Pre Valentine’s IRK reveal
36Mine showed up a couple days early and is the first of any fuku/fuko/irk to be fully wife approved. Thanks Meh!!!
- Cuisinart Hand Blender, red color
- Charging stand for iPhone/Apple Watch/Air Pods
- Set of Hearth glass cups, amber color
- Folding laptop stand
- Green IRK bag
Edit to add: everything appears to be new in box.
- 178 comments, 558 replies
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@Ignorant what was your bubble wrap situation?
@tinamarie1974 zero, the way it should be.
@Ignorant @tinamarie1974

Nice haul!
Still another point for the early ones seem to contain better stuff.
@Felton10 You do know if you develop a hypothesis about how Meh works, Meh evolves to counter your assumptions, right?
@Felton10 @SHOVAR
Signs point to yes
/8ball Does Meh evolve or degrade?
@SHOVAR I am fully aware that they probably read everything I post and probably try to do things to counter what I say. You have to keep them on their toes right?
@Felton10 Can’t speak for everyone, but from my personal experience, the later the delivery, the more meh the contents. Seems like the folks in the late group all get filler/remnants.
@Felton10 @heartny I can attest to receiving a very late package with a robo vac/mop. It was a return, but it works perfect!
@Felton10 @heartny The electric scooter was a very late delivery, for what little that’s worth.
@blaineg @heartny It is possible the ones sent out in the middle are more of “let’s just get these out of here” production line stuffing of the boxes and the one sent out at the beginning and the end have to attention to assembling them.
@SHOVAR It is kind of fun and challenging to try to second guess them as to when an IRK might appear. For a time an IRK didn’t pop up when a mehrathon started until an hour after it started. Then for the last couple they had one within 10 minutes of it starting and not another one until the middle of the night.
Missing one on the first IRK of the night, I decided what the hell I had nothing better to do but sleep and stayed up to sell what else they were selling and low and behold another one popped up 45 minutes after it started-one of which I got. Two IRKs in the first 45 minutes of the mehrathon-unheard of.
@Felton10 @SHOVAR Doing that (being unpredictable) keeps us on our toes. And I would guess makes it more likely people would stay up if the didn’t get one yet. And we all know staying up and potentially buying (something other than an irk) is what they want from us anyway. So rigging the irk “rewards” erratically would encourage that.
Over the years, I have found there is a very high correlation between IRK purchases and regret.
@Kidsandliz @SHOVAR Have you ever cancelled things you have purchased after buying them? Have done that at least once in each of the last three mehrathon. Have regret during the entire 24 hours.
@Felton10 @SHOVAR Can one purchase more than one IRK a day/per marathon?
@mbersiam It will be canceled if you do. There have been rare exceptions but those are clearly stated.
@Felton10 Aren’t the early ones, assuming you mean the people who post their loot first just the people who live the closest to Meh HQ?
@er1c @Felton10 not necessarily, I was one of the last last time and I live in MO
@er1c @Felton10 *one of the first
@Felton10 @heartny Or… The boxes are pre-filled and sealed, getting labeled and shipped randomly…
@andrewkl @Felton10 @heartny
/giphy bingo

Nice! Mine shows as shipped but stuck in snowacalyspe post office hell. I hope I get one of the blenders too.
@ironcheftoni I was looking at those on morningsave re using the 20% off coupon they sent me. Nice colors, but corded and not enough attachments.
@ironcheftoni You’re not alone! Mine also shipped super quickly, but has been stuck in the Texas snowmageddon zone.
@ironcheftoni same…
@ironcheftoni @wifeduck @eggsterminate Texas is starting to thaw out! A majority of places got power back Wednesday or yesterday (Thursday). Major roads have at least a lane or two which is clear. Neighborhood streets can still be a bit dicey. But the forecast is for a week of sun and highs in the 40’s-60’s (maybe low 70’s). So things will only improve as far as transportation! Woo-hoo!
The bigger question is water. A good portion of the DFW area is under a boil water notice due to pressure drops in the water mains/power outages at the treatment plants. I know a bunch of people who have burst pipes. Others have ones which are frozen and may still burst (or have small leaks but we won’t know it until everything thaws out). Lots of businesses are closed due to lack of water. Plumbers are going to be working long hours (and getting large paychecks) in the coming weeks. Construction/restoration companies will profit in the coming months. Good realtors are going to try to figure out which neighborhoods share power grids with hospitals and other essential place which got priority in keeping power (I am very fortunate that my neighborhood is among those). But, mostly, Texas is thawing out and IRKs should (hopefully) be moving again by early next week at the very latest. (Mine is still in processing limbo.)
@eggsterminate @gt0163c @wifeduck Yes, My folks are in East Texas. They got 15 inches of snow. They just lost water today and are on a boil order when it comes back online. But they didn’t lose power since they are on the same grid as the hospital. I lost power for a few hours on monday and just got internet access back yesterday. So far no frozen pipes but I think the secondary pool pump froze.
Glad to Cuisinart art stuff in the irks. I could definitely use some of their stuff.
@Ignorant With my IRK still stuck in Texas, I am sure most of us IRK-less souls would settle for bubble wrap at this point.
For anyone keeping track of this stuff to prove/disprove a theory, here are the details:
I received the following items:
Make of it what you will. Stay safe and warm, everyone!
@gogrrl Stickers! I have fond memories of a younger self buying them to take babysitting. I had a couple kids that would spend hours looking and trading them translating to an easy time for me.
@gogrrl @speediedelivery Most of them say Karl. I guess I should know who that is but I don’t.
Yes…at first I was excited about the stickers since I am a teacher. Upon further inspection, I realized the designs will probably not interest my 2nd graders much.
@sammydog01 @speediedelivery
A designer that I can’t afford on my salary.
@gogrrl @speediedelivery Can you put a sticker on your purse and pretend?
I like your way of thinking.
@gogrrl @sammydog01 @speediedelivery My best guess is Karl is an android of some sort.
@blaineg @sammydog01 @speediedelivery
You may be right.
@blaineg @gogrrl @sammydog01 Got my box today - Green bag, one tracker and a box of Karl stickers! Now we need to hunt down people who spell @carl669 wrong and give them to the significant other.
@blaineg @gogrrl @sammydog01 @speediedelivery
i tried. but giphy sucks at “karl” gifs.
@blaineg @carl669 @gogrrl @sammydog01 @speediedelivery
Karl Lagerfeld took over as the director of the House of Chanel, but I think the coolest thing about him was that he owned this fabulous cat, Choupette. She inherited his fortune and has her own social media, etc.
@blaineg @gogrrl @Kyeh @sammydog01 @speediedelivery
these damn “K” carls and their “K” cats
@blaineg @carl669 @gogrrl @sammydog01 @speediedelivery But Choupette is a “C” cat!
I agree that “C” carls are superior, though.
Still processing. I think that is because they are waiting to send me one of the $1,100 patio sets.
And who buys $1,100 patio sets from morningsave? Are the housewives that out of their mind?
@KNmeh7 Just checked out MS and didn’t see any $1,100 patio sets-just lesser priced ones, but like you don’t think that would be the first (or last) place I would go shopping for patio sets.
I don’t even understand?!?
@KNmeh7 Thanks-put in the wrong specs-now I see it. My answer would still be the same.
@Felton10 @KNmeh7 It’s not even a two-fer.
Wow, mine’s here already? This may be the fastest IRK ever!!! No need for a pic, it’s all stuff we’ve seen before.
Green IRK bag
2 pair kids size Clawz
1 TrackR pixel
1 Extendable pole for 360Fly action camera ( no camera though)
zero bubble wrap
So for those keeping score, this IRK goes firmly in the “early IRKs are not any better” column.
However, I did also get this peculiar coin in my IRK…

Anyone have any insight on this? My guess is it has to do with the Great Quip Toothbrush debacle of 20-ought-18. Or is it a clue for some greater quest that will lead me to incredible adventures with my childhood best friends, a la the Goonies? Kinda need to know so I can plan my weekend accordingly.
@jdude727 It was part of the Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club Souvenir Kit., aka the Great Quip Toothbrush debacle.
@heartny @jdude727 I think the only thing you can plan for this weekend is brushing your teeth
@heartny wow, I’m surprised I completely missed out on this when it happened… must’ve slept late that day. But at least with the coin I can now fake official membership into the Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club. I just hope no one asks me to also produce the official shirt and tote bag!
@jdude727 I got one of those in my IRK a few months back too! If anyone wants mine, they can pay the shipping and it is a done deal.
@Dakini @jdude727 pretty sure one of em were supposed to be mine, I had no idea they even offered that. Would have gladly purchased it.
@jdude727 @wifeduck If you want it, it is yours
@wifeduck Do you need the shirt? I think it is a large by the tag but I would have to check.
@heartny @jdude727
What all did you guys get in the kit? It was before me but I see the coins or it referenced a lot.
@jdude727 I also got a coin
@jdude727 I also got a coin, but mine is all shiny and new looking. I was kind of excited that it might be something special, but I should have known better.
@jdude727 @Lister It IS something special. The STC coin memorializes the best, and worst of times for Meh. The entire Quip debacle was fun to witness and I still wonder what shady goings-on were going on. Mediocre spent a shit ton of money on those coins.
@jdude727 @Lister @Noddy93 Nice! I like challenge coins, and other shiny objects.
@jdude727 I got basically the same IRK plus a non working charger.
@jdude727 @Lister You shall not convince me that my coin isn’t special. Get the fuck out with that nonsense.
@jdude727 one of 3400 or so rare…
61 piece flatware set, TrackR pixel, Magic Beats PRO pink ear buds, Clawz, green bag. Came quick. Not bad.
@kolvet you might be missing some parts there
@arbdef @kolvet 59 piece flatware set?
@arbdef Looks like a knife ran away with the spoon. Must’ve tired of the dish.
somewhere in the distance, a little dog laughs…
Flatware service for seven is still a pretty good deal for $5! Plus the other things!
Dam snowpocalypse, shit needs to fucking melt so my irk can get out of texas.
@Star2236 Mine left today-maybe yours did also
@Star2236 the snow is over and after today it is supposed to warm up and be in the 70’s this time next week. Gotta love (and hate) Texas weather.
@Star2236 You get more disappointment when it doesn’t arrive when you expect. Some folks are so lucky.
@Star2236 Mine is still “In transit” in Texas two places I never heard of-usually goes straight out of Texas so the fact it is still in the state is not a good sign.
Welp I got my IRK -
Green IRK bag
Palm NRG Combo belt
A cool travel purse… travel lol
Cat toys my cat wont play with because they arent laced with drugs
and a cool coin that a few other people got.
Thanks Meh!
@aaee Ooo…the cat toy has feathers! my cats aren’t much for most cat toys. But they love things with feathers. And one of them likes the little pom-pom balls. She bats them around, carries them with her and likes to keep them nearby while she naps. I occasionally find one in my bed that she has abandoned there after she wakes up.
Maybe I’ll get a nice toy for my kitties (other than the box. Both mine love IRK boxes.) when my IRK finally breaks free from processing limbo.
@gt0163c we remove the feathers from our cats toys. One once got stuck in her throat and that was awful
@aaee I’ve almost bought that purse multiple times now, it’s exactly my colors. alas, it was not in my IRK.
Pfff mine hasn’t even shipped yet. March 2 - 8 estimated delivery date.
Misery loves company… same here.
@hammi99 Mine has shipped, but meandered across Mississippi for a few days, and looked like it was heading towards Atlanta (I lIve ~2 hours due-east, so that’s usually a good thing if it makes it to ATL), but then made a left-turn to Nashville…
Between the storms and standard FedEx incompetence, I’ll be surprised if it makes it here before March. I haven’t had a FedEx SmartPost package from anyone make it by it’s delivery date in over a year. When it does show up, it’s at least a week past the original date. At least so far everything does make it. Eventually.
My guess is that once it makes it to Nashville, it’ll head to Charlotte for a few days, then chill in Atlanta, and finally hitch a ride my way.
@hammi99 Maybe you can get a refund on the “instant” part?
My very first IRK arrived today, after its 2 day snow delay. I think I got mine in the 2nd offering of the night…it is a bit of a blur.
Definitely meh on the fun scale but all practical things I can use or gift. Thanks Meh!
Well, make that 1 power bank. When I tried to charge the colorful one, it made a loud pop and filled my kitchen with the wonderful smell of burning electronics. But I guess that was the fun I was hoping for from an IRK? LoL
@crickit Oh shit, looks like you dodged a bullet there!! Popping and smoking LiPos are not good at all
@crickit Free fireworks!
Still waiting for mine to ship. Considering the last week, they can take as long as they need. My $10 lottery ticket can wait!
Came home to this.
I am stunned beyond words.
Thank you Meh and IRK
@jmhsrv Two cavalier blue tooth speakers
Two sets of laser tag
A cuisenart toaster
A massive amount of make up
Make up brushes
Several shirts
Wireless ear buds
Cocktail flavored candy
Two power banks
Two watches - one smart one not so smart
A heart necklace
A meh bag - very useful for my weekends when I do senior shopping for elderly and for my daughter who can’t go to stores
@jmhsrv Congrats - fabulous IRK!
@jmhsrv Hey, uh, I think they mixed up our orders. You just go ahead and pack that up to send my way, and I’ll do the same with mine to you, no harm no foul!
@jmhsrv you might be the “leader in the clubhouse” re the best IRK this time. Congrats
@jmhsrv that’s definitely a great haul!
@jmhsrv holy crap! That is a great Irk!!! What was your bubble wrap quotient? @felton10 is keeping track
@jmhsrv wowy powy!!! thats awesome. the way things are going for me lately I’ll be getting dirt…can’t wait…maybe I can turn it into a mud mask…
@jmhsrv so thrilled to see your post!!

