Santana Oye Active Noise Cancelling Bluetooth Headphones

  • Headphones?
  • That don’t have a cable?
  • What will they think of next?
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A Meh-rathon of Sweet Meh-mories

This is a set of noise cancelling bluetooth headphones. You either know what that is, or can jump in the forum to ask other people about it.

Why aren’t we giving you more info? Well, we weren’t sure what to write for the Meh-rathon so we decided to look at some past Meh write-ups for inspiration. (You can find a random one here, if you want.) Unfortunately, all that did was make us nostalgic and maybe a little teary-eyed. And then the boss was all “Where’s the write-ups, writer dude?” and we panicked and… uhh… Please enjoy this classic write-up about an entirely different product! Also, feel free to share in the forum if you find one you liked or forgot about or missed entirely.

One by one, all of the pleasures of the old world were taken away. We lost our cat GIFs and Netflix in the Global Crash of 2016. Air travel ended with the Cataclysm of 2019. The last drop of gasoline was consumed in the Big Fiery Event of 2022. Spring and fall were obliterated by the Meteor Collision of 2025, and the last few remnants of organized society were wiped out by the Bigger, Fierier Event of 2028.

Now, between trying to remember which berries are poisonous and fashioning new shelters every time the old ones are destroyed by the corrosive monsoons, life isn’t a ton of fun. But there’s one indulgence all the forces of Apocalypse can’t deny us: the Moscow Mule.

These hardy metal mugs have absorbed all the abuse the End Times can throw at them. Whether it’s the real 100% copper ones, or the steel ones that have the Moscow Mule look and cool touch without the copper taste, it’ll take a lot more than worldwide Ragnarok to keep this Mule down.

Of course, we’ve had to modify the recipe a little in light of recent events. Our “vodka” is a lot pulpier and more brown than the old stuff. In place of ginger beer, we use a porridge made from cactus roots. Limes are pretty much non-existent, but we do have plenty of lime-shaped rocks. And ice, well, tribal wars are fought over ice these days. Which is pretty stupid because it always melts before the war is over.

But hey, it’s the mug that defines the Moscow Mule, and we’ve got that nailed down. Do your worst, Four Horsemen: we’ll keep on enjoying life, 16 ounces at a time. Pass the lime-shaped rocks-

Oh, sorry, that’s my phone. I should answer this text. What, you thought some minor inconvenience like the end of the world would get people off their phones?

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