Rename the Fuko
30The Fukobukuro is dead, long live the Fukobukuro.
Help us find a new name for the Fuko - post your ideas (one per post), and vote on your favorites. We’ll be looking through these, as well as brainstorming ourselves and we’ll pick out a new name for our certain flavor of grab bag.
Whatcha got?
- 1484 comments, 161 replies
- Comment
Shit no one else wanted!
@sohmageek SNOEW
Bag of Crap?
@krdshrk Bag O’ Crap
@krdshrk @slp50 Bunch of Carrots
@krdshrk @slp50 @Stumpy91
Bandolier of Crumpets
@mike808 @slp50 @Stumpy91 Bandana of Charisma (+1)
The Fuck It.
Box of Mediocrity
@farfromfunny +1
@farfromfunny @gizmosprocket you missed out on an opportunity there… “Mehdiocre Box” or “Box of Mehdiocrity”
Goat Noms
Hoarder’s Delight
Sack of shit.
@narfcake shouldn’t that be “worthless sack of shit” ?
Meh-diocre Grab Bag
Box o’ Meh
@medz : Box O’ Meh Bullshit = BOMB
I would name it all of the Ames that OTHER site has used to stop bots. Bandolier of Carrots, Bunch of Corgis, etc
Box of children’s tears
@gwaki Box of liberals’ tears
@gwaki @mOONmOON Best gun lube ever
Bandolier of Carrots
Junk Drawer
Alas and fearful alak sack
Meh in a Box
Snapster Crap
@capguncowboy Or a Crapster Bag
@capguncowboy @RdiPr How about just SnapCrap
Ulysses S. Grantbags
Box of Random-Mehs (play on randomness)
Sad sack
A Mess Bag of Mehs
Cursed Purse! (Who doesn’t love a good curse with their junk?)
@aquastardreamer AHH, I’ve never thought I’d see this phrase come up organically! I made a terrible song about a cursed purse and I’ve never had a reason to bring it up before now!
@scorkla Aaahhhhhhhaaaahhhaaahhhaaaahhhaaaa :: cackles like a madman ::. THIS is AMAZING.
@aquastardreamer @scorkla Simply awesome. 5 stars
@aquastardreamer @scorkla you mean a-meh-zing!
@aquastardreamer You know that’s a very old euphemism for someone with venereal disease.
Sack of Crap! Rolls right off the…um…bum…
Sukaru! (Or Suckaroo)
Meh-stery Box (mystery box)
@medz a mystery box could be anything, it could even be a boat
Bandoleer of carrots.
Craperjack box…err…bag
Bandolier of Bunk (you know you want to sell B.O.B.s)
@jaybird Wouldn’t Bandolier Of Other Bunk be better?
@baqui63 @jaybird
Or Bunch Of Other Bunk Satchel
@baqui63 @jaybird @thejackalope I’d buy BOOBS (
Oscar’s Leftovers
@Cloudscout Meh-ñata
“Likely Broken Junk”
Re-meh-dee for sadness!
Sad Sack
@katbyter I was going to suggest that… guess you get a star instead!
@katbyter @smigit2002 It was already said up above.
@cinoclav @smigit2002 Neither of us saw it when we looked. Maybe it was an edit?
@katbyter @smigit2002 I’m pretty sure it was posted more than 5 minutes before your post. No big deal, we’re all just throwing stuff out there.
@cinoclav @katbyter @smigit2002 It is up there probably a dozen times at this point…
Live Laugh Love Grab Bag
Funny, but no way am I going to want to see that name any more than I have to… (so no star for you!)
@haydesigner Just call it a bag of shit because that is what the Orange Skidmark and Malaria Trump are.
$5 bag with some free stuff included.
Shania Twain: Grab Bag
Why did I buy this? otherwise known as the bag of sadness
Donkey Donkey Donkey
You should call it the
Amehzon Prime bag
@imzwho …nice one…+++++ Meh u need to copyright this name now…Its yours to grab
Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Bag
It’s a shame to see the Fuko go. When I went on vendor visits in Japan, I carried my old Fukobukuro bag with me and even showed it to them. They asked if I knew what it meant and I said that not only did I know what it meant, but that I was so confident in my product that I carried it in the unlucky bag. Helped a lot. Shame that I lost the bag in South Korea after a night of drinks with partners.
I’d go for the Bah Hum-Bag.
@RomSteady do you still do the Japan trips, but just lack the bag?
@SnakeJG Yes. My next trip should be early next year.
@RomSteady if you don’t get one this week, let me know and I’ll send you a bag. I’ve been really lucky and have a few.