@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 lol not a shred of texas air
Im literally speechless. I was going to repack it and have April open it tomorrow, but she saw the post - im giving her all that makeup and a whole bunch of the other things. She currently is isolated in my folks basement while she is in school. I dont think anyone has it harder than the kids during this pandemic - social life is so critical.
@jmhsrv I am so tickled pink for you two, after your posts during the Meh!-rathon this makes my heart so happy. Hope your daughter is thrilled with her portion of your haul
@jmhsrv Seriously cool. The meh gods were smiling on you. I think this probably comes close to the best irk/fuku/fuko of all time.
@jmhsrv @tinamarie1974 Texas air is different than regular bubble wrap FYI.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 no bubble wrap either
@jmhsrv @tinamarie1974 Inconceivable. How can that be?
@jmhsrv I only just noticed that set of eyeballs in the last photo…well and I did see the top photo but it is the bottom photo that made me realize something. Meh must have several black cats it is sending out. It would appear @syms got one too. By the time I finally get mine they will be faded with streaks with off white and some brownish gray dirt streaks too. Either that or yours are spiffy new black ones while the ones I get are used returns. Hmm considering where I get mine used returns rescued from the “trash” sounds about right.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz Think it depends how you rate them-either quantity of usable good items (of which this one rates high) or cost of the items (of which mine at about $ 600 has to be up there also).
Was thinking of starting a thread asking people to submit what they got in their fuko/BofC/IRK for consideration of the GOAT.
@Felton10 @jmhsrv @Kidsandliz maybe Meh is missing with you and decided to omit the bubble wrap…
@Felton10 @jmhsrv Well yes there is both ways of thinking of it - financial value or sheer number of new, nice, less than usual meh items. In either case they are as rare as hen’s teeth.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Now that me and Tina (and maybe no one else) have established the amount of bubble wrap you get as indication of a worthwhile IRK, I hope others will continue to inform us as to the bubble wrap status of their IRK when they receive it.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz That is for sure. I feel honored to have gotten the best IRK of my bunch not only because it not only validates my continued waste of money on IRKs but it keeps my wife from continually asking me why I am buying that worthless junk.
@jmhsrv Sure! You get all the good stuff, and the rest of us get the scraps and left-overs! That’s one of the best IRK’s I have seen in a long time! Congrats!
@jmhsrv Your cat is so cute
Sure hope my irk looks like that, cat can be included too. Such a cute kitty.
@riskybryzness Olive
@jmhsrv Nice! Looks like you also got an awesome box for your kitty to play in. My kitties love the IRK boxes.
@Felton10 @jmhsrv @Kidsandliz Used cats are the best cats!
@Felton10 @jmhsrv @OldCatLady Yes all my used cats have been very fine, each in their own way.
How where the candies? I’m very curious about them.
@Star2236 I have not tried them - 25 yrs sober this year, dont really have a desire to remind me of that which tried to kill me lol… giving to my brother. He can report back- funny story, in my secret santa I got a breathalyzer - lol cracked me up
I’ve been wanting one of those breathalyzers. congrats on your sobriety, I’m sure not all of it was easy.
You can take it from here Mediocrebot…
Nothing fun, but some practical stuff, so I give it a “meh!”:
Bag is always helpful, the Thunderboom and powerstation will probably get some other use. The other two go into the Christmas Crap Trove…
Says ETA march 2-11. WTF
@mehrk mine says similar in my account, but when i drill down on the tracking number it says delivery for Monday. Maybe try that and you may be pleasantly surprised.
I feel like an ass. I kept thinking “Man, why hasn’t anything shipped yet from the Meh-rathon.”
Then reading through the reveals, I was like “Oh yeah, Carrolton, TEXAS.”
As long as all the Meh employees are okay, I can wait to be filled with instant regret…
@seraphmonkey We thank you for that
I wonder if meh employees got the week off bc of weather or if they still had to ice skate and sled into work.
@seraphmonkey most likely meh employees were not able to get to the warehouse hence all the delays. We get major storms like this about every ten years or so and it essentially shuts the metroplex down. Then in a flash, it’s gone and we are back to running the AC in February
Fastest and bestest IRK ever -
green IRK bag inside of a…
Vibe Multi Air Fryer! 11.6 qts, box was open with a return slip inside, but all appears to be there, most still sealed in plastic

Sooooo happy! Been a rough year or so, and this just brightened up my day so much.
Thanks, Meh!
going to try to u/l pic, sorry if it doesn’t work
@syms I like the cat you got in the deal. Hope the thing works (air fryer, not cat - we can tell the cat works - has to sit on something that isn’t the floor).
That looks like a nice air fryer. I’ve always wanted to try them. Cute kitty.
good good stuff!
STILL… entirely goofing… but it does look to a certain kinda demented eye like el gato is possibly slated to be your first air fryee.
Made it through storm !
IRK Green bag
Not 1, but 2 pairs of Claws.
TrackR Pixel, I think this is like my 5th one from an IRK bag
POV Pole for a 360Fly (?)
And my favorite piece is this oddball IRK coin. Ha… Hard to read but it says “Schrodinger’s Toothbrush Club” " In meh we regret" it has my member number on it too, pretty fun !

@sweetpqte Nice, and the coin number breaks the “completely random” and “prepackaged” theories a bit.
My IRK arrived yesterday after a 6-day stay in Irving. Mehriffic. Checked all pockets; empty.
-Lime green IRK bag
-Kathy Ireland PJ set, size XL
-Hoop comfort mask, size M
-Wrinkle filler cream
-American Leather Co. Carrie Dome Satchel in Brandy
I think the Meh gods are telling me I need to visit my mom, since this is a perfect IRK for a woman of her age and generation.
@swhall05 nice weekend bag!
@tinamarie1974 the satchel is very nice. The leather is soft and supple. The list price for the same purse in different colors is $175.
@swhall05 nice win!!!
I’d be happy with that and I’m 38 lol
@swhall05 Never miss a chance to visit your Mom!
@swhall05 @tinamarie1974
Yeah, that is a super cool bag, it even looks soft from the picture! Definitely should be good for a few brownie points from mom!
I hope my IRK doesn’t include a cat like some of the above did. Walter would not like that.
First IRK for me! Came today after all the snow melted away. Not bad, and at first glance looks new in box. Was wanting an air fryer, but the bf prob won’t be happy about another chunky appliance in the apt, so i’m somewhat conflicted as if I would rather have a bunch of little junk…eee
After missing its original delivery date of Valentine’s Day, my IRK finally broke free of the FedEx ice jam and was delivered yesterday.
A green bag and a 12 piece Cuisinart cookware set!
Umm, counts slowly…a 9 piece Cuisinart cookware set! It’s missing two lids and the stockpot, and two of the three lids I did get are dented, but this is quite an upgrade from my current set. The only bummer is that I can’t seem to find replacement lids online.
Thanks for the upgrade Meh, and I’ll take the hint to do more cooking, as soon as the stores here are able to re-stock their shelves.
For those keeping track, box contained no bubble wrap, black cats or currency.
@Trillian wow thats wonderful. Good cookware is so essential
@Trillian Cuisinart rocks!! Congrats, that is a delightful haul.
@Trillian I think the bubble wrap gods are conspiring against me given all my previous attention to that precious commodity.
@Trillian You tried ebay? I had to replace my pot lids when the box that had them got lost in the move. I set up an alert and over the period of several months enough replacements that way. Also try calling the manufacturer as maybe they sell them as “replacements”? Or measure the diameter of them and you may find other lids fit if you don’t care about matching.
@Trillian got my irk today:
Stockpot with lid
10inch sauté pan
Green irk bag
Blue blocker 2.5 glasses
UV phone sanitizer
Pink meh highlighter pen
Looks like I got missing pans from your box!
That’s flipping awesome. Try thrift stores for the lids, I always see tons of lids when I’m in there.
Finally received mine today!
-Green irk bag, empty pockets
-AT-ST Raider Mandalorian series Hot Wheels action figure. Package cracked but new
-Weird toothbrush membership coin I saw some others received…if anyone wants to explain it, I’m all ears! Haha
-Car vacuum, box worse for wear but all parts accounted for and looks new.
-The Maverick fancy Bluetooth/Wi-Fi speaker, def been opened, possibly used but all parts accounted for. Looks nice. We’ll see.
@endi1276 long story short.
Meh tried to sell quip toothbrushes. Quip claimed they were stolen.
Meh sold them.
Coin and t-shirts for the wait.
@RiotDemon explanation mvp, ftw. Thanks!
@endi1276 @RiotDemon such a good tl;dr
I got 12 size 4M/6W black Clawz, a blow-out hairbrush, a copy of the “City of Angels” soundtrack, a sign that says “Go Jump in the Lake,” and a green bag.
@RomSteady 12 pairs???
@RomSteady that’s a lot of claws!
@RomSteady OMG!!! Someone’s daughter LOVED the Claws and that is the correct size. I can go back and search who it was if they do not find you first.
@cbilyak @RomSteady That was my daughter who they fit exactly-not sure if black was her color though-have to ask her.
@cbilyak @RomSteady

Finally, enough claws for a proper DIY plant wall! Woohoo!
@Felton10 remember there’s lots of tutorials out on painting your crocs/shoes.
Mine arrived today after a three day vacation in Chicago. Got a green irk bag tucked inside a Cuisinart Crock Pot. Been meaning to replace the old college one.
@Kexlox sweet! I am a huge fan of anything Cuisinart…have never been disappointed. Just used my new Cuisinart knife in making dinner and that sucker is amazing. Congrats!!
@cbilyak Yeah, it’s weird getting something actually useful out of one of these things. I almost feel disappointed that I wasn’t like “what is all this crap?” I guess even when you get something useful from an IRK, you’re still full of regret…
@cbilyak @Kexlox In one of my first Fuko’s I received an Emulsifier (a fancy name for a blender that OD’d on steroids). Brand new in the box with a $149.00 price tag. We still use it to this day and love it. It evens makes HOT soup!
That “other” deal-a-day site sends out a bunch of dollar store garbage, and not worth the money or the wait.
@andrewkl @cbilyak @Kexlox
That’s what I want is a emulsifier. I love making soup. That would be awesome if meh sent me one. But anything Cuisinart would be much appreciated.
Woo! My irk finally shipped!
@atravis6 Mine too!
@atravis6 @Dakini Mine three. Scheduled for delivery today!
Got mine!!! Slippers that are my size-perfect. One towel? So random. Green bag. Pack of 3 Xmas men socks. Portable charger. And black leggings my size again. Pretty happy for 5 bucks in my book. Thanks IRK for the excitement during this sh@!y winter.
I got some leggings in my irk last time and wore them yesterday. Didn’t realize until I wore them that they were fleece lined but they are so comfortable and warm, I can’t wait to wear them again.
Still waiting for mine to ship. I’m guessing Meh is making mine extra regrettable, and thus the delay. I’m sure it has NOTHING to do with the snow-pocalypse down in Texas. Not to worry though; Ted Cruz seems to have everything under control
In all seriousness though, I’m willing to wait as long as it takes… What is important is that the good folks at Meh are safe.
So wasn’t expecting a big box this morning, was thinking could it be the IRK?!
@brshokieche That’s awesome!!
@brshokieche Wow! Give us an update when you try it out.
A very meh irk.
@sasantosh we are twinsies.
@arbdef i would say siaMEHse twin
@arbdef @sasantosh
I’m your triplet.
@robthedude05 @sasantosh I like a good threesome
@arbdef @robthedude05 Three cheers for the threesome triplets. Ugh Incest much?

-Cavalier cav5 speaker
-nubi facial night cream
-cat toys
-green bag
Question- the speaker didn’t come with a power supply. The numbers on the back say 12V 5 A. If I search those on Amazon looks like about ten dollars.
I have an old laptop charger that says 19.5 V 2.31A. Can I give it a shot? Will it damage anything? Can I at least try it before spending cash on a speaker that rode from Texas loose in a big box?
I also just found the charger to my Braven XXL I got in an earlier irk. It says 12V 5 A. Can I try it?
@sammydog01 I wouldn’t try the laptop charger; the Braven XXL one may work as long as the Polarity (+/-) is the same and the plug fits snugly in the port. To check the polarity, most chargers have a symbol that indicates the center & outer plugs polarity. If both symbols are the same on the charger & your speaker you should be OK. Good Luck!
@IndifferentDude The polarity looked right and it works. Thanks!
@IndifferentDude @sammydog01 For future reference, assuming you find a charger that will physically fit:
For example, if the device calls for 12 volts DC at 1 amp, you could use any 12 volt DC adapter that provides 1 or more amps. (Some devices require AC voltage, but this is less common than DC.)
Higher voltage will damage the device. Lower voltage and it either will work erratically or not work at all. Lower amperage and it also won’t work properly. Reversed polarity will usually not work at all, but sometimes can cause serious damage!
My IRK arrived today, and BOY was it worth the wait!!
Contents include:
HOLY WHOA. The Cavalier works perfectly (it’s blasting Spotify and charging my phone at this very moment). I never expected to get such an awesome thing in an IRK. Thank you so much, Meh! This is the best belated birthday present ever!!
Very nice, I’ve never had a portable speaker before so I guess I don’t know what I’m missing.
@Star2236 Yeah! It’s pretty snazzy. The wireless phone charger is a particularly great feature!
@Star2236 Yeah! It’s pretty snazzy. The wireless phone charger is a particularly great feature!
@Felton10 I am sad to say no bubble wrap! But the box was ok and worth the $5
For my niece
1 pr blue claws
1 necklace made of tiny stones?
1 container of Unicutie light up putty
For me
1 Pink power bank
1 AC adapter
1 pr refuel sports wireless earbuds
1 green bag - pockets empty!
@tinamarie1974 Right after I saw your e-mail, I checked the status on mine figuring I wouldn’t get it until Monday since it was it left Ocala last night at 1:30 am which is over 100 miles away from me. OMG-saw it was on the truck for delivery today-then almost immediately the doorbell rang and it was the fedex driver who handed me a small package and ask me if this was for me. I looked at the name and address and said not me sorry, but I do think you have something for me. He said wait let me look and went back to his truck and handed me a box with was small in size but a little heavier than boxes I got that contained nothing but crap. See my post and pics below.
My Monolith showed up:

It’s the largest box I’ve received from Meh since they sent me a hairdresser’s chair with attached hair dryer.

It’s a brand new pre-lit 7’ Christmas tree!
I can’t wait for the holidays now
@looseneck it looks like a nice one with decent needles on the tree AND it has pine cones on it!! I like christmas trees with pine cones on them.
Arrived today:
Air fryer (complete, seems unused).
Green IRK bag
Two 1A USB chargers
TrackR pixel
Pink Post-it
All items were in the air fryer box.
My wife is intrigued by the air fryer, having heard friends wax poetic about them over the past two years. Not sure where it will go, but I think we’ll try it. It came with the rotisserie parts, multiple mesh trays, and a drip pan. There are accessories available somewhere: air fry basket (possibly a good idea?), baking tray, and toasting rack.
Meh sent our KitchenAid Nespresso on a prior IRK. If they want to keep working their way through kitchen appliances, we’re looking at fridges and stoves now…
Thanks, Meh!
My most regret filled IRK arrived a few few minutes ago. The box was very light and did not include any bubble wrap. Or putty. Or much of anything.

