The absolutely random and useless thread - Back in the saddle again.
8By the request of the “fucking” GOAT @f00l, I have asked that this previously named to be closed as a detriment to the community. Having caused system crashes, forest fires, and one “unconfirmed” reported case of herpes. So, I have grudgingly brought you a new one to play with.
Ever find a video, a gif, or just want to post a random thought that doesn’t fit anywhere on any of the available threads? Well, you are in luck. This this is the absolutely random and useless thread. Here it is a safe environment to post whatever the hell you want - there is no context. Let you heart’s desires be manifest here.
The rules are simple. Post what you want within the guidelines of meh. The mods are the only guardians of the galaxy here. Regardless of whether or not people agree with the post (political, sexual (within guidelines), silly, funny, or simple stupid - it doesn’t matter - let that person be. No arguments, or negative comments. Let free thought flow.
Why do I do these things? Please don’t ask - I don’t know.
- 64 comments, 160 replies
- Comment
You are a re-gif’r
@mfladd am not! 'Tis a video!
Here is the link to the crash-your-mobile-browser old Random And Useless Thread.
@f00l what’s your point?
In this thread? You ask what the point is in this thread?
You just generated an infinite series of Error Codes.
@jbartus Being a basically lazy l person, all I can say is, “Better herpes than burpees.”
Now I need a nap. It’s 5:53 am here.
@jbartus I’m not sure what I was expecting with this video, but it wasn’t that.
You better stay around to play with us. Lately the forum has gotten kind of dull. Especially since both you and @KDemo seen to have taken lurking positions.
@PlacidPenguin I blame @f00l
@PlacidPenguin Should I begin causing mayhem and destruction?

@f00l is to blame for
The forums being dull and
Everyone lurking.
@mfladd always!
@KDemo You can’t hide!


Always wiggle the card reader. This guy followed the rule.
@Shrdlu Wow. That sucks, but glad he found it. Someone used my card info two days after I used a random cash machine. Never again.
Guess I’ve gotten lucky.
Only use the one at the bank, and that rarely.
/giphy random

/giphy useless

Please link to the old thread in case anyone wants to crash a browser.
Really sorry to hear about the … uh … infections… I thought you were careful about with whom , well, never mind.
You had gone AWOL and prob lost your mind or something. I’m sure they have great treatments.
If somebody really wants to crash a browser, wouldn’t it be more exciting to do it with one which would raise more than a few eyebrows (from different people combined, as most people have one or 2)?
Not sure I understand but go for it.
I collect browsers meeself.
When I found the third image, I hadn’t yet seen the final image.
And chrome prob ships aggregate data to Google. But hey.
I recently was looking at the main mobile OS’s (namely Android and iOS; sorry @narfcake, but I didn’t look at Windows) with regards to their stances of permissions in apps.
I found it kind of ironic that people fluctuate with regards to who gets access to what kind of data, although I suppose it possibly matters on what’s done with the data.
@f00l Bitch! I had a clean bill of health!
I heard you used to tell people that.
Tsk tsk
@f00l Careful, goat. We all know who’s to blame for his condition
@f00l gave @mfladd herpes!
@f00l did not transmit
Any disease. Merely assumes
The great cosmic debt.
@f00l sure, now you’re trying to deny it.
/8ball is @f00l the source of @mfladd’s herpes?
Yes definitely
@f00l points out again
That /8ball says a lot of
Complete total shit.
@f00l never said that
@mfladd had herpes. Perhaps
"Bad Brain Infection".
@f00l you cannot selectively depend on the 8-ball as an authority whenever it suits you and ignore it when its answers are contrary to your desires!
Yes I Can.
Just Watch!
/8ball Does the 8ball say a lot of complete total shit?
Yes definitely
The /8ball is a tool for my use.
I am not a tool for the /8ball’s use.
@f00l by getting the 8-ball to say that you just invalidated everything the 8-ball has ever said or will ever say including but not limited to its allegation that it is my destiny to be goated.
Thanks for your assistance!
The /8ball does not
Get to vote in @jbartus
As Goat. Others do.
@f00l yes but now you cannot use it as an argument for getting me goated leaving you dependent upon other criteria.
@jbartus @f00l
He has those. Not that I necessarily agree with them.
@jbartis is not lacking in Goat-worthy criteria.
@f00l alone among all sentient beings on Meh is allowed to decide when to suspend apparent logical consistency and have the outcome still be logical.
@f00l is special that way. Nothing to do with being Goat.
Oh yeah: It’s a nice gig. As long as you don’t mind that everyone thinks you are nuts.
/8ball Does @f00l speak truth?
It is decidedly so
/8baIl is @f00l full of shit?
It is decidedly so
@f00l is so very
Often full of shit. Freely
Granted. It’s The Gig.
Not the Goat Gig.
Please be very precise. We
Speak of The @f00l Gig.
/8ball is @f00l a @f00l?
My reply is no