@RomSteady Clearly that Fuko didn’t bring you enough bad luck if you remember it so fondly. Hopefully the one I’m sending you works as intended.
Thrift store sack
The Mehasure Chest of Sorrow
The Mehinator.
That way, whenever something Fuko-worthy comes up for sale, everyone can take turns thinking of pun variations of “It’ll be back”…
/image governator

Fukobukuro 2: Electric Bagaloo
@vinuash okay, I really liked this one
@vinuash yup. that got an audible chuckle!
@vinuash Change “Electric” to “Eclectic” and you have my vote
Sad Sack
or… Box-o-bleh!
Bag of false promise
@hems79 I would upvote this if meh weren’t so damn honest about how utterly useless the contents of the bags are.
Bag of Nope
Big ol’ Meh bag. BOMB.
@nolrak Perhaps this way, the authorities will intercept the box and blow it up, saving you the hassle of disposing of $5 worth of useless crap.
Bag of shit, or is that already taken?
eCommerce Ennui
Cornucopia of Sea Monkies
Damn, I knew that looked wrong.
Cornucopia of Sea Monkeys
@kdemo Actually the original is funnier.
A 40 Degree Day
Caca case.
Bag of Regret
The Hum Drum
You did Asia - now how about Europe??
Réchauffé - French, past participle of réchauffer, to reheat, warm over
Another Man’s Treasure
@Felixmcbiggs Yes. Please. This has to be the new name.
@Felixmcbiggs Love it.
@Felixmcbiggs Not bad at all
Edit: Irk could get on board with this

@smigit2002 Irk loves booty
@medz “Swiggity swooty I’m coming for that booty” - Irk, presumably
@medz @smigit2002 So maybe Booty Bag, just for Irk
Totally not a box full of speaker docks or TNSD for short.
@Davidtrippy Box O’ Docks
There are plenty of decent options:
-Trash Bags
-Fail box in your mail box
-At least VMPs didn’t pay for shipping on this nonsense
-Sacks for Suckers
-Here, you throw this away
-Cornucrapia (you could even make the bags candy-corn colored! Everyone likes candy corn, right?? No one could possibly be sick of it)
@ranatalus I do like sacks for suckers
@ranatalus “Here, you throw this away” is the clear winner here
@ranatalus I want to like candy corn I really do!
@ranatalus i like sacks for suckers SOS
Texas Air
Box Of Original Blahs (BOOBs)
Box of Origional Booty – Boobs, Butts, and pirates
The why did I buy this bag.
Satchel of Stuff
hazardous contents are flammable… and toxic.
“Bob”. Just call it Bob.
@eltzroth simple and to the point
@eltzroth Also is a recursive acronym for “Bag Of BOB”
@cl4rk3 @eltzroth BOBOB for short
Bag of hope (hopelessness)
Box of Arbitrary Rubbish (BOAR)
Bucket of bleh!
Schadenfreude Box
@kakabooey A satchelfreude!
@Collin1000 lol
Tote Bag of Apathy
Dumpster Delights
Bag of Captchas
Poop Shoot Bag
Sack Holding Idiotic Things
I also like “Container (or box or bag) of indifference”
Turnip Truck
The leftovers
Landfill pit stop
Amehzing bag
Extremely Mediocre Meh
Box of Hornets
@FrozenTrout always includes honey!
Bag of Perpetual Disappointment
sad sack?
That thing that will sell out before you can buy it.
Sack O’ Stuff
Sold out
Barf bag
@yossarian87 BARF – Bag of Awful Random Filth
Container of items.
The flaming bag of dog poop
Mehs Pile
Beat the captcha
Bucket o’nothing.
Fukobagiwillneverhave. I bet it don’t win
Land of Misfit Crap
The only day I’m gonna have a good night bag
Bag o’ Kuso
Swap meat
Parcel of Poop
Totally Not Sex Toys
@FrozenTrout have they ever shoved sex toys in one of these? I remember them selling a vibrator like… once
@vinuash I was thinking more they could label the outside of the shipping boxes
@vinuash Plus anything can be a sex toy if you just try hard enough
@FrozenTrout they could but that would cost extra money, would be easier to just ship sex toys
@FrozenTrout @vinuash Anything can be a sex toy, you just have to be creative.
tas verdrietig
Dutch for “bag of sad”
Another Meh-king Rip-off
Rando Bag-drissian
Bago Fett
Bagz II Meh
“It might have a vacuum in it”
Spring Cleaning Trash Bag
A Large Chocolate Meh-dallion
Meh’s Meh Meh-nite Trash (because they’re gone in a minute)
Antonio Bagderas
Meh Bag-hdad
@vinuash One per post, it says at the top
@OldCatLady I got tired of posting them one at a time after the sixth one so here we are
Sleepless Nights
Youall need to stop so i can slumber, i keep refreshing and giggling
The bag of regrets
Box of blandness
Humble Bundle
Pretty sure somebody would go after Meh for that.
