{CLOSED} An unusual give away that will be posted tonight around 10pm central savings time
8Via the email address used for the (unofficial) mehrican exchange 6 (mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com), an unusual offer arrived in that email’s inbox this morning for a give away. I was asked to be the intermediary because the Nigerian Prince (oh that’s right I only said “possibly” on the reveal thread) wished anonymity for this good meh deed.
Check back tonight at around 10pm central savings time (yes the operative word is around as it might be later, internet here is iffy, we will be at a family barbecue and so uncertain when exactly it will go up but for fairness I was posting advanced warning) to see what it is for and what you need to do to try to get one (first come first served). CHECK THIS THREAD and I will post a photo and instructions for how to potentially win. I will use some CAPS and BOLD so you can find the particular message more easily. The Nigerian prince gave specific instructions and I do not want to risk the wrath of an all powerful prince (grin) by violating them.
If someone could please bump this throughout the day I’d appreciate it as I won’t be home much at all to do so. Please don’t clutter up the bump with gifs and images though so that the actual post that people will be looking for is easy to find. Thanks in advance.
- 41 comments, 125 replies
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/giphy bump

sorry couldn’t resist
@Cerridwyn I love that never-ending train-wreck of uncomfortableness. Cracks me up every time!
I win.
This saves @kidsandliz the trouble of making an announcement later or running a fair contest or anything.
I know she’s busy.
@f00l There will be, if I recall correctly, 7 winners
@Kidsandliz so @f00l, @F00l, @f00L, @F00L, @fO0l, @FO0L, @f0Ol, and @F0OL?
@jbartus no, no, no, no, no, no, and no
Yes you better believe it
Damned straight
Fucking yes
Yes with extreme prejudice.
I win.
So is it meh catshirts???
@CaptAmehrican I am under orders to not reveal the prizes until the appointed time done in the appointed manner… I dare not antagonize Prince X.
@CaptAmehrican I can definitely say it probably isn’t, but could be catshirts.
I don’t get it.
@zachdecker There’s some kind of contest or giveaway or something going on around 10 pm CDT tonight.
IMHO it could be pretty good, so check it out.
SomeoneNigerian Prince X asked me, to preserve their anonymity, to post a giveaway that they want run and I am doing it for them at around 10pm central savings time. After I have hit post on the main post with photos of the gifts (of which you get to choose which one you want) the first 7 who post with their choice (no edits will count - eg posting “first” then edit a few seconds later to give choices, will put you in line with when the edit posts - as I will be on there watching) will win that gift (if everyone chooses the same one that is OK).This is super weird but I’ll be back in an hour. It better not be a pic of your asshole or a marriage proposal or I won’t buy anything from here for at least 3 days.
@kcofield Everything is weird around here.
@Barney some people are weirder than others.
@RiotDemon I hope that is a compliment.
@kcofield This is not run by meh… so whether or not you buy has nothing to do with Prince X’s giveaway.
@Kidsandliz Goddamnit my life is hard enough without all these shenanigans.
I’m going to win 'cause I’m full of Ahi tuna and craft IPAs.
Edit: I’ve already won 'cause of that.
@ACraigL That is certainly a fine example of winning. I had an IPA tonight with straight-up lupulin powder as an ingredient for the first time tonight. I was expecting sickeningly bitter, but it was pretty well-rounded, and the lupulin powder definitely seemed to give it a ‘different’ sort of hoppiness. It was ‘Star Dust’ by 3 Stars, if anyone cares.
@brhfl https://www.beeradvocate.com/articles/15278/magic-dust-will-a-new-oil-rich-powder-change-hoppy-beers/
@ACraigL Good read, thanks. I had heard of beers using it in passing before, but this was the first local one I’d come across.
His Nigerian Royal Highness, Prince X is offering hand made bracelets to the first 7 people who post with the bracelet number (and only post the bracelet number - these are being made to order). EDITS to your post will disqualify you (ex posting “FIRST” and then editing to post the bracelet number will disqualify you). I will be watching to see posts that switch.
His Royal Highness Prince X said that due to unusual circumstances he is NOT requiring that you first send him $5000 to show your good faith. He is requiring, however, that once you receive your gift you post a photo of said bracelet on your arm. Failure to do so means both the bracelet and your arm will be repossessed.
