2-for-Tuesday: Remington Lockback Knives
2-for-Tuesday: Remington Lockback Knives
sold 1/24/17 at $3 per knife.
These were little gems; small but super sharp and great to keep one unobtrusive in a pants pocket. Too bad they were lost in the debris of a house fire a couple of years later.
@ciabelle well it’s more like I take the CREDIT haha. Because I quite liked the knives and speaker docks that meh used to bombard us with. However, I do take the blame for my poor grammar and ending a sentence with a preposition.
@spatialdrift Where do you think they’re going to be made at this price? Made in USA will be a lot more, and quality too (depending). But then you’re getting a Spyderco, or a waaay more expensive CRKT (do they make knives in the US still?) or many other smaller makers…
@spatialdrift Though 8Cr13MoV is a cheap steel. It is actually a decent steel for its price. 0.8% carbon content helps the blade to rentsin the edge. Chromium at 13% is good for erosion resistance. It is much better 420J2 steel, which is a lower quality cheap steel, which is ok to be the handle.
@spatialdrift Japan brought in W. Edwards Deming in 1950 to create a culture of quality control in Japanese industry and commerce. China in 2022 has chabuduo. The US has MBAs. The side effects of these three statements have had an enormous impact on everything.
@The_Tim Probably would have bought one in the good old days. Now though I know these are meh steel, meh design and way too heavy even for their size.
Besides, yesterday I just ordered a full size Cold Steel SRK for $33 on Amz. Way more bang for the buck.
Ontario Rat I and II were recently selling there for about the same price too. Likely a better choice overall.
@robson The logical followup to knives would be a pallet of melted together candy corn. Then use the knife to cut it apart. But you may want an electric knife for that big a job, in which case I hope you have batteries in your fridge. You can play music through the speakerdock while you cut up @shahnm—I mean the candy corn. Hopefully it’s a purple speakerdock because @Barneys purple. All this and more can be found in your Fukubukuru.
There. Now nobody needs to buy them for old times’ sake. That’s enough old times for even ur mom.
@blaineg@danpritts That is strange, isn’t it?
In fairness, it looks more “bronze” in person, especially in sunlight… It really is a great little knife though, good quality steel, bearing flipper mechanism, gets razor sharp too
Almost every knife i bought on here has gone up in price ,bought a Ken Onion powdered steel, carbon fiber handle knife a few year’s back, wow best knife I ever owned, when I open it with my thumb the click can be heard 2 rooms away, very good offer here.
I’m always looking for knives under 3”. Don’t need the length or the attention it brings. Alas, I seem to be chasing unicorns, or at least dogs with cones on their heads.
But I’ll buy one just because I can’t resist. 3.6ish inches is at least a little more reasonable.
@bartm@brianbrianbrian It is my understanding that AMZ has a problem because they have physical locations in NYC; this means that they can’t even sell “prohibited” stuff online for delivery there.
Designed by a special ops veteran, the Xan™ /z-ann/ tactically-inspired everyday carry folding knife is your pocket-sized security system. Designed in the wake of the powerful and popular RASP™ tactical folder, the Xan™ keeps all the tactical trappings while translating seamlessly to the garage.
@stinks These are actually hilarious. This appears to be where your career goes if you’re too high T to keep writing for J. Peterman.
Half hammer, half axe. Fully built to withstand all tasks. Designed by Ryan Johnson of RMJ Tactical, the Chogan™ Hammer splits the work of setting up your campsite in half. Both practical and tactical, this hammer axe combo chops all of the firewood you’ll ever need, along with effortlessly hammering your tent’s stakes deep into the ground. A multi-purposeful carry, it makes perfect sense in any adventure bag.
Ryan Johnson of RMJ Tactical in Chattanooga, TN designed the Chogan™ Hammer. An expert in applying modern engineering to centuries-old tool and weapon concepts, Ryan pushes the tactical frontier with his outdoor line of tomahawks made to withstand nature’s toughest moments. Made from a solid chunk of 1055 carbon steel that is hot forged into a rock-solid head that features a Manganese Phosphate Coating, the Chogan™ Hammer packs a powerful swing from both sides. Put the hammerhead side to use when you need something tough to pound nails and stakes easily into the ground—or reach for it to split wood to feed your roaring fire.
@stinks It means that they know how the arrested-at-mental-age-12 minds work in the most critical part of their customer base. (They’re the ones who buy the blather, and pay full list for the knife “because it’s worth it.”)
@bakerzdosen Yep. The other one’s got a slightly better rep there, but much depends on what’s been done with the steel in the process of making the blade.
Overall, I still prefer plain high-carbon steel, but the good ones from that group come dear.
You seem to know what you’re talking about. I almost pulled the trigger on the Xan, but the quickly lost edge concerns me. How does the Xan compare to CRKT M16-10KS?
@bakerzdosen@thechilipepper0 That one and the Gulf both use a higher-carbon stainless where the 1.4116 has no nickel content and more moly. There are trade-offs in both directions involved. Both alloys can make decent knives, but if the heat treating and blade forging of the 8Cr13MoV is done properly, you should get a tougher blade that retains an edge better. Kershaw certainly achieves that with it. But if they’ve cheapskated on the manufacturing process, there’s not going to be a lot of difference between the two. It all boils down to whether you trust the rep of the supplier. CRKT has a pretty good rep, but at the end of the day, they are still selling a Chinese-made blade. If they don’t have their own QC inspection staff on site at the Chinese plant, any level of quality might be present. “Chabuduo” is a thing there.
@thechilipepper0@werehatrack that about sums it up: a lousy blade steel can be made less lousy through good heat treatment. A great steel can be made lousy through lousy heat treatment.
We really don’t know what CRKT have done with the steel here, but they’re not exactly known for world-beating treatments.
All in all, these knives are probably better than average deals. Just don’t expect them to be “super steels” and you’ll be happy.
I’m a fan of CRKT. I’ve got an M16-04DB that has become my EDC and a Chogan tomahawk that is a great small camp axe. My fixed blades are mostly Benchmade, but I’ve been quite happy with CRKT’s folding knives. For this price (with my ‘I’m so dumb coupon’) it’s a no brainer. Might buy another and put one in my wife’s car.
