Let's give @jaremelz a new name
19@jaremelz needs a new nickname, so let’s help her out by having a naming contest. The rules are simple: Find a name that she likes and is, uh, acceptable to Meh (you know what I mean).
If your lucky name is chosen by @jaremelz, you will receive a special purple prize from me (to be mailed in about six weeks).
Good luck!
Contest will end when it ends or we see @jaremelz with a new name.
(Disclaimer: She doesn’t have to choose any of our suggestions.)
- 46 comments, 174 replies
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I am so fucking happy right now!

@jaremelz Deal with it…

Did I do it right?
@jaremelz I am twisted in all the right ways, but that chick still freaks me out.
@mfladd More importantly, is she single?
@LaVikinga LOL…I soooooo have a crush on you.

@mfladd Naughty by nature.
how about @melz?
@carl669 Oh no. It has to be far worse than that.
“So say we all”
@mfladd could be Mehlz…
@mfladd i retract this submission. see my other one
some rules or parameters might actually be helpful here; hard to know if we’re on the right track for @jaremelz preferences.

How about Wicked
/image wicked
/giphy wicked
@compunaut It’s up to @jaremelz if she wants to give you any clues about choosing a name for her. I’d say just go for it.
@Barney ummmm…she is hiding in fear right now.

@compunaut Ooooh, I like wicked. I already the wicked bitch of the west in the mind of @mfladd
@jaremelz I still say go with Elphaba, you get the Wicked reference without being quite so on-the-nose about it.
I’m thinking @jaremelz should change her name to @Elphaba and @mfladd should change to @Glinda
@jbartus Hahahahaha. He does think he’s the pretty one.
@jbartus That’s Galinda, with a ‘guh’!
@OldCatLady I will call be calling him Duhlinda from here on out.
@OldCatLady it’s both. Go see the play!
@jbartus I have seen the play, thanks. I just can’t get the line out of my head. Guh! Guh!
NEW RULE: You may enter as many times as you like – or until you get it right.
WHAT ABOUT melzjare?
@therealjrn The goal is to eliminate the jare.
@jaremelz Just nosy: Can you tell us why without too much anguish?
Sorry, @jaremelze. I didn’t mean for this to happen. @compunaut, lets just say that she needs to change her name and she really did give you the answer if you think long and hard about it.
@Barney Awww, thank you. It’s just a change in life. All will be well.
@Barney @jaremelz I can let it go at that. Sorry for being too “in your business”
@compunaut No, no apology needed.
@narfcake Or maybe the other way around HellzMelz.
ok. let’s go with @mehleficent.
@carl669 Ohhhhh…this is also promising.
@carl669 I love that one.

OK, what about jarjarmehlz?
Staying with the Wicked theme (for now), how about WitchBitch or viceyverse

/giphy witch bitch
@compunaut witchywoman? bitchcraft?
My old gaming name is StinkyKitty. For soma reason this makes mfladd giggle. I thought about going back to that, or using “noregerts” . But someone would likely call me Gertie. And the cost of airfare to hunt them down is just beyond my wallet right now.
/image gertie

@jaremelz I think you meant “noregrets”, not “noregerts” But if you fucked up your username that would be even funnier.
@mfladd Nope, I meant it as it is.

/image noregerts tattoo
@jaremelz A play on your old username: kittysmelz
@narfcake I like it! What about “SmehllyCat”?
@jaremelz @narfcake
@FroodyFrog Exactly
@jaremelz or SmehllyCat’s sister, @stinkypussy
@KittySprinkles @Yoda_Daenerys well great. Now i have the cheech speech in from dusk till dawn in my head. Lol
@ivannabc @KittySprinkles i don’t remember what i had for breakfast, you’ll have to give me the TL;DR to catch up here
/image ketchup here

/youtube catch up
/giphy catch up to the mustard

@KittySprinkles @Yoda_Daenerys you said stinky pussy and of course as damaged as i am, i read that as if Cheech said it in from dusk till dawn
/image persephone

Persephone - The Maiden Goddess and Queen of the Underworld.
Sacred Animal: Bats.
Sacred Plants: Grain, lily of the valley, spring flowers and pomegranates.
@conandlibrarian Only if you promise to call me Persey instead.
Oooh, @StinkyPersey
I had a great name choice, which made me vomit a little in my mouth just from thinking it in my head, but it turns out that the name is copyrighted in the UK.
@FroodyFrog @QueenElizabeth? Makes me vomit a little…
So what was it?
Can’t say. I would rather not make the few people who take me even remotely serious to change their opinions.
@FroodyFrog Spotted Dick?
How about @mfladd2?

@Sabre99 Don’t sweat stinkykitty. You are A-OK in my book.
@mfladd Yes, Neville, but even your books hate you.
Is @bitchypoo taken? It fits you in all the right places.

