Unofficial Meh Exchange 2025 - Reveal Thread

gt0163c posted a pic said

Yesterday I received an amazing box full of small LEGO sets, DVD/BluRays (some still with unredeemed digital codes!), IRK bags, other bags, a plethora of commemorative spoons, a dozen or so dolphin magnets, a bluetooth speaker, a single traker, a couple of cat doors that can be installed in people doors, what looks like a letter from a previous Unofficial Exchange sender, a letter mentioning that some of the items are regifted from @DJSLACK and a bunch of other stuff all packed in a very fine box. Due to 27-bluezillion other things going on (including a minor plumbing emergency), I only had a chance to take a quick look and take one picture. But hopefully I can post more later this week.
Thank you @KYKAZAA!

Here’s Kota checking out the very fine box before I opened it.
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