@Felton10@Ignorant You mean “worth protecting”, as in the Mustard, Pickle Juice, and Hot Sauce flavored sodas I received in my last Irk? Hold the bubble wrap…
@andrewkl@Felton10@Ignorant You should be glad it wasn’t Vietnamese fish sauce. Now that stinks really bad when it breaks. Someone sent us a bottle, no bubble wrap, in the mail. It broke and the post office put it on the back deck of the post office and called us to find out if it was toxic. Umm well yeah, in my opinion it was (although not in the way they were thinking) as it stinks to high heaven, not in a good way, and tastes even worse. I was sad for my daughter though as she loves the stuff and in some cities (like the one we lived in, and actually in this one too) you can’t find it.
Friday for me,for that sweet, sweet bubble wrap too!
Does anyone know if the FedEx tracking package dimension details are accurate? Mine says 6”x4”x1” but that seems like a pretty tiny IRK or most likely a placeholder dimension…
Mine is still “processing”. I did get my jumbo order of assorted putty yesterday. So at least I’ve got something to play with until my box of regrets arrives.
I hope the fact that I ordered mine on the the 2nd IRK of the night 45 minutes after the mehrathon started will answer a lot of questions re if IRKs ordered and shipped out first are the best.
@blaineg Actually yesterday mine said delivery today having not yet left TX. I am ok with it not having left TX. I do not want my irk on a truck that will crash in this weather. Then I will have dual regret - for my lost irk and for the truck driver.
Thursday delivery with what much of the weather the country is experiencing or will be experiencing? Good luck with that. Especially in the south where the world ends with 1/4" of snow or tiny patches of ice.
@Felton10@Vrysen DFW (Meh-HQ) is currently snowed in. Yes, it’s only like 2-3 inches. But this is north Texas. We have next to no experience nor equipment to deal with this. If your IRK didn’t go out before Sunday, it could be a while. Sorry.
@gt0163c@Vrysen It shows mine was in Irving Texas on Sat night and no further info after that. I was really looking forward to getting my IRK on Thursday-even more than my Covid vaccine shot scheduled for Wed.
@Felton10 Woo-hoo for getting vaccinated! I got my second shot about 2.5 weeks ago (immune system fully operational…still waiting for my DNA to mutate and allow my super powers to manifest). Hopefully your side effects are minor. I had no problem with the first shot (Moderna variant) but the second one kicked my butt for about a day-day and a half. Then I was fine. It wasn’t fun, but the sense of relief was well worth feeling crappy for a bit. And hopefully your IRK made it out before DFW ground to a snowy halt. Otherwise, it could be a while. No one is going anywhere fast around here right now.
Getting it in Florida is a crap shoot. Every county has different ways, places, and procedures to sign up for it. No surprise with the Governor who was attached to the hip with Trump and his insanity.
My county has a lottery system with about 140k people from all over the state signed up for it-good luck with that option.
Finally lucked out and signed up for it at a Walmart in another county 35 miles away.
Mine is still processing. With snow-mageddon heading my way (supposed to hit here tonight) I don’t expect to see it any time soon. Stay safe Texas peeps - we are used to snow up here but I know it’s way different down there!
Well, mine made it out of Texas in time and is currently in Arizona. I live in California and it is due to arrive on Thursday. After it arrives and I see the contents, I might actually hope it had been snowed in.
Mine was shipped Saturday, on a FedEx truck for delivery Sunday but that truck never made it. Delivery status is just “Pending”. Now I’m guessing it will show up Friday or Saturday.
Mine is still processing. Seems I am not the only one. Might have something to do with the weather they are getting in TX. Perhaps they should order some Meh hoodies and hats.
Mine is still processing too. I think if they got them sent out quickly they are good, those of us who are still stuck in processing might be there for a while since Texas is so effed up with weather right now. Gotta take a patience pill!!
@Dakini At least yours if safe the the warehouse maybe not even assembled yet-those of us whose IRK has shipped-who knows where in the heck it is and what condition it is in. Only thing worse than crap is frozen crap.
Mine was originally scheduled for delivery Feb 16, then Feb 17, and now pending with last known locale in Texas. The weather Gods decided to mix things up for us.
Since my IRK is nowhere to be seen, have to amuse myself with sending stuff to people that they WILL RECEIVE. Sent this to our granddaughter for Valentine’s day.
@Kidsandliz Well we got their OK before we sent it. She sent my wife an IM yesterday afternoon saying a big box came with her name on it, but she couldn’t open it until her dad got home. Last night she wanted to know if we could get a similar sized Mickey to keep Minnie company.
