Show yourselves!
68no, not like that you perverts. look, i’m the kind of person that likes to put a face with a name (or in this case, username). i know there’s pics of various mehricans in various threads, but, let’s face it, i’m lazy. thus, if you feel so inclined, go ahead and post a picture of yourself for the world (of meh) to see. feel free to add a story behind the pic if you want. keep it clean though since this is a family (except for all the fucking swearing) forum. i’ll start it off. here’s me and the boy from this past weekend. he literally ran in the sand for 2 hours. i have no idea where he gets the energy.
- 122 comments, 596 replies
- Comment
@carl669 super cute kid!!!
@mfladd Chicken. Pics or you didn't happen.
Old ladies should not wear their hair long! It's just plain freaky!
@Teripie CTHULHU! I bow before you greatness! (except for the fact you are a dolphins fan)
@Teripie Cousin It? is that you?
@carl669 I've been getting that all my life.........sniff.
Seriously, wouldn't this make a kickass driver's license photo?
@Teripie That is such an awesome pic, every time I look at the thread I laugh...thanks.
let the subjugation begin!
@Starblind professional head shot for your pending movie/tv career?
@carl669 Nah, that's the shot for his romance novel book cover.
@carl669 Nah, just looking dreamy for OKCupid. Although if the casting people from The Amazing Race happen to stumble across this thread, I'm totally up for it.
Scary similar. But can you sing and curl your lip ?
I don’t take many pics of myself without flipping someone off.
@jaremelz nice pic! the reflection makes it look like you have cat eyes. and thanks for not flicking us off. although, with this crowd, it's more like a sentiment of acceptance.
@carl669 Thanks! I definitely flip off almost as much with love as I do disdain.
@jaremelz Hey, LL Cool J - this ain't a rap battle, get your hand off your crotch.
@mfladd Haha, don't make me break out the Brady in here bitch.
@mfladd what if she really had to pee?
@Thumperchick then she should have gone before the Pee Diddy pic.
@Thumperchick More like, at my height I needed a counter balance. But I laughed out loud at this and my cat jumped.
@jaremelz 👀
@Lotsofgoats Yes?
@jaremelz nuthin nvmd
@Lotsofgoats I'm just messin' with you :)
@jaremelz Any one ever tell you that you should model? I'm dead serious on this.
@LaVikinga Thanks, but I'm a bit long in the tooth for that these days, although this pic is recent. I did a couple things locally, back in the early 90s. Oh man, now I feel old!
@jaremelz Your experience shows!
@LaVikinga Haha, no way, that's just me trying to take take a picture because I didn't have a full length mirror. I hit the button too soon and voila, accidentally awesome (for once) picture!
@jaremelz I knew your pic (eyes) reminded me of something, or someone...

Don't Eat Me!
@mfladd You're safe. Old meat is too tough.
@jaremelz are just a mean old goat!
@mfladd Looking at yourself in the mirror yet again, I see.
@mfladd thanks for posting the LL Cool J video. the boy thoroughly enjoyed it.
@carl669 OMG...that is awesome!!!!!! He is so cute!
@jaremelz check this out. Little Carl loves you.
Your house looks like mine with toys everywhere! While we don't want them to grow up - don't you somehow wish for the space back? :)
Thanks for posting this - makes me smile!
@carl669 How on earth did I miss this? He's so freaking adorable. That little foot owie moment, my heart can't take the cute. Can you tell I sometimes want my tiny kids back? Just kidding, they're awesome at every stage. Thanks for posting this!
@jaremelz @mfladd thanks! he really does have a blast dancing to all sorts of music! hmm... maybe i should try a little Weird Al on him. get them hooked early, that's the motto right? or, maybe that's just for drug dealers. either way, even though the next stage will still be fun, i know i'm going to miss this stage as he grows older.
@carl669 Music, helluva lot better of a drug. You must start him on Weird Al! My youngest would lose his mind over Black Eyed Peas when he was that age. Boom boom pow, 24-7. I used to have a video, I'll try to find it.
@jaremelz yep. when he was 5 months old, i used Macklemore's Thrift shop to get him to go to sleep. currently, his favorite tune is by Pueblo Cafe.
i was watching Idiocracy and a clip of this song came on and he just started dancing. he's also a big fan of Black Eyed Peas - Bebot. it must be the Filipino part of him shining through.
sprinkles made out of kitty, or a kitty made out of sprinkles?
@matthew Did you feel the urge to stick your hand in it and make it talk?
I felt a healthy aversion to getting my hand caught in it
@matthew love it. don't think i could ever catch a fish to save my life though. i just don't have the patience.
@matthew That would look much better with a Stickup bluetooth speaker on the side of it.
@matthew Btw, what the hell is that, a muskie? (I'm not exactly a fisherman.)
@cinoclav You got it, it's a tiger muskie, a sterile hybrid of the muskellunge and northern pike.
@matthew did it taste good or was it catch and release day?
In Washington lakes, tiger muskies must effectively all be released. Your daily bag limit is one (1) fish, and it must be over 50 inches. Which, you know, if you land one that size, sure, keep it -- and call the papers.
Like here’s a 50-incher:
(Missing photo from the Internet)
@matthew -
Calls for a revised adage:
"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a year . . . "
@matthew nice bass!
@matthew @RiotDemon
In Missouri, it’s all about crappie fishing.
@matthew @RiotDemon It’s all about that bass!
that looks like fun!
Good representation of everyone in Boston last winter:
Totally not obsessed with the Bruins… (My dog’s name is Tuukka)
@becca please tell me you built a snow fort/castle.
@becca Love the BRUINS hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@carl669 the whole city pretty much was one! but it wasn't great building snow (very light and fluffy - which would have made for easy shoveling if we didn't have so many feet of it)
@becca Good lord, I hope my eldest doesn't see this. Forget naming the dog Tuukka. I'm worried that's what she'll name the first grandchild (if there ever is one).
@becca As a fellow masshole, I approve. Can't wait for B's to start back up.
brrr looks so cold there!
I think this was my, “I’m sorry dear, but yes I bought more bluetooth speakers,” look.

But this is me in a happy place. Please excuse the helmet head. Taken on an off day from skiing in Taos during a snowmobile ride.
@cinoclav that first pic kind of looks like you're eyeballing your wife to make sure she doesn't come after you with a bat for buying more speakers.
@carl669 She's only a girlfriend. She can't tell me what to do! (Oh God, please don't let her read this.)
@cinoclav ^^^ Like to live dangerously, do ya? Because that's exactly how to live dangerously.
@LaVikinga She's rather computer illiterate. Both a blessing and a curse.
you can never have enough speakers…
@halfling Now trying to figure out how to replace my drivers license photo with this…
I’m typically the one taking pictures, so I don’t show up in very many. Instead of sharing the same picture yet again, here’s a selfie using a “Selfie Stick”.
(dead dropbox link)
anyone else just have the Jaws theme go their head?
@carl669 That’s me in the blue on the right.
(dead dropbox link)
@carl669 or OPEN WATER, but let me help with the Jaws part.
@Bogie maybe we need a forum. No photobomb from the sharks in this one.

plz don’t get eaten by sharks
Indoor go kart track, with the kind of karts that go 40 m.p.h. and you have to sign a liability waiver. Shortly after I crashed hard into the wall going sideways and had a sore neck for several days after.
I’m wearing my favorite Meh shirt in this picture.
@jqubed Looks a bit stuffy in there!
go-karts are fun but please be safe!!
i relate strongly to whatever emotion this is…
From a semi recent trip to Benin. Meh is goofey, so you get a goofey photo.
(dead link)
@darkzrobe original squatty potty?
@chienfou yes, our the cement version
@darkzrobe and here is a porcelain version… from the top of the dome of
St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome.
@Pony What's going on with the mask? Doing better now I hope!
@jqubed It's airway meds in vapor form. And I am doing better, thank you- the pneumonia that had me in the hospital is gone now. I have emphysema, but with meds and home oxygen it should be manageable.
I really need to mod the neb mask to look like something from Fury Road.
@JonT Maybe something a wee bit more subtle... heh.
@JonT Kinda have the feeling I know why she's having breathing issues. All that weight on her chest...
@Pony I always tell kids in the ER it’s a jet fighter pilot mask…
glad you’re feeling better! hope you feel even more-so now that its been a while!
@halfling Awww! That’s adorbs- thank you!
I’m taking the easy route and linking to one of my gishwhes pictures from this year’s Team Breakfast Octopi. The TARDIS seems like the obvious choice.

