{CLOSED} An unusual give away that will be posted tonight around 10pm central savings time

Kidsandliz went on a bit of a rant said

Via the email address used for the (unofficial) mehrican exchange 6 (mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com), an unusual offer arrived in that email’s inbox this morning for a give away. I was asked to be the intermediary because the Nigerian Prince (oh that’s right I only said “possibly” on the reveal thread) wished anonymity for this good meh deed.

Check back tonight at around 10pm central savings time (yes the operative word is around as it might be later, internet here is iffy, we will be at a family barbecue and so uncertain when exactly it will go up but for fairness I was posting advanced warning) to see what it is for and what you need to do to try to get one (first come first served). CHECK THIS THREAD and I will post a photo and instructions for how to potentially win. I will use some CAPS and BOLD so you can find the particular message more easily. The Nigerian prince gave specific instructions and I do not want to risk the wrath of an all powerful prince (grin) by violating them.

If someone could please bump this throughout the day I’d appreciate it as I won’t be home much at all to do so. Please don’t clutter up the bump with gifs and images though so that the actual post that people will be looking for is easy to find. Thanks in advance.