This is a fabulous solution for the growing demographic of hapless people who have several refrigerators with burned out lights, and no earthly clue about what to do about it.
@narfcake If the things listed on that shirt reflect what would amuse you most for me to be chilling in my office fridge, I have this to say:
Beer: A desirable choice, to be sure, but not quite appropriate for my office. Still, dilly dilly.
Beards: A bit unconventional, and dare I say, weird, but to each their own. I have no beards in my fridge, but would not judge you if you do in yours.
Cats: Seriously WTF? I’m not a cat fan per se, and I’m pretty damn allergic to them, but what you’re suggesting is just abhorrent. There are a few Mehtizens who are going to have words with you. And rightfully so. Cats… In the fridge!?! Where BATTERIES belong!!! The nerve of some people.
@RedOak I’ve been around for quite a long time. Until fairly recently, I mostly kept my mouth shut and was content to be thought a fool. A couple of months ago, I decided to start opening my mouth, to remove all doubt…
@narfcake Ah. The list of items on the first catshirt made me think of it more of a listshirt (in which one of the listed items is a cat), rather than a catshirt per se. You can hopefully understand my confusion.
What type of rechargeable batteries are these?? Because if they are NIMH they will be dead in a year or less…I have nightlights that used NIMH and the batteries just die quick from being plugged in all the time.
Interestingly, this product has no reviews at the Amazon link given, but this alternative product at $15 each has many great reviews:
I bring it up, because not only the copy on the product descriptions are very similar, but they also use a couple of the same pictures in the description; coincidence, I think not. I’m thinking they are made by the same company, but branded differently. (I do admit the products themselves look somewhat different from each other.) Fakespot gives the stellar revues an A rating.
I am going to take a chance on tonight’s Meh listing and order a 3-pack.
@phendrick another gimmick “emergency flashlight”…occupies an AC outlet forever until a night or two after the grid goes down but then refuses to eat out of a box of commonly available replacement batteries !
You wrote “Lego bricks” instead of (the incorrect but often used) “Legos”!! Kudos to your writer. I almost want to buy it just because you got that right.
Stupid… each flashlight occupies an outlet until useless after a day or two of the grid gone down (AA’s are better). And I hate when Amazon invites me to “Be the first to review this item” And these are prohibitively expensive @ $9 each. I could get 3 Cree Q5 zoomables plus alks or NiMhs cheaper.
I live near Chicago, so all my outlets are installed horizontally.
Seems like these would just fall out of the base and onto the floor, giving me one more thing to step on with all the Lego.
@zachdecker Unfortunate indeed, it appears from the photo of the charging base, the plug does not rotate.
Unlike the Eco-Lite twofer we bought at Costco about five years ago for $18, ironically at the same unit price. They still work great and refuse to die.
Likewise our Durofix twofer from Costco at $20 refuse to die after almost ten years! And they’re very bright, with very long battery life in dimmer settings.
@SoftAsFur …WTF really? Not sure what genius thought that was a good idea. Can’t come up with a benefit for that. Nail up boxes are made to attach to the studs, so you would have to use cross blocking to install them, then drill them for the wires… what a PITA!
Hmm… do I buy these to replace the MAX Safety 4 pack I got where 2 of the 4 seem to be working OK, one was dead, and one was demonic? And then will I replace this 3-pack with a 2-pack of something that works better but is $15 apiece, until I end up buying a single motion detector light for $30?
@lehigh I got a bit frustrated with my plans to upgrade the Max safety lights.
I have 1 and 2 amp test loads for USB power bricks. When I tried to measure the capacity of the Max, I discovered it can’t handle a 1 amp load. The two that I checked first couldn’t handle half an amp for more than a minute at a time.
The motion sensors vary significantly in sensitivity from unit to unit, and there is no obvious way to adjust that. For my application, I wanted the light to stay on for a few minutes. There is no way to adjust the on time.
On at least some of my units, the battery charging circuit is too wimpy to charge the battery and power something else. So the lights don’t work when plugged in until the battery is fully charged.
