Instant Regret Kit
- The stuff you didn’t want before, but repackaged as a “fun surprise”
- No strings attached; just pay the price and get an IRK
- (Products within might include strings)
- Can it make a margarita: buddy, we don’t even know
Pay, Get
So, here’s the thing. Some of you enjoy the weird Instant Regret Kits we do where you basically get one for a buck if you spend a bunch of money on SideDeal. But others of you? You just want your normal old “pay some money, get some garbage” IRK.
And that’s what this is. You pay the price listed, we send you an IRK.
But because it’s been a minute since we’ve done one of these, we decided to put together a quick Q&A, in case you’ve forgotten how this works. Here we go:
So, how much is this thing?
The price listed above.
But really, how much is it?
The price listed above.
Sure, but what happens if I spend over 50 bucks on SideDeal and then buy this thing?
You will receive the stuff you ordered from SideDeal as well as an IRK. And you will pay however much you paid over there plus the price of this IRK (and shipping if you’re not a member).
What else do we need to know?
Since it’s just an IRK with no strings attached, it’ll likely sell out quicker than the other kind.
Okay, I’m ready. I’ve been working on my aquatic combat skills, and I am now ready to fight a gang of angry waterfowl for a chance at an Instant Regret Kit. When do we start?
Um, that’s never something we’ve ever done.
You mean I’ve been training for the last year for nothing?
You could probably use those skills for something else.
You’re right. I could. Like pummeling YOU, Meh!
Okay, well, we gotta go hide! But, before we do, one last reminder: this is just an IRK for the price listed above.