@mfladd I hate you

/image fits in all the right places
@jaremelz and I love to be hated, sweetie

I don’t get why these suggestions are making @jaremelz look like she’s terrifying.
I believe this aptly describes her.
@Lotsofgoats Hehehe, it’s classy just like I am.
@jaremelz girl you put the assy in classy
@no1 My tongue tripped and got a booboo.
How about @MistressofMayhem? (Maybe a little too long?)
@dashcloud Just Mehhem
@medz I’m a little fond of PrincessFuzzyButt
@jaremelz Too easy to mistype. Okay to reply, hard to tag you. Even worse than the current one.
Actually, the name is too long. @PrincessFuzzyButt – see?
@OldCatLady This is true. This thread has some great suggestions.
@Barney boo
@medz Hey, don’t boo the messenger. I like the name.
Smitty. we don’t have one here and every place needs a Smitty.
@cranky1950 How 'bout Smutty instead of Smitty?
Availability not checked and not derived from my opinion of @jaremelz; she was the very nicest goat ever.
@duodec @Samhain…LOL I love that one.
Nicest goat ever?

@mfladd Yes. She was very nice to those who were not unbelievably cruel to her. Of course I think she had more fun with those who were…
And a little pepto bismol will clear that right up.
@duodec I am loving Samhain!!!
@duodec And of course, the disgust of @mfladd over what you said. Ha.
@jaremelz Litha?

I was cruel to her? Did you see what I went thru as goat because of her?
@OldCatLady Although I do prefer summer as a whole (camping and being warm for the win), I do love the October 31st aspect of Samhain. And that most people would be saying it “Sam hayn”
@duodec @jaremelz was the nicest goat ever? THIS @jaremelz? Are you sure you have the right one? Hmm… Can I have some of what you are drinking?
@mfladd You got exactly what you deserved, buzz off.
@Barney Well she was nice to me…
@duodec I know.
@Barney But my respect for you grew along with a little fear, because you were feisty.
@jaremelz @Felisha is your name

@mfladd Oh hell no. I will not have everyone telling me, “Bye Felicia!”
@jaremelz There’s always Melzabub (or Mehlzabub).
zombie + witch = Zombitch
@hallmike We might have a weiner
@medz @KittyJimmies
@mfladd Fuck the fuck off with your jimmies
@jaremelz what’s wrong with jimmies?
@medz @jaremelz
Combines two of my favorite things;
Sugar, and sprinkles made out of kittens.
ZombieMombie (this feels so tame, but it’s the first thing that came to mind.)
Gimme a dollar and you can have mine.
@fucker Oh how I wish I could star this more than once.
@fucker Yes!!! Love it! But I also would love to know who are having created this account yesterday.
So many possibilities to consider.
@fucker I see you’ve gotten a lot of use out of that name.
@jaremelz check your gmail
What did I miss? Why is @jaremelz getting a new name?
Self preservation
@LaVikinga I’m still not sure I follow; she didn’t love her name anymore?
@jqubed If I understand it correctly, the partners making up @jaremelz & co. unfortunately couldn’t see eye to eye on a common direction for productive future growth. For the best interest of all parties, they decided to dissolve their current collaboration & create separate entities. Because of this, ideas for re-branding were requested.
@LaVikinga Uh-hmm. Is there a link where this request was made so I could follow along with the various directions the parties wanted to go? I’m feeling dense.
@jqubed Knowing how chatty this forum is, something must have been mentioned in passing somewhere, but I usually just wade along the shore of the threads, so I can’t point you in the proper direction.
All I DO know is she has a wicked sense of humor & I hope she’ll rock through this all without too much trouble.
To keep in the spirit of Barney;

/image Baby Bop
@hems79 That really is one scary looking dude.

/giphy nooooo

/image Rebecca with good hair
Anything to go on?
Ok, I’m currently torn between Zombitch, KittySprinkles, and fucker. So, just to clarify even though plenty already starred the comments, star which one you like below. I will go along.
@jaremelz Zombitch
@jaremelz KittySprinkles (fuck I’m loving this)
@jaremelz fucker (I think I already know the winner)
@jaremelz Sorry; still like Mehleficent best. Or Wicked
@jaremelz you forgot @ilovehollboll
@hollboll I want that name!
@conandlibrarian it is a good name!
@hollboll truth be told, it should be @i
@conandlibrarian @galmaegi @hollboll
I wonder if @ilovegalandholl fits.
(It does)
@compunaut Yeah, but @jaremelz can’t spell Mehleficent without having to use a cheat sheet.
@Barney @compunaut @jaremelz
Three solutions:
@Barney You mean so and so!
@FroodyFrog @Barney @jaremelz

TBD1 = Mehleficent tattoo on her wrist. As long as she doesn’t visit the place who gave her ‘NO REGERTS’
/image Maleficent tattoo
@compunaut @Barney @jaremelz
Good thing @jaremelz isn’t egotistic, because otherwise she’d have to look at her wrist constantly.
Like an ID bracelet…
@jaremelz It’s obvious that @KittySprinkles has stolen your heart. Go ahead and claim it. (You know it’ll drive @mfladd crazy every time he sees it.)
@jaremelz mmmm, cat donut
@RiotDemon @jaremelz
@jaremelz also, actual kitty sprinkles:
@RiotDemon Those are so cute, I’d have a hard time eating them. Don’t get me wrong, I totally would. But there’d be a single tear running down my cheek.
Called it.

for a late entry, how about @boobookittyfuck ?
I promise it’s a name no one will forget, and fairly easy to spell.
and I apoligize for the wonky aspect in the clips, didn’t make 'em just found 'em on youtube.
@KittySprinkles? Really?