@christinewas Absolutely spectacular.
@christinewas Oh man, I should have said you are outta this world! Sheesh, I need some sleep.
@jaremelz We can pretend the first one never happened. Thanks, either way.
@christinewas stunning!!
@christinewas Thanks, but they both apply, gotta go with both my replies. I love that outfit.
@christinewas This is what I'd call a timeless outfit.
Can't wait for the 19th!
@christinewas i gished this year too!
Me and the wife wiith an octopus:
(dead link)
@hallmike uuum...that is a Manta Ray
@mfladd yes, but I meant the thing on her shoulder
@hallmike yup, glasses required for the old folks...sweeeeeet!
@mfladd please re-post that picture… pretty please…??
This is one from a while ago… But the baby hand made me think of it… (dead link)
(not sure if it’ll show up as it’s not ending in .jpg… need the rest of it…) Also… Here’s a more recent one. (another dead link)
@sohmageek Well hiya, goat, you're looking sharp!
@jaremelz Thank you! @foxborn Bowties were cool before the doctor. :) But they can't be clip ons, or the ones to just pop on... gotta tie them yourself. Also it's hard to find good bowties. Also the baby hand was from Osh Kosh.... I used to work there...
@Foxborn Heh… I found one where I was cosplaying a certain someone… the wife is in it too… and Twilight Sparkle!
@Barney @sohmageek found your soulmate!
@carl669 Um, only in my nightmares.
I’m still looking for that monkey.

@carl669 I remember when that adorable little bit's birth was announced on that other site. It's just not possible for him to be that big!! I feel old now...
@kalira i know! it seems like i just announced him being born.
@kalira @carl669 I love seeing stuff like this! I'm a sucker for long-term internet friendship. 😊
@DaveInSoCal DISC! :D Y u abandon us 4 ur wifey? ;_;
@kalira I kept forgetting the info I needed to access the chat and finally gave up. :) Wait. Is this your first meh forum post or have I somehow missed them all over the past year+?
@kalira Long time no see!
@DaveInSoCal I haven't posted much, mostly 'cause I'm too lazy to log in. And I'm bad about keeping up with forums. This one is not exactly my favorite format... my feeble little brain can't always make sense of it.
This is the pit band for a production of You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. I’m on bass.
@SSteve Nice! Do you mostly play jazz?
@luvche21 I was solely rock-n-roll for a few decades. I was the rare breed of rock bass player who could read music. Seven years ago I started playing in musicals which has been a blast and has gotten my reading chops back in shape. Four years ago I started playing upright. Two years ago I started playing in a big band and now I play in a couple informal jazz combos. My jazz chops are rudimentary at best. My next step will be to take some lessons from a jazz bass player.
@luvche21 Here's one from my previous natural habitat:
(Shamelessly pandering for a "like" from Gruber. And I got it!)
@SSteve You've got quite the history! I saw the upright in the pit for the musical and assumed you would have been mainly jazz.
Jazz bassists are sure talented, good luck getting your chops built there! I love listening to jazz piano with bass and light drums (Bill Evans, etc), the bass add such a color to the ensemble. I'm mostly a saxophonist though.
Can I ask what groups you played in? Any that I might recognize?
@SSteve Victor Wooten? Or the guy from Medeski Martin and Wood?
@luvche21 The band above is The Universal Steve (because all four members are named Steve). Highly unlikely you would have heard of us unless you lived in Sacramento/Davis. Both of our albums have one review on Amazon (five stars each!).
@SSteve If you ever have interest in jazz guitar, I recommend this teacher in Rohnert Park.
@SSteve it's one of my dreams to be in an old-man jam/cover band (not that I'm saying you're in one of those).
@SSteve Thanks for sharing! Nice to hear another Mehrican's work, sounds great!
A shot of my lovely bride and I, hanging out before our wedding from August 1st. Feel honored, Mehricans, not even our families have seen these pictures yet!

@smigit2002 We're better than family.
@smigit2002 Congratulations! And thanks for sharing it with us!
@jqubed Yeah because we can be as weird as we want and never have to look at each other across the table at Thanksgiving.
@smigit2002 - Really nice! This picture might be too good for us.
@smigit2002 That bouquet even has Queen Anne's Lace! Gorgeous. (Don't care if it is a weed. I love it.)
@smigit2002 Your tie and her flowers both look awesome. Also, the beard is exceptionally well-groomed. Nicely done, sir.
@KDemo @jaremelz @jqubed Aw, thanks you guys!
@LaVikinga Yeah, she spent a lot of time into putting it together, glad you like it!
@DaveInSoCal God, I can't tell you how many ties I went through to find that, glad you like it! I had to do my beard special for this, usually it's quite unruly!
What the hell. Last Christmas. Merry Krampas, guys!
(dead link)
I just want you people to know how special you are. I’m not fond of being photographed or putting my photos out for every one to see.
@LaVikinga Always looking like a Viking Princess! But who is your friend, looking over your right shoulder? Is that an African Water Buffalo?
@mfladd Bite your tongue! CAPE Buffalo! Big difference. The Cape Buff always looks at you like you owe him money and wants to kill you because you're REALLY LATE with it, too.
@LaVikinga just fyi, your picture got hosed.
@carl669 what the hell is up with that? That's strange.
@carl669 More like it probably self-destructed. ;) I brainfarted & used a temporary image hosting site. I'll repost it in a bit. Sorry.
@LaVikinga what site did you use?
I’m usually on the other side of the camera so picture of me are rare.

@cengland0 how do you even work a camera with wings though
anyone else see a resemblance?
(dead link)
@cengland0 You are the duck whisperer. We have ducks that come knocking at our front door for handouts, but they've never let us get this close.
@LaVikinga I raised a lot of ducks and several of them from eggs that I incubated. All of them eventually make it to the lake and I still visit them. I think they remember me because they come right up and let me feed them. They eat right out of my hands. They don't all let me pet or pick them up though.
Here is one of the female ducks I raised with several of her babies on my patio.

@cengland0 Does that make you the goose in this child's game?
@cengland0 MUSCOVY!!!!!! I love them! I really want to raise some!
@chellemonkey How did you know that was a muscovy? They are actually rare ducks native to Mexico, Central and South America, and South Texas.
@cengland0 My parents recently bought a farm and I was looking into different breeds of chickens and some people also raise ducks and this was one of the breeds people were recommending. They are interesting because they are more related to wood ducks than mallards and can be raised in the same coop as chickens quite easily. They are good mothers and will raise pretty much any eggs. I was planning on getting some this summer but things didn't work out so I am still looking forward to getting some.
@cengland0 Are they rare? That's all we seem to have around our neighborhood these days. (They are almost as bossy as the Canadian Geese.)
My husband despises them. He swears they are interbreeding with other ducks. In fact, I tease him about his hate & call him a "duck racist."
@LaVikinga Perhaps I should have said they "should be" rare. The feral ones have overpopulated Florida. Is that where you are from by any chance?
@cengland0 Welcome to Florida where we bask in the weirdness along with the sunshine, and like to play games such as "Is It Florida, or Is It Germany?" and "Spot The Florida Man."

every time I open this thread there's a dramatic 1970s sci-fi voice that says "mediocre is people!"
it's all so real now
@hollboll alright. who made this gif? i want one!
@carl669 that'd be the talented @medz
Anyone else looked at some of the pictures and thought, "Hmm, that's totally not what I expected!"
@cinoclav yeah. all these people look much more normal than i expected.
@carl669 That's the trick, looking normal enough to fool people.
@carl669 Yet by reading all their posts for so long, we know looks are obviously deceiving.
@cinoclav That's because some of us still haven't posted.
@cinoclav I'm surprised by how good looking almost all the mehmbers are!
@kadagan I'm not sure why it amuses me so much, but I keep laughing at "almost all".
@kadagan @christinewas Seriously - Everyone that posted their picture is now looking back over them all, asking themselves, "Is it me???"
@christinewas LOL.. I could have said "all", but I didn't want to scroll through everything again to fact check ;)
I look something like this
@jjohns71 Nice! So you are basically saying one of your parents was a Sea Urchin.
@jjohns71 Your beard looks like one of the rendering errors that Pixar puts in the DVD special features.
@jjohns71 are those spaghetti noodles?
@jjohns71 A living game of Kerplunk!
@jjohns71 Were you involved in a near-tragedy at a pasta factory?
@brhfl THANK YOU! I knew the beard reminded me of something from childhood.
@LaVikinga Googling it to make sure I had the name right made me discover that people have turned it into a lawn game, which is pretty amazing:

@brhfl I wish to modify that with water balloons and spikes on the bottom.
@brhfl that’s just a big version of Kerplunk!

