Our forum rules: No BULLSHIT™
22(These are the original forum rules, designed by @JonT back in the early days of mediocre. They hadn't yet made it over here to meh's forums, so I'm reposting them here for reference.)
The one simple rule that we want to enforce is this: No BULLSHIT.
If you need more details they're down below, but the truth is we just wanted to make up an acronym that spelled BULLSHIT.
B ias - everyone has some bias, but you should identify yours when it contributes to why you love or hate something. We're talking to you @CompanyShill2389
U nmanned Accounts - no shady robots, especially ones that only post links that benefit you.
L ibel or illegal stuff - we'd really rather not waste all of the money we squeeze out of you on lawyers.
L uridness - no porn, there's plenty of that everywhere else on the internet.
S pam - you know what spam we mean. Talking about the canned meat is allowed and encouraged (it’s great with rice and eggs).
H atespeech - pretty obvious, don't be a dick.
I diocy - extremely stupid behavior. We like smart people.
T rolling - be constructive. The only exception is for actual trolls:
As with all of our rules we reserve the right to be hypocritical and break these if we feel like it.
Like everything else in this post, that ™ in the title is also bullshit.
I almost forgot, cursing will not be fucking tolerated.
Hopefully there won't be a need to bust out these rules too often, but they're handy to have when people ask for specifics.
Let me know if you have any feedback.
- 14 comments, 88 replies
- Comment
I hate it when you go to reply to a comment and the poster deletes that comment. Screws me all up.
This looks like a lot at first glance. But for me, at least, it comes down to 3 things:
1) Don't post spam. (More than half the rules seem to directly address spammy crap.)
2) No porn/nudity.
3) No hate speech. (There isn't much, language wise that will get you deleted, but when it happens, it almost always involves hate speech/slurs.)
I only deleted my comment on here because a different comment disappeared.
But I wrote:
"I love when rules are given in an acronym. Makes it easier to remember them. Of course, the only problem is remembering the acronomic (acronomyc???) word."
@FroodyFrog I think this one's an easy word/phrase to remember, even if it's a bit repetitive.
@Thumperchick isn't about 60% of what is said here trolling in one form or another... but if it's constructive trolling and not spamming... ;) BTW... SPAM is great! But not so much on the bacon spam... Spam can have too much sodium...
@Thumperchick Have we been breaking the rules again?
@2many2no Not that I've seen... Also I agree with the post below you @jbartus's post... I'll end it with a heaping pile of spam...

