Spooky October Photoshop Contest – Meh Halloween Costumes
26It’s October and that means it’s almost time for all manner of gussied up ghouls, goblins, and ghosts to gleefully gallivant in the garish glow of the grim and ghastly Gibbous moon, grasping at globs of glorious glucose and gluttonously gorging and gobbling goodies galore.
Here’s the deal – use your mad Photoshop skills to create a Meh Halloween costume. It can be a Meh character, product, meme, or anything else Meh related – even a costume that’s just a meh idea (like a Matt Lauer costumer or something). Whatever you do, your submission should obviously be a costume. If the costume is on a person it should really look like a costume. If it’s not on a person it should have packaging like a costume or look like one of those crappy rubbery masks.
Here’s our example submission, a totally sweet Irk mask:
We’re going to run this one for a while so people will have some time to craft and perfect their submissions. You have until 11:59pm Eastern time on 10/31.
Prizes will be awarded to the entry with the most stars and to a staff pick (and yes, the prizes from the last contest are on the way).
- 35 comments, 152 replies
- Comment
As we learned from the art contest, it would be best to get your submission in early. The "People's Champion" wasn't even a famous painting (hell - you can barely call that crap-in-progress by Jackson Pollock art), but it was submitted early on, thus giving many more people the opportunity to 'star' it. At least the other two winners of that one used finished, famous paintings per the rules and were worthy of meh.
@Cinoclav Not too early though because if this gets too long, your post will be hidden and people will have to expand the hidden posts to see it.
@Cinoclav Gonna super disagree with you saying Jackson Pollock shouldn't count as famous, it was definitely recognizable enough to know exactly what it was. There were a lot of good submissions, but I think that one deserved the win regardless of when it was posted. I intentionally don't want to make the rules super rigid because I want to leave room for creativity and let people be clever with their submissions. I do hear @medz about the automatical hiding of earlier posts, hopefully people want to see all of the submissions and take the .5 seconds to click the expand button.
@JonT That was a painting in progress, not a finished work. There's no way anyone could look at what was on the floor and recognize that as a famous painting. You may be able to tell it was a JP vomit piece simply by the paint drippings or recognizing the artist, but the contest was: "Take a famous painting and make it more…meh" So by the rules, even if they're not super rigid, I get to super disagree with you in return. :)
@Cinoclav Plus, the Roomba was cleaning backwards.
@JonT Dear God that is creepy
@marklog ... well, you know.

Here is my Meh attempt while at work with only MS Paint available as my weapon. I feel like it should be noted my name is also Matt. It's Paper Bag @Snaptster Zombie stealing away with the fair maiden

@Bingo I have just the poster for you...
@Moose Had to star this one just for the clever fine print.
@HappyBalls How dare you. Childbirth is a beautiful, miraculous thing.
@phatmass THAT crosses a line, and not in a good way. DOWNVOTE
@Kidsandliz You are right. I am actually ashamed of this entry. Can one of the staff members delete it? I was drunk. @JonT
@phatmass I'm torn between not wanting to do what you want me to do and not wanting to see that image anymore. I'll have to think about it. By the way it's a good thing you added the watermark so nobody can take credit for your work.
@JonT Hmmm, interesting... OK, I demand that you keep this image up. You have no power to remove it anyway, as you probably will have to seek permission from someone with more authority than you because of your fear of making decisions.
@JonT Add the NSFW/obscure feature to it. That's a meet-in-the-middle solution.
@bluedyn Truth is, I am utterly ashamed of what I have done. I am already working on a replacement if @JonT finds it in his heart to remove this one. I am turning him into an amazing Voltron of Meh products.
@phatmass It is nasty. If I didn't already have a candidate for November's goat, you sure earned it (or something) from this atrocity.
@phatmass @jont You can't remove this, because that would imply there is actually a line beyond B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T. which would be fucking alarming (there weren't enough fucks on this page).
@phatmass "Beautiful mehlicious thing." FTFY
@phatmass Fret not. There are a lot of "giving birth" costumes out there. (including the original you used) Not sure why folks are offended.
@phatmass This is the greatest picture ever. Shame on you all for trying to get this removed. SHAME
@triplebud Why must you bring up the past? I am not like that anymore. I made many mistakes in my youth, and this was one of them.
The infamous "I swear I clicked it but it didn't show up wah wah wah" Meh Burglar:

Contents Include:
One Black Sweatshirt:

One Womens Large Pantyhose:

One Garbage Bag:

12 Assorted Meh Faces:

@JonT was I supposed to tag you in this?
Ah, so that's where they go.
@TheVertigo I applaud your effort
@MEHcus Thanks! i figured theres a K-Mart next to the office might as well spend a 20 spot to see if i can make a real costume. plus im hoping if i dont get enough votes the staff there will pick it based on the amount of emails i imagine you get about the real "problem"
@TheVertigo Nice Photoshopping skills. It looks like an actual photo!
@phatmass HAHAHA those are actually real...my blowing up/printing/cutting skills suck.. OLD SCHOOL!
@TheVertigo I can see the headline: "Suspicious lurker arrested carrying garbage bag containing 12 heads".
@Starblind hahahaha. i did this in a small room in the office...i was so worried the boss would walk by and be like "its about time we part ways"
@TheVertigo The amount of want for your boss walking in on this is through the roof. I can't wait for the sequel.
@ChadP she did question why I had a 4 pack of pantyhose at my desk!!!
@TheVertigo At least she didn't see them on your head
@TheVertigo I hope those were new pantyhouse
@TheVertigo @jont This idea needs it's own category - the meh face thief and within that category there needs to be a winner!!!
@Kidsandliz @jont I would be down to do some videos for the daily video. Of course I'm sure if the staff there wanted to just do your own thing that's cool too. Just figured I have plenty of time to make weird videos about this character and it would be a blast.
While awesome, I fear your entry will be disqualified since you admittedly didn't "shop" it. We'll just pretend you used Photoshop to enhance the colors or something.
@medz Even though it's not a shop, it still made me laugh. Maybe a special award for awesomeness needs to be created.
@lichme I blew them up in photo shop. How's that!
This Halloween's hit costume - Sexy Glen!!!
That red and white striped dress is actually a "sexy striped candy" costume, if you can believe it.
I'm going as Meester Chinface for Hallowe'en!

@curtise Very disturbing.
@barnabee Thank you :-)
Baby Arms. The meh couples costume of 2014.
@capguncowboy OMG HANK!
@capguncowboy I would have voted for this but you make a huge mistake by not putting "MeHtenence"
@medz What are you supposed to be? "It's the possum head chronicles!"
Singing Goatboy time