I got:
1 Green IRK bag
2 Toothbrush coins (non-sequential numbers in the 4k range).
1 pair of smelly sock. Not smelly like unwashed. Smelly like theoretical aromatherapy. I took them out of the plastic before I realized what they were and the smell hit me pretty hard. I have an issue with a lot of fragrances, so the socks quickly went back not only in their original packaging but also in a heavy duty ziploc bag. But I can still smell them. I think they’re going to have to be relocated to the garage until I can figure out a better way to deal with them.
Anyone want a pair of smelly socks? They did feel nice and soft. They have anti-slip tread on the bottom. I’m not sure if they’re big (average man) or small (average female) person size. I don’t see any indication on the tag and I’m not taking them out of the bag again.
But here’s the tag:
I did also get a nice box that the cats will likely enjoy, but it’s currently nap time so they’re not interested.
For whoever is keeping statistics, this was from the early morning (roughly 5:45am-ish MEH-HQ (central) time). It shipped yesterday (20 Feb) and arrived mid-day today (21 Feb).
tl/dr: IRK was not much of a kit and definitely full of regret.
Kota at least approves of the box.
@gt0163c beautiful kitty.
Kota’s tail has got some pretty cool personality going on, I thought for sure he was sharing his box with some other black creature!
@RiotDemon Thanks. She’s a great little girl, loves to snuggle, rarely make trouble. Isn’t too friendly with outsiders…she leaves that to her sister (who was too tired to come play in the box). But once she gets to know people, she’s a great snuggler.
And @lynnerizer, Kota’s tail does have a personality all it’s own. She’s got some interesting coloring and the tabby part comes out most in her tail. What you can’t see is the part which perpetually doesn’t have fur. When she gets stressed she overgrooms and it’s usually that one particular spot on her tail. She had a bit of a rough life before coming to live with me so I’m not sure the fur will ever completely grow back. But I do what I can to give her the best, least stressful life I can.
@gt0163c I’m starting to think cats are related to hermit crabs.
@blaineg Mine do seem to be happier when they’re inside of things. Well, Kota does. Nix, my other furry weirdo will spend a little time in a good box or curl up in a warm fluffy kitty bed if it’s cold. But what she really likes it being up high. I got her a cat tower recently and she plays gargoyle/“I am the hero you need, not the hero you deserve” from the top of it regularly…and then she comes down a level or two so that she can more easily beg for pets and ear scritches.
I always wonder if the fedex guy sees something good and takes it for himself.
1-green irk bag
1-blue claws
1-TrackR Pixel
1-instaCHARGE portable charger
@APDWaldo6 It is not unusual however to have a huge box with very little in it. I’ve had that happen before, most of the time adequately taped shut. Although several times I’ve had a torn box with some stiff in there although then one wonders what, if anything, fell out. And one time an empty one with very little tape. Oops for that one.
@APDWaldo6 @Kidsandliz I got a box once (not from meh) brought by UPS that had MORE holes than actual BOX! They didn’t even TRY taping it back together! Unbelievably ALL my items made it. Crazy!!
@APDWaldo6 @Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer Completely non-Meh, but a got a empty envelope from Australia a couple of months ago. It should have been a couple of custom Vectrex game cartridges.
That was way more regret that I’ve ever received from Meh.
The sender immediately refunded me when I contacted him, so it turned out ok.
@blaineg That sucks. I love the vectrex although I only have a couple of carts, I got the vextreme flash cart. Still havent used it yet though. I got to see if smokemonster has a rom pack for it.
@APDWaldo6 Funny enough, a Vextreme was one of them. The other was a new game, Vectorblade, the biggest Vectrex game yet and in the Galaxian vein.
I’ve since got a Vectorblade elsewhere, and am in the process of buying a Vextreme from it’s creator.
Maybe I should start a Vectrex thread.
@blaineg I got mine from
@APDWaldo6 Cool, I didn’t know about them.
What’s your source for Vectrex info? I hang out on
It’s very active, including a lot of developers.
@blaineg yeah I’m pretty sure I’m a member. I haven’t been playing anything recently. I moved last year and have been working on doing 3d printed projects on most of my free time, but my main focus for retro games has always been NES.
0 Texas air…thank you, we have enough of our own in Virginia
1 TrakR - 5.00ish - gifted to friend
1 Zerodark high powered car vacuum - 19.99ish - I would offer it up, but I will be honest and say I suck at mailing things out.
1 Wall Pops! Calendar - 19.95 ish - Already on the wall…![I need new colorful dry erase markers ][2]
1 Mophie power station 6000 mAh battery - Already joined the…pack ![I don’t have a battery problem…][3]
1 grey Multi-function mosquito lamp - already joined his brother. ![It matched the one I already had!][4]
Dallas has thawed out! It was in the low 50s yesterday and fedex is making Sunday deliveries to catch up.
A little regrettable. I had my hopes up since it was a 16x12x10 box but was painfully light.
Inside the box
~Green irk bag (nothing in it)
~plug for USB cords
~trackr pixel
~Wireless ear buds. - I don’t do ear buds so will be regifting.
~Pretty paisley portable charger with an extra cord for iPhone. I’m an android person so my niece will be able to use the cord when she visits because she never remembers her charge cord.
A good use for the trackr pixels I’ve heard. A friend lost her cat for 10 days and miraculously found her. Now that cat is found again; she put tracker pixels on all her cats collars.
@ironcheftoni Be wary when charging or using that colorful power bank…another user above received the same model, and it promptly popped and smoked when plugged in to charge! Let us know how yours fares…
@PooltoyWolf yikes! Very good to know. During our recent power outage, I charged up portable chargers in my car. I will be sure to label this one do not charge unsupervised. Thanks for the warning. I guess it makes the box even more meh.
@ironcheftoni Oh yeah, be super careful charging lithium polymer batteries of any type! I definitely wouldn’t want to hear about a car fire >.>
OMG-for those of you who think
meh doesn’t have a sense of humor and doesn’t know who they are shipping to-both of those idea you can toss into the trash can. Every item in my IRK was bubble wrapped-even the claws.
Got a storage jar (only thing breakable, but in its original box), one astronaut ice cream sandwich, blue claws (my daughters size), 2 rapid chargers, some type of purse, tooth brush coin, and green IRK bag.
The bubble wrap makes it all worthwhile.
@Felton10 OMG, that is hilarious!!! I told you they mess with us!!!
@tinamarie1974 Even the coin was bubbled wrapped and to make matters worse-there was a fragile sticker on the outside of the box (same sticker that was on outside of box when they sent me the xbox) so to make me think there was something worthwhile inside.
I wonder if I should renounce and disavow all rights and claims to the bubble wrap theory or everything I get from them in the future will be bubble wrapped?
@Felton10 HA HA HA you had that coming!!!
And, by the way, since you can’t delete old messages, you are now doomed and can’t renounce and disavow. The internet is forever.
Maybe you should bubble wrap “something” equally as deserving and send it to corporate. You know - just returns. I do recall our little toilet paper stunt from some years ago. That was fun.
PS and of course they had to bubble wrap your daughter’s claws because heaven help you if they were destroyed since she wanted more of them.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Maybe I should start a new thread warning everyone who has bought into the “fake news” about bubble wrap that any mention of bubble wrap or lack thereof in their IRK might condemn them to eternal damnation or even worse mass quantities of bubble wrap in their IRK even if not needed with me as a prime example.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 Hey look at it this way. You now have a supply of bubble wrap to use shipping out packages, if you need to pack when moving…
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 We moved a little over a year ago so we already have extra bubble wrap to do interesting and kinky things with.
ground with the mask on smoking the joint.
PS-please disregard the gentlemen in the back
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz is Walter (or your wife) trying to suffocate you?!?!?
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 I hope not LOL
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Kinky things with bubble wrap??
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz
Please, DO tell, what did you all do with the T.P?
@Felton10 @Lynnerizer That’s when (very early on) meh employees complained they were out of TP so a bunch of us obligingly sent them a bunch, much of it had very weird things printed on the rolls.
@Kidsandliz @PooltoyWolf @tinamarie1974 As someone who appreciates the possibilities for enjoyment that air and plastic can deliver (ie Fenris), I won’t go into any graphic detail as to what to what I was referring.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 With everyone seemingly getting such quality IRKs this time, I wonder if I haven’t done myself in. At the very least the bubble wrap takes up space for more or quality junk in the box.
This time my box was almost full, but a good part of it was taken up by the bubble wrap.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 Having gotten huge boxes filled mostly with a ton of free range TX air in them, I am sure were they planning to send you the winning lottery IRK they’d have found a bigger box if they needed it.
And you did get more claws for your kid as she wanted more in different colors. They even picked out the right size for you. That has to count for a lot on the quality scale. (grin).
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 It seems they have gotten away from including Texas air to protect the content instead letting things bounce around and get more damaged then they already are.
But Texas Air is easy to stuff in the boxes-even as an afterthought. Bubble wrap on the other hand is very personal as it has to be wrapped around items individually in order to be effective. Think of the time it took to wrap and tape that stupid coin in my IRK not to mention the Claws.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 Ahh. Meh really
's you. Their care in wrapping your precious items in your irk shows that. Free range TX air is what is in the boxes sent to the unwashed peasant masses 
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 —cbilyah just got a PS5 gaming system with massive quantities of bubble wrap-my theory is not dead yet.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Awwww boooooo!
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer - Regarding the toilet paper caper - iirc, on their first birthday the meh staff did a huge statistics project. Everyone got their collected meh statistics (this was before the profile pages existed). Meh’s own statistics included tp usage so people randomly sent them rolls of tp. In those days, we knew the staff from videos and games, and the community sent them care packages all the time.
Only my second IRK ever and the first one was pretty great, so expectations were high. But this second IRK was very underwhelming and thus my expectations going forward will remain low (as it should be). Kids claws, POV pole, TrackR, and green bag.

My IRK has finally shipped. It is currently in IRVING, TX. I shall await with trepidation the massive regret that will inevitably overwhelm me once it arrives.
@jrhatton I wouldn’t count on it leaving there any time soon. Mine has been there since the 13th. Of course sending it forward here would make no sense as the post office has been closed for a week, no mail delivery, etc.
@jrhatton Mine was in Irving, Texas also and after leaving went to 4 towns I had never heard of before
and had never been to before before it got to my state. So have faith, it might take a different route and take longer, but it will get to you. They have a vested interest in making you regret ordering it.
I received :
1 lime green IRK bag
1 white Hair brush
1 white Mophie power bank
1 Trackr tracking tag
Looks like it’s in good condition
Very regretful for this purchase
Thank you Meh
Mine still shows “Processing”…
Contents of my half open
partially taped box: 1 large/long curtain panel with an inflated Bed Bath & Beyond tag for $59.99, 1 opened box of coffee K-cups, 1 hand bag with a quite ambitious $210.00 suggested retail tag.
Got my Irk from the latest Mehrathon today! (Well, yesterday morning actually, the 21st.) Inside were a total of five items:
So far, I’m getting the most enjoyment from O. P. One. He even dances to his own music! His box had some pretty gnarly shipping damage on one bottom corner, but the robot himself is perfectly fine. (This damage appears to have happened at some point prior to him being placed into my Irk box…possibly a returned item.) The Cards Against Humanity set will also be a big hit, as tons of my friends (and even my parents) love to play, but I didn’t have my own set of cards until now. The three included booster packs are the Dad Pack, the Food Pack, and the Saves America Pack. We don’t have any Queen beds so I don’t think I’ll be able to use the mattress topper, and at size 7, the Clawz are too small for any of us to wear. Definitely happy for the $5 spent on the box! Now, to wait for the next one…
@PooltoyWolf How fun that you got a robot!
@Kyeh He’s pretty cool! In addition to his dance moves, you can also record messages from the transmitter and have him speak them back in different robotic voices, monitor sounds in the area via microphones on the robot and a speaker in the transmitter, and even program and execute your own custom movement combinations! I’m pretty sure someone else had some fun with him before me, because the one existing custom moveset is a dab
@PooltoyWolf Have you told Fenris he has a new sibling although a more high tech one?
@PooltoyWolf How fun! You should post a video of him dancing.
I need a new Matress topper but in a king and preferably more then one inch. Or at least some kind of foam/topper for just my side.
@Star2236 Sorry we didn’t match up!
@Kyeh Is there a way to upload a short video file directly in a forum post?
@Felton10 Oh, Fen is in no danger of being replaced, and he knows it!
@PooltoyWolf I’ve never tried - maybe one of the mods or Meh employees can help?
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf there is not. You need to use an outside host.
@Kyeh @RiotDemon That’s what I was thinking, yeah.
Green IRK bag
Millennial Satchel purse thing
ASPCA Cat toys stuffed with cat drugs
BluVue Blue light blocking PERSCRIPTION glasses (lol)
Vivaspa Neck/Shoulder massager
Not bad for my first IRK. Maybe this will start the streak of me not getting captcha’d every time.
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
@jheaton6 sorry, every IRK purchase comes with a free captcha.
Mosquito Lamp
Collapsible coffee cup
TrackR Pixel
Box of Stickers(kid loved this)
Decorative storage basket
Green IRK bag
Finally got mine after all the snow and ice melted!
Ended up being a really good one this time.
Love the cuisinart chopper, I only have a 2 cup and and it’s definitely not big enough.
@clonetek did the cash cannon come pre-loaded?
@ticklescratch yep!
First IRK ever and I was not disappointed!
-Green IRK Bag (empty pockets)
-Trestique Mini Lip Glaze, red
-TrackR Pixel
-Pursonic Sonic Toothbrush Pro series, 3 year supply
-Cuisinart Elite Edition 4-Cup Chopper/Grinder
I was hoping for one of those toothbrush coins that quite a few people seem to have gotten, but other than that, pretty great bag!
@nonlion Likely for postage one of those folks might send theirs to you.
No bubble wrap, but lots of paper (in the handbag). No scooter either.
My wife claimed everything except the Clawz, which were laughed at.
I live in mortal dread of the chemical warfare device that some call aromatherapy. A cruel and unusual IRK.
@blaineg The chemical weapons factory is broken! Yay!
Unfortunately my wife knows a guy that does electronics.
@blaineg The wall wart is good, 24VDC. There are screws on the weapons factory, so I’m not out of the woods yet.
@blaineg Quick. Remove the motor. And don’t tell.
@Kidsandliz The wiring is intact, but I haven’t got any farther than that. I may be working against myself, but I’m stubborn when I’m working on a problem.
@blaineg So there is still time to remove and toss the motor so you don’t have to have a working chemical weapon device. Well if it will make your wife happy fix it but if you have animals be careful what you put in them as some of that stuff is toxic to pets.
The weather has kept me away from this thread for eight days. My poor IRK was out for a Valentine’s delivery but then was taken back to the yard where it weathered the storm in the back of a FedEx truck, alongside a Home Chef box that also left Dallas on 2/13 (any takers on that?)
My contents are:

