@narfcake I’m the perfect candidate. As the goat of October I promise to share my costume from the recent photoshoot I had. Other than that I also just recently got free tickets to go see Venom early.
@PHRoG Congratulations! Your advanced Venom tickets have qualified you for a possible future GoaT nomination. To claim this prize, just keep being active in this community, and rubbing those Venom tickets in my face!
As for what the GoaT is - here is some light reading:
@jst1ofknd for limitless content, an apparent obsessive disorder, and just because he is a likable mess. We should set the hook before his obsession fades.
@jst1ofknd The fact that you would even want to BE the GoaT is just another reason to elect - before you come to your senses about this so-called prison ter…I mean honor.
Nooooooooooo! Don’t you see, as soon as @jst1ofknd takes over he’ll name himself Goat for Life and all hell will break loose. Like, everyone will be forced to wear goatshirts at all times and purple will be outlawed.
Surely anyone this eager to be Goat must have bad intentions. Besides, Imma go with @reclaimercube because my new electric toothbrush got me a high-five* at the dentist’s today.
* A figurative high-five. A real one would’ve been weird.
Purple shall not be outlawed. Those who say that about me slander and shall be punished to the full extent of this forum. They shall be sent to the virtual corner and be called “bad”.
Hmmm, still doesn’t rule out a Goat-for-Life power grab on @jst1ofknd’s part. Or on anybody else’s parts. (Keep it off my parts, please.)
Meanwhile, the only thing @reclaimercube asked for was a toothbrush, and he shared it with all of us (well, anyone who was willing to shell out $12).
Of course, there’s still some lingering bitterness about the lost opportunity for puppies or cash-filled SUVs. But toothbrushes are a perfectly respectable thing to ask for, unlike Goat-hood.
@jst1ofknd@TheFLP screw this. If I get the October goat in my ceremony I’m stating it is for all three of us. I would like to think despite my selfish plea for a toothbrush I was doing it for all of us so for at least the next 36 months we will never need to go out again for a toothbrush and when we travel we won’t have to buy one.
@jst1ofknd@mfladd@reclaimercube Because my toothbrush order was mercilessly canceled by the tyrannical monsters of Meh, an occurrence no doubt caused by @katylava during her reign of terror, I cannot tender a vote for @reclaimercube at this time.
I got the sadz, and @reclaimercube got the toothbrushes…
How can we be sure you won’t turn around and declare that nothing is your fault, ever? It would undermine the social contract between Goat and Mehmber, leading people to lay blame on the actual perpetrators instead of the ungulate of the month.
@2many2no I know I managed to avoid it for 2 or so years and then got drafted elected the same month I was moving to a different state and starting a new job (with 8 days warning) and so was a crappy goat. It must be ex-goat badge envy now that we have badges by our name.
I vote for @jst1ofknd because he’s a nice human who sent me his unwanted caffeine gum at no charge and even threw in some fly strips because he remembered I’d once mentioned needing to get some for work! Very nice and thoughtful!
/giphy very nice guy
@jst1ofknd@reclaimercube Former goats’ votes count double so even though both of you currently have the same number of stars (17 each) your totals may not be the same.
@jst1ofknd at the end of the day we still have each other and I will continue to comment on anything you post. Its hard to get me to shut up once I get going.
@TheFLP it would be funny if i got an unblame for something about the site i was actually responsible for, but this wasn’t one of them. still, unblame accepted!
This is a FUTURE blame for whomever gets elected for Monday and Tuesday. I am moving then. Then coming back here Wednesday to try, likely in vain, to get my deposit back by cleaning up the this slumlord operated rental, then driving back to my new place after checking out on Thursday. I am doing my future blame now as I may or may not have internet, etc. during moving hell. I will find the September blame thread for posting blame for how I tired I am right now packing and trying to get everything else done.
PS. Bribery offer: I will vote for which ever goat offers, and follows through with coming to help me finish packing!!
After the first 24-48 hours of initial voting suggestions, can we maybe get a poll added (maybe one that could be updated for any late-coming dark-goats)? Sometimes hard to distill the choices.
And maybe a link to the actual nominating post if we’re still undecided.
Whoa whoa whoa. Dark goats? Next we’ll be getting off-white goats, and pastel goats, and OMG-that’s-a-lot-of-purple goats.
Let’s keep it simple. Get out the Pantone chips and we’ll pick out a nice corporate gray, not too dark and not too light. A Goat has to be pretty modest, because no one wants to heap blame on a furry mammal who looks like an explosion in a crayon factory. It’ll make the little kids cry, and then we’ll all feel like heels.
Y’know, that’s actually a pretty cool goat. Sort of a stealth goat, like today’s t-shirts. (Since @reclaimercube is at least partly responsible for the shirts, I’m sticking with my vote.)
@narfcake I think you’re mistaken. See, @reclaimercube and I clearly demanded cat shirts too…someone else dropped that ball.
While I’ve accepted half of the Meh’s Director of Meh-Shirt-Satuday’s position, oddly enough, the official Medicore Labs offer letter hasn’t arrived in my inbox yet.
While this is unfortunate, I’m certain this is the cause for the lack of cat shirts and I promise you this…I will make cat shirts a top priority in my new role.
Meh’s 1/2 Director of Meh-Shirt-Saturday’s
P.S. backstory on the goat thing? I could try to look it up…but, I’m sick, and meh.
@PHRoG Fair enough, but since there’s only so much blame I can heap on the current goat @katylava because it’s been weeksdayshoursminutes nanoseconds since I’ve harped to @snapster about the lack of catshirts, you’re getting the nomination.
Nomination for @reclaimercube. You asked for toothbrushes instead of $1 MacBooks, or free puppies, or Cadillac Escalades filled with cash.
@narfcake I’m the perfect candidate. As the goat of October I promise to share my costume from the recent photoshoot I had. Other than that I also just recently got free tickets to go see Venom early.
@narfcake @reclaimercube Early Venom tickets!?

