Sharper Image RC Humanoid OP One Robot
Will arrive before Christmas
- Perform! Dance! Play! Spy!
- Wait, spy?
- Yeah, it has a microphone and speaker on it, so you can listen and speak through the controller
- Full directional movement with full arm, body, and wheel control
- A voice disguise feature, articulated hands, perform tricks, has programmable dances, the whole shebang
- Amazon customers thought it was pretty cool based on their reviews
- Model: 1005226, the year we finally catch up to the marvelous level of technological advancement present in this robot
Gundam Thing: Endless Schmaltz
Listen. Listen. Yesterday I said I wasn’t going to talk about robots, and what do we have today? A robot!
Was it foreshadowing? Was it a coincidence? I’ll never tell.
Anyway, robots never cease to be fascinating. I mean, the concept has existed for at least a century at this point and it hasn’t really let up.
We’ve got movies about giant robots, movies about tiny robots, movies about smart robots, movies about dumb robots, human-looking robots, humans falling in love with robots, robots falling in love with humans. You know something has staying power when multiple people start thinking, “Hmm, but can I romance it?” Just look at vampires, werewolves, and aliens.
With this robot, though, you don’t have to worry about any of the above. This one is more like an extension of yourself. You have full control, and I mean full, like a Gundam. Only, at a manageable scale, and without all the endless war and philosophizing.
So like a Gundam.
I guess the point is that robots are cool. And kids like robots. Get your kid a robot.
Trust me, I am very in touch with my inner child.