Overall a super box, erm, I mean, 5/7 would Meh again. Thanks Meh!
@djslack And the person who posts after you received a PS5. So close and yet so far once again.
@djslack i actually bought that dutch oven, and its beautiful. But be careful, it will burn your food easily.
Mine arrived a bit ago…I never post pics because my IRKs are typical and boring. Not this time! Forgive me if formatting is wonky, this is my inaugural photo essay post.
I cried and am still shaking. THANK YOU Meh!! I will be forever grateful to you for this crazy surprise!
Apparently I did it wrong because all my text failed to post. In the IRK was:
Unicorn finger puppets
Unicorn squishy
Unicorn horn
Unicorn air freshener
Unicorn plastic toy
6 AW3SOME T-shirts
Green IRK bag
…and a friggin’ PS5!!
@cbilyak @felton10 look at this bubble wrap quotient!
I am amazed and now know I won’t get that in mine that hasn’t shipped yet
@cbilyak Heck yeah. I really hope you enjoy everything
@cbilyak oh meh-god you lucky…
@cbilyak I work here and didn’t know we had that kind of power! Congrats and enjoy!
@cbilyak Look at all the jealous employees. lol.
@cbilyak Go forth and enjoy thine IRK!!!
@cbilyak so uh…if you ever want to sell a ps5…cough cough
@cbilyak just another jealous employee
@cbilyak CONGRATS!
@Koolhandjoe I would have been thrilled to get a monster doll. Never imagined I would ever score the unicorn item, LOL, received both actual unicorn items and THE Unicorn item.
@cbilyak congrats! And if that’s a boxless PS5 it probably means that someone else has a fun box coming!
@cbilyak @djslack
@djslack True! Actually, there was a white box next to the bubble wrap, I opened the white box 1st and it contained the user’s manual, controller and cables for a PS5. I thought to myself, probably 50/50 as to whether the bubble wrapped item is actually the PS5 to go with the accessories. When I unwrapped it enough to see that is what it was is when the tears and the shaking started.
@cbilyak @tinamarie1974 Same thing happened when I got my Xbox-massive quantities of bubble wrap. MY BUBBLE WRAP THEORY LIVES ON.
@cbilyak @djslack I thought of you @djslack immediately. The person who gets the box will have an unseparable bond with us-xbox, box to x box, PS5 and box to PS5. We ought to start a club.
@Felton10 @cbilyak I like my sandwiches with three pieces of bread. Instead of cutting them once, let’s cut em again. Four triangles, arranged in a circle, and in the middle we can dump chips. How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?
@cbilyak I didn’t even see the box with the controller and the cables for my xbox initially-thought it came without it once I figured out what in the heck that large bubble wrapped thing was. I think we should also form a club open only to those who have received massive quantities of bubble wrap.
@djslack @Felton10 OMG that is funny! Thanks for the laugh! I am so giddy right now that everything is funny though, so take it with a grain of salt.
@cbilyak @Felton10 ooohhhh a bubble wrap club. How intriguing
@cbilyak @tinamarie1974 Maybe for those who got a lot of it and those who wrap themselves in it.
@cbilyak So the $ 64 dollar question is what are you going to do with it? No use at my age, but my daughter wanted to sell it and my son wanted it as an upgrade as he had two older models. Gave to it to my son and it pissed my daughter off.
@cbilyak @ChadP It looks like the employees were tracking that box closer than @cbilyak was.
@Felton10 honestly not sure. I really thought my son would be over the moon and as happy for me as he was, he said his gaming PC is good for him and he swiped the Among Us T-shirt (not sure if I spelled that right). My husband wants it, but he already has an Xbox One with a TB of memory, so he is good. I need to ponder my thoughts, but there is a chance I may donate it either to a children’s hospital or an abuse shelter here that is for mothers and children - although with COVID not sure if they would even want it. I also have a good friend getting a divorce and has children so I am sure the kids would love it. Just honestly not sure. Maybe I will just set it up on one of the TVs with no gaming devices and use it for when we have company - so many options right now. I will let the shock wear off and talk more with my kids before I decide.
@Felton10 REVISION - my son has now said how much he is excited to use it and started asking for accessories. Looks like it will be a keeper.
He also asked me if I am going to keep buying IRKs now that I have scored the unicorn. I said of course, only now there is no hope for scoring big so the anticipation will be less but still a fun game!
@cbilyak if you don’t want to keep it, you could easily sell it because of the shortage. You could donate the money instead.
@cbilyak that’s absolute best!
@cbilyak @Felton10 @tinamarie1974
I’m about to break your bubble wrap theory when I post what I got. I want a good, fun box.
@cbilyak @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 Ok-let’s see what you’ve got. Now remember, only the best IRKs get bubble wrap.
@Felton10 @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 waiting for @star2236 to post the IRK haul…to bubble wrap or not to bubble wrap, that is the question!
@cbilyak when my son told me he already had over 100 games for the x-box him getting it was a done deal.
@Felton10 my son has already priced Oculus goggles for this and has asked me to take him to the bank to take out enough $ to get it. He is 11 and needs the parental consent at the bank. Yes, it is definitely a keeper here.
@cbilyak @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 You might want to keep your love and praise of bubble wrap to a minimum-you saw what happened to my IRK above-everything in it was bubble wrapped. So now I am a marked man not only for what I get in my IRK but everything I get will now be bubble wrapped.
@cbilyak My son’s biggest issue was which TV to put it on as it didn’t support the 4k TV in his living room, but that is where it ended up anyway.
@cbilyak @Felton10 apparently someone else had this idea. JENKIES!!!
@cbilyak @Felton10 @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 Well felton10, you could keep hoping for bubble wrap so you could do this:

@cbilyak @Kidsandliz @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 WOW-thanks for taking the time to find all this pics. Showed them to my wife and now she knows that the people who post here are a little off. She already knows I’m more than a little off when I asked her to wrap bubble wrap around me, but compared to these guys I did an awful job not wanting to waste more bubble wrap than I had to.
@cbilyak @Felton10 @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 Hey we aren’t ‘a little off’. We didn’t dress like this - just you. (grin).
@cbilyak @Kidsandliz @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 Well I put my money where my mouth is. Not afraid to expand the limits of my insanity and put it out there for all the world to see. And hey-just the fact that we are having an extended conversation about bubble wrap must say something about us.
@cbilyak @Felton10 @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
What? That we are air heads? (snicker - we really need a snicker emoji).
@Felton10 I just love that they very carefully bubble wrapped that beautiful purse!
@eggsterminate Yeh that was beauty all right that really needed protection.
Selfie stick for a 360fly 3D camera (and only that camera, which I do not have).
Childrens Clawz
Pixel key tracker
IRK coin
Refuel Wireless earbuds
Green IRK bag
Green irk bag
Pixel key tracker
Pair of Clawz M4/W6
Selfi stick for 360fly
5,000mAh power bank in floral
Hoping one day to be a recipient of a notable IRK. It was a fun gamble though!
1 Robe

1 TrackR pixel
1 Monster screen cleaning kit
1 Earbuds
1 Green IRK Bag
and best of all the IRK toothbrush fiasco coin. I’m super excited about the coin. Why? Who knows? But it’s super sweet either way.
@Club33NOS I received that robe a few IRKs ago and love it.
Very similar…
Selfie stick for a 360fly 3D camera (which I do not have).
Childrens Clawz
Screen cleaner 2-pack
IRK/Quil coin
Refuel Wireless earbuds
Green IRK bag
8/10 Would definitely IRK here again!
Thanks, Meh!
i got mine yesterday, it had two tiny pairs of clawz, a small/medium bathrobe, one of those trackr things, a shrodinger’s toothbrush coin, and the irk bag. my most useless irk yet!
Trying to manage my jealousy of all the above IRKs. Mine initially hinted at being here Sunday. Then changed to today. Waited patiently all day today, nose prints all over front door window from looking out so many times. Left the porch light on after it got dark so the FEDEX person would feel safe and comfortable. A few minutes ago Fedex just changed to “no delivery scheduled at this time … will let you know”. Looks like another long day tomorrow… And there have been such interesting things in others’ IRKs.
@romellex Mine only just left Irving, TX due to the storm (left meh on the 12th). I think there will be a burst of these arriving in about 2-3 days as stuff starts moving again.
@romellex Take heart-mine showed the same message up until the day it got delivered and it was over 100 miles away the night before and then suddenly showed it was out for delivery with still “no delivery scheduled at this time” showing.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Not all bubble wrap leads on to great new things.
@Star2236 the anticipation…
Didn’t somebody get one of these last month? What did they do send it back to the warehouse with a bunch of other junk? If that the case the warehouse is getting a box from me.
@Star2236 he is a completely different one… made special… and now he can watch over you while you sleep.
@Star2236 That looks like a @Koolhandjoe original creation and it’s spectacular. What is wrong with you?
@Koolhandjoe @Star2236 THOSE EYES…
@Koolhandjoe @Star2236 that is friggin aw3some! LOVE it!!!
@Star2236 I don’t think anyone would disagree with me that thing (whatever it is) is worth protecting with massive amount of bubble wrap (which it appears to have been). Congrats-you hit the jackpot twice-probably the weirdest IRK of the bunch and a good supply of bubble wrap.
And no I would not want to trade.
And BTW-not the picture I want in my head before I go to bed.
@Koolhandjoe @Star2236 Assuming you can sleep after seeing it. One person who got something similar put it in the garage. Tina-was that you?
With all the cuisinart stuff going out I was really hoping for something good. All these post got my expectations way high. A set of pots and pans, Air fryer, food processor, emulsion blender would have been nice, l love to cook. Shit I was still hoping I could score that cool shark 2 piece vacuum people got a while back so I could really clean the couches and blinds. Anyways I go
It is a fantastic paint job on the doll. I also like how the eyes open and close too. I do know I’m gonna sneak into my brothers house after he goes to sleep and put it on his nightstand for him to wake up too. Hopefully he’ll get a good scare out of it. Then I’ll find a place for him with my plants or staring out the window so people can see him when they drive by. Now I’m getting so many ideas and need a bigger one
Be careful what you wish for… there are many devious and creative people who work at meh. There are many things those people could dream up to put in those pockets that you definitely would wish you had never found. (grin). Heck we could help them with ideas. Now that could be, um,
“interesting”fun.@Kidsandliz @Star2236 Pockets? There are pockets in the IRK bags? I have never received a bag with pockets.
@andrewkl @Star2236 Yes you have. Look on the outside on the narrow sides.
Well nothing gooey or gross but they could put a special note just for me in there or one of my items.
@Koolhandjoe, That is a super cool head!! I think I remember seeing a bunch of similar specialty heads/artwork last year somewhere. Do you have a special place where they’re made or displayed?
On another note, @Star2236, how old where you when you embraced YOUR super curly locks? I finally fell in love with mine around year 25!
@Koolhandjoe @Lynnerizer
I think I started wearing my hair curly when I was a junior in high school. I had a fake id (it wasn’t fake it was my best friends, she had an extra bc she had lost hers). Anyway the story behind my friends not calling me the name in the id and by real name was bc I always wore my hair in a bun like Audrey Hepburn. So I never went to school for my junior and senior year bc I was out at the bar all night with my friends.
Back to my hair, in elementary I would brush all the curls out (back then nobody knew what to do with curly hair) and wear it a big frizz ball mess. In 5th grade my hair was so big it didn’t even fit in my school picture. In 4th grade they cut it too short to account for it curling and I looked like a boy for the longest time. Middle school into high school I wore it in a pony tail and slicked it back with gel so no frizz could poke out. I can’t remember how or why I started to wear it down and embrace my curls but I’m sure glad I did. Ever since then has been a battle to find the perfect cream for my curls. I gone through so many hair products. Right now I use OGX Coconut Curls Curl Styling Milk, only place I can find it is as Walmart.
@Lynnerizer I don’t really have a special place to display them… but we only have one kid so and a 3 bedroom home. So my son has his gaming set up on one side of the spare room and I have my work area set up on the other side…and that is where I make them… I have some displayed around that room… and a few in my office at work… and what I don’t have out I either sell on Etsy (TheHauntedScotsman) or I give away in IRKs.
@Koolhandjoe @Lynnerizer And bookmarked! I’ll be stealing your ideas, hope you don’t mind. I won’t be making anything of Etsy quality.
@Lynnerizer @sammydog01 Don’t mind at all… I plan to do more Monsterfy This posts and I would love to see your finished products… If I can offer a little inspiration… I take that as a compliment… and If you ever want to know how I did something I will gladly tell you
I do like getting the odd stuff it makes it more fun in the end.
@Star2236 And your bubble wraps looks like it is one piece so you can wrap yourself in it if you can get someone to do to you.
@Felton10 @Star2236 and if not she can lay it out on the floor and roll herself up…then roll around and POP bubbles!!!
@Felton10 @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe @Star2236 such a satisfying pastime and stress reliever!!
Nice doll @Koolhandjoe!
And Link!
@Koolhandjoe @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 And a good way to convince people you have lost all your marbles.
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe @Star2236 life is easier when people think you are crazy. They lower their expectations lol
@Koolhandjoe @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 You’ve found that out also?
Orange Claws …
Castor & Shea Facial Mask
Thermal Heating Mask
Sports Wireless Earbuds
IRK Green bag
My wife will be happy again …
@Tamrakar09 That’s the best thing you could hope for in an irk.
I knew mine was coming because I have that FedEx service that alerts me to packages en route. FedEx said it was 1 lb, but I think it was more like 4-5 lbs.
No protective packaging/air/bubble wrap.
@creativecstasy your pictures are broken. Maybe upload them directly to meh?
@RiotDemon hmmmm I uploaded them directly on the website using the little picture that looks like a mountain, the way I always do. There’s no way to edit or delete this post either. Can you advise further?
@creativecstasy @RiotDemon and here I was thinking it was me, and my spectacular internet service!