With the first sign of an end to the knife drought here, the question becomes “If I grab this one today, am I going to be kicking myself later when a better choice comes up, or am I going to be kicking myself for not grabbing it when nothing similar has been listed six months from now?” These are important considerations, particularly for folks with a double-jointed kicking leg.
@werehatrack If you can afford the money, and have patience, buy this one, and leave it in the packaging for six months. If nothing else comes up, then open the knife, and feel like you came out ahead.
If a better one comes along, order the new one, and use it, feeling like you came out. And use this one as a nice gift for someone.
That’s probably accurate; “unlikely” is my suspicion, since Bluetooth and the cell-phone-as-music-device combo pretty much killed the hardwired speaker dock demand half a decade back.
I usually only buy Justin Case Tactical knives, but I know that Ryan Johnson of RMJ Tactical designed the Gulf so I bought it. Still a big fan of Justin Case Tactical though, those TN boys ready know how to make a knife!
@Kyeh Fine, I’ll tell you if it’ll stop everyone from asking! Actually I think it’s kind of a lame reason, but my current (“EDC”) is too heavy so I picked the lighter one.
This arrived today (Xan). It’s ok for the price point. Reasonably sharp blade out of the box and one hand open can happen, but it’s going to need some breaking in and or a little lubrication to make it smooth. One hand close is never going to happen. I’ve become so used to the deadbolt mechanism on my CRKT M16 that it’s a little frustrating to have to turn it over and pull back the release bar to close it. It reminds me of the SOG Trident I got from Woot 12+ years ago. But… for the price, I’m happy with it. The Gulf Stone should arrive soon.
@capnjb Yep. Just unboxed my Xan today… the action of the blade and the lock are more than a bit stiff. I’ll hit it with some Militec lubricant and see if that helps, but it’s not what I would consider functional out of the box. it will require some serious breaking in. That’s unexpected for a CRKT knife - they might not be the sharpest things right out of the box, but the action is usually pretty smooth.
@capnjb I am very not happy with the Xan. Nearly impossible to open or close. One handed ain’t happening. Mostly because I am not going to invest the time to break it in but also poor design. Not well put together in my opinion. It was worth a gamble. Meh!
@rustyh3 I’m on your team. I don’t think it’s great but for $35 it’s a reasonable knife that my daughter can whittle with while camping. I wouldn’t want it as a primary knife and it won’t replace my CRKT M16 with the dead bolt lock, but it’s something to throw in a bag that is serviceable. You can buy worse knives at big box stores for more than that. The Gulf that just arrived closes easier, but the pegs to open it really only open it about half way. But again… for the price I think it’s a fair deal.
Feels good in hand. Blade feels very solid when open. No wobble at all.
Easy enough to open and close one handed, but I have reasonably large hands.
The Rat 1 and my Spyderco Para. clone are both much easier to one-hand.
@capnjb@lichen Back in December, I picked up a three-pack of folding utility knives at Home Depot for EDC use. They had lockbacks that annoyed the shit out of me, so I dismantled them and reground the blade’s locking notch ramp to make it just a detent and not a You Must Depress The Very Stiff Lock closure. They one-hand very nicely now, and I regret nothing. They’re small in my pocket, but damned useful for everyday slice-n-dice of nonfoods. My daughter even appropriated one of them. Sometimes it is really hard to beat the convenience of an edge you can just cheaply replace.
That said, Ima like my Gulf, even if I haven’t actually used it yet.
@lichen@werehatrack One hand open and close test with my CRKT M16-DL, Gulf and Xan. M16 - good open and close. Gulf - Shitty open and reasonable close. Xan - Good open and shit show close. Still have all my fingers… so yay YouTube linkz0r
Todd at Project Farm on YouTube did a test of knife sharpening widgets a while back, and I’m curious if any of you use the Lansky setup? How durable are those narrow stones? I’ve just been winging it on an old three-stone block for decades with good results.
@werehatrack I’m on the fence when it comes to sharpening my own stuff. My Benchmade knifes have a lifestime ‘Lifesharp’ warranty and I can send a blade to them and they will sharpen it and return it at no cost other than what I spend to ship it. I’ve got some pretty decent kitchen knives that were purchased in the Kappabashi kitchen district in Tokyo. I’d likely f’ them up if I tried to put an edge on them so I leave that to the pro’s. I try to have my stuff sharpened every 12-18 months and I rotate them through the process so I’m not without a good go-to knife when I need it.
Product: CRKT Gulf Stone Wash or Xan Carbon Fiber Knife with G10 Handle
Condition: New
Gulf Pocket Knife Black Stone Wash with G10 Handle
XAN Pocket Knife with Carbon Fiber G10 Handle
– Front - One layer black carbon fiber with black G10 base
– Back - 420J2, bead blast finish
What’s Included?
1x CRKT Pocket Knife with G10 Handle
Price Comparison
$63.53 for Gulf on Amazon
$75.41 for Xan on Amazon
Manufacturer page - Xan
Manufacturer page - Gulf
Limited Lifetime CRKT Knife Warranty
Estimated Delivery
Standard: Tuesday, Sep 6.
Enhanced: Wednesday, Aug 31 - Tuesday, Sep 6.
So, if I take this to a knife fight, the warranty only lasts as long as I do?
@phendrick You expected otherwise?
@phendrick exactly
@phendrick Best to buy two.
Meh is selling knives again. Woo-hoo! Wait, do I have to buy one now?
@hchavers Yes, because Saturday is just too late.
Did you save an IRKoupon?
Or is it 2??
@hchavers The knives bought on Meh I liked best were these Remingtons, which no longer seem to be available. (Some sites say “Discontinued by Manufacturer”.)
2-for-Tuesday: Remington Lockback Knives
2-for-Tuesday: Remington Lockback Knives
sold 1/24/17 at $3 per knife.
These were little gems; small but super sharp and great to keep one unobtrusive in a pants pocket. Too bad they were lost in the debris of a house fire a couple of years later.
@hchavers @phendrick https://www.ebay.com/itm/225012872267
I take the blame for something here.
Why so few reviews on Amazon?
Also, shipping to NY is allowed? That would be surprise.
@hammi99 You bear the blame for Meh bringing back the knives, but not the speaker docks!
@ciabelle well it’s more like I take the CREDIT haha. Because I quite liked the knives and speaker docks that meh used to bombard us with. However, I do take the blame for my poor grammar and ending a sentence with a preposition.
@hammi99 There are some pedantries up with which no one ought to put.
@hammi99 @werehatrack
@ciabelle @hammi99, it does beat ending a sentence with a proposition!! Ya know what I’m saying¿? I don’t!!
/giphy Fanatical-shy-border