The darkness sensors all behave differently, some even see their own light bulbs and won’t stay on.
I also had a few failures that I can only blame on the demonic aura of the Max lights. My Kill-a-watt P3 lost its mind, and was giving garbage readings, so I couldn’t measure the AC side of the circuit until my replacement arrived. I ordered new motion sensor elements (PIR sensors) so I could make new circuits that behaved the way I wanted them to. The package arrived from China, then went and hid beneath a Raspberry Pi robot for many months.
My plan to just upgrade the undersized battery and cut off the microphone to produce a reasonable device was thwarted, because so few of the other features of the device were useful as built.
If someone were to break into the house and all of a sudden a bright LED display went off, the dude would leave. I don’t think anyone would think “oh-that’s just a motion-sensing flashlight. Now I can go kill the occupants of the house.” This seems like more of a security device than anything else.
Got my order last night. Unpacked today and plugged in to start charging. One light was weak out of the box, the other two better. So far so good. I’m feeling old and move slow, but motion detectors pick me up OK.
Guess production costs would have been another cent or so for a more detailed user guide, so they didn’t bother. For example, what does it mean when you turn on the top light of the “flashlight” and the LEDs are blinking? Does that mean it needs more charge, or is thinking about exploding? Also, the short guide does say to charge the batteries when it gets low to prolong battery life, but does that mean they don’t expect you to already have it plugged in (because that might decrease battery life)?
So… does anyone still have their instructions for these? Motion detecting not working on the one we had in the downstairs bathroom (handy!) and I’m not sure if turned a switch the wrong way or what…
What’s in the Box?
3x Lights
3x Charging Bases
A box
Off the base
On the base
Just the base
Buttons and stuff
Some lady
Price Comparison
$74.37 (for 3) at Amazon
1 Year Bluetech (email for assistance)
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Motion detecting flashlight? Wut?
This is a fabulous solution for the growing demographic of hapless people who have several refrigerators with burned out lights, and no earthly clue about what to do about it.
@shahnm One of these days, meh is going to sell a fridge or something to really mess with your mind.
@narfcake Meh actually did sell a fridge once. I bought it. It is currently chilling _____ in my office.
(Please fill in that blank in the way that amuses you most.)
@shahnm Catshirts.
/image ice cold catshirts
@narfcake If the things listed on that shirt reflect what would amuse you most for me to be chilling in my office fridge, I have this to say:
Beer: A desirable choice, to be sure, but not quite appropriate for my office. Still, dilly dilly.
Beards: A bit unconventional, and dare I say, weird, but to each their own. I have no beards in my fridge, but would not judge you if you do in yours.
Cats: Seriously WTF? I’m not a cat fan per se, and I’m pretty damn allergic to them, but what you’re suggesting is just abhorrent. There are a few Mehtizens who are going to have words with you. And rightfully so. Cats… In the fridge!?! Where BATTERIES belong!!! The nerve of some people.
@shahnm apparently you haven’t been here long enough to realize you don’t mess with Cat Shirts around @narfcake
Change the bulb. Lefty loosely, righty tighty.
@shahnm What @RedOak said. Catshirts, not cats.
/image catshirts
/image cat
@RedOak I’ve been around for quite a long time. Until fairly recently, I mostly kept my mouth shut and was content to be thought a fool. A couple of months ago, I decided to start opening my mouth, to remove all doubt…
@narfcake Ah. The list of items on the first catshirt made me think of it more of a listshirt (in which one of the listed items is a cat), rather than a catshirt per se. You can hopefully understand my confusion.
/giphy obfuscation
@Sansoona You are clearly not a member of the hapless demographic I reference in my comment.
/image Congratulations!
@narfcake @shahnm That’s a sweet little fridge - I would have bought one!
@Kyeh @narfcake How did you end up on a three year old thread?!?
@narfcake @shahnm Oh, hah - I guess it got revived by lehigh at the bottom of the thread who asked if anyone still has their instructions for these.
