Holiday Junk Food
9One of my favorite things about the holidays is when all the brands get on board and put some kind of holiday inspired limited edition food items out.
For instance, every year I try to buy the Thanksgiving Pringles set which always sells out (maybe next year…) or their Christmas chips. There are various holiday beers for me to try as well. Hershey’s Peppermint Kisses, hot cocoa flavored everything just a ton of stuff.
Do you have some kind of holiday junk food that you like to buy?
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/image white choc oreos

@f00l Yuuuuup I like these and the red frosting ones as well.
Never heard of the Thanksgiving Pringles. I wanted to try the candy corn Thanksgiving dinner just to be disgusted but couldn’t find it.
I think they’re available year round but Christmas time means a chocolate orange will probably come my way. I don’t mind those at all.
@djslack It’s changed each year but the idea is a few chips that taste (I assume) like their respective Thanksgiving flavors.
@djslack Chocolate oranges are great.
@djslack Chocolate and orange is one of the penultimate dessert combos. I also recommend Sweets Dark or Milk Chocolate Orange Sticks, with orange jelly centers.
@djslack @yakkoTDI Also dark chocolate cherries. But not the gooey, sickeningly sweet kind, just semi-tart cherries dipped in dark chocolate.
@djslack @Targaryen
I’ve never seen those in my life.
I’m bummed they didn’t make holiday Peeps this year.
@sammydog01 I just looked around trying to find something for you but the manufacturer just closed up so they haven’t produced anything this year really. Have you tried Smashmellows from Target? They have a peppermint flavored one which sounds pretty good and might fill the void a little bit.
@Targaryen Hmmm… holiday candy cane flavored or holiday peppermint chocolate chip? I guess I should order both. I’ll let you know.
I did read that Peeps would be back for Easter.
@sammydog01 I’ve been looking for Peeps since May for roasting over fires during the summer.
I’ll stock up when Easter comes.
Chick-fil-a’s peppermint chocolate chip milkshake is probably my favorite non-homemade holiday horrible for you but it’s the holidays so whatever…which goes double for this year.
@gt0163c Yes! They always ask if I want whipped cream. Do I look like I want whipped cream? Of course I want whipped cream.
@sammydog01 I don’t understand or trust people who would say no (unless they’re lactose intolerant…but then why would they be getting a milkshake?).
@gt0163c I know, right? It’s the same exact stuff but fluffy. Who doesn’t love fluffy?

