fire starter, and the handle opens to reveal a bandage, sewing needle, safety pin, two fish hooks, fishing weights, fishing line, and matches.
After the earthquake, I’ll be the one fishing in the goldfish bowl, and filleting the fish with my Rocky Mountain Knife AS SEEN ON TV!
Eat your heart out Bear Grylls.
Well, after viewing some of the offerings included in this Fuko sale, especially after the weight update to 22.6lbs from the 2.0lb marker, I have to say I really wasn’t looking forward to the delivery. I didn’t need wooden things. Most of those have been pretty creepy.
Well, the box gets here, it’s big and bulky and heavy on one side. I’m getting a little nervous at this point. I bring it inside, put it up on my table.
Okay, is that a Dennis Miller trash talking dumpster doll under the bags of Texas air? I used to like him, but somewhere along the line he quit being funny and started being mean.
Yep. Husband sez don’t you even want to see what he has to say? Nope. And flash cards, a green singing monkey, a Rocky Mountain knife, Meh glasses. sticker, coozie and Fuko bag. None of which explains the weight.
But this did:
Is it true? Is it real? Is it refurbed? I know that there are pranksters who work at Meh. I’ve wondered if that’s on the application for employment. “Are you a prankster? Y N”
I open the box up, is it really what it says it is?
It is! It is!
Brand new, full, complete Robotics Neato Botvac 85!
Thank you, Meh!
@lisaviolet - Neato!!
@lisaviolet Not fair! That was supposed to go to me.
@lisaviolet Perhaps you would like to trade your botvac for a broken wooden toucan rocking horse?
@heartny Let me sleep on it.
@heartny Okay, slept on it.
I’ve decided to not take you up on the offer. But thanks.
@lisaviolet You’re welcome. I wasn’t sure you were serious
@heartny Or maybe trade for a wonderful and useful Devil Drum?
@heartny I get that a lot.
@daveinwarsh Nope. Nopenopenope. Absolutely nope.
@lisaviolet Well, in this case I couldn’t believe someone might actually want it
@lisaviolet u r lucky --meh loves you /) Well done and congrats !
@AttyVette And I love meh. I’ve run that thing three times in the past two days and right now, I’m actually washing floors! It’s a Mehracle!
It’s been a couple of weeks since I washed floors and it’s going so much more quickly today than I imagined possible. My husband grinds metal back in his shop and so much of that fine dust finds its way into the house, either in the air, on feet or on the cats.
Yeah, I think Meh is alright. And my feet shouldn’t get dirtier indoors, than out.
So my 8.4 lb Fuko came today…

XL Meh VMP shirt (at least this should fit)
Fuko bag
Meh sticker, coozie, shades.
Marilyn Monroe desktop neon sign.
Family Guy grim reaper bendable toy
Izon view.
And OMG WTF is this creepy doll? My wife was thoroughly creeped out and my 6 year old appears to be creeped out with her. However, my 2 year old seems to love it.
@owlhooter i think the doll goes to the same hair stylist as Irk
And I know why the IZON view was in there, it doesn’t appear to want to connect to wifi. Oh well, was hoping it might work.

/giphy shitty tech
@owlhooter That is a VERY creepy doll.
@owlhooter haha, I think I have that doll’s miniature family member in my belongings. Really. It was my first baby dolls when I was an infant. I will try to locate it and get a photo to share.
Mine arrived today, 2 days earlier than originally targeted by the FedEx, weighing in at 1.41 kg:
Thanks Meh and welcome to your terrible two’s!
Here’s a Meh.pic:troubles with that, the video will do
The Marvel game in all it’s video excitement:
Now, I’m not saying I could spend all night playing this game (or the model’s hand that I videoed with my new XTC action cam) but that is some exciting shit fight! Right?
I’m working on the strategy later tonight, after I do a couple of other things.
Got mine today! Largest fuko for me thus far.

Fuko bag
30bulb LED lantern!
String of Christmas lights with terrifying soapy stars!
Ch-ch-Cha-Chia! T-shirt!
Diva beads with glass!
Meh sticker, cookie, and sunglasses!
And a freakin Neato botvac! (Looks to be a return/referb but I don’t care! If it works it’s my new cleaning slave, if it’s dead it’s parts shall live on!)
A very happy birthday to Meh! And many thanks for the wonderful fuko!
Ps for Meh guys and gals: botvac had a packing slip and request form from the vendor, if you guys need it sent back to you or emailed let me know!
@Cody2003 update! Botvac lives to trudge my apartment.
I call him Dante for his life is hell.
Runner up was Sisyphus.
mine arrived today
Meh bag, sticker, coozie, sunglasses.
shower curtain
Foodsaver vacuum sealer - can it be a return if it’s today’s deal ???
a “happy birthday” stuffed animal
hardcover book (Free The Market!)
Nick Jr Wonder Pets “Turtle Tuck” pet costume sized for large dogs.
considering I was prepared for a pallet of scrap metal, I think I did quite well!!
Here’s a video revealing the contents of my Fuko and BOC that arrived on the same day.
Video How do you post a video inline, instead of a link?
@Stumpy91 you just post the direct link.
@Stumpy91 Thanks for the fun comparison video. I like your voice
My giant 15.6 lb box arrived today, and contained probably my favoritest thing ever.
The Monkey Man (according to a handwritten tag attached. It also says $250.00. Ha.)
And a few other things:
A Budweiser hat
Easy Eggwich thing
Happy birthday streamers
Reading glasses +2.00
The Daily Mood flip thing (it does not have a Meh mood)
AR outlet speaker (that looks handy)
And the Meh swag:
Bag, sunglasses, sticker, and drink koozie
Mr. Monkey Man left a bit of himself on some of the other items. Don’t touch the Monkey Man without gloves is our motto.
Thanks, Meh! I got a big kick out of the statue, and the rest of the stuff doesn’t suck.
@peaceetc The outlet speaker works! I was a bit afraid, since it was already opened. But it seems to be fine. I’m a happy camper.
@peaceetc Congrats on the Monkey Man!
@daveinwarsh Thanks, Dave. I mean, he’s no devil dude with the giant penis. But he does have a penis, which is the point. Although not as pointed. More of a suggestion, really.
@peaceetc Is he single?
@heartny I don’t see a ring.
@peaceetc Nice
And here’s my fuko, featuring my cats:
All the Mediocre stuff (Bag, koozie, sunglasses, sticker)

Happy Birthday Temporary Tattoos
Mello Smellos “The Original Scratch & Smell Stickers” Pizza Scent
Miller Lite Cap
Bem Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Duo
After all that, this Corona Box was left. Did they send me beer?

Nope! It’s another kitty!