@mfladd @narfcake if you go to sonyscreenings website and sign up it gives you notifications. Along with gofobo, too.
@narfcake @reclaimercube Thank you!
I’m throwing my vote to @reclaimercube. the second i read the toothbrush thread, i thought, “this is goat material right ehre”
yes, i thought “ehre”. because my brain was kind of fried at the time.
Another vote for @reclaimercube. They might be my clone. I too have advanced tix to Venom!! Tyler, is that you?
What’s this goat thing I just nominated them for tho?!
@PHRoG Congratulations! Your advanced Venom tickets have qualified you for a possible future GoaT nomination. To claim this prize, just keep being active in this community, and rubbing those Venom tickets in my face!
As for what the GoaT is - here is some light reading:
@mfladd like so?
/giphy venom movie


Once again, I nominate @blaineg because purple.
@therealjrn I love purple.
@therealjrn I think November would be a better month for @blaineg’s goathood. It would be 1 year since he received his purple superpower.
@msklzannie @therealjrn Yea, there’s some symmetry there. That’s a good thing, right?
/youtube zathras symmetry
@blaineg @msklzannie

/giphy symmetry
@jst1ofknd for limitless content, an apparent obsessive disorder, and just because he is a likable mess. We should set the hook before his obsession fades.

As the GoaT of October I promise to continue to post things that I find interesting or funny.
I don’t promise that anyone will agree with me.
@jst1ofknd The fact that you would even want to BE the GoaT is just another reason to elect - before you come to your senses about this so-called prison ter…I mean honor.
@jst1ofknd @mfladd I too agree with this nomination. You are awesome!!!
@mfladd @reclaimercube
You are too. Your campaign for the TOOTHBRUSH was inspired.
Nooooooooooo! Don’t you see, as soon as @jst1ofknd takes over he’ll name himself Goat for Life and all hell will break loose. Like, everyone will be forced to wear goatshirts at all times and purple will be outlawed.
Surely anyone this eager to be Goat must have bad intentions. Besides, Imma go with @reclaimercube because my new electric toothbrush got me a high-five* at the dentist’s today.
* A figurative high-five. A real one would’ve been weird.
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube @TheFLP
WHAT?!?! Purple will be outlawed? Noooooooo!
/giphy say it ain’t so

