I’ll be lazy and just repost what I put up earlier.
30 x 45 “self-healing” cutting mat, rolled up (will have to wait to see if it heals itself flat; I actually need something else self-healing when cutting)
size XL 3-pk Members Only performance boxer briefs
size M Members only pajamas/loungers
[I’m size L. If the sizes had been reversed, I could have made do; but who wants briefs falling down when in a crowd? Should I work on gaining or losing? ]
Vitagoods TARE Digital Kitchen Scale, looks dispensary quality?
sand-colored IRK tote bag in design I hadn’t noticed before.
@JennFrepa@phendrick If that Vankyo projector is working, you can pin the sheets to a wall and have a really bad projector screen. Not the worst score.
@Bretterson@Yetithebear I’ve seen more regrettable ones posted over the years. This stuff can at least be sold. I’ve seen some where everything is broken or so obsolete no one would want it.
@Bretterson@Kidsandliz@Yetithebear yeah, an IRK I got once was just a case of old ipad cases (maybe there were a couple meh-branded toothbrushes in it, too). We are an android house. So a case of 12 ipad cases were pretty useless to me.
@Kidsandliz@mbersiam@Yetithebear One time I got a case of knock-off Crocs. I gave my girlfriend some to give as gifts and donated a lot of them. I can’t remember what else was in that one, but considering it was the biggest IRK I’d received, the contents were surprisingly regrettable. At least it was amusing.
@mkelough I’d love to get something like that! If I’d landed something even a quarter that cool in either of my two IRKs, I’d be shopping for them still.
Got mine today too. Blue irk bag
size M pajama pants
abs tens unit. Not sure what I will do with that
Phone ring holder
Insulated can holder
Stainless steel straw set
Fuzzy slippers (my size!)
And lastly a really nice hairdryer.
Not a bad irk! No iPhone stuff, no tracker pixels, no phone car chargers!
@BelleGunness@Bretterson@Leovinus Or graffiti it with permanent marker. I’ve been meaning to with silver on my primary travel bag (it’s black, and looks like every other black roller).
A smaller booty in this IRK. But first, I received NO BAG.
Sadness defines my life. How am I to plunder villages, towns, and castles without an IRK BAG? HOW? HOW? My, sorry Our, late summer plans of polevaulting between islands and plundering will have to wait. We had pawned the cursed Tiki Idol to pay for the poles to vault between island. The plundering was going to pay to get it back. Now, we’ll have to go work again splicing DNA at Jurassic Park to get the Tiki out of hock. Sadness defines my life.
Anyway. We received:
Gymm Fabric Resistance Bands (3 bands)
Pink Sweater, sized S
Lounge pants with a buttoned fly, sized S
U.S. Polo Assn* Queen Sheet Set
Obligatory Cat in a box
Stale, not pristine air from a warehouse
*Assuming Association, but could also mean Assassin. Or Assing, like she/he/they is/are assing her/his/their way up.
@Kidsandliz I have other irk bags. And too many other bags too count. Maybe I’ll see if they can send some Meh socks. Mine just got a hole in them. I mean they are both fabric and about the same thickness.
edit: I contacted support and await a response. My statement:
No bag was sent. Someone said to contact support. I don’t need bag. No action required on your end.
Unless you can take the bag and make some IRK socks. I’m down for those. But not a bag with a pattern to make socks. I’m not down with that.
Got mine today. IRK bag. Just the tens pads, no tens unit just the pads. A bag of Sola strawberry-vanilla granola cut opened and taped back closed 🗑 TRASH. A pair of Members Only pants I’m like the last member! A collapsible stool. I’m very leary of this one. I’m 99% sure it’s a prank. Like here have a seat and it just collapses your a* on the ground! So yeah not a positive time
@jml326 lots of people getting they luggage, I’m jealous! But early shippers so maybe only early people getting them so they can clear more space in the warehouse lol. Good overall though!