It looks so smug wearing the sunglasses…

Thank you, Meh!
@ninjaemilee There’s so much awesome statuary going on with these fukos.
My Fuko arrived, I hadn’t checked the delivery date or weight so totally a surprise! I thanked my postie and then ran out of the post office to the car and opened it right there. Wait until I got home? No way! It’s a 65 mile drive to my US Post Office!
Had no expectations (since I didn’t know weight of box) and hey, it’s a fuko!
I’m happy with my box of meh, very glad I didn’t have to explain to Canadian customs why I had a 48" tall devil thing with a 12" long dick in the car with me.

@transplant I love purple.
so i got my fuko today and opened it at work and everyone was freaking out like “what the hell did you get and why” and etc. etc. etc. so that’s not the exciting part of this story.
what IS exciting is the terror i felt when i was sitting home alone in the dark working on writing some music only to hear this awful high-pitched whine coming from god-knows-where. it was really unsettling, seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere. i got up and walked to the front door. could it be something wrong with my computer? i leaned in close but the sound didn’t get louder. could it be coming from outside? yet as i got further from the table it got softer (but was still there). could it be something wrong with the fridge? one of my LED bulbs? no dice. the sound continued despite my efforts.
one last thought: am i going mad??? is this finally it???
and then my eyes met those of the Rodney Dangerfield talking doll, staring directly at me. a shiver ran down my spine as i noticed its broken jaw gaping, the cry emerging from within. could it be??? of course not… yet i leaned closer, closer… the squealing stopped. and then…
i shrieked, tossing the doll to the floor, its head tumbling free from the body, rolling towards me, faster, faster. as i scrambled through the kitchen to flee its pursuit it continued to pick up speed, its hideous mouth clacking and crunching hungrily with every rotation. i reached quickly for whatever i could find, anything to fend off this demonic beast. a wine bottle. SMASH. it continued undeterred, the red wine dribbling from its lips like fresh blood. a knife. i threw it. it missed. damn. i was cornered, nowhere left to go… when suddenly, the head stopped. my heart pounding, my mind racing, i froze, waiting, hoping it was over.
then it moved. slowly. as if guided by unseen hands. it rose, from its position on its side until it sat upright, as though its neck extended into the floor, connecting with an unimaginable body below. rotating slowly, it came to face me, those dead, blue eyes meeting mine once more. the jaw clenched; my heart skipped one beat, two, three… as its mouth opened the squeal returned. "heeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEE—"
my fingers found a frying pan. in one swift motion, fingers tightening, my arm whipping high above my head, swinging around, i let the pan fly–
…and that’s when reality set back in. i leaned my ear close to the speaker on the doll’s base. yep, that’s the culprit. pushed the button on the base again and the squealing gave way to the soft, indeterminate sounds of a nearly-dead battery finally giving up. anyways, here’s a picture:
@saiteron - Even his doll can’t get respect.
RIP Rodney Dangerfield.
@saiteron - :
I laughed! I cried. - seriously, that was great! Glad you survived.
@saiteron I’m glad the doll is alright.
@saiteron This is my favorite creepypasta ever.
Welp. Shipment one arrived today. Honestly…it was more of a let down than I had expected. Here’s to hoping that the second shipment is a bit more exciting.
1 standard birthday swag bag (sunglasses, stickers, coozie)
1 Nostaglia Electrics Ice Cream Mix. 2011
1 Mini hand clippers
1 Set of scratch and sniff stickers
1 Mini Werewolf statue.

First off – happy birthday Meh!
Fuko arrived today – I was prepared for it to be decidedly meh at 4.5 pounds. The only other one I’ve gotten was about 20 pounds (last year’s birthday Fuku) and it was awesome (listening to my Palo Alto Rhombus speakers right now!), so I tried to have lower expectations for this Fuko.
This Fuko was definitely not meh…I received:
However, I guess maybe whoever returned these didn’t try hard enough, because I got the headphones paired with my phone in about 2 minutes, and they work perfectly and sound great!
Thank you, Meh, for giving me badass audio equipment two years in a row!
-alligator (or is it a crocodile?) creature cup (broken… 2 big pieces & one small shard)
-7" Tablet PC w/ HiDef TV (a return, probably busted, but might work some)
-new black cap with orange (top) and green (bottom) visor
-meh sunglasses with purple!!! frame
-pack of maybe two dozen assorted washable tattoos
-SmartWatch G2 Lite (a return, likely busted)
-meh sticker!
-meh koozie!
-meh “no luck bag” (or perhaps it should be read “luck no bag”?)
Overall awesomely meh, though slightly bittersweet as I think the alligator/crocodile creature cup is the only one I was missing. I shall attempt to make it whole again.
@baqui63 I love purple.
@Barney I know!
I was quite pleased with mine:
1 meh sticker (!!!)
1 meh coozie
1 meh sunglasses
1 meh bag
1 Who playing cards
1 weird Marvel fighting toy thingy
1 birthday noise makers
1 totally awesome computer bad
Got my Fuko in yesterday, enclosed was:

1 - meh. sticker
1 - meh. coozie (beer not included)
1 - pair meh.-branded swag sunglasses
1 - meh. fuko bag
1 - RCA 7" Tablet PC with High Definition TV
1 - ‘Midnight Nation’ Comic Book
32 - Happy Birthday Temporary Tattoos
6 - Bags of Texas Air
2 - Empty Air Bags
And last but not least…
1 - Totally Bizzare Cat Sculpture Thing
Sadly, the most interesting item in the bag overall, the RCA 7" Tablet PC with High Definition TV, is broken beyond repair. To all appearances it was a brand new tablet that someone managed to break the USB port off of the circuit board on and promptly returned. How this happens without even removing the cling film from the screen is beyond me.

@jbartus A broken USB port is definitely repairable.
As for how it happened, I would guess they tried to force the micro-USB cable in the wrong way and pushed the whole connector in instead.
@narfcake it’s one of those pesky edge mount ones.
@jbartus It’s still repairable.
(If you’re passing on it, let me know.)
@narfcake what does repairing it entail? I kinda wanna hear from another recipient of the same tablet before putting any more effort into it than I have.
@jbartus I opened the one I got from April Fools day and replaced it with one of these.
$2.23 for 5 of them and free shipping.
@Mehrocco_Mole hmm… I have ordered parts. Thanks.
@hollboll who do I contact about getting 44.6¢ refunded?

