Unofficial Meh Exchange 2025 - Reveal Thread
21Yesterday I received an amazing box full of small LEGO sets, DVD/BluRays (some still with unredeemed digital codes!), IRK bags, other bags, a plethora of commemorative spoons, a dozen or so dolphin magnets, a bluetooth speaker, a single traker, a couple of cat doors that can be installed in people doors, what looks like a letter from a previous Unofficial Exchange sender, a letter mentioning that some of the items are regifted from @DJSLACK and a bunch of other stuff all packed in a very fine box. Due to 27-bluezillion other things going on (including a minor plumbing emergency), I only had a chance to take a quick look and take one picture. But hopefully I can post more later this week.
Thank you @KYKAZAA!
Here’s Kota checking out the very fine box before I opened it.
- 30 comments, 86 replies
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Thank you @cerridwyn. Your package was over the top
. As a recent Texas resident, you proved that not everything is bigger in Texas.
For starters, I get a box on my doorstep for toilet paper. WTF. When did I order toilet paper? I buy my 30 rolls at Costco and am well stocked for another 6 month. Well, pity the fool. I turn the box upside down and the joke’s on me.
It came via Ground UPS from Southern California so it likely traveled on I10 through Palm Springs, Phoenix, Tucson, Las Cruces, El Paso, turn onto state highway 290 to Fredericksburg, Johnson City, turn north and then to my house.
It came with the usual meh stuff that everyone gets by the boatloads plus other goodies. For starters, since this is my first meh exchange, I thought it was an exchange with just two people. My draw was a person from Ohio so I put in my wish list an OSU Collegiate National Champs t-shirt. Fooled me again. The person you send your meh goodies to is not the same as the person you receive meh goodies from. I realized everything is anonymous. I don’t know who my gifter is and in retrospect, why would a Southern California person ever send me an OSU T-shirt?
So let’s dig in.
A note from gifter apologizing for not sending me a T-shirt (are you kidding me!!! I should apologize for putting a stupid OSU T-shirt on my wishlist)
Box of 20 N95 Particulate Respirators, otherwise known as masks - put with another box I received in an IRK
6 piece eyeshadow collection - to my friend’s 30 year old daughter
Aduro Multi-Charging Station Surge Protecter with 9 outlets and 2 USB ports
Hand held double-sided mirror, with handle that bends to become a stand up table mirror
Monster Clean Touch for cleaning touch screens
Command Brand Broom Gripper for attaching to a wall
Pebble Bottle hot or cold brew coffee and tea maker
Dormroom Under-Bed Bag
3 Christmas lawn decoration: 2 candy canes and 1 letter to Santa
Rumi bottle of saffron spice blend
2 12” kitchen storage containers
But there’s more.
Inside each one of the containers was more stuff.
Container #1
Starbucks gift card - I’m 3 blocks away from a Starbucks and I walk there almost everyday to grab something. They know me by name and I have gobs of Stars from their loyalty program
Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Macchiato Squares - usually have just regular brew coffee but I’ll try a macchiato with the dark chocolate squares
Trader Joe’s Wicked Good Caramel Chocolate Bar
O-sheet bag - learned how to use this linen storage bag on Etsy.
2 small jars
Container #2
Food Clip with Pour Spout - these are really cool. I’d never seen these before so I texted the gifter. With their help and a video I found on amazon, I figure out how to use
Chip Clip Bag Sealing Clips
@cerridwyn Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

@rcwbbb I have no clue what’s on the starbucks card. my landlord gives them every yule, and i don’t go there, so another surprise.
And look at the brand on the clips, i had to laugh.
I use the small bottles for single serving condiments. If you don’t pack a lunch maybe less usable.
Did not notice before. IKEA. I was at a Home Show one year and IKEA was handing out cards for free goodies at their store. I ended up with a set of 4 mugs I can’t use so I’ll have to find a place to regift.