@jst1ofknd @TheFLP shucks FLP
I’m just doing what I see as the best course of action for all.
@reclaimercube @TheFLP
Purple shall not be outlawed. Those who say that about me slander and shall be punished to the full extent of this forum. They shall be sent to the virtual corner and be called “bad”.
So it is written, so shall it be.
still doesn’t rule out a Goat-for-Life power grab on @jst1ofknd’s part. Or on anybody else’s parts. (Keep it off my parts, please.)
Meanwhile, the only thing @reclaimercube asked for was a toothbrush, and he shared it with all of us (well, anyone who was willing to shell out $12).
Of course, there’s still some lingering bitterness about the lost opportunity for puppies or cash-filled SUVs. But toothbrushes are a perfectly respectable thing to ask for, unlike Goat-hood.
@jst1ofknd @TheFLP screw this. If I get the October goat in my ceremony I’m stating it is for all three of us. I would like to think despite my selfish plea for a toothbrush I was doing it for all of us so for at least the next 36 months we will never need to go out again for a toothbrush and when we travel we won’t have to buy one.
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube
A goat triumvirate? Sounds kinky.
@reclaimercube @TheFLP
True I made no mention of GoaT for life… My plans are secret and shall always be until they are revealed on the day of my coronation.
Don’t worry about it. I will be a gracious loser if it happens. I will rest secure in the knowledge that I shall eventually achieve GoaThood.
@jst1ofknd @mfladd @reclaimercube Because my toothbrush order was mercilessly canceled by the tyrannical monsters of Meh, an occurrence no doubt caused by @katylava during her reign of terror, I cannot tender a vote for @reclaimercube at this time.
I got the sadz, and @reclaimercube got the toothbrushes…
And @jst1ofknd got my vote.
Thank you! I’ll put you on my cabinet. That us if you come to my house you can sit on my cabinets…
@jst1ofknd , you have my goat. Vote I mean.
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube
How can we be sure you won’t turn around and declare that nothing is your fault, ever? It would undermine the social contract between Goat and Mehmber, leading people to lay blame on the actual perpetrators
instead of the ungulate of the month.
@reclaimercube @TheFLP
I’ve been married for 21 years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned how to do it’s to take blame. I accept this as the solemn social contact it is.
@jst1ofknd @TheFLP I’m on my second marriage. Let’s leave it at that. LOL
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube @TheFLP Don’t you mean “baaaaaaaaaaaad” kind of like this guy:
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube @sicc574 @TheFLP

Georgia Man seems so much more interesting and creative than Florida Man.
/giphy Florida Man
/giphy Georgia Man
Georgia Man is less interesting than I thought, according to Giphy
What? Wait? People are giving campaign promises???
Well it works for presidents… And we’re more likely to keep our promises…

/giphy laughing spitting coffee
hmm not what I was looking for but I’m leaving it and hitting edit again.
too tired this morning from packing - meant NOT hitting edit again.
@Kidsandliz I know,right?
Whatever happened to trying every way to avoid election?
At least we seem to have a contested race this month.
@2many2no I know I managed to avoid it for 2 or so years and then got
draftedelected the same month I was moving to a different state and starting a new job (with 8 days warning) and so was a crappy goat. It must be ex-goat badge envy now that we have badges by our name./still want my goat trophy
While I’m here, I’d like to mention that Goat is the name of a wonderfully weird band from Sweden:
Hypothetical question: if there’s a tie with an x number of goat nominees, does that mean they’ll all get goated for x number of months?
What does the Mehcronomicon say, @carl669?
@narfcake Surely @Carl669 has at least one fuck to give about this.
@mike808 @narfcake let us consult the mehcronomicon.
“Battle Royale. no fucking doubt. so say we all.”
I vote for @jst1ofknd because he’s a nice human who sent me his unwanted caffeine gum at no charge and even threw in some fly strips because he remembered I’d once mentioned needing to get some for work! Very nice and thoughtful!

/giphy very nice guy
I did, but that was not part of the campaign. Sending gifts to all my supporters is not one of my campaign promises.
Just to clarify.
/giphy grin

isn’t this the second nomination for this potential victem?
@f00l I didn’t know I had before?
G.O.A.T is the name of a not so wonderfully wierd band in Texas
and how did his bio end up on the florida wildlife management page?
(Link is NSFW)
@Cbear Sounds like the band needs to be controlled.
@reclaimercube it looks like we’re currently tied. It’s starting to look like we’ll need to do the battle royale.
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube Former goats’ votes count double so even though both of you currently have the same number of stars (17 each) your totals may not be the same.
@jst1ofknd @msklzannie @reclaimercube I haven’t voted yet
I do accept bribes.
Tied again and we’re in the final hours. This is mehxciting!!
I’m still hoping to win because I have content I’m ready to post, but if I don’t get it this month, maybe I’ll get it next month.
@jst1ofknd at the end of the day we still have each other and I will continue to comment on anything you post. Its hard to get me to shut up once I get going.
This thread is too long to not have pagination…
@sohmageek So many tangents…can’t focus…gifs everywhere