I’ll admit; I had to look that up.
My random thought - I don’t care what price you can get it for at Costco. I’m not driving 4 hours to save 23 cents!
Does it have to be at least a 6 hour drive?
@f00l It has to be at least 25 cents!
So…we have a critter in our house. It only eats bread. I know we have mice, problem with a house almost 100 years old. But whatever is eating the bread is eating vast quantities. We left a box from Costco on the floor, and most of a loaf was completely gone by morning. Cookie/Brownie mix were fine. I googled bread eating pests and came up with moths (would have to be mothra) or rats. I do not see any signs of rats. Anyone have any other ideas? We even have rat poison out, but the critter did not take the bait.

/image mothra
Do you have a picture of the aftermath?
Are you able to set up a video recording device thingy and have it near a different bait?
I’m curious if the creature is eating it on the spot or moving it somewhere (not that it fully matters).
@jbartus sadly, no…I am sure the kids will leave something else out and I will try to remember to take pics of the carnage.
@PlacidPenguin ha…have a dashcam I haven’t installed yet…can try that…
Caspar the Hungry Ghost?
@f00l @mikibell
Did you ever solve this mystery?
@PlacidPenguin we did not… the exterminator at my husband’s job suspects we had a squirrel in our house. Goodness only knows since my children cannot be convinced to close the screen doors when they come into the house.
It’s @f00l’s fault!
@mfladd OMFG! I could not stop watching it. My brain needs bleach. I’m going to go outside and throw myself in the snow; maybe frostbite will erase this from my mind.
@f00l, save yourself. Don’t watch it.
@f00l watched a few seconds.
@f00l has called an ambulance. Survival is uncertain. Situation is dire. Apparent deep coma.
Someone had to. It’s the internet and someone just had to.
@f00l is sorry that
Very disturbing vids and
Pix are in the net.
@mfladd @f00l @Shrdlu AAHHHHH!!! My eyes! MY EYES!!!