@jbartus You’ll need solder, a fine tip soldering iron, preferably temperature adjustable, and a steady hand.
@narfcake I’ve soldered but stuff this small… meh
@jbartus @narfcake And flux! Lots of flux!
as in most of the above, meh coozie/sticker/sunglasses/bag.
1 bluetooth keyboard case - which I have received multiple previously in other fuko/fuku’s, and not been very successful at giving away… but we keep trying.
1 random comicbook
1 Mr T coloring book & vinyl record.
1 roughly life-sized sugar skull (my favorite item of the bunch)

@jbartus Thanks! I’m at work, and didn’t realize I’d goofed the pic upload.
@Gypped de nada.
My li’l fuko came in, half-open (or half-shut, if you’re an optimist), this afternoon:

The speaker sounds good; it was packaged in an Easy Eggwich box and didn’t include a power adapter, so I had to buy D batteries for the first time in probably seventeen years. That experience alone was worth five bucks.
My 2lbs of $100 bills turned into 3.8lbs of the following:

Red Fuko bag.
Special K measuring cup.
Meh sunglasses, cozy, and sticker.
Pin the Tail on the Goat game. Oh wait, it’s Donkey. NM
CoorsLight Ball cap just in time for the merger.
Motorola TX500 In-car Speakerphone. Paired OK with my iphone. We’ll see if it works.
Marley Liberate XLBT - an obvious return so not sure if it works. Still pretty cool though. Charging it as I type. I’ll let you guys know.
Overall not as good as 2lbs of $100 bills but I’m happy with this unlucky bag.
Both the headset and speakerphone works. OK meh, who screwed this one up?
Everyone got something of questionable value it seems, one electronic, headphones or speaker etc. even a vacuum or steam mop!
That removable dick demon was over the top though.
I got a large box with the bag, cozy, sunglasses and kids book. That’s it, besides the Texas air!!
4 too small for 18" box items, seems everyone else’s box averaged 9 items.
First Fukubukuo after half dozen tries. No QC in shipping dept?? Is there another box?
Should be something else for all the speakers and Bubba tumblers I relieved you of.
@craigcush I feel like you are drastically missing the true essence behind the term ‘meh’. What you got sounds like it was of comparable approximate value to what I received when considering that the electrical gizmo you’re jealous was, in my case, irreparable within the confines of the skill set of the average citizen.
@jbartus I get the essence. Just saying the average of all posters made me question the giant box for what I could put in my pocket. One or more items fell out in shipping.
Of odd note: did anyone get pet toys? Seems Meh pets enjoyed their deals!! No returns to Fuku.
@craigcush boxes vary in value, it’s luck of the draw. I suspect they just kind of line up boxes and throw random stuff in each one. Mine was relatively worthless outside of the Meh swag, so was yours, by my figuring the swag would cost at least $5 if they sold it so…
Craig 7 inch touch screen android tablet
The Meh bundle and bag
Sticker Stories book "llama llama birthday party"
Babylon 5 paperback book "Legions of Fire Book 2 - Armies of Light and Dark"
Crocodile creature cup
Gojo cellphone holders (2).
So far the tablet is a no go. After charging, the screen lights up for a moment when started, longer when started with the volume control also pressed, but nothing displays. I may try to find a mini-hdmi cable around to see if it outputs anything, but probably isn’t worth the effort. So it goes.
Thanks Meh! It really was meh but one can’t have too many Fuku/o bags, the koozie is going to work, and the ‘meh’ sticker is going to look awesome when I find just the right place to put it.
@duodec Got the Craig tablet running. As it turns out the lit screen with lines that occasionally move is a often a symptom of loose or bad connections to the screen. So I opened it up, pulled, cleaned, and reseated all the ribbon cables that seemed to lead to the screen, and voila, working tablet.
With full access to everything google knows about Alejandra (redacted); email, photos, etc. in her approximately 140 hours of usage of this device.
Seriously, never ever EVER turn in or trade in a device like this without factory resetting it or making sure that has been done. If you can’t its better to physically destroy it than turn it in. ID theft are NOT us but if this tablet ended up elsewhere I bet it could have led to that. It has now been factory reset and wiped. And we have an android toy to play with.
Got mine yesterday, but been procrastinating on posting.
Thanks, Meh!
@kayanadyeath I love purple.
Got my B-day Bag.
Meh … Happy B-day
Well, I can tell by all these posts, I got the real winner of the bunch.
Filth encrusted broken smartwatch (it was beyond disgusting)
Hands free mobile phone things (the ones that you suction cup to your phone and then it wraps around your head to hold it in place) x2
Belkin tablet keyboard – decent, but I already own one purchased from Meh.
Ford hat (straight to my dad with that one)
The worst ‘Happy Birthday’ cooking mold (thankfully new)
Standard bag, sticker, cozy, glasses.
I get these are shots in the dark, but seriously Meh, that watch should have just gone in the trash. I feel dirty just thinking about it.
Holy crap, I guess I didn’t think to check the weight of my shipment. A big box showed up–27 lbs according to FedEx Tracking.
This Dyson DC41 Animal vacuum is really going to help with our little monster’s extra long fur.
@Beardmancer ooh nice, roller ball version!
@Beardmancer I have that vacuum. It’s awesome.
@ACraigL It really is! I had never used a Dyson before, but now I’m impressed. Almost enough to pay full price for one, honestly.
Got mine yesterday!
1x Meh bag
1x Meh sticker
1x Meh beer cozy
1x Meh sunglasses (sensing a theme here)
1x Speck case for iPod Nano 4G
2x Musical straws
1x Notepad and cutlery (only has a knife)
1x Wooden Cuckoo clock (slightly damaged)
1x Dolphin Android tablet (works!)
1x Wooden bull (slightly damaged, but I glued the pieces that had broken).
Thanks Meh!
@jsh139 Mooh…
@jsh139 nice water buffalo, I’m sure he’s happy to be whole again
@denboy oh, duh. It is a water buffalo. Not sure why I thought it was a bull. Anyway, he’s happy to be back in one piece and my daughter has him in her room, haha.
@jsh139 I love that guy, and I’m glad your daughter does too.
@jsh139 you’re good, it’s still a bull if it’s male
@jsh139 That cuckoo clock is awesome. My mom has one from when my parents lived in Germany in the 70s. Also the water buffalo, I’m a cheese monger and water buffalo cheese is awesome!
@HemlockTea Cuckoo clocks are awesome. Sadly, this one doesn’t cuckoo, just plays music. But, still very cool.
@sammydog01 He’s awesome!
@denboy He’s definitely male!
Goodness greeted me when I arrive home last night. I was apprehensive since it had been 18 months since my last fuku. The apprehension quickly was replaced with disappointment. Way to go meh! Mission accomplished! Here’s what the stork brought me…
meh swag bag including fuku bag, glasses beer koozie and sticker
Wall Graffix Mario, my daughter loved this
Mello Smellos scratch ‘n’ sniff stickers - 9 count, my daughter loved this
-Little Miss Birthday by Roger Hargreaves, my daughter loved this
Summer Study Flash Cards - Grade 2, my daughter will not love these
bem Bluetooth speaker - batteries will not hold a charge
And last but certainly not least…
Thanks for the laughs (my daughter) and cries (me).
Love you!
@jimmyd103 That phone is great!! Meh sure found a huge mix of meh goodness this go round.
/giphy huge mix of meh

