I am Jst1ofknd (Just one of a kind) and my wife of 21 years says that’s true. I live in the greater Oklahoma City area (you guess the state). I’ve got three kids and more animals than I know what to do with.
I am Supportathan (Support a than) and my coffee of 5 minutes can back that up. I live in the greater DFW. I’ve got no kids, but I have a Labradane who keeps me on my toes.
I’m RiotDemon, I live in Florida on the East coast. I hate the heat. I love metal. I just bought my first house. My favorite holiday is Halloween. I’m excited that Halloween decorations are already popping up everywhere.
@RiotDemon It does seem particularly odd that you hate the heat and bought your house in Florida. I hate the heat and I’ve turned down numerous opportunities to move to Florida.
@cinoclav I didn’t really have much choice. It was either buy this house or go rent something for more money, pay a shit ton of money to move, and stress all my animals. Not to mention my mom has to live with me and I don’t want to take her away from my brother. Plus, I like where I live. I’ll probably retire somewhere else. I just spent the entire summer inside.
My house appraised for almost 20k more than I bought it for, so at least I’ll probably make money when I do want to move.
@moonhat yeah, I did. Mom was the biggest factor in not moving, then my bro. I don’t have many friends. Moving an hour away last time I moved, I might as well moved to another country with how little I see anyone that I used to know, besides my brother.
@Targaryen Was introduced to an ‘_____ Targaryen’ at an education-related event last week. Perhaps related to you, or is the name more common than it seems?
@compunaut Interesting, it’s actually a play of sorts of my actual name. I have no actual relation to any Targaryens nor claims to thrones and kingdoms.
I’m acraigl. Live just outside of, and work in, Philadelphia. My second of two children is about to head off to college. I just got a new car. I’ll be married 22 years in October.
I’m lisaviolet. Wait, I’m really Dianne. lisaviolet was the name of one of our cats when I first started online. So many iterations of Dianne, I went with lisaviolet. Because I’m special.
Live in San Diego county, married thirty-three years come december 31 to a fella I dated for six months.
Turning 65 in October, then making arrangements for a bionic hip. If it isn’t bionic, I’m sure whatever they put in will work better than the one I’ve got that decided it had no need for cartilage. I look forward to ladders and clean windows. And shopping. I want to go shopping again, walking fast enough so that my husband doesn’t have to walk slow. I miss fast walking.
My big hobby is papercrafting. I my Silhouette Cameos (I have three). I love collecting things to craft with.
We have lots of cats (they should be on an upcoming video here at meh), all rescues. From the street or from friends who were helping out other friends who couldn’t keep them. My online presence started August 1, 1996 when a feral we tricked into our garage wouldn’t come down from the rafters. Never got any decent advice, Red came down a year later on his own. A year of litterboxing and feeding and watering via ladder for a year, done.
I started my blog on January 1, 1997. Still at it all these years later.
I’m a goat emeritus. December 2014. Chick called me the c word and got herself banned. She is known as the bad lisa.
I play around with graphics as well. I made this for my husband a few years ago. It was going to be a shirt, but I never got that far.
@jst1ofknd well, some think I am an individual named Conan, while others think I am two individuals, Con and Librarian. At the moment, I/we have not quite figured it all out.
Hi, I’m Rex. I write song parodies. I’m basically Weird Al, except for the instrument playing, singing, composing, arranging, acting, directing, touring, etc.
Sicc574(actually Glen), 37, I live in northeastern Oregon, in Pendleton(perhaps you’ve heard of our wool products or rodeo, neither of which am I either especially proud nor ashamed of). Divorced, which is great because my liver couldn’t of handled much more of that marriage. I also have two great sons, one amazing cat and a crazy sneaker habbit.
@jst1ofknd The “sicc” half of it comes from an old nickname from when I played a lot of pickup basketball. My friends called me “siccmade” which basically meant that although I could be productive, I was pretty unorthodox in my style(think awkward Dirk Nowitzki). The 574 part is the store number of the “Cash & Carry” store that I managed in Yakima, Washington. Cash & Carry is a wholesale grocer who’s customers are primarily local restaurants. Also a derivative of the much larger chain: Smart and Final. It was the 3rd of 5 Cash & Carry stores that I worked at during my tenure with them. That was the store I was working at when I signed up for a gmail account.
Hi. I am Kevin. Married to a woman whose name starts with J who doesn’t want any sort of online presence so I won’t divulge her full name. We live in the good part of Iowa and have 30 ducks, 23 chickens, 3 cats, 2 dogs, two children and one pony. We don’t claim any of the frogs or turtles in the pond. I guess I don’t really have a lot to say. Nice to meet you all.
It was actually some of the polls. I never really visited the forum because I’m typically not interested in what people say nor do I typically think what I have to say is interesting to others.
Can you dissect your username? I am guessing that it is J (who shall remain nameless) n (for and) K for you and L for your last name (which we don’t need to know). Would I be correct?
I am TheFLP, short for The Fuzzy Lion Puppet (don’t ask).
I live somewhere, work somewhere else, and recently have also been working somewhere else else. The somewheres are at least an hour apart, so they must be places where people measure “distance” by how long it takes to drive there.
There’s a calendar reminder on my screen right now that just says “Frogs.” There will be another one a month from now.