@jqubed I think I am going to build this with chicken wire. I have everything pretty well planned out but I dont know what I want to use for the sticks that would be strong enough to hold the water.
@darkzrobe PVC pipe from home depot. Or your neighbors plumbing.
@DaveInSoCal Might be too thick. I just realized I need to reinforce the chicken wire :(
@darkzrobe Ah, definitely need to reinforce wire. Home Depot has 1/2" PVC pipe for $2.03 in 10' lengths.
@brhfl That is brilliant!
@darkzrobe I want to come play in your back yard!
@darkzrobe wooden dowels.
I love lobster

@DaveInSoCal So, did you eat it or put it on a leash?
(Look at your shadow! You got lobstah hands!)
@LaVikinga So delicious! It was a 12 pounder.
@DaveInSoCal Is that one of those rare Manhattan Beach lobsters?
@DaveInSoCal being a New Englander, all I can say is AWESOME!
@SSteve There's an asian market (99 Ranch) that has jumbo lobster for $5.99-$12.99/lb (depending on the season). We usually pick up 20-25 lbs when they're < $8/lb.
@mfladd :)
@DaveInSoCal and BTW, because of your love of "lobstah" (still jealous of that pic) I will no longer give you Westie shit, you are an Eastie where it counts :)
@mfladd GO SOX! GO PATS!
@DaveInSoCal I LOVE 99 ranch. I also enjoy Seafood City. Yay socal.
@connorbush H Mart is like an upper class 99. I've never been in Seafood City so will have to check it out. I work in Mira Mesa so am close to all these awesome places!
@DaveInSoCal H Mart looks exciting! Here is a link to socal seafood cities:
er.. h mart
Um… My image is clean to those that don’t know?

Cosplaying from 2 months ago.
@Keyeno I like where this is headed.
@Keyeno I love the purple hair!
I love purple.
Keeping it weird.

on another note you are all so beautiful
this thread brought out the elusive @CowboyDann! i feel so honored!
@carl669 life gets in the way sometimes. I check a lot more than I post on. Sometimes you just get a case of typing up 3 paragraphs only to say "nobody wants to hear this" and delete it all. That or I'm responding 3 days after anything is relevant bumping old threads and i know how much everyone loves that
@CowboyDann - Your teeth are very white.
@KDemo Is that a new age way of saying "You got a purdy mouf" ?
@CowboyDann It is my job to bump threads. I have no malice aforethought it just happens. I guess the thread-bumping field is big enough for the both of us.
@connorbush Taken with my Pentax Q7. Photo credit: @connerbush
@connorbush Takes picture with a 12mp camera, posts a 180px image...
@darkzrobe quick and dirty forum post image hosting site. The image is actually a screen shot of a previous post then uploaded into another hosting site.
@connerbush Love you man... thanks for taking such great pics.
@galmaegi You're a lot shorter than I expected!
@jqubed Am I?
@galmaegi Oh, maybe @hollboll is a giant. Or your counters are really short.
@galmaegi still loving this image. in an incredibly non-creepy way.
@connorbush Thanks!
It’s hard to find a pic where I’m not making a ridiculous face, or something equally odd. I think I’ll be going back to this color and cut soon, so this’ll work:
Bonus! My favorite picture of @humper to date.
(There may have been a cupcake fight…)
There was totally a cupcake battle.
@Thumperchick @Humper Who won?
@Thumperchick @Humper
@jqubed I did. I ended up with zero cupcake on me. It was magic. Also, my cupcakes were delicious.

i think @JonT wins the internet for the day.
@Thumperchick Quick someone do a "what will their baby look like" mash-up of these two
Well, I'll never eat a cupcake with green frosting again. Thanks @JonT
@chellemonkey we did that and it creeped him out so bad. It's like, terrible photoshop meets uncanny valley... only worse.
You all know my ugly mug:
From our recent trip to Puerto Vallarta:
From those 10 minutes that was a thing:
Note: I am not 37 and she is not 14. Unsure if the woman in the back is actually 36 or not.
Any finally, vintage JonT circa 2011 rocking the sideburns and no beard:
@JonT Not Captain Picard to your left?
@LaVikinga That's my buddy Mamy! When I worked at Blizzard the proprietary software we used would abbreviate your name and that's what his was so I just called him that. Oh boy the stories I could tell you about that guy. He was a blast to have at parties and I'll never forget his writhing around on the floor during an overly-intense karaoke performance of Highway to the Dangerzone in a Buffalo Wild Wings. He was the best action figure poser I've ever seen, everyone would call him over to their desks to pose their collections. He also owned more collectibles and action figures than anyone I've ever known. He got me unlimited free booze at the company Christmas party because it was at the Disneyland Hotel and he knew the events coordinator. The first time I met him he was sitting next to and talking to a guy wearing a Pikachu onesie. That is all 100% true and accurate. That picture was actually taken on the Blizzard main campus in Irvine.
@JonT Again, you seem to be going way out of your league with your fiancée. 😜
@JonT @LaVikinga Apparently I missed out on a convention that I'm going to have to look for when they are next doing tours... Apparently in Ticonderoga they are filming new old star trek episodes... IT's fan made, with permission providing they don't make money on it, But they've rebuilt most of the original enterprise set... @Humper Any good beers out that way??? That I could definitely make a day trip of... :)
@JonT hi. miss you. k bye.
Not everything is as it seems…
@dmlivezey as an aside, I used to have a DP Dough nearby and loved it. Mine had yummy calzones, great salads and my favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry's. I miss them.
@Thumperchick Which city?
@Lotsofgoats I feel like a Disturbed video is about to start playing or something...
@Pony because Disturbed is positively adorable, right?
@Lotsofgoats In a badass kind of way, yes... :)
@jaremelz das me
@Lotsofgoats Wait, which one is you, the first pic or the one of the puss in boots? Are you telling me that you are just a harmless lil' thing? :l
@jaremelz how can I be harmful, I don't even have hair
Not about the hair, just about the harmful…
@jaremelz fite me m8
@Lotsofgoats boop
@jaremelz why are you wearing a kilt though
@Lotsofgoats Don't hate on my tartan.
This is me from a few years back. I’m the one on the FAAAARRR right.
This is the absolute most recent pic of me.
@janetv So when you say "a few years back" you mean like 15 years ago? lol
@kadagan yep! I'm only 17! lies! Ok. It was like 25 years ago the last time I visited Korea-land. shame
@janetv Aww, adorable in both pics.
@cinoclav lots of thanks!
Damn, this is one sexy forum.
@medz I have to admit "Mrs. Robinson" played in my head a few times as I saw the photos.
@medz seriously. i'm waiting for someone to get asked out on a date.
@carl669 sorry, you're handsome, but I'm married
@carl669 asl tho
@matthew well, there go all my hopes and dreams. thanks for ruining my thursday.
@Lotsofgoats yes, i'm above sea level. why?
@Lotsofgoats I actually laughed out loud at this.
@medz akwardly says right after the teen post :)
@dmlivezey Nah, she says she's older so I'm totally safe and not weird at all. Good thing too, cuz she fine as hell.
Ooooo Baby Baby It’s a Meh
World!Me and the spawn that gave me the black eye.

