@justbuyit IF Trump improves the lives of Americans will you go back to all the sites where you spewed these types of remarks and apologize. Just wondering…
@jeffreywsnyder I am all about repeal of TPP, unfortunately the trump supporters I talk to don’t focus on things like that, they focus on things like stupid signs at the women’s march.
3 million people at a march and some had stupid signs let’s make that the issue.
@justbuyit The truth is Trump is your president and you’re a little delicate snowflake. You’re just jealous of how successful President Trump is and how much an absolute mess you’ve made of your life. Now please, enough politics on Meh!
@gdibig Uh oh, if everyone who thinks Trump is garbage has a mess of a life, I have some bad news for my wealthy, healthy, retired father who’s only ever had one (happy) marriage of 50 years. I’ll have to break the news to him somehow…
@jeffreywsnyder Will you go back and do retractions if we get him impeached. Yeah, I get it, he is rich, he would ,make a good drinking buddy, and you could be yourself not PC around him and his used to being groped females.
I will do one as soon as Trump states specifically what he agrees with not just the title. Not that Trump agrees because he is smart according to Trump. Not calling it smart, or that everyone is against him. Not demeaning the messenger and avoiding the message like a cat and water. But actually give a well reasoned rationale for his decisions.
He and the family steal the works of others because we stupidly let them get away with it. Oh yeah, why write a speech when you can steal the last administrations speeches? Instead of playing copyrighted music without paying, or ignoring the artists telling him to cease and desist, lets hear his reasons and then slap him with the penalties of law, not running because any truth for Trump is inconvenient. Alternate facts?? He lives in an alternate reality. I know, it is just locker room plagiarism and avoidance of showing any comprehension of the narrative he supports and legislation and orders he signs.
Now all the folks that think grade school playground debate like nanny nanny boo boo or lyin’ Ted and lyin’ Hilary without showing his proof of any lie, that is how they want to be represented? Yep. Why? Because now they can say anything they want and not have to show any comprehension of anything just that it is all lies if they don’t like it. Trump is smart, just ask him!
If folks who don’t know truth from lies buy these knives then just turn each sid of the blade and draw each across your finger and tell me they are both dull cause you said so and you are smart and even went to a college some, but got very creative when the draft came calling for his service.
He is broke I bet. Assange should leak his tax returns any week now.
@sammydog01 My grandpa always keeps a small/tiny/travel size nailclippers in his too. They are fantastic at getting rid of that last little bit of line to clean up a knot.
@capguncowboy they’re pretty small. Might be able to use it to keep the little ones in check but I think you’re going to need a bowie to put the fear into the big ones. Or was that not…?
The other Remington knives I bought here really suck. I won’t even give them away. They weren’t these, but I have no confidence in whoever licensed the brand.
@ruouttaurmind thanks for that. But one can wait forever for the Camelcamelcamel karma to come back around simply to save having to turn VMP back on for “free” shipping like Prime.
Tho it is pretty amazing how much prices on some stuff on Amazon can fluctuate, isn’t it?
@darkdragon Just enough time to read the ad copy, listen to the (rather good) mad ape den and read some comments for pearls of humor. Then… deal paused? Ugh. Meh, what did you do, buy a tiny box of tiny knives for tiny Tuesday?
Why do I get the feeling there’s a lot of these knives in the warehouse and will become the ever recurring “JBL mini-speakerdock” here for a while?
Just that nowhere in the write-up did they glom onto the marketing as “Gentleman’s” knives. Especially given their diminutive size.
Were they “ladies’” knives, we know they’d be pink. End of story. Meh.
But what characteristic is behind making these knives gendered toward gentlemen? There’s appears to be no mustache engraved on the side. There’s none of the typical manly buzzwords about the materials. (e.g. “precision engineered”, “surgical stainless steel”, “aircraft aluminum”, etc.) “Solid Stainless Steel” might have almost worked, except for the odd choice to abbreviate it as “Solid SS” on the packaging.
So they’re left with a tiny knife with optional “designer” holes, But otherwise it appears they just stamped “Sportsman Series” on the blades, decided that made it masculine, and called it a day.
Anyway, I think I just penned most of the next write-up you’ll see for these knives.