Bag of Broken Dreams, or 壊れた夢
Bag of Mehsery
Hyram’s stash
did meh just run out of Fuko bags so they just wanted to print new ones with a detour of re-branding?
Caja de caca
Shit to give your godson
Loot Bags
orukubukuf (Fukobukuro spelled backwards)
“What’s in the box!?!” box
Bargain Binge.
Or if you want to keep the faux-Japanese going, Ganbagge. Ganbatte + bag, or perhaps garbage
Schlimazel sack
Here, you throw this away.
The Big Letdown
Bad Mehdicine
The Bezos
The “meh ragbag conglomeration”
sadistic sack
Youmisseditagain bag
The Hmm Bag (in keeping with the 3-letter word theme).
Or maybe heM gaB?
measarthacht (look it up)
moderation, reasonable, or fair amount?
@zerth yep, meh
Octopus Breakfast Bag
Donation Box
Sack of Sorrow
A Hot Mehs
Surplus sack
A Taste Of Texas’ Discount Outlets
(German for ‘lucky bag’)
@cinoclav I was going to suggest this. Mostly because the word makes me giggle.
@cinoclav The German word for bagpipes would be a funnier name though… The Dudelsack!
Just picture a wife walks in on her husband who has just brought in the mail and is opening their random crap. “What are you doing there honey?” “Oh, just checking my Dudelsack dear.”
Bag Of The Poo We Can Not Get You To Buy
@Dweezle Big Ups for Mad Ape Den use!
@djslack Hahaha, thanks. I don’t know how the Meh writers do whole stories and songs with it. I could barely come up with a phrase.
Méhlange Of Futile Overindulgence
Irk’s insignificant items
The Bleh Bag
Heavy MehTal!
“Impossible bag” because I NEVER got one.
Every time I had it in my cart the deal ended.
DAP - Donations-a-Plenty
Tolerable Tote
The Hot Meh-ss
Meh’s Case
Bag of
Unwanted oddities and undersold objects
Loot Crate
@sidehike That made me laugh. Mind if I thank you with a Fuko?
@Cythwulf Gladly!
@Cythwulf I’ve been fortunate to grab a few Fuko’s. This was the best by far. Thank you!
Bag of shit as opposed to Trump who is a piece of shit.
@Felton10 I think the new Fuku should contain lots of play doh, coloring books, and warm fuzzy socks so Snowflakes who live in their parents’ basements have a way to self soothe themselves.
Bag of Irk droppings
/giphy Bag Of Infinite Disappointment

/giphy Bag Of Infinitely Desirable Disappointment

@f00l That giphy image is not what I was expecting for that keyword.
Technically, I don’t think either of those persons should be called “bags”. And it’s so rude to call someone a “bag”.
/giphy Oh Dear.

@Collin1000 said a few seconds ago
Nor I.
@f00l I would definitely not be disappointed with that first one.
Fool’s Gold Bag
Bag of ??
Flaming bag of crap!
Meh-mories of Sales Past
Offal Offering
@cl4rk3 OffOff for short
@cl4rk3 Or Fallow Offal - It’d make for a better first page of Google which returns results the likes of “How to Cook Your Gut Pile | Field & Stream” and A Butcher’s Greatest Joy: Sneaking Offal Into Everything - The Atlantic"
@cl4rk3 “FallOff” for short
@cl4rk3 or “F-off” for shorter
Baggy Mcbagface
The Meh-rvelous Meh-sess Meh-sel Bag
Box of Wonder (Why You Bought It)
(or the stuff you didn’t buy, which is why it ended up in this bag)
@sugarpike Thanks for the Meh-mories, even if they weren’t so great
Kuso no fuko
Embarrassing Effluvia or Embarrassing Excrement
A Fine Mehss (play on “a fine mess”)
Warehouse Orphans
Dr. Mediocre’s Miracle Flotsam
A Fifteen Pound Baby in a Sack
Bag O’ Doom
Grift “gift”
Glory to the Gloaters who Gleaned this Great Gear
Amehrican Junk
Pyramid Scheme bag
Free Beer
Doggy bag
Dave’s Delights
JBL OnBeat Mini Speaker Dock
Bag of regrets
Garbage or Awful Trash (GOAT)
Do we still have a lot of Koreans buying? They have Bokjumeoni.