@bakeyoural I love the pink happy shirt, covered in skulls.. lol
@kadagan And here I thought the black eye would make me appear badass. Not the skulls. Though admittedly, the black eye is less noticeable than I had hoped for Meh purposes.
@bakeyoural I can't see the black eye at all.. You look totally beautiful :) haha
@kadagan Aw, well heck. Thanks.
@bakeyoural Whoops, maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, but I'd always assumed you were a dude, I think because of seeing "Al" in your username!
@bakeyoural good grief........beautiful.
Me, taken like a year or two ago.
@Moose dad??
@Moose You're not an animal, you're a human being?
@Moose You looked a lot better back then!
@Moose I begin to see why no one ever goes to lunch with you.
@Moose You should sue your plastic surgeon for what he did to you.
@cinoclav You should of seen him before...
@MrMark That's what I meant, the 'before' picture above versus now.
@Moose The neural network finds your inner beauty...
@Moose You know, I'm a rather brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that hump.
@The_Baron one of the best of all time.
@Veloslave What hump?
Family portrait.
@editorkid Wait, which one are you?
@editorkid wait a minute, you're not a kid at all!
@JonT Well, I was, back when typewriters roamed the earth. (I kind of figure they're next for a comeback after everyone has a turntable...)
@editorkid I'd love one! :) Yet I'm a little Quirky... I learned to type on buckling spring IBM Model F AT keyboard. That and Apple II...
Out in the real world with the lady
@MEHcus Where's the Apple watch? I see the phone... looks like a iPhone 6, I'm thinking gold... But I can't tell much... it's a little grainy...
@sohmageek Negative, it's a white 5s. Normal watch for me, don't need all that gadget stuff
@MEHcus Damn, dude.
Here I am with my daughter in Acadia National Park…
My family and me back at Christmas time at Little River Canyon in Alabama. I rarely ever have any pictures with just my handsome mug in them
@capguncowboy OMG, the elusive Cap! Great looking family, my friend! :)
@capguncowboy where's your hat ? where's your horse ? Oh wait, you have to leave that in front of the supermarket because quarters and electricity.
Nice looking family all the same ! : )
wtf why is everybody so cute, stop this ✋
@Lotsofgoats i'm slowly turning meh into a dating forum (project code name Tartar Sauce). but shh, don't tell anyone. or the haunted baby will get you.
@carl669 You know you used an anti-cruelty to children poster, right? just say'in.
But if this beautiful child is truly haunted, it is the SPAWN of @jaremelz!
@Lotsofgoats you mean people found flattering pictures to share on the internet? Why wouldn't they share the horrid pictures their friends tag them in?
@Thumperchick more like grumperchick

Hmmm, if that’s the case, come take a little walk with me @mfladd . Just to the end of this dock. Maybe a few steps past.
@carl669 Buuuuuttt the majority of people posting in here appear to be "taken" already...
@jqubed who are we to stop internet romance?
@jqubed Isn't that what the internet is for? Besides, Ashley Madison needs some competition.
@carl669 @jqubed Oh, I'd totally dump the gf for the ladies of meh.
@cinoclav don't let her ever see this comment.
@carl669 Or... should I?
@cinoclav @carl669 But they basically all seem taken, either from their post in this thread or something they've said elsewhere. Only ladies I have no idea about are @Keyeno and @shells, and I wouldn't at all be surprised if they're taken too. Unless Carl's still going for that Ashley Madison thing...
@jqubed Ashley Mehdison?
Wow, I guess I'm up too late; I basically already made that post. Goodnight everybody!
So, instead of Tinder's Like and Nope button.
It'll either be a Star or Meh face.
Always late to a party. Although this is me, I normally only sport a 'stache. I suffered through Movember and shaved right after this photo.
Kill two birds with one stone here, since I found my

top from over yonder, I am this human:Pancake selfie. Yes, it’s a thing now. And before you ask, no, I don’t have a neckbeard. If anyone in California is interested, the pancake selfie truck is currently in San Diego and will be heading up the coast.
@Trillian Yes but you have a sweet neckbeard on the pancake and that's all that matters.
One of my favorite activities. I crew and am a student pilot
@readnj awesome! how long you been doing this?
@carl669 Crewing about 8 years, SP for 3 or so.
I would post pics but am unfortunately too old/outdated to know how. Sorry I'm lame, y'all!
@nhbillups I still gave you a star.
@nhbillups Check out the Meh style guide for posting tips:
(I don't konw how to do HyperLinks here - maybe I should read the guide too)
@DMlivezey As you probably figured out, links appear automagically if the mehdown preprocessor interprets them as links. If you want to pretty them up, fall back to standard markdown
[display text](
@brhfl let's try this
display text
@DMlivezey @brhfl maybe i was being too literal?
Me at perhaps my most famous moment:

(I’m Elvis, not the girls)
But I suppose you want to see my face, too, so here’s me and my lady at the American Gothic house:

And I guess a non-silly picture
Why is it when I look at these... a few of you look familiar... is it just that you have familiar faces or am I just crazy? I mean... People used to say I looked like Drew Carey... Then he lost all that weight... Damn him.
@sohmageek I've both loved and been put off by this thread. I love seeing everyone's faces, but when they conflict with what I expected, it's weird as heck.
@jaremelz @sohmageek I'd like to apologize for not actually being a capgun wielding 6-year-old. I'll go sit in the corner now.
@capguncowboy You forgot cowboy. Everything I believed in was a lie.
@jaremelz I'm not actually a large collection of ruminants, sry
on the plus side you can print out half of my face and throw darts at it now
@sohmageek @jaremelz i’d also like to apologize in case you thought i was any of these Carls:
@carl669 you ruined my fantasy. I always pictured you like this.....

Thanks for taking this away from me :/
@mfladd there's no way i'd ever carry that much bread around.
@Lotsofgoats I fixed it for you
@carl669 But can you stay in the house, are you not The Great Destroyer, and have you found any extra-terrestrial life? Enquiring minds want to know.
@jaremelz of course i can't stay in the house. i am the Great Destroyer, but only for certain aspects of my life. and finally, i did find extraterrestrial life. i just played euchre with them last week. it's very challenging when they're telepathic. and finally, i do like eating hands. in case you're not familiar with that last reference:
@carl669 I would of guessed the last one. (llama carl)
@ceagee i would have never known about it but @lichme pointed it out to me a while back.
@carl669 Caaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrllllllll!
@jaremelz I'm really bad at determining gender online without pretty obvious signs, like when someone says "I have an awesome vagina" or "i got kicked in the balls". Yet, I assign gender in my head and am so wrong a lot of the time. So that's always
@cation sort of like dogs are ‘he’ and cats are ‘she’… guess that’s true in MY head because the ones I have owned all actually were… which for some reason seems weird now.
This is me being my usual anti-social media self
Tag this to the above post... darn edit time, there is just never enough!
newly dyed hair

@vampje Cool!
My photo, last year in the ensemble of My Fair Lady

(Mod edit - FTFY)
@CaffeineGuy image didn't make it. Use imgur, it's your friend here.
Thanks "mod edit";My first image posted to a forum in a while, was just getting the link right!
@CaffeineGuy I still don't see it
@jqubed Must not have access to dropbox; I'll make an imgur account one of these days.
@CaffeineGuy You actually don't need one to upload; it just gives extra benefits.
@CaffeineGuy or you can use w/o an account. and it makes it forum size. But someone posted while I was checking the url and yes, you can use imgur w/o acct. too.
If I can do it.... well let's just say I am "slightly" tech challenged.
@caffeineguy @ceagee Or facebook... The URLs don't look like they will work, but they do.
@sohmageek @caffeineguy @ceagee apparently you can piggyback twitter image URLs as well.
@CaffeineGuy Definitely go with imgur or similar. The forums like short, simple urls that end in the file extension. You don't even have to try with those - just copy/paste the url into the text box and poof - it just works.
@RogerWilco You're Spiderman? Coooool!
Me when I was all beardy last winter.
@The_Baron That is an excellent shirt, sir
@Einherjar13 It was a 1-week sale shirt woot. Only the book readers seem to get it though.
@The_Baron you comment made me look at your shirt. Now I want one.
What is this thread? How did I miss this train?