Purchased multiple IRK in the past and have enjoyed the surprise factor of each new bag of regret, rationalizing price increases because the value of the items will at least be close to price paid. Unfortunately, this will be my last Irk as my box of booty is truly regrettable.
I got:
— 3pack members only boxerbriefs XL
— 4 pack off brand toothbrush heads
—12 pack CBN Sleep shots
—A hummingbird feeder
Just very meh, but my last one was spectacular sooooooo
1 pr XL men’s shorts
1 pr M men’s shorts
1 XXL men’s tshirt
1 pr women’s sz 6 fuzzy slippers
1 tan bag
Not a man (quick double check, NOPE) and I have BIG feet (sz 11), so this is a complete bust! Sent the tshirt and the xl shorts home w dad. Niece can have the slippers, not sure about those medium shorts-might be hitting the donation pile
@tinamarie1974 Would you like a pair of size 11 rain boots?
I think this was 3 Irks ago. A coat that’s 3 sizes too big, but I’ll gave it to the people who drive things down to the Diné reservation in the fall.
Well my third IRK has arrived and… I think I got punished for not posting the contents of my second IRK. I’m not sure if this is the item or just the box they used. But… here it is.
Remote controlled tractor. It’s heavy and heavily taped up.I don’t know what to do with this ( assuming that is what is really inside).
@JT954 I got the tractor WITHOUT THE REMOTE! @blaineg–would you like a back-up (hah, inadvertent pun) since you’ve got the tractor AND remote and actually use them?
@blaineg No snow and basement in Florida. I’m open on more suggestions on what to do with it. Right now thinking of donating it to Goodwill/Salvation Army if either one is picky about the box.
@djslack Will check on the tractor later but I did find the following inside:
Size Small Leggings
Tan IRK bag
IRK bag is the highlight for me. This makes the third color IRK bag I own now. Still surprised I got an IRK this big and heavy; the shipping must have been expensive.
tan IRK bag
Can Keeper
athletic womens pants, medium size
Bounce Concealer medium honey
Bounce Blender sponge
One, very dusty and very wet - refurbished Cuisinart Cup-O-Matic.
Unfortunately, the water reservoir tank was shattered. The entire unit was broken. It couldn’t be primed. The power button just flashed & beeped violently, then refused to turn on at all. The Old Man declared it DOA and sadly walked it to the garbage can.
Then, I received yet another lecture about mishandling money and overspending.
But, but, BUT… I’m really good at spending money. And, last time we got an entire set of luggage! The longer you stick with IRK purchases - it evens out over time. Sort of.
@Bretterson I didn’t know Best Buy takes broken electronics for recycling - that’s cool! Ours gets picked up. Guess I could have specified that he took it to the “garbage area,” not the actual waste can. We have a box for electronics recycling and several ways to recycle electronics, including a recycling center/environmental & ecological services within half a mile of us. They pick up for free. After working for Xerox for over 40 years - The Old Man is a stickler for recycling electronics, so I imagine he chose well. We have a box, by the garbage can, for electronics recycling; a can for recycling; a can for composting and a waste can. I kept the parts that could be reused or resold.
@tahshar Oh wow, that’s awesome. I take some things to work, but the stuff that’s a pain just sits at home until someone gives in and decides they’re willing to drive to the place near downtown with crappy hours.
Best IRK yet, especially after June’s IRK (nothing even useable) which was the worst one ever.
1 pair of gym shorts that fit.
2 pair of chinos that can be altered to fit.
1 ice head wrap - meh
1 IRK bag
It was really nice to get something that was useful. What made this a great IRK was that the clothes fit. What are the odds of that? Retail value $258 plus the bag. Side Deal value $50. I’m good with that.
@Phoenos Yep, that’s how FedEx rolls in my neck of the woods, too, blurry pic & all. It’s like they put Vaseline on their phone lenses, then take an extreme close up in hopes that nothing in the photo is identifiable! I can’t believe Meh pays them for this so-called “service” – it’s bad enough when you know what you’re getting, but with an IRK, it’s even more galling!