Sad Sack
It’s my d
ck in a box!
Lack Pack
Domo Arigato, I am not a roboto.
A Mediocre Box
Bindlebox !!
Princess Consuela Bananahammock
Ponzi’s Bonus
Sir Plus
Pandora’s Bag
How about:
Fuko me! How did I miss this so quickly?
Valise of Regret?
Sawbuck Shredder (100% price hike is a feature, not a bug)
This is not a Pyramid Scheme
Bindle o’ Bung
I’ve got it!
Stuff from Morning Save That Didn’t Sell
Your problem now.
cruft sack
Either the Sack o Lack,Fail to Load, or Captcha in a Can.
Free Cardboard Box
@stin42 $5 cardboard box. FTFY
@airmo The Box is free; you’re paying for the Experience.
Particularly Pathetic Parcel
ck It Bucket
^^^ This!
It would be fun to race against the masses to buy Irk’s Junk.
baggie mcbagface
Collateral Baggage.
The Irk sack.
A Meh-Zing Bag
Fucking Captcha!
@sassymango after 3 unsuccessful attempts trying to get one, maybe it should be “I’m Not A Fucking Robot. How Many Fucking Times Do I Have To Pick Out Fucking Street Signs & Still Not Get One Bag”
Congrats to all who snagged one!
Marvelous Mehstery Trunk
Nut Sack
Dildo baggins
The MOFO bag that’s light on Mo and heavy on Fo.
Definitely Not an Octopus
@Nate311 okay, it Might be an octopus.
Sad sack
My Meh Sack
Satchel of Drivel
The you thought we were out of speaker docks box.
goat tote
$5 Buck Box
The Amehrican Dream
I’d suggest e-commerce colostomy bag but it has too many syllables to be catchy.
Meh Crate
Conglo”meh”ration of leftover junk
Bag it up, bag it in, let meh begin
@betlogs Love it…
I tried to have it start when those lyrics started… but it doesn’t seem to work in the boards.
Goof Bag
Meh-shapon bags
Packet of Scourings
Secret sack
The Regrettable Collectible
Mehkey Mouse
A-Meh-ricana Sampler
Delivery of despair
Package of despair
Box of despair
Pit of despair - starter kit
Fugacious Feature
(Though this could really apply to all deals…)
Marsupial pouch
The “Here, You Throw It Out” Bag.
Shit bag
Means rubbish/garbage in Scots Gaelic. Pronunciation is straightforward- the u sounds like the u in dull, appropriately enough.
Irk’s Disappointing Bag of Surprise
Random crap
In honour of my two most beloved mehtizens: Troll’s Treasure and Glen’s Goodies.
And inspired by @narfcake: Definitely not a catshirt
Meh, might as well. Or Meh, why not?
Bag of Dashed Hopes
Vegan Steak
Fuck U Bag. Just cut to the chase
Attache Excreta
Randomness of Unwanted Shits (RoUSs)
@jaybird ROUSS? I don’t think they exist…
Ununobtainium sack
dire bag, or d-bag for short
The S.O.D. (Sack Of Disappointment)
Portmanteau du Oddments
Pappy’s Warehouse Sweepin’s if you want to redo it with a homey theme.
Baglady luggage
Lazy Bag
Dumpster Dregs
Mehduhsin Bag
Meh’s Got a Brand New Bag
Bag O’ Meh
Satcheler Disaster
Bag O’Mehlancoly
@frd1963 I like that one
Mehs-Merizing Sack O’Sadness
Fragments, Shavings and Residue
Buyer’s Remorse
Pu Pu Parcel
Crap pack.
Pointless Package
mehchiavellian bag
“Even Gift Horses are Embarrassed to Look These in the Mouth” packages of putridity.
Sick sack of suck
AMehrican Pie
Mehiracle Whip
Sorry, guess I am on a desert kick.
@edentrombone Ishtar not found.
it’s “dessert”, you silly goose!
Kuso Kupamba
The to good to throw out, to crap to sell bag.
The Meh-side Down
Trash Dash Sack
Fukuroo or Mehstry Sack
Too many to reread them all… Has Schrödinger’s Box/Bag been suggested? It is both trash and treasure until you open it and observe…
@djslack Well done!
/giphy applause

@djslack Still my favorite - it’s the most accurate.
It could be - almost literally - anything.
Right up until the moment you open it.