@creativecstasy interesting. When I look at the post it looks like they were uploaded to a Google account, then linked. I see you fixed it below.
Orange claws
A huge Christmas tree?
No meh bag
@yugrudfooz The tree makes up for the bag.
@yugrudfooz The tree is definitely better than a bag, but if you whisper me your mailing address, I’ll send you a bag.
@Pony thanks! It’s alright! I have a collection of irks actually! 6 black, 2 reds, 1 orange, 1 yellow. If I’m fast enough, I should get a green next round
@Pony someone sent me a orange bag. If it was you thank you.
@yugrudfooz Nope, wasn’t me. I don’t have your address.
bugs. fucking bugs. did anyone else get bugs?

green irk bag
shaker bottle
LED mirror
brian setzer orchestra cassette
pink jewelry box and clutch (?)
legit duck tape
and bugs:
cricket in a strawberry lollipop
salt n vinegar crickets
BBQ larvets
chocolate covered scorpion
roach clips
soooo… thanks for the bugs? will report back after taste testing them later this week.
@carl669 please give us a review. Video evidence??
@carl669 I am so jealous! I am eagerly waiting for my first irk, reading all the descriptions. This one is so weird and random with things I never heard of or tried before, I would be so excited
@marylynne7 You want bugs in your irk?

@RiotDemon ugh… video?? you won’t just take my word for it?
@carl669 so uniquely odd, how fun!!
@carl669 no.
@RiotDemon ugh… fine. i will document it.

/giphy happy dance
@carl669 I’ve got some pickle juice flavored or mustard flavored soda from the last IRK if you need something equally nasty to wash those bugs down with…
@andrewkl @carl669 i know some folks who’d love pickle flavored anything
@carl669 You seem to question the clutch, I say maybe it’s a jewelry roll to go along with the travel jewlery box.
Enjoy, nice bugs/box!! YUM YUM!
@andrewkl got any crab juice?
Got an Irk bag and a vibrating exercise platform which retails for over $120. Only damage was to the original packaging. Appears to have never been opened and works fine - if your goal is to humiliate yourself by looking at all of your fat and skin jiggling at 500 rpm.
@opshannon Just put it in a room without a mirror and pretend you look hot.
@opshannon My doctor had professional one of those costing thousands of dollars in their physical therapy room and they used it either by having you stand on it or put your leg on it. Never liked the feeling as it always felt like my onside were being shaken to the core and I had to pee when standing on it. Finally told them never to include using that machine in any of my physical therapy.
I’ll post for a change. But someone has to ask me what’s in the box first… cause I have reasons…

@sohmageek side note this is where the meh overlords get to make comments and know what’s coming up but none of you have any clue. Very tricky overlords. Very tricky.
@sohmageek Is it a head? Please let it be a head.
@sohmageek … it is not like we ever get a heads up or anything
@sohmageek OOH! Is it a creepy doll head? I’m loving all these nightmare dolls. So cool.
@sohmageek according to UPS you have a Lordy package of sorts out for delivery today…was supposed to be yesterday but not sure what happened.
@sohmageek And your post of what you got…?
@sohmageek knock knock…what’s in the box?
@Koolhandjoe Did irk add you to his personal staff? cause that’s a GREAT PUN!

Not pictured: Small bag of some sorts, wife claimed it, This weird blanket, and a car organizer thing… but Yeah… the head was the important thing… The used watch is… well mediocre
@sammydog01 @sohmageek That is great!! Really only would have been better had Ryan Reynolds been included, humina humina! LOL.
@sohmageek lets just say i am good at seeing what lies a head
@sohmageek That’s freaking awesome! And 600 lines of dialogue! Congrats!
@sohmageek I tried SO hard to talk my hubby into buying one of those Deadpool heads when they first came out. I’m amazed to see one in an IRK! Great score!
Consider yourself very lucky. The last time I paid $5 for “premium interactive head” I needed emergency surgery and three months of antibiotic treatment.
@sohmageek Well did you play with it? IS IT AMAZING?
So mine is getting close to being delivered. It is estimated for Thursday but based on where it is currently I expect to see it tomorrow.
The thing is, it says the package is 6 X 4 X 1 and weighs 1 lb. I already have regret and it’s not even delivered yet.
@Trinityscrew The dimensions and weight are often just an automatic placeholder that doesn’t update until after delivery, if at all.
Crazy wide variety of stuff this time around! I’m trying not to get too excited, because that way lies heartache. Mine hasn’t shipped yet, but I’m not even mad, I know the storms messed everything up. And considering less than a week ago I wasn’t 100% sure I was going to be alive to get this IRK, I’m totally cool with waiting. It’ll make the disappointment that much sweeter. lol
@Pony They do seem to have a better selection of weird and off beat shit this time.
NO bubble-wrap, coins or items in pockets.
Thanks, MEH!

@davidd13 Mmm, waffles!
My Irk just arrived. I got
The sheets are the right size so that is usefull… thanks Meh!!!
@futurian how much bubble wrap was on the car?? And how big was the box?
@futurian Oooooh please tell me about this beautiful little machine standing guard over your IRK stuff.
@Pony , It is called the Futurian, I built it back in 2001. it lives inside my house in the family room

@futurian I am in awe. Wow.
@cbilyak It seems like that you are is interested in the quantity of bubble wrap as Tinamarie and I are.
Are you considering joining the bubble wrap club even with all its risks?
@Felton10 damnit…you got me hooked!
@cbilyak it is addictive, but don’t ask you spouse to wrap you in bubble wrap like I did or if you do-don’t post a picture like I did. The people on this board can be unforgiving.
Any guesses?
@kdemo Other than a really bad taping job?
@kdemo 63 dead rabbits? Rabbit feet? Rabbit food?
@cbilyak @felton10 Wasn’t there a VW Rabbit at some point?
I haven’t opened it yet.
@kdemo 63 rabbits that my female friends seem to like?
@carl669 - Whoa! Box is almost 3 feet tall.
@kdemo -I was thinking maybe 63 Rabbi action figures.
Plus - something?
Reminds me of this joke -
A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walk into a bar. The rabbit looks at the other two and says “I think I’m a typo.”
It’s called “Moppy” and it’s soppy.
Seriously, it’s wet.
Also meh bag, Pixel tracker, eyebrow shaver?? (Whoopi is the only one I know that shaves eyebrows), and a hot comb which is nice, but just like the one I have.
Many thanks, meh!!
Many happy returns to you (and by extension, to us).
I should mention that I’m not heartbroken about the mop because I have a Shark steam mop from a fuku. Still count myself lucky, though I could complain about the lack of rabbits in the package.
@kdemo 68 rabbit…vibrators???
@kdemo the vw rabbit wasn’t a thing until 1974 or so.
I currently lack the creativity to make this label apply to a mop that was returned hard and shipped away wet, though.
@djslack - Haha! Closest I could come was “Mopsy” as in “Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail” of Peter Rabbit fame. Yours is far better.
@kdemo Hey at least you don’t have to worry about getting an open box. Had that happen more than one. One was so open it was empty, another one almost empty. So I’d say this was a good taping job as your contents will be likely to arrive.
@tinamarie1974 - If that’s what came in the box, apparently meh has other plans for them. Stay tuned?
@kdemo @tinamarie1974 In your dreams Tinamarie, ONLY in your (our) dreams!

@kdemo @Lynnerizer could you imagine. That would be so, very odd to open a box and have 68 of them staring back at you
the green bag nicely)
exercise product
Shipped pretty quickly, considering the Texas Snowpocalypse. Hope the meh folks are fine and mostly unaffected by burst pipes and such.
Moderately Regretful Kit, overall!
I have to say, these things have been a very silly balm over the quaran-times. I had only picked up a couple before 2020, and now I try to get one every time there’s a Meh-rathon. Never fails to delight.
-Orange Claws (size kids 13/1)
-1 Trackr Pixel
-Sports wireless earbuds
-giftwrapped Power-bank thing
-Fly360 POV Pole
-Challenge Coin
If I get enough people to join my bubble wrap club, we are going to pressure meh to require full bubble wrap accountability when you post your picture and report what is in your IRK.
You are automatically extended an invitation to join if you receive mass quantities of bubble wrap with your IRK. Otherwise the yet to be determined requirements will be pretty stringent.
@Felton10 - I rec’d a small-ish square of the rare green bubble wrap in my IRK.
@kdemo @cibilyak @star2236 @tinamarie1974 @kidsandliz That might get you an associate membership. Have yet to formalize who will be the charter members yet but cibilyak and star2236 are under consideration for the massive amounts of bubble wrap they got with their IRKs and tinamarie and kidsandliz for full membership based on their interest, posts and support.
@Felton10 @kdemo @Kidsandliz @Star2236 well and I did have massive amounts in my last Irk…the one with that doll…
Btw, she is enroute to her new home thanks to the fine folks at the USPS
@kdemo @Kidsandliz @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 I don’t remember you posting a picture of that bubble wrap-there is a documentation requirement that I forgot to mention.
@Felton10 @kdemo @Kidsandliz @Star2236 well I am SOL then because I used most of it to carefully wrap the doll for shipping today…
/giphy shrug

@kdemo @Kidsandliz @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 Well you have been a strong supporter of the bubble wrap movement so maybe we can make an exception in your case.
@Felton10 @kdemo @Kidsandliz @Star2236 so good to me!
I did find this pic it shows a small amount of the bubble wrap…
@kdemo @Kidsandliz @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 If you thrown in whatever is in that blue can behind the box (probably nuts), I think we might have a deal.
@Felton10 @kdemo @Kidsandliz @Star2236 those were planters cheesy poofs. I am sad to say they are gone.
/giphy cheesy poof

@tinamarie1974. Where are you sending Ms. Head? I must have missed it…
@Lynnerizer I am sending it to @pony, she mentioned how envious she was so I asked her if I could send it to her.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 I am so excited and grateful! She’ll be very happy here amongst my other creepy treasures.
@Pony Any chance of a photo of your creepy treasures when you get your doll?
@tinamarie1974 Did it give you nightmares?
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 Sure, I can do pics, but a lot of my stuff is still packed from our recent move. I just bought some glass display cases to put things in, though, so as soon as hubby puts them together for me I can start getting things out.
@Felton10 @kdemo @Kidsandliz @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
@Felton10 @kdemo @Kidsandliz @PocketBrain OMG!!! THEY KILLED KENNY!!! YOU BASTARDS!!!
/giphy killed kenny

After finally breaking out of the Texas ice, the IRK made it to middle-of-nowhere Oregon in record time.
VistaTech Drone.

The ultimate belt combo of a Waist Slimmer Belt and a Beer Belt…sure to cancel out the other!
A 10" Waist slimmer to join the battle.
Pretty pink robe
Green IRK bag.
…and last but definitely not least: A St. Rock candle carefully encased in bubble wrap! This is definitely one of the strangest (and funniest) IRK items I’ve received.
@EthelTheFrog I couldn’t resist looking looking this up…many others to choose from!
@EthelTheFrog I would pick The Rock first.
@EthelTheFrog A beer belt and waist slimmers all in the same IRK-that would confuse the hell out of me.
@EthelTheFrog That’s so cool you got an Illuminidol candle! I’ve bought tons of those for myself and as gifts. They’re one of my favorite things!
@EthelTheFrog that’s fab! I’m in Oregon city and mine is due on Friday! I’m praying that they stuck that candle in all the Oregon boxes!

thats a really great one. Nicely done!
@EthelTheFrog @padaltalula so cool! I am also waiting, here in the dark, in Milwaukie Oregon! Hope my IRK has that candle, I need it!
Here’s a link to the other thread I posted this in…

and the pics that went with it.
and this gem, star of the @Koolhandjoe post on Monsterfy this #1

@chienfou That eye is so blue.
@chienfou you might have gotten enough bubble wrap to qualify for our club.
gotta protect the prize!
Valentine’s IRK arrived today and better half is happy for once!
1 heavily dented box hope it works red Cuisinart mini food processor
1 the Mane Choice sheen spray (Hollywood Shuffle!)
1 re-fuel sports earbuds
1 size 4 blue Clawz
1 Power-To-Go mini speaker with weird sticky label
1 lime green IRK bag
Thanks, meh!!
@lehigh update: mini food prep works but one small plastic piece is broken from lid; not a killer but may get a replacement lid
@lehigh and… got a lid for $8.23 (153% of an IRK!) from Cuisinart. Free shipping and they auto loaded a 10% off coupon so no complaints.
Although it was estimated to arrive next week, my IRK was delivered by FedEx today.

Shipping box
Green IRK bag
360 Fly POV Pole
Two Plug n Go rapid chargers
Two of those IRK toothbrush coins
Cuisinart SPB-7CH blender
Bottom edge of blender box was crushed in, but inner packaging seems to have kept the blender undamaged; it does work.
Thanks, Meh!
I definitely feel the regret this time… unfortunately not all Oregon boxes contain the St. Rock Candle either.
-3 Pairs of freakin’ Claws (which my wife said are the Guy Fieri of shoes and cannot stay in the house).
-Selfie stick for 360 camera.
-2 Toothbrush Coins (which are actually shockingly detailed and kinda cool).
-Green IRK Bag.
TLDR:Terrible, regretful IRK… haven’t learned my lesson and will try again.
@SparkyPDX don’t ruin the fantasy!!!
Terrible day at work…
But wait…IRK has been delivered…
What will it be…
All I really want is one of the coins…
What are my chances…
Terrible day continues…
Claws that are for an infant…
and a 360 POV stick which apparently no one wants…
NO coin…
@sunnysideup22 There are plenty of coin recipients. Read through this reveal thread and the last one and contact them. Someone likely will send you one for postage.
It seems my previous post didn’t work, even though I can see my images on multiple devices. And I can’t edit or delete the post, so here I am trying again!
massage gun
clawfeet in my size! I bought some of these like 4 years ago. on purpose. I can’t believe they still have stock.
earbuds (again, always, forever)
glass tupperware, with only the top shrink wrapped and snapped back on
green IRK bag, nothing inside
No protective packaging/air/bubble wrap.
Another Oregonian who did not receive a candle, but that’s okay because what I did get made me quite happy.
Green IRK bag (not pictured)
Mia K. purse that I will most definitely use
Single packaged face mask
Lip gloss in a pretty color
Kathy Ireland sleepwear top
SMH Wifi aromatherapy diffuser w/ three oils
Thanks, Meh. Love it all.
@lordbowen I’m “SMH” as to why an aromatherapy diffuser needs wifi?
@andrewkl Probably so you can control it with your phone. Most of those types of units have multiple settings for flow and light color, so it’s not unreasonable.
Wireless earbuds
Trakr Pixel
Pink clawz (second pair same size 4M/6W)
Green IRK bag.
I assume everyone is getting the same size clawz (4M/6M)-really has to make you wonder why they had so many of one size, if no one in the world has that size feet (other than my daughter) and how little they paid for them to be able to sell them for what they did originally.
@Felton10 I got two children’s sized 13 in mine this round
@smoxxy Obviously a mistake.
@Felton10 I got the M4/W6 size, which may fit my wife. I have bought several of my size in the past.
/giphy dance

