@pakopako@shahnm I still have a plastic re-usable Pocari Sweat bottle (not insulated though). From a 7-11 in Japan about 30 years ago; it was part of a free promo, buy a Pocari Sweat and get the bottle with straw for free. The straw broke, though, so I had to find a replacement.
@mehcuda67 When I was in high school, and yes it was a long time ago, there were vinyl wraps to put around a beer can to look more innocent as an 18 year old driver going to the beach. One was Caco-Calo, and the other was Dr Peeper, For different reasons now, Dr Peeper sounds kind-of perverted.
Most of the ones in your list in the description were great and so are a lot of the ones here! Good work and thanks to the original name makers who made it easier for later people to make up mock names.
@Euniceandrich if I didn’t see the IPA in the label, I would have asked (because Meh did sell them) – is Mediocre Labs wine supposed to have that much head?
A&Wful Root Beer
@shahnm If you ever had the old school real thing on tap, absofuckinglootely
Mr. Pepper
@shahnm always knew that medical degree was suspect
Bud Light
@tweezak Don’t you mean Butt Lite!

Not very useful unless your head is on a swivel.
White Flaw
Sigh Noon
High Rune
@shahnm Meant to say High Ruin…
Pabst Participation Ribbon

Pep-D (minus)
@shahnm you beat me to it!
Thumbs Down
Red Bullshit
Hawaiian Slap
Diet Coke has no peer when it comes to mediocrity.
Jilt Cola
Corpse Banquet
Uno Equis
Miller Low Life
Cringe Soda
Mr. Pibb
@hchavers there’s no “.” in Pibb! (Or Pepper)
IRCK cola

/giphy I see what you did there
Canada Not As Wet
@pakopako …or, the truly terrible Canada Moist
@ircon96 that’s sounds like a Martial Aid
Poccari Actual Sweat
@pakopako Japanese vending machines…
@pakopako @shahnm I still have a plastic re-usable Pocari Sweat bottle (not insulated though). From a 7-11 in Japan about 30 years ago; it was part of a free promo, buy a Pocari Sweat and get the bottle with straw for free. The straw broke, though, so I had to find a replacement.
Mid-low Yellow
Diet Might
As Long As It Takes Maid
Middle C
Lukewarm Assistance
1930s Root Beer
Pabst Red Ribbon
Pabst Beige Ribbon
Pabst Participant Ribbon
Stationary Rock
Benedict Arnold Boston Lager
Kona’s Rain Puddle
Diet Croak
IBS Cream Soda
Barf’s Root Beer
@Kyeh THAT was the one I was thinking about.
All I could come up with was Zima, and that’s already mediocre.

Liquid Death Warmed Over
(some may remember that before Diet Coke, there was “Tab”)
Yes I do. I can still picture those pink cans!
Chick Ultra
Grape Ankle-hi

(Shout out to Radar O’Reilly)
@chienfou Radar!
Yeah. I loved Radar. Watched MASH for years before I noticed he had a malformation of his left hand.
Mellow Yello.
NP Pepper
@IWUJackson is that like a PA Pepper?
@IWUJackson @phendrick
Or @PhysAssist Pepper perhaps
@chienfou @IWUJackson @phendrick @PhysAssist How about PhD Pepper?
@chienfou @ircon96 @IWUJackson @PhysAssist
More likely ABD.
0 Up
Public Soda
Ick Water
Triffid Energy Drink
Maester Pepper
@adwriter i was thirsty til i read those…
All the above and then some
Caca Cola
(can’t believe I didn’t see this on the list already!)
@mehcuda67 When I was in high school, and yes it was a long time ago, there were vinyl wraps to put around a beer can to look more innocent as an 18 year old driver going to the beach. One was Caco-Calo, and the other was Dr Peeper, For different reasons now, Dr Peeper sounds kind-of perverted.
@mehcuda67 @pmarin I missed this when the topic was first posted, but i like yours even better than the version i would have used: Frescaca
Most of the ones in your list in the description were great and so are a lot of the ones here! Good work and thanks to the original name makers who made it easier for later people to make up mock names.
Ok Soda
@jaybird it was meh before meh was cool.
This sounds pretty mediocre.
@Euniceandrich if I didn’t see the IPA in the label, I would have asked (because Meh did sell them) – is Mediocre Labs wine supposed to have that much head?