Thanks for how to use the small jars. I don’t pack a lunch on a regular basis since I’m retired but I do pack a lunch occasionally so good suggestion. And I do steal those little packets of ketchup or mayonnaise when I’m out as well.
Also, I have the Starbucks app on my tablet so I’ll add the card. P.S. Just so you know, in the right hand corner on the back, it says Initial Value $10 and I called Starbucks to confirm. $10 will be good for 1-1/2 Frappuccinos, my go to drink.
@Cerridwyn @rcwbbb
You opened your box at the library?
@Cerridwyn @Kyeh Very observant. I have a small place and no room to lay all this stuff out. Fortunately the library is only six blocks away.
@Cerridwyn @rcwbbb Libraries are great for many purposes!
@Cerridwyn @Kyeh @rcwbbb Not going to lie… I’m old and at first glance I thought it was a Blockbuster
@capnjb @Cerridwyn @Kyeh That is hilarious.

. It certainly was not a RadioShack. The other alternative was Starbucks. They’re three blocks away.
Wow what a great box. Some many cool goodies.
@Star2236 You can thank @Cerridwyn for this fantastic collection.

Got my box yesterday. @firetiger725 sent the perfect combination of wtf, useful/interesting items, and personalized things.
Contents include:
James Bond Aston Martin lego set
Poetry for Neanderthals party game
Minecraft construction handbook
Raspberry and mandarin aluminum free deodorant stick
10 pack of blemish dots
2 bracelets for the Darus Salam Foundation
A 5 Pakistani rupee note
1 Suadi Arabian riyal note
A dozen pencil cap erasers
A box of mini cupcake paper cups
A photograph of Mt Rainer
A photograph from the Chihuly glass museum
Cherry blossom bodywash
Northern Michigan University sticker
A great box! Thanks @firetiger725 I love it!
@metaphore Glad you liked it! I know some of the items were pretty random
@firetiger725 @metaphore A Lego set, score! My neighbor has a chihuly piece, it’s really nice. I would be afraid to go in my living room if I had one.
@firetiger725 @metaphore @sammydog01 Not a TrackR, acrylic paint, cell phone accessory, mask, broken bidet, or universal car charger in sight! Score on pictures of Mt. Rainier and Chihuly. Grew up in that area.
Lol I was going to include a car/phone accessory I had lying around, but the box didn’t have enough space
Yeah Washington is a beautiful state; I’m glad I had the opportunity to visit last Labor Day weekend!
Ok, I suck for not posting this sooner or posting it in two waves. First of all, huge shout out to @rcwbbb for the outstanding box of Meh (I mean mediocre box of stuff). Second off, I actually got two boxes of Meh, so double thanks for the double box of double Meh! Can we call it Meh squared?!?!? One came last Wednesday and one came today. The assortment of goodies is pretty cool and as a former resident of Texas, I appreciated the reminiscence of my many HEB trips. If only I had mentioned, I’m an over the top Buc-ees fan!
Buc-ee aside, these boxes had a little bit of everything. Some Texas cuisine, some non-Texas grub. Some things from my list, some things not from my list. Some things I already have, many I don’t. Some things that are useful, and some things that are fun. Some things that fit, some that don’t. Some things that I gifted, some things that will be regifted. Some things that invoke fond memories, some things that invoke fear. Some things that are already crap and some things that will end up as crap after I eat them. Oh and a bag with a a box of bags. A huge and outstanding box of fun that will be enjoyed for many days, weeks, and months to come.