Had me until “China”. Boo.
@spatialdrift Where do you think they’re going to be made at this price? Made in USA will be a lot more, and quality too (depending). But then you’re getting a Spyderco, or a waaay more expensive CRKT (do they make knives in the US still?) or many other smaller makers…
@spatialdrift Though 8Cr13MoV is a cheap steel. It is actually a decent steel for its price. 0.8% carbon content helps the blade to rentsin the edge. Chromium at 13% is good for erosion resistance. It is much better 420J2 steel, which is a lower quality cheap steel, which is ok to be the handle.
@spatialdrift Japan brought in W. Edwards Deming in 1950 to create a culture of quality control in Japanese industry and commerce. China in 2022 has chabuduo. The US has MBAs. The side effects of these three statements have had an enormous impact on everything.
Knives, just like the good old days.
@The_Tim Probably would have bought one in the good old days. Now though I know these are meh steel, meh design and way too heavy even for their size.
Besides, yesterday I just ordered a full size Cold Steel SRK for $33 on Amz. Way more bang for the buck.
Ontario Rat I and II were recently selling there for about the same price too. Likely a better choice overall.
Wow, knives, what’s next, speakerdocks? This brings back some fond(er) memories of the meh that used to be!
Almost tempted to buy for old times sake. Almost…
I still have my Ken Onion CRKT poop knife, I bought several. Still a great knife btw
@robson “poop knife”?
My Google fu is failing me, so I must ask WTF?
(Unless mr onion designed this: https://www.originalpoopknife.com/)
The Ken onion wrinkle, but in brown. Hence poop knife
@robson Yeah-- i’ve been trying to find another poop knife; what a great EDC
@robson The logical followup to knives would be a pallet of melted together candy corn. Then use the knife to cut it apart. But you may want an electric knife for that big a job, in which case I hope you have batteries in your fridge. You can play music through the speakerdock while you cut up @shahnm—I mean the candy corn. Hopefully it’s a purple speakerdock because @Barney
s purple. All this and more can be found in your Fukubukuru.
There. Now nobody needs to buy them for old times’ sake.
That’s enough old times for even ur mom.
@danpritts @robson My knife:
The poop knife:
For some strange reason, brown was the least popular color.
@blaineg @danpritts @robson Ken Onion Leek for me. So slim and light, I buy another one whenever I see one on discount…
@danpritts @robson @vfrdirk Chive, Scallion, Leek, Shallot; all great knives.
@Weboh Aww…
@Barney @robson @Weboh Cut up @shahnm?!? OH MY GOD DO YOU THINK I’M GLEN OR SOMETHING?!?!?
@robson @shahnm @Weboh I wouldn’t cut you up. I like you better than Glen.
@blaineg @danpritts That is strange, isn’t it?

