Red Rover, Red Rover, Send (insert lurker here) Over.
19So the last lurker thread went very well I think. We were introduced to a lot of new faces and some funny comments. Lurkers stopping by were @Sabre99, @gio, @vanslaterco, @Foxborn (MIA for awhile), @KMakato, @dagirlgenius, @mwalradt, @mdrcoast, @daveinwarsh, @kyanostiger, @AmishCthulu, and last but not least, @UncleEdZed. We all appreciated you kidz stopping by to say Hi. We all hope you continue to come out and play (remember, 60 minutes of online activity is healthy).
But the thread was getting long. I enjoy this so much that I want to continue it.
So lurkers - the rules are simple. If you are randomly selected come out an introduce yourself. Also tell a little something about yourself.
This a safe environment, and no one will scare you here.
And if they do, just let me know.
- 31 comments, 197 replies
- Comment
So the very 1st person to be randomly chosen (buy an extremely complicated algorithm) issssssss…

Come out and say Hi!
@mfladd Do we have to ask @pinky to bring The Brain to explain your extremely complicated algorithm?
@RiotDemon I am sure with all the shape-shifting going on around here lately the Brain will make an appearance.
@mfladd @RiotDemon
Sadly, @Brain and @theBrain were already taken.
@mehBrain You may have my brain, I never use it.
Oh, you are talking about something else. Never mind.
As long as you stop exerting yourself physically for the next 6 weeks, I think we can say that you are using it.
@FroodyFrog Well, I guess I just disproved your statement. I mowed Mom’s lawn today. A two hour (push lawn mower) job took me 4 1/2 hours. But don’t worry, I have a doctor’s appt. tomorrow and he will put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Edit: No pain, no gain.
Remind me again why somebody though it would be a good idea to let horses help try to repair an egg?
@FroodyFrog pretty sure it was a cannon…
The horses tried to pull it back up after they repaired the damaged wall, picture above is most likely the actual wall, but alas I have no time machine so I can’t be sure
@thismyusername @FroodyFrog Now I won’t sleep tonight because I’ll be thinking about this.
@compunaut’s son has one apparently, as @djslack wanted to borrow it.
@Barney get some rest, your not an egg or a cannon
@Barney @thismyusername
Turns out, the Showerthoughts subreddit discussed the whole thing of Humpty Dumpty right over here.
They have some weird discussions, although it came in handy yesterday when I was pondering why the glass slippers in Cinderella didn’t change back at midnight.
Although, as I was typing the above, I started wondering why one fell off her foot if it fit perfectly. Turns out, they discussed that too.
@thismyusername Truthfully, I find it so hard to do nothing. I keep seeing all of these things that have to be done. I hate wasting time.
@Barney says the person who told me to try to take it easy
@mikibell At least I’m not oiling my woodwork.
@Barney I shopvac’ed it…you should see all the dead dust bunnies!
@Barney huh? bed rest, mowing lawn? are you cray-cray?
@FroodyFrog hey frog, can you teach me how to create the hyperlink to a specific part of a thread?
Each comment on a thread is time-stamped. That timestamp is also a URL.
@Yoda_Daenerys Yes.
/image easy button

/giphy Thanks!

@mfladd uhhh i just notice this now. ooops. howdy!


/giphy hi pinky
@sammydog01 That is weird. And twisted. Hmmm.
@Pinky Hi! Sorry I missed you. I was on vacation. But you didn’t tell us anything about yourself. You can share something, right?

I almost forgot - even if you are not a randomly selected lurker, feel free to jump right in.

The water’s fine.
@mfladd, so how is that OCD doing?
@Barney Hehehe, it’s funny because it’s true.
@KittySprinkles Lucky guess?
@Barney It would be going great if I could just get this purple stuff off my hands.

Wait,so I can’t be scary? I have to play nice??
@KittySprinkles Scary must be limited - especially you!

Aren’t you the sweetest and most innocent person on this site?
@FroodyFrog HA!