@mbersiam Mine shipped around midnight last night, under cover of darkness…
@mbersiam @mossygreen Me too.
Here’s what I got (a day early) -
Track Pixel
Box of Karl Lagerfeld Stickers
Garment Steam Cleaner (looks to be NIB)
Total instant regret!
After showing it to the family, the daughter is taking the stickers (there’s 24 sheets worth) to the youth non-profit she works for (some of them are slightly risque, but those won’t make it to the children). She’s also happy about the garment steamer. So a win for her, and a regret for me!
Oh, BTW, not a shred of bubble wrap.
I’ve been on a steady regretful downward spiral and this one will not be the one that breaks the streak (although the mug is technically broken). Still not my most regretful IRK though. That distinction goes to the full, unopened crate of 100 superman gift bag kits, which were branded to the dreadful Henry Cavill movies. I ended up abandoning them in front of a Party City in the middle of the night in the hopes that some confused teen would stock them on the shelves. Sort of a safe harbor for party supplies.
Be careful what you wish for.
i was hoping to get a coin.
got the the laughing squid mug (wrapped in bubble wrap, so there goes that theory)
a pair of aromasoles socks
a green irk bag. and…
4 toothbrush coins.
the lowest being 3815, the highest being 4838.
Which begs the question… How many people did Meh expect to need satisfaction from a crappy toothbrush???
@seraphmonkey So the mug was broken even though it was wrapped in bubble wrap?
@seraphmonkey the original quip sale sold 3559. So that many plus the amount of people that just wanted to purchase the Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club Souvenir Kit on its own.
@Felton10 @seraphmonkey That’s how mine came too. Bubble wrapped with a broken handle.
@Felton10 @seraphmonkey I received a mug that was wrapped in bubble wrap and also came broken.
@Felton10 My Mug was Okay. @jayman007 received the broken one. I was just referring to the people saying Bubble Wrap meant there was going to be something AH-MAH-ZING. I mean, it’s a nice mug, but it’s no creepy dolls head or a PS5.
4 toothbrush coins!
@jayman007 @seraphmonkey Well I am still assembling data but the quantity of bubble wrap determines the worth of the IRK. If you check back to my IRK, they bubble wrapped everything as a joke even my coin since I made a big deal over the bubble wrap I got on my IRK in December.
@Felton10 @seraphmonkey This is not the first IRK I have received with broken glass inside. The first (pre-IRK days) contained a drinking glass that was not even wrapped and arrived completely shattered with glass even coming out the edges of the box. This time the mug really seemed well wrapped but it was shipped in a large box with no other packing materials. It might have been the coin that actually caused the mug to break.
New Question – has anyone figured out anything cool that the 360fly selfie stick can be used for if you don’t have that particular camera???
@kdstrong14 back scratcher
@kdstrong14 If it’s the same as the one that came in the “mystery box” (that wasn’t a mystery because they listed everything in the description. Still Irked about that. Hey, see what I did there) then there is an adaptor that would work with a standard camera mount. they came with them in that “mystery” box, so if these didn’t, you may be able to find one out there that you can order.
@seraphmonkey Nope – no adapter in there this time. Just a bolt that fits in the three prong nut that is attached to the top of the extender pole. Will look around.
@Ignorant @kdstrong14 Duct tape?

Have you ever gotten an IRK so regretful that you felt that meh made money off of me even after shipping? That is my level of regret. Worst IRK ever. Such a shame this junk was shipped instead of trashed.
-Green IRK bag. No, nothing in pockets whoever started that nonsense.
-J1 size Claws
-Loose wall charger
-Opened pink 40 00 mAh travel charger; not a typo.
-Green IRK bag
-Pair of aromasoles socks
-Toothbrush coin
-Broken laughing squid mug (wrapped in bubble wrap)
If we are still operating under the theory that the first ones are the best ones, I’m getting quite concerned!
My is due to arrive tomorrow. They can’t get much worse, right? Maybe I shouldn’t even open it.
Mine had a shipping exeception in Texas, and apparently they had to replace the barcode. Should I hope they put it on the wrong box?
/giphy trepidation

@D_a_v_e I know, right? Mine is finally on its way out of Texas. I’ve been eagerly watching the reveal threads, and they definitely look like they are getting more and more regretful. Unless the people that got cool things The last few days are keeping it to themselves
-Green IRK bag
-Pair of aromasoles socks
-Toothbrush coin
-Broken laughing squid mug (wrapped in bubble wrap)
2 Quip Coins (04342, 04183) one in protective cover
Another TrackR
Tiny orange clawz
Re-Fuel wireless headphones
4,000 mah battery pack (have not charged or tested)
Simply Fit workout DVD without the board to work with
Nicely meh and irksome. See the others should have known what I had coming.
Has to wait till I get home from work. It weighs about as much as the cat who is investigating it. Hope the contents aren’t as much of a jerkwad as the cat is.
Not worth a photo. Literal trash except the green meh bag and a part to something I don’t have (which I will give for postage to someone who has rest of it). So meh exceeded expectations in the meh direction.
No bubble wrap, just free range TX air (so supports @felton10’s theory about bubble wrap)
500 piece puzzle with 467 pieces present and accounted for (good thing I counted before I gave that away or I’d have an enemy for life since she blows a cork, at the end of puzzle assembly, if there is one piece is missing).
One, well past the best by date, unopened box of Kind Minis chewy bars. I’d give them to the homeless who hang out by our dumpster and beg down the street, but that is probably mean. Actually I think I will offer them up but point out they are well past the date and see if anyone wants to try them anyway.
One set of pads that go to an IQmassager - so if you have that massager by all means contact me and I’ll mail them to you for postage. These look new in the box. To see what they look like:
You connect it to some wires that go to a controller and secure the pads with the included velcro strap/belt. The website claims these pads are compatible with all devices they sell. Morningsave sold this for $12 and needs the TENS/EMS device
One green meh bag with empty pockets and nothing inside either. Thanks for that.
boxcat hidey hole for the cats when they decide to stop napping and check it out.So gang, those of you who haven’t had yours packed and shipped yet don’t gripe yet - take a look at morningsave’s clearance sale. I’d bet some of that stuff will end up in your boxes. Likely you will do better than I did this time around. Take heart with that.
@Kidsandliz I think now that you have you pegging as someone who supports the “bubble wrap theory” your next IRK is going to be worse. I know mine will be.
@Felton10 You are making an assumption I will be able to snag another irk. I only got this one because there was a website burp and I got lucky. With only 100 at a time the odds are low. Especially since my ping is typically 80+
@Kidsandliz Well the quest to try to discern patterns and game the system continues. I was the first one to post that mine had been shipped and it probably was as they took the time to bubble wrap each item individually and insure a high level of worthlessness and crappyness. They must have been looking for mine in order to pay such attention to it.
So although they may be a high degree on randomness to it all, it appears that can be discarded depending on the need. I doubt I will ever hit the jackpot again like I did with the December IRK.
@Kidsandliz re best by dates:
I got a pack of those massager pads in an irk, sent them to someone, then wound up buying the massager later lol.
@djslack so you want them? If not contact the person who you sent them to and see if they want them too. I hate to toss them but I have no space to store them and can’t buy the massager. Since they say something about do not fold or something I’d suspect the odds of one or both breaking is reasonably high if the thing gets much use.
@Kidsandliz sure, I guess. I don’t know how long it will take to go through the ones it came with but there’s room in the box for more.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz If you give the pads away, you will guarantee another Irk. It will contain the massager.
@djslack Whisper me. Also I can’t mail them until Friday or Saturday as I have 4 more article reviews to do by the end of Thursday (too much procrastination today and only did 2 today so now I will suffer as they take me about 3 hours each). Hopefully I will mail on Friday as Saturday my local post office isn’t open and I’d have to drive further (of course if the water is still out I’ll have to drive further to get water for the bunch here I am keeping supplied anyway). They are in a box and I’ll put that in a padded envelope or in a non padded with some of that bubble wrap meh so thoughtfully sent me in the other irk. Hopefully that will be cheaper to send that way than to put in another box.
@djslack well what is in the box could well be stale. Don’t even know if I like that particular junk food (my junk food of choice is chocolate and ice cream in particular) so I am ditching it and someone who might actually like it can see if it is stale. If I really liked this kind of stuff I’d probably try it but I don’t so won’t.
So the belt thing is going to @djslack since he has the thing it goes to.
And it turns out the puzzle has all the pieces after all. I had been interrupted counting and the cats had batted a bunch of pieces under a chair. So now my puzzle addicted friend is happy. The kids are too young for a puzzle this hard so it has found a good home.
1 green IRK bag
1 non contact forehead thermometer
1 - 3 in 1 makeup applicator and,
1 brass framed glass jewelry box wrapped in about 5 layers of bubble wrap and tape
@rtjhnstn The IRK bag will probably become an ad-hoc laundry bag. My daughter has all of the laundry baskets in her room. She’s a teenager.
My wife claimed the thermometer. Her employer requests their employees to self check at home without providing them with a means to do just that. She’s a therapist at a psychiatric hospital.
The other two items will be part of my daughter’s upcoming B-Day.
Definitely an IRK very underwhelming. This my third IRK and I hoped that perhaps I’d score big like others did early on but I was wrong. It’s even worse than my first two.
-1 Green IRK bag
-1 360 POV pole (without the camera)
-1 Karl Lagerfeld puffer stickers
-1 TrackR Pixel
Awe no bubble wrap, but I did get a green meh bag and a brand spankin new 7 qt go wise air fryer!!!
Cousin Eddie robe.
Wireless earbuds.
Irk bag.
Tracker tile.
Led screen cleaner and cloth.
Instant regret. But who cares, it was $5 but the excitement priceless.
What is a cousin Eddie robe?
You’ll see at 0.44 seconds or so in
I thought that’s what you meant but just wanted to make sure it wasn’t something special I didn’t know about. CFV is my favorite Christmas movie of all time
Well, after lurking this thread I had some hope for my first IRK, but it’s definitely lived up to its name… Just two items aside from the green bag (which will get plenty of use at least). Orange clawz and some wireless earbuds.
@octa I received the same exact IRK, but with Hot Pink CLAWZ, so I’ll save the picture post. Underwhelming, but happy to finally get the green bag! Meh…
The aroma soles socks don’t seem to have much smell. might be cozy.
Big insulated mug, 14 oz. not big fan of color, might to to trailer.
Couple tiny battery packs, wonder how long they hold charge. Not sure how usefull.
No bubble wrap, no fun stuff.
I like the color of the mug.
I just received my IRK.
2 - infused sweater slipper sets
1 - wall pops! set of 4 sheets
1 - size M4/W6 blue clawz
2 - IRK toothbrush coins
1 - TrackR pixel
I’m actually happy with my IRK, because I’ve always wanted to try a TrackR pixel. The only disappointment was not receiving a bag.
I just received my IRK.
A green bag…
1- infused sweater slipper sets
1 - wall pops! set of 4 sheets
1 - size M4/W6 blue clawz
2 - IRK toothbrush coins
Total regret. I didn’t the second set of socks and the tracker… What the Meh??
Green IRK bag to add to collection
Pink Clawz
Wireless ear buds
Selfie stick
Monster screen cleaner
2 power adapters
Green Irk bag

Little yellow pillow thingy
Aromasoles (anyone want these?)
Koolhand Joe baby earrings
and 4 LP’s!
‘The All Time Great Polkas’ Frankie Yankovic
‘I Like Fun’ They Might be Giants
‘The Romance of the Pan Flute’ Zamfir
And the BEST:
‘On the Town’ Broadway soundtrack, directed by Bernstein, with Fredrica Von Stade (I used to know her), Tyne Daly, Cleo Laine, etc.
Kinda Irky, but I love the vinyl!
Thank you, Meh!
@Tadlem43 I remember those commercials for Zamfir albums! Can you post a close-up pic of the baby earrings?
@Tadlem43 “on the town” on Broadway, what!! Sweet! I grew up watching the film, it’s a family favorite…which always makes me laugh, seeing as how it’s a sex comedy.
@endi1276 GREAT cast, too!
Close enough?
@Tadlem43 Thank you!
@Trillian Are they significant or something? Do you want them?
@Tadlem43 @Trillian Koolhandjoe is a legend!
Those are unique in that they don’t look very creepy at all (other than being dangly earlobe babies).
Wait… Are those red blobs bows or blood?
@djslack @Tadlem43 @Trillian Pretty sure those red marks are supposed be mouths… decided not to creep them up… something off about them without doing too much…like you said dangling earlobe babies… (that made me laugh)
@djslack @Koolhandjoe @Tadlem43 @Trillian Don’t forget naked

@djslack @Koolhandjoe @Trillian Kool?? You did these??? They’re done very well! Just not something I’d wear. I’m too old for these kinds of earrings. On me, they’d just look creepy. lol
Got my Oregon IRK today and the power came on after 11 days too! Red letter day!
Green IRK bag
Blue claws shoes for small peeps
Purple wand to clean away germs
Tracker pixel
Toothbrush coin
Guess I didn’t need the Rock candle after all. Thanks Meh!
@funsyd Nice to have power! That is a long time to go without, especially in the storms. Did you keep your water? I am just finishing 10 days (and counting) without. At least I had power, thus heat. Rather have heat than water although in the summer I’d rather have water than A/C.
@Kidsandliz we have a gas water heater so that was the only thing that made it not suck totally. And neighbors had power and were great to share with us via a long extension cord. Otherwise would have sucked very hard. But I won’t take power for granted again.
11 days without power that’s crazy. Has it been pretty cold for you guys there?
@Star2236 no it’s about 50 and raining. The ice storm was dang cold though!
•18X18 Chewbacca print on canvas!

