Temporary goats: gather here to accept blame: and take a fine trip!
11calling @OldCatLady who is putting the trip together
calling @mikibell
calling @Eluno
calling @jbartus
calling @PlacidPenguin
calling @ignorant
calling @cengland0
calling @joelmw
calling @Starblind
calling @narfcake
calling @Barney and @Barney-Bot
calling @KDemo
calling @christinewas
calling @brhfl
calling @TaRDy
calling @Ryaneil
calling @lisaviolet
calling @BillLehecka
calling @Lotsofgoats
calling @sammydog01
calling everyone I forgot
You are needed. Our Galactic Goat has an emergency, and we must fill in. I know you will help - if you don’t, it’s all downhill haiku’s from here.
Future Goats, such as @kidsandliz and @RiotDemon and you know who you are can come along and pitch in!
Mega-calling @mfladd Especially! The more he resists, the more blame he gets!
Please note that the topic title is a haiku, I think.
- 20 comments, 74 replies
- Comment
@f00l How could you forgot @Pavlov???
Calling @Pavlov and @MrsPavlov.
I was pulling them outta my ass as I typed, and I am a naturally forgetful and idiotic person. That’s how.
calling @davegrey
calling @marklog
calling @studerc
calling @Thumperchick
fuck calling @carl669 that fucker
calling @sohmageek
calling @kittysprinkles
calling @thismyusername
calling @stardate820926
calling @medz
calling @dashcloud
pretty sure I still missed some bleaters
@f00l so which one of these are you blaming for your forgetting? Or are you blaming yourself? By the way there is a thread somewhere for that… (the past goats).
@f00l blames self because
@f00l was way too lazy to
look up that old thread.
At some point in the summer of 2016, I noticed that @davegrey either got rid of his account, or was just a total figment.
Also, you don’t remember this post by @narfcake?
@f00l remembered post
By @narfcake listing all the
Goats, did not find it.
Blame blame @thismyusername
Who was once a Goat.
Please note that the topic title does have 17 syllables so meets that requirement, however the grammar police takes exception to your punctuation and the haiku police takes exception to the layout.
Bite Me. Oh, you can’t, not properly. You haven’t been goated yet.
I worked within the techno parameters given.
@kidsandliz a goat
will be, in the vast unknown
future imagined.

Imagine me this way
@Kidsandliz shines as
bright as the Star-Goat, calling
all forth to Goat her.
@f00l Since I will be light years away, goating me means my responses will be “slightly” delayed.
The shirtgoat accepts catshirt-related blame. Non-catshirts blame should be directed elsewhere, however.
Can you find a catshirt that symbolizes @mfladd trying to weasel out of blame?
And suspecting that @mfladd is the Weasel-Goat.
@narfcake Found a loophole. I blame you for not having a cat shirt. Ha!
@f00l @mfladd

@kidsandliz Yep. Not a single catshirt here!

@narfcake I have 5 out of the ones pictured.

This was like 5 years ago. I have like 30 of those 16 now.
What is the perfect catshirt design? (or your fav)
What is the perfect crowd-designed-sourced t-shirt design? (or your fav)
and your blame.

What a great suggestion!
@f00l blames @mfladd for
resisting; there’s no point to
that. Guilty! Guilty!

Guilty @mfladd is
So cute! Trying to evade
Blame that sticks to him!
@mfladd You should listen to your better half and not post such silly things.
@dashcloud now there is a scary thought…@f001 being any half of @mfladd!!
@mikibell I don’t normally think of @f00l as the better half- I lean towards @kittysprinkles, who tends to keep @mfladd in line.
@dashcloud The only line I keep him in is the firing line…
i got this. fuck you all and pass the mustard.


