Aegean Apparel Terry Cloth Robes
- Here’s the deal: The package that these robes were delivered in got wet, so the whole thing smelled like wet cardboard
- We sold them during the Meh-rathon for about half of what we would have, on account of the cardboard smell, and called them “Stinky Robes”
- Turns out only the outside packaging was stinky, the robes inside were fine. Customers complained that their “stinky robes” were not stinky enough.
- We’re selling them again at the same price but no longer calling them stinky robes – but the outside plastic packaging might smell like wet cardboard still
- These 100% cotton terrycloth robes will make you feel like you’ve been whisked away to a 5-star spa for the weekend
- Sorry, ^ that was written before the water damage
- Model: 611-9000S
The Stingk
Meh.com War Room – June 16th, 2017 – 1000 hours
“Sir, we’ve received the Aegean Apparel terry cloth robes and … there’s a problem.”
“What kind of problem?”
“A stinky problem, sir.”
“Yes, sir. The container of said robes received water damage in transit from an unknown source – likely rain – and, upon investigating said container it was determined by staff to be stinky.”
“Let me make sure I understand this, solider: The cardboard box containing the robes got rained on, and got stinky?”
“Affirmative, sir.”
“Stinky how?”
“Do they smell like wet cardboard?”
“How much were we going to sell them for before the water damage?”
“Twenty-six dollars, sir.”
“And how much can we sell them for now?”
“We put our best analysts on it, sir. They believe half that amount – or thirteen dollars – would be appropriate.”
“You’re killing me.”
“Forget it. Sell them in the Meh-rathon we have planned for July. And soldier --”
“Yes, sir?”
“Make sure we tell customers these are stinky. Hell, put it right in the title.”
Meh War Room – July 17 – 900 hours
“Sir, customers have received the stinky robes and … there’s a problem.”
“What kind of problem? Didn’t we tell people they were going to be stinky??”
“Yes, sir. That’s the problem. Turns out they were not stinky. Or rather, they were not stinky enough.”
“It seems, sir, that customers were expecting their robes to be stinky upon arrival, and expressed disappointment via the forum when they were not.”
“How did this happen?”
“It seems the cardboard stink did not penetrate the plastic covers of the robes, sir.”
“Let me make sure I understand this. We received a package of robes that had been damaged by water…”
“So we knocked the price down by half and told customers they’d smell like cardboard.”
“Then those who received them were disappointed that they didn’t stink as badly as we had described them.”
“Well, that’s ridiculous. But there’s nothing we can do about it now.”
“Well, sir…”
“Oh God.”
“There are more we need to sell, sir.”