@f00l wishes @f00l had
Heeded @shrdlu’s wise advice.
Still in deep coma.
All @f00l’s comas are
Meta-comas. @f00l still acts
Stupid on the net.
@mfladd @f00l straight up fire!!!
/youtube #firetwerks
Google is giving owners of the Pixel (XL) sweaters in NYC for free. First 150 people also get/got human sized sweaters.
@f00l sometimes misses
Manhattan very much. Hi
To all NYC!
I guess there’s worse stuff on the internet…
@PlacidPenguin Random non-cat videos?
/youtube random non-cat videos
ETA: Dammit /youtube. I said non-cat!
ETAA: Oh, fuck it.
@f00l is sorry that
The slash command did not read
"non-" is in right way.
@f00l receives unblame
For random cat videos.
Those make @f00l happy.
@carl669 why is this a thing?
@jbartus i really have no idea.
@carl669 - Don’t want to know the prize for winning that game.
@KDemo not sure, but it’s probably pretty corny.
Thank you for killing me.
@PlacidPenguin Gosh, that’s gonna make the scream heard round the world.
This is how I want to quit my job.
This was on Tosh.0. I am not responsible for the content or what this poor woman says after surgery to remove her Wisdom teeth.
@mfladd I can’t say anything appropriate… So, just, lol
@mfladd omg…well at least she knows what number to call!
Get bent
Good song and good video, but really disturbing implications.
@f00l that’s why I like it. Makes you think about what it could mean.
@RiotDemon Makes me think, but does not make me happy
@compunaut oh well, they can’t all be winners.
I want it. I don’t care what kind of car it’s on.
Is that a real car in production?
It seems (IMHO) a mal-designed, fascinating, gorgeous indulgence. Altho it’s surely beautiful. I’d love a small one on a shelf. Sure, it’s a lovely cool idea, prob nicely done.
But one of the jobs of a vehicle, besides the obvious ones of lasting forever, being safe, efficient, comfortable, ergonomic, powerful, fun, etc is being anonymous.
I want a vehicle that no one will especially notice or remember. If some disturbed person or person with an agenda is following me or paying attention to me, I want to blend in quickly and disappear asap. I want to be as unmemorable as possible. I want them not to notice me or my vehicle in the first place. Let their eyes just skip on past.
Why are we now getting minimalist ambient piano music in so many luxury car commercials? Does that music subliminally correlate to or suggest an aficionado’s thoughtful reflective approval and an engineeering group’s inevitable masterpiece of design perfection or something? So that the product is suggested to have attained a sort of zen spiritual virtue?
Or is it just one brand that uses that sort of music in ads? I see very few commercials.
@f00l unfortunately it would not be street legal. It’s a one off promotional car created with Vevo and promoting this music video:
Car shows up around 1:20
They also made another promotional IS with sriracha.

/image Lexus sriracha IS
As for the piano music, I have no idea. Don’t normally watch ads.
Unfortunately, the car is better than the song or the video.
The whole thing is interesting tho.
@f00l the song is terrible. There’s hardly any song that could compete with an led car.
@RiotDemon Reminds me of rocket league cars with the animated decals.

