Unofficial Team Meh. UPDATE - May 31st 2015

mfladd had some videos to watch said

When I first posted the original thread here asking people to join and Team Meh. Honestly, I didn't know if I would get a few team members, or hear crickets.

I was awed by the response that came in. In only 5 days we have done amazing things to help human beings, and alleviate poverty in parts of the world we can only imagine.

Here is what we have done in 5 days time:

  • We have a total of 36 Team members.
  • We have made 47 loans to 19 individuals around the world.
  • We are ranked #5 in new users in the Business Category.
  • Of the 19 loans we have made we are "Top 5 Team" status in 18 of them.
  • Of those 18 loans we were the #1 Team in 9 of them!!!!!!
  • We have loans in the following countries: Tanzania, Peru, Philippines, Malawi, El Salvador, Ecuador, Samoa, Zambia, Tajikistan, Kenya, Columbia, Uganda, Georgia & Bolivia

While there were a few members who had 2 or more loans, I have to point out two that did so much to help: @Mikey & @Einrad

But it doesn't matter if you did 1 loan or 10, thank you so much for what you have done. You are all ROCK STARS!

But we need more help. We still have two loans that have not been fully funded.

Our team page is here:

For Meh. users who are not familiar with Kiva. here is the original thread:

I will let speak for itself:

If you need more encouragement to join Team Meh and help alleviate poverty around the world here it is