An appeal to former Goats
17Galactic Goat has to fly out of town this afternoon for a family emergency.
Might he appeal to your better nature, and ask your assistance in taking the blame for a day or so until he figures out what is going on?
Please and thank you!
Galactic Goat
- 19 comments, 74 replies
- Comment
Calling that Goat-Insect @Eluno.
He’s first up.
@f00l Replying here because it’s up at the top…
My stepfather passed this morning about 9am CT. Mom is a wreck. I’m hopping a plane across the country this afternoon, hoping to get mom calmed enough to help me figure out what needs to be done, and to make final arrangements.
I’m expecting to be marginally annoying the forums for the next several hours as I wait for my flight and sit helplessly on the plane.
Once I reach my destination I have a long drive into the countryside, at which point cell data coverage is spotty and marginal. I may be offline for a few hours, or a couple of days.
I’m hoping to have everything squared away and on my way home in about a week, and I’ll certainly be making guest appearances during that time, but unfortunately I can’t commit to being a reliable goat while I’m away.
Thank you all for your support and understanding!
Galactic Goat
Sorry to hear.
Take all the time you need.
@PlacidPenguin TY!
@ruouttaurmind please accept my heartfelt condolences… I hope your mom finds a measure of peace, but losing a spouse has to be unsettling to say the least. We will cover you!!
I’m glad that you are able to be there for her so quickly. I’m so sorry you family has suffered this loss. Our thoughts will be with you and your Mom. I suspect things will be tough for her for a while.
@ruouttaurmind I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy in your family. Glad you are able to go and be a support to your mom. Don’t forget to get comfort for yourself as well…
My condolences, @ruouttaurmind.
(And don’t even worry being the goat here. Some things are much more important.)
My condolences as well, @ruouttaurmind. Very sorry to hear it.
@ruouttaurmind Be well, be safe, hug your mom a lot. Be sure she eats at least a little bit off and on during the time you’re there. I’m so sorry for her loss and for yours.
@ruouttaurmind I am so very sorry for the loss your family has suffered. I’m glad you are able to be there for your mom. My thoughts are with you guys.
Really sorry for your loss, @ruouttaurmind. Glad that you have the strength of family around you, though.
@ruouttaurmind Again I am caught skimming threads. Please accept my sincere condolences in the loss of your step-father. Prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time.
@ruouttaurmind Im so sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and yours.
@ruouttaurmind I’m sorry for the family’s loss. It’s nice that you’re on your way to help out.
P.S. I missed the family emergency part upon first reading. Best wishes.
@brhfl TY!
I would consider donating to your well-being, if you would agree to be Goat again.
Even for just a day
Hoping all is well, @routtaurmind.
As the resident shirtgoat, I have no problems taking blames for catshirt related incidents.
@narfcake Much appreciated! TY.
@TaRDy @Ryaneil @cengland0 @lisaviolet @joelmw @BillLehecka
@narfcake@Starblind @Lotsofgoats @OldCatLadyI suggest y’all do what ostriches do and stick your heads in the sand and hope you go unnoticed.
Don’t blame me for anything. My goat days are past me.
I blame you for your having been Goat so long ago. Since I didn’t blame you for anything at the time, I’m making up for that now.
@PlacidPenguin Nah, let’s all run amok.
@f00l I’m what you call a “charter goat.” One of the originals!
A Charter Goat leaps
To the front of the line of
Substitution Goats.
How long will you be out of pocket? A few hours? Days? Weeks?
Hope everything works out well, @ruouttaurmind
@KDemo I appreciate it. Thank you!
@Barney Bot will accept all blame except anything related to or about horses. Nor will @Barney accept blame for any screw ups caused by @f00l.
Best wishes @ruouttaurmind.
@Barney Bot is awesome, as always. Thank you for your kindness.
@f00l + @horses will cause great blame for @Barney and @Barney-bot.
Will @Barney’s vocabulary revert back to Early-@Barney-Goat levels?
/giphy whinny

Horses Horses Jump
Horses Horses Horses Trot
Sweet Horses Whinny.
@f00l Are you asking me if I’m going to revert back to early Barney goat or are you telling me to shut up?
Leaping Horse asks how
Many words are known to the
Great @Barney-Bot Goat?
@f00l is curious
What vocabulary will
@Barney-Bot Goat use?
/giphy leaping horse

@f00l - I assume we’re restricted to aye or neigh questions.
@ruouttaurmind I will accept the blame for you for a few days… I haven’t shaken that fluffy feeling yet
God bless!!!
@mikibell Your support and kind words are appreciated. Thank you!
@mikibell is so
filled with feelings of fluffy
beautiful floating.
@f00l will accept blame for all @f00l-ish things.
@f00l So you’re basically taking on the blame for nearly everything appearing in the forums. Brave! Bold! I like it!
She doesn’t have a choice.

