George Foreman Family Size Smokeless Digital Smart Select Indoor Grill

  • A little indoor electric grill that doesn’t produce much smoke
  • Easy-to-clean, sloped surface for draining fat
  • Cooks stuff fast
  • Easy-to-read, easy-to-use digital display
  • Is it Mac compatible: Oh hell yeah! This thing will cook an iPad to a perfect medium rare!
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Good, Actually

Every era has its products that, looking back, make us shake our heads. “What were we thinking?!” we say, chuckling at our younger selves for being so obsessed with something entirely silly and unnecessary.

Yet, this tendency towards self-deprecating nostalgia sometimes snags a few things that don’t deserve the retroactive ridicule.

And there’s maybe no better example of this phenomenon than the George Foreman grill.

When you think of the product, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? The commercials, right? That classic upbeat infomercial style, made all the better by George Foreman’s intensely sincere pitch. Seriously, in every commercial–and there sure did seem to be a lot of them–the dude seemed so genuine in espousing his love of ‘knocking out the fat.’ Which is to say nothing about the old-school early-iMac styling of the product itself. (At least, that’s the vibe we got rewatching this old commercial, though, to be fair, not all of them were so… uhh… vibrant?)

All of it adds up to make them feel like relics of another time. And they are. By which we mean: the commercials.

But the product itself? A little indoor electric grill with an easy-to-clean sloped surface for draining fat? That’s not something that should not be lumped in with the likes of the Flowbee, the Bedazzler, the Chop-o-matic, and the Snuggie. It was a totally useful product when it came out, and it remains a totally useful product today.

Hence why we’re offering this one.

Though, we should be clear, this isn’t your grandfather’s George Foreman grill. Improvements have been made. It’s got easy-to-use and easy-to-read digital controls, it cooks stuff fast, and it’s designed to produce as little smoke as possible as it does. That means you can enjoy plenty of fresh-grilled flavor even while you’re holed up inside all winter.

So maybe get one and enjoy a 90s-nostalgia-induced laugh before enjoying a tasty steak dinner cooked fast on your new Foreman grill.

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