CanKeeper 3-in-1 Double Walled Beverage Insulators

- They keep cans cold
- 16oz cans, 12oz cans, tall skinny seltzer cans–they work with all of them
- They keep cans from spilling (you can seal them)
- They keep everyone from knowing what you’re drinking
- Can they make a margarita: No, but they can make a canned margarita cold and delish
Cold Concealer
The main two selling points for these things are as follows:
- They keep canned beverages colder for longer. A lot longer. And, like a koozie on steroids, they also keep your hands from getting too cold while you hold said beverage.
- They keep canned beverages protected. You can seal them to prevent leaks or spills. Which is neat because there’s nothing worse than a tipped can making a big mess! (Not to mention, you just lost a perfectly good drink.)
Sounds great, right?
But there is an oft-overlooked third selling point which might be the most appealing of all:
- They conceal canned beverages.
Are we saying you should put a hard seltzer in one of these to drink on the bus to work?
You could, however, use one to hide your unimpressive taste.
Or, you know, to save face while saving a little money, if you buy some not-so-great can brands. And we’re not talking generic store brands here.
We’re talking about those canned beverages that openly admit they’re not the best. Like:
- La Croix-Vey
- Dudweiser
- Coro-nah
- Pabst Honorable Mention
- So-so Chico
- Milwaukee’s Rest
- Twisted Mediocri-Tea
- Mountain Ewww
- Sierra Miss
- Actually Just Your Grandfather’s Root Beer
Okay, pretty stupid, we know. But these Can Keepers aren’t.
And it’s almost, if not already, outdoor beverage season, so get them now and enjoy using them for the next few months.