It sits plugged into a wall outlet and lights up by either motion or light sensitivity, i.e. lighting up dark areas of the house.
Does Meh create these Amazon product listings? Where do they find all this stuff with zero reviews?
@ponagathos further evidence to your theory, the pictures are obviously poorly photoshopped. Even they haven’t seen their product work.
I have an older version of these and they’re still handy. They work as a nightlight and are a handy-to-find flashlight in a power outage.
How many lumens?
I just can’t seem to stop laughing at the Ronco suggested price of $74 and change, or that people are willing to pay $9 a piece for these.
Triple meh
What type of rechargeable batteries are these?? Because if they are NIMH they will be dead in a year or less…I have nightlights that used NIMH and the batteries just die quick from being plugged in all the time.
@goosedude They are evidently the kind that need to be stored in the
/image refrigerator
While the battery specific technology doesn’t appear to be mentioned anywhere, 3.7 volts is a strong indicator of a Lithium Ion or similar battery.
NiMh battery voltages tend to be in multiples of 1.2 volts.
@RedOak It’s a trick…
pretty sure this font used to be standard in Windows XP, just cant remember the name
Does this work with a Mac?
I saw the light light light my fire
$9 for three, I’m in. $9 each?
/giphy I’m out
@fuzzmanmatt I feel like they should sweeten the deal with some Candy Corn
No reviews, little out there except MEH comments from previous sale:
@craigcush and apperently not a single comment after receiving the lights.
Actually, that might be a good thing since post-sale comments tend to congregate when the product experience was shaky.
@craigcush they were priced at $10 each for that December twofer (thanks vs $9 each for this threefer.
Interestingly, this product has no reviews at the Amazon link given, but this alternative product at $15 each has many great reviews:
I bring it up, because not only the copy on the product descriptions are very similar, but they also use a couple of the same pictures in the description; coincidence, I think not. I’m thinking they are made by the same company, but branded differently. (I do admit the products themselves look somewhat different from each other.) Fakespot gives the stellar revues an A rating.
I am going to take a chance on tonight’s Meh listing and order a 3-pack.
@phendrick It worked! Your order number is: ticklish-bragging-toad
/image ticklish bragging toad
@mediocrebot I, too, will have to digest this for awhile.
@phendrick another gimmick “emergency flashlight”…occupies an AC outlet forever until a night or two after the grid goes down but then refuses to eat out of a box of commonly available replacement batteries !
@sparkyfarad Only “emergency” I’m preparing for with this item is the random 4 a.m. trip to the pot.
I don’t know what’s worse:
Although in writing that sentence I came up with like four ideas for bluetooth functionality in a flashlight, all of them useless.
@Tukaro I had the exact same thought and was going to share it in the comment section. But you said it better
@Tukaro @ruthwik1 …ditto
You wrote “Lego bricks” instead of (the incorrect but often used) “Legos”!! Kudos to your writer. I almost want to buy it just because you got that right.
Stupid… each flashlight occupies an outlet until useless after a day or two of the grid gone down (AA’s are better). And I hate when Amazon invites me to “Be the first to review this item” And these are prohibitively expensive @ $9 each. I could get 3 Cree Q5 zoomables plus alks or NiMhs cheaper.
They’re cool, but bought four the first time.
Do you even smell that??!
All i need for an emergency in the house…
@fastharry You forgot the hollow points and the clip. Got that stuff though I assume
@cme210 That pistol uses a magazine, not a clip. Please.
@Contrary the internet poo poos on grammar nazis, but this stupid clip/magazine nonsense still continues.
@goldnectar Not nonsense, two entirely different devices. It’s never wrong to be correct.
@fastharry that is a strange shaped flashlight
@fastharry Don’t shoot yourself in the flashlight !
@fastharry Of course the most important item in that picture is obviously the pressed flower placemat.
@Coldrice my new wife likes old school stuff, lol…the table is one of those formica aluminum jobs from the 60s…i care not as long as she cooks for me…
@jmbunkin or in the eye…but the glock 19 is safer than the red ryder bb gun…so im not worried…
@hchavers custom made by glock…
@cme210 just wanted to show im being safe for the pc nazis…otherwise its loaded with hornady hp…
I live near Chicago, so all my outlets are installed horizontally.
Seems like these would just fall out of the base and onto the floor, giving me one more thing to step on with all the Lego.
@zachdecker Unfortunate indeed, it appears from the photo of the charging base, the plug does not rotate.
Unlike the Eco-Lite twofer we bought at Costco about five years ago for $18, ironically at the same unit price. They still work great and refuse to die.
Likewise our Durofix twofer from Costco at $20 refuse to die after almost ten years! And they’re very bright, with very long battery life in dimmer settings.
It’s one package of 3. Do a proper 2-fer and make it 2 pks of 6 total. …and yeah completely useless for Illinoians as our outlets are vertical.
@SoftAsFur …WTF really? Not sure what genius thought that was a good idea. Can’t come up with a benefit for that. Nail up boxes are made to attach to the studs, so you would have to use cross blocking to install them, then drill them for the wires… what a PITA!
Hmm… do I buy these to replace the MAX Safety 4 pack I got where 2 of the 4 seem to be working OK, one was dead, and one was demonic? And then will I replace this 3-pack with a 2-pack of something that works better but is $15 apiece, until I end up buying a single motion detector light for $30?
@lehigh My raw response is me too but that means something else so I also.
@lehigh I got a bit frustrated with my plans to upgrade the Max safety lights.
I have 1 and 2 amp test loads for USB power bricks. When I tried to measure the capacity of the Max, I discovered it can’t handle a 1 amp load. The two that I checked first couldn’t handle half an amp for more than a minute at a time.
The motion sensors vary significantly in sensitivity from unit to unit, and there is no obvious way to adjust that. For my application, I wanted the light to stay on for a few minutes. There is no way to adjust the on time.
On at least some of my units, the battery charging circuit is too wimpy to charge the battery and power something else. So the lights don’t work when plugged in until the battery is fully charged.
The darkness sensors all behave differently, some even see their own light bulbs and won’t stay on.
I also had a few failures that I can only blame on the demonic aura of the Max lights. My Kill-a-watt P3 lost its mind, and was giving garbage readings, so I couldn’t measure the AC side of the circuit until my replacement arrived. I ordered new motion sensor elements (PIR sensors) so I could make new circuits that behaved the way I wanted them to. The package arrived from China, then went and hid beneath a Raspberry Pi robot for many months.
My plan to just upgrade the undersized battery and cut off the microphone to produce a reasonable device was thwarted, because so few of the other features of the device were useful as built.
I’m confused. I thought it was Twosday.
@rtjhnstn you can still buy two (six).
I’m so excited! I broke my toes on legos, but not anymore. WEEEE!!!
It seems West Virginians really like these.
If someone were to break into the house and all of a sudden a bright LED display went off, the dude would leave. I don’t think anyone would think “oh-that’s just a motion-sensing flashlight. Now I can go kill the occupants of the house.” This seems like more of a security device than anything else.
Ah, crap. I can’t resist Threefer Madness.
@lehigh It worked! Your order number is: absurd-tremendous-gin
/image absurd tremendous gin
Got my order last night. Unpacked today and plugged in to start charging. One light was weak out of the box, the other two better. So far so good. I’m feeling old and move slow, but motion detectors pick me up OK.
Guess production costs would have been another cent or so for a more detailed user guide, so they didn’t bother. For example, what does it mean when you turn on the top light of the “flashlight” and the LEDs are blinking? Does that mean it needs more charge, or is thinking about exploding? Also, the short guide does say to charge the batteries when it gets low to prolong battery life, but does that mean they don’t expect you to already have it plugged in (because that might decrease battery life)?
So… does anyone still have their instructions for these? Motion detecting not working on the one we had in the downstairs bathroom (handy!) and I’m not sure if turned a switch the wrong way or what…