@lisaviolet For sure!
@jimmyd103 If you have no use for the phone, I know someone who needs props like that and would probably want to buy it.
@jimmyd103 That phone is incredible! This looks to be one of the most magical fuko’s yet.
@djslack @tonylegrone in my younger years i would have been all about the phone. But the promise of robo (election) calls over the next four months and thus loud bells ringing combined with two sleeping kids, makes this not possible.
@jimmyd103 showed it to her and she loves it. If you’d like to discuss a sale email me at my meh username at gmail dot com. Thanks!
Arghh…my two pound Fuko (yep, still .91 Kg) is moving FARTHER away from me. Tuesday it was 50 miles away…today (Friday), its 80 miles away. Smart…um…post. Maybe FedEx knows something about this Fuko…and they’re leary about delivering it…
Got my first fuko and it was meh!
Mine was delivered yesterday. I’m hundreds of miles away until next weekend
Got the birthday bag and goodies, an animal print throw blanket thing, a mophie juice pack. Good haul.
But wait there’s more … a Tru Blood bar mirror. (Great now all the neighborhood vampires will think I have a supply of synthetic blood).
And finally a large ten stringed instrument of some sort.
Pretty great mix. I am mildly disappointed their wasn’t a broken Haier tablet to got with the other two I’ve received but the TruBlood mirror makes up for it.
@russellwilde the instrument is a lute. I’m jealous of that TruBlood mirror. Great score!
@communist Ya beat me to it.
@communist Congrats.
Take lessons & play that thing!
@russellwilde @russellwilde It’s either a Lute or a lyre. Maybe Meh is subtly saying yer a looter or a liar.
(I sure hope you see what I tried to do there.)
Hello, @PrincessSuzuki, and welcome. What do you do at Meh (Mediocre)?
@Barney Thanks for the welcome! I’m not quite sure what I’m doing here at Meh…I just started a few weeks ago and am trying to figure it out. Testing returns has been the majority of my day.
@PrincessSuzuki a new beautiful lady at meh???
Dang, I’m jealous of all the Meh swag! Gotta stay sharp for the next one.
J-Lab Pro-7" tablet, won’t turn on after all night on charger (and I got a dead Haier tablet last time, ugh).
Clock radio with projection of time on wall/ceiling.
Generic wired hands-free headset.
Happy birthday stuffed bear.
Meh bag, coozie, sunglasses & sticker.
apparently i drunkk meh’d and got a fuko.
i received a bag, can coozie, glasses, birthday tattoos
large (2.5 foot long) wooden fork and spoon with carved faces
and a polk audio sound bar in an utterly destroyed box. the unit looks ok i haven’t tried turning it on yet.
I got my 9.9-lb fuko box this afternoon, and it contains:
1 Leather Motorcycle Luggage Set (2 Bags plus 4 small bags)
1 Fuko Shopping Bag
1 Happy Birthday Napkins
1 Meh Sunglasses
1 Meh Sticker
1 Meh Koozie
1 Dr. Doom v.s. The Fantastic Four Toy
Meh, I need a motorcycle. Thank you, Meh!
@DonDonSu Maybe your next fuko will have that motorcycle!
@daveinwarsh Oh no! I do not want to get a motorcycle that is as old as that pachingo machine.
Got home late today to find a giant (22.8 lb) box blocking my 2nd story landing. Bet my upstairs neighbor loved that XD. Just glad the USPS didn’t deliver it to the wrong apartment, like they usually do.

The fukery:
-meh swag: red bag purple glasses, sticker, white coozie
-Hisense Sero 8
-Classic Marvel Battles Team-Ups Wolverine vs The Thing (I love this thing but it’ll probably go to a nephew)
-birthday balloons 6 pack- Happy birthday meh!
-pet pedometer so I can body shame Pixel
-Giant Buddha head, slightly damaged (back corner of the base, I can fix)- I love it!
And a box for Pixel to play in.
This has been a delightful experience, despite it not including a pet dirt-eating robot. It’s my first fuko! Thanks, meh!
There’s something inside Pixel wants. She keeps trying to make the hole bigger…

@HemlockTea How’d I know the picture thingy wouldn’t work ><
@HemlockTea you need to include the imgur direct link. otherwise you are linking to an HTML page, not an image.
in other words, instead of
, you want
@katylava thanks!
@HemlockTea Of course, now I can’t edit ><
@HemlockTea i could make myself a moderator real quick and fix them… but i’m always afraid i’ll do something stupid as a moderator. i’m sure a real moderator will fix your post eventually.
@katylava It’s not a big deal, thanks. My fault for not researching how to do this first
@HemlockTea this should help for now.
@jbartus thanks!
Before this gets ridiculous (and it is going to get ridiculous in a minute), here’s a quick item list:
Now, for the
picturepictures. (Before you say “SIX pictures of your cat???” I want you to know that it was going to be ten and could have been 35. You should admire my restraint.)As soon as I started arranging things, Seal claimed everything and declared that there would be no taking of pictures. Perhaps in retaliation, I violated our rules of conduct and mutual respect and set the sticker on top of her.
Did you seriously just put that on top of me?
Oh! I’m sorry… Am I in your way?
(I have omitted the pictures of her washing away the traces of my transgression and the first moments of realizing the potential for fun with espresso capsules.)
(A while later.)
(A bit after that.)
But, lest you worry… my sins have been forgiven and my cat is cuddling again.
(Or is she getting back at me by cuddling up against my leg when she knows it’s too hot for that?)
@christinewas oh, such a cutie!
@HemlockTea Thanks! I adore her.
@christinewas - Photo #2 - Is she doing duck lips?
@KDemo I’m going to blame this on resolution, but it was definitely a look that said, “I’m still mad at you.”
Forgot to add (yeah, I got a little caught up in my cat)…
This is probably my smallest fuku/o, but it is clearly the cat’s favorite. Thanks, meh!
Oh! And there’s a VMP shirt in there.
@christinewas Didn’t you mean to say a VMP shirt now covered in cat hair in there? LOL
@Kidsandliz I almost did!
She has definitely left her mark on it.
@christinewas not a cat person here. I blame the 4 year stint as a vet tech but thats a good lookin pet you have there.
@jimmyd103 Thanks! She has actually won over many non-cat people. She is as chill and sweet as she is beautiful. She makes things like trimming her claws or giving her eye drops absurdly easy.
@christinewas Sounds like your cat is a dog
My 17.3 lbs of glorious crap came today and I immehdiately dove in!
1 red bag
1 Meh sticker
1 Meh sunglasses
1 Meh coozie
1 foam dart gun (going to hubby)
1 ceramic mug
1 Happy Birthday crazy straw
1 set of GoJo cell phone headset thingies - more like NoGoJo
1 Odd ceramic Barbie shoe chest with a purse inside
1 Shred Emulsifier blender - would be badass but I have a Vitamix already
The haul plus 2/5 of our cats deciding what is theirs…

Odd Barbie shoes and micro purse. Choking hazard but cute!

