6-Pack: Men's Funky Socks

- Choose between 3 different 6-packs of socks that contain the funkiness of a seven pack of comparable funky socks.
- 70% Cotton, 20% Spandex, 10% Nylon, and 10% that extra ten percent.
- You can wash them in a machine on the cold gentle cycle.
- J Korn’s website claims: “Ready to give as a gift, nicely displayed on hanger” but I’ve personally never seen socks on a hanger.
- Maybe they meant “on a hangar” like on the roof of a building for airplanes. Probably not.
Goof More
A great philosopher once said, “Our desire to create wackiness comes most often in those arenas where wackiness would appear to be prohibited.” That’s philosopher’s name was me. I just made it up right now. But it’s true.
Think about it: where do you see the wildest brightest patterns? On the articles of clothing most commonly associated with “serious work”: dress socks, ties, hospital scrubs, etc. And why? Because it can be exhausting having to act so serious all the time. In fact, I say, we shouldn’t ask why. I say we should ask: why not more? Why not take a few other generally boring things and infuse them with a little fun?
For example:
Wacky Brakes
Ugh. Brakes. It’s nothing but stop, stop, stop. Give me some variety, please! Like maybe you need to tap out the beat to “My Sharona” to make them work. Or maybe when you slam them really hard, they say, “ruh roh!” in a really funny dog voice. C’mon, car companies! Get CREATIVE!
Wacky Wrenches
Imagine this: the plumber comes up from the basement two minutes after going down and informs you that the leak there was some sort of loose something or other. He tightened it up, so you’re all good. Then he tells you: those few moments of non-strenuous labor are going to cost you $300. You’re about to give him a piece of your mind when suddenly you look at what he’s holding. Is that a wrench shaped like Cookie Monster?! You can’t help but chuckle as you reach for your wallet!
Wacky Mortgages
I’m sorry, did you say part of this payment was going towards “the interest”? Because I’ll tell YOU something: there’s nothing interesting about paying your mortgage. It should be more of a game. Maybe there could be some trivia involved. Maybe the payment information could be hidden in a word search or delivered to you in a speech bubble spoken by Marmaduke. It doesn’t matter. The point stands: a little silliness would go a long way when it comes to mortgages!
Wacky Deserts
Your car broke down. Your phone had no service. You saw a town, what? Forty miles back? You thought it’d be a good idea to take a shortcut through the desert. That was four days ago. You’re lost. You’re weak. You’re crawling. You’re starving. You’re thirsty. But mostly, you’re BORED! I mean, seriously, people: some sand, a few cacti, a vulture if you’re lucky? These do not an exciting time make! And worst of all, as everyone who’s ever made some sand art at the county fair knows, we have the technology! We can make it better!
Those are just a few ideas for wacky innovations we have. Now please, share some of yours in the comments, and don’t forget to buy some goofy socks!