Well, technically, I suppose, right up until the moment you look up the dimensions/weight of the box, but even then, it could be - almost literally - anything that fits within those constraints.
I mean, look at the history of “bag” contents, including Woot - when they said, “random crap”, they really meant “random” (“crap” is in the eye of the beholder).
I’ve seen giant, lighted gum ball machines, full 4’x4’ pallets-full of a single action figure or USB Hubmen, a pool table and lifetime supply of chewing gum (or was that an episode of the Brady Bunch?)…
It’s like when you push that “buy” button and successfully order one of those things, you are activating the Infinite Improbability Drive.
Think of the most infinitely improbable thing you could buy with $5, and it’s just as likely you’ll receive that as it is you’ll receive a broken robo-vac, 3 identical bluetooth speaker docs, a refurbished electric toothbrush and a damaged $500 MK leather handbag.
In fact, I’ve just come up with another suggestion for a name which I will henceforth post (but I still like yours better).
Hobo Bindle
Sack of sadness
Haggis. Or Haggis Bag, which for those not in the know would be made in a sheep’s stomach.
Guaranteed-to-disappoint Grabbag.
Shit stash
Bummer bag
Bye Bye Fiver
Receptacle of Ultimate Sadnesses (again RoUSs)
i know, i’m stuck in a rut. I just watched that movie
tristis sacci (scientific name for sad sack)
A clever marketing scheme to make people pay us to send them stuff that was going in the trash. I know it’s long so u can shorten it to “ACMSTMPPUTSTSTWGITT”
Mehsenger bag
Purge parcel
My suggestion is:
Loosely translated it means “lucky bag”… You see in japan they have this tradition where on new years they put random stuff into bags and sell them for a set price… and sometimes you get lucky and get really good stuff… so the thing is you guys could, you know, put something really good in a bag here or there and it would be neat to get the lucky one!
Bag O Meh. BOM
Bumble Bundle
In keeping with the tradition:
Utsubukuro: “depressing bag”, filled with unwanted items
Very Mediocre Parcel
What’s in the box!?
@betlogs too hard to get the intonation right with simple text, but I like where you’re going with this.
Princess Consuela Banana Hammock

Sushi Belt
Physical embodiment of consumerist disappointment.
Salad, plain
/giphy pig in a poke

The Meh-xed Bag
Let’s go Spanish and call it a
Bolsa de basura
You can call it a BB for short.
Buying a B.B. would be a lot like getting shot by a BB gun. It seems like a stupid idea at first, and then you realize it’s far dumber than that when you actually do it.
Mehstery Mehchine and instead of a bag, go with a van shaped box.
Edavrasa Bag- Dothraki for “of poor quality” bag
The Totally not Woot Bag of Crap (TootBOC)
Warehouse Roulette
“From the bottom shelf” / “Stuff the bag person rejected”
Oh God Why
Montezuma’s Revenge
Mezcolanza (Spanish for hodgepodge)
Stuff sack
A Magnum of Meh
Boiled Lance
Meh on a stick
Or Fuko on a stick
Measured Elitist Hopes.
After years of research at Meh Labs we did indeed solve the problem of shoving 10 pounds of fecal matter into a 5 pound bag.
Make Meh Great Again
Bag of regret?
Sack of lost retirement?
Two scoops? (Thank you, Scoops)
Case o’ ephemera?
Matt’s booty?
Baby arm basket?
Alligator claw clutch?
Unicorn tear tote?
My actual good ones got erased when this window refreshed.
LOLJK These are my good ones!! :-|
Oh, a phong is ringing!
Disposable Proposal
It’s better than bad it’s Meh
Shitload a’ Dimes
Couch cache… Everything that got lost in the meh couches
Icky risk kit
The CUBE: Could Urine Be Enclosed?
The-Totally-Not-A-Gimmick Extravaganza
I was thinking of what Meh as a site stands for. Often we talk about this as a community where like minded deal finders come for entertainment. With that, I offer up my Monopoly themed name.
Community Chest
/giphy monopoly community chest

Dead weight
Falloon (It’s a portmanteau of fart and balloon, if that wasn’t obvious)
Mostly Meh Mailbag? Or Mmm…
Mehsticle sack.
Meh-dora’s Bag
More Excess Housewares
Cowabunga bag
The proverbial bag.
The 10 lbs in 5 lbs bag
The ol’ 10 in 5
Trash Bag
Bolsa de la Suerte
Container of Regrettable Choices
The Deflated Balloon of Disillusionment
Gravy Boat
Matt’s Maceration
Sack of Regrets?