@Phoenos Take heart!
It might have been a REALLY CRAPPY IRK
and someone else gets to agonize over what to do with the debris.
… or, of course, it might have been a set of Cuisinart lidded pans inside brand new luggage …
… or, a new color TV, so keep an eye out for neighbors disposing of such a box, then you can TP their house in October, because they almost certainly won’t contact FedEx to complain …
I am happy with mine.
1 tan IRK bag
1 3-pak members only boxer briefs XL (will donate)
1 box of original jacklinks 20 pieces (already eating)
1 Poseidon Countertop waterpik (will re-gift)
1 members only flannel pj bottoms L (will donate)
1 12 count box Dream CBN sleep stuff (will give away)
a hair straightening comb, in a taped up box
womens XL rose print pajamas
womens XXXL baby blue pajamas
mens 36x32 khaki pants with a weird line across one side (manufacturing defect?)
A mattress band that’s supposed to hold your sheets on
No bag. That’s it. All of this stuff is going into the donate bin
I’m finally leaving this God Awful website. I was sent a back massager with no power supply. A can of hair spray and a phone protector that won’t fit any modern phone … 100 dollars I spent for garbage. I was hoping the garbage I was sent actually worked. I’m finally leaving. Really I am… See watch me… I doing it!!! Why aren’t you watching!!!
@Bretterson@natekimh How would anyone familiar with this site and the potential for regret actually pay a net $100 price for an IRK? (meaning they either didn’t buy any of the companion offers originally just didn’t understand the rule).
@Confusedkitty I’m guessing they’re intended for use with a TENS unit. They sell adapter leads, like these, altho you’d need to confirm they are the right size. I think most units/connectors are pretty standard these days.
Tens Lead Wire Adapters, Convert 2mm Pin to 3.5mm Snap, (Quan: 4) Discount Tens:
Thanks for the info - I figured it must have been something like that. 3.6/5 on Amazon with some reporting great results. Too bad I no longer have the Tens I got from W… years ago. Anyone want some slippers to go with your new Tens?
July IRK
Tan IRK bag
FoxyBae Mini travel Kit 79.95 to 39.95
Cobaltx Mood Tower LED Speaker
was 49.99 now 19.99
bag of Unreal Chocolate Peanut butter cup 5.95
bag of Sola Gluten free Granola Strawberry Vanilla 4.00 to 8.00
So it’s “worth” between 73.89 and 139.89 not counting the desirable IRK bag
I spent about $77 in the Mehrathon, so I guess this should end up![enter image description here][1] costing about $23.
But I have a question from a previous IRK I got. I spent enough to
completely offset the cost of it, but one of my orders was cancelled
2 weeks AFTER the Mehrathon so WHAT did my IRK actually cost?![enter image description here][2]
@phendrick I would like them although I don’t like peanuts except green peanuts (OK I’ve got weird taste buds) but I’m diabetic, so I gave them to my son. He was happy.
I got a 20 pack of .7 ounce corn nuts. Large members only flannel pants. 3 pack of member’s only boxer briefs. 12 pack of the Dream sleep cbn garbage. IRK reusable shopping bag(The highlight). I call BULLSHIT. I can’t even pretend that this is worth any where near $100.
@wiscmcb Sounds like you got EXACTLY what you paid for: INSTANT REGRET!! Can’t say you weren’t warned! Hopefully you bought $99 of stuff during the mehrathon that you needed so you’re only out 1 buck. If not, live and learn!!
Large Heidi & Oak ladies shirt, light blue with fancy gray doily looking collar. Edit: I think these are pajamas.
‘Quality Certificate Authentic R by RESET Platinum mens “Performance Press”’ heathered black/teal with black mesh basketball shorts. Says “Quality Certificate Authentic” twice and “Quality Certificate Authenticity” once on the tag, so I’m guessing they are not counterfeit low quality no name shorts. Men’s L
Medium JUMP/START red polo. 50 wash tested!