AGAIN you will post JUST the number of the bracelet you want (since they are being made to order even if everyone posts the same number that is OK).
The photos will be uploaded in the post under this one, with the corresponding bracelet number in about 5 minutes because I thought it was fairer for people to be able to read the rules first and then with the second post I make, see the photos,and then REPLY TO THAT POST with the number corresponding to the bracelet you want.
@Kidsandliz CAN I WIN?
@Yoda_Daenerys This ship sailed without you… Sorry.
@Kidsandliz no worries, hopefully the ship don’t sink
/youtube the last ship
Well, by my reckoning, it’s About That Time now.
#1 is the Indian Head nickel
#2 is the Buffalo nickel
#3 is the head of the woman
The other photos show the back of the bracelet, and it being worn. Note that these are modeled on Prince X’s arm and will be approximately this size.

This took longer than 5 minutes. Sorry about that. Lost my internet connection (not to mention it is 5mbps in my mom’s apt lobby).
@Kidsandliz 1
@Kidsandliz 1
@Kidsandliz soo pretty…compliments to the artist!
@Kidsandliz I think the photos are not quite in line with the descriptions, but chose #1 based on “Indian head”.
@Kidsandliz 3
@Kidsandliz 1
@Kidsandliz 3
@Kidsandliz #3
@Kidsandliz I chose #1 based on the buffalo
@ACraigL Since I screwed up the numbering and the photos - please look at the numbers now that photos all match the words at first and correct what you picked if it is wrong as you are getting one.
@kcofield Since I screwed up the numbering and the photos - please look at the numbers now that photos all match the words at first and correct what you picked if it is wrong as you are getting one.
@ACraigL Since I screwed up the numbering and the photos - please look at the numbers now that photos all match the words at first and correct what you picked if it is wrong as you are getting one.
@speediedelivery Since I screwed up the numbering and the photos - please look at the numbers now that photos all match the words at first and correct what you picked if it is wrong as you are getting one.
@RiotDemon Since I screwed up the numbering and the photos - please look at the numbers now that photos all match the words at first and correct what you picked if it is wrong as you are getting one.
@rmf Since I screwed up the numbering and the photos - please look at the numbers now that photos all match the words at first and correct what you picked if it is wrong as you are getting one.
@mehbee Since I screwed up the numbering and the photos - please look at the numbers now that photos all match the words at first and correct what you picked if it is wrong as you are getting one.
@Kidsandliz #1 Indian head, based on the corrections… and really nice work – looking forward to modeling it back to you. I mean, His Nigerian Royal Highness, Prince X.
@Kidsandliz 2 please
@Kidsandliz the Indian head, yes.
Thanks to Prince X for this and you for helping out.
@Kidsandliz #3 (the head of the woman)
@Kidsandliz still #3, the lady’s head or face
@Kidsandliz Looks like #1 (Indian face)
@Kidsandliz Thank you for helping the prince out and please pass along my gratitude to his highness.
@heartny What lady is everyone talking about? I am so lost.
I get them all!!!
Both Indian head and the buffalo are gorgeous.
Prefer loose to tight.
Any form of loose is good.
It’s cool if I don’t get one. They are amazing and gorgeous.
If I do get one I’ll have to start wearing jewelry again in order to honor it properly.
No matter who they go to, our community is honored, oh great Exchange-Master and oh great Nigerian Prince.
everyone who is not me or is not @kidsandliz or who is not a Nigerian Prince:
Put your hands in the air.
Back away very slowly.
No sudden moves.
Apologize profusely for your presumption.
When you have backed away 10 yards, and apologized, turn around and run like hell and get away as fast as you can.
And perhaps you will survive this episode in spite of your impudence…
Oh yeah the head of the woman is also gorgeous.
@ACraigL I am not the one that made these - see the mehrican exchange reveal thread. I am just running the contest for him since he wants to remain anonymous. He and @barney, by the way, are getting married as he accepted her proposal (see that thread) and is sending her an engagement bracelet along with a couple of other people who said (prior to this contest so posting now that you like them won’t count LOL) that they liked his bracelets.
@Kidsandliz 2-2
@Barney It doesn’t look like a lady to me, but it’s the coin with the 1902 mint.