/giphy fluffy
@sammydog01 Mmmm…fluffy. Not to be confused with furry or cuddly…which would be my cats at times. One of them does like whipped cream (and milk and yogurt, ice cream. Fortunately she tolerates the small amounts I give her.).
@gt0163c What?.. I’ve never heard of this. I’m gonna have to try it now.
Braum’s has a full holiday ice cream lineup: Pumpkin, Gingerbread, Hot Chocolate, Peppermint, Peppermint Chocolate Chip, and Eggnog.
@compunaut Their fast food is just ok but their ice cream is great.
@Targaryen You go there for fast food?
Just. Don’t.
Mulled wine / mead
but that doesn’t really count.
I did have some pumpkin spice bar thingees from Sprouts, but that doesn’t count either.
Eons ago, Stash made a mint tisane (that’s an herbal tea) that was spearmint (NOT peppermint), wintergreen, orange peel and some spices. It was yummy, and I miss it. - I like spearmint, I despise peppermint.
@Cerridwyn Spearmint is way better than peppermint. I don’t know why it’s so hard to find it. Spear-o-mint was the best flavor of Life Savers ever.
finest kind
@Cerridwyn I think we still have a bottle or two of mead; not sure if that was from wine.woot or here. Interesting stuff.
@Cerridwyn @sammydog01 Wint-o-green!!
@Cerridwyn @j2 Close second. Definitely not first though.
Still do. It is called Christmas Eve.
@Cerridwyn @rockblossom I just ordered a box from Amazon. They have it at a grocery store a few miles away so I might stop by there. But probably not. Thanks!
@rockblossom @sammydog01
it’s similar, but it’s missing the wintergreen
@Cerridwyn Have you tried… Glogg? That seems like something you would have tried.
I have not. It sounds… intense.
I have had various different versions of Wassail
And pondering if I have any red… I tend to prefer whites.
@Cerridwyn @sammydog01 Wintergreen was taken out of most (all?) of American tea blends because it causes an allergy reaction in some people, and there’s a chemical in the oil that isn’t safe for children. There are still imported teas with wintergreen in the mix, and you can buy pure wintergreen tea. I just checked my collection of oils, and while the peppermint and spearmint oils are safe to add to food, the wintergreen has “for external use only” on the label.
@Cerridwyn @rockblossom @sammydog01 No Wintergreen? What about gum?
@Cerridwyn @rockblossom @Targaryen I just looked up wintergreen lifesavers and it’s artificial flavoring. NOOOOOOOO!
@Targaryen Most “wintergreen” flavored gum is made with artificial flavoring.
@rockblossom @sammydog01
people are allergic to peanuts - and it’s a bad allergy. so peanuts should be removed from the market?
Archway Cherry Nougat cookies. I have not found any this year and they’ve been hard to find for a while.
Aldi “Benton’s Fudge Covered Peppermint Cremes”; almost an Oreo with a thick peppermint creme layer, dipped in chocolate, then rolled in crushed pepermint candy.
The Cherry Stollen bread at Aldis, preferably with Kerrygold spread on it.
Last year Aldi had multiple dessert bread flavors; loaves of sliced sweet bread that when toasted and Kerrygold butter spread on them made a particular kind of nirvana. They had multiple berry, orange-cranberry, and blueberry-lemon. This year so far I’ve only seen raisin, various pumpkin types, and cinnamon.
Mountain Dew Merry Mash-up flavor soda. Also the Sprite Winter spiced cranberry though i slightly prefer the Mountain Dew.
We had the Aldi Gluhwein last year, warmed as prescribed, and it was quite good. This year I managed to get a bottle each of the Christkindl Apple punch and cherry punch; looking forward to those.
Egg nog may not be classic junk food but it deserves a place at the table too.
@duodec I hadn’t thought about Archway cookies in years. My dad was a huge fan of the Nutty Nougats. I think one year he might have even written the company pleading that there was no reason to limit their production to Christmas season.
Thanks for the stirring that memory
Trader Joe’s chocolate covered, peppermint Joe-Joe’s

The one holiday item I must get is egg nog!!
/youtube we love you noggy
Russel Stover chocolate Santas except they vanished out of all the grocery stores around here several years ago.Now all we get is the valentine hearts and easter bunnies at those holidays. I fail to understand why no santas.
@katbyter Those are good and remind me of Christmas growing up. My mom would always get a bag of those and some of the raspberry candies which had the hard outer layer and the gooey stuff inside and put them in a candy dish on the end table next to the sofa in the living room. This was a rare treat since we rarely used the living room aside from around Christmas time (we had a family room where we spent more time) and the candy dish was only filled at Christmas time (other times of the year it was empty and sad).
Lebkuchen and marzipan.
I love hot chocolate ice cream but for some reason it’s hard to find in Michigan. Also eggnog and Trader Joe’s mint dark chocolate stars.
I like Peppermint “bark.” Crushed candy canes (Irk is wrong) with white and dark (or milk) chocolate.
I like the “white trash” which is like Chex Mix or some kind of pub mix with white chocolate and peppermint crushed and mixed together.
/image pfeffernusse cookies

and for new Years there’s Oliebollen (OK these aren’t commercially prepared, but they are a holiday traditional food…)

@chienfou these look like sfinge (aka zeppole) but I found a recipe that indicates they’re stuffed with raisins? Wtf! Way to ruin a deep fried delight
and sometimes succade (candied dried citrus peel)