All in the box of a Valkia HEPA filter almost the size of a water cooler. Looks like Woot sold it, Belk sold it for $40, and Meh sold a different one. Also branded as TACKscene so maybe associated with TACKlife being removed from Amazon?
Finally had time to open mine.
IRK BAG , some PJ 's for the wife, headphones that work !!!, bed sheets that fit !!! Some gold coloured thing to glue to a phone And a compact that I dropped and is now broken … all in all, (after I explained it only cost $1)… I was… unbelievably… not in shit for getting another IRK.
Mine just arrived.
1 tan Meh bag
1 pair of shorts, too small for me.
1 water flosser, in working condition
1 Martino hair straightening comb, untested
1 Lucas rolling duffel bag which is actually pretty nice, even if the pattern isn’t one I would have chosen.
I’m really just not feeling the regret here, Meh. Thanks and happy birthday!
I’ll have to post a photo later (sorry about that)
The ice pod pro - which I was excited about as I have no bath tub. Unfortunately it is too large in diameter to fit in the shower and I’d be scared to use it not in the shower in case it leaked - not to mention it would be tricky to get the water out if it wasn’t in the shower based on where the valve is to remove the water.
3 pairs of walmart stretch black shorts not my size nor my daugher’s size (although I don’t wear skin tight stretch clothes anyway but she does and would have liked them).
Cooling towel in a carrying container. Directions to that are - get the towel wet. Shake it in the air to cool it down. Use. Umm could do that with anything although this at least gives you a container to put the wet, used towel in and hopefully remember to take out to dry before it gets mildew. I might use it since it’s been the temperature of hell here just about daily breaking record after record.
That wrist band thing that holds sunscreen.
Blue irk bag. I like that shade of blue.
Total value is over $100 and everything looks new even though the ice pod pro was a return (mailing label taken off along with the cardboard under it) but some of the pieces weren’t opened and it looked like no one even unfolded anything.
@Kidsandliz@Kyeh I was also thinking a wading pool would solve the leakage concern.
As for draining, as a waterbed owner, allow me to suggest gravity as a solution. I’m assuming the drain is at the bottom: if you can put the tub in an upper story, attach a hose, and drain into a rain collector/ directly into your garden, you can not only make draining possible, you can also reuse your water! (No bath salts though)
You may need to get the flow started, but you can buy simple pumps for that. They used to be very common for waterbeds, but now those are all stupid sink-attachment options that require some fiddling.
@brainmist@Kyeh I live in an apartment so that makes things more tricky. The valve thing has no way to attach a long hose that I see. If I put it in my livingroom (the only place big enough for a kid’s wading pool) and I’d have to hand fill it. I think I am just plain out of luck which makes me sad. If I figured out how to make a seal where the water leaves the thing to a hose I’d have to do it in the dead of night and hope all the water evaporates by morning so I am not caught.
@brainmist@Kyeh I am going to carefully see if I can cram it in the shower and maybe not blow the sides up as much so that maybe it will stay in there. Then I will slowly fill it with the shower getting in and out every couple of inches to see what happens with it staying or not. I’ll have to make sure the drain is against the back wall of the shower in case the sides end up over the edge. If I am lucky this will work. If not… hopefully I’ll not have a flood.
If yours fits completely into your shower stall, possible leakage shouldn’t be an issue, as any water could just go down the usual drain. Otherwise, I’d test it outside before filling it up in my apartment. Find a friend who has a place with access to a good garden hose. And in a garden, the water used wouldn’t be wasted.
You going to do the ice bit? I generally take cold showers as it is (because the hot water heater is at the other end of the house and it takes forever for the hot water to get to me) and it wasn’t too hard to get used to (even before summer got here), but don’t know if I’d have the fortitude to do ice. BRRR.
@phendrick Won’t fit in the shower. I was going to use it filled with warm water for soaking when my back hurts. I beyond hate icy cold water so no way!!!