@ciabelle In the pocket knife community (yes, there is one) a “gentleman’s knife” is one that is useful and looks good but is not intended for heavy use, prying, etc. It’s not not in contrast to “ladies’” but to “tactical” or “camping” or “hunting”. It’s one for the office, not the wilderness.
@sjk3 The clips on those bastards are pretty stout. I clipped it to my pants pocket and damn near ripped my pants off taking it back out. Don’t clip it to anything you aren’t willing to shred.
@caffeine_dude Hah! From the images surrounding that Google image search result, I think it was some kind of protest against a store or a bank in India.
I asked for a Swiss Army knife for Christmas in our secret pal exchange. I got a coffee mug & a kuzy that says It might me vodka…. All I needed was these itty bitty little knives to open stuff with. Not going to a knife fight either, I have a gun for that.
Remington knives hold there value somehow. I have a biger version of these from my dad and it works amazing. I got one of each they good priced. Also meh would be kool to see kershaw , spyderco, schrade, mora cuz mora already cheap on here. Moooore knives plz haha
got a pair, great for boxes at work, or when “that” co-worker has finally gotten on your last nerve…4.875 open minus 2.75 closed does NOT equal a 1.125" blade…2.125" I believe?
Actually, I missed the cheap knife deal. Oh wait, now it’s paused. I’m gonna be on this at 4, so watch out!
And, you might think this is neat—I was looking around the interwebs, and I noticed “Meh” is on “Wootstalker”.
@Jonas4321 What’s you definition of a troll, someone who has a more imaginative retort than yours? If that’s the case, we’re all trolls here except for you.
@sdb They appended my label and replaced it also - there must have been an issue with labels on these - they are shipping in tyvek style envelopes (no box) and my original label was unreadable — but it got here just fine and in record time. I’m 600 miles and a few states away and got mine today.
I got mine today, I’m really glad I ordered the knives without holes (I ordered a qty of 2, for 4 total knives), I think I will like these just fine as an everyday carry throwaway at work and they will stay much cleaner in my pocket than the other with the holes. I opened one up and have to say I was immediately very impressed with the overall quality of this little knife for the price. The weight distribution is really great and the blade is more robust than I had anticipated. And thanks meh for the super fast shipping!
This is a sick lil knife just received mine , perfect weight and size perfect edge , threw a nice razors edge on it , call it a scapple now, love this lil bugger for 3 bucks shipped may be the deal of the year so far . Meh you made me happy, Bravo and T.Y.
Got mine today,two of each, nice little knife. I have one that’s looks to be an exact duplicate of the no holes knife but it is labeled as a “Winchester” knife. Had the Winchester for years and it’s held up well.
Go 'em today, as usual, reliably around a week after ordering. They seem to be solid and well worth the 3 bucks each.
The tissue inserted between the knife packages was a nice touch…
…However, it seemed to be a wasted exercise since, upon opening them, they were covered in scratches. (Pic doesn’t show them well.) Not that I’m complaining for 3 bucks each. Still the tissue turned out to be ironic.
I got mine today. I got a bit out of the chuckle out of the small piece of tissue paper inexplicably in the envelope with the two knives. Not like crumbled up or anything, just lying flat on top of the knives. What’s up with that?
Also, I was trying to open the first package with nail clippers and that wasn’t working. I noticed a knife on my desk and grabbed that to use it, only to realize it was the second knife still in the package. As I put that down, I saw another knife and almost grabbed it before realizing it was just the first one again, still in the package.
Finally found my Kershaw and made short work of opening them. Thanks for being stupid-friendly, Kershaw!
Why does meh have terrible customer service? I never got my order and they are trying to blame me for their screw up. I find the irreverence charming but the lack of professionalism disappointing.
What’s in the Box?
2x Knives
With holes and hand
Without holes and hand
With holes closed
Without holes closed
Blade with holes
Blade without holes
Back with holes
Back without holes
Packaging with holes
Packaging without holes
Price Comparison
$47.92 (for 2) at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Lifetime Remington
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Nov 16 - Monday, Nov 20
First Smith & Wesson, now Remington knives? Meh.
Cutting up tonight meh-- two fer night eh?
2 buy or not 2 buy, that is the question.