/giphy innocent kitty
The next person being called over, issss…

@dolphinone Come tell us something about yourself.
@mfladd Oh. Ok… So I am an East Coaster who doesn’t “do” social media per se, leaving me constantly late to the party. I didn’t find WOOT until an invitation from Amazon and then happened to see a post there from @Thumperchick talking about Meh. Came and checked it out occasionally for a couple of months and then decided the two free months of VMP on Christmas was worth an account. I have stayed in the background, but have read virtually all of the posts - and have teared up over a few. One of my happiest days was finding out @Barney wasn’t a bot!
@dolphinone That made me very happy, too! (So glad you found us and how about talking with us a little more.
I’m still not fully convinced @Barney is not a bot though.
@FroodyFrog Hmph.
@dolphinone Thank you for being the first lurker to come forward on this thread. We love having you. Will you stay and have cookies? @Barney, could you bring them out?

@mfladd I’m busy washing my hands.
@dolphinone yay! I’ve earned my cheap tshirts! Glad you’re here.
@daveinwarsh Isn’t anyone going to mention that this is just about the creepiest GIF ever???
@daveinwarsh Nope. Because I love creepy.
@daveinwarsh I believe the votes speak for themselves.
Next person to be called over issss…

@cercopithecoid Please come over and tell us something about yourself.
You are too notorious to called out, but if you want to introduce yourself, have at it

@mfladd naw now that I can I don’t wanna…
@thismyusername good because…

And we will continue this call out with - drum roll, please.

@Jamileigh17 You are up. Please come and tell us something about yourself.
@mfladd waves at everyone Hi! I work a dull, monotonous call center job during the day, freelance edit novels as part of on the side, and read probably more books than any sane person should. Hopefully within a few years I will be able to work full time in a publishing industry job, be it with my freelancing or an agenting/editorial gig. I love to cook, thanks to my boyfriend’s food allergies (Milk, egg, walnuts, peanuts, pecans, shellfish, poppy seeds) which made my old habits of frozen dinners impractical. I live in Philly with him, after escaping from San Antonio about 5 years ago. (Lovely city, great food, but my parents were there, and I’d been wanting a change of scenery for a decade.)
@Jamileigh17 Philly is pretty. You should meet up with @mfladd for a Cheesesteak and debate the finer points of whether Bob’s is better than Jim’s. He’s a bit put out that I didn’t tell him I was passing through a city in a completely different state than he lives in last week and caused him to miss out.
Also, welcome!
@Jamileigh17 nice to have you as a part of the Meh.dom - don’t let it become an addiction

@jbartus Oh, I’ve been around since the kickstarter, I just only comment when I find something to add to the convos. Since this is usually one of the last things I do before bed, that’s pretty rare, haha!
But waves at @mfladd Heya neighbor!
@jbartus Hey now, you also admitted to passing through @mfladd’s state — & specifically, a town I go through every day!
@brhfl what town? Also passing through his state was a known fact well in advance.
@jbartus Rockville. One of the stops my train makes.
(& I didn’t know that was a known fact, I’m sure you can appreciate how tricky it can be to stay up-to-date on every thread @mfladd is involved in
…I just know I got pinged at some point)
@jbartus You were extremely close to @brhfl
@Jamileigh17 What’s up, Girl! Thanks for showing up
I hope you will stay and play more often.

(just imagine us all like this)
@brhfl I blame @dashcloud for how difficult it is to track @mfladd’s activities.
Do you ride the red line into DC or is it one of the commuter trains? (just curious, I like DC’s metro system)
@jbartus @brhfl