So, without further ado, here’s the list:
Texas Cuisine - Texas Chili (with beans); Thick N’ Chunky Salsa (Medium); Texas Grapefruit; Texas Butter Toffee Pecans; Texas Honey Peanut Butter Spread; Texas Shaped Tortilla Chips; Texas Lone Stars; Texas Corn Chips (Ghost Pepper); Twister Cookies; Cinammon Spice Oatmeal
Non-Texas grub & Invoker of Fond Memories - Australian Black Licorice (lived in Australia for a couple years)
Some things that invoke fear - Force N Telling (I get it, fortune telling) Darth Vader (this is also in the fun category)
Some things from my list - 7-in-1 Multi Tool Tech Pen (I collect pens)
Some things I already have - Stuffed Irk (I love these, but I might regift this one next year…be on the lookout whoever I get); Universal Car Charger (yeah, these will be regifted next year)
Some things that fit - Grey XL Sweatpants (ok, i’m a 50 something IT guy who at his basement office desk all day. And the treadmill behind me just holds stuff now)
Some things that don’t fit - Yahiara Body Shaper size S (this will never fit…its also not my style)
Some things that are useful - Thermamist Pro humidifying heater (I might have to try this in my cold dark basement office); Hot & Cold Beverage Mug (i have three girls…I’d guess one of them will use it)
Some things that are fun - Meh balloons (need I say more?!?); 2 notes of explanation (while I will probably regift these next year - see the first post in the thread, its fun to read them)
Some things that are already crap - The damn trackers are back. Oh and the paint…I gave both of these away this year only to get more…lol
Oh and a bag and a box of bags - If only you had put the box of bags into the bag, then I would have gotten a box with a bag with a box of bags. Say that 5x fast.
All in all, a killer haul. Thanks @rcwbbb you made Meh day!
Omg what a fun box. As a foodie, I love to go into different grocery stores in different states to see what I can find. This is the perfect example. I hope you enjoy.
@kykazaa One of the rare cases you can be happy to get something from the Butt.
@kykazaa another fantastic box!
Mine came today!!! I love surprises, so I didn’t really post much of a wishlist. Hats off to you, @blazespirit! I feel like we had a mind meld at some point. Each and every item appealed directly to me in some way!
I received:
Thanks so much! It was a perfect eclectic mix!

@bigcurmudgeon Dang- nice (and useful!) selection of random goods!
Those Gouda pretzel sticks looks yummy.
@Star2236 I keep forgetting to stuff them in my lunch box to take to work. If I open them at home, I’ll never get to try any!
@bigcurmudgeon I am so glad it got there safe and that you liked everything! It was so much fun shopping for random. Also you’ll have to let me know how the pretzels are!
My sender, which is a mystery as I didn’t find anything in or on the box to denote who it was from, sent me an amazing box of meh!. Please chime in if it was you!
I received:
I was absolutely floored to receive items directly off of my wish list. The LEGO set will be made tonight to go with my collection of actual cameras. The Magnetic Nail Polish Tools will be used with my Holo Taco Magnetic Nail Polish. The postcards will be used with either postcrossing or swapbot for my postcard exchange hobby.
The Superfight Card Game was a great surprise and one of my favorite games, though I amazingly didn’t own it!
The Shakespearean Insult Mug is added to my extensive collection of mugs and I’ll give it to my aunt to use when she’s over as she loves Shakespeare.
The Kenya Roasted Coffee from Gruff Coffee is I am only assuming a local coffee roaster. I will save it for one of my partners and my brother-in-law as they are both coffee people.
Again, a huge thank you!
@UpbeatDuck Twas me! Sorry I didn’t add a note to the box, I was preoccupied with getting it out the door, plus about a dozen other things going on at the time.
Gruff Coffee is a hyper-local nano batch coffee roaster. They focus on a data-driven approach to tasting and quality. Each batch is hand roasted with the utmost care and vigilance…
Ok, ok, it’s just me roasting in my basement with a Huky roaster and a laptop, but I hope it’s enjoyed by whoever gets to share it!
I had never heard of Superfight, although it looks hilarious. I saw it and immediately thought it would be fun for anyone, but I’m so glad you’re already familiar!
I hope you enjoy all the goodies!
I got my package last week. (Thank you Pony) It was a big box. I will post pics as soon as I can.
In no particular order
camera ecosystem

Wow that’s a lot of stuff stuffed into that box. You got some great stuff. That mask cracks me up.