I bought.
/giphy smiling-passive-airport
/image smiling-passive-airport

@yakkoTDI The Odds are always worthy of a … YAY!
Well they’re pointy and the price is right.
@sammydog01 - Stabby too.
@KDemo I miss Senor Chinface
Maybe for $2.
Do I look like I am made of money???
/giphy money suit

Knives for ants.
Update: I’ve got them today. Indeed knives for ants.
Sometimes you feel like holes, sometimes you don’t. I choose both.
Perfect for Trump, his supporters, and their small little hands - plus the holes will let the truth seep through.
@justbuyit Here is Truth:

@justbuyit IF Trump improves the lives of Americans will you go back to all the sites where you spewed these types of remarks and apologize. Just wondering…
@jeffreywsnyder I am all about repeal of TPP, unfortunately the trump supporters I talk to don’t focus on things like that, they focus on things like stupid signs at the women’s march.
3 million people at a march and some had stupid signs let’s make that the issue.
@caffeine_dude http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/skeptic/arguments.html#selective
It’s particularly interesting because it applies to both your argument and the argument you’re arguing against
@justbuyit The truth is Trump is your president and you’re a little delicate snowflake. You’re just jealous of how successful President Trump is and how much an absolute mess you’ve made of your life. Now please, enough politics on Meh!
@gdibig Uh oh, if everyone who thinks Trump is garbage has a mess of a life, I have some bad news for my wealthy, healthy, retired father who’s only ever had one (happy) marriage of 50 years. I’ll have to break the news to him somehow…
@justbuyit - You got top billing in today’s leakmail!
Well deserved.
@KDemo I thought I had the top billing in the email four of the last five days, but I don’t keep them to go back and check / count.
@jeffreywsnyder Seriously, who’s the snowflake here??
@jeffreywsnyder Will you go back and do retractions if we get him impeached. Yeah, I get it, he is rich, he would ,make a good drinking buddy, and you could be yourself not PC around him and his used to being groped females.
I will do one as soon as Trump states specifically what he agrees with not just the title. Not that Trump agrees because he is smart according to Trump. Not calling it smart, or that everyone is against him. Not demeaning the messenger and avoiding the message like a cat and water. But actually give a well reasoned rationale for his decisions.
He and the family steal the works of others because we stupidly let them get away with it. Oh yeah, why write a speech when you can steal the last administrations speeches? Instead of playing copyrighted music without paying, or ignoring the artists telling him to cease and desist, lets hear his reasons and then slap him with the penalties of law, not running because any truth for Trump is inconvenient. Alternate facts?? He lives in an alternate reality. I know, it is just locker room plagiarism and avoidance of showing any comprehension of the narrative he supports and legislation and orders he signs.
Now all the folks that think grade school playground debate like nanny nanny boo boo or lyin’ Ted and lyin’ Hilary without showing his proof of any lie, that is how they want to be represented? Yep. Why? Because now they can say anything they want and not have to show any comprehension of anything just that it is all lies if they don’t like it. Trump is smart, just ask him!
If folks who don’t know truth from lies buy these knives then just turn each sid of the blade and draw each across your finger and tell me they are both dull cause you said so and you are smart and even went to a college some, but got very creative when the draft came calling for his service.
He is broke I bet. Assange should leak his tax returns any week now.
vulnerable-myopic-friend because I can’t say no to Knives (or people with knives, but that’s a different issue)
Looks like these were made for Donald Trump. That may not be the strongest selling point.
I like holes. Especially designer holes.
OMG knives! Awesome! How did they know???!!!
Small, cute, and cheap. With choice of holes. Just how I like 'em.