Here’s my belated photo. The black shorts are in the bag. Basic stretch, no frills. Despite the fact I could barely get the ice pod pro parts back in the box once I took them out (and didn’t even set it up yet) meh managed to cram in there the other things.
Got my IRK today, and I am now convinced the lovelies at meh worked hard to make sure the inked/ newly inked had no regrets.
-Cooling towel… I’ll give it a try.
-Slippers 2 sizes too big (plus I’m basically a hobbit)…will rehome
-2 piece very light PJ set… it’s probably too big, but who cares? PJs! and they look and feel super comfy!
-A turquoise Meh bag AND… it all came in the very damaged box, with very damaged styrofoam (which I’m guessing the rest was used to replace) of a
This is flat out fabulous. Some dents in the front (probably why it was returned - that box is PULVERIZED!) but it’s unused and looks pretty damn cool.
I’ll report on whether it works just as soon as I can figure out where to put it! (Smallish kitchen, little counter space)
Has anyone who was inked gotten an IRK that sucked?
Has anyone who was inked gotten an IRK that sucked?
Not sucked - not broken, but definitely meh. I’ll post it later. At least it’s not broken or missing a major component like like a couple of recent ones.
Got my box yesterday. Not pictured is a tan irk bag. The rest is all women’s clothing. 2 sets of pjs, the blue is a 1x and the pink is 2x. Some athletic style black pants, xl. Grey fruit of the loom light sweatpants, medium. And some fuzzy slippers, large. I’ve only tried on the slippers. Some will be worn (depending on fit) and then I’ll offer them to my adult girls. Not a bad box.
I got the tourist starter set
Tank IRK bag
Size large tourist print (eiffel tower) button down
Size large shorts
Women’s size 8 fuzzy top slippers
Big purse with scarf and rechargeable battery inside
Got mine today. Someone remembered my hint about needing a vacuum.
Beige IRK bag
Women’s pj set with zebras in XL
Women’s black athletic shirt size L
Men’s work out shorts size L
Jashen cordless vacuum, the box was buldging pretty good since everything else was stuffed inside, parts were scattered but I think everything is there, putting it together currently to see.
Was so excited to see a box with a Jashen cordless vacuum. As I undertook assembly of said vac, my excitement turned to regret as I saw that the floor head was broken. After some of the disappointment subsides, I will assemble it (checking for more broken parts) and see if it charges. The replacement part is $30 on the website, with a 10% discount for new customers.
I also received in the box…
A size 3xl plain white tee
One mens shorts, size large
One womens pajama set, size small
A tan IRK bag
Ooof, got my contest/sidedeal IRK and… well, tattoo IRK def outdid it.
1 purse: actually pretty nice, but not my style, will rehome.
XL-XXL pants: too big, but I can always use casual lounging pants, and these look cozy.
Tooth whitening kit: Um, Meh? What are you saying?
Chin tightening thingy: Like seriously, Meh, what are you saying?
Mine arrived Saturday just before noon.
A new Shark Apex that meh sold a little while back for $160. Thankfully no broken or missing parts.
My daughter is wearing Heidi & Oak pajamas that were in the box, with a msrp tag of $78. Size large.
Kittens were not included.
Not pictured 2 pairs of size large shorts.
Also not pictured is a blue IRK bag.
Thank you!
@bady@pmarin Be careful. You might get a dog. A few people have gotten those. If you don’t want to buy an irk over and over to get one they are often free on facebook, craigslist, nextdoor…
@bady@CharlieDoggo@pmarin I don’t think a new dog friend would be happy if we taped it in a box and sent it through the mail. It’s going to get hungry, have to go to the bathroom and want to go for a walk. It might be stuck in the box for a week. That would be really, really hard for the doggie. Tell you mom to go to the dog store to get you one.
@bady@CharlieDoggo@Kidsandliz@pmarin he talks a big game, but you should see him around my sisters 11 week old puppy. God forbid it touch or dare lick/kiss him. I had a 50# ball of fur ON MY LAP
@bady@Kidsandliz@pmarin I have 5 foster kittens that are looking for homes, well 4 now. @boo4cats is their Instagram my kitties make an appearance sometimes too! Unfortunately no shipping with or without an IRK though.
