I have about the same chance of seeing godzilla coming to Florida as I do of seeing 100 foot ice sheets come here. Basically guaranteed to see other lizard monsters pretty much daily, though.
I think the device and the word both predate marketing.
Yup. Was invented by the French over 100 years ago so is a French word. They are magic when you are climbing glaciers and ice walls (did that in Scotland when I worked there - scary but fun). You can kick the front two points into the ice wall and then that anchors you to stand so you can step up another step. Well and you use an ice axe you thrust the spike end into the ice for your “hand hold”
Although the photo above aren’t the kind of crampons I was talking about as those only help you not slip on the sidewalk.
@mediocrebot That is not exactly what the bottom of crampons look like mediocrebot. And not sure what those hooks the oen person is using and the walking guy has on the toe of his front foot. I’d say this is worse than AI hands used to be.
I have about the same chance of seeing godzilla coming to Florida as I do of seeing 100 foot ice sheets come here. Basically guaranteed to see other lizard monsters pretty much daily, though.
No thickness is safe if it is on the road I am trying to drive down or the steps/sidewalk I am trying to walk down.
/giphy unsafe ice on the road
@blaineg @Kidsandliz But did they really have to call them ‘crampons’? I don’t think the marketing team was involved in that decision.
@capnjb @Kidsandliz I think the device and the word both predate marketing.
@blaineg @capnjb
Yup. Was invented by the French over 100 years ago so is a French word. They are magic when you are climbing glaciers and ice walls (did that in Scotland when I worked there - scary but fun). You can kick the front two points into the ice wall and then that anchors you to stand so you can step up another step. Well and you use an ice axe you thrust the spike end into the ice for your “hand hold”
Although the photo above aren’t the kind of crampons I was talking about as those only help you not slip on the sidewalk.
/image metal crampons ice climbing
@blaineg @capnjb @Kidsandliz
/showme Crampon, crampoff, the Cramper!
@mediocrebot That is not exactly what the bottom of crampons look like mediocrebot. And not sure what those hooks the oen person is using and the walking guy has on the toe of his front foot. I’d say this is worse than AI hands used to be.
@Kidsandliz @mediocrebot the toe hook is in case he’s sliding down the mountain face down
@ybmuG the face looks like he already did
@blaineg @capnjb @Kidsandliz @ybmuG That’s what an old girlfriend used to call her feminine hygiene supplies.
/showme Krampus wearing crampons
@mediocrebot I don’t know how functional those crampons are, but I do know I won’t be bringing up the subject with Krampus.
@mediocrebot @mehcuda67
That’s rather good!