@ninjaemilee I love it.
@f00l it’s been a long time since I watched this movie. This wasn’t actually in it, was it?
Long time for me too, but I think it was in it? I know “Surfin’ Bird” was in the film at some point during the 2nd half.
Not entirely sure about this scene as shown here tho.
where the fuck are my hiking boots?!?!
they were in the garage, but now they’re not.
are they in the car? no.
i could wear my shitkickers, but they’re not all that great for a 4 hour hike.
i want my fucking boots!!!
Enjoy your fucking blisters.
@f00l this is your fault you know.
It is @f00l’s fault that
@carl669 can’t locate
Fucking hiking boots.
Ok @anyone…keep your fingers crossed, hubby is going for a “real” job interview (as compared to a pricing job interview)… My salary keeps us living indoors, eating warm food and health insured, but it would be REALLY helpful to have a steady income from him and for him to not be doing all of the heavy lifting (literally and figuratively). Come on 2017, roll in with a bang. We need a win!
You are in IT aren’t you?
PS are you aware that you’ll be OLD someday?
I was concerned that perhaps you forgot.
@f00l I was in IT…so was my husband, before they sent his job to India.
Oh yeah… I am getting older every freakin day…as I said, it isn’t the years that are killing me, it is the miles
@f00l @mikibell
There are only 2
Others are just old.
How do you figure? Because you so label certain folk and you think that settles it?
Cause I ain’t that OLD.
Even if you mess with the font size.
Of course you’re not OLD.
These however ARE old.
Today’s write up was talking about creepy calliope music and I was going to go find some on YouTube.
This video showed up in my recommended videos before I even started watching. It’s a fairground organ. Is that calliope? I dunno. It’s cool though. I love weird old instrument videos, I guess that’s why it was recommended.
Bohemian Rhapsody
@RiotDemon calliopes are just the pipe parts with compressed air or steam and have no volume control. They are similar to a carousel organ, but organs usually have other mechanisms for percussion and do have volume control. My hometown has a big fair every year with a parade. It’s a tradition that a guy plays a steam calliope at the end. That thing is LOUD.
It’s something to think about. No spoiling for the people that don’t get it. “MIT graduates cannot power a light bulb with a battery.”
FWIW, MIT graduates a large number of students each year who take the absolute minimum # of courses in anything in the hard sciences. I don’t know where physics is a required undergrad course to non-science majors. MIT has a huge reputation in economics and other non-science areas, and the school is a significant and very competitive draw even to lit students.
But - I would think that most people, people who never think of going to MIT or even of going to college, would, by the time they were 20+, have messed around with a flaky flashlight.
@Shrdlu this makes me miss my science kit from my childhood.
Looked it up. 2 semesters of physics and 2 semesters of calculus are universal requirements for undergrads at MIT. But they do offer “soft” versions of both topics for non-science majors.
I would presume that engineering students would have to follow the science-major curriculum, but don’t know.
I have a brother who is a lawyer. (I think he was an Econ and history major undergrad). He used to re-read his children’s papers for school before the kids turned them in, and make small suggestions. (Brother refused to do any ghost-writing, but would copy edit a little and suggest ways to make the papers stronger).
His eldest son entered college in a chemical engineering curriculum. One day when my brother was visiting this son, the two were in a coffee shop when the kid pulled out a paper, and handed it over, saying, “Here, Dad, see if you think this one is ok.”
So my brother took a look at the paper. Which turned out to be a string of diff equation problems worked out in detail.
My brother started to protest and then realized his son was grinning at him. My brother handed the paper back to his child and said, wistfully, “I guess I won’t be correcting your spelling and sentence structure anymore.” The kid said, “Well, I knew you liked doing it and wanted to give you the chance.”
tonight i learned “oh fuck me!” is the same in norwegian as it is in english. at least, that’s what this movie tells me.
@carl669 what movie?
Usually most Norwegians use faen or jævla for fuck.
@RiotDemon called “the wave”. random movie i watched on Netflix. i think one of the characters also said “shit” at one point.
@carl669 ah. Yeah, Norwegians learn English so sometimes they’ll throw English words into conversations. I have a bunch of them on my Facebook and I always find it amusing when they post a status update in English, and the rest of the replies are in Norwegian.
Was the movie any good?
Last movie I watched on Netflix was The Last King. No English in that except the subtitles.
I thought English swear words were pretty much universal now. Due to movies, cable TV, music, and life.
@f00l I watch a few foreigners in Japan, and I love when they go shopping and point out the funny English on t-shirts. Many of them including curse words.
One of my favorite YouTubers:
Teaching swear words to Japanese people.
More Japan English
@RiotDemon it was decent actually.
@carl669 I’ll check it out!
@PlacidPenguin what the fuck.
@mikibell This came up looking real weird in my meh email. It looks a lot better here.
@Barney has anyone seen/heard from our friend barney?
Look at the left ear.
@PlacidPenguin Cute doggo.
Here’s a page with a couple of cats that have the same thing. Also, other cool cat markings.
Here went my morning …
It’s like /r/AbandonedPorn, but focused.
@narfcake I get stuck in these rabbit holes in YouTube where I’ll just watch a ton of urbex videos. Fascinating stuff.
@carl669 do we know someone in tacoma, wa? I found a sewing machine part, but it has to be picked up in person…
@mikibell I know someone in Tacoma, but she’s currently out of commission due to a really bad broken ankle. I can ask her if she has someone that can pick it up. Email me the details
I can’t even…
He did it with some style. I like that he ignores all the law and history.
@PlacidPenguin I live in Colorado and I do not for a single second doubt this is real.
Still not sure how to react to this video:
@PlacidPenguin I reacted by thinking, “What the fuck is happening? A pressure washer could be really painful…”
The context of this picture is that what-if.xkcd has an article about if a toaster would work in a freezer.
They mentioned that the night weather in Winnipeg is about the same as a freezer, so a person there could just try using the outdoors instead of a freezer.
@PlacidPenguin Haha, that reminded me of when we used to just put our beer in the snow to chill when we were drinking ootside.
Found this screenshot.
I only have vague recollections of November 2016, so…
Yay Kansas.
@JonT @Snapster @phatmass @Kidsandliz @medz
Ok, so it’s been 2 years, 5 months, and 3 days since this picture was posted, but it’s worth linking to it.
@someRiverNoise So why am I mentioned??? That photo is GROSS!! @placidpenguin @f00l it seems to me, since the two of you seem to think you are keeper of goat nominations, that resurrecting this “thing” has earned a high priority place on that list, although perhaps @phatmass needs added to that list too for creating it in the first place, however drunkenness was claimed as an excuse to begin with (as I re-read that piece of the thread)…
PS that photo is still NSFW… I still, 2 years, 5 months, and 3 days later, say downvote.
@arbdef @MEHcus @Thumperchick
@MEHcus is gone from Meh now.
He popped in numerous times last week.
Oh. Missed that.
@MEHcus needs to come run a Meh March Madness Bracket league in 2018.
A little while ago I learned that Cinderella technically dates back to China in roughly the year 860 under the title Ye Xian.
Treating myself to a red wine colonic, even though I’m on the scrap heap, and re-watching old episodes of the Maria Bamford show.
Hot evening plans for you! Woohoo!
@f00l nononono, a piping-hot red wine colonic is for special occasions only.
Everytime this very handsome man came into view last night, I would think "darn, oldcatlady would REALLY enjoy this view!"