Caveat Emptor?
Hatbox Nimrods

Which is an anagram from ‘random s
Ruttledge Revenge
Parcel of Pain
Best Funtime Super Item Combo Activity Set
Garbage Grab Bag
Manifestation of Unfulfilled Expectations, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.
Someone else’s shopping bag
@Wookee have you seen the skit about taking someone’s shopping cart? It’s great
@sohmageek @Wookee David Byrne had thoughts on these questions.
@sohmageek No, I don’t think so. SHOW ME!
@UncleVinny That level of introspection doesn’t surprise me from David Byrne. Of course it’s all for science.
Caution: may contain knives
What Does It Meh-ter?
Broken Dream Catcher
1x1x1 Placeholder
Kuso Container
… Go ahead, translate it.
Just One? How about:
Sack of Highly Intermediate Trash? You could call it S.H.I.T. for short.
I also kind of like Advanced Craptastic Receptacle Of Never Yielding Mediocrity, or A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. for short, if I can suggest two.
@smerk85 Of course, if Crap can’t be used at all because of Woot, then it could be Advanced Containing Receptacle Of Never Yielding Mediocrity(still ACRONYMs) just as easily.
Totes M’goats
@megania Totes Meh’goats
Fixed that for you.
@pyroguy7 Oh, my goodness! How did I miss such an obvious meh-pprotunity?
Cap of Brag
Crackin Sack
The “What did I just buy?” Bag
Irk’s Piñata. (stick and blindfold not included)
Shit Sack
Qube of Questions
Saco sorpresa. Or bad spelling- Sockosorepressah. (Surprise sack, in Spanish.)
/giphy surprise sack

Server-Crashing Satchel?
Mehnnui Sack.
shart jar
Fulobukuro bag because it is fulo junk!
The Mediocre Midden
When Irk Buys
MehWin box (or bag or sack depending on whether you want to stay with the bag theme or not);
White Mehlephant
I’ll be honest, I’m happier with the picture than what it stands for. I’ll split the bag with whoever comes up with a better acronym
I thought of another one… goats sack! (I don’t want to see what the meh team comes up with a photo for that one…)
Bandolier of carrots
Basket of Deplorable
The baggening
Granny’s Goodies
Just introduce a new mascot (Granny) and slap her face all over the product photos.
Schrodienger’s bag!
Capitalism’s crescendo
Chris Angel’s : Fukobukuro
Non-subscription box service
Last Meh Sitting
Inventory Supository
The Crappening
The Mixed Bag
Mediocre Memento
Wrenkled Sad Sack
Tragic Trash
Pail o’ Products
(every order must include a meh-branded beach pail)
Server limiting move
Irk’s Favorite Things
Free shit in a $5 box
Warehouse Sweepings
The big bag of meh-stakes
A Meh-rical Bag?
Bag O’ Bunk
“Le Sac”. It’s simple – it’s French for “The Bag” – yet has a slight stank on it just like a real Frenchman. It’s also French slang for “scrotum”.
Miscellaneous Mehs (Mehsellaneous?)
Trash Stash
So Urban dictionary (the only source that matters) defines the word tchotchke as “worthless crap.” Mehhing it only highlights the essential meaning of the word in the most meaningless way. It also maintains the garbled letteriness of the fuku/fuko. Thanks for reading.
Steal this bag
grabbed stuff in a box
Saggy (sucky baggy) or sag for short.
Mehey McBagface
(along with terrible mascot, of course)
Porch Bait
Serial Filler
Bag of All Trash - BOAT
Meh-mento Mori , with a
on the black bag, since I just thought of another one.
Bag of Regrets
The Never-Great Crate
UR Bag (unlimited regifts)
The Holy Fail
Bitsa Bag
It’s got bitsa this and bitsa that.
Tom Hanks
Outsourced Disposal Delivery.
Want junk? Get ODD
The sack of suko
Or WinaMeh bag or WinSome Meh
Forgot the word bag/sack after the second one
Mistaken Expectations Heap
Blech Bag
Junk in a Trunk
Mucking Haversack
@Zuconta or maybe Muck’en Haversack to get all of Meh in it.
Meh Mix (or mercé)
meh no wanna
zen practice bag
WTF?: What The Fuko?
Crappy McCrapface
I like Mehlange.
I posted in the wrong topic.
Name: Stash
Art and color: early Peter Max
There’s a term for bad japanese games. “Kusoge,” which literally means shit game. It doesn’t HAVE to refer to video games though, it could refer to the bag of crap scam. I therefore nominate “Kusoge Club” as the name for the new bags. Wanna be in the club? Gotta buy the shit.