•Long scrubby thing with 2 pads
•Smelly socks
•IRK bag
•Schrodingers Toothbrush Coin!!
Thanks meh, this one’s slightly less regretful than others.
Ship date 2/20. I believe the theory that the really good stuff is in the quick shipped packages holds water.
Green IRK bag - wanted one!
Red Clawz (c13/j1)
Screen cleaner - working from home so useful!
@j2 I am a data point that pokes a hole in the theory you think holds water that early ship means really good. Mine was received at Irving, TX the 13th with info sent on the 12th.
Mine was very low end (posted above): puzzle missing a pile of pieces, belt for Tens thing without the Tens thing, likely very stale box of granola bars as well past the best buy date, and green bag. It was, however, better than the one I got that was a bag and 5 sets of used, with ear wax on some of them, broken ear buds. So there is that. At least with this one someone wants the belt thing and it is new in box so there is that and it has value to someone. Just not for me
@j2 @Kidsandliz But without bubble wrap the most important component in a truly great IRK, when ordered and quick shipment mean little.
All the pieces are slowly starting to fall into place regarding important factors needed to evaluate one’s IRK.
@j2 @Kidsandliz
Scroll way back up to almost the top of this thread and you can see for youself.
Another data point here. I received mine super fast, but it was as advertised…instant regret.
@j2 My Irk was the same, green bag, screen cleaners, and Clawz. Didn’t get a plug. At least my last one was decent.
@j2 replace plug with tracker Pixel for my irk. I’ve had more regret and less - this is medium high on the regrettable scale.
I apparently am spoiled, as this felt like a small IRK. The second green bag clued me in that I probably have enough IRK bags now, the low powered USB plugs went into my pile of USB plugs. The orange !Crocs went onto my own monster’s feet, in which she danced around for the rest of the night. The selfie stick, without the gimbel attachment, because a toy for my demon to pretend she was Black Widow for the rest of the day. The empty plastic bag was prepacked, and also pre-emptied, as we have no idea what was supposed to be in it.
Got my IRK:
Orange Claws size C13/J1
2 pack Monster screen cleaner
360 POV Pole
Tracker pixel
Green IRK bag
Re-Fuel Wireless Earbuds
Purchased during the Members Only post.
I feel like it is important to keep checking the irk reveal thread so I can continue to appropriately lower my expectations
@marylynne7 Mine is “on the truck for delivery” today and I expect to be fully underwhelmed. I was in the toothbrush debacle so I don’t need more coins. Pretty sure that’s what I’ll get.
Irk arrived yesterday.

Green Irk bag
power bank charger thing in paper gift box
Re-Fuel Wireless Earbuds
Orange Claws size C13/J1
1 pack Tracker
IRK Toothbrush Club Coin
Just got mine!
Green Meh bag
260Fly POV Pole
Cuisinart SmartPower 7-Speed Electronic Blender that works!!
This was the most mediocre IRK ever.
1 green IRK bag
1 black and green “Laughing Squid” coffee mug
1 pair of brown aromatherapy slippers
That’s it.
Two really awesome pillows
A well scented sock
the toothbrush coin
some weird f-in earrings
Green irk bag
Overall I’m happy! I needed some new pillows and these look like they will fit the bill.
@show_the_maw ooh! Stabby earlobe babies!
I’m going to a baby shower tomorrow @koolhandjoe earings would have been perfect to wear.
Just got my first one. Haven’t opened it yet, but it’s small and light. Fingers crossed!
@steffaroo24 hope you got more than I did…I got instant regret.
The regret was close to instant, but I’m start thinking of them as the Increasing Regret Kit.
As regret increases with time.
Two pairs of already smelly socks
1 little TrackR
Girly wall stickers
Green bag
/giphy regret

/8ball could this have been worse?
It is decidedly so
One pair of socks
One TrackR Pixel (purple)
Laughing Squid mug
Green bag
just received today for my 2/11/21 6:51pm order
Standard green IRK bag
23 sleeves of karl lagerfeld “limited edition puffer stickers”
TrackR pixel purple 1 pack
And a laughing squid mug
Oh, and 26"x12" sheet of bubble wrap! (Not pictured)
Never mind… I Had bubble wrap…
@keystothebakery Your bubble wrap inventory has been duly recorded and therefore you got credit for it before being eaten.
@keystothebakery Man is your friend Karl going to be excited that he can label all his things with that nice gift you thought to get him, “Just for being a good friend.”
The box arrived today:

1.The obligatory IRK bag (empty and green)
2. A pair of Clawz, size M4/W6 that may fit my wife. I have bought several pairs in the past and actually like them for some yard work.
3. A random USB charger with only 1.5 amps output-slow charging ahead.
4. 360FLY POV pole, for which I do not own the 360Fly. Maybe it has other uses.
5. A charger like the one that burned up mentioned way above; I’ll keep an eye on it.
@andyw Those poles are compatible with go pro stuff, too, which means you can get an adapter piece for it to become a tripod or a phone selfie stick.
@smerk85 Thank you. I have not opened the box yet, but I’ll take a look.
That pink charger is the one that burned? I thought it was a flower one, I’m just questioning bc I got one too but haven’t tried charging it yet.
@Star2236 I could not find the original reference to one burning, but there was a comment about an IRK that had one that burned. The pictures of the IRKs show different kinds that were sent. I did charge mine this morning and it required NO 911 calls. It charged from low (one light) to 4 in about 2 hours and the case barely got warm. I’d try yours, but put it on a metal tray and keep an eye on it; it will likely be fine.
@andyw @Star2236 The burning one was mine. It was one of the flat, rectangular ones (phone shaped) and had a paisley vibe/look to it. It luckily didn’t do any damage…but it also happened right as I was plugging it in, so I just quickly tossed it outside.
@crickit @Star2236 Thanks for the followup!
IRK bag - Empty
Clawz that fit!.
360FLY POV pole…?
Cabinet liners.
So all I got was
an orange pair of claws
Toothbrush club coin
And one pink TrakR
@mamameg13 No IRK bag?
@Kyser_Soze there was one in there but beyond that just the 3 measly things that don’t even add up to $5
Does it seem like maybe they’re just sweeping out the warehouse and dumping whatever they find on the dustpan into a box at this point?
@marylynne7 Don’t think anyone can dispute that.
Mine was good. Had a really nice basket, some skeleton feet slippers, some rose stink infused socks, and someone’s Carpenter’s cassette tape. Hope nobody is missing listening to those gems!
@tnhillbillygal skeleton feet slippers and no photo???
24 puffy Karl Lagereld stickers.
1 returned half out of the razor blade opened box a 6ft Tzumi DC charger in white.
2 1.5oz monster flat screen cleaner with one blue microfiber cloth.
1 green meh bag.
It would be interesting to see how they determine what goes in a IRK box and who gets it, you think it’s based on previous purchase a since the last IRK or it just random.
Meh can you show the process in a vid, does some stand on one side of the Warehouse shelf while someone else is on the other side just randomly pushing stuff over and whatever falls in the Box falls in the Box, and the shipping label just randomly gets slapped on. That’s my guess.
I’m selling it all and buying 1/10 of a share of GME stock.
Worst one I have ever received.
@Dakini mine was basically the same except instead of the plug I got the toothbrush club coin
@Dakini worst one for us to, instead of the plug we got tv cleaner. lol
(1) Pair kiddie Clawz (red)
(1) POV pole for 360 degree camera (camera not included)
(1) Screen cleaner 2 pack with one cloth (one bottle doesn’t spray)
(1) IRK bag
Worst (B)alls (O)n ( C )hin ever. Yeah. I know. It’s not a BOC. It’s an IRK.
1: coin
2: fuzzy socks/slippers
3: POV pole
4: green irk bag
Hahaha fun irk. Whale toy? Scented socks (I love fluffy socks), hand earrings (@valkyriered is wearing them), a challenge coin for brushing your teeth, and a green bag
Finally arrived. Got:
@psbales lucky pull on that air fryer, we bought that model off of here a few months ago and love it! We use it daily, works great and easy to clean.
1 green IRK bag
1 toothbrush coin
1 powered scrubber brush thingy with multiple brushes
1 manual scrubber thingy with 3 scrubber heads
1 pair smelly socks
No creepy dolls or earrings. I dared to hope.
For the record! I will very happily adopt any @Koolhandjoe creations that would otherwise be unwanted. I promise to give them a loving home where they will be proudly displayed with many friends.
@Koolhandjoe @Pony we need to start a thread where all @koolhandjoe creations are posted as people receive them for easy reference!
@cbilyak @Koolhandjoe That’s a great idea. I’ll start one, since I just got a gorgeous doll in the mail yesterday. (Thank you @tinamarie1974! )
@cbilyak @Koolhandjoe @Pony yea! Glad she made it ok!!!
@Pony Please let me know how that scrubber works, i’ve been looking at them for a while on a few different sites.

@Lynnerizer I’m assuming you mean the powered one. I gave it a quick try in my tile shower stall, and it’s okay, but it’s a bit underpowered for getting older grout clean. Then again, maybe I just need a better cleaning product to use with it.
@Pony Yes, thank you, that is the one I meant!
Guess i’m also wondering how heavy and if they’re ballanced well? I like using bleach for my cleaning product go to. Comet works well if I need some tooth/grit. Truth be told, those are the things I keep on hand for the cleaning girl to use. I wanted to try that electric brush while seated in my shower chair though, I really DO miss being productive with cleaning chores! I know, sounds crazy! 
@Lynnerizer Trust me, I get it. I’m disabled and chronically ill also, and yep, the cleaners are going to be the ones using that brush. It’s not terribly heavy, but my shoulders would get really mad if I used it too much.
Mine arrived today after being delayed by the Texas Snowpocalypse, and indeed, it was instantly regrettable. Not even photo worthy…
1 - Green IRK bag
2 - Pairs of the smelly socks, which my wife and daughter immediately took. Admittedly, they do smell WAAAY better than MY socks.
3 - 4 iFrogz 3000mAh emergency chargers for Android phones. New and sealed. 2 black and 2 blue.
No bubble wrap. No Texas air. No toothbrush coin and no freaky doll head (that was the BIGGEST disappointment).
@andrewkl RIGHT? The dolls etc. are like the chase item now.
Received my long-awaited IRK today and am pleasantly surprised by its contents! I received a 14-Cup Cusinart Coffee Maker in a dented but unopened box. Checked and it’s in perfect condition! Also rec’d a pair of Aroma Socks; a “Justice” brand adjustable Hat with a “V” on the front and Mickey Mouse looking pom-poms on top! Also, it has a tag attached that looks like it might have came from a Goodwill store!! Also included was a pair of Bloody Hands Earrings from the coveted @Koolhandjoe Collection! Last but not least, a Green IRK bag!!
It was a pretty big box on my porch – maybe it’s not just a single clawz full of mouse droppings and a Trakr pixel!
It was
Green bag
Tracker pixel
Toothbrush coin
And dented box but new Cuisinart 14 cup programmable coffee maker!
That whole experience from mehrathon on was just weirdly engaging and fun. Thanks Meh!
I received my IRK and was instantly filled with regret except for being able to join the coin club. Thanks for such a mediocre IRK!
I ended up with:
Mine arrived today. Quickest one yet. My IRK included two pairs of scented socks, a TRUE & TIDY steam mop, a green IRK bag, and a coin. Pretty happy with this haul.
I don’t know how to add a picture in the app but i barely even got one because my kids were excited screaming as they claimed my irk stuff!
We got
a giant stuffed unicorn (my littles claimed)
baby earrings my teen claimed
Smelly socks (i got)
A toothbrush coin
And a green irk bag
Overall $5 well spent imo. Will buy again
@mbersiam I would love to see the unicorn. That’s the first one I’ve heard of from an irk
@marylynne7 ok I hopped on my laptop just for you
Here’s the whole IRK

And your teen got an handmade exclusive! Nice irk!
I guess it’s not actually a unicorn. Just a horse. But her name is Midnight Pink now á la my kids
@mbersiam thank you!!! That is so adorable!!!
That’s a huge stuffed animal.
Received my box of disappointment today. Might be the worst ever, although I think I said that about the last one:
1 Toothbrush coin (already have one from the Quip debacle)
2 Pair of sticky socks (being donated or tossed)
1 Lo-Bak Trax (got one in a previous IRK and I think I tossed it, which is what will happen to this one)
1 Green IRK bag (have several)
No bubble wrap, nothing in the pockets. <sigh>
@eonfifty What is the joker thing?
@marylynne7 It’s like a Playskool kind of toy minus any figurines. It talks too!

/giphy joke’s on you batman
I feel like I was punished for not posting about my last IRK… lol.
IRK contents, or lack thereof. The box was torn apart top to bottom at one corner and re-taped without much effort to keep things inside…
1 green IRK bag
2 Trackr
1 wall decal about sisterhood
1 Fly 360 pole
Do I win most IRKiest box?
Got mine just now!
Serta PerfectSleep Comforter

Plastic Scrub Mop (perfect since I ran over my last one!)
Aroma Cozy Socks
Quip Coin
Green Irk Bag perfect for March!
Highly disappointing IRK, even for Meh.
Contents (one of each):
Got my brother-in-law’s IRK today… Technically it was mine, but I ordered the Hindi body parts poster for him as a prank, and didn’t reset the shipping name to mine to snag the IRK. Both arrived today, so I snagged the IRK back.
Got the green IRK bag
2 pairs of the Aromasoles “sweater socks”
4 floating shelves of varying lengths – some were even in bubble wrap, others took a beating
Another TrackR pixel.
and 2 Toothbrush coins in protective sleeves, 3480 and 4337.
BIL wouldn’t have use for any of it except maybe the TrackR (happy to give him several) and possibly the IRK bag – got lots of 'em too. He’d have been utterly baffled by the coins, and that’s my favorite part.
Hubby’s IRK arrived a few days prior, but being earlier didn’t mean better, though there wasn’t any bubble wrap in his.
He also got a green bag and a TrackR
A clipless curling iron. His came with both a glove and a mat. The one I got in an IRK a while back didn’t have a mat, still looks brand new in box, so will probably gift this one to a friend as my hubby definitely has no use for it.
Finally two pairs of kids Clawz, one orange, the other hot pink. Those will probably be gifted to my friend’s two youngest daughters (doubt her teenager could wear them or even want to)
Definitely the most disappointing IRK yet. I won’t bother with a picture. There were only two items plus the bag.
A Pair of those weird Clawz Croc-like sandals, pink, size 6 for women.
A set of re-fuel (never heard of them) Sports wireless earbuds.
Very meh.
Shakespeare’s King Lear
Organic Chemistry
Fishing with live bait
Bernie Sanders socks?
Whicker Basket
Green IRK bag
@bobby555 Bernie Sanders socks