If you google my real name, I might show up on the first page of results. But thankfully there are still no pictures of me on the internet.
You now know less about me than you did yesterday.
Howdy. I’m TRJ. I’m amicably divorced for decades now. I own and manage properties and just this last summer moved my daughter and fruits of her loin into a unit across the way.
Best upgrade ever.
I grew up on the water: we were “lake people”
My dad passed away in 1999. I miss him terribly–and mom too. We lost her a year ago.
I probably spend too much time fucking around in online forums.
I’m shahnm. I wear many hats, am able to leap capital T in a single bound, and I collect souls for later use. I lurked here for years, with an occasional post or two here and there.
And then one fateful day, Meh put up a poll question about batteries and refrigerators. It wasn’t the first strange poll they put up, or even really the strangest. But it… did stuff to me. It turned me from shahnm into shahnm-but-slightly-more-shahnmier.
And the rest is history. And batteries gently chilling in my refrigerator…
I wasn’t even a lurker until i posted a comment about one poll. Since then I’ve had a gradual uptick in involvement on the forum. At this point it is bordering on addiction.
This is the internet, so I’m not really comfortable sharing my first name. I’m a Bostonian, but currently in the soon-to-be-losing-the-PawSox Rhode Island. I have a 6.5 yr old puppy and she’s a very good girl.
Speediedelivery is a lurker most of the time. I post here and there if I have the time/patience to type on my cellphone. I have other options but usually I am peeking in from the phone.
@jst1ofknd@therealjrn When speediedelivery was created, I delivered mail for USPS. I have switched to work inside so I technically still do but it is not my primary job. I used this name when I was selling stuff online. I have not listed stuff in many years although I should to clear out some space. Selling is time consuming.
My name is Ricky, I’m 33, and I’m currently in the process of divorce from my wife of 11 years. We have one daughter who’s 8 years old, she’s the best thing ever. My proudest moments always come back to her and being a father.
I don’t own a smartphone, but have been thinking about getting one lately, mostly for music and easy pictures on a single device. I’m generally very technology adverse.
I work in IT. I started in 2004 in the Marines, got out in 2009 (MOS has a 5 year initial contract because of the length of training required). I’ve been in IT since, and I’m very good at it.
This is what I looked like long enough ago to share and not be worried anyone will find me. I don’t think it’s ever been online. I don’t believe the internet is a scary place.
I am 6 feet tall, or 182 cm. Being on a server rack does add several feet though, so that’s a fair point.
There are quite a few people in IT that are like me. We try to keep our personal technology simple and limited to what’s required (for entertainment or hobbies) because we get tired of dealing with it, I think. I don’t want to be connected when I get home. I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter to check, and I’m not interested.
Hi! I’m LemonTheCat! But I’m not Lemon the Cat, because that’s my cat.
I’m 33, and have 2 strange wonderful kids. And we have a tortoise… that rounds out our family.
Other interesting facts about me, I don’t know. I’m a musician and I have a phobia of eggs (seriously) and I really like octopuses.
I do NOT eat eggs, not unless they’re like hiding somewhere inside a cake that’s already made or something, and I can’t tell. I think the shells terrify me more than the rest of it… I can’t touch them… holy hell, no friggen way.
Thinking about like whisking eggs in a bowl right now is giving me anxiety! I have problems.
I kinda like the octopus eggs!!! They look like the tips of the fingers of rubber gloves… not scary like the others…
No need to apologize, that was a legit question! Maybe the fear is dependent on what animal’s nether-regions the eggs come from? Again, I have problems.
For those somewhat newer, there’s an older thread that’s occasionally updated and is similar to this one (but with more photos). You might want to check out some of us freaks over there too. https://meh.com/forum/topics/show-yourselves
I am Supportathan (Support a than) and my coffee of 5 minutes can back that up. I live in the greater DFW. I’ve got no kids, but I have a Labradane who keeps me on my toes.
Who are you?
I believe the great Twisted Sister said it best…
“I AM. I’M ME!!”
I’m Barney, just a barney, nothing else.
@Barney don’t forget… You
@RiotDemon Yep, I love purple.
@mfladd classic
I’m moonhat. And I signed up to work late tonight and the day is already draaaaagging. Ugh.
I’m RiotDemon, I live in Florida on the East coast. I hate the heat. I love metal. I just bought my first house. My favorite holiday is Halloween. I’m excited that Halloween decorations are already popping up everywhere.
@RiotDemon Lady already has her Halloween costume. She’s so excited. Not!
@Barney what is she going to be this year?
@RiotDemon It does seem particularly odd that you hate the heat and bought your house in Florida. I hate the heat and I’ve turned down numerous opportunities to move to Florida.
@RiotDemon Lady is going as a dog skeleton. She’s already been invited to two parties. I’m her chaperone.
@cinoclav I didn’t really have much choice. It was either buy this house or go rent something for more money, pay a shit ton of money to move, and stress all my animals. Not to mention my mom has to live with me and I don’t want to take her away from my brother. Plus, I like where I live. I’ll probably retire somewhere else. I just spent the entire summer inside.
My house appraised for almost 20k more than I bought it for, so at least I’ll probably make money when I do want to move.
@Barney two parties?! She’ll be the talk of the town! You need a skeleton t-shirt to match.
@cinoclav @RiotDemon I was just wondering the same thing, RD. Before you bought your new abode, did you think about moving ever to somewhere cooler?
@RiotDemon I’ll be wearing Woot’s t-shirt,