@josegarciajr Haha! I didn’t know that Eagles were a sportsball team, much less that they were in the megawhateverbowl. Pure coincidence. The black pouch is a belt pouch for a pistol, but can be used for whatever.
@Pony You know, when I sent you stuff a few years ago and I included a Magpul sticker, you commented that you liked it because you tricked out your AR with Magpul stuff. I honestly wasn’t sure if you were serious or not. I’m starting to think you were
@capnjb Oh, I absolutely was.
@Pony Heh, I’m actually wearing a Magpul shirt right now. QUALITY GO-BANG PARTS. MADE IN THE USA
@capnjb Nice!
@josegarciajr that’s an epic box! Wtg @pony!
@sillyheathen I was SO hoping I’d get your name! Would have changed the contents of the box some, but I guarantee it would have been hella good.
@Pony ha! Same. There were a handful of people I was hoping to get but sadly not this time. Maybe we can do another one in the summer.
@Pony spectacular box
@Pony @sillyheathen Well you could always do a private exchange.
@Kidsandliz @sillyheathen Ha! Already in the works.
@Pony @sillyheathen there’s something I sent my recipient that I know some specific people on here would absolutely love… I’m hoping my recipient will too… But they may think “what’s this trash” instead… Lol.
Just got my mail delivered after being out of the country (Costa Rica)
Thanks @readNJ for a box of goodies that totally fit the directions and theme of the exchange.
Box was a flat rate USPS box.
contents included:
1)extendable back scratcher (handy when SWMBO is busy)
first aid kit (right up my alley)
2) 2 Godiva chocolate bars. Open package but hey, surely you wouldn’t try to poison me … right??
3) pack of 2 Refresh car fresheners. (will save these to regift at next exchange mehbe. My wife has serious allergy/scent issues.)
4) “Cajun John” pistol. Rubber band powered (?) or mehbe shoots rubber bands, or mehbe didn’t come with ammo or…??? I’ll have to google that one.
5) personal note
Thanks for a box of stuff that made me smile as I opened it.
Hope all is well in @readNJ-ville.
Oh and BTW thanks for being a Kickstarter. Without you I would have not
wastedspentenjoyed all this time at this quirky forum with these incredible folks.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

please forgive the mis-numbered list. I did that as an afterthought then ran out of edit time!
/giphy doh
Love the rubber band shooter, haven’t seen those since I’ve been a kid.
@chienfou @Star2236 Yes we used to have rubber band shooters as kids too. Probably now outlawed due to begin dangerous.
@Kidsandliz @Star2236
This actually seems like it is a rubberband powered gun. I think you pull back the red part on the back and when you let it go it launches a round object that loads into the front of the gun (there’s a hole there).
@Kidsandliz @Star2236
Still no luck trying to Google the name or picture.
@chienfou @Star2236
I just googled kid’s toy to shoot rubber bands. I got numerous hits although didn’t search long enough to find this exact one nor look through images. I did see you can buy 300 rubber bands for the rubber band guns for $13 and loose change. I am sure more than one kid has been hit in the eye with one of these.
Here is a way to shoot them using just your fingers as the gun:
On a side note I had round sewing elastic hanging from a nail over a door. It was almost to the floor with a cat toy attached. My cats would take the toy in their mouth, walk backwards with it and let go chasing it while it danced back and forth. Until… once it somehow came off the nail when the cat had fully pulled it back and she still had the toy in her mouth. She was hit in the face. Never did it again and neither did the other cats. They loved that toy until that incident. Only I and the one cat that got hit was present when it happened. Clearly cats communicated the danger to each other. Cats are smart. They gave it wide birth going through that door until I finally took it down.
@chienfou @Star2236 Yes pulling back and letting go send everything flying but would launch the red thing. That looks so safe
Of course these are the kinds of things kids played with all the time before the 80’s or so when no one tried to make toys safe from all the stupid things kids did and after they did them said, “Opps. A good thing nothing bad happened this time and mom didn’t see that”. And then, of course, most kids would do it again.