Overall, my first Fuko is very meh and I love it! Thanks, Meh!
@jbrookebarrow I love those ceramic mugs!
@conandlibrarian I have a mug problem and this one is great. Even better it came in one piece.
So I got mostly the same stuff as others -meh swag, tablet case, wall graffix, trick birthday candles - but my partially inflated birthday balloon contained this:

It probably means nothing, but I wanted to post it just in case I could exchange it for a free drink or an Irk plushie.
Fuko contents:
Wonderpets dog costume (not pictured - claimed)
Curious George birthday book
Easy Egg microwave sandwich maker
Goodyear hat
Meh glasses
Meh koozie
Meh sticker
Precise Heat 16-Inch Rectangular Surgical Stainless - it’s $89.95 new on Amazon - I haven’t checked to see if it works or not.
Thanks Meh! Happy Birthday!
Got my 15.6lbs of Meh. Loving the birthday swag. The sticker has already been stuck and the koozie koozed.
Also got the iPad bluetooth keyboard case that will be regifted cause I’m an Android kinda guy.
But you’re thinking “wait, what doesn’t sound like 15lbs of Meh.” and you would be right.
Also included was a Shark Steam and Spray Mop - It appears to be brand new and even came with the 4 AA batteries (most exciting part of the mop IMO).
Thanks Meh…Happy Birthday.
@benjaMEHn All my ‘iPad’ BT keyboards pair obediently with my Android devices. BT is BT. I find a secret satisfaction in subverting Apple labelled items.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Wow!
My Fuko was dropped off at my house a couple of hours ago. My mailman rang the doorbell when he delivered my regular mail, looked at me, and gave a sigh of relief. “Good, you’re home. I have a package for you.” I told him that I was expecting one and he said, “I may need your help unloading it from the mail truck.” I looked at him kind of funny and said that my tracking showed it to be 2 pounds. He kind of giggled and said, “Nope.” And he left to go get his truck.
I knew I was in trouble when he backed his truck up into my drive. He hopped out and said that the package is about 6 ft. long and that one end had come undone. He said that the people at the post office are taking bets that it’s a totem pole. (He knows all about Fukus and Fukos because of my shopping addiction.)
Yep, it’s made out of wood and it’s a little heavy. We unloaded it onto the driveway. He smiled at me and said, “Good luck,” and quickly left.
Now it’s about 100 degrees, here in Kansas, and there I was out there with my box cutter, carefully cutting through the box that was thoughtfully wrapped with lots of tape by the kind shipping people at Meh. Before unwrapping, however, I weighed it. Or at least I tried. Balancing that six foot box that was approximately 15 inches tall and 15 inches in depth, on my tiny little scale, was not a whole lot of fun. I bet my neighbors were having a good snicker at my expense. 39.6 pounds. Not bad, I guess.
About 45 minutes later my was drive was covered in pieces of cardboard, shrink wrap plastic (or whatever that mailing plastic is called) and my new prized (?) possession.
Now the problem is, I can’t show it to you because I don’t have a camera. The neighborhood computer geek is at camp so he can’t help me. Let me just say that, yes, my Fuko is 6 feet tall and is too big for me to keep in my little ol’ house.
So, I’m off to find a camera.
@Barney Is it purple? Please tell me its purple!
@Barney - Haha! Foreshadowing. I love it!
@Barney is it a female devil tit drum??
@Raider Nope, it’s not purple.
@RiotDemon You have no idea how close your guess is.
So, it’s confession time. I propped my Fuko thingy on the living room floor next to a cabinet. Then, like the idiot I am, I forgot it was there, walked right by it barefoot and hit it with my left foot. Ouch! I think I may have broken my middle toe, or at the very least it’s very badly sprained. I can barely walk; I can’t even begin to get a shoe on. Pix will have to wait.
Oh, and my toe is now a very lovely shade of purple.
I love purple, but…
@Barney - Ouch! So sorry about your toe. I was worried about your back when you were heaving heavy packages. Be careful!
@KDemo I’m really not a klutz. It just seems that there is this little black cloud that has been following me around lately.

@Barney - At least it’s kind of purplish?
@Barney bummer about the bum toe! Hope you mend soon! Looking forward to pix!
@Barney sorry about your toe. Hope it heals soon!
Now I’m even more curious as to what you actually got. ⊙-⊙
@Barney I would much rather hear that your item was purple instead of your toe!
Rest up and feel better!
Annie Leibovitz, I’m not. And in the second picture, I’m NOT hanging the dog on the garage door handle, and, yes, she does have eyes.

You know, I actually found myself looking around my house for a place to hang this (they are wall plaques).
I need help – serious help.
@Barney YAY!! Good job figuring out all of the helpful hints on how to get it on here! And I definitely think that you need to find wall space!
@dolphinone Aw, it was nothing (purple blush). I’m a natural born geek.
@Barney just wow. Where do they get this stuff from??
@RiotDemon The dump?
@Barney I love stuff like that. You should room. You have been cleaning house. Love your Mom’s puppy too!
@looseneck Maybe I should send it to you and your hubby? Hmm, I wonder what shipping costs are for 35 lbs. clear across country.
@Barney It’s only half-way across.

/image closer than you think
Let’s see if I get this right. After a week at home with bronchitis and pneumonia my meh has arrived!
My (very) large cat is waiting for a box to play in.

Barbie Fashion Clutch and gloves.