/giphy immaculate-squalid-top
@awk Me too!
And I guess knives like as well.
Wee knives
Nice pointy blade i’m in for a deuce… ty Meh
Could not resist.

Don’t bring these knives to a gun fight…or even a fist fight.
@eeterrific or even a knife fight. So bitty!
For $3 each I’m in for one 2 pack. Planning on using them as tacklebox knives and giving one to my dad.

/giphy cheap father’s day gift
@joek872000 Tacklebox knives- I hadn’t thought of that. Perfect! I’m getting a pair too.
@sammydog01 My grandpa always keeps a small/tiny/travel size nailclippers in his too. They are fantastic at getting rid of that last little bit of line to clean up a knot.
These blades are pretty small, but I’m holding out for the 1/2 inch Rascally Jabber.

/giphy cut-hushed-liquid

I’m the Cubmaster of my Son’s Cub Scout pack. These will be great for the older kids
@capguncowboy they’re pretty small. Might be able to use it to keep the little ones in check but I think you’re going to need a bowie to put the fear into the big ones. Or was that not…?
@derpandabar you only have to stab one of them for the rest to listen
@capguncowboy Cubmaster? jk

Alec Baldwin Scoutmaster Sketch
@capguncowboy I just got some to use with the Bear scouts for our whittling requirement. Hope they are decent enough.
The other Remington knives I bought here really suck. I won’t even give them away. They weren’t these, but I have no confidence in whoever licensed the brand.
Well, the reviews on Amazon do seem to suggest otherwise, @craigthom.
@haydesigner What do the reviews say about the knives I bought or my opinion of the Remington name? Otherwise about what?
@craigthom It was Steve.
These would appear to work on really thin skin, so there’s that as a positive.
To buy holes, or not to buy holes, that is the question.
@heartny I’m glad I don’t have to buy holes.
@derpandabar I would buy them if if they were donut holes.
@heartny ooh, got me there!
@ilovereality meh. Post fail.
@ilovereality Gotcha covered -