@Rixius "Cheerio, ol' chap! Fancy a walkabout in the park?"
Very dashing. Under the hat is where he keeps bread for the duckies.
@Rixius love the hat!
@Rixius Simply smashing.
@medz Yeah, sadly that trilby was lost in the battlefield of a 747 on my way back from Gencon last year. Nowadays I sport a much more British flat cap.
(full disclosure, I left it on the seat, and was too exhausted to deal with the lost and found of an airport)
Best I could find in a pinch
@StrangerDanger Considering your name I wholly expected this picture:
@StrangerDanger oh yeah!
Great to see all the purty mug shots…or is that shots of your purty mugs?
A little late to the game but here’s Daddy-Daughter selfie.
@denboy adorable!
@denboy how precious!
@mikibell @mfladd and his daughter is cute too.
I posted this in the caption thread but what the hell - here is me recently on vacation
@Bingo your competition
@denboy or this...

Whatever happened with the Sea Monkeys?
Here’s a still we did for the BKSG show a couple of years back.
My first selfie at the top of One World Trade last weekend:

@looseneck I don't see your red fuku bag.
@Barney I use it as a lunch bag for work. Small office so no one knows what it is. I should have used it that day - lost my debit card somewhere while pulling stuff out of my pockets. I hate carrying a pocketbook when I go out.
@looseneck Ouch, losing a debit card is no fun. Hope you got it taken care of okay.
@Barney It was a couple hours until I realized it was gone. Thank FSM for smartphones and apps! I could check to see if anyone used it and deactivate it right there.
@looseneck That's good to hear.
i feel like there's a whole lot of new community members that should introduce themselves in this thread.
@carl669 seconded!
@carl669 @hollboll I feel like a lot of mehrican veterans need to post in this thread.
i’m not new but i forgot to post here during the original run
anyway here’s me
Once upon a time . . .
@KDemo Oh.. I want that long coat!! how pretty!
@mikibell - Thank you, wish I still had it.
I'm a pretty extreme beauty:

Or perhaps you prefer a toothy grin?
Okay, the one where the crazy is all still inside my head:
Shit, those aren't supposed to be life sized.
@cation In a good way -- I laugh every time I see the comment -- those aren't supposed to be life sized!!
OK, I guess I trust you weirdos enough to post my photo. I’m the one in the Meh shirt. Points for anyone redneck enough to identify they guy I’m standing with.
@sammydog01 i'm gonna guess a nascar driver.
@carl669 Yep! More specific?
@sammydog01 i don't think i can get more specific. i had to turn in my redneck card when i moved out of Virginia.
@carl669 Hah! I was issued my redneck card when I moved to Virginia. I'm taking my daughter to the race on Saturday for some redneck bonding time. She's a native so it's required. Go Matt Kenseth!
I do a bit of acting (mostly community theater, but I’ve had a couple small-time professional gigs as well). My all-time favorite play is “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)” - every play by Shakespeare, performed in two acts by three guys. Yeah, it’s a comedy. I’ve been in it twice now, and would love to get another production together so I can have played all three (or sixty, depending on how you count 'em) roles.
This is a promotional picture from the more recent production, showing my subtle and nuanced portrayal of Shylock.
@dannybeans totally reminds me of:
@jaremelz where you been?
@carl669 I think she's busy knitting
fleshlifeltlights for some guyMe in my happy place tonight.
I’ll mix up two old threads and post a selfie I sent through Enjoy!
@FroodyFrog Why so blue?
@TickledLizard I love using Vuze/Azureus!
I finally have a current picture of me without my oxygen mask…
You're charming.
That redhead who is, quite properly, acting as a cat-perch for you - who is that? One of your human-pets?
@f00l Ha ha. The redhead is me. The cat's name is Henry.
So you're in a playful mood, and want to kid around? Fun! But we all know humans can't type and have nothing to say. So we're onto your joke, but still funny!
Back when I played, 2011ish.
@MsELizardBeth Hah!
That reminds me: I just saw an ad that the Dallas Derby Devils league season is starting up again. I need to mosey on up to NRH and check it out
thought I would help with the pic.
@jaremelz is going to love you.
@mfladd Is @jaremelz a fan of roller derby?
@mfladd Hey, are you seeing what I’m seeing? Hello!!
(And he’s throwing my name out there because he knows I’ve quite the fondness for roller derby girls)
@MsELizardBeth She is, and has a close friend that does it.
@mfladd @jaremelz who!? Where? I’m familiar with most of the midwest.
@MsELizardBeth Actually, she is strictly a spectator these days. Since 2011.
@jaremelz I stopped bouting in 2011 because of the “9 month injury” but became a coach.
@ELUNO hehe. I will make my “pffft” face at you. Not for any really reason
@KittySprinkles I guess I feel very privileged right now!
@ELUNO Don’t be. She would eat you if given half the chance.

@mfladd lol, I’ll keep my distance then
@KittySprinkles i’d let her bite me.
@carl669 Please. You would let a monkey bite your ass.


/giphy let her bite me
@MsELizardBeth What was your ‘Roller name’. My daughter skated with the Nashville team for a bit, never was much good, but enjoyed the camaraderie and excercise. She was “WildStyle” for a while and used 0637 as her number (hint… turn it upside down)

@chienfou Dread Pirate Robyn
@MsELizardBeth cool! Did you have dreds?
Its an accurate (if slightly abstract) depiction of me & what I am doing 90% of the time.
I would post a pic, but I am shy
There’s something about We Bare Bears which has captured my fascination.
Also, I read that in Ice Bear’s voice, although it wold have been better if you typed:
“Ice Bear is shy.”
@FroodyFrog I absolutely love We Bare Bears. I have a picture somewhere of me with all the bears from Comic Con 2015.
Ice Bear is Conan’s favorite.
@conandlibrarian Ice Bear doesn’t like to be seen. That is the kind of things better left to Pandas.
@FroodyFrog That episode got to me! Sniff.
@jaremelz this is the one that gets me every time.
I still believe that the first time I watched that episode, that I had allergies which were making my tears leak fluid.
@conandlibrarian My little one tried to prepare me before I watched it. Still had dust in my eyes.
@mfladd @jbartus @jaremelz @narfcake
(I’d have done a much better job, but I’m not currently sitting in front of Adobe Illustrator)

@FroodyFrog coughPhotoshopcough
I don’t touch Photoshop.
@FroodyFrog you would misuse Illustrator to avoid using Photoshop?
No. It’s been my go-to program for a while.
@FroodyFrog but it’s not meant for editing raster graphics!
Not nearly my best work, but considering the circumstances (my current surroundings), I think this came out decently.
@FroodyFrog that doesn’t look like Illustrator. O_o
That’s possibly the point. Still not sure.
@FroodyFrog alrighty then
Picture of me during @del’s Happy Hour today:
Apologies for lighting. Wasn’t in the mood of adjusting settings on my phone.
My glamour shot.