She would have have wanted to help him cool off a little. So many clothes he’s wearing.
@f00l that thought crossed my mind too…
@mikibell I sure would! - and @f00l knows the way my mind works, which is scary. It looks like a great show, hope you enjoyed it.
Gotta love a day that starts out with sending a nice note like this to a close friend!

Reminds me of you:
I enjoy reading Aschenputtel.
@mfladd. Waving in your general direction…just got off the Chesapeake bay bridge tunnel…
@mikibell Hi!

I will be going over it on Sunday.
@mfladd driving up 13 now…waving closely in your direction!

No, not deliberately kill anyone, perhaps. But what about the bad jokes that come with? They might.
/giphy "bad joke"

@mfladd we went the longggg way through maryland to avoid richmond and dc traffic…I think it was a good choice. We did a steady 55 except for one small traffic area under construction…maybe next time we will plan a stop there to say hello!
@mikibell I thought I felt a disturbance in the force. You practically went thru me on your way back. I hope didn’t go all the way into Salisbury and take 13 business up to 1 in Dover, when you could take 113 way before Salisbury and saved yourself some grief. I would have taken you for ice cream at Dumsers if you had stopped. I am two blocks away.
Dumser’s is in Salibury?
@f00l I am in Ocean City right now.
Oh. Is that another reason for why everything sux? Cause you live by the beach?
(have some ice cream and think of us, ok?)
@f00l No ice cream for you. Get back on your United flight!
The plane is kinda crowded.
They went ahead and setup remote beating facilities in order not to impede traffic flow at the airport.
Now I can arrange for a beating by United just anywhere! Unfortunately, the lines are still really long.
@mfladd had I known there was an opportunity for ice cream, I would have certainly stopped! We went 13 non business to rt 1…it was a nice ride…stopped for sandwiches somewhere…it was really good, just awfully slow service.
@mikibell I miss living in that area…
I dunno why, but I enjoy ending up on the “virus detected” pages which inform me that the info for my (nonexistent) Facebook account is being sent to hackers.
The domain for the site being based in Palau only adds to the humor.
I love the ones that tell me my windows machine has viruses and is being hacked. I’m using a chromebook at the moment.
I should forgive them, I’ve got the browser agent string set to say “IE 6”.
@f00l That is inspiring me to do evil things. Maybe I’ll set mine to ‘stuxnet’. Maybe I’ve been working too hard on taxes and am punchy. I need a break.