@bobby555 I got an irk last year that had two used textbooks in it. Glad it wasn’t just me, it felt really random.
@atravis6 @bobby555 my xbox box irk was chock full of books to make the box nice and heavy.
@atravis6 @bobby555 Look them up and see if you can sell them to a used text book seller. There are several who pay the postage. The organic chemistry book was likely very expensive originally and you might get $50+ if the edition is new enough.
Hey-to all of you who received a crappy IRKs-it could have been random and not personal. Because of my comments about bubble wrap everything in my IRK was individually bubble wrapped-even the Claws and the coin.
Now I am on the IRK hit list. God knows what I will get next time and whether it will be bubble wrapped. I have flown too close to the sun.
@Felton10 Ha! They might be able to rig it so you have a zillion fire hydrants and bicycles where you also have to click on the motorcycle to get past them (been there discovered that). Then you won’t get one anyway. :rotf:
@Felton10 At least they are bubble wrapping some stuff so fewer things are breaking. All joking aside (besides the fact you had it coming LOL) that is nice of them. The one thing they bubble wrapped for me last time it was nice of them to have protected it. March 20th it is a birthday present for a turning 8 year old. He will be ecstatic. It would have been sad if it had arrived broken. Don’t know if I got the luck of the draw or if I was singled out. In either case there will be one very, very thrilled kid.
@Kidsandliz You always have such reassuring and comforting things to say. In the over 20 IRKs I’ve gotten, only had one CAPTCHA so I doubt that will ever happen. Combination of my system to get one, computer and internet speed.
@Felton10 What did you do? Bribe google? LOL. I get them a lot, also have low internet speed with high ping and that doesn’t help. Since they have been sold in lots of 100 instead of 500 or 1000 I have to time the change over perfectly to be nearly first or it is a lost cause due to latency. Well and generally also due to one to two captchas. If meh has a glitch I can get lucky like this last time.
Greetings, new robot friend. In time you will come to accept your robotic ways.
@Kidsandliz I have no idea if this is good or bad
PING 3 ms
DOWNLOAD 510.1 Mbps
UPLOAD 547.7 Mbps
But with a 9th generation I7 computer (which I need and use for work) with 16 gigs of ram and ethernet cable instead of wi-fi-probably gives me some sort of head start.
@Felton10 It is GOOD!!! For starters my ping is usually 75 or 80+, I only have 25 mbps to begin with, down load is less than 2.5 mbps. Dinosaur here at my apt. While you may not have a rocket ship you at least have a sonic boom air plane. (grin)
Mine was immediately inspected by the resident felines. Ironic, given its contents.
@katbyter what. This is so fascinating. I would love to see what’s going on backstage. You can picture them with bins full of clawz and tracker pixels and power banks, grab One from each bin and toss it in a box. But where does this stuff come from, that’s one of a kind? I picture someone with a box wandering through the warehouse, opening cupboards nobody has touched in years.
@marylynne7 last time I got a monster piggy bank and a Chipmunk Punk album from the 1980’s. Me suspects thrift shopping going on. The cat lady tins were not new. Obviously the Chipmunk Punk was not new either. But they must know I’m a die-hard thrifter, and lover of all things cat and purple. Chipmunks? Not so much, but two out of three ain’t bad!

@katbyter @marylynne7 I am sure thrift shopping went on once. We all got used t-shirts one time way back. I’d guess some of it is sample sent to them where vendors hope they will sell it. Or maybe they buy huge pallets of a pile of stuff hoping to get stuff they can sell and some of this junk is in there. Or these pallets list a pile of stuff they do want and this stuff is just “extra” thrown in there. I have seen sites that sell stuff by the pallet (or multiple pallets) by auction or flat fee, etc. that do exactly that.
Moonlight are pretty cool.
@katbyter They were selling those Crazy Cat Lady tins in the Mehrathon, so I don’t think they’re used; they just look that way. They had similar dog-themed ones too, also pre-rusted.
Your cats are pretty!
@Kyeh I missed the tins on sale. The bigger one is dented but I don’t know if it’s just a scratch ‘n’ dent now, or intentional like the rust.
My orange cat was white as a kitten, then turned orange once almost full-grown. Freakiest thing. And he’s huge! He’s 22+ pounds. Calico is normal size. Hard to tell from the pic. Both very lovable characters. My favorite is the calico’s tabby striped back leg.
@katbyter Gorgeous! How odd about turning from white to orange - I’ve never heard of that - and 22 lbs?? I thought my guy was big, at 13 lbs. I love that stripy leg on your calico too, kind of like a patchwork quilt!
@katbyter @Kyeh Maybe your orange has some siamese or rag doll in him Saying rag doll since he is so big). I have several mixed lynx siamese ones and they started out pretty white and by the end of 2 years old they both had significant dark tabby markings on them. Hard to believe when young they were nearly all white with just a hint of that. Pretty common for that breed. I had a rag doll that was also lynx siamese marked do the same thing. And my friend has a flame siamese mix rag doll mix with who knows what (one parent was a flame siamese mixed rag doll and daddy is a mystery) what who started out white and has a lot of orange now, but not as much as yours. The darker ears, along with the dramatic color change makes me think maybe he is mixed flame. What color are his eyes (not all will have blue eyes if mixed)?
@katbyter @Kyeh
You’re ginormous 22lb cat makes the other one look like a kitten lol. Maybe the cats color changing is something to do with your water, like how blonds hair can turn brassy from to much of something in the water. Just a theory.
@katbyter @Kidsandliz I’d never heard of flamepoint Siamese before. The pictures I saw online do look kind of like your big guy!
@katbyter @Kyeh I’m pretty sure he is mixed flame point Siamese. They are one of the few kinds of cats who change color so dramatically over the first couple of years of their life.
Does anyone have the slightest clue what this is? The top and bottom are sewn to the metal frame. So you can’t remove the head to put something inside.
@katbyter No idea. Looks like a manufacturer’s tag behind the left foot. Perhaps some info on it can lead you to an answer? Or one heck of a rabbit hole anyway.
@ciabelle @katbyter It looks like one of the old CD holders.
@katbyter Hmm cram a few cat treats in there (operative word being cram so they don’t come out easily) lay the thing on the floor and watch the fun begin.
@katbyter IT’s a cd holder according to this UK pinterest board.
Anyone want a dolphin clock? Comes with copious amounts of bubble wrap. I think that’s supposed to mean it’s worth something. It’s about a foot tall.

@katbyter Would look good in a beach front lower end rental. If my niece was younger I’d get it for her as a middle schooler who loves dolphins would have loved it but she just graduated from college in December (and still loves dolphins). Does it work? Does it loudly go tick tick?
@katbyter you go bubble wrap
No bubble wrap
Green bag
Necklace of tiny stones
Claws M4/W6
2 random usb power supplies
Strange tool that doesn’t stop you from touching things
Re-fuel wireless ear buds
I cannot get the re-fuel wireless ear buds to charge. The light turns blue when plugged in (not red for charging). They will pair and work when plugged in but not when unplugged. Does anyone know if this is fixable?
@ilovecincinnati Same here. Work fine plugged in, but shuts off the minute the plug is removed. Garbage.
High speed IRK delivery + unexpected week out of town = some a-hole porch pirate got to be meh-ed by my order instead of me.
@SLepe That sucks. Sorry.

@SLepe since I received an epic IRK this time I am happy to create an IRK and send your way if you whisper me your address.
@cbilyak @SLepe What a SUPER thing to do!! For every A-hole looser out there, there is at least 2 stand up peeps waiting to come in and do better!! We’re winning!!

Nice Irk, but no Koolhandjoe originals. Nursal shoulder massager with heat, aromatic socks, red Klawz, lime green bag, and a toothbrush challenge coin.
Green Irk bag
STC coin
Blue Clawz M4/W6 - perfect for my Mom’s little feet
Purple TrackR
Fur lines cable knit cabin socks
Bubble wrapped Laughing Squid mug
Not too Meh
@tinkertime yea bubble wrap
The regret speaks for itself.
@walarney What’s in the little white box?
@walarney you got TWO coins?!

/giphy lucky
@mbersiam @Kyeh It’s a portable charger (pink). Have two coins already (somewhere…) so now I have a collection. (Because you need at least three things to make a collection – two is just bookends.)
I got the same, except a box of dead Bluetooth trackers in place of the coins.
Straight to goodwill.
So now that I’ve experienced my first IRK, I’m even more … “addicted” sounds too strong…
Anyway, I am anxiously awaiting the next meh-rathon (any insight on to when we will be gifted with one?)

/giphy no idea
@mbersiam @sammydog01 pick the day you don’t really want one and that is the day it will happen.
@mbersiam @sammydog01
March 10th (or 11th) for SURE!! I have a special appointment on those days and I can count on a mehrathon every single month on the tenth!! Except this past Nov/December when we were having them every other week, Woohoo GO Meh!!
@Lynnerizer @Felton10 Well, I snagged a BoC on Woot today so I’m happy
I better stop purchasing blind boxes or my husband is going to get a wee bit perturbed and then not say anything to me because it’s my money and I just bought him a laptop.
eh… I really should stop for a minute though
@Lynnerizer @mbersiam I find that getting a good IRK gives me the opportunity to buy more IRKs without my wife complaining. Given the one I got in December-probably have a good years grace period. (the one with the xbox)
@Felton10 @Lynnerizer holy crap that’s a good IRK!
Mine showed up Friday, and to be honest, I was pretty stoked. While it had taken quite some time to arrive, maybe good things come for those who are patient?
This is certainly one of the larger IRKs I’ve received, exciting! And heavy!!!
What could it be? A robot vacuum to join the small army? Another damaged instant pot knock off that I’ll be somewhat unwilling to use, cuz uh, basically a bomb.
Popped open that box, and to my delight, something actually useful to us! Maybe my wife won’t divorce me (this time) for all the crap I keep getting!!!
Boy did I luck out!
But… wait. As I pull out the dog waterer, my heart drops. It’s broken. The entire back of it is in pieces, and the side is falling off.
Rocket is saddened by this turn of events. It might not have been instant, but it was certainly regretful.

/image duct tape

@sammydog01 @smigit2002 Flex Seal is an option
So I fully expected to get a minimal IRK, because I failed to post my first two, and probably seem like an ungrateful sod.

(It’s really just that I’m an incorrigible procrastinator.
And my box did seem pretty light.
BUT! It was a delightful IRK, and my cat is especially pleased by it!
He loves his new Minion! Now he has two, because I already do his bidding day and night.
And I got the Schrodinger’s toothbrush coin!!! I really wanted one.
And the green IRK bag, and K.H.J. baby earrings.
The coin is impressively hefty; I thought it would be metallic plastic. And it has a lot of cool details.
@Kyeh those earrings tho
Yeah, I scored a Koolhandjoe creation! I’m grateful that it wasn’t one of the big ones though - they’re too scary for me!
Oh, and I also got a pair of those scented socks - it’s a pleasant rose scent, and they look nice and warm.
@Kyeh oh no, they really wanted those of us in toothbrush club to feel it. I thought they didn’t want us to talk about it though…
I, unfortunately, didn’t read my email in time, however, so I ended up with an XL shirt. I’m a 3XL type, the wife is pregnant, so nothing fits (was more like a 2XL though), and the existing kids aren’t quite to adult sizing yet, so it is just kinda languishing for now. Waiting for an interested spawn to get big enough or for me to lose a ton of weight.
While we’re hoofing it around the city selling girl scout cookies and you’d think I’d drop some pounds doing so, caloric intake is keeping up soooo…not happening.
PS anybody need cookies?
@guyfromhawthorn I was really envious about the whole thing, the shirt and the bag and the coin - but especially the coin, so I’m really happy to get one! It’s a phenomenally fun way for them to have handled it, I think.
My IRK contained 2 items:
A green IRK bag, as well as a generic USB wall adapter.
CS offered a refund, since they don’t have any more IRKs.
I received

the sticker collection
Pixel tracker
Rubber oven grip and microwave base thing
Cavalier alexia enabled smart speaker
And green irk bag
Awesome haul.
I got some groovy earbuds, a selfie stick, a fancy animal-striped powerbank (ROWR!), a tracker and the beloved tote! Thanks Meh I do so adore your funky junk!
mine bad :,(
Got the aromatic socks, a Schrodinger’s toothbrush coin, a TrackR Pixel, and the usual IRK bag. Nothing fancy, but I have a use for all of it.
The soap dispenser and the basket have made this worth the money! Thanks meh!
Your wife has good taste, nice score on the basket! Loving the hands free soap thing too, pretty useful box you got yourself there, minus the mosquitoe nightlight that is.
@Kyser_Soze Give the stickers to kids at the local children’s hospital, Ronald McDonald House, or Toys for Tots. They would love them!
Got mine a few days ago. Just now getting around to showing y’all my regret.
At first I thought it was a mistake because there was no standard brown shipping box, instead it was a Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker. I remember looking at one during the Mehrathon but I didn’t buy it so how is one those here now?
Turns out, the Ice Cream Maker is the Irk 'cause inside was more regret
It also states on the box it has an extra freezer bowl (Yay!
) but was not in the box (Ahhh…
) There was a working Ice Cream Maker inside with all its parts but there was also instructions for a Cuisinart Food Processor (Huh?
So in total my haul is:
1 Green Irk bag
1 TrackR Pixel bluetooth keyfinder
1 Tactical Flashlight
1 Make-up thingy
and 1 Ice Cream Maker
Thanks Meh! Now I can’t wait to make myself some ice cream!
Holy crap, y’all! @cbilyak absolutely went above and beyond hooking it up with a consolation IRK!
Not only was there a really nice hand-written note, it included the following:
I was prepared to be plain-ol’ whelmed in true meh fashion, but I am completely blown away. Thank you, thank you, thank you @cbilyak!
@SLepe glad to step up
To be honest I was having a shitty day and your message really turned my frown upside down! So thanks for that.
I got a green bag, a Laughing Squid mug and a Trackr Pixel. I was moderately regretful, but this weekend I finally went to set up the TrackR and its battery is dead. womp womp I guess I did use the bag at Aldi, so there’s that. It saved me 10 cents on an Aldi bag! I guess I shouldn’t have looked at what other people got, it was a mistake.
@costar those mugs have been given out in irks back when they used to be fuko’s - like years ago. Makes me wonder if they keep finding them in weird corners of the warehouse.
@costar I’ll trade you a toothbrush coin and some smelly socks (like “aromatherapy”, not like teenage boy gym sock) for your laughing squid mug.
Extremely late haul post!
Green IRK bag, wireless speaker (who new meh ever sold these?), Star Wars hot wheels ship, reading glasses, and some cat toys.
The cat toys have been extremely popular, but I couldn’t get any action shots of the kitties with them, because every time I walk in with my phone they freeze and look at me like “Why are you interrupting me?”