@Pufferfishy Dude… You are looking good. And rocking the “S” t-shirt.
@Pufferfishy I probably wouldn’t give you hard time… in real life. But here on the internet…
/giphy neener neener neener

@capguncowboy I’m not just another pretty face
@Pufferfishy Hahahahaha! That pic is GOLD!
@mfladd lol - thanks. When I turned 50 I decided to get into the best physical condition of my life. I did a “pro” photo shoot as part of that year-long journey, and was encouraged to have a little fun with it. My neighbor, friend, and crazed mail carrier had a couple wigs… and one thing led to another…
every once in a while i resurrect this thread to see if any of the newer folks wants to introduce themselves. now is one of those times.
@carl669 I might…
@ELUNO it better not be a picture of a spider.
@ThomasF that song is super catchy.
@carl669 I think I’ll wait until everyone forms a picture in their minds that is completely wrong, and then they’ll be super disappointed when I show them.
Especially cuz I did share a photo of when I was a teen and I don’t really look like that anymore.
@RiotDemon I was going to say we did see you back then. We have also seen you inside your super scary Halloween (everyday?) costume.
Also, I am a spider, so no selfie from me then!
@RiotDemon Mastodon is a good band.
@ELUNO I wish I could go around every day dressed as the grim reaper. When I’m in costume my confidence goes up.
@carl669 “karl!!!” don’t worry, it’s not a rick roll
@Yoda_Daenerys ah the llanas. I do so love them.
@carl669 yea, i knew what you meant by llanas
that sux.
Daughter’s rescue standard poodle dx’d with bone marrow cancer last week… went blind last weekend and they just got the results back. Week has been a bit of a challenge for the grandkids.
@Yoda_Daenerys how is your kitty doing losing her buddy? And you?
@chienfou That’s sad.
@Kidsandliz But on the up-side, he has had a good run with my daughter and her family. All things must end, but still… it sux also.
@Kidsandliz she’s much more vocal and needy now, that was his role in the past
. we tried getting her a companion - nothing doing!
@Yoda_Daenerys Sad when they need another cat and then refuse to get with the program when you try to get them a buddy. I have the same problem here (or will sometime in the next year or so). I caught a very friendly abandoned cat on campus and when she turned out to be such a darling decided to keep her to be a companion cat for my younger cat who is 7 who is bonded to one of the 17 year olds. I have 3 that are 17, one of which I will have to put down soon, the other two are more or less doing OK for their age and medical issues, but none of them will play with my 7 year old (goat cat) who wants to play with them. Goat cat also was a stray and her best buddy, another stray I found in the center strip of the highway at about 6 weeks old, died several years ago at 3. They were incredibly bonded with each other and it was only after that goat cat bonded with the 17 year old. Goat cat is a cat cat first and a person cat second so eventually will need another cat to bond to.
So far the new kitty, who is about 3, gets along with the older cats and goat cat is having a fit. The new cat keeps trying to engage the old ones in play and they keep not being interested. If goat cat doesn’t adjust in another month or so I will have to place the 3 year old via the no kill shelter (as she is an incredible friendly love bug she will be easy to place). I don’t want to do that, but don’t want a stressed 7 year old and the 7 year old was here first. No fights at all, just hissing when the 3 year old tries to play. I have only had her since Dec 16 so I am hoping with time… Refuse to name her until I know for sure I can keep her. So far calling her “thing”.
@Kidsandliz unfortunately we named Mia because she hid and was missing in action for the first few days. we returned her to the local humane society and she was adopted in no time. sad for us, cuz we grew to like her, but in the end best for both cats.
Better late than never I guess. (Thanks for resurrecting this post.)
I’m the one in the bandana… Wife of 40 yrs is the good looking one…
@chienfou What is the sailboat you are on? And where? Looks like the two of you were having fun?
@Kidsandliz Diamont with Island Windjammers. Sailed from Granada to St. Lucia. and yes, it was so much fun we did another sailing this past summer with a group of 10 to celebrate our 40th anniversary.
Here’s a short video of the trip:
@Kidsandliz Dammit… just realized I misspelled the boat name. Should be the Diamant.
No more rum swizzles for me!
@chienfou Nice picture and nice ride.
@Targaryen yes, she certainly was. Would go back in a heartbeat.
@carl669 your son is adorable
@tinamarie1974 thank you!
@carl669 Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl! Is your son named Carl Jr? Plz tell me his name is Carl Jr?
@lichme liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich!!
for some weird reason, that name was immediately rejected by his mom. go figure. we could have made tens of hundreds off advertising revenue!
@carl669 Plus he could have been the spokesperson for the restaurant…
BTW, if you happen by here and have already posted a pic, please check to see if the link is still active, or upload it again. There are a ton of out of date links here.
Here I am at a local wine festival. I was a little drunk and a lot overheated, so I found a nice patch of soft ivy behind the tasting booths.

@arielleslie Lovely. I love the hair coloring.

You are officially, Poison Ivy, to me here.
@arielleslie @mfladd I am loving the lighting and the green foliage as a background.
@mfladd I don’t read much slashfic, but the best I’ve ever read has been Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn
@arielleslie the top left leaf is heart shaped to commemorate St. Valentine’s day today.
@ELUNO Totes.
@arielleslie I like the composure of the picture. How’d you take it?
@Targaryen Got drunk at a wine festival, laid down in the ivy, cell phone selfie.
@arielleslie Maybe I’ll have to try that.
@Targaryen The wine festival bit at least is recommended.
Hi friends, it’s my profile pic of my mediocre Facebook account. Cheers!
/giphy hawt

@RodTheHotShot This was a huge disappointment!
@ELUNO You sound like my mom after she’s seen my grades
@ELUNO @RodTheHotShot I don’t see how the picture explains your name.
@RodTheHotShot Sounds like you’re too young to be posting a photo here. Forget I encouraged it.
@sammydog01 too late. The FBI is already onto you.
@ELUNO @sammydog01
@ELUNO I’m just glad I didn’t make any suggestive comments.
@RiotDemon Not the kitty police!
this time…
@sammydog01 is ⁽ᵐᵒˢᵗˡʸ⁾ harmless.
@RodTheHotShot Give this a shot:
At a convention in San Francisco. The ampersand is demonic.
@Kawa your picture is broken.
@Kawa @RiotDemon
I made this post earlier, but I deleted it. I’ll make it again.
Lately, Imgur embeds have not been playing nicely with Meh (with one having to either open the image in a new tab and then refresh, or removing the ‘s’ from ‘https’).
Here’s the image from the post:
@PlacidPenguin i wasn’t even able to right click and open the image this time.
@Kawa @RiotDemon
I was able to earlier. On my Chromebook, the image is loading fine now.
Here is the thread I was referencing:
@Kawa What convention did you attend?
@Targaryen This was Roguelike Celebration, where I’ll be going again in October!
@Kawa Nice, what is your favorite?
@Targaryen My favorite roguelike is Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup but I’ve played and enjoyed most of them! I was pretty active in the roguelike fandom/community a few years ago, doing podcasts and Let’s Plays, though that’s backed off as I did things like “move” and “get a full time job”. But I still enjoy them very much and so make time for the con every year.
@Kawa I’ll show some support and subscribe.
@Kawa hi!
Ah, why the hell not. No one will ever see it at the end of this long ass thread anyway…


/giphy I see you
@haydesigner Not only do we see you, but some of us got emails of you.
@haydesigner For reason I like the mixture of focuses and the black/white. Anyway, I saw the end of the thread. It is a little further down.
you have been seen!
Came here from the “So who are you?” thread, where I already posted a picture. I’ll post another though! My name is Ricky and I’m not an important part of this community.
@MagnaVis aaawww we are all important! You look much shorter in this pic lol
@MagnaVis Wow, you pre-date me. Nice photo!
@tinamarie1974 I agree we’re all important, but also realistically believe our importance is limited to the communities we contribute to. I troll around here sometimes- no one would miss me if I didn’t. But that’s okay!
I appreciate the love though. And yes, much shorter in this one.
I used to be a huge fan of Woot back in the day. Woot-Offs were a favorite among Marines. I would have kickstarted Meh, but I honestly didn’t even know it was coming back! It was just happenstance that I found Meh when I did, looking for the old Woot that I knew and loved. Thanks for the compliment!
@MagnaVis @sammydog01 I would agree w your statements, but now that you have shown yourself you should start to contribute. I think we are a fun group and you would likely enjoy the interaction.
@MagnaVis Hey, thanks for serving!
@MagnaVis You look familiar. hmmm. I think you remind me of an actor I can’t think of at the moment.
@lseeber @MagnaVis

/image Will Poulte
@MagnaVis @medz Nope… not that one. @MagnaVis is better looking.
@lseeber @medz Maybe this? (Been said to me before.) And thanks for the compliment! blush
/youtube Love Actually (1/10) Movie CLIP - Colin, God of Sex (2003) HD
@lseeber @MagnaVis

google thought this pic of Roger Perry looked similar
@lseeber @MagnaVis @medz

Nah, he looks like that nerd from The Breakfast Club.
Especially this picture of @MagnaVis

@lseeber @MagnaVis

/image Jesse Plemons
/image jesse plemons football
@MagnaVis @medz @Barney Sorry… none of the above. It will come to me when I least expect it. But he also sorta reminds me of a much younger version of the guy that plays Howard on Better Call Saul.
oh, hi! i think you’re pretty important!
@halfling Aw! Look! It’s me! I especially like my messy hair
Thank you for taking a minute to draw me!
I would take a selfie and post it, but it either is not possible on Chrome for android or I am not smart enough.
@jst1ofknd Do you want me to take a guess?
Yes. You may take a guess.

