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URGE Basics SounDome Bluetooth Speaker

  • Model: Urge UG-M6
  • We’ve heard worse cheap little speakers
  • 5 hours of battery life per charge
  • Bluetooth like a mug up in here
  • Your choice of five colors (i.e., four good colors and purple)
see more product specs

Not literally disposable. Just cheap.

When we last we saw the URGE Basics SounDome, we had a jolly old time calling it a “Disposable Bluetooth Speaker”. To our surprise, this came to the attention of that vast majority of humanity who doesn’t yet know that we think we’re funny or something. They justifiably pointed out that we were talking some bullshit.

So let’s be clear: these speakers are not disposable, like a disposable napkin or disposable lighter or disposable income (ahem). It was just our clever-clever way of saying, hey, these are decent mobile speakers or whatever, but at this price and this level of performance, you won’t miss them if they get busted or stole. Yeah. Big joke.

And we also wanted to make the point that geeks of a certain age have an ingrained reverence for Bluetooth that we really should outgrow. Some of us find it difficult to treat Bluetooth-enabled consumer gizmos the way we treat their 'toothless counterparts. But hey, look, you can get Bluetooth speakers so cheap now you can afford to throw them away. It’s like how new movies on VHS went from $69.99 to $49.99 to $19.99 to now-they-pay-you-to-take-them in 25 years. Just because a gadget has Bluetooth doesn’t mean you need to take an insurance policy out on it.

Why are we telling you all this? Well, when you only sell one product a day, you have to sell the sizzle. If a potential sucke- er, community member stop by three days in a row and, as is likely, has no interest in any of those three products, what’s to keep the rube coming back that fourth day? Our weird daily essays unlike anything before (the last time we did this)!

Or maybe people come back for the cheap speakers. We’ve got a lot of those, too. We just can’t bring ourselves to throw them away.

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  • 702 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $6343 total.
  • (including shipping)

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