I was going through my crap and found the irk before this one that I didn’t get around to posting. So here it is:
-leather purse, retail $148 (haha)
-compression sleeve, leg? Arm?
-raspberry pi keyboard and mouse
-solar lights
-5 cables with raspberry pi logo
-shaping undergarment
-giant letter A for wall
-200 CR2016 batteries.
Mine made it on the truck for delivery but before FedEx delivered it was marked as address updated and then returned to Texas. Address was correct, someone was home. No idea why - I did contact customer service.
Finally opened the tractor box and here is what it looks like inside. I’m terrible at putting things back in boxes so I think I will bring this to donations and let them have fun with it.
It is there. There also appears to be some batteries and other accessories that involve wiring. I’m getting ready to drop it off to donations within the next hour.
I’ll be lazy and just repost what I put up earlier.
30 x 45 “self-healing” cutting mat, rolled up (will have to wait to see if it heals itself flat; I actually need something else self-healing when cutting)
size XL 3-pk Members Only performance boxer briefs
size M Members only pajamas/loungers
[I’m size L. If the sizes had been reversed, I could have made do; but who wants briefs falling down when in a crowd? Should I work on gaining or losing? ]
Vitagoods TARE Digital Kitchen Scale, looks dispensary quality?
sand-colored IRK tote bag in design I hadn’t noticed before.
Worth > $1 net cost to me (but << $100)
Did you receive it already?
@tinamarie1974 Yep. Surprised me also.
(The delivery speed; not so much the contents.)
@tinamarie1974 oh you ninja edited your comment above after I asked
@tinamarie1974 (A real ninja would never have been detected.)
@JennFrepa Isn’t a used sock also supposed to go with Dobby?
@JennFrepa @phendrick If that Vankyo projector is working, you can pin the sheets to a wall and have a really bad projector screen. Not the worst score.
@JennFrepa Hey, that projector is kinda nice https://ivankyo.com/products/vankyo-go300-projector
@ExtraMedium It still had the factory wrap on it. I already have an outdoor movie screen so win / win. I plan on giving it a test spin tomorrow.
@phendrick lmao not sure how I’d feel about some poor sap feeling lonely over their missing ‘Happy Sock’.
@JennFrepa the vankyo I got in an IRK some time back is still kicking.
good! I get mine on Friday. We live out in the woods, everything takes longer to get to us.
First time I’ve actually had legit regret from an IRK.
1 XXXXL Fruit of the Loom Robe
1 3 pack XL Members only boxer briefs
1 XL Members only pajama pants
1 iphone x phone cover
Sad to say this will be my last IRK unless they go back to the first come first served method.
@Yetithebear Wow. This might actually be the most regrettable one I’ve ever read/seen. Bummer
@Yetithebear seven X IRK. brutal.
@Bretterson @Yetithebear I’ve seen more regrettable ones posted over the years. This stuff can at least be sold. I’ve seen some where everything is broken or so obsolete no one would want it.
@Yetithebear my 1st (back when they were $5 was a real regret!
@Bretterson @Kidsandliz @Yetithebear yeah, an IRK I got once was just a case of old ipad cases (maybe there were a couple meh-branded toothbrushes in it, too). We are an android house. So a case of 12 ipad cases were pretty useless to me.
@Kidsandliz @mbersiam @Yetithebear One time I got a case of knock-off Crocs. I gave my girlfriend some to give as gifts and donated a lot of them. I can’t remember what else was in that one, but considering it was the biggest IRK I’d received, the contents were surprisingly regrettable. At least it was amusing.
@Bretterson @Yetithebear
Especially because of the garbage that we had to buy to get it!!!
I got only one item. It is a convertible standing desk. I feel regret because I didn’t get my bag.
@mkelough contact customer support they’ll get you one
@mkelough I believe they’ll send you one if you contact them. At least they used to.
