Escali Pico Digital Scale
- Weighs up to 11 lbs.
- Displaces some less-useful thing from your pockets or purse
- 1 gram resolution not fine enough for pharmacy use
- Multiple purchases may attract DEA scrutiny
Knitting stoner foodies who race pigeons, get serious.
You call yourself a hobbyist? Best not even step to me, son, unless you’re hobbying digital scale-style. How else will you know if you’ve got enough yarn to finish that second sock? How else will you know if that special diet is keeping your racing pigeons in shape?
Do you really expect those macarons to taste just like the ones from the bakery when you’re measuring ingredients by volume? Are you just going to trust that chump with the white-guy dreadlocks when he tells you that bag is 10 grams?
No. You’re not. You’re going to grow up, man up, and scale up (haha) with this Escali Pico Digital Scale. Get precise measurements of your yarn, birds, flour and drugs so you can start pursuing your pursuits like a grown-up.
Four measly bucks. That’s all that stands between half-assing it and full-assing it. How much does a wasted life weigh?