Crap Crate
Bag of SNOW.
(Stuff Nobody Originally Wanted.)
Mehimus Decimus Meridius
okufbag pronounced (OK-uf-bag said very fast), first four letters are reverse of fuko, so instead of ‘unlucky bag’ it means ‘bag unlucky’ with emphasis on bag rather than unlucky so no need to reduce price!
Box of anticipation. Because the oooh what will I get thrill is almost always higher than the happiness once you open the box.
Grab Bag in German: Wundertüte
@bleedmichigan @cinoclav beat you to it.
Warehouse Waste
@4771cu5 it’s not so much a goodie bag
mittelmäßige Tasche
I’ve been thinking…you know how these things sell out in mere seconds, just completely whizzing by?
People of Meh, I present to you the…
And if you’re trying to capture the coveted French market, you can also call it the Wouchebag.
This might be quite the paradigm shift for your naming convention, but I think that it will do wonders for your ability to cleanse your warehouse of old stock.
Loki’s purse
Container of Unknowable Nifty Treasures
Totally Not a Bag of Cats
Mrs Badcrumble’s Sexy Bag of Meh
Bulk Texas Air Collectables
Tasche der Mittelmäßigkeit
Anzen bag
According to Google that could mean astonished or disappointed.
Pandora’s box, you really don’t want to open it.
Hillbillies BitCoin
Junk in the trunk
the leftovers
Crapfully yours
Box o rox
The dinglebaggy
Call it Ohio, because just like the state of Ohio the bag is full of sh
BOG Bag – Bad or Good Bag
Tote of Misplaced Hope.
Oh, that spelling looks worse than it sounds. And it sounds gross.
@mossygreen Mehsserschmitt
MEHligan stew
Schrödunger’s Box.
Holiest of crap
Concealed Crap
Warehouse Leftovers
Fools Paradise
Japanese has been done, let’s try German. Ärgerbeutel : anger / aggravation / annoyance bag
¡Que Lastima! — Spanish for “What a pity.” What a pity this stuff didn’t sell. What a pity I spent my $$ on this. What a pity…
SorryNotSorry ( AKA $orryNot$orry)
One-Way Satchel to Palookaville
Anatomical Snuffbox
Four Loss-Leaders Upon a Solitary Acre
Clickish Delight
A Meh in a Poke
December’s Freshest Selections (always referring to a month at least seven months ago…)
Ulgine’s Rain Barrel (could also be Ulgine’s Pickle Barrow…or Mrs. Barrow’s Pickle Barrel? Tsk! But look at me trying to give you advice on writing! The artist is king here at Capitol Pictures.)
Leftovers Lotto
Ob La Di Ob La Blah
amehrican dream bag
Meh love you long time
Fukme or FUKMEh
The Why Do I Put Myself Through This, Is It Really Worth It In The End? Bag.
Rolls right off the tongue.
Our Bag of Perpetual Sorrow
Fushiro Bag
Quisquiliae ex arca (or as I’m sure we all know: Box of Trash)…because what’s classier than saying something in Latin?!?
bag of shit
POP bag - Paper Or Plastic?
SVD bag - Sir Ver Deth
who cares
uff da
Unchi means crap in Japanese, so keep with the bag of crap/unlucky back combination!
sac de banal
Sack of Oysters/Sack of Mehntain Oysters.
Easily shortened to a soo/somo bag.
@hanzov69 suck-a-sack
Irk’s Colostomy Bag of Wonders!
The Irksome bag. As in annoying, I did not get one or the stuff received is useless. Or Irk gave me Some of his great stuff.
My Spouse Is Going To Kill Me For Buying A Box Of Junk Again Box
/giphy lowered expectations

Mehrican Trickin’ bag (as in trick or treat)
Fukushima Collectables Grab Bag
Do you want to hold my sack?
Lucky bag in another language?
Wundertüte- German
Random Excess Mehmory
Dritsack. It’s Norwegian–look it up.
What The Fuko
Irk’s Mehbe Bag-- Meh be good, Meh be not
Fun While It Lasted
Make Old Fuko Great Again
(Trucker hat mandatory in every bag)
Surplus or Minus
The Churchill:
“Never have so few done so much to disappoint so many”
Dumpster Dive Bag.
Bummer Bag
Big Bag of Meh
Treasury of Garbage.
Regrettable Mehmentos
Garage Sale Starter Packs.