I’m not too worried about the IRK, it’s probably not perishable. But thanks to the USPS, I’m probably getting a week overdue delivery of dead tropical aquarium mini shrimp today. For some reason they shipped it east instead of west, and then stored it in TN for days when the snowpocalypse hit. I don’t have a lot of hope for the little guys.
I’d guess that even when TX warms up and comes back to functioning, there is going to be a huge jam-up of packages going either way and it will take quite a while to work through. Trying to be patient here…
@sammydog01 Mine changed from Thursday delivery to no specified delivery date. Think it is following Ted Cruz down to Cancun for a vacation and doesn’t know when it will be back.
Mine is out for delivery and as I sit here working by the window I have watched 2 FedEx trucks just drive on by. Perhaps the 3rd truck will be the charm!
Wow… mine arrived on SUNDAY afternoon, with a USPS sticker on it… when did that start happening??
Here’s the loot in mine (mostly not my style but will work for the wife and/or gifts):
One MKF handbag
One Pink/peach 4000 mAh battery pack (appears to be DOA)
One “Light Bright” Tracker Pixel
One Green IRK bag
@chienfou@ybmuG That is the one from the Monsterfy This Number 1… Can’t make it and not send it out to someone… glad you like it… should have put 2021 on it… whoops I can’t get my years straight
Guess I’ll put it in a glass case and set it aside for when KHJ gets discovered and his original pieces are valued in Bitcoin!
Mine didn’t get stopped up in Texas. It’s taken over a week to get from TN. It also says Smartpost so it’ll sit at USPS for 3 days after they report having it.
Just got notification my box of regret (and possibly bubble wrap), has shipped via FedEx. Delivery scheduled for Friday. I’m kinda sorta excited. But then again watching paint dry is kinda sorta exciting at the moment.
Mine too, I’m hoping for more than bubble wrap though.
@Ignorant Lots of bubble wrap means something worth protecting.
@Felton10 or it just means a roll of bubble wrap.
/giphy monkeys paw

@Ignorant Well if they send me nothing but bubble wrap at least I know they are paying attention to my posts.
@Felton10 @Ignorant is it mean if I hope for just bubble wrap?
@Felton10 @ybmuG (secretly we all are)
@Felton10 @Ignorant You mean “worth protecting”, as in the Mustard, Pickle Juice, and Hot Sauce flavored sodas I received in my last Irk? Hold the bubble wrap…
@andrewkl @Ignorant There is an exception to every rule of course.
@andrewkl @Felton10 @Ignorant You should be glad it wasn’t Vietnamese fish sauce. Now that stinks really bad when it breaks. Someone sent us a bottle, no bubble wrap, in the mail. It broke and the post office put it on the back deck of the post office and called us to find out if it was toxic. Umm well yeah, in my opinion it was (although not in the way they were thinking) as it stinks to high heaven, not in a good way, and tastes even worse. I was sad for my daughter though as she loves the stuff and in some cities (like the one we lived in, and actually in this one too) you can’t find it.
Mine too!
Thursday delivery for me too.
Friday for me,
for that sweet, sweet bubble wrap too!
Does anyone know if the FedEx tracking package dimension details are accurate? Mine says 6”x4”x1” but that seems like a pretty tiny IRK or most likely a placeholder dimension…
@SparkyPDX it’s a placeholder. It doesn’t normally update.
@RiotDemon Thanks, I’ve always wondered about that.
@SparkyPDX not accurate, just a place holder
@SparkyPDX My electric scooter IRK claimed the same dimensions.
Bubble wrap is expensive. I’d take a big ole box of it for 5 bucks!
Mine is still “processing”. I did get my jumbo order of assorted putty yesterday. So at least I’ve got something to play with until my box of regrets arrives.
@gt0163c mine is still processing too
I hope the fact that I ordered mine on the the 2nd IRK of the night 45 minutes after the mehrathon started will answer a lot of questions re if IRKs ordered and shipped out first are the best.
Or maybe it won’t.
@Felton10 mine was ordered at 10:35pm and still shipped yesterday.
@Felton10 My (almost) fully working electric scooter came in the last batch of 100 IRKs of January’s Mehrathon.
@DoctorOW Never said it was an exact science, but my perception based on my experience and observation which could be worth nothing.
Me five!
@blaineg I think I’m getting the Pitney Bowes version of FedEx, they’re still claiming delivery tomorrow, but it hasn’t left Texas yet.
With the snowpocalypse, it probably never will.
@blaineg You’re such a pessimist. The snow will melt by April, May at the latest.
@blaineg Actually yesterday mine said delivery today having not yet left TX. I am ok with it not having left TX. I do not want my irk on a truck that will crash in this weather. Then I will have dual regret - for my lost irk and for the truck driver.