/giphy distracted shiny
@sohmageek use the settings to change how many posts you see. I have it set to the five newest and whatever I haven’t read yet. Makes it easier.
@RiotDemon @sohmageek Oooh … I forgot about those. I’ve had it set to “Firehose,” which is a bit much on these miles-long threads.
@sohmageek @TheFLP hope it helps you to enjoy the forums more!
@RiotDemon @sohmageek It beats the drudgery of interminable scrolling, looking for the occasional gray line.
Wrong thread, but a big unblame to @katylava for this. Possibly outweighs all of the month’s blame combined.
@TheFLP it would be funny if i got an unblame for something about the site i was actually responsible for, but this wasn’t one of them. still, unblame accepted!
This is a FUTURE blame for whomever gets elected for Monday and Tuesday. I am moving then. Then coming back here Wednesday to try, likely in vain, to get my deposit back by cleaning up the this slumlord operated rental, then driving back to my new place after checking out on Thursday. I am doing my future blame now as I may or may not have internet, etc. during moving hell. I will find the September blame thread for posting blame for how I tired I am right now packing and trying to get everything else done.
PS. Bribery offer: I will vote for which ever goat offers, and follows through with coming to help me finish packing!!
GoaT = Greatest of all Toothbrushes.
Just sayin’.
So, as some may say: Tom’s of Maine Brady?
Whoever it is, I feel lots of blaming will be headed your way from here. Don’t know why. Just feel like it I reckon.
After the first 24-48 hours of initial voting suggestions, can we maybe get a poll added (maybe one that could be updated for any late-coming dark-goats)? Sometimes hard to distill the choices.
And maybe a link to the actual nominating post if we’re still undecided.
Whoa whoa whoa. Dark goats? Next we’ll be getting off-white goats, and pastel goats, and OMG-that’s-a-lot-of-purple goats.
Let’s keep it simple. Get out the Pantone chips and we’ll pick out a nice corporate gray, not too dark and not too light. A Goat has to be pretty modest, because no one wants to heap blame on a furry mammal who looks like an explosion in a crayon factory. It’ll make the little kids cry, and then we’ll all feel like heels.
@TheFLP @thejackalope I strongly approve of Dark Goatz!

@mfladd @thejackalope
Y’know, that’s actually a pretty cool goat. Sort of a stealth goat, like today’s t-shirts. (Since @reclaimercube is at least partly responsible for the shirts, I’m sticking with my vote.)
@mfladd @TheFLP @thejackalope purple goats confirmed
@mfladd @reclaimercube @TheFLP @thejackalope Barney goats?
@blaineg @mfladd @reclaimercube @TheFLP @thejackalope I love purple.
@Barney @blaineg @mfladd @reclaimercube @thejackalope
A Barney goat would be totally acceptable.
@TheFLP Nope. @Barney served her term already.

/image goat spigots
@TheFLP Aww… Thank you.
Congratulations, @PHRoG. We got shirts now, but you didn’t insist it had to be catshirts. For that, here’s your nomination too.
@narfcake I think you’re mistaken. See, @reclaimercube and I clearly demanded cat shirts too…someone else dropped that ball.
While I’ve accepted half of the Meh’s Director of Meh-Shirt-Satuday’s position, oddly enough, the official Medicore Labs offer letter hasn’t arrived in my inbox yet.
While this is unfortunate, I’m certain this is the cause for the lack of cat shirts and I promise you this…I will make cat shirts a top priority in my new role.
Meh’s 1/2 Director of Meh-Shirt-Saturday’s
P.S. backstory on the goat thing? I could try to look it up…but, I’m sick, and meh.
/giphy the mask love me

@PHRoG Fair enough, but since there’s only so much blame I can heap on the current goat @katylava because it’s been
weeksdayshoursminutesnanoseconds since I’ve harped to @snapster about the lack of catshirts, you’re getting the nomination.For a brief history of scapegoats:
@katylava @narfcake @snapster ahh, ok, understood! Said blame is hereby accepted.
In addition to the missing offer letter is the missing employee handbook…which, I’m sure lists such policies and will be arriving soon.
@PHRoG No no no! You’re only nominated thus so far. Don’t accept the blame ahead of schedule!
@narfcake oh.
/giphy morty

All losing goat candidates can freely blame the winner for their loss.
In the new goat thread, of course.
You would appear to have some notable goat potential yourself, kind sir.
@f00l Absolutely, and yet, @mike808 has managed to escape getting enough votes (or nomination) for multiple months now.
@f00l @mike808 @narfcake He should count his blessings for that. I don’t understand this new enthusiastic group we have now.
@mfladd I applaud the enthusiasm, actually. We need more of that.