Everything is Different and Everything is The Same (AMA)


Hey there. Friendly neighborhood @chadp here.

We’ve seen some comments and heard some questions about what’s been going on in Mediocre Customer Service with folks leaving and new folks coming on, and we haven’t really done anything exciting on Fridays for a while, so I thought we’d take a minute and open things up a bit.

The CS team is still rocking and rolling and putting out fires and doing a ton of work just as always. We’re just doing it with some fresh faces. So now is your chance to Ask Us Anything!

Let me introduce (re-introduce?) your current roster of CS players. Say hello to @woodhouse, @thumperchick, and @thomasf! Oh and me I guess. We’ve also got @thebigkahuna helping us out for the Summer! I guess if they want to formally introduce themselves they can later. But that’s the team. Go Team!

So now’s your chance. Ask us anything. What do you want to know about Mediocre, about what we’re doing, about food, movie reviews, or just life in general…

We’ll be around for a bit, so make it count!