@mfladd I’m a fan of trains but being loco and being a locomotive are two very different things.
@jbartus you should talk…
@mfladd what’re you implying?
@jbartus MARC commuter rail, about 1.5 hrs each way. I used to then take the Metro from Union Station to my office, but ultimately decided the 1.5 mi walk was far less stressful.
@brhfl Ah MARC, good stuff. You and I probably passed like ships in the night during my stay, I stayed at the Rockville Best Western and metro’d into the city.
We will find someone. Next person in line is…
@Kniffin Tell us something good.
My name is @jbartus and I am a lurker. It has been 19 minutes since my last post. I’m sorry.
@jbartus at least you replied
@jbartus hi, nice to have you as a part of the community, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
SSN, DOB, Political affiliation, Street address, total monthly income, last time you said the F word
@Yoda_Daenerys fuck… you need all that? Alright I guess
The Free Lunch Coalition
1600.5 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20006
10 seconds ago
@jbartus @Yoda_Daenerys
Feb only had 28 days in 1970 though.
@FroodyFrog I edited this GIF to add text (could only find it without a caption) just for you.
@TickledLizard i knew at least one of those answers was a joke
@Yoda_Daenerys so smart!
Moving on (wait are those crickets?) Our next contestant from the waiting room isssss.

@tomvarela Come on in and tell us something, anything, about yourself.
@mfladd I saw them post earlier today!
@jbartus yup, most lurkers do at one time or another, but I select them based on their profile. And the fact that we are not very familiar with them. We want to know more.

@mfladd Hello?! “Lurking,” by definition… Bye.
@tomvarela Still glad you made an appearance! Hi!

/giphy lurker


@mfladd- I found a new name on the board. He/she asked about speaker docks! @jawshark87

No, I’m not a stalker. Much.
/giphy not a stalker
@jawshark87 It has been requested that you come and introduce yourself. Come on over!

@mfladd Oh, hello. Um, I’m a rising sophomore computer science student, I’ve been actively using meh for a few months, and my username is jawshark87 bc 1) my initials are JAW, 2) you know, like the shark, and 3) I like the number 87 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anything else I need to do?
@jawshark87 Nope, just hang out with us and maybe join in on our conversations?
@sammydog01 Good Job! You found one
@jawshark87 Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi. Welcome to our strange little party here.

@mfladd thanks i feel both welcome and confused
Not to worry.
The confusion never goes away, but you get used to it.
@FroodyFrog cool, so it’s like college
@jawshark87 ja, genau!
@jawshark87 You made it! Yay!

/giphy you made it
@jawshark87 the next hazing ritual is to record yourself saying the pledge of allegiance in HEXADECIMAL and then posting that
@jawshark87 but really, no, just glad you’re here, be prepared to stay confused
/youtube Lurch Nilsenko
/youtube Addams Lurch
Anyone else want to call a lurker over? @sammydog01 did pretty good with hers. My picks this time are not going as well. But @tomvarela did stop by, and I LOVE @dolphinone
Could they be Mediocre employees?
@FroodyFrog Go for it!
@FroodyFrog If they are more the lurking type (which there are many).
@mfladd awwww…right back atcha!
@mfladd did you just spill the beans on @sammydog01 being a ‘she’, or was that not a big secret? I have to go consult with the husband/wife
i’m still a little confused why this is left ambiguous, but i kinda get it
@Yoda_Daenerys No secret, I’m a she.
@Yoda_Daenerys ooo…I did. I broke my the non-gender specific pact - damn!
@mfladd Meh. seems like @sammydog01 is fine with that
@Yoda_Daenerys Yup. That one is very well known. Ok, here it - I am male. (cat’s out of the bag)

Red Rover, Red Rover, send @snapster on over!

No clue what you do @DrCrank3n.
Care to say hi and shed some light on yourself?
@mfladd awesome GIF. Love NPH.
@TickledLizard Overcoming my growing frustration w/ Tx summers. To some this appears to be a weak attempt at gardening but this is a triumph for me.
In the Garden of Good and Evil
Others agree
@DRCrank3n Well, I was only able to get one of those images for you.

But thanks for stopping on by and saying hello!

@mfladd Yea, funewgy. Tried to do 2 pics at once.

While I’m at it, @toposhaba2 (or should I say @devans?)
Your turn to pipe up.
@FroodyFrog don’t forget to gif.
@FroodyFrog Oh Lord, he will definitely come over now
Don’t worry @troy. I won’t tag you.
I think we need a whole thread dedicated to just meh staffers for @FroodyFrog to populate.
You don’t have to, because then I’d be tempted to call out @DGo
@FroodyFrog How do you find these people?
Perhaps @PurpleCave has the answer to your question.
@FroodyFrog I once ate two chicken wings at the same time, NO HANDS. I imitate a Mickey Mouse voice at the meh office on a daily basis just to see who’s listening. Andrew WK and chardonnay is the best way to start the evening. @121jiggawatts if your two favorite kinds of music aren’t country and western then I owe you a pack of Big Red.
@dgo Thanks for coming by and saying hello. And are you calling out @121jiggawatts to come over and say hello? Let it be so.
Come on over @121jiggawatts. Say Hello.
Well hello there.
Finally someone exciting (although the definition of exciting varies from person to person)
Care to share how you contribute to the Mediocre team (besides morale I mean) ?
I’ve spent the last 48 hours trying to make the #HornacekRising a thing, it’s not becoming a thing. An inordinate amount of this afternoon was spent thinking about corgis on a trampoline.
I get in early, make sure the doughnuts aren’t poisoned and climb the coffee mountain in the warehouse before making below grade, diluted donkey water that @sethxiansheng thinks is made by someone else.
My goal in life is to find a game worn Chris Fuamatu Ma’afala (HE’S A BAD MA’AFALA) jersey.
also buy stuff. Take more Banana Boats damn you!!!

I see another call out. @sethxiansheng (which for some reason I can only read as “Sex is a thing”. Come on over and tell us something interesting.
BTW, nice job @FroodyFrog!
Who cares how it’s pronounced? @dgo gave me another name for my list. (I only have 23 names on it. Gotta get more.)
@FroodyFrog Eek…Is that the list where you stab someone in the eye?! I still sleep with one eye open - which I will probably lose.
I told you, your eye (well, eyes) is (alt: are) safe.
I have better ways to get at you.
@dgo Hi Banana Boat and Star Wars bottle guy! Wait, didn’t both of those sell out? Congrats!
@mfladd I’m pretty sure @sethxiansheng is someone named Seth Xian Sheng… just saying.
@FroodyFrog just how many of the Wrinkled Deuce Knives did you buy?
In 661 days, I’ve only bought 2 items.
Neither of which had to do with knives.
@jbartus Ya think? I wouldn’t have guessed that.

@mfladd Hey it’s not my fault your first thought inserted sex into their name!
@dgo i hate country music…and big red. Your sources should have pointed you to cheesy 80s music and classic rock.
@TickledLizard Perhaps @denboy can help answer that question!!
I was going to get to him eventually. Sadly though, most of the names on my list aren’t lurkers. I need to collect more
@PurpleCave Deflection city. What are you afraid of in this forum? Step up and answer for yourself…or scurry back into your purple cave and leave me alone.
@TickledLizard sure sure, you were eventually going to get to me

/giphy promises promises
The question shouldn’t be "what is @PurpleCave afraid of?"
As much as it’s probably “who is @PurpleCave afraid of?”
I was.
I just trying to decide though if I want to bother @kylethephotoguy and @jasontoon.
Answer? Probably.
Tell ya what though, you give me more names than what’s on my list, and I’ll let you go…possibly.
Well…hello everyone…
I contribute to the team by coming in shortly after @dgo, touching all of the donuts, and drinking all of his water-coffee.
After that, I take a seat in my cube and try to convince the powers that be to let me buy more bluetooth headphones and water bottles.
I come from the world of China e-commerce, hence Seth Xian Sheng - props to @jbartus, and bonus points if you know what it means!
@cgenevois come on in and tell the people a bit about yourself
@TickledLizard You’re not a VMP yet you want inside info? Good luck with that. Membership has its privileges…even if they are mediocre.
Maybe they changed their name? I get the SWTR song.
And welcome
I have no reason to get VMP (aside from inside info).
Still have found no reason to get it.
@jbartus or Seth Xiansh Eng?
How many people do you think will try guessing Mr Seth?
@TickledLizard Evidently we’re doing a mediocre job of making it appealing enough for you. That’s why I had to go for the “inside info” hail mary. Can’t blame a flask for trying.
@TickledLizard i’m noticing a pattern in your replies, hmmm
I’d be disappointed if you made any effort at all.
It would go against your parent company’s ideology.
@TickledLizard i was going to go with Seth Mister, like Seth’s own personal water mister, or @sethxiansheng for short
@Yoda_Daenerys ,@TickledLizard got it with Mr. Seth, though I do name all of my possessions, mister or otherwise, Seth’s _____
@TickledLizard Mediocre ideology

Do you have a label maker??
Fun ideology.
@TickledLizard I got some new Lurkers for you. Hit up my team! @jk24, @chrisedwards, @mehsterious, @lincoln, @TheGreatHambino, @troy
I had @troy already, but the others were missing.
Thanks. You just made my day. (Though at the rate my day is going, it probably wouldn’t have been that hard.)
@PurpleCave @TheGreatHambino supposedly owns one of those Chris Fuamatu’-Ma’afala (HE’S A BAD MA’AFALA) Jerseys that I so unreasonably covet.
@121jiggawatts Then I guess you’re listening to KZPS Lonestar 92.5

/image classic rock
And calling out one more. I call out @tinamarie1974 to come over to say Hi, and tell us a little bit more about themselves.

@mfladd Hey y’all
I’ve been outted! I thought I was doing a good job of flying under the radar lol.
Lets see,my name is Tina and I am quite fond of the year 1974. I am from the original home of Woot (the Lou) and love hockey (go Blues).
I’ve been here for just over a year but haven’t purchased anything yet…I don’t need speaker docks or knives
I’ve participated in one mystery box swap. And that dino gif is SUPA cute!
What else?
@tinamarie1974 no purchases? You have much better willpower than me!
@RiotDemon No, I’ve been saving for a house. I’ve been diligent in saving, so there have been a few times I wanted to jump in, but I couldn’t justify it. argh
@tinamarie1974 I am so glad that you decided to stop in and join they party. I hope in the future that you decide to talk and have some fun here. And hockey love? - YES! Don’t be such a stranger

@mfladd Thanks! I will stop in and chat for sure. Are you a Blues fan as well?
@tinamarie1974 Hahaha…no. That was a freebie for you! (just don’t ell @jbartus)

Here was my pain…(notice the score)
It’s all Boston for me.
But don’t let that stop you from coming around
@mfladd Boston is a good team. Actually my company HQ is outside of Boston and I was able to attend my first game at TD Gardens on April 7th this year - Boston v Detroit. I wore a Blues shirt and the fans were awesome - no one gave me any grief. Beautiful arena
@tinamarie1974 I am so glad to hear that. While Boston fans can be fanatical, you do NOT get the hate that you do in some other cities for wearing another teams jersey (talking to you Philly!)
@mfladd Or Chicago…I may have worn several cans of beer at the old Chicago Stadium…Who throws cans of beer at a female hockey fan???
@mfladd why you two faced…
@tinamarie1974 back in the day beer in stadiums was sold in glass bottles… let’s just say mom got more than a few threats involving glass bottles and her head at Yankee Stadium, enough so that she took her hat off out of fear.
@tinamarie1974 That is just wrong. Here is a Philly one that turned my stomach (no pun intended).
I think the family were Nationals fans.
It was a child. I guess another reason I love going to minor league games now.
@mfladd OMG…I. Am. Speechless!!
@jbartus So wrong, as much as I enjoy a good rivalry, people should be able to enjoy a game and cheer on their team (whether they are wrong or not lol)

@tinamarie1974 I agree. I will defend to the death your right to be wrong and not cheer for the Bruins!
Awwwww @jbartus that was almost sweet. You must be one of those fans my mama warned me about. Oh wait, how did the Bruins do in the playoffs this year? (She says slyly with a grin)
Wait, was that too harsh? I did just “meet” everyone…hum…
@tinamarie1974 Nope. Jump right in. This is what we do to each other.
@tinamarie1974 A true fan is loyal to their team and confident in the correctness of their fandom regardless of their team’s performance!
@jbartus well said! I wholeheartedly believe my team will win the cup one day…
@tinamarie1974 hey, look what 86 years of the same got our Red Sox! I mean… they were the right team in the first place so that helped… but still!
@jbartus Oh I am certain it will happen, and i will be there cebrating when it does…Just patiently waitimg for it to happen.
And hey, I met one of your Red Sox at a Blues game back when they were playing the Cards in the WS. Super nice guy
@tinamarie1974 I will cheer for your team when it does… provided it doesn’t come at our expense.
Most players except the crazy superstars seem to be generally nice and genuine people.
Why thank you@jbartus, I’m hoping for 16-17
Not sure if he was a superstar or not (not a baseball fan). It was a guy named Napoli?
Feeling pretty good about myself right now.

/giphy hi

I’m not sure why I’m here…but I LIKE IT.
@121jiggawatts We are glad to have you - just enjoy the mayhem.

We are gaining some momentum so lets call another out. @tommiehd - won’t come on over say hello? And possibly give us a little more info on yourself.

Time for a call out. @timmyboy1 Why don’t you come over and talk to us. Tell us a little something about yourself.

@timmyboy1 I see you in the star. I wish you had taken the leap of faith to say Hi. But since you are watching. Hi anyway!

Do I really have to do this @mfladd ?
Awlright, I’ll say somethin. I am a fortysomethin married with kids in the DFW area. I spend about 6.7 minutes on Meh every day, when I remember to check it. I have too many hobbies so I wind up never having time for any of them. Essentially, my life seems pretty busy but I feel like I never get anything done.
I was hard core on Woot in the wee early days when it was fun - leakfrogs and weekly photoshop contests- but I somehow missed the Meh Kickstarter and got a late start here. I tend to buy useless crap in an Ambien fog late at night so I’m right at home on both sites, but Woot just really sucks now. Meh is just dysfunctional and crappy enough to make me wanna stick around. I’ll talk/speak up when I really need to or have something truly valuable to add, but for the most part I just wanna lurk.
@timmyboy1 Yes! Thanks for showing yourself. I also missed the KS campaign - not sure how still (insert pissed gif here). But we are glad to have you and I am very happy that you offered your services to GISHWHES team - it is fun.

Lurk as you will, but still glad you stopped buy to say hello.
Found another. @RedMartian, @RedMartian why don’t you come over. Time to share with us.

@mfladd Share water? Wrong Martian.
I grew up reading pulp fiction and took a particular liking to the John Carter books, hence the username. I’m not sure I deserve the lurker title, but in the spirit of the forum, I don’t care enough to object. As my profile shows, I have never ordered from meh. My card didn’t pass the meh-dress verification. I pop in occasionally to check the forum anyway.
I leave you with the forum salute as taught to me by carl.

@RedMartian Nice. Your profile definitely shows you in lurker status. Glad you decided to pop in even if you won’t share your water. Stick around and play more often. Btw,

(my first fuck experience here was also from @carl669 - I don’t want to talk about - too painful)
So we have met a lot of new friends here this round. We also had some no shows. I am tired, and have done the best I could to bring a few new faces into the light. I LOVE that some of them are already beginning to make their way across our threads. But I want to try to end this thread on a positive note - so I will call out the last one.
@rand3y - you are up! PLEASE come tell us something about yourself. (let me end this thread on a good note)

@mfladd So, Hi everybody. I’m Rand3y. I love knives and speaker docks, so naturally I feel right at home here. Now someone please sell me a plush Irk!!
@rand3y Yes! You made it
Glad to have you as the last lurker I am officially calling out. Also glad to hear that you are Team Irk plush.

(And yes, I can hear the crickets.)
@TickledLizard And I should also say thank you for getting some of the normally not seen staff mehmbers to post here too. Well done. (yet, @denboy should post more often. Yes - I called you out, bitch)
At the cost of them knowing I have them on my list…
@mfladd my stalker status takes a hit each time I post. Plus…

@denboy You will be after fantasy football starts - which is coming soon. Watch for it. My work league has already sent out invitations. Are you ready for some football?
@mfladd Sure am. Also ready to put in a much better showing.
@denboy I’m a little btch or I’m little, bich? Punctuation…