@Kidsandliz Ever get a post-dated status update? This morning I have:
Saturday, February 13, 2021
7:18 PM IRVING, TX Arrived at FedEx location
7:14 PM IRVING, TX Shipment exception
Barcode label unreadable and replaced
Which was not there yesterday.
@blaineg Mine has now removed the delivered today and is still listed as parked in Irving.
Mine has escaped and made it to the right city. No delivery date, but it’s maybe 5 miles away.
@blaineg Wow, delivered at 10am!
Thursday delivery with what much of the weather the country is experiencing or will be experiencing? Good luck with that. Especially in the south where the world ends with 1/4" of snow or tiny patches of ice.
@Kidsandliz 79 here today-doubt snow and ice will be much of a problem here.
@Felton10 Well it might be snowy where it is traveling through to get to you.
@Kidsandliz My IRK before this one left Irving Texas 5 hours after it arrived there. This one hasn’t moved so you may be right about the snow thing.
I’ve had one thing ship but not my IRK
Mine shipped… but man this going to be a long wait… Estimated Delivery: Tuesday, Mar 2 - Monday, Mar 8
@Vrysen If shipped by fedex-click on the square right next to the shipping number for exact delivery date.
@Felton10 oh oh… Thursday depending on weather!
@Felton10 @Vrysen DFW (Meh-HQ) is currently snowed in. Yes, it’s only like 2-3 inches. But this is north Texas. We have next to no experience nor equipment to deal with this. If your IRK didn’t go out before Sunday, it could be a while. Sorry.
@gt0163c @Vrysen It shows mine was in Irving Texas on Sat night and no further info after that. I was really looking forward to getting my IRK on Thursday-even more than my Covid vaccine shot scheduled for Wed.
@Felton10 Woo-hoo for getting vaccinated! I got my second shot about 2.5 weeks ago (immune system fully operational…still waiting for my DNA to mutate and allow my super powers to manifest). Hopefully your side effects are minor. I had no problem with the first shot (Moderna variant) but the second one kicked my butt for about a day-day and a half. Then I was fine. It wasn’t fun, but the sense of relief was well worth feeling crappy for a bit. And hopefully your IRK made it out before DFW ground to a snowy halt. Otherwise, it could be a while. No one is going anywhere fast around here right now.
@gt0163c Thanks for the shout out.
Getting it in Florida is a crap shoot. Every county has different ways, places, and procedures to sign up for it. No surprise with the Governor who was attached to the hip with Trump and his insanity.
My county has a lottery system with about 140k people from all over the state signed up for it-good luck with that option.
Finally lucked out and signed up for it at a Walmart in another county 35 miles away.
Insanity reins supreme down here.
My order and IRK are still “Processing”. I guess that means they are extra special and have to be handled carefully?
Processing… processing… processing…
@Ashkitty @romellex go look to see what is on clearance on their other sites. Bet some of that which is left after those sales end up in your boxes.
Mine is still processing, which tells me that Meh is curating one of the most regrettable IRK’s ever.
Mine is still processing. With snow-mageddon heading my way (supposed to hit here tonight) I don’t expect to see it any time soon. Stay safe Texas peeps - we are used to snow up here but I know it’s way different down there!
Mine is processing…but two people I know who got theirs well after mine have already shipped (on Friday) and will be delivered this Thursday! Gah.
@Dakini Are they VMP? Theoretically VMP’s orders ship first. At least it used to be like that. Back when VMP meant more benefits than now.
@Kidsandliz No, they are not even members. It’s ok, maybe they are getting something good.
Well, mine made it out of Texas in time and is currently in Arizona. I live in California and it is due to arrive on Thursday. After it arrives and I see the contents, I might actually hope it had been snowed in.

Mine was supposed to be delivered Thursday but now I see it’s still in Texas.
Delayed regret.
@RiotDemon Mine too. I hope it’s nice and warm wherever it is.
@RiotDemon Mine also although still says Thursday delivery. You would think they would update that.
Mine was shipped Saturday, on a FedEx truck for delivery Sunday but that truck never made it. Delivery status is just “Pending”. Now I’m guessing it will show up Friday or Saturday.
Mine was delivered, but I won’t be home until Friday…
Mine is still processing. Seems I am not the only one. Might have something to do with the weather they are getting in TX. Perhaps they should order some Meh hoodies and hats.
Mine is still processing too. I think if they got them sent out quickly they are good, those of us who are still stuck in processing might be there for a while since Texas is so effed up with weather right now. Gotta take a patience pill!!
@Dakini At least yours if safe the the warehouse maybe not even assembled yet-those of us whose IRK has shipped-who knows where in the heck it is and what condition it is in. Only thing worse than crap is frozen crap.
Hope everyone’s staying safe and warm.
