[Unofficial] Let's help kids have a good year in school by funding their teachers' projects!


For a number of years we, as a group, would choose a teacher project to fund and then everyone who wanted to donate to that project to fund it. Once it was funded we’d start on the next one. This annual post sort of fell by the wayside during the pandemic. I’d like to start it back up as teachers often spend so much of their own money on their students (my mom was a kindergarten teacher and I saw that first hand).

With this site it is an all or nothing proposition. The teacher projects are vetted, listed, money is managed by the donors choose charity. If the project doesn’t receive the full amount, the project doesn’t get funded and the donations are returned (there is also a deadline to fund by). The charity has what the teacher wanted sent to them so the money is never sent to the teacher, just what they were fund raising for.


So choose a project you’d like to see funded, post it below in it’s own post and lets get started helping our teachers and by extension their students have a great year!

Notice to teachers on meh posting their own requests:

Last year, for the first time, some teachers saw folks on meh (due to comments left) funded them, came here, and started posting multiple projects of their own here. Please only list one project of your own and identify that this is a project of yours. It would be nice to spread the help around to as many teachers as possible thus reaching as many students as possible as well.

To see past threads go here:
2019 thread

2018 thread

2017 thread

2016 thread

Usually we have 3-5 projects going at once. As one gets funded someone adds another one. EACH project has a separate post and anything to do with that post is in a reply under it. Typically people post under a fund how much is left to fund or if it is fully funded, some post if they have contributed although others don’t so do what you want. The goal here is to fully fund projects so the teach gets what they asked for. That is why we choose to fund specific projects rather than randomly to the site.

I will post one project to get us started and if a couple of other people could pick others ones to post that would be great.