Break time. I can see that.
Had an offer for a free ‘fidget spinner’.
Only heard about them last week.
Anyways, got it today.
I’m torn between thinking it’s completely pointless (for me) and actually finding myself using it.
Normally I glance at spam email titles just for fun, but the headline of one email caught my attention pretty quickly.
Was NOT disappointed by the contents.
So penguins have warp drives …
There’s a lot of stuff which we keep to ourselves.
(Whether by choice or because other life forms don’t ask questions.)

/image space penguins
/image scape penguins
With all the rising tension with N. Korea, I figure some people could use some humor.
Humor or this week’s newsreel?
@RiotDemon @ELUNO
@PlacidPenguin only 600 minutes? How many minutes in 6 months…
Roughly 260k. They need to step up their YouTube game.
@PlacidPenguin I just finished watching it. Need the next video please.
I noticed on the sales map that at least one person in my country/a neighboring country (the two are often linked) bought today’s item.
I remembered once seeing two people being from my county, though both moved away.
Hi @Lotsofgoats and @bluedog.
I just noticed that the fast forward button on my remote has the printing almost worn off. I guess I don’t watch many commercials.
@denboy hinted almost a year ago that if I were a VMP, then I’d be able to get more names for my list.
However, since VMP is no more…
My request for names of mehmployees
The response
@PlacidPenguin Don’t tell VMP’s it’s no more. They’re still paying their hard earned cash to be very mediocre.
I didn’t mean it doesn’t exist, I meant that no new registrations are being accepted, which means that I’ll never be a VMP, which means I won’t be getting more names of mehmployees.
(I feel like @unixrab should get an honorable mention, but I’m not sure how to transition to that.)

@PlacidPenguin clever transition hidden in a statement confessing a lack of ability to do so.

/giphy clever penguin
Given that you chose not to become a VMP-er when you had the chance, what does currently being a VMP or not have to do with anything?
I’m running out of names of mehmployees.
But what does being VMP or not have to do with your issue, given that you didn’t become VMP when you had the opportunity? Still don’t understand.
@denboy made the implication last year that if I were to become a VMP, I’d be able to get more names.
I suppose I could get them one of 2 other ways, though one alternative method involves traveling to Texas…
Is there anybody here who can hook me up with pieces of an air duct and would be willing to ship them?
Duct, Duct, Goat
@PlacidPenguin could you be more specific? For what purpose? Length needed? Diameter? Etc?
The third and fourth questions could only be answered properly by @f00l.
@PlacidPenguin I can confidently say no, no one will ship you air duct.
Oh well, that’s probably for the best. I’d have had to forward it anyways.
Do you think someone would ship Duck Air?
Not as good as Texas Air, but still worthy.
@PlacidPenguin oh, then I don’t want to get in the middle of that … I don’t have a duck in that fight…
Of course not. What would YOU do with a duck?
Now a beluga whale on the other hand…
@PlacidPenguin No need for either item…
Does this count as a negative post?
Seems legit.
I have had a tab open for LG chat support for over 30 minutes telling me that I’m next.
I opened up a new tab and was put 4th in the queue. That second tab now tells me that I’m first in the queue.
In short, two different “people” were first in the queue.
Ironically, the second tab got help first.
Random statistical comparison.
On Meh, I’ve made a total of 6 purchases, with half of them being fuku/fuko.
On Woot, I have ALSO made a total of 6 purchases, with half of them being BOCs.