@heartny Ah, that is an Indian Head penny, a very nice coin and bracelet.
@Kidsandliz 2
@Kidsandliz 3
Hit the wrong thing, or just can’t read, you choose. @Trillian is to blame either way.
@speediedelivery 3 meaning the lady since I screwed up the photos (and now have fixed it)?
@Kidsandliz I missed the numbering thing. My favorite is the Indian face.All are gorgeous.
I didn’t know Princes did such fancy work. It must be how he got all that extra cash that he is trying to send.
@speediedelivery I made the same mistake, so it really was my fault!
@Trillian I counted photos from the top down instead of reading.
3 please
@Trillian 3 meaning the lady since I screwed up the photos (and now have fixed it)?
@Trillian Since I screwed up the numbering and the photos - please look at the numbers now that photos all match the words at first and correct what you picked if it is wrong as you are getting one.
@Kidsandliz Yes, lady #3. And sorry I made you screw up the photos!
@sammydog01 7?
@sammydog01 42?
@Trillian I think the answer is always Pie… I mean Pi.
@mehbee That’s a good answer too!
@sammydog01 Saving money on car insurance with Geico is always a great answer.
Not sure what’s going on at this point. I may have won a cool bracelet. Hard to tell.
@ACraigL I’m not sure what’s happening either, but it’s a lot of fun to watch.
I think I need some popcorn.
/giphy popcorn

@ACraigL yes you won one
THE 7 winners are:
The numbers should correspond to
#1 is the Indian Head nickel
#2 is the Buffalo nickel
#3 is the head of the woman
So I have the right ones in the right place please reply to THIS email with the one you want based on the numbering system above.
THEN email me at mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com. In the subject line put Nigerian Prince X. In the body of your email repeat, in words, which bracelet you want and then put where you want it mailed to. Be sure to include a name in the address that the postman will deliver to if yours won’t deliver if you have just your meh name there.
I will then forward this information on the the Nigerian Prince who will be sending them on to me to mail to you.
ALL HAIL THE NIGERIAN PRINCE X and his generosity and bracelet making skill.
You will need to post in this thread a photo of you wearing it (or your intended recipient) or your bracelet and arm will be repossessed and you will owe Prince X $5000. If you have a thank you that you want me to send to Prince X, send it to the email address and I will forward it on (let me know if you want your email address included in the forward or not).
PS blame the goat @Trillian (who is also one of the winners) for my screwups in the photo/numbering system originally.
@Kidsandliz Cheers! Email sent. Thanks so much!
I have decided to allow the winners to continue to possess functioning brains.
You’re welcome.
Not sure if this is a SNAFU or FUBAR.
@pooflady probably worse than either. I’d upload a photo and get an error message (3-5mbps here and internet cuts in and out) so I’d delete all photos and start over uploading them since I couldn’t tell what I had uploaded without posting and didn’t want to do that until I was done. Clearly that didn’t work LOL. However all 7 winners can correct their choices and will get the one they wanted. So all is good in the end, even if I screwed it up to begin with. It is the intention that counts. Right?
@Kidsandliz Absolutely.
Thank you to The Great Nigerian Prince for your artistry and your generosity.
You are a great spirit among us.
What is this Nigerian prince doing with genocide-themed American coins anyway?
@kcofield If you don’t like this, you don’t have to accept the bracelet. There are others who would like to have one.
@Barney Oh I’m gonna wear the fucking shit out of it. And I never miss an opportunity to make insensitive comments that make people question whether or not I deserve things.
No one here questions.
We know you don’t deserve things.
But we don’t deserve them either.
So wear it in peace and with joy.
@f00l I like you
@kcofield, @f00l is full of crap.
@Barney Now I LOVE them
I’ve known @f00l a long time.
@f00l is an Idiot and an Asshole.
Just sayin’.
I’ll gladly take one if @kcofield objects to them.
@OldCatLady Too late. Both the joke and the email have already been sent.
ALSO due to flattery and a marriage proposal, the Nigerian Prince X is sending one to:
@mehbee (so the one you won in the contest will be awarded to entry #8)
The 4 of you, if you have not already done so, need to email mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com with your choice and address.