I'm not so good with 'shop.. But here's my son's @snapster costume!
@kadagan Aww, this is so cute. You know, I think I've spotted @snapster wearing this very same outfit.
@snapster I call this "Blue Tooth Speaker"
@lichme There is such beauty in simplicity.
@Teripie What do you mean? I obviously spent hours on this.
@lichme Not to steal your idea, just fixing it for you. Bluetooth Speaker 'Doc'
A little less than 2 weeks left to get your submissions in! Don't be intimidated by the star counts, there's always the staff pick to shoot for.
I got this thing in the bag! (actually bumping in hopes of seeing more entries)
@medz I'm with you. As a geezer, I haven't mastered any of that fancy photo shop stuff. But I love seeing what others have done.
@Teripie I think it would be awesome if people that aren't great at photoshop posted their ideas so others could create them.
Okay, here's mine:
So few entries... tsk. Come on, Amehricans!
@Pony (talking to myself) This is sad. So very sad. Y U NO MAKE PHOTOSHOPS, MEH PEOPLES?
@Pony These contests should really be stickied on the main Meh page.
@Pony everyone is busy getting their Possum Head Chronicals costumes ready.
@JonT Here's the thing . I have no idea how to photoshop.
Maybe you could post a small tutorial and then you would get more entries into these things. ( FYI, I have mac. So please make tutorial mac friendly. You can do the PC thing too. A PC PC thing. )
@ceagee I actually do almost all my photo shopping in Pages. Instant Alpha FTW.
@ceagee I get that, but I was hoping that people who aren't familiar with Photoshop could post their ideas and/or request someone else bring it to life for them. I usually use Pixlr because it’s web based and free and has most of the Photoshop features you need. Here is a good Photoshop 101 tutorial.
@JonT @ceagee I'm without PS skillz, but I still managed to cobble something together for the last contest. I just didn't get inspired this time. Maybe @phatmass's horror show early on killed it for me.
@hollboll OMG yes! Instant Alpha is amazing, and I use it all the time to mix pics!
Is it over? @jont
@TheVertigo yeah, but jont is sleeping off a Halloween candy hangover. Looks like you won the most clicks. (If your entry isn't disqualified for non-shoppery) Excited to see who won staff pick.
@medz like I said I made the edits and then printed them. We are using photo shopping as a verb here.
@TheVertigo i believe you.
@TheVertigo It is over, I'll make sure we have a winners post go up tomorrow.
@JonT thanks! My wife had the baby last week so I was unsure if something had been posted.
@TheVertigo Congrats!! If you must put something on your car about it, please use this: http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Up-This-Bitch-Decal/dp/B0062VP45M
@JonT He said she already had it... now the baby is up in the car :)
@TheVertigo - Wow, your first? Congrats!!!
@KDemo yep number one. She's awesome!
@TheVertigo - I'm sure! Enjoy. (and sleep every chance you get).
@TheVertigo Congratulations !! {Baby and photoshop, but mostly baby : )
@TheVertigo Congratulations !! {Baby and photoshop, but mostly photoshop ; )
@Starblind @ceagee Thanks!
@TheVertigo adding my congratulations. Hope everyone is healthy and settling in well.
@speediedelivery Thank you everyone is great my 2 ladies are doing wonderful..only confused thing in the house is my dog!
@TheVertigo Interested to know , what did you do prep to prep him/her for baby's arrival ( i.e. blanket w/ baby's smell on it before homecoming) And what about introductions ?
@TheVertigo I just got back from visiting my newborn niece in TN. It sucked leaving, she is adorable and I miss her more than I thought I would. Congrats!
@ceagee great question! i brought him her hat she wore from birth and a blanket she had. as far as introductions, i walked into the house holding her (im the alpha in our house) he was curious but hes very timid and just takes some warming up to get used to strange things that are new to him. hes doing better every day.
@TheVertigo The ladies must be lulling you now. The confusion will come. That picture is perfect! I am guessing that Daddy is already wrapped around that little finger.
Here is a picture of her:
This is one of my dog when i was holding her:
@TheVertigo -Too precious! But they don't look at all alike. Are you sure they're brother and sister?
@TheVertigo Already got her model pose down and everything.
And the winners are...
Special Overachiever Award

"I swear I clicked it but it didn't show up wah wah wah" Meh Burglar
Congrats @TheVertigo! Since you didn't actually use Photoshop but still put in way too much effort while risking your reputation at work in the process, I figured you should get something for your trouble.
Most stars

Blue Tooth Speaker
Congrats @lichme! It's hard to beat the summary by @Teripie: "There is such beauty in simplicity." You get a prize!
Mediocre staff pick

Sexy Glen
Congrats @darksaber99999! This was a really close one, but after tough and thorough debate Sexy Glen took it home for melding a Meh costume with commentary on Halloween trends. You get a prize!
Most terrible and inappropriate submission that won't even be posted again here
@phatmass, you know what you did.
You may have admitted to your mistake, but you still get nothing.
Thanks to everybody that participated! I hope we can get even more submissions next time.
Congrats to the weiners!
Congrats shoppers!
@JonT Wow! Thanks Meh, and congrats to the other winners!
@JonT Woohoo! Thanks all. This was fun, hoping to see another contest soon.
@lichme i feel bad like i did too much. i have all of those things laying around and now with the baby i can wear them all of the time!!!
Congratulations, winners! :)
Congrats to the winners! Thanks for making us crack up, and in at least one case, horrifying us.
This was a totally not rigged game of chance, except I didn't win!!! {sadface}
@JonT Bump - Status check/reminder :)
@lichme Thanks! Prize sending is my first priority on Monday. Thanks everyone for being patient with me.
@JonT Cool, I'll probably get it for my birthday then! Again, thanks for doing fun stuff like this :)
@JonT prize sending huh? So like goat prizes too?
@studerc You're so optimistic!
@JonT It's Monday. Get crackin'!
@lichme @lichme I hadn't thought of sending everyone who won only uncracked pistachios until now, that'll make this much easier -- THANKS!
@JonT You mean everybody from now on right? You already sent me the good stuff?
@lichme Diet pistachios!
@JonT Allergies. Have 'em.
@JonT Yeah, uh, I have allergies too.
Lol I couldn't help myself.
@lichme Yeah some things happened...I deserve this callout but still…
@JonT Maybe Mediocre should buy out Marvel's supply of no-prizes and hand those out.
@JonT Can I just give you a different address at this point, because I'm not gonna be around if you send 'em now.
@darksaber99999 I forgot we won something! Woohoo
The next photoshop contest should be to photoshop prizes for the winners of the previous contest. The prizes must be new made up prizes that incorporate previous mehrchandise.
@lichme thanks for my reminder :) I know I've burned you before, but tomorrow!
@lichme @JonT
A) "The sun will come out tomorrow."
B) "I'll think about it tomorrow."
C) "Tomorrow never comes."
Take your pick.
@JonT That's cute.
@barnabee @lichme You forgot "The check's in the mail".
@dashcloud That, too.
@studerc Hey now, I'm sure JonT has real other work to do. Don't piss him off or the free stuff will stop! It may take 6 months, but free is free!
@JonT :) you just keep doing you, rockstar!
@JonT Is it tomorrow yet?
@lichme its tomorrow somewhere
@lichme It will be tomorrow ASAP
@darksaber99999 @lichme maybe our prize is the camaraderie we have attained from this troublesome experience. surely it wouldnt take @jont two months to send us anything. THIS IS OUR PRIZE!!!!!
@TheVertigo You've figured it out! The prize was inside of you the whole time! @lichme @studerc @darksaber99999 Seriously though, how about them holidays huh? I haven't forgotten about y'all, I'm working on this presently and I'll send them out ASAP.
@lichme @darksaber99999 You guys hear anything yet...i havent seen anything on my fedex yet.
@TheVertigo Nothing yet, but I have a real good feeling about this week being the week.
@lichme @darksaber99999
@darksaber99999 I'm gonna go with the whole stop caring/inquiring thing. I'm moving in about a month, and most likely, if it does come, it won't be to me.
@lichme ah a solid deadline...I'll make sure to get it to you before then.
@JonT Not sure if crossed fingers are intentional or not lol
@JonT Including today, there are about 8 business days left. Any progress?
@lichme progress was halted due to inclement weather, but I hope things will be clear on Monday for shipment.
@JonT Do you know if things were clear? Should I stop harassing you until you tell me it shipped?

@lichme You have the patience of a saint!
@lichme When's the next time you're moving, so @JonT will have a new deadline?
@dashcloud It's not the wait I mind, it's the false reassurance.
@darksaber99999 After a month of waiting, the buyers ended up getting their financing denied, so we get to relist today.
@lichme @darksaber99999 just wanted to pop in with some more reassurances, I actually have the prizes picked out and ready to go now! They'll ship out tomorrow at the latest and they'll be going faster than SmartPost, I can't wait for them to disappoint you.
@JonT Box of 50 leak frogs? Envelope filled with cat litter?
@darksaber99999 I can't stop laughing at that ^
@lichme @darksaber99999 @TheVertigo Guess what? PRIZES SENT. Prepare for intense disappointment.
@JonT Expected Monday, coming in at 5Lbs (for now). I've come to expect nothing but disappointment, so if I'm not disappointed, I'll be very disappointed.

@lichme Where are you seeing these details?
@darksaber99999 http://www.fedex.com/us/delivery
@lichme @darksaber99999 i got mine too. its real. unless its just a box with a 5 lb weight in it
@TheVertigo @lichme You have it on your My Orders page?
@darksaber99999 Not on meh, just on the FedEx dashboard. I think it takes a while after you first sign up to show any new packages
@lichme Ah, I didn't know they did that.
@darksaber99999 and as far as on the Meh my orders page it wont show there. its sent on the back end.
@TheVertigo @darksaber99999 FedEx Updated with the following:
Weight: 12 lbs
Dimensions 20x15x14 in
@JonT Did you say prizes?!?!?!?!?!
It's here!
I took a shitty cell pic because lazy, so I'll just post a list
One Of These
One Of These
One Of These
A Travel Umbrella
A Flask with way too much bling
Quite a good score, and worth the wait. Thx @JonT
I got the same, with a SoundLogic capsule speaker for the speaker part. Thanks for the prize! Had to go practically to another city to pick it up from Fedex though : /
@lichme Congrats guy, that's fantastic. **sits here patiently waiting for @JonT to send him a prize too...