In fairness, it looks more “bronze” in person, especially in sunlight… It really is a great little knife though, good quality steel, bearing flipper mechanism, gets razor sharp too
@blaineg @danpritts @robson Yep. That’s doody alright.
Just like the good ol’ days …
/giphy psychedelic-portly-jam

/giphy lucky-pristine-lilac

/giphy luminous-spooky-locket

Almost every knife i bought on here has gone up in price ,bought a Ken Onion powdered steel, carbon fiber handle knife a few year’s back, wow best knife I ever owned, when I open it with my thumb the click can be heard 2 rooms away, very good offer here.
I’ve had a smaller CRKT as my EDC knife for a couple of years now. Great feel. Has kept its edge well. This will be a good hiking/camping knife
/giphy warty-unpopular-writer

Gonna git one and put with the other knives I don’t use.
I found a few reviews on Blade HQ.
I’m always up for more pocket knives, but the Gulf is huge, and the Xan is a bit pricey for a knife made in China.
@craigthom links for the lazy?
Knives and Speaker Docks dot com ??!!!
@connorbush I let it lapse, finally.
I’m always looking for knives under 3”. Don’t need the length or the attention it brings. Alas, I seem to be chasing unicorns, or at least dogs with cones on their heads.
But I’ll buy one just because I can’t resist. 3.6ish inches is at least a little more reasonable.
Also, why is upstate NY treated like NYC?
Always miss out on all the knife deals on Amazon. I have an obsession to maintain people!
@bartm Can you not order it in NY? I’ve bought folding pocket knives a couple of times from meh in the past, and they shipped them to me in NYC.
I have been able to order from MEH. It’s Amazon that won’t allow it.
meh. 🫤
@bartm @brianbrianbrian It is my understanding that AMZ has a problem because they have physical locations in NYC; this means that they can’t even sell “prohibited” stuff online for delivery there.
I’m a sucker for carbon fiber.
Don’t need this at all.
/giphy whipped-mocking-toucan