@moonhat yeah, I did. Mom was the biggest factor in not moving, then my bro. I don’t have many friends. Moving an hour away last time I moved, I might as well moved to another country with how little I see anyone that I used to know, besides my brother.
@Barney @RiotDemon That’s an @ACraigL design!
/wootstalker https://shirt.woot.com/offers/actual-size
Actual Size
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
@ACraigL @narfcake Yep, I know. It’s one of my favorite shirts that’s not purple.
At least you’re not a @f00l.
@f00l that’s what I say to myself every morning.
Hi, I’m @Targaryen. Nice to meet you all.
@Targaryen Was introduced to an ‘_____ Targaryen’ at an education-related event last week. Perhaps related to you, or is the name more common than it seems?
@compunaut Interesting, it’s actually a play of sorts of my actual name. I have no actual relation to any Targaryens nor claims to thrones and kingdoms.
@compunaut @Targaryen I bet you’re a Gary.
As to your question:
(Maybe I’m a) Penguin and it’s cold, which makes you sneeze.
/youtube Animaniacs What are we?
I’m acraigl. Live just outside of, and work in, Philadelphia. My second of two children is about to head off to college. I just got a new car. I’ll be married 22 years in October.
Oh, and I also shirt a little.

/image little shirt
@ACraigL @compunaut

/image @Lichme hulks out
I’m Narfcake, but Narf works well enough.
I VolMod here at meh and at Woot.
Dogs > cats.
Catshirts > dogshirts.
I’ve also told CEOs how disappointed I am with them, all the while continuing to buy more things from their companies.
Dogs rule!
Cats are assholes, even the slightly nice ones.
/giphy cats are assholes

/wootstalker https://shirt.woot.com/offers/witch-cat-deserves-love
Witch Cat Deserves Love
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
I’m lisaviolet. Wait, I’m really Dianne. lisaviolet was the name of one of our cats when I first started online. So many iterations of Dianne, I went with lisaviolet. Because I’m special.
Live in San Diego county, married thirty-three years come december 31 to a fella I dated for six months.
Turning 65 in October, then making arrangements for a bionic hip. If it isn’t bionic, I’m sure whatever they put in will work better than the one I’ve got that decided it had no need for cartilage. I look forward to ladders and clean windows. And shopping. I want to go shopping again, walking fast enough so that my husband doesn’t have to walk slow. I miss fast walking.
My big hobby is papercrafting. I
my Silhouette Cameos (I have three). I love collecting things to craft with.
We have lots of cats (they should be on an upcoming video here at meh), all rescues. From the street or from friends who were helping out other friends who couldn’t keep them. My online presence started August 1, 1996 when a feral we tricked into our garage wouldn’t come down from the rafters. Never got any decent advice, Red came down a year later on his own. A year of litterboxing and feeding and watering via ladder for a year, done.
I started my blog on January 1, 1997. Still at it all these years later.
I’m a goat emeritus. December 2014. Chick called me the c word and got herself banned. She is known as the bad lisa.
I play around with graphics as well. I made this for my husband a few years ago. It was going to be a shirt, but I never got that far.
Hi, I’m Conan. I am 41 years young, a leo, and I like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.
Such a flirt
So are you Conan the (D) librarian or is your username built for two? Just curious.
@jst1ofknd maybe it’s both…