Birthday tattoos.
Mello Smellos. (unknown if they smell … still to sick for nasal facilities to work.)
Meh Glasses, koozie, sticker, and Bag.
and. . . .from Mexico complete with dead leaves and leftover dirt. a CERAMIC DUCK… missing a third leg needed to have it stand straight up but otherwise intact.
@Kirgen what a cute, fat cat.
@RiotDemon 26lbs of cuddle. He actually weighs about a pound more than the package did.
@Kirgen I think my one cat was 18 pounds before we switched from dry to wet food. His body couldn’t metabolize it properly according to the vet. Lost a ton of weight and kept it off.
@RiotDemon Barn cat, messed up genetics. He does not eat a lot of dry food, occasional wet food, and, up until a couple months ago, as many mice as he could catch. Sometimes 10+ a day. Vet says he is diabetic but okay.
@Kirgen wow, ten a day, that’s nuts. Good thing the vet says he’s ok.
@Kirgen If you end up having to give him insulin shots despite what they say, you can keep that expensive ($265) vial far longer than one month (as long as it is clear it is good - was 6 mo and counting and then my cat went into diabetes remission). And they can go into remission so you kind of have to keep on top of their glucose level. A human walmart meter is cheaper than a cat one but then calibrate that with the vet because it doesn’t read cats right (mine is off about 20-25 points with lower glucose and around 100 or so once you hit around 300). Good enough to see if your cat risks hypoglycemia (been there once with this cat and twice with another) or perhaps needs an insulin increase (one with this cat and then he went into remission not long after that). When my 17 pound cat lost weight his diabetes went into remission. Guess it is sort of like human diabetes.
@Kirgen and I thought my cat was fat. Well I hope it’s healthy anyways.
I wonder if meh bought the inventory of some local curio shop that was going out of business, or made a deal to buy all of their oddest items? So many unique treasures, and so many laughs reading this thread. You guys are just the best.
(What some of our homes will look like after a few more of these fukos).
@KDemo Will look like? Ha, I’m already there.
@Barney I’m right there with you, but on the East Coast.
Anybody want a weird orange cat?
@KDemo I was wondering if a Pier 1 store or warehouse folded and Meh bought the contents; they used to have some ‘unusual’ statues and ornamentation.
Unexpected surprise when I got back into town today! And I still haven’t had a chance to open it!
I sure hope he’s got enough air in there, I have no idea how long he’s been waiting on my porch!
@Kleineleh I don’t even… falls over
I did a double take when reading the small version of the sticker, read it twice, was sure I was misreading it, then got to the zoomed image… falls over again
What’s inside? Also is there some story behind the sticker? Are you close enough to Meh that they might have dispatched their boyfriend to deliver it?
@jbartus I loved seeing that. I think it’s hilarious! When Holly emailed me to get my phone number to set up a delivery, I asked her if it was a nice Catholic husband and told her go ahead and pass my number on if she knew any good candidates. It snowballed from there
@Kleineleh Oh, right. I saw that. Failed to make the connection on my end.
So what’s inside?

My 38.3 lbs fuko landed yesterday.
USPS somehow misdirected the box so it took an additional day to get here. The working theory in the household is that somebody may have broken into it but was sorely disappointed (more on that in a moment).
Here’s the damaged box

Still managed to get the usual suspects in this fuko though:

And the unique items…

Features chapters such as:
Reminds of me of my college days.
And finally, the monstrosity that warranted the huge box:

a closer look…
It looks pretty dope but I’m afraid it’ll be a pain in the ass to repair and get up and running. This, coupled with an impending move, makes me think it won’t be traveling with us to our new home.
Thanks meh, always happy to play the twisted fuku/o game. Happy birthday!
@hashybrown My brother had one of those. It was a lot of fun. I hope you find it a good home.
@hashybrown I volunteer to give it a home!
@hashybrown Congrats! I love those. My grandparents had one and I could play it for hours as a kid
Could you let us all know when you find out:
“Do Rats Have Downward-Sloping Demand Curves?”
@daveinwarsh Res. Page 95 of this:
Rats also prefer root beer to quinine water.
Reading this, if I understand it correctly, it looks like meh is playing us in similar ways (e.g. “What is particularly interesting about the experimental results is that the Giffen good case was demonstrated in exactly the circumstances that theory emphasizes are necessary—a strongly inferior good, with most of the budget devoted to purchases of that good.” (page 95)). LOL
@daveinwarsh Res was supposed to be Yes… too late to edit.
PS @snapster, in reference to the message above this one, since it is too late to edit that one… you are hoping the theory holds with us and we are like those rats? Yes? (grin)
I finally got my Fuko, unlike everyone else mine stayed at 2 lb the whole time, I was surprised when I got a note in my mailbox saying “there was no safe place to leave my package.” what couldn’t they leave my 2lb package in the mailbox I wondered? Well because, it was 4’ tall definitely not 2lb, and definitely couldn’t fit in my mailbox. What I ended up getting was,
Barbie clutch
Happy birthday tattoos
Martin notifier
4 rechargeable AAA batteries
An incomplete dyson Animal complete
And the best for last…
308 coffee scratch and sniff stickers!
@Stoicgent That’s too funny!!
@Stoicgent There’s a lesson in there about how FedEx lies like a rug IRT size and weight, so nobody should worry about them. Was the Dyson complete or not?
@OldCatLady no, sadly it was missing the Swivel C-Clip Connector, basically the part that keeps the base on the vacuum cleaner. The literal linchpin. So I have a non working vacuum because it’s missing a 2$ part. Lol

54D 7R0M80N3
/giphy sad trombone
@Stoicgent I’m sure you can order it from Dyson.
@Stoicgent what’s a Martin notifier?
@RiotDemon already getting the part, I’m excited to work on a new project! The notifier is a watch that vibrates and displays phone messages. It’s neat.
@RiotDemon its like 80% a normal watch with a small notification area
meh sold it 2 or 3 times for $34
My 26.4 lb box arrives today after a couple of delays. I’m nervous.
@BillLehecka You have reason to be. I’m guessing your mailperson keeps looking at it, wondering WTH you’ve done. Don’t keep us waiting!
A nice size box landed on my porch a couple days ago (sorry, I have a life) and inside was a pile of Meh!
Not bad, overall. Totally better than I expected! Happy Birthday Meh.
@Consigliare Good book…enjoy!
So I got my 26.4 lb box… And I have a bone to pick with you, Meh… I mean, I really don’t as this is a Fukobukuru… But still.
-1 Meh Bag

-1 Meh Koozie
-1 Meh Sunglasses
-1 Happy Birthday Sign
-1 Package of Mello Smello Stickers.
-1 Creature Cups: Alligator (Goes well with my Octopus one got last year).
-1 Super Mario Slugger Wall Decal… Trying to figure out where to put that one in the office…
-1 Infinity Keyboard Case for Android/Windows tablets… I think. I don’t know.
-1 Meh Sticker, which now joins my sticker collection at my desk:
But here’s the issue…
-1 Tailgater Active Bluetooth Speaker
This is nice. Still works. Has its plug, looks like it still holds a charge… But, um, here’s the awkward thing. The last Fuku I scored?
You sent me a Ion Block Rocker Bluetooth Speaker.
So yeah, now I have two of these type of Bluetooth speakers… 3 if you count the one I bought for my friend for her birthday party because she wanted karaoke… That one I bought brand new, mind you…
Why can I never get a Roomba or a Neato?
Curse you, Fuko!!!
@BillLehecka you could always trade. im sure someone got a roomba/neeto and doesnt need it
@BillLehecka Would you like to trade for Irk? I got him, and the more I look at him, the less I know what to do with him. ![Irk metal sign]:
OK…now I’m really perplexed. Originally said it was going to arrive on Friday. On Tuesday, it was fifty miles away, and thought…“Oh, it’ll get here a day early.” Then nothing…until Thursday, when it showed up eighty miles away…with, will be delivered on Saturday. And of course, on Saturday, it was changed to “will be delivered on Monday.”
So went out Monday, and came back, expecting it to be delivered from Post Office with mail (just checked, still listed at 2 lbs, .91 Kg). Instead got a pink slip from the PO indicating couldn’t be delivered, with the note “heavy”. So now I’ve got to trek to the Post Office to pick it up…and can’t do that until tomorrow.
Don’t know whether to be excited or what at this point. Normally they leave it in one of the community mail bins that lock, or drop it at the front door, ring the bell, and run.
My Fuko saga continues…
@eeterrific Oooh, you got the Devil Drum’s twin!
@OldCatLady I think @Barney might of gotten that, but we are waiting for a photo.
@RiotDemon Tomorrow is photo day, if I can figure out how to post it.
@OldCatLady For you…
My 4.6lb Fuko contained the following:

