My introduction
20Found a golf putting practice device here on SlickDeals, and purchased for $70 cheaper than the alleged price on Amazon. The bonus is Ohio State graphics, where I got my Master’s degree. Go Bucks! Go! Will check out your regular site, as well.
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/showme A welcome sign for marcusmembrane with balloons, confetti, and a dancing cat
@mediocrebot took me a few seconds to spot the dancing cat.
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup Made me think of…
@OnionSoup If we’re looking at the same thing, calling it a “cat” is a bit generous…
Greetings mortal!!
As the new guy it will be your job to get coffee tomorrow.
@yakkoTDI and bagels
@tinamarie1974 @yakkoTDI and apple fritters
@tinamarie1974 @yakkoTDI @ybmuG I’m partial to croissants myself.
@OnionSoup @yakkoTDI @ybmuG oh croissants sound yummy as well!! Can we have some good hot tea while we are at it
@OnionSoup @tinamarie1974 @yakkoTDI and bacon! LOTS of bacon!

@OnionSoup @yakkoTDI @ybmuG mmmmmmm bacon…
/giphy homer drooling

@marcusmembrane I’ll have a cappuccino, an apple fritter, a croissant, and as much bacon as you can carry. I’ll skip the bagel because I want to keep it to a light breakfast.
Oh, and btw, Stop & Shop apparently doesn’t sell apple fritters anymore.
@ItalianScallion @marcusmembrane I’ll have the small

@tinamarie1974 @yakkoTDI @ybmuG no we’re out of apple fritters. I only have this one dozen starving crazed weasels.
@marcusmembrane @ybmuG Oh… I’ll just have a cappuccino and a small apple fritter then. Oops, I have to have a few slices of bacon too. You know, have to cover all the food groups.
@DLPanther @tinamarie1974 @yakkoTDI @ybmuG I, also, thought the very same thing with the first mention of apple fritters.
For those who don’t know the reference, here is 11 minutes of your life you
won’t regretcan’t get back. (Unless you cheat and only watch from 4:52 to 5:59.)And now you know.
You’re welcome.Sorry.@DLPanther @tinamarie1974 @xobzoo @ybmuG That is a well spent 11+ minutes!
Hello and welcome to the madhouse!

/giphy welcome
Welcome fellow Buckeye. (B.S. '05)
Best welcome ever! Thank you to all of you. I’ll see what the Stop & Shop has for goodies tomorrow. I fully understand rookie status.
@marcusmembrane I applaud you for having the courage to jump in fully instead of just wading in the kiddie pool (lurking and never posting). You might be placing yourself on the fast track to goat status. Since we are running out of volunteers/victims; we need fresh meat. Also great username.
/youtube insane in the membrane
A warning to the wise, @marcusmembrane: do not ask about what the goat is, do not comment about the goat, forget your name and goat were mentioned together or it will definitely put you in the running to be the goat. Do not even ask me how I know this.
@ItalianScallion Okay. Your warning makes me curious. But I’ll assume you’re trying to help me and will refrain from asking anything about this issue.
@ItalianScallion @marcusmembrane I blame the goat for you curiosity.
But in the meantime, isn’t avoiding the goat a goatable offense?
@marcusmembrane @xobzoo Only if we know you’re avoiding the goat.
One of us… one of us…
Good morning. Here’s a start before I run off to play some golf. (I hope it posts.)
Pro tip (#1):
If posting from a smartphone you can directly post images by using your phone only in the landscape position (not true for tablets or computers they can be portrait mode). You have additional options on the typing window that will include a link for posting an image
(looks like this):
Pro tip #2: the edit window is 5 minutes on your post.
@marcusmembrane seems a good start to me
@chienfou Thanks for the guidance. But how do I post an image directly if it’s coming from the internet, and not my phone?
I see you got it… Bravo!
{Vmod edit: revised the URL to the .gif.}
@marcusmembrane dibs on the almond croissant!
@marcusmembrane I think you forgot the coffee.
Single origin, Natural process, heirloom beans preferred ,Bonus if you roast them yourself.
/showme Cerridwyn waiving hi with a large cup of black coffee
Thanks for helping me out with that. But we need cream and sugar/sweetener.
![Half and Half][1]
[1]: and half photo&view=detailv2&FORM=IQFRBA&id=EDE1D75C6AFE4D9ED4EAA935FECB2CE23999A172&selectedindex=4&&expw=700&exph=700&ccid=tvN9K5/r&ck=69DF08FFDBE0D7B7088C4C7E4E7ADB7B&simid=608001300931232985&thid=OIP.tvN9K5_rx0Ru73JHcvwD8AHaHa&idpp=serp&idpbck=1
@chienfou @marcusmembrane
/showme a perfect espresso
@mediocrebot I said perfect, not strange.
@chienfou @marcusmembrane Now I got thinking about espresso, so I made one. Not perfect, but quite good.

/showme a lot of Cats dancing welcome
The “W” is freaking me out.
@omegamonkey It’s a treble-u
@KNmeh7 @omegamonkey The treble-u will trouble you.
/showme dancing Welcome cats eating doughnuts and drinking coffee
Still here?