@Kidsandliz and the benevolent all-powerful Nigerian Prince X. I humbly ask forgiveness - since I sleep through the day and my husband goes on duty tomorrow tonight was my shower night. Since my legs don’t work anymore he has to harness me and get in with me. Kids and Liz and @Barney Thank you for tagging me or else I wouldn’t have seen this. I like #2 the Buffalo or #1 the Indian head but if these are unavailable I would be content with #3 the Woman’s head. I thank @Kidsandliz for doing this for the Prince and I bow to the Nigerian Prince X for including me in his generosity. I hope your holy matrimony with @Barney goes well and would gladly send alms your way. Since I get the feeling that maybe she likes purple she would look lovely displaying your royal colors.
Email to be sent within the hour.
@WTFsunshine these are being made to order so which is #1?
@WTFsunshine Never mind I see which one via the email.
@heartny you are now a winner too. Turns out @mehbee didn’t realize he/she was already gifted one by the nigerian prince… So email mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com with your choice and address.
@Kidsandliz Thank you! Emailing now.
@Kidsandliz I didn’t and that makes me even more happy that another person gets to be part of this generosity!
@sammydog since I can’t tell who was first for #8 you or @heartney, you an also win and I will send you the one the Nigerian Prince was sending me as a thank you for running this. I don’t usually wear bracelets so that is OK.
So email mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com with your choice and address
@Kidsandliz Thank you and the Nigerian Prince. I will try not to ignore his emails in the future.
@Kidsandliz Aw, thanks, but I was really just joking. You deserve it for entertaining us all.
@sammydog01 No, I was serious that I don’t usually wear bracelets and I can’t tell who was first - you or heartny to be #7 so all is good. Send me your info and choice.
@heartny You do realize don’t you that since I am a conduit to at least one Nigerian prince, you can send all good faith money directly to me instead of any Nigerian prince and I promise to send it on.
/image fingers crossed behind back

@sammydog01 Take the bracelet. I’ve got a feeling that my future husband will make things right for kidsandliz.
@Kidsandliz Duly noted. The check is in the mail. Really.
@sammydog01 as @Barney says - TAKE THE BRACELET!!!
@Kidsandliz Sheesh, OK! Seriously thanks so much, that really is sweet of you. My son likes the buffalo.
@sammydog01 Please email the relevant information (address you want used, which one you want) to mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com. As soon as the list is complete I am sending it on to Prince X who will then send the back to me with the correct one in the correct envelope already addressed, I will add my return address and then go send them out and flag everyone to let them know they are on the way.
Hey @f00l and @rmf You want your bracelet you need to email ( mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com )and send your choice, address… just sayin’. Even Nigerian Princes need basic information to send things on.
Just doing a double check that I have the right one down for you. If I have it wrong send a correction ASAP. @f00l you need to send info (choice and address) and @rmf needs to send an address. Send to mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com
CHOICES as I understand them:
The Larger Indian face (not the one with 1902 on it)
@riotdemon, @Speediedelivery, @AcraigL
The buffalo
@WTFsunshine, @Sammydog001, @kcofield
The “woman” with the 1902 date on it:
@Trillian, @rmf WHO NEEDS TO SEND ME AN ADDRESS!!!, @heartny, @barney, @Mehbee
AND NO CLUE what @f00l wants as she hasn’t sent any email yet
@Kidsandliz I suspect that, as usual, @f00l is clueless.
@Kidsandliz I’m a day late to participate, but is there a source for purchasing one?
@Kidsandliz All set here.

@ruouttaurmind Nope as the Nigerian Prince originally made some for his family and then made an offer to make a limited number here and then asked me to run this for him. He makes his living as a Prince and doesn’t do craft stuff to sell. : )
@speediedelivery OK
@Kidsandliz Correctomondo on my choice.
@heartny check
@ruouttaurmind oh mannnn… I had a chance to win one…and I even said it was something you would like…
I sorry…
@mikibell @ruouttaurmind well I have already given away the one the prince was going to give me for running this since I couldn’t tell who was first between #8 and #9 by the time stamp (someone who won was already being given one and didn’t realize he - the prince was only giving away 7) so as to be fair to both people I gave mine away (although I am not much of a bracelet wearer anyway)… I will ask but I have no idea what the answer will be… as he is a Prince he is likely very busy…
@Kidsandliz Correct and since my birthday is very soon I’m going to pretend you’re gifting this to me to cement our new bestfriendship.