I just figured out that I can switch to “desktop site” and then have access to those controls. I will try again when I am wearing a shirt (no promises on anything else).
@jst1ofknd @mfladd
Tried posting this before, but I got distracted:
Either put your phone in landscape mode and press the image upload button (once you have a picture), or load the page in desktop mode.
Alternatively: You can take a picture, go to, upload the picture there, and post the .jpg link here (removing the s from https).
There are other alternatives, though these 3 should suffice.
@mfladd @PlacidPenguin
Genius! Doesn’t appear to work in comments though (landscape mode). Again, I’ll do this when I have a shirt (as in wearing one… I own lots of shirts).
@jst1ofknd @mfladd
Sure it does, you just need to be in landscape mode before you press the reply button.
@mfladd @PlacidPenguin
Schooled me again. Thank you for the lessons. I guess we know for sure the answer to my previous question. (Smile face).
@mfladd @PlacidPenguin
@mfladd @PlacidPenguin
Dernit. I’m sideways. I guess I have to leave my phone in landscape…
@jst1ofknd @mfladd @PlacidPenguin I just turned my head a bit- close enough.
I’m not sure how I got here (I’ve been lost in this thread for an hour so I forget…), or how I missed it earlier, but I am considering this…
Mostly I want to get this bumped so people can update their broken photos
Very frustrating. But I now know what @cinoclav and @chienfou and @jst1ofknd look like. And @sammydog01, and a shitload of others I can’t recall right now

@llangley Thanks for bumping this
Dropbox changed their rules regarding sharing. Luckily meh also changed their shit, so I don’t need to use the convoluted Dropbox mess
We went on a hike to Laurel Falls in Hampton, Tennessee, on Saturday. The picture turned out a little dark but you get the idea
@capguncowboy I made it crazy unnaturally bright, but I can kinda see stuff now.
Let me know if you want me to delete it.
@RiotDemon thanks!
+1 necropost for having dead people in your photo.

@mike808 aawww are you the little guy?
@tinamarie1974 Yup.

@mike808 so cute!
This is a fairly recent picture. From our Carlsbad vacation.
I am quite happy that I didn’t let my history of AFIB get in my way. And also happy I didn’t have problems going up or back down.
I am guessing the caverns, not the city in CA?
Did you watch the bats come out? That is simply AMAZING!
Correct. In New Mexico. That obviously wasn’t in the caverns. That was in Bandolier National Park.
And yes. We watched the bats come out. It was quite a sight!
@jst1ofknd yep, the highlight of that particular day on OUR trip several years back…
@jst1ofknd I was looking at that picture thinking, ‘gee that looks familiar.’ We took a ride down to Bandelier during a ski trip to Taos. Such a cool place.

That’s cool! Are you the one in the picture?
@jst1ofknd No, they’re all friends though. Here I am in the red making my way up to the top cave.

@cinoclav @jst1ofknd OMG that looks high!
@jst1ofknd @tinamarie1974 Just a bit. Figure 10’ per story so you’re about 14 stories up at the Alcove House cave. Here’s some random stranger’s video showing the full climb.
Thank you for posting that random stranger’s video. Going to show that to my son that didn’t make it all the way up.
@cinoclav @jst1ofknd OMG
@jst1ofknd Aww, why didn’t he go all the way up? It wasn’t a difficult climb, just a little scary for those that don’t like heights. I’m not a big fan myself but I felt perfectly safe climbing there.
He’s 11 and The Wife got scared (she doesn’t like heights) and that scared him to the point he would not move on.
My 13 year old daughter also got scared but she faced her fear and went all the way up.
@tinamarie1974 Hey Mistress goat…still waiting for your input here…
@chienfou for what my dear?
@tinamarie1974 to show yourself of course… Or did I overlook it?
@chienfou oh no you did not. Sorry, no pic

Maybe that could be the Stanley cup bet…?
one game… winner take all so to speak…
@chienfou haha. No one on here has seen my face. I had a stalker (very bad man) and I try to fly under the radar.
@tinamarie1974 oh… Sorry. That’s DEFINITELY not cool!
@chienfou yeah thanks. I guess it made me a stronger/smarter person.
hi @carl669 !
@halfling i will pay good money for that post-it! like a solid canadian quarter at least.
@carl669 Did you ever get that post-it?
@halfling @Kyeh i didn’t!
i guess my offer of a canadian quarter was too low
@carl669 @halfling Definitely too low for such a fine piece of artwork.
@halfling @Kyeh what about 2 rupees from the island nation of Seychelles?
@carl669 @halfling @Kyeh
That’s very apropos!
I like that this post was resurrected.
So…thanks spammer???

@llangley agreed. though it’s a shame most of the images aren’t showing anymore. the links are still good, but imgur must have disabled hotlinking
@carl669 @llangley I could go through and fix the image links for most of them and we could revive the thread a bit if that’s something folks would be interested in.
@ExtraMedium @llangley i’d be down with that. it’s fun to put a face to the username
@carl669 @ExtraMedium Yes please
@carl669 @speediedelivery @llangley It’ll take me a bit, though I’ve already cleaned up a few starting from the top. Maybe we can get more faces showing up here as well.
@ExtraMedium Are you going to show your face?
@Barney I was here in a video posted last year on our birthday, but I’ll add my mug to the list once I have the links cleaned up.
Aha, I see @SpoopySkeleton lurking. We’d like your picture, too.
… I’ll consider it
Ok, so it looks like @Ignorant jumped in to help out while I was away, which is much appreciated. Now that this place has been cleaned up a bit, I guess I can post.
Here’s a shot of my last trip to Iceland, trying not to freeze at the base of a freezing waterfall.

I’m headed back in September, so if you give me 8 weeks I should be able to post a more recent less freezing shot from around the same area.
Bonus cold shot from different falls that same day.

@Barney You’re welcome.
@ExtraMedium You read minds?
@Barney I avoid it when I can. I’m so put off by the things people are saying that I can only imagine how frustrating life would be if I could also hear what they’re thinking.
“Hippie like”, that’s a GOOD thing! 

Mother nature, how spectacular!! Definitely looks like it’s worth revisiting! ENJOY!!
Love your neck wrap, it’s almost hippie like.
@ExtraMedium Do you have relatives in Iceland, or do you just like the country? I was there once many years ago; we took Icelandic Air to Europe and it included a one-night stay. It was in early summer and the sun never fully set, which I found eerie and interesting. We visited a friend of some friends, and she showed us around her family’s garden. There was a little tree about 4’ high with a bird in a nest and the bird just stayed put while we looked at it - that seemed kind of magical!
@Kyeh I don’t know anyone in the country any longer. Back in 2006 I lived there for a portion of the year (military) and fell in love with it. I used to be very big into photography and have some amazing shots around the country but really anyone could be a pro-photographer there because anywhere you point a camera will result in an amazing picture.
I’m headed to London in September and got a great deal with Iceland Air to have a two-day layover on my way back from the UK. I did the same in 2018 when these photos were taken but went with a 3-day layover for that trip. I was extremely lucky to have visited or lived in several countries overseas during my time in the military. That said, I would have to say Iceland is easily my favorite, but also the most expensive place to stay for any period of time.
Feel free to ask anything about my travels.
@ExtraMedium Wow, nice! Did you spend any time in the hot springs?
I think we need a thread about travel, so we can see people’s photos. I’d love to see your pictures of Iceland - such dramatic scenery.
@Kyeh I did got to the Blue Lagoon both when I lived there and on my most recent visit. I won’t be going on this trip because I’m taking my kiddo on the trip for a high school graduation gift and that’s not something they’re interested in doing while we’re there.
@ExtraMedium Lucky kiddo!
@Kyeh So here are a few from 2006.
@Kyeh And a few more for good measure. (As if this thread wasn’t slow loading images already.)