That sounds like a decent score though.
@mkelough look inside the box. Sometimes they put extra stuff in there
@mkelough I’d love to get something like that! If I’d landed something even a quarter that cool in either of my two IRKs, I’d be shopping for them still.
It really is a gamble.
@mkelough That’s really decent! Even if you don’t want one, you can sell it and probably cover any IRK cost.
Geez, that was super fast. Mine has yet to ship.
@Bretterson Chin up, I just got my inked IRK, and it’s the best in a long while.
@brainmist I’ve been seeing that! About 45 minutes ago mine departed a FedEx location that’s 2.5 hours away, so it should arrive tomorrow or Friday.
Got mine today too. Blue irk bag
size M pajama pants
abs tens unit. Not sure what I will do with that
Phone ring holder
Insulated can holder
Stainless steel straw set
Fuzzy slippers (my size!)
And lastly a really nice hairdryer.
Not a bad irk! No iPhone stuff, no tracker pixels, no phone car chargers!
Possible that some of these were ready to ship before the birthday event.
@f00l i think you hit the nail on the head. I don’t expect any of the early boxes to be great. Mine will be here tomorrow. That doesn’t bode well
Oh, Regret. I got a 3 piece mushroom colored luggage set, a bag, a mp3 player?, 2 woman’s XL blank grey t-shirts, and a sm shorts.
@Leovinus you scored! Luggage is PRICEY!
@BelleGunness definitely did! It’s just mushroom is a wild color lol
@BelleGunness @Leovinus Just cover it in stickers.
@BelleGunness @Bretterson @Leovinus Or graffiti it with permanent marker. I’ve been meaning to with silver on my primary travel bag (it’s black, and looks like every other black roller).
I got:
tan irk bag
3pack microfiber bras size L
Athletic pants women’s size S
Can keeper
And a Cuisinart blender.
Definitely over $100 value!
A smaller booty in this IRK. But first, I received NO BAG.
Sadness defines my life. How am I to plunder villages, towns, and castles without an IRK BAG? HOW? HOW? My, sorry Our, late summer plans of polevaulting between islands and plundering will have to wait. We had pawned the cursed Tiki Idol to pay for the poles to vault between island. The plundering was going to pay to get it back. Now, we’ll have to go work again splicing DNA at Jurassic Park to get the Tiki out of hock. Sadness defines my life.
Anyway. We received:
*Assuming Association, but could also mean Assassin. Or Assing, like she/he/they is/are assing her/his/their way up.
@wronkerville contact support about your missing bag.
@wronkerville The only thing worth anything in my box = the bag, and I already have this one!!
@Kidsandliz I have other irk bags. And too many other bags too count. Maybe I’ll see if they can send some Meh socks. Mine just got a hole in them. I mean they are both fabric and about the same thickness.
edit: I contacted support and await a response. My statement:
No bag was sent. Someone said to contact support. I don’t need bag. No action required on your end.
Unless you can take the bag and make some IRK socks. I’m down for those. But not a bag with a pattern to make socks. I’m not down with that.
@BelleGunness I can make a bag out of the sheets. So, it’s a win!
@wronkerville Your cat looks like s/he’s dying to get black fur ALL over that light pink sweater!
Thought I got something great saw the green air first
Got this, oh well.
@funsyd Well you had something breakable sent. I guess in the box counts for Texas air.
@Kidsandliz it was wrapped around the smelly warmer and it’s in good shape so did it’s job!!
Oof, mine is awful. spandex shorts, athletic shorts, polyester lady pants, an iphone case and an irk bag.
@gnnorrt seems like you got shorted on thIs one.
Got mine today. IRK bag. Just the tens pads, no tens unit just the pads. A bag of Sola strawberry-vanilla granola cut opened and taped back closed 🗑 TRASH. A pair of Members Only pants I’m like the last member! A collapsible stool. I’m very leary of this one. I’m 99% sure it’s a prank. Like here have a seat and it just collapses your a* on the ground! So yeah not a positive time
Here is the $100 IRK
And the opened and taped granola…why would you do that?

