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2-for-Tuesday: iRobot Roomba 560's (Refurbished)

  • Model: IROBOT-560-R
  • The last great Roomba before the innovative wallet-sucking feature
  • We have it on good authority that not all of you have bought these yet
  • Keeps your floor reasonably clean, but you should help out once in a while, too
  • Just don’t get too emotionally attached, a robot can never return your love

<sub>Photo from Broderik used under Creative Commons License ></sub>

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We don't know how we get it done. We just know we do!

Roombadee: Hey dudes! How are things going upstairs? They’re going pretty great down here, actually, although don’t ask me how. When I start off, the floor’s dirty. When I finish, the floor’s clean. Whatever happens in between is a mystery to me.

Roombadum: Me too! I just kind of turn my mind off and turn my motor on, and fate takes care of the rest.

Roombadee: I guess that’s why I have such a positive outlook. It’s like, why worry? Things are gonna work out, you know? I don’t need to get all caught up in laser sensors or whatever. I just trust my bristles and my filter and my positive energy. Oh, and my virtual walls.

Roombadum: Totally. It’s like, wherever I happen to be is where the universe wants me to be at that moment. And if it’s especially dirty, the universe must have needed my Dirt Detect function. The universe even made a stair sensor to keep me from hurting myself.

Roombadee: Yeah, exactly. But really, I don’t even think about it that much. I wander around, following my heart, and the cleaning just happens. Somebody down there likes me!

Roombadum: By the way, folks, in Roombic spirituality, heaven is under the floorboards.

Roombadee: I know there are haters out there. That Neato can be so angry.

Roombadum: And some people just say they’re tired of seeing our faces. I refuse to let that negativity affect me.

Roombadee: Yeah, why argue with the haters? I’d rather turn them into lovers.

Roombadum: Well, but not “lovers” like-

Roombadee: No, no, no. Not “lovers” in that sense. Maybe I should say “likers”.

Roombadum: Yeah, that’s better.

Roombadee: Seriously, everybody, don’t try that. Never try that.

Roombadum: It would be a very negative experience for all of us.

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