Assortment of gadgets that are not at all what we need for the situation.
Main:What’s that?
Main:Perfect, I need a knife to cut the wire and defuse the bomb.
Me:Oh, it doesn’t have a knife. No blades at all.
Main:What kind of multitool doesn’t have a knife?!
Me:The kind I can get through airport security. Laughtrack followed by explosion
Snarky T-shirts, which already are my defining quality. (One of my friends once dreamed about us on vacation and she knew it was a dream because my t-shirts weren’t snarky enough)
My status as an attractive, eccentric, billionaire genius who just happens to hang out with the main character, despite his lack of interesting characteristics.
@Limewater Alternatively,
I always happen to have lemons in my possession, regardless of circumstances, and nobody has any idea where they come from. Everybody else drinks their lemonade way too sweet.
I would be the goofy canine companion. Every time he says something idiotic, dickish, condescending, or checks his hair in a mirror, I get to nip his ankle or pee on his shoe.
I’d be the annoying cyborg/best friend with the Internet embedded in my brain (think Data from ST:TNG). Main character thinks I’m normal, but everyone else is convinced I’m an alien.
Does scraggly count as silly? If so, the Check!
I have been wanting a Volkswagen Thing, for years.
My shirt that says “I’m not a gyno, but I’ll take a look.”
That friend who never gets the joke.
I have a feeling we’re supposed to hype sales by saying “Whacky socks”.
“Did I do that?”
@phendrick That guy is very annoying!
@phendrick Oddly enough, he became his own sidekick at some point in the show.
Assortment of gadgets that are not at all what we need for the situation.
Main:What’s that?
Main:Perfect, I need a knife to cut the wire and defuse the bomb.
Me:Oh, it doesn’t have a knife. No blades at all.
Main:What kind of multitool doesn’t have a knife?!
Me:The kind I can get through airport security.
Laughtrack followed by explosion
@simplersimon I had one of those until TSA confiscated it.
endless ambiguously gay dick jokes
I’m imaginary.
@PocketBrain well played.
I break the fourth wall. (looks directly at camera) Isn’t that right?
@Durago So, Ryan Reynolds in Van Wilder, or Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool?
@PocketBrain Probably more akin to Deadpool than Van Wilder. I lack the charisma to emulate the latter.
@Durago @PocketBrain ANY Ryan Reynolds will do…
Crazy hair and a secret laboratory.
And I pronounce it “la BO ra to ry.”
My superior sense of style…
@Oldelvis - “I’m not trying to be sexy.”
Snarky T-shirts, which already are my defining quality. (One of my friends once dreamed about us on vacation and she knew it was a dream because my t-shirts weren’t snarky enough)
My superior sense of humor, read smart-assery
I don’t really have ‘wacky’ sensibilities. I’m pretty sarcastic and dry humored but wacky? Nope.
@lseeber The bookish, snarky one to offset the energy and/or optimism of the main character.
I’d probably wear a Hawaiian shirt around everywhere I go.

@stardate820926 It’s funny you mention him because that was who I was thinking of.
A pet pig? That’s kind of boring
How about a pet:
caiman (think alligator)
lion fish
puffer fish
I (or my siblings) have all of them at one time or another.
@blaineg I prefer the monstrous genetic-engineering hybrid of all of the above. We call him “Run! RUN!”
There is no universe where I am the sidekick and not the main attraction.
My fluency in sarcasm & profanity
My shrugging and saying “meh” to anything and everything.
My status as an attractive, eccentric, billionaire genius who just happens to hang out with the main character, despite his lack of interesting characteristics.
@Limewater Alternatively,
I always happen to have lemons in my possession, regardless of circumstances, and nobody has any idea where they come from. Everybody else drinks their lemonade way too sweet.
@Limewater well, when life gives you a boring main character…
@Limewater but what about lime??
@RiotDemon I’m not that kind of limewater.

/giphy confused
@RiotDemon Limewater
@Limewater ahhhhh, ok. Thanks!
I would be the goofy canine companion. Every time he says something idiotic, dickish, condescending, or checks his hair in a mirror, I get to nip his ankle or pee on his shoe.
the perpetually single best friend that can’t find love and sleeps around all the time. Good times.
I’d be the annoying cyborg/best friend with the Internet embedded in my brain (think Data from ST:TNG). Main character thinks I’m normal, but everyone else is convinced I’m an alien.
I don’t mean to be that asshole, but …