@Kidsandliz @Star2236

I’m virtually certain that’s not how that works. The plunger is way too long for that to be the anticipated method of launching.
Maybe @readnj can clue us in??
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @Star2236
I won’t be of official help because that’s how I got it with nothing. So far my only theory is it’s great for spitballs and if you pull it back it makes the shot noise like shooting a gun. It probably should work with any tiny pellet but I bear no responsibility for shooting your eye out …
@chienfou @readnj @Star2236 That is what I was going to guess. You put something in the barrel, pulled back on the plunger now that I see there is a plunger, let go and it shoots out of the barrel anything you put in there. If that is the case I’d suspect teachers in the 50’s and 60’s had quite a supply of these taken off of kids in the classroom. I know we’d just shoot spitballs with rubberband “slingshots”
@melanie413 holy bananaboats @ironcheftoni you knocked that sucker out of the park!!!
@kykazaa Overachiever
Actually that’s nice @gt0163c. Way to kick things off!
@djslack the good part (or sad part depending on your perspective) is it was all lying around my house.
I feel your pain! Other than a special gift for my exchange partner’s pet it’s all stuff that was already in my posession… (I shudder to think what that says about my “collection” of things.)
Thanks for getting the reveal thread kicked off! I received my Holiday IRK from @mbersiam on Friday (I am pretty sure I had received a shipping notification the same day that I found out who I had drawn in the exchange). Thank you for being so on top of getting this out!
The good
Besides being as early as this could be, this box contained a bunch of items that inspired 0 regret. An extreme steamer. A ring doorbell. A sleep sound machine. A “professional nail lamp” that was instantly claimed by my older daughter. A bag of screaming’ hot veggie straws. What a delight to open this kit!
The bad
None. Other than this reveal getting posted 4 days after receiving.
The Meh
While I still consider this stuff good, I did want a separate category for the items that have made these holiday exchanges so fun and interesting, the stuff that makes Meh meh. In here, that would be the ice scraper from Woot, the comfort republic undies, the phone accessories, the battery converters, the MASH party game, the pro-say toothpaste, the car chargers, the onion chutney with raisins and honey squeezeable cheese (!), and of course the purple and green IRK bag.
What a wonderful assembly of items that range from super useful to full on quirky. Happy Holidays all and thank you so much @mbersiam!
@eddiegordo Glad you enjoyed opening it!
![full contents][1]
![irk bag and ice scraper][2]

I must apologize to @gt0163 she sent me several wonderful items right off my wishlist and they arrived a week ago and I’m only just posting thanking here!
Thank you! They are, well, just what I wanted. A roll of white PETG filament for my 3D printer, I’m going to have some fun with that… A collection of cat toys that my 6 kitties all love, and some silicone, so I can make some molds for crafting.
The PETG and the silicone will come in handy for a certain silly pseudo-sport youtube I’m working on… probably be a year before I release.

Badger says thank you too!
As does Yoshi
Already used the white filament to create a white whisker for a clock I made my daughter as a “welcome back from the hospital” gift. (her favourite cat is black with one white whisker)
Oops missed the c off…
THANK YOU @gt0163c !!!
@gt0163c @OnionSoup I love that clock! Glad your daughter is back home.
The cat toys are super cute!
@gt0163c @Kyeh @OnionSoup
Very cool.
Oh… and I should add… it appears there is a 4th part of my gift coming… noticed on Elfster that it says it is arriving either later this month or early March… I guess maybe backordered… so I’ll be updating this space in a few weeks!
The day after writing it would be a few weeks it shows up ok my doorstep. I will find out tonight when I get home.
@gt0163c YAY!
Perfect timing… Arrived on same day we played our across the park rivals. Liverpool socks.