-1 Meh Bag
-1 Meh Koozie
-1 Meh Sunglasses
-1 Meh Sticker
-1 Package of Mello Smellos Stickers (coffee)
-1 Happy Birthday singing monkey
-1 Easy Eggwich
-1 Set of First Grade Flash Cards
-1 Martian Watch with Charge Cord
-1 Cat on a Swing Puppet Thing
Whew! Finally able to sit still long enough to post!
After placing my fuko order I gave it a few days to process and then began stalking the FedEx delivery manager only to see the same “label created” status every. single. time. Then this thread appeared and I figured I’d check out what everyone else got while I’m waiting. Patiently. And checking FedEx. Then @hollboll emailed asking for my number to set up delivery of my new boyfriend. And I got less patient and more anxious about what mediocrity was headed my way. Then I had a friend in from out of town who suggested we go see another friend in Austin. So we went. And I kept checking FedEx while we were gone. Nothing there, still just “label created.” No delivery phone call either, so I figured it’d show up sometime the next week. We left Austin and I got home just in time to unpack my car, change clothes, re-pack my car, and head to work. But as I pulled up, I noticed a GIANT… thing wrapped in black plastic on my front porch. The label explained why shipping info hadn’t updated as Meh had chosen their very elite Catholic Boyfriend Delivery Service- which is obviously not tracked by the Delivery Manager. I was totally surprised and super-psyched to see what it was, but only had time to snap a few pics, drag it in, and run back out the door. I thought about my poor Catholic boyfriend waiting in that box all night and felt bad, but there was nothing I could do.
I was FINALLY able to open it yesterday morning and once I got the plastic off, I was even more confused.

What is that?? That is not the ring I was looking for…
It’s a giant ass globe!
It’s old, and actually kinda neat! But wait, there’s more hiding underneath. Once I wrestled it out of the bottom box…
-Meh bag, sticker, glasses, koozie (all but the sticker were immediately used. The sticker needs a special home)
-Uno Ultimate Water Bottle fanny pack (or holster?)
-Berenstein Bears Birthday Book (LOVE them!)
-Mooing meat thermometer
-Ridiculously soft Get Cozy throw blanket
I’m sorry I missed the actual delivery and potentially a nice marryable type guy, but this was still so much fun! Thanks, Meh!

Now, what to do with this thing…
@Kleineleh inquiring minds want to know… is it actually a globe or does it open up, concealing liquor inside?
@jbartus I checked. It does not. But my first thought was how to remedy that
@Kleineleh first you need to cut the globe in half.
@jbartus Part of me doesn’t want to hurt it. But part of me knows I already own the right tools and many liquors that would fit in there quite nicely

@Kleineleh the real trick is turning something not meant to be a box into a box. Getting the whole top assembly to cleanly hinge upward would be a challenge.
@jbartus Yeah, I’d have to add some support and some kind of frame to the inside. Which is harder since it’s spherical. But that would be so much fun to open up and have a drink out of
@Kleineleh I think before you attempt to do anything, you should have a drink first.
@Kleineleh First thing I would do if I got that is try and use to figure out its age
@MrGlass I don’t think xkcd covers primitive finger painting globes.
@jbartus It does, actually
@MrGlass I guess if you interpret it broadly enough…
@MrGlass LOVE XKCD. There are very few labels on it, but I can tell from the markings that it’s almost definitely from the post-pangaea era.
@Kleineleh that globe is the only thing neater than my neato.
@Kleineleh Your delivery guy went for a swim after he dropped it off. It was hot. So was he.
@OldCatLady Do you think he knows anything about taking and posting digital pictures? I could use some help tomorrow.
@Barney That’s pretty much my motto already

@OldCatLady Oh no! And I missed him!
My 42 pound package arrived this weekend, having been punted from SmartPost to FedEx Ground for being 5 feet tall and nearly 4 feet wide. Impressed with its massive girth, I immediately seized it and went to town. With trembling hands, I carefully unfurled the prophylactic sheath of bubble wrap that encased the magnificent creature within.

Behold, a Giant Cock!
While a giant cock is on every gal’s wish list, I see now that I should have been more specific. And now that I have one, I’ve learned that a giant cock can definitely be more than a handful. Due to my small apartment the giant cock is lurking in my kitchen, and he is in my face every time I walk in my front door. Every time I reach for an adult beverage, there is a giant cock blocking my refrigerator. It’s hard to grasp the enormity of the situation. How long before the friction of day-to-day life drives us apart? I don’t even know what to call him - Cocky McCockface? And if I later decide that he is too much for me to handle, how should I phrase my Craigslist ad for a 60 inch cock?
@JaneDoh Congrats, that was a straight up post. It’s going to be hard to beat it.
@JaneDoh very cool fuku. Where do you live? I might have interest in a giant metal cock.
@JaneDoh I like big cocks and I cannot lie - but dayam.
@Barney Did you really say ‘straight up’ and ‘beat it’ ?
@JaneDoh it was really hard not to tweet about this giant cock being in the office
@OldCatLady Hahaha, yep. I guess I’ve been reading too much of @Pavlov’s and @MrsPavlov’s love poetry. I’ve been corrupted.
@jbartus I live in the DFW area, so let me know if you are nearby.
@JaneDoh That looks like a sister to the Bloggess’s Beyonce:
@JaneDoh aw, nowhere near me sadly. Explains the size though, doubtless the truly large stuff is fairly proximal to Meh HQ.
I came home from Comic-Con late Thursday night to find a 3 foot tall box blocking my front door. I was tired but I eventually managed to get my key in the door to unlock it and drag the box inside. Although I wanted to open my first ever fuku/o I really needed to shower and sleep. I took off early the next morning and didn’t get to open the box until I had a few spare minutes Saturday morning. The box had been left standing on one end. When I opened it the largest and heaviest item was on top of all of the small items but nothing was crushed. I took a quick picture before leaving the house. Sunday I finally took a closer look and found a few more items in the fuku bag.
21.6 lbs
@mehla I am loving my BotVac. My husband even made it its own house. (I need to keep it covered because cats don’t recognize its smell and feel like it’s okay to mark it. Ran it twice on Saturday, once Sunday, then washed the floors (no carpeting here), then yesterday and today.
I’m actually barefoot again. Because of shop dust, cat fur, litter and little pieces of kibble, I started wearing socks or shoes. I run the vac in the morning and it’s all good. If it runs out of battery power before it’s done, it goes home, then recharges and resumes when it’s ready.
This thing is truly magic. And it doesn’t scare the bejeebers out of the cats.
@lisaviolet I’m surprised that the cats are not scared.
@Barney The first time I ran it, Sagwa followed it and others watched it. But after that, nothing.
It has a laser in it that checks to see if anything is in front of it, it doesn’t run into things and yesterday, the front door was open and three or four cats were sitting there, looking out the screen. The vac started down the entryway and they just sat there, looking out the door. It annoyed me because the vac just turned around and went the other way.
@lisaviolet I don’t have any cats so the vac won’t need to avoid anything but furniture. I’m not sure how well the laser sensor works on mine. The vac bumped into just about everything when it was scoping out the rooms.
My Fuko Saga…Finished! (except for my wife seeing this stuff…)
Originally said it was going to arrive on Friday. On Tuesday, it was fifty miles away, and thought…“Oh, it’ll get here a day early.” Then nothing…until Thursday, when it showed up eighty miles away…with, “will be delivered on Saturday.” And of course, on Saturday, it was changed to “will be delivered on Monday.”
So went out Monday, and came back, expecting it to be delivered from Post Office with mail (just checked, still listed at 2 lbs, .91 Kg). Instead got a pink slip from the PO indicating couldn’t be delivered, with the note “heavy”.
So today I trekked to the Post Office to pick it up. The post office guy said…“whoa, too heavy to pick up”, so they brought it out on a cart, and allowed me to wheel it out to my car. The box was pretty unwieldy, but I managed to maneuver it into my car. Got it home, dumped the box onto the floor of my garage…and here’s the results:
Oh, and inside the Universal Saddlebag was
Thanks meh!!
@RiotDemon That is a riot, and I hope the horses never have to need them.
@OldCatLady I’m not sure if you’re trying to be punny or not, with the riot gear and all.