@kcofield Ahh but this is not from me. It is from the Nigerian Prince X. On the reveal thread a bracelet showed up in a box that was not from me… There was much oohing and ahhing and Prince X decided to forgo his usual requirement to receive $5000 in advance as good faith money and contacted me to assist in this giveaway. I am only the intermediary for his royal mehness to protect his privacy. Thus he is your new best friend. Be careful though as on that thread @barney sent him a marriage proposal and she will be receiving an engagement bracelet from him shortly.
Happy early birthday by the way…
@mikibell No worries! They have a… dunno, it’s difficult to describe… I’ll call it a “earthy vintage” appeal.
Have you seen the rings made from old silver dollars? I dig those as well. This one is made from a 1888 Morgan dollar coin.
@Kidsandliz, I’m sure it’s a very hectic thing being a prince and all. Particularly with all those emails to send and millions of dollars to distribute every day.
Not to worry! I’m sure with the assistance of my good friend Google I can locate something similar.
Situation normal, all fucked up.*
@f00l had a busy weekend. Apologies.
@ruouttaurmind wow… no I hadn’t … that is pretty though… I am thinking of trying PMC clay with my silhouette
Not in the near future… have too much going on, but consider the possibilities …
@mikibell In a Curio or Cameo?
Cripes, now I’ve got one more project to add to my list.
I wouldn’t necessarily say pretty, but it’s unique and interesting.
@ruouttaurmind yup… I think your cameo has the clearance for clay, I think mine is a bit lower. Will post a link in the silhouette thread…
#3, Since I have no chance of winning I decided to post here anyways…@kidsandliz
I think we’re too late to the party. the woman’s face 3
@deemkooo that’s why I posted- pulling for a sympathy vote for next fukuburro – can’t ever get one anymore since they did the hold back for morning crowd then On April fools, they didn’t hold back for vmp’s
Btw I heard there is some oceanfront property in Arizona available too…
7 just in case someone cheated and was disqualified.
You know @f00l is a procrastinator - hopefully she’s getting around to it.
I resent that.
I am a Procrastinator AND an Idiot.
Not just a mere Procrastinator.
@f00l Resent away! I will call you a pro(pre and post)crastinator but I wil never call you the other one. You can continue to stay circular about your site name but I can’t/won’t go there.

/image resentment
/image refusal
Maybe @Thumperchick would reword the thread title next time she is on duty. Something indicating this is not a nightly offering unless I am totally mistaken?
@speediedelivery Good idea. @thumperchick could you please do that pretty please? My bad for not putting a date.
Info sent. Woe is me for taking so long.
My apologies, and my condolences that you must deal with me.
/giphy woe

@f00l Thank you. The beatings will start shortly.
THIS CONTEST WAS RUN SATURDAY NIGHT JULY 1ST so sending me an email, if you weren’t on the original winner list gets you nothing. So sorry…
Sheesh - Busy weekend, just ran across this. I think I’m almost glad I didn’t get swept up in the craziness.
SEE THIS THREAD for more particulars:
@ruouttaurmind did you see this!
@mikibell I did! Trying to figure out the timezone offset so I can set a reminder on my phone.

@ruouttaurmind 10pm central savings time
@Kidsandliz Got it. 2hr timezone diff.
Hey @rmf - pretty please send me your address so you can be sent your loot. If you don’t do this soon you will find I will have to be sending your winnings on to someone else because Prince X needs to get on with his life and go back to his scamming… If I don’t hear from you in 2 days I will have to award your bracelet to someone else. Please Please Please act!
You know my address, don’t you? Send it to my account address.
@rmf This is not a Meh sponsored contest, so @kidsandliz does not have your account address.
If you want your bracelet, email your address to her at: mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com.
You are running out of time.
@Barney Thanks. Done.
@rmf Good!
@Barney Thanks for taking care of answering her. And I did get the email so now the first batch of winners are all set. By the way I still didn’t get an answer to your question (and now he is out of town until sometime Saturday) so I am thinking perhaps not a possibility.