BTW... did someone break the auto image if I put a URL in that is a jpeg.. I had to use the image tag to get that one to show up... @hollboll
@sohmageek I think it was the ~ in the link. Special characters don't usually play well with image links here.
All of these rules seem very subjective >.>
Also it's hard to tell which parts to take seriously. I'm assuming the swearing part is a joke given that it has a curse word in it?
@jbartus If we were more "tongue-in-cheek" we'd have bitten it off by now.
Basically, we are always nice to each other, even when it seems like we're not.
(Well, mostly.)
@2many2no I understand that, I'm just noting that the way the rules are written here the whole thing comes off as a joke, so, in short, it makes it seem like there are no rules. With that said, @Thumperchick posted elsewhere implying that the rules are sincere, which makes it even more confusing.
It's like Schrödinger's Rules or something.
@jbartus I think it's pretty clear. But there was a whole thing about swearing being ok after this was written.
I just think the "Don't be a dick" pretty much summarizes all the rules.
@jbartus of course they're subjective. The goal is to have room for people to be people. They are genuine and fluid out of necessity. These are not mutually exclusive things.
Except that cursing rule. Never fucking break that.
@Thumperchick yeah I don't mind the subjectiveness as much as the mixed messages the tongue in cheek gives. I get that it's meh and tongues are generally glued to cheeks, but when rules are involved it can lead to mixed messages, hence Schrödinger's Rules :P
Anyhow, most of the stuff seems typical enough, I'm going to assume unless you specifically indicate otherwise that the cursing one is a joke based on what @ceagee said and what I perceive to be a joke in what you said. ^^
Jesus fucking Christ . . .
@Pavlov can He do that?!!!?
@jbartus Schrödinger's Rules: a perfect analogy.
@jbartus You only need to worry about the rules if you're planning on breaking one of them. Otherwise, this is just laying out some of the reasons the moderators could change/delete/ban you for, without being an exhaustive list (no one likes people who try to find a loophole in the rules).
@dashcloud I often find the best course of action for not breaking the rules is to be aware of them. Generally speaking I am not prone to objectionable behavior but not being aware of what is and isn't objectionable in a new place is a good way to fall afoul of things. I'd actually looked for rules the first day I posted here and found none, so since this cropped up I was trying to get a feel for them is all. =)
@ceagee @jbartus I would make that summary Don't be a fucking dick.
Or, Be Kind.
@jbartus I can see what you're saying. To be clear: the BULLSHIT rules are the rules. The "almost forgot" swearing part at the end isn't a rule.
And, as others said, being 100% objective here is not the goal, and is impossible anyway, so I guess I agree with you.
And, to make this overly long, this isn't meant to cover every single thing, it's meant to help form an idea of what we're going for here. The hope is this helps establish an understanding of the culture we're trying to foster, not that this is a comprehensive legislative document to refer potential offenses against.
@dave A good summary: Most of the internet is people being mean to each other whilst pretending to be nice, Meh is people genuinely being nice to each other whilst pretending to be mean.
@Starblind Fuck you, jerkface.
@hallmike Up yours, pissflaps.
@Starblind Phhhht. You forgot the rule . . .
@dave thanks for the post. I'm very much familiar with the 'guidelines subject to discretion of staff' type of thing, I was just having problems with regards to what parts were meant to be taken seriously or not. Thanks for clearing it up! :)
@Pavlov if I had zap power, I’d zap you for this one.
@Pavlov @tngrannyd Necroposting is a BANNABLE offense!
I can't believe that no one has posted this yet.
Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!
It's really cool that the rules here have the same acronym as the test we had to take in school, the Basic Undergraduate Learning Level Standardised Heuristic Inventory Test. Apparently nobody bothered to figure out what it spelled out until after the forms were printed. Fortunately they realised the mistake and changed the name the next year, to the Baseline Academic Learning Level Standard Aptitude Criterion Check, which doesn't spell any real word.
@Starblind it's kind of like the South Lake Union Trolley in Seattle.
@Starblind It near enough as makes no difference spells Ballsack :P Never underestimate students to find a way to make a giggleworthy phrase out of an acronym :)

@carl669 How much is a ride?
@cinoclav i think it's 5 bucks. but you should probably bring a lot of protection.
@carl669 Eh, I've spent more on dinner for a bumpy SLUT ride.
So is this just a repost or are there any addendum?
@DrunkCat I think these were only over at the Mediocre forum before, so this is just posting them over here. No changes that I can think of.
@dave So what you're saying is... This is spam. :p
@DrunkCat they were up at mediocre, but not here. So yeah, just a repost.
Does this mean I have to stop posting images of lovely men when the Order Name Generator From Hell gives me something that Google associates with really bad images?
@OldCatLady nah. The rules aren't new, or being enforced differently than before. I posted here because I cited them somewhere and realized they weren't easily found here if needed, so I reposted them.
Your not-from-google order images are fine.
@OldCatLady Just stay away from nude male angels and you'll be OK.
@sammydog01 Not to mention anything that might be deemed too abrasive, playfully antagonistic, flirty, or otherwise rough around the edges.
Even if management tells you that you're fine.
@jaremelz How about prissy, self-righteous, special snowflake images? Will those offend anyone who can't figure out how to scroll past them? I was a founding member of NOW back in the 70s, so stop all the PC posturing. I don't mean you, @jaremelz; you're honest. You know what, fuck this shit. It isn't worth it when some precious darlings can drive off users who help create a fantasy community.
@OldCatLady @jaremelz