@carl669, are
You fucking ready to act
as fucking Temp-Goat?
Fucking A!
I would be glad to try even though there are many, much more qualified
Mehtizens listed above.
@mehbee Maybe (mehbee?) you wouldn’t mess things up as badly as those goats did.
Thanks to @narfcake and
to @PlacidPenguin, here is
a complete Goat list.
I think.
June 2014 - @davegrey
July 2014 - @Ryaneil
August 2014 - @marklog
September 2014 - @studerc
October 2014 - @Thumperchick
November 2014 - @cengland0
December 2014 - @lisaviolet
January 2015 - @joelmw
February 2015 - @Barney
March 2015 - @BillLehecka
April 2015 - @carl669
May 2015 - @narfcake
June 2015 - @Pavlov
July 2015 - @Starblind
August 2015 - @mfladd
September 2015 - @sohmageek
October 2015 - @jaremelz
November 2015 - @christinewas
December 2015 - @TaRDy
January 2016 - @thismyusername
February 2016 - @Lotsofgoats
March 2016 - @stardate820926
April 2016 - @KDemo
May 2016 - @medz
June 2016 - @dashcloud
July 2016 - @brhfl
August 2016 - @sammydog01
September 2016 - @OldCatLady
October 2016 - @ignorant
November 2016 - @PlacidPenguin
December 2016 - @f00l
January 2017 - @jbartus
February 2017 - @Eluno
March 2017 - @mikibell
April 2017 - @ruouttaurmind
I’m blaming @f00l here
As an October is wrong.
Hi, @kittysprinkles!
@narfcake @KittySprinkles
Technically that October was right.
However, 8 months later, she rose from the ashes and became a beautiful swan… Errr… just a regular swan… A (insert adjective here) (insert noun here).
Technically, yeah.
But that’s in the past now, so
Blame @PlacidPenguin.
@PlacidPenguin has no reason to accept blame for anything.
@mfladd -
You’re not willing to be a temporary scape-penguin?
Wouldn’t this involve having been a proper scapenguin?
+1 for the haiku
Corrected List:
June 2014 - @davegrey
July 2014 - @Ryaneil
August 2014 - @marklog
September 2014 - @studerc
October 2014 - @Thumperchick
November 2014 - @cengland0
December 2014 - @lisaviolet
January 2015 - @joelmw
February 2015 - @Barney
March 2015 - @BillLehecka
April 2015 - @carl669
May 2015 - @narfcake
June 2015 - @Pavlov
July 2015 - @Starblind
August 2015 - @mfladd
September 2015 - @sohmageek
October 2015 - @jaremelz
(AKA @KittySprinkles)
November 2015 - @christinewas
December 2015 - @TaRDy
January 2016 - @thismyusername
February 2016 - @Lotsofgoats
March 2016 - @stardate820926
April 2016 - @KDemo
May 2016 - @medz
June 2016 - @dashcloud
July 2016 - @brhfl
August 2016 - @sammydog01
September 2016 - @OldCatLady
October 2016 - @ignorant
November 2016 - @PlacidPenguin
December 2016 - @f00l
January 2017 - @jbartus
February 2017 - @Eluno
March 2017 - @mikibell
April 2017 - @ruouttaurmind
May 2017 - Your UserName Can Go Here!
(Apply for this position in the thread set to open in a few days on this site.)

/image scapenguin
And the random unblame goes to … @Thumperchick!
What happened and who is to blame?
Family death.
Sign me up for a slot here- although I won’t be around during the day. Happy to help out the goat!
Aw, come on, I just cleaned up two piles of cat crap, one big puddle of cat puke (with hairball), and couldn’t find a pair of matching socks.
I’ve been up for twenty minutes. Crabby as hell. Go ahead and blame me, see if I care.
Is to blame for loving all
Those precious beings.
@f00l I don’t know that I’d call it love when I’m wiping catshit from between my toes. Oh, the joys of elderly, incontinent cats…
That’s when you know it’s love.