@RiotDemon First part was. Second part was serious. Working animals need all the protection we can give them.
Not sure how I can follow up after that righteous looking cash register but I’ll try and make it short and sweet. This was my very first Fuko unboxing in the 763 mediocre days that I have lurked this amazing site
My 3.2 lbs of Mehness arrived right as I left on vacation so I was forced to wait in anticiMehciation to open it until today. Being that my package didn’t grow in weight as much as others left me feeling it would likely be less than impressive but to be honest it probably could have just been the red branded bag to put a sizable smile on my face. Ok here goes:
-1 Meh Bag
-1 Meh Koozie
-1 Meh Sunglasses
-1 Meh Sticker
-1 Nickelodeon Zone Lunch Box plastered with pictures of SpongeBob, Jimmy Neutron, Rugrats, Fairly Odd Parents and some others I couldn’t name without looking them up
-1 Happy Birthday Swirls (My co-workers will appreciate these at work the next time I decorate a cubicle!)
-1 Barbie shoe hinged box with tiny pink purse inside
-1 Innergie USB power adapter (Can never seem to have enough of these!)
And last but not least
-1 Awox StriimLIGHT LED light with built-in Bluetooth Speaker (Actually looks pretty neat!)
All in all I can certainly say this was not a let down or Meh down and thank you very much to the whole Meh team!!! Look forward to birthday number three and beyond and all the fun times it will surely bring!
Yay I figured out the picture uploader

@GeeNay Congratulations on your first fuko. I hope you are able to snag many more.
@Barney Thank you!! I hope so too! But even if not this forum and it’s posters are so entertaining that it makes it ok even when I miss out
The BOX. What. It looks a lot like @daveinwarsh 's dick demon packaging so I was pretty, as you can guess, ecstatic to open it to reveal my own genitally-enhanced supernatural being.
Unfortunately I was very disappointed.
So, in a particular order, here are the innards of my phallic box.
1 - Callaway Big Bertha golf club set. Oh good! Not sure how much it’s worth yet. Maybe like $100?
1 - Pokemon Dialga wall decal
1 - Futurama Collectible Tin Sign. Best show ever.
1 - Water bottle fanny pack, perhaps? Or maybe I wear it on my back like a backpack. It looks a bit like a stingray with snaps
1 - Fuko bag. Condition: crumpled but still full of goodies
1 - Flattened Meh birthday hat with a broken strap. Not pictured.
Overall, pretty sweet. The meh decal and glasses make me happy. I’ll probably slap the sticker on my car window and wear the glasses when I do my Shipt deliveries.
@janetv LOL… Congrats!! Too bad you didn’t get a matching Drum Devil.
This was the lightest box yet so I was beginning to feel disappointed until this pile of magic popped out:
Other stuff included a phone protector, dress bag, surface cover and a fun grill salt & pepper shaker.
Our pet snake already crawled into the basket so I need to pry it away from him. Happy Birthday Meh!

@jkump150 I love your little snake! I think he needs a play date with Irk
@compunaut Not MY Irk! No way!!
@OldCatLady “Ohhh Kayyy” (calm; stay calm)… “Of course not your Irk” (backing slowly away)… "Just @matthew 's Irk…

/giphy backing slowly away
I was really pretty surprised by the contents of my unlucky bag.
Undamaged- unopened - Shark floor Steamer
Undamaged- unopened Food Vacuum Sealer
Undamaged- unopened Foam Dart pistol - with eye blinding hard tips.
Good Stuff: Fuku bag
meh Sticker
meh can cozy (worst can cozy ever made)
Meh sunglasses - starting to notice my eyes beginning to cross a little (ala the jerk - wondering if this is a problem)
surprised by the goodness a little… thanks meh.
My 2.8 lb box contained:
And introducing, Pete the Pirate Monkey! He is an exotic drink holder carved from a coconut. Unfortunately, he was not carrying any tickets to someplace exotic… Meh

Posting a little late here, but better late than never, right? I thought my Fuko was interesting, but after a quick look at what others received, it’s comparatively meh on the interesting scale.
Anyway, here is my haul:
-Fuko bag
-Meh can cozy
-Meh sticker
-Awesome Meh sunglasses
-Decorative Happy Birthday chocolate mold
-Chef Pals Beef Thermometer
-A leather motorcycle saddle bag! (It also has a weather cover that’s not pictured)
Thanks Meh! And again, Happy Birthday!
@mehmyday did you check for what was in the saddle bag?
@eeterrific Ha, good call! I assumed it was just filled with paper, but there are some extra goodies inside!
It contains three more bags: a tool bag, windshield bag, and luggage rack bag. Pretty cool.
@mehmyday Inquiring minds want to know. Was there anything inside the pockets on the bags inside the bags?
/youtube the rattlin’ bog
@OldCatLady Wow, that video should have a seizure warning
Alas, no bag Inception here. I would have split a gut if I found little leather zippered pouches in the other bags. Just a bunch of silica packets.