/giphy kitty sprinkles
@OldCatLady I’m trying it on. it’s that or fucker
@KittySprinkles the other one would truly add to the fuck count. but, i kind of like this one more. not sure why though as the image i get is of a cat peeing all over the place.

/giphy wise choice
@medz You’re biased.
@carl669 Thanks a lot. Now I won’t be able to get that image out of my mind. Cat peeing all over the place… geez.
@Barney Damn it, don’t call this contest over…now i can’t either. Thanks @carl669
@KittySprinkles The contest is over whenever you want it to be. Forget about what the rest of us say. Choosing a nickname that fits and that you like is your top priority. Take all the time that you need.
@Barney @KittySprinkles sorry. it’s just the image that popped into my head and i thought i would share the misery.
/giphy cat peeing

@KittySprinkles Sprinkles are stupid!

I love me some Jimmies!
@KittyJimmies And I read this as KittyJammies.

Any preference?
@KittyJimmies Is not impressed
@KittySprinkles Guess I’m stuck with this one. Could have used that dollar.
@fucker I will give you a dollar for it. Fuck, I will give $1.25.

I’ll sell you the name @jaremelz
@FroodyFrog hmmmmmm…that might be fun.
@mfladd No, you put that name down this instant, young man!
I don’t want your dollar.
I want that hot ass bitch to give me a dollar.
Yeah, I’m sick like that.
@fucker you sexist, bitch!
@fucker I have reconsidered. A dollar we have a deal?
@jaremelz But doesn’t @mfladd owe you like, ten? Just make him pay that much for it, and call it even.
@jaremelz No. Now that you want it, you can’t have it.
I’ll keep it. It looks good on me. And it adds to the fuck count.

I’ll trade a picture of a twig for it.
(You know it would slightly bug some people
@fucker Don’t be an ass. Sell it to me.

Well this got entertaining. Looks like a handful of shapeshifters around these parts. But who doesn’t need a little reinvention every now and again?
@brhfl I’m so confused.
Has anyone read Heinlein’s book I Will Fear No Evil?

@brhfl There is definitely some fuckery going on around here. No one is safe.

@Barney Should I ?
@sammydog01 It’s a good read and it kind of reminds me of the multi personalities that are being exhibited in some of the individuals on this thread. (Robert A. Heinlein is one of the greatest sci fi writers of all time.)
@kittysprinkles “Well, think me up a cup of coffee and a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top, while you’re thinking.” One of my favorite phrases… often repeated in our house. (I agree with @mfladd, they are jimmies, however.)

@mfladd Nice!
I’d forgotten how much Carly Rae can make you smile
@2many2no I love this Carly song vid. Dolphins vs Military. But I am strange.
@mfladd Maybe @KittySprinkles and @OldCatLady could tell me if anything happens on the right side of the video?
@2many2no lots of things happen. Guys shooting mortars. Hiding in piles of sand. Popping out of vehicles to sing. Using mops as pom poms.
Very amusing.
@2many2no My oh my. US military guys in Afghanistan, hot to begin with, then they start dancing and posing and flirting. There are some girls on the left side sometimes. Better with the sound off.
so, wait. is @TittySprinkles officially the new name? i didn’t see a grand announcement anywhere in this thread.
err… @KittySprinkles.
/image titty sprinkles

@KittySprinkles knows.
@KittySprinkles, I thought you should know that I saw some comments you made elsewhere and didn’t have even the slightest of doubts that you were you. (I’d heard that your name was probably changing, but I hadn’t seen the thread.) I think the new name fits.
@christinewas I would almost be sad that I was that recognisable, but hey, I think it’s a good thing. And the name might be adopted elsewhere. I like it that much.

/giphy kitty sprinkles
bummer, smitty had so much potential
I have no idea how this old thread got resurrected, but it was a fun to read again. Also fun was finding out in the thread that placid penguin WAS froodyfrog!

I referenced it here, and then @ivannabc made this post.
And I never denied that that was my old username.
I thought it was common knowledge at this point.
@PlacidPenguin I actually didn’t know. I just thought you were spawned by dark penguin magic.

@mfladd @PlacidPenguin my husband gets onto me all the time for necroposting. But i don’t care. Lol