@Kyeh That tiny spec on top of the cliff in that last one is another picture of me.
@ExtraMedium Wow! Thanks - so stunning!
Okay, I’m going to start a “post your travel pics” thread.
@ExtraMedium @Kyeh
I never thought about a frozen waterfall, kinda seems like a oxymoron but the pic is beautiful. I’d love to see more of the ones you’ve taken from there.
Ok, we didn’t revive an ancient post just so you could see my mug. Post 'em if you got 'em!
Hell, even if you’ve posted before, an update could be cool. The child in the first photo in the thread is like a teenager by this point.
Not quite a teen yet:
@carl669, how is the pup doing?
@ExtraMedium - oh god… don’t prematurely age him into the teenage years. i’m not ready to let go of the random hugs i still get! also, thanks to you and @Ignorant for fixing the links!
@Kyeh - pup is doing great. he’s still a bit weak in the back legs, so he’s starting some rehab rehab doc says he should regain 90-100% of his strength. he’ll be walking on an underwater treadmill. which will be interesting because he HATES water. other than that, he’s mostly annoyed with me because i hid all the tennis balls. i keep telling him it was the doctor’s orders, but i don’t think he believes me.
@ExtraMedium I know old threads get knocked down faster, so maybe sticking this at the top will let more new (and old and middle age) people see it?
7 year update. the boy continues to grow, despite my objections. he’s also discovered this thing call a “voice” and pushed back when i tell him to do things. however, he still gives random hugs, but i know he’s just buttering me up for his teenage years. the strange guy on the right wears a shirt labeling all major body parts, just in case he gets stabbed by a branch while riding the mountain bikes in the background.
@carl669 Hmm kid still loves bangs that cover his eyes. Funny how some things seldom change, He is going to have a lot of girls chasing him when he is older (grin).
Wait until his “voice” starts muttering things you can’t quite hear (or when accidentally do you discover kid is being rude under their breath). When my kid would do that I’d say, in my sweetest voice, “why thank you for offering to clean the cat dirt boxes (something she hates so usually I don’t make her do that).” to which she’d scream, “That’s not what I said!!!”. I’d tell her that that is what I heard, maybe next time she could talk louder. And then I’d ask, “so what DID you say?”. Which of course she didn’t want to tell me LOL.
With the voice usually comes antenna ears as well. Ans their snooping and sneaky skills get much better too. I finally told mine, when she was a teen and having that uniquely teen attitude problem, “There are good reasons why some species eat their young.”. She told me that since I hate to cook I wouldn’t know how to cook her. I told her, “There is always the internet”. You have a ways to go yet before you hit that stage. Of course Mark Twain says at 13 you put them in a pickle barrel and feed them through the knothole; at 16 you seal up the knothole (I told that to my kid once too).
Me and my girl. Married 22 years now. She is my everything

Love all the love we’re seeing here! 

What beautiful smiles!
@capnjb this is so sweet!!
Any excuse.
Oh - lucky you! Were you a contestant?
@Kyeh I was, after innumerable times taking the test and three in-person auditions over several years! I won on March 11, 2019, greatest day ever, and came in second on March 12, which we do not speak of.
Fantastic! And you got to meet Alex! Congratulations on winning - I hope you won a big prize!
@kostia Now THAT’S cool! Congrats on your win!

Love the hair!
@kostia @Kyeh That’s amazing! Congrats!
I’m going to copy @capnjb. Me and the wife, married 25 years.
And just me. I liked the reflection of the lights around the mirror…
@jst1ofknd Yes I can see that reflection in your eyeballs!

Congrats on your 25 years of marriage!! I love love!
@jst1ofknd is the square light reflection at disney? we were there this last spring and i noticed the same thing
This was in the bathroom of our room in the hotel we stayed in Litchfield, IL… No Disney for us (yet).
I just got “in trouble” by the wife for the picture I picked… Apparently it makes her look like she’s on drugs…
@carl669 @jst1ofknd Litchfield, IL, no kidding!? My hometown is just up the road from there.

I never would’ve thought that pizza was to curb the munchies, but NOW that you mentioned it.
@jst1ofknd @carl699
At the MorningSave B&M store on the 13th:
Look at these crazy kids - I guess no one told them the 80’s were over!

(31 years last June)
@macromeh Wow!

I think if Jennifer Garner
and Geena Davis
are related, your wife must come from the same bloodline.
I think she could have done worse, also.
[BTW, My posted pics are fairly current.]
Congrats on both then and now!
@phendrick Well, my wife did grow up on a farm (like Jennifer Garner), but in South Dakota. She comes from Scandinavian roots.
It’s been a rough few years, and I’m worn to the bone.
@brainmist Wow! You look phenomenal, actually!
@Kyeh Awww, shucks! would blush if I had cheeks
I do some decent art.
@brainmist Fantastic! Too bad @RiotDemon is never around anymore; you seem like kindred spirits.
@brainmist @Kyeh I have been summoned! And I approve!
@RiotDemon What are you up to these days?
@brainmist @RiotDemon
I remember you posting some pretty fabulous scary faceshots, RD. Like the one with the grid-like contacts?
@brainmist @Kyeh I think you’re referring to this?
@Kyeh @RiotDemon Gorgeous!
@brainmist @RiotDemon Yes!!!
I’d love to see more, if you’re still doing spooky looks.
@brainmist @Kyeh hmm, haven’t done anything in a while. Halloween isn’t that far away though…
No story. Photo from a few months ago when I got my braces off.
@jnicholson0619 Hi to you, and Hi to Benny!
Ahh! I love that this came back around!
/giphy wave

Here’s another one from me. I shaved the other day…
I loved The Usual Suspects. Such a great movie!
@werehatrack where is that? The landscape is stunning
@tinamarie1974 Canyonlands National Park, Island in the Sky unit, near Moab (WTF is Moab?), Utah.
@werehatrack I know where Moab is!!
Very pretty
@tinamarie1974 @werehatrack I’ve been there when my friend and I did a river trip (not with guides, just the two of us with a permit). It is mostly known for where campers/river trippers shop and there are canoe, raft, kayak rental services and transportation services based there that will drop you off and pick you up after your river trip. Hot as hell though in the summer and the river is beyond fucking cold so you dip your long sleeve shirt in to get it wet, put it back on, cool down a bit, rinse and repeat 20 min later… It was a lovely trip. We saw some old ruins, found (and left) the waste from arrow head making - likely they hadn’t been touched in 2000 years (they were in washes so likely would end up eventually in the river and the waters in the washes are likely what unearthed them to begin with. I was thinking what would archaeologists think in another 2000 years if they found those in a dried river bed), investigated some neat canyons…
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
One of my favorite shots from that same trip…
Me (dad) with my fam
@parkskier426 beautiful family!
Together 26 years now, married for nearly 14 of those. She has put up with so many Irks over the years.
So the wife and I wandered over to the new brick and mortar the other day (it was an odd experience, and I’m glad we did). We unmasked for this photo, which kinda has the giant Bidens, tiny Carters vibe. I am huge and I do have a fat head, but this is definitely skewed.

I love this pic because of the drop of sweat on my neck waddle (this was May of 2019 - when it was like a thousand degrees on the east coast, and 50 degrees hotter than that inside this airplane) and because of the guy behind me that has clearly had enough of my shit (even though we are absolute strangers)
This thread is a lurker’s dream.

/giphy creepin’
A face for radio, as they say.
Ok, I’m going to let this sink back into the void. I’ll set a reminder to give it a bump at least once a year.
I just saw this thread and whatever I’ll go for it.
@DoctorOW What?!? It changed - and then it changed back? I’m so confused!
@Kyeh Sorry what changed?
@DoctorOW Your picture changed into a different image (sideways, with a helmet and make-up on) and then changed back to the current one!
@Kyeh Uh… that’s not happening for me. I don’t even have a picture of me with a helmet on