@jst1ofknd well, some think I am an individual named Conan, while others think I am two individuals, Con and Librarian. At the moment, I/we have not quite figured it all out.
/youtube the who who are you
Hi, I’m Rex. I write song parodies. I’m basically Weird Al, except for the instrument playing, singing, composing, arranging, acting, directing, touring, etc.
Sicc574(actually Glen), 37, I live in northeastern Oregon, in Pendleton(perhaps you’ve heard of our wool products or rodeo, neither of which am I either especially proud nor ashamed of). Divorced, which is great because my liver couldn’t of handled much more of that marriage. I also have two great sons, one amazing cat and a crazy sneaker habbit.
What does your username stand for? Is it for something in particular?
@jst1ofknd The “sicc” half of it comes from an old nickname from when I played a lot of pickup basketball. My friends called me “siccmade” which basically meant that although I could be productive, I was pretty unorthodox in my style(think awkward Dirk Nowitzki). The 574 part is the store number of the “Cash & Carry” store that I managed in Yakima, Washington. Cash & Carry is a wholesale grocer who’s customers are primarily local restaurants. Also a derivative of the much larger chain: Smart and Final. It was the 3rd of 5 Cash & Carry stores that I worked at during my tenure with them. That was the store I was working at when I signed up for a gmail account.
Hi. I am Kevin. Married to a woman whose name starts with J who doesn’t want any sort of online presence so I won’t divulge her full name. We live in the good part of Iowa and have 30 ducks, 23 chickens, 3 cats, 2 dogs, two children and one pony. We don’t claim any of the frogs or turtles in the pond. I guess I don’t really have a lot to say. Nice to meet you all.
@JnKL welcome. I see you’ve been here a while, join the weirdos in the forums some more.
@JnKL @RiotDemon
I too have been ignoring the forums until recently. I think now I am addicted.
@jst1ofknd we always need more people. Was it all the extra posts that drug you out of lurking?
It was actually some of the polls. I never really visited the forum because I’m typically not interested in what people say nor do I typically think what I have to say is interesting to others.
Can you dissect your username? I am guessing that it is J (who shall remain nameless) n (for and) K for you and L for your last name (which we don’t need to know). Would I be correct?
@jst1ofknd got it on the first try!
@JnKL Hawks or Cyclones?
@msklzannie GO PANTHERS! BA '89 MBA '06
@JnKL There’s a good part of Iowa?

@JnKL Well at least you aren’t one of those heathen Cyclone fans.
I am TheFLP, short for The Fuzzy Lion Puppet (don’t ask).
I live somewhere, work somewhere else, and recently have also been working somewhere else else. The somewheres are at least an hour apart, so they must be places where people measure “distance” by how long it takes to drive there.
There’s a calendar reminder on my screen right now that just says “Frogs.” There will be another one a month from now.
If you google my real name, I might show up on the first page of results. But thankfully there are still no pictures of me on the internet.
You now know less about me than you did yesterday.
@TheFLP found your photo!
@RiotDemon If only I were that cute.
Howdy. I’m TRJ. I’m amicably divorced for decades now. I own and manage properties and just this last summer moved my daughter and fruits of her loin into a unit across the way.
Best upgrade ever.
I grew up on the water: we were “lake people”
My dad passed away in 1999. I miss him terribly–and mom too. We lost her a year ago.
I probably spend too much time fucking around in online forums.
@therealjrn Oh. And I swear way too fucking much.
@therealjrn @carl669 What’s the fuck count up to now?
@narfcake @therealjrn fuck count thread updated
I’m me and my newfound purpose in life is to contribute as much snark as possible to these forums.
*new and improved, extra snark in every post!