@RogerWilco Hate to break it to you, buts it’s G10 made to look like carbon fiber. That’s ok though, you’ll still like it
it’s really just the aesthetic.
G10 that looks like carbon fiber is cool by me.
@RogerWilco Love the gif!
@robson @RogerWilco The base of the handle is made of glass, but the part that you see - the top laminate - is carbon fiber.
@blaineg @RogerWilco The gif (and the knife): Just can’t beat the right tool for the job!
Great deal for 8Cr13MoV steel!
I’d been wondering when Meh would sell knives again.
/image miraculously-grievous-rain

This is the first time I’ve seen meh sell a knife. It must mean these are a great deal.
@mexicantacos Oh, you sweet summer child.
(Circa 2017 was the last time Meh sold knives like this, with the only knives since then being kitchen knives that were mostly meh-rathon fodder.)
That or worse, IRK-stuffing, like the jungle-print Cuisinart ones that were in mine this most recent go-around. At least the set only had one saw.
Well that seems appropriate… “Your order number is: expensive-satisfying-cricket”
@stinks These are actually hilarious. This appears to be where your career goes if you’re too high T to keep writing for J. Peterman.
/image j. peterman elaine

@stinks It means that they know how the arrested-at-mental-age-12 minds work in the most critical part of their customer base. (They’re the ones who buy the blather, and pay full list for the knife “because it’s worth it.”)
@werehatrack Ha. Lucky for me I stopped at 15 when sarcasm, self-aware self-deprecation, and bad puns were king.
So I buy from meh.
May they never get old.
Welp, TIL about 1.4116 steel…
(In summary, fairly easy to sharpen to a great edge but not so great at edge retention.)
@bakerzdosen Yep. The other one’s got a slightly better rep there, but much depends on what’s been done with the steel in the process of making the blade.
Overall, I still prefer plain high-carbon steel, but the good ones from that group come dear.
@bakerzdosen @werehatrack
You seem to know what you’re talking about. I almost pulled the trigger on the Xan, but the quickly lost edge concerns me. How does the Xan compare to CRKT M16-10KS?
@bakerzdosen @thechilipepper0 That one and the Gulf both use a higher-carbon stainless where the 1.4116 has no nickel content and more moly. There are trade-offs in both directions involved. Both alloys can make decent knives, but if the heat treating and blade forging of the 8Cr13MoV is done properly, you should get a tougher blade that retains an edge better. Kershaw certainly achieves that with it. But if they’ve cheapskated on the manufacturing process, there’s not going to be a lot of difference between the two. It all boils down to whether you trust the rep of the supplier. CRKT has a pretty good rep, but at the end of the day, they are still selling a Chinese-made blade. If they don’t have their own QC inspection staff on site at the Chinese plant, any level of quality might be present. “Chabuduo” is a thing there.
@thechilipepper0 @werehatrack that about sums it up: a lousy blade steel can be made less lousy through good heat treatment. A great steel can be made lousy through lousy heat treatment.
We really don’t know what CRKT have done with the steel here, but they’re not exactly known for world-beating treatments.
All in all, these knives are probably better than average deals. Just don’t expect them to be “super steels” and you’ll be happy.
/giphy budding-plump-society

@pmarin Look! It is first season Kelly before they made her stupid!
You listened to me?
Naw, gotta be coincidence.
I ordered the bigun …
/giphy taboo-operatic-pen

That’s not a knife… THIS… oh wait, that IS a knife.
About time I see Knives back on here. Please keep them coming!
I’m a fan of CRKT. I’ve got an M16-04DB that has become my EDC and a Chogan tomahawk that is a great small camp axe. My fixed blades are mostly Benchmade, but I’ve been quite happy with CRKT’s folding knives. For this price (with my ‘I’m so dumb coupon’) it’s a no brainer. Might buy another and put one in my wife’s car.
@capnjb In exactly the same camp, have liked all my CRKTs, have coupons to burn. Bought both.
My pilar is probably most carried CRKT, but don’t have any that I’ve got real complaints about.
With the first sign of an end to the knife drought here, the question becomes “If I grab this one today, am I going to be kicking myself later when a better choice comes up, or am I going to be kicking myself for not grabbing it when nothing similar has been listed six months from now?” These are important considerations, particularly for folks with a double-jointed kicking leg.
For some, the answer will be “Then I should grab both, and say I’m starting a collection.”
@werehatrack If you can afford the money, and have patience, buy this one, and leave it in the packaging for six months. If nothing else comes up, then open the knife, and feel like you came out ahead.
If a better one comes along, order the new one, and use it, feeling like you came out. And use this one as a nice gift for someone.
/giphy judgmental-probable-elk