/giphy ecstatic-curvy-machine

@Oneroundrobb thoroughly disappointing gif
The price comparison is… A little off. Still a pretty nice deal, though, since they’re all around $9 each
$9 each at home depot: homedepot.com/p/Remington-Sportsman-Series-2-3-4-in-Stainless-Gentleman-s-Lockback-Knife-R11507/206432197
$9 at eBay: ebay.com/p/Remington-Cutlery-R18043-Stainless-Steel-Gentlemans-Lockback-Knife-With-Designe/1068550079
$9 at some other place: discountcutlery.net/R11507-Remington-Sportsman-Gentlemans-Lockback-Pocket-Knife_p_65563.html
Another retailer @ $4.99 each: https://www.smkw.com/remington-gentleman-s-stainless-steel-lockback-with-cutouts
Average price on Amazon is about 8 bucks. Lowest price was $3 back in May.
@ruouttaurmind thanks for that. But one can wait forever for the Camelcamelcamel karma to come back around simply to save having to turn VMP back on for “free” shipping like Prime.
Tho it is pretty amazing how much prices on some stuff on Amazon can fluctuate, isn’t it?
I bought both types. Yikes!
Sold out while I was trying to get through purchase. I’m not up at 7am, damn it all!
@darkdragon It’s okay, meh isn’t the only place to buy wee knives.
@huja WeeKnife.com unfortunately doesn’t sell knives, I just like the domain name.
@darkdragon Just enough time to read the ad copy, listen to the (rather good) mad ape den and read some comments for pearls of humor. Then… deal paused? Ugh. Meh, what did you do, buy a tiny box of tiny knives for tiny Tuesday?
@Kerig3 Did you try TinyBlade.net? PunyPoker.org?
@huja Yep, redirects to the White House.
Why do I get the feeling there’s a lot of these knives in the warehouse and will become the ever recurring “JBL mini-speakerdock” here for a while?
Just that nowhere in the write-up did they glom onto the marketing as “Gentleman’s” knives. Especially given their diminutive size.
Were they “ladies’” knives, we know they’d be pink. End of story. Meh.
But what characteristic is behind making these knives gendered toward gentlemen? There’s appears to be no mustache engraved on the side. There’s none of the typical manly buzzwords about the materials. (e.g. “precision engineered”, “surgical stainless steel”, “aircraft aluminum”, etc.) “Solid Stainless Steel” might have almost worked, except for the odd choice to abbreviate it as “Solid SS” on the packaging.
So they’re left with a tiny knife with optional “designer” holes, But otherwise it appears they just stamped “Sportsman Series” on the blades, decided that made it masculine, and called it a day.
Anyway, I think I just penned most of the next write-up you’ll see for these knives.
@ciabelle In the pocket knife community (yes, there is one) a “gentleman’s knife” is one that is useful and looks good but is not intended for heavy use, prying, etc. It’s not not in contrast to “ladies’” but to “tactical” or “camping” or “hunting”. It’s one for the office, not the wilderness.
@craigthom Also sometimes called a “dress knife”.
Sadly, they’ve paused it until morning. Which would be great and very considerate if I weren’t a shift worker who will be asleep then. C’est la vie.
@AiliaBlue The write up totally sells it for me, though.
Considering how cheaply built the S&W knives were, these Remington knives must be one step up from a sharpened rock.
@sjk3 Exactly, if your sharpened rock isnt cutting the mustard here’s your upgrade!
@sjk3 The clips on those bastards are pretty stout. I clipped it to my pants pocket and damn near ripped my pants off taking it back out. Don’t clip it to anything you aren’t willing to shred.
maybe for striping insulation off wires…
/giphy terminal-disastrous-home

/giphy afraid-mandatory-bike

My state is trying to legalize the sale and carrying of switchblades. If you sell one I may need to buy it.
A girl can never have too many knives…
Had been attempting to ignore this place until the politics calmed down.
But unfortunately this VMP bait worked. Not confidence inspiring: operative-lurching-decision
@RedOak If the lady in green had 3 open knives between her fingers she would be yelling WOLVERINE.
What is the internal cross charge for mediocre.com ads on meh.com?
@caffeine_dude Hah! From the images surrounding that Google image search result, I think it was some kind of protest against a store or a bank in India.
Need some Kershaw, Benchmade or ZT on here
@jtp07 but those would be at least twice the price!
one for each girl, for her purse. For opening packaging. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Sure.
/giphy mobile-pleasing-umbrella

…aaaand, no idea what that was. however,
image mobile-pleasing-umbrella

I asked for a Swiss Army knife for Christmas in our secret pal exchange. I got a coffee mug & a kuzy that says It might me vodka…
. All I needed was these itty bitty little knives to open stuff with. Not going to a knife fight either, I have a gun for that.
Remington knives hold there value somehow. I have a biger version of these from my dad and it works amazing. I got one of each they good priced. Also meh would be kool to see kershaw , spyderco, schrade, mora cuz mora already cheap on here. Moooore knives plz haha
I’m in for a pair! You never know when you need to cut into your next online purchase box.
got a pair, great for boxes at work, or when “that” co-worker has finally gotten on your last nerve…4.875 open minus 2.75 closed does NOT equal a 1.125" blade…2.125" I believe?
Baby Arm!
Everyone is missing the point here… And that’s the Mr. Mom reference in the description. “440, 441, whatever it takes”
Kinda glad they were sold out last night.
I’ve already got a drawer of knives…
@daveinwarsh get two drawers
I miss the cheap knives deals.
Actually, I missed the cheap knife deal. Oh wait, now it’s paused. I’m gonna be on this at 4, so watch out!
And, you might think this is neat—I was looking around the interwebs, and I noticed “Meh” is on “Wootstalker”.
The reason for the holes is so you can tell if it’s open or closed. If you look in the holes and see the blade, then you know it’s closed.
/giphy titled-upbeat-muscle