@OnionSoup Woo-hoo! I’m glad they arrived. I hope they make your feed comfy and happy and that your favorite team wins!
(In authentic novelty banknotes)
I also got a cool monochrome IRK bag, some warm socks, a nifty sand frog, and – not sure if the Santa looked at my wish list or Star somehow made the heavens align – an electric mop! (Power scour brush)
I’ll have to post photos during the week.
I was also praised by my giftee. (I can’t understand it, but I now regret I didn’t get them a bigger box; plenty of crap is still lying around!)
Who sent your box?
@Star2236 …
How would I find that out? (Without posting their actual name and return address)
@pakopako @Star2236 I was the sender…did see your wish list but had that mop from a previous IRK and it was never used, so glad you can use it.
/giphy I love mop

There’s also a very NSFW comic from OGLAF that also contains a mopping joke (titled “Housework”)
Want to thank @capnjb for the very cool and very heavy box of stuff (the Calvin and Hobbes books are great). Will post a pic and description soon. My mom is being put in hospice and I am making an unexpected trip to AZ.
Didn’t want you to think I was unappreciative as the box came a few days ago. Will post when I get back. Thanks again @capnjb!!!
@steeltoesenator so sorry to hear about your mom. Safe travels.
@ironcheftoni @steeltoesenator No worries about anything. Go take care of what you need to. I’ve felt that sting recently… taking care of you and yours is the most important thing. Go spend as much time with your mom that you can. I’m sorry.
@capnjb @ironcheftoni @steeltoesenator
Hospice is an incredible service. I used them with Mom twice. First time they were able to improve her situation enough that they had to discharge her…Whoohoo!
Second time was the last week at the end of her life. They were a remarkable resource and made a huge difference in how that whole process unfolded. Hope your journey with them is as good a one as mine was. BTW @kyeh can vouch for them as well.
I hope your mom gets all the help see needs. I know from personal and recent experiences what a tuff time this can be, make sure to take care of yourself too. You can always use this site to vent to no one just to get it out as it was helpful to me just to get things out recently when I didn’t want to talk to family. Sometimes talking to strangers is easier than talking to people you know. Safe travels.
I am super jazzed. Thanks @eddiegorfo !!!
Coffee and coffee and coffee. Got a fellow coffee junkie Ican see because he roasts his own
So 2 bags of home roasted and a bag from his local shop in Minn. I can’t wait.
In addition a universal car charger, a can keeper and an IRK bag. Pics to follow
And a cool note from the giver. Thanks again
@Cerridwyn Nice, I buy from Sweet Maria’s all the time. They are a solid coffee house.
@Cerridwyn i need to not type on y phone
Very nice, I love when people send stuff from their hometown, I think those are the best kind of gifts. Also the home roasted coffee is very nice.
@Cerridwyn no prob on the username - honestly, “gorfo” has a nice ring. Happy sipping!
What an unbelievably cool box. I love Penzys and blue q.
This is one fantastic IRK!
I received a very densely packed and personalized box of goodness (originally a case of Spark cereal from Meh for bonus Meh points) from @ybmuG and yekoP today!
Not pictured, the letter explaining the gifts within.
Thanks @ybmuG and yekoP!
@djslack yay - glad it all made it safely! And cool story about the Dymo! I almost didn’t include it because i thought it was just a little random, but then i figured that’s Meh!
Still out of the country (Costa Rica) so my match will be one of the very last to post. Hope to get it posted by the day before deadline…mehbe…
Likewise, if you ‘drew’ my name I’ll post pics on my return if you already sent it.
i.e. mailed… Not talking about posting to this thread.
I’m finishing the packing of the box tonight and it rides at dawn!
Also… my package is on the way out today…
Yep, at the last possible minute.
Delivery due on Friday according to the UPS gods.