“ presents Literal Trash”
Sorries in a sack
The “I don’t know why I wanted it so much but when I won it I was excited but now that I have it I’m sad” bag
Mediocrity Enduced Haze Bag
A Crap Shoot
The Amazing Rando!
Prime Parcel
Lowered Mehspectations
Taco Bar
A MEHzing Bag
Bag of Mehmentos
Name it Barney. Everyone should have a Barney Bag.
Make them all purple. Saves time having to decide what color to offer each time.
@Barney does it come in purple?
Edit, damn you beat me to it haha
@Barney also works with cockney slang, as in “we’re in Barney… Rubble? Trouble?”(See Ocean’s 11 if you don’t get the reference)
It’s called a Jeffrey. Bit of this, bit of that.
Mehstyery Bag
Meh bag runeth over.
Last of the Mehicans
It’s a play on the French word minaudière…Google that shit
Warranties Not Included
Fail Pail
Pocket Knife and Speaker Dock Grab Bag
The Sorry Sack
Or the Sorry Not Sorry Sack
Or Sack of Sorry
Bag of random mediocrity
Play on the word underwhelm like
Bag of whelm
Medium whelm
Medium to rare whelm
I don’t know, done. Gnight
Bag of DCKs (disturbing crap kaleidoscope)
Bag With No Name
Gloryholes. Gloryholes filled with surprises.
The Duffel of Discontent
Mehbe Bag.
As in, “Mehbe it’ll be good this time…”
Caveat Emporium
Sad Sack
Meh-nage a trois.
Call it Gustavo.
No acronym, Gustavo is just fun to say.
Instant Ennui
John Lennon (Instant Karma) line, continues the foreign theme, easy to spell wrong, suitable combination of baited anticipation + disappointment.
@slipperyp lol I just did KarMeh bag… Where instant karma can take 2 to 3 weeks.
The Meh Staff’s Taco Tuesday Fund.
Dung Bag. “A very beautiful name with awesome meanings in Vietnamese. For males it can mean handsome and for females it can mean beautiful”
Random Bag of Mehnure
I thought the Fuko bags were useless Japanese crap items from convenience stores in Japan, or something like that. Like, you might get a broken chapstick, but it’d be a Japanese chapstick, so that’s cool anyway.
But, it’s actually just useless (American) junk and only the bag has Japanese written on it?
So I don’t have a name suggestion until I understand the concept. Someone fill me in!
The Meh o’ Millions lottery bag
Buyer’s Remorse
(who regrets it more: the employee who bought the stuff that ends up in the bag, or the person who receives the bag?)
Bonus: Also sounds like the name of a shitty pirate ship.
KarMeh Bag. Where instant karma takes 2 to 3 weeks.
Drab Bag
Sucky Charms
Call it the scrotum bag
Super cheap recycled objects that underwhelm most
@lichme or Scrot’ for short
Super Cheap Refuse or Trash
Mehdiocre Mehchandise
Colostomy bag
Bag of Mehsfit Toys
Recycle bag. Whether it’s meh or the buyer someone is recycling this crap.
Bundles of Mediocrity
Sayonara さよなら=(Goodbye)
Good buy??
Grab beh. Or Grabbeh.
Hobo Bindle
Joey bag-o-fuko
Can I vote for keeping the current name? (& not renaming it)
Hogwash haversack
Just 2 different words for junk bag. Pretty fitting
Things That Make You Say Meh
Mehchanical Jurk bag …
Kinda like Mechanical Turk but you pay us for crappy work instead.
Bag of Mehsery
Scatotato / Scato
bolsa de meherda
Merchandise Everyone Hates (MEH)
Parcel of possibility.
Ecto-Containmeh System. Who you going to call…meh.
Mehrican Booty
Shitsubō-x (Shitsubō means disappointment in japanese and adding an x makes it kind of a play on words… tldr its a disappointment box)
Can/Bag O’ Worms you already have the theme song that describes a (former) Fukobukuro perfectly
Fortnite. I know it doesn’t make much sense, but the kids will go crazy for it.
It both provokes swearing and is a portmanteau of crap + purse.
Sucker bag/ sucker box
Mehny bag
Mehstery Meat
Box of rox
Curious George
Hobo Bill’s bindle bags of intrigue.
The box of no return
(Seriously, all sales are final)
Bag of bounty
Booty bag
Internet sh
Zesty Sack of Sadness
Box of dreams /dream box
Blind Bag
Purchase of compusion
Purchase of patience.
Wanh wanh bag
Bag of hope
Ghost of Fukobukuro
Stuff N Things
Box of anything
Pandora’s box
“Ersackz” (pun on Ersatz)