@lisaviolet sorry, we just went thru something similar
@Yoda_Daenerys We had two cats doing it at the end of last year, beginning of this year.
Pete had a host of problems. Pneumonia was one and when that cleared up he still had breathing problems, was diagnosed with allergies. He did okay for a couple of weeks on meds, then it got bad again. We took him in for a recheck and on the way, he started gasping for breath, like someone having an asthma attack.
The vet said that we could keep him on meds, so he’d live a little longer, but it was getting really bad and she advised euthanasia as the best thing for him at this point.
Totally did not expect that.
But at least Pete tried to make it to the litterbox. Mystie does not and Mystie poops like a dog who squats and walks and poops along the way. This morning it was from one corner of the kitchen, diagonally along the floor into the laundry room. Real fun.
I miss Pete but I know he’s out of misery right now. I would have cleaned up his poop forever, bitching about it the entire time, if that was all that had been wrong with him.
I read where you lost your kitty. I’m so very sorry, I know how tough it is. With a cat who has health problems, we spend so much time trying to make things better/more comfortable and then when the health problems get too bad and we have to make that horrible decision…there’s all that free time.
To remember. Sadly, at first, but time softens the blow.
@lisaviolet that day was very tough, the pain has faded fast, i hope i am not a monster for that
@Yoda_Daenerys Well, maybe you’re like us, in that the cat has been so sick for so long, that you’ve already done much of the grieving.
Like when there’s a married couple and one has been taking care of the terminally ill partner for so long and the ill partner finally passes away. And friends and family don’t think the widow/widower mourns long enough, not taking into consideration the time before death.
@lisaviolet wow!, now i feel better
that’s pretty deep and empathetic thinking, you in social work?
@Yoda_Daenerys No, no social worker. Just read a lot of advice columns.
@lisaviolet (@Yoda_Daenerys) I would agree with the grieving in advance… We did that with dad. And I did that with one of my cats too.
I never got a goat prize, so was I even really a goat? At least I don’t think I did…I certainly didn’t get a goat trophy.
Edit: picking randomly, I blame @Starblind for this.
All who served as Goat but never received Goat Prizes please add a comment here.
(not sure @ignorant qualifies)
I also am missing my fab Goat Prize.
How about a pseudo-goat prize?
@f00l @medz @PlacidPenguin

Ha! I got mine!
I blame @ELUNO just for the fun of it.
@CaptAmehrican Noooooooooo! D:<
Checking in a bit late. Seems like you all have this covered.
@ruouttaurmind hope everything is well.
I blame @Eluno for everything that’s wrong everywhere today;
Except for the “I’m pretending to be evil” blame that sticks to @mfladd like his own skin.

@mfladd is to blame
For foolishly pretending
phony Evil Cred.
@mfladd - the compleat
Sweetheart marshmallow never
Gets close to Evil.

@mfladd is so gross.
Not the same as evil. Time
that @mfladd learns this.
it’s confirmed, i am not in the popular kids crowd - eff y’all
oh wait, if i like you then nevermind, but if i don’t, you prolly don’t care anyway
or perhaps you don’t know which category you fall into (under?)
/youtube me thinks you don’t understand
/giphy give it up for the dumbass

@Yoda_Daenerys said:
Is this the opening statement of your campaign to be chosen as Goat? Interesting … I hope so.
@f00l naw, but i did appreciate that daenerys was the giphy, go figure?
Goat Deputy! She has to take blame for everything while the official goat is away!
@f00l is the Official
@ELUNO That is right. We all forgot and I bet @f00l wanted us to and so started these threads instead to distract us.
I am so glad to hear that my imaginary status as Imaginary Deputy Goat is filling both of your wee imaginary minds.
/giphy imaginary

Consider yourself tormented, then.
@f00l Is it imaginary in everyone’s minds but yours?
Depends on which alternative universe, one supposes.
In this universe, that delusion seems to be limited to you and to @kidsandliz.
@f00l I think we should have you checked out. I’ll have one of my spiders go in through your ear to examine your brain.
I’m game. Sign me up for another day or two or month.
@kittysprinkles where the heck have you been??? I miss talking with you.
@sohmageek Hiya! I live in a strange black hole of work and the ignoring almost everything else bliss of my home life.
@KittySprinkles well you know how to get a hold of me… btw Zelda breath of the wild kind of feels like fallout mixed with zelda. Less blood but the engine and open feel is amazing!
Is this where I’m supposed to report?
Present and ready for duty!
Head over to @OldCatLady’s trip thread.
BTW, nice outfit dazzle there.
@KDemo aww KDemo thats where my leotard went. I knee it had been lent to someone.
@CaptAmehrican - You can have it back, it kind of pinches in the middle and everyone says my hugs are too poke-y now. Also, wearing it makes me dizzy for some reason.