Deals from a few days ago still for sale?
5I was checking the status of the knife I ordered a few days ago, clicked the link to the deal page, and saw that the buy button was still there. So I went clicking through other recent deals from before yesterday’s meh-rathon, and those pens and that grill are also still available for purchase.
I remember when us VMPs were the only ones who got to buy a past deal, and even then we only had until 6 AM the next day to do so. Is this a bug, a crazy new experiment, or was this announced a while back and I’m out of the loop?
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When they dont sell out, IIRC, vmps can still get access.
@tardis I thought maybe it was a secret extension of the VMP benefit, but the buy button is still there on those deals even if you’re logged out.
@lljk hmm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have been noticing that the majority of the daily deals on Meh have continued to be orderable for another 24 hours after rollover, unless they sell out. This started happening just after the announcement of the split between the Meh part and the Morningsave part of the umbrella organization.The stuff in the Mehrathon yesterday, not so much.
@werehatrack Missed that. What happened to MorningSave?
@stinks The two major types of mercatalyst ops have been moved slightly apart, from what I understand. SideDeal, Mediocritees, and Meh (and Casemates) are a partially-separate operational group from MorningSave and Stella Carmina. I dunno how that really shakes out, and it makes damn little practical diffo to us over here. The biggest visible change is the SD banner ad up top, which wasn’t there in January. Membership on either side of the fence still gets free shipping on both. MorningSave has a brick-and-mortar store in Plano now, which some of us expected to function as the death of the Mehrathon (in addition to being an alternate outlet for their own line of crap). For a while, it looked like it might have done that, and I’m not convinced that the ongoing (less frequent) 'Thons are going to be as attention-getting as they once were.
@stinks @werehatrack except that the “thons” as you call them, were only an occasional thing pre-covid. So maybe they are just going back to their original model?
@stinks @tinamarie1974 Dunno. I never hung around Woot enough to have a grip on the frequency of the Woot-Offs that seem like the predecessor of the Mehrathon.
@stinks @werehatrack no, I mean pre-covid on Meh the events were not as often and sporadic like we are seeing this year. They only became a monthly, bi-monthly thing the last few years.
Although I realize @snapster has owned both corporations, they are two seperate entities and I was not comparing them. Apples/oranges
@stinks @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
I think they’re going back to sporadic. The problem I think, was they didn’t get as much sellout (the Mercatalyst family is basically a liquidator), and hence more IRKs from the leftovers.
The recent IRK-a-thon was really to test the price increase (new and improved with twice as much regret!) in advance of the birthday (for bragging about holding the $5 price for 8 years) and draw down IRK-worthy inventory.
I think the new model will be $10 IRKs, back to once every two months or so, and with most of the otherwise IRK-worthy inventory going to clearance over at MorningSave B&M and online. I think we will see more separation with like is already in place for and and as their own islands within the Mercatalyst archipelago.
I think and will continue to be cozy with lots of product crossovers. Us Mehtizens will be the beta customers for the new/riskier deals before they head over to SideDeals. In general, I’m hoping we get better pricing during the limited launch/sale event here on Meh. An example is that eBike - the pricing on Meh for that day it was on sale was even better that it is on SideDeal now. I am sure there will be deals that go the other way, mainly because SideDeal has a different customer source with the TV tie-ins. At least that’s my sense of how the product flows are being setup for.
So less pearl necklaces and more knives and bluetooth speakers/earbuds and battery packs and sardine-flavored candy canes. With the occasional really cool thing that we get first crack at.
@mike808 @stinks @werehatrack I think your summary is sound and pragmatic!
Also, I could use those cheese and crackers today as Im making a big pot of chili (with beans, so not Texas style)
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
Please heavens be true.
Thanks for the 411.
/image gregory house saying please
@stinks @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
There is no 411. That’s just a hunch I have, as a Mehtizen.
And @tinamarie1974, you know them crackers just love cheese. Although they prefer to be called “Saltine-Americans”.
@mike808 @stinks @werehatrack uummmmmmm…
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack Wait that wasn’t investment advice? Guess I should pull those Casemates options before someone buys them from me!
Excepting Meh-rathon snd Birthday-rathon t-shirts.
: (