@BelleGunness I have a similar stool. It works really well and hasn’t dropped us yet.
@BelleGunness Those stools really are great. I use mine often, and it hasn’t dropped my fat ass yet.
@BelleGunness that stool is similar to one i bought to help dispose of stool.
3 piece suitcase set led lights, lady Leggings, fast masks and meh bag

@jml326 lots of people getting they luggage, I’m jealous! But early shippers so maybe only early people getting them so they can clear more space in the warehouse lol. Good overall though!
If any of you received an iLife robotic vacuum cleaner, I got the charger to one in my IRK. No robot vacuum. Just the charger.
Purchased multiple IRK in the past and have enjoyed the surprise factor of each new bag of regret, rationalizing price increases because the value of the items will at least be close to price paid. Unfortunately, this will be my last Irk as my box of booty is truly regrettable.
I got:
— 3pack members only boxerbriefs XL
— 4 pack off brand toothbrush heads
—12 pack CBN Sleep shots
—A hummingbird feeder
@kmynameis One of those cool glass hummingbird feeders or a crappy plastic one? I’m using a glass one I bought here and it’s amazing.
@kmynameis on facebook marketplace, craigslist or nextdoor you likely can sell the briefs and hummingbird feeder.
2 brown IRK bags
1 pair L fuzzy slippers
1 pair XL fuzzy slippers
3 women’s XL pajama sets
Just very meh, but my last one was spectacular sooooooo
1 pr XL men’s shorts
1 pr M men’s shorts
1 XXL men’s tshirt
1 pr women’s sz 6 fuzzy slippers
1 tan bag
Not a man (quick double check, NOPE) and I have BIG feet (sz 11), so this is a complete bust! Sent the tshirt and the xl shorts home w dad. Niece can have the slippers, not sure about those medium shorts-might be hitting the donation pile
@tinamarie1974 Would you like a pair of size 11 rain boots?
I think this was 3 Irks ago. A coat that’s 3 sizes too big, but I’ll gave it to the people who drive things down to the Diné reservation in the fall.
@tinamarie1974 Give it.
I was disappointed because the boots are pretty!
@Kyeh the boots are really pretty! Thanks for offering but I would never wear them. Now that I wfh I dont really go out in the weather anymore.
@tinamarie1974 I would use them for yardwork if they fit me.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 I would love them how much you want for them above shipping?
@flourlover @tinamarie1974 Cool!
I’ll whisper to you about location, etc.
What I got is worth less than $10. Would never ever touch this BS again
Well my third IRK has arrived and… I think I got punished for not posting the contents of my second IRK. I’m not sure if this is the item or just the box they used. But… here it is.
Remote controlled tractor. It’s heavy and heavily taped up.I don’t know what to do with this ( assuming that is what is really inside).
@JT954 What to do with it? Open it.
@JT954 You got a $100 IRK!
What do with it? Weed the garden, shovel snow, excavate your basement, the possibilities are endless.
I got the tractor WITHOUT THE REMOTE!
@blaineg–would you like a back-up (hah, inadvertent pun) since you’ve got the tractor AND remote and actually use them?
@blaineg No snow and basement in Florida. I’m open on more suggestions on what to do with it. Right now thinking of donating it to Goodwill/Salvation Army if either one is picky about the box.
@blaineg @JT954 … scoop kitty litter…
(operator should get time and a half pay for that)
@blaineg @JT954 donate it to toys for tots they give things like that to the teenagers and it is a tax right off
@blaineg @flourlover @JT954
BUT make sure it works first!!!
@blaineg @flourlover @JT954 @Kidsandliz I believe Toys for Tots will only take new, unopened items, but Goodwill, et al, will take something like this.
@JT954 also, open it first for two reasons: it probably has other stuff in there, and it might not have the remote or something.
@Kidsandliz Good idea.
There are definitely other things in here. 
@djslack Will check on the tractