40-Pack: BodyBar Protein & Fiber Snack Bars

  • 8 to 11 grams of fiber per bar
  • 9 to 12 grams of protein per bar
  • Strawberry Almond & Sweet Cocoa are made with a vegan pumpkin, flax & sunflower protein mix
  • Apple Cinnamon & Chocolate Brownie are not vegan, as they are made with grass-fed whey
  • Best-by dates range from 10/13/23 to 10/18/23, which, for us, is incredible!
  • How do they connect to the internet: via wi-fi-ber
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Yes, You Veg-can!

Here’s what we got here: some snack bars… two flavors of which happen to be vegan. We say it that way because, let’s be honest, most people who aren’t vegan hear the word ‘vegan’ and think, that’s gonna be loaded with some vegan garbage I don’t wanna eat, when in truth, even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are vegan.

But also, these aren’t just simple snack bars. They’re actually good for you. Each flavor has anywhere from 8 to 11 grams of fiber and 9 to 12 grams of protein. In other words, they’re a great mid-morning snack (because of the protein) while also helping you achieve peak digestive health (because of the fiber). And if you’re worried about the calories, don’t be. Because they’re anywhere from 170 to 210 per bar. Which is comparable to, say, a Larabar.

In other words, it does the same damage as other bars while also providing something actually good for your body.

Considering this, it’s no wonder that they’re a huge hit on vegan film sets. That’s right, these are a favorite among people who’ve worked on such amazing vegan films as:

Soy Story
Field Roast of Dreams
Raging Impossi-Bull
Tofu Panda
From Dusk Len-till Dawn
Meet Joe Black (Bean)
Sei(tan) Anything
Tempeh It Forward
Booty Call-iflower

Yes, these puns are pretty stupid. And so are these snack bars. As in: stupid delicious and healthy.

So get some!

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