CAT Dual Work Light w/9-LED Floodlight and 5-LED Spotlight

  • Floodlight for when you need to really flood something with light
  • Spotlight for when you need just a spot of light
see more product specs

The Cliffs of Cliff: A Cliff-hanging Meh-rathon

“We can’t explain it yet,” Cliff Sr. said. “That’s what we’re working on here.” He gestured to Cliff’s other dads Paul, Johnny, Jimbo, and Rice. “But when the time comes, you’ll know.”

“Speaking of time, why are you dressed for work if it’s Saturday,” Paul said.

“Oh crap!” Cliff said. “I forgot about Cory and the skeleton.”

“A not so human skeleton?” Jimbo asked.

“Yeah,” Cliff said. “What does it mean?”

“We can’t say,” Johnny said. “Not yet.”

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