/giphy snark!
@narfcake @nolrak

/giphy extra snark in every post
@giphy Living well is the best revenge, right?
Selfie: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToNg_-l0T5jaG5mVILzHMuVO9keU-zthXyCXj0B15f0Ke9I7bL_A
I’m shahnm. I wear many hats, am able to leap capital T in a single bound, and I collect souls for later use. I lurked here for years, with an occasional post or two here and there.
And then one fateful day, Meh put up a poll question about batteries and refrigerators. It wasn’t the first strange poll they put up, or even really the strangest. But it… did stuff to me. It turned me from shahnm into shahnm-but-slightly-more-shahnmier.
And the rest is history. And batteries gently chilling in my refrigerator…
Can you explain your username? Does it stand for something you are willing to share?
I wasn’t even a lurker until i posted a comment about one poll. Since then I’ve had a gradual uptick in involvement on the forum. At this point it is bordering on addiction.
Run while it’s not too late!
Run fast, run fast, and never stop running!
@jst1ofknd @PlacidPenguin But do remember to safely store your batteries in the refrigerator before running off…
This is the internet, so I’m not really comfortable sharing my first name. I’m a Bostonian, but currently in the soon-to-be-losing-the-PawSox Rhode Island. I have a 6.5 yr old puppy and she’s a very good girl.
@becca I think your name is Becca. It’s right up there. ^^^
@becca @therealjrn Might be the fancier reBecca, though
@becca @speediedelivery I’m a softie for Beckies. They’ve been my weakness all my life. My ex-wife used to frown so much on my dating, Beckies or no.
@speediedelivery @therealjrn I’ve hated “Becky” since before it was slang
@becca @speediedelivery That’s what all the Beckies say.
@becca @therealjrn I’m old and sheltered.
I didn’t divulge my first name either. I will, however, admit to having one.
Speediedelivery is a lurker most of the time. I post here and there if I have the time/patience to type on my cellphone. I have other options but usually I am peeking in from the phone.
What do you deliver?
@jst1ofknd @speediedelivery I think the US mail? Whatever it is, I think it’s speediest.
@jst1ofknd @therealjrn When speediedelivery was created, I delivered mail for USPS. I have switched to work inside so I technically still do but it is not my primary job. I used this name when I was selling stuff online. I have not listed stuff in many years although I should to clear out some space. Selling is time consuming.
My name is Ricky, I’m 33, and I’m currently in the process of divorce from my wife of 11 years. We have one daughter who’s 8 years old, she’s the best thing ever. My proudest moments always come back to her and being a father.
I don’t own a smartphone, but have been thinking about getting one lately, mostly for music and easy pictures on a single device. I’m generally very technology adverse.
I work in IT. I started in 2004 in the Marines, got out in 2009 (MOS has a 5 year initial contract because of the length of training required). I’ve been in IT since, and I’m very good at it.
This is what I looked like long enough ago to share and not be worried anyone will find me. I don’t think it’s ever been online. I don’t believe the internet is a scary place.

@MagnaVis @RiotDemon I am one of those people too! (Just not nearly as tall or male!)
@MagnaVis @mikibell @RiotDemon Did you notice he’s up on a server rack? That makes him seem taller I think.
@mikibell @therealjrn
I am 6 feet tall, or 182 cm. Being on a server rack does add several feet though, so that’s a fair point.
There are quite a few people in IT that are like me. We try to keep our personal technology simple and limited to what’s required (for entertainment or hobbies) because we get tired of dealing with it, I think. I don’t want to be connected when I get home. I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter to check, and I’m not interested.
I just noticed the post it icon next to my post in the main page. I think that is so cool!
Hi! I’m LemonTheCat! But I’m not Lemon the Cat, because that’s my cat.
I’m 33, and have 2 strange wonderful kids. And we have a tortoise… that rounds out our family.
Other interesting facts about me, I don’t know. I’m a musician and I have a phobia of eggs (seriously) and I really like octopuses.
@LemonTheCat all eggs? Do you eat eggs? Does it only bother you when they’re in/out of the shell?
Sorry if that’s intrusive! Just find it interesting.
@LemonTheCat But how do you feel then about Octopus eggs?
(Sorry, but in case you missed it above - I’m an asshole)
@RiotDemon @mfladd
I do NOT eat eggs, not unless they’re like hiding somewhere inside a cake that’s already made or something, and I can’t tell. I think the shells terrify me more than the rest of it… I can’t touch them… holy hell, no friggen way.
Thinking about like whisking eggs in a bowl right now is giving me anxiety! I have problems.
I kinda like the octopus eggs!!! They look like the tips of the fingers of rubber gloves… not scary like the others…
No need to apologize, that was a legit question! Maybe the fear is dependent on what animal’s nether-regions the eggs come from? Again, I have problems.
@LemonTheCat how did you find out that eggs are scary?
For those somewhat newer, there’s an older thread that’s occasionally updated and is similar to this one (but with more photos). You might want to check out some of us freaks over there too.
I was thinking that there was already a thread like this one. It’s really cool to see. Thank you for posting this!