Does this mean tomorrow will be speaker dock day?
Reply hazy try again
/8ball Speakerdocks on Friday, 8Ball?
That’s probably accurate; “unlikely” is my suspicion, since Bluetooth and the cell-phone-as-music-device combo pretty much killed the hardwired speaker dock demand half a decade back.
Are any BuiltNY cases in the sale?
@OldCatLady Given that they don’t have any on SideDeal, I wouldn’t expect it.
I usually only buy Justin Case Tactical knives, but I know that Ryan Johnson of RMJ Tactical designed the Gulf so I bought it. Still a big fan of Justin Case Tactical though, those TN boys ready know how to make a knife!
Anyone want to guess why I chose one over the other?
@mehvid1 yeah, me neither.
@mehvid1 So why did you?
@Kyeh Fine, I’ll tell you if it’ll stop everyone from asking! Actually I think it’s kind of a lame reason, but my current (“EDC”) is too heavy so I picked the lighter one.

Sounds like a good reason!
So glad you ended the suspense!
This arrived today (Xan). It’s ok for the price point. Reasonably sharp blade out of the box and one hand open can happen, but it’s going to need some breaking in and or a little lubrication to make it smooth. One hand close is never going to happen. I’ve become so used to the deadbolt mechanism on my CRKT M16 that it’s a little frustrating to have to turn it over and pull back the release bar to close it. It reminds me of the SOG Trident I got from Woot 12+ years ago. But… for the price, I’m happy with it.
The Gulf Stone should arrive soon.
@capnjb Yep. Just unboxed my Xan today… the action of the blade and the lock are more than a bit stiff. I’ll hit it with some Militec lubricant and see if that helps, but it’s not what I would consider functional out of the box. it will require some serious breaking in. That’s unexpected for a CRKT knife - they might not be the sharpest things right out of the box, but the action is usually pretty smooth.
@capnjb I am very not happy with the Xan. Nearly impossible to open or close. One handed ain’t happening. Mostly because I am not going to invest the time to break it in but also poor design. Not well put together in my opinion. It was worth a gamble. Meh!
@rustyh3 I’m on your team. I don’t think it’s great but for $35 it’s a reasonable knife that my daughter can whittle with while camping. I wouldn’t want it as a primary knife and it won’t replace my CRKT M16 with the dead bolt lock, but it’s something to throw in a bag that is serviceable. You can buy worse knives at big box stores for more than that. The Gulf that just arrived closes easier, but the pegs to open it really only open it about half way. But again… for the price I think it’s a fair deal.
Gulf next to a Rat 1. Is a big un.
@lichen And heavy
@capnjb @lichen
And much more handle than blade, which is not always a bad thing.
@capnjb @werehatrack
Feels good in hand. Blade feels very solid when open. No wobble at all.
Easy enough to open and close one handed, but I have reasonably large hands.
The Rat 1 and my Spyderco Para. clone are both much easier to one-hand.
@capnjb @lichen Back in December, I picked up a three-pack of folding utility knives at Home Depot for EDC use. They had lockbacks that annoyed the shit out of me, so I dismantled them and reground the blade’s locking notch ramp to make it just a detent and not a You Must Depress The Very Stiff Lock closure. They one-hand very nicely now, and I regret nothing. They’re small in my pocket, but damned useful for everyday slice-n-dice of nonfoods. My daughter even appropriated one of them. Sometimes it is really hard to beat the convenience of an edge you can just cheaply replace.
That said, Ima like my Gulf, even if I haven’t actually used it yet.
@lichen @werehatrack One hand open and close test with my CRKT M16-DL, Gulf and Xan. M16 - good open and close. Gulf - Shitty open and reasonable close. Xan - Good open and shit show close. Still have all my fingers… so yay
YouTube linkz0r
Todd at Project Farm on YouTube did a test of knife sharpening widgets a while back, and I’m curious if any of you use the Lansky setup? How durable are those narrow stones? I’ve just been winging it on an old three-stone block for decades with good results.
@werehatrack I’m on the fence when it comes to sharpening my own stuff. My Benchmade knifes have a lifestime ‘Lifesharp’ warranty and I can send a blade to them and they will sharpen it and return it at no cost other than what I spend to ship it. I’ve got some pretty decent kitchen knives that were purchased in the Kappabashi kitchen district in Tokyo. I’d likely f’ them up if I tried to put an edge on them so I leave that to the pro’s. I try to have my stuff sharpened every 12-18 months and I rotate them through the process so I’m not without a good go-to knife when I need it.