I blame you for the fact that over the last 2 days I have eaten several bars of white ‘chocolate’.
Addled @f00l is to
Blame that all those chocolate
bars are in quote marks.
@f00l is so very
@f00l-ish. @f00l has no escape
from being a @f00l.
@f00l Thank god! Back to haiku! Because… short. LOL
@PlacidPenguin Gimme your address. I just bought a bunch of post easter chocolate bunnies at 75% off Decent chocolate too. I was bad. I should not eat them. I will send them to you since you apparently need an enabler to keep posting blame.
@Kidsandliz The Spouse did that for me. I had six, including one that was about 2’ tall. I was afraid to check my blood glucose for days. Best not to know.
Thanks for the offer, but I’m picky about what kind of chocolate I eat.
@PlacidPenguin This is Russell Stover chocolate bunnies… And I went through the self checkout line so I wouldn’t get the evil eye for using food stamps to buy them. And I triple bagged them, two in each bag so I’d be able to restock my scoop the cat litter box bags. I’d never survive in California in cities where they have banned grocery plastic bags.
Enjoy them.
@f00l congratulates
past and future Goats on all
chocolate health food.
Eh. You’re to blame for all chocolate related things.
@PlacidPenguin eats
chocolate and @f00l accepts
all blame happily.
I’ll take all the blame I can hear…
original source
Can you bear some blame?

/giphy "bears repeating"
Username this my
Confusing username is
@f00l actually
said stuff that bears repeating
The Dark Goat accepts no blame for an “apparently” Light Goat.

The pretend Dark Goat
Used the wrong detergent. His
black helmet faded.
/giphy "faded helmet"

@ruouttaurmind I only now saw the part about the family emergency (skimming again). Please accept my good wishes in this matter.
But I still won’t accept blame - fuck off!
@mfladd Me too. I got that from reading other people’s comments. Oops. That’s what I get for speed reading.
@mfladd-Goat vows to
Refuse blame. Doesn’t matter.
@mfladd is to blame.

Shhhhh. Shhhhhh. @f00l so quiet.
Blame @mfladd. @mfladd to blame.
Poor @mfladd. Quiet. Shhhhh.
Wait… is this a really obtuse way of requesting more Tiny Tub Mummy content?
@Starblind YESSS!!!
@kdemo tagging you

/giphy yes
@Starblind - Did it work?
Don’t tease!
I’ll admit I have mummy issues.
@sammydog01 - Thank you so much.
@ruouttaurmind, I am so sorry for the pain of this death. As Tour Guide Goat, I am issuing a call to all interested parties. Start lining up places we need to go, and staff to accompany us, and vehicles to take us. I’m thinking that Friday would be a good starting time. I’ll take the helm at midnight, and everybody is welcome.
Have you got good crew?
@f00l Recruiting as we speak. Interviews may take a few hours, you know. Oh, and we need menu items.
I will trust you with the vetting and hiring. Take your time.
@f00l No, no, I need assistance. Hold auditions. Test restaurants. Find some Cunard images. Check out the latest vehicles.

@mfladd Your assignment is to find us some good yoga spa pictures. And some implausible yoga locations. And some meditative assistants.
@OldCatLady You do realize what you have just unleashed…?
@Kidsandliz And your assignment is lovely boat pictures. With crew. And amenities.
Please take your time and be thorough with the vetting of various personal qualities of the crew.
We certainly want only the proven best. Personal judgment is needed.
@ruouttaurmind I’m very sorry to hear of this, and you will be in my thoughts. Your mother has my sympathy, as do you. You’ve been creative, and fun, and I’m sad that such a weight has fallen on you.
Pax vobiscum.
@ruouttaurmind Adding my condolences to you and your family. Hug your Mom an extra time for us. We will be here when you are ready and able to return.
I hope you’re OK
And your family is fine.
Have a pleasant trip.
Sending good vibes & well-wishes to you and your family @ruouttaurmind.
Sorry for your loss. The thoughts of your herd are with you. Goatspeed, galactic one.