A huge shout out to @ironcheftoni for the awesome surprises. By far, an amazing mehelf! As my son said as, mom, she hooked you up!!! The assortment includes:
-multiple different sized recycled bags, socks, and towels from BlueQ (hilarious, adorable, and useful)
-spinpop (love it and mine has just about had it)
-Penzey’s spices and vanilla (yummy)
-Bucee’s Keychain (super cute)
-playing cards (fun)
-purple stickers, sticky notes, and pens (PURPLE!!!)
-Starbucks gift card (woohoo)
-Jasmine tea (love it, although my son claimed it)
-pineapple fruit gummies (can’t wait to try)
-scissors (always useful as my dog enjoys eating them)
Super cool magnetic base stapler that can be positioned to bind books and stick to my fridge
Meh Irk pushing (which is amazing as my dog thought my previous one was her toy!)
Smart wake-up light alarm clock (probably not loud enough to wake my heavy sleeping self, but awesome nonetheless)
Sunbeam blood pressure monitor (not sure I want to know how high my blood pressure is)
Dark chocolate (yummy)
Super cool Haunted castle diamond painting set that I can’t wait to do
A Bag o crap miniblocks brick set that I will be putting together as soon as I finish this post
WICKED bath items including Elphaba’s broomstick bath bomb, Glinda’s tiara soap and Shiz university massage bar (unbelievable).
And a super personalized card to explain some of the inclusions
Thank you sooooo much for spoiling me! You definitely outdid yourself and I appreciate you!!! Pictures coming next!
***my mehelf is better than your mehelf!
@melanie413 I’m so glad you like everything and happy to share my addictions… Lush, Penzey’s and BlueQ.
I tried to include stuff from stores you didn’t have in your area. The purple stuff and tea is from Daiso, a Japanese dollar store. Also I’m a purple fan too.
those shears are the best kitchen shears ever. They cut everything! Including metal. I’m happy that Irk has found a good home. 
@melanie413 oh and the purple kitchen scrubbie is virtually indestructible. You can even put in the dishwasher to clean it.
Exchange is starting off great!
Well that sucks. I’ve never been inside a Buc-ee‘s. Passed a few but was scared to go inside. This would have been the perfect place to add something to your box and see what everyone’s been raving about.
Buc-ees has 2 stops in AL now… Whoohoo!
One in Auburn is my new ‘headed back from the Atlanta airport’ stop-for-gas location. Good gas price, a gazillion pumps (plus lots of EV chargers) and their signature super-clean restrooms. Beaver nuggets anyone?
Also, I received another body shaper size L in a prior IRK. I know they would not have fit either because you said you fit an XL. Fortunately I had XL joggers from an earlier IRK to send.
I managed to unload this on my friend’s wife without insulting friend or wife. Wife is an XL and this would be motivation for her to lose some weight.
Got my custom IRK today, didn’t get a user name with it though. I removed the real names for anonymity. I’m a little confused what’s supposed to be cat related? Ideas, guys?
@DLPanther maybe related to you meh name?
@DLPanther the white bowls are food / water bowls
@DLPanther @joebuddah
That’s cool…Were you the ‘gifter’?
@chienfou @DLPanther Yes. I’m going to send you more for you shelter you volunteer at
@chienfou @DLPanther @joebuddah
That’s cool to have have disposable bowls at the shelter.
@misfitsintoylnd great box and that is one of my favorite tea flavors!!! Can we see what the tea set looks like?
@misfitsintoylnd Glad it got there! That North Face jacket… that was from a BOC at that other site, hope it fits someone.
@misfitsintoylnd @tinamarie1974 They are Sanrio Hello Kitty from the Flower Festival.
There is a plate, tea cup and bowl with the same pattern.
What a great box
I received a huge box from @vrysen !!
Some of the stuff I’m unfamiliar with but I got a beautiful Japanese ceramic set, tea that was on my wishlist, Harry Potter crackers, lap top sleeve, drone, north face fleece, christmas ornaments, gloves and a beautiful card! Thank you so much!
Oh and an aero garden and a microphone!