@OldCatLady. While I certainly wouldn't want to speak for someone else, I would hope that people wouldn't read too much into the location of the goodbye and assume this was the cause.
That said, I was reassured by meh that we did not cross the line. Yes, we walked it, and I will not apologize. If people are so offended, disgusted, concerned, shocked, keep scrolling. Meh management has themselves made it clear that they welcome all kinds. It's the problem of a select few who feel the need to tell others which part of themselves they should be expressing. Again, we did push the line in a thread I warned would be doing that. If someone thinks that being abrasive or a bit edgy or dirty means we are somehow also not positive and caring, they can get bent. Just don't tell me only one side has a place here.
Here, I made them something

@Thumperchick Turn down for wat?

@Thumperchick goldang them's some heavy hangers.
@OldCatLady I am a bit too young to have been an activist in the early 70s but plenty old enough to understand what real discrimination of women was like. As a beneficiary of NOW's actions I say a big thank you. Every time I read how women are discriminated against because of dress codes or unequal pay for unequal jobs I would like to give a history lesson to some young 'uns. When I was a kid boys wanted to be doctors and firemen and girls wanted to be nurses and stewardesses because that's what the cultural norm was. In middle school (public) boys took wood shop and metal shop and girls took cooking and sewing. Most of the top colleges were all male. Doctors, lawyers, and engineers were all men. Women were secretaries until they got pregnant and then became stay at home moms. That, young ladies, is what discrimination really looks like.
@jaremelz Holy hell, what did I miss? Has there been a kerfuffle and no one let me know? I've been remiss about visiting the forums with any regularity. Did someone take offense to @OldCatLady's delightful Travels To EyeCandyLand Thread? Were grenades & hissy fits thrown, knickers twisted, pearls clutched? Links, dammit! Someone point me in the right direction! Please?
@LaVikinga (Replying to myself since I've missed the edit window)> Oh. Found it. Or at least what remains after editing/modding? I'm assuming Thumperchick was backed into a corner and had to do some modding, because otherwise I only found some hard toeing of the line. Nothing that truly elicited a widening of the eyes. Of course, I'm a lot more comfortable with nudity/sex than a lot of the females in my particular age bracket.
As always, Meh's playground, Meh's rules. I can't take offense at being brought up short if I break them (but it's always good to know ahead of time just what those rules are).
@LaVikinga There was only one thing removed. What you see was the extent of our posts. As I said above, we knew how to walk the line. It is just that the line for some people is so close to the starting point that you can't help but cross it with a few pictures or comments.
It is ironic to me that he would so often get grief for things that I started. That thread was created by a woman, me, who happens to stand by her tastes and dark humor and sexual innuendo. It is simply who I am. Those who don't understand a woman can be every bit as much that way as a man always assume I am trying to hard or just attempting to be offensive. I am simply me. We are not all gentle all of the time, or civilized or proper or anyone else's bullshit idea of what a person should be. And I'll say it again, only one image was removed, not ours. The person had a very good and valid point, but the image was technically at this time a no-no.
This time, I'll refrain from saying that I can't speak for him. It is no secret that we are in contact with each other. He did not leave for this reason. His decision was made before any of the flack came down. He is good, rest assured.
@jaremelz Ah. Aligning of planets, the turning of the wheel for him then?
I'm quite familiar with that fine line IRL. Sometimes it's dangerously razor thin for me. Please pass to him this: I lift my sword in his direction with my hopes the gods will look favorably upon his twisted self.
"Be hole, be dust, be dream, be wind
Be night, be dark, be wish, be mind,
Now slip, now slide, now move unseen,
Above, beneath, betwixt, between.”
(Sometimes Gaiman pulls magic from the air.)
@LaVikinga It was, indeed. The planets aligned and he found his exit.
The message has been warmly received and is a lovely sentiment. Gaiman does indeed find a lovely way of stringing together the words of our language, doesn't he?
and to think i've wasted my internet life reading useful information.
@carl669 since noone else has bothered... as required by internet law I present:
@The_Baron we'll have none of this here.

#Schrodingers Rules (didn't know how to do the ..thing over the o) is my new favorite phrase!
@mehbee Dont know why that's in bold
@mehbee Every once in a while, the hashtag/pound sign will decide it's job is to create a header font. Adding a space in front of it helps... sometimes. I fixed it for you.
@Thumperchick Can you backslash-escape hashes as well? Let's see.
(Edit: yes! so starting a line with
will return a literal#
instead of treating the line as a header.)@brhfl a blank space works as well. Fun glitch, right?
@Thumperchick I believe the markdown spec does specify hash(es) for <Hx> tags come 'at the start of a line' or similar, which while perhaps not in the spirit of what markdown sets out to achieve, technically suggests whitespace should escape it. Bit odd, but I think it's working according to spec.
@brhfl seems like markdown spec didn't account for the idea that people would want to use leading hash tags, aren't edge cases fun?
@jbartus Markdown predates Twitter by about a year. I'm guessing, aside from comments in some programming languages, a line led by a hash was very unlikely at the time.
@brhfl there's a specific markdown spec Meh uses?
@jbartus There's the official Markdown syntax and parser released by Gruber in 2004, presumably Meh started with a parser that adheres to the syntax. Then they slapped on automatic image embeds, YouTube embeds, Kickstarter embeds, etc. to make mehdown. (AFAIK).
@brhfl @jbartus Here's the official Mediocre github page, with the source for the Mehdown implementation: https://github.com/mediocre/mehdown
Feel free to submit pull requests against it.
@brhfl hmm, according to wikipedia the markdown published by Gruber doesn't seem to use hashes for headers until the H3 level, with H1 and H2 being denoted by underlining with equal signs and hyphens respectively, and H3 beginning with a series of 3 hashes. Maybe it's using another flavor?
@jbartus That's just an example. Using the underlined style of header only gets you H1 and H2. If you want to go H3-H6, you have to use leading hashes. Hashes still work for H1 and H2 though. See here.
@brhfl I don't understand the unnecessary redundancy but... yay
Thanks for showing me. :)
@Thumperchick Thanks so much!
So you're saying' we can have everything but Bullshit?

(BTW: this is an actual Mothership product: http://www.amazon.com/Chef-Marlas-Super-Shit-arein/dp/B00J4WF2OE)
The fact that this post is even here confuses me. Did I miss a giant spam filled misogynist idiot dock troll spewing profane libelous statements about bronies or something?
@Marion14505 no, @Thumperchick referenced them elsewhere and realized they hadn't been migrated here from the other board so they were related here for reference purposes.
@Marion14505 nothing nearly as fun. Simply making information more readily available.
@Marion14505 bronies?
@carl669 Ain't nothing wrong with bronies. Cloppies though... shudders
@Thumperchick do i even want to know what a bronie/cloppie is? i'm afraid to google it at work.
@carl669 A Brony is a grown man (or woman) who likes My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. (For examples, see @humper) They are everywhere and for the most part, are normal people who happen to dig a kid's cartoon. (Some female bronies prefer the term Pegasister)
Welcome to the weirdness that comes with ultra-specific fandoms. Bronies get more shit than most, because it's mostly guys into something designed for young girls.
A cloppy is... something you don't want to know. Or google. They're like furries, but for ponies - and in some cases, cartoon ponies.
@Thumperchick Now why you gotta go hatin' on furries?
@Thumperchick Do you and @humper watch the show together, or is it more his thing than yours?
@Marion14505 you're right - I have a few friends that are furries. I should be nicer... But probably won't be.
@dashcloud he roped me in. Still nore his than mine.
@Thumperchick Hot in Cleveland had the best episode on Bronies.
I don't think luridness is a word.
@marcee luridity?
Sure it is.
@marcee only an unmanned account/robot would notice that. i hereby invoke the 'U' in BULLSHIT!
@sammydog01 That's what I thought, but now I'm not so sure. I would just avoid any noun version of it at all and continue to use it as an adjective.
@marcee but you are the definition of luridness.
@marcee luridosity?