72-Pack: Maxim Tailor Made Condoms + 8 Packets of Lubricant

  • Tailor-made to “fit like a glove” (?)
  • They’re condoms, okay?
  • Use them by May 16th, 2026 (that’s about one for every 7 days)
  • Also, a little bit of lube (which you can buy more of on SideDeal)
  • Check the specs for sizing information
  • Can they make a margarita: Nope, not doing this
see more product specs

Protect Yourself

July to October marks the busiest birth time of the year in the U.S., with August leading all individual months in terms of babies born. That means the busiest time in terms of conception is… well… now. As in: the holidays.

Which, to us, is pretty bonkers.

It’s a time of joy, sure. And it’s cold to boot. You’re inside with your partner a lot, and sometimes you just want to share a little warmth. But there’s also a lot of family time. Like, a WHOLE lot. With barely a month between Thanksgiving and Christmas (if that), you get a few heavy doses of your folks without much recovery time in between. And every other year, these gatherings come on the heels of an election season that could reshape the country’s politics and lead to some recklessly uninformed analysis about any manner of things, further complicating the already strange mood.

What we’re saying is: it’s just weird to us that people would spend so much time with their aunts and uncles and cousins and parents and grandparents, and come out of it thinking, You know what would be sick? Starting a little offshoot one of these in my own home, so I can experience it in microcosm daily!

Not to mention the… umm… logistical issues? You’ve just eaten twenty-thousand calories worth of deep-fried turkey, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, egg nog, and pie; you’re in your childhood bedroom, which includes, among other things, your ancient childhood bed; members of your family are separated from you by, what? Two walls? Three walls, max? And that’s when you’re like, I should really combine my body with a second body in service of creating a third body!

So what is it then that leads to so many late-in-the-year pregnancies? Is it just holiday magic? All the journalists being sent from the big city to cover your small hometown’s famed hot cocoa festival and falling for rugged local innkeepers, thus polluting the air with love? Or if you slow the piano intro to the Mariah song way down will you hear a deep-throated demonic voice chanting, “Conceive! Conceive! Conceive!”?

Who knows.

Our point is, this is a time when babies are made, but you don’t have to make a baby if you don’t want to. And these Maxim “Tailor-Made” condoms can help with that. Because, you know, they’re condoms.

But our condoms today actually offer even more protection than others on the market. All you need to do is tell your partner, “Don’t worry. I bought these on a daily deal site called Meh dot com along with, and I’m quoting here, ‘a handful of lube,’” and you will ensure that any acts that may result in pregnancy will not occur with this person in the immediate or distant future! Pretty cool, huh?

So buy some condoms if you need some condoms.

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