/image tame courteous airport


/giphy wet-contagious-drum
Today I learned, even with VMP, you gotta be on the ball.
THIS is not a knife…Croc. Dundee
@werekong At least get the quote right: “That’s not a knife!”
@Jonas4321 ever hear of poetic license?
@werekong Is that like alternative facts?
@Jonas4321 Is that your stock response? …to just about anything?
@werekong if that’s poetic license, then yours should be suspended and charged with a fucking hate crime.
@gak0090 very creative…
Well, what we have here is a troll. Best thing to do is ignore it. in 3 minutes there’ll be a new deal for them to troll.
@werekong thanks, I take great pride in what I do.
@Jonas4321 What’s you definition of a troll, someone who has a more imaginative retort than yours? If that’s the case, we’re all trolls here except for you.
@gak0090 What is it that you do, again?
@werekong make the world a better place
@gak0090 ahhh…good luck
You all were on this deal like a FUKO. Somehow knives always sell out on this site…hmmmmeh
Wow, these are shipping already? Meh, I’m so disappointed in you. You are no longer mediocre.
@Barney They may be shipping, but they appended some bogus numbers to my zip code and the package may or may not make it…
I’ve messaged support. We’ll see. In the meantime, still mediocre!
@sdb That’s good to hear. No, not about your extra numbers, but about Meh still being mediocre.
@sdb They appended my label and replaced it also - there must have been an issue with labels on these - they are shipping in tyvek style envelopes (no box) and my original label was unreadable — but it got here just fine and in record time. I’m 600 miles and a few states away and got mine today.
I got mine today, I’m really glad I ordered the knives without holes (I ordered a qty of 2, for 4 total knives), I think I will like these just fine as an everyday carry throwaway at work and they will stay much cleaner in my pocket than the other with the holes. I opened one up and have to say I was immediately very impressed with the overall quality of this little knife for the price. The weight distribution is really great and the blade is more robust than I had anticipated. And thanks meh for the super fast shipping!
@justbuyit I agree i choose the holes to eliminate weight
@mellowirishgent I preferred to have those holes filled with stainless steel rather than pocket lint/gunk.
Are these the same knives for sale at Morningsave for $12 each? If so I want to know how many you sell over there.
Got mine today, they’re nice, already cut some stuff with one, good deal, A+, will buy again.
This is a sick lil knife just received mine , perfect weight and size perfect edge , threw a nice razors edge on it , call it a scapple now, love this lil bugger for 3 bucks shipped may be the deal of the year so far . Meh you made me happy, Bravo and T.Y.
Zero screws in the knife so is it glued together?
help !!
Got mine today,two of each, nice little knife. I have one that’s looks to be an exact duplicate of the no holes knife but it is labeled as a “Winchester” knife. Had the Winchester for years and it’s held up well.
Go 'em today, as usual, reliably around a week after ordering. They seem to be solid and well worth the 3 bucks each.
The tissue inserted between the knife packages was a nice touch…
…However, it seemed to be a wasted exercise since, upon opening them, they were covered in scratches. (Pic doesn’t show them well.) Not that I’m complaining for 3 bucks each. Still the tissue turned out to be ironic.
I got mine today. I got a bit out of the chuckle out of the small piece of tissue paper inexplicably in the envelope with the two knives. Not like crumbled up or anything, just lying flat on top of the knives. What’s up with that?
Also, I was trying to open the first package with nail clippers and that wasn’t working. I noticed a knife on my desk and grabbed that to use it, only to realize it was the second knife still in the package. As I put that down, I saw another knife and almost grabbed it before realizing it was just the first one again, still in the package.
Finally found my Kershaw and made short work of opening them. Thanks for being stupid-friendly, Kershaw!
Why does meh have terrible customer service? I never got my order and they are trying to blame me for their screw up. I find the irreverence charming but the lack of professionalism disappointing.