My IRK just made it here to California.
Mine was originally scheduled for delivery Feb 16, then Feb 17, and now pending with last known locale in Texas. The weather Gods decided to mix things up for us.
Has anyone’s IRK delivery date stayed the same while still showing it is in Texas? That is my situation.
@Felton10 Yep, mine last moved from Irving to Hutchins on the 16th, but still claims delivery in Utah today.
/8ball Will it arrive?
Don’t count on it
@blaineg Still there is no excuse for mine still showing it is going to be delivered today unless that is the case.
Since my IRK is nowhere to be seen, have to amuse myself with sending stuff to people that they WILL RECEIVE. Sent this to our granddaughter for Valentine’s day.
@Felton10 Are her parents still speaking to you? I hope she has a big bedroom. (grin)
@Kidsandliz Well we got their OK before we sent it. She sent my wife an IM yesterday afternoon saying a big box came with her name on it, but she couldn’t open it until her dad got home. Last night she wanted to know if we could get a similar sized Mickey to keep Minnie company.
@Felton10 Wait until she wants the entire Disney set of characters (grin).
I’m not too worried about the IRK, it’s probably not perishable. But thanks to the USPS, I’m probably getting a week overdue delivery of dead tropical aquarium mini shrimp today. For some reason they shipped it east instead of west, and then stored it in TN for days when the snowpocalypse hit. I don’t have a lot of hope for the little guys.
@blaineg Well that is sad.
My IRK is on the move-left Irving Texas this AM-still shows a delivery in FL to me this afternoon though.
I’d guess that even when TX warms up and comes back to functioning, there is going to be a huge jam-up of packages going either way and it will take quite a while to work through. Trying to be patient here…
This is the tracking right now for a package I’m expecting:

I’ll sit on the front steps and wait for it tonight.

@sammydog01 Mine changed from Thursday delivery to no specified delivery date. Think it is following Ted Cruz down to Cancun for a vacation and doesn’t know when it will be back.
@sammydog01 that is not reassuring
@tinamarie1974 In case you were wondering it didn’t come.
@tinamarie1974 And in case you’re wondering what’s in the box it’s full of old damaged porcelain dolls.
If Ted Cruz can get back into Texas shouldn’t my IRK be able to get out of Texas?
Just shipped and should arrive Sunday WOO HOO!!
@tinamarie1974 Pray for mass quantities of bubble wrap.
@Felton10 you got that right!!!
My IRK escaped Texas finally-but just barely-in Iowa, LA.
@Felton10 Now in BEAUMONT, MS-taking the scenic route I guess. 1,000 miles away from me.
My irk just left the building! They might have had trouble finding enough dust bunnies to scrape off the shelves to fill my box…
Thanks Meh! Ignore the dirt, I was mixing seed mix before this lol
Mine is out for delivery and as I sit here working by the window I have watched 2 FedEx trucks just drive on by. Perhaps the 3rd truck will be the charm!
@cbilyak No truer words were ever said-you are the “leader in the clubhouse” for this IRK-both in what you got and bubble wrap.
Mine doesn’t want to leave home. It has not yet shipped.
@OldCatLady Maybe they are hunting for the perfect gift and also have to buy a few extra rolls of bubble wrap to make sure it arrives unbroken?
Wow… mine arrived on SUNDAY afternoon, with a USPS sticker on it… when did that start happening??

Here’s the loot in mine (mostly not my style but will work for the wife and/or gifts):
One MKF handbag
One Pink/peach 4000 mAh battery pack (appears to be DOA)
One “Light Bright” Tracker Pixel
One Green IRK bag
Plus, a Kool Hand Joe (2020) original!

@chienfou That is so Kool! It looks like it is the one he demoed here
Yep… at the very least it is EXTREMELY similar.
@chienfou @ybmuG That is the one from the Monsterfy This Number 1… Can’t make it and not send it out to someone… glad you like it… should have put 2021 on it… whoops I can’t get my years straight
@chienfou @Koolhandjoe @ybmuG Gonna be a lot more valuable with such a clear provenance.
@chienfou @Koolhandjoe 2020, the 14-month year…
@Koolhandjoe @mossygreen @ybmuG
Guess I’ll put it in a glass case and set it aside for when KHJ gets discovered and his original pieces are valued in Bitcoin!
Mine didn’t get stopped up in Texas. It’s taken over a week to get from TN. It also says Smartpost so it’ll sit at USPS for 3 days after they report having it.
Just got notification my box of regret (and possibly bubble wrap), has shipped via FedEx. Delivery scheduled for Friday. I’m kinda sorta excited. But then again watching paint dry is kinda sorta exciting at the moment.
oooohhh… what color ???