“Typing Day, which honors a written form of communication that ensures speed, accuracy, and efficiency, was established in Malaysia and is today celebrated around the globe. The Malaysian Speed Typing Contest, which took place in 2011, was the first event that cemented Typing Day as an essential addition to calendars worldwide.” - nationaltoday.com
National Meh Day!!
I’m celebrating the fact I get porcupine meatballs for dinner. At this stage of life it really is the little things.
@kjady Brown gravy or tomato sauce?
@detailer We’re a tomator sauce family. I was horrifed by a coworker’s family that used cheese whiz.
Earth’s Rotation Day!! Turn Baby, TURN!!
National Get over the holiday Flu day! Well, maybe that is tomorrow.
/showme a person Cuddling a Chicken and cat
“Typing Day, which honors a written form of communication that ensures speed, accuracy, and efficiency, was established in Malaysia and is today celebrated around the globe. The Malaysian Speed Typing Contest, which took place in 2011, was the first event that cemented Typing Day as an essential addition to calendars worldwide.” - nationaltoday.com
World Kick Justin Castro Out of Government Day! Beat it you commie!
Snow day! We were overdue for one, it’s been a while and it was getting really dry.
@Kyeh Ooo, that was the day before yesterday around here, sorry.
@aetris @Kyeh yesterday in front range colo
Didn’t know I was celebrating. . .
National Don’t Burn Your Bridges Day
National English Toffee Day
@2many2no Yum.
Orthodox Boxing Day of course
National wear-a-catshirt day.
@narfcake I thoughr that was every day?
@tinamarie1974 Only on days that end in ‘y’.
@narfcake @tinamarie1974, that’s every day for my mom.
International smother a chicken day, in a cream of mushroom soup gravy that is.
There is no elevators, therefore stairs.
@Wollyhop It’s National All Elevators in Boston’s MBTA Subway Stations Are Out of Order Day
National Show and Tell At Work Day
January is National Meat Month! 31 days of protein overload.
For me it’s
National Argyle Day!
National I don’t give a shit day…oh wait, that’s every day
@somf69 Try eating more fiber.
@macromeh @somf69 Hey, maybe that magical liver detox crap Meh is selling will help. Or maybe not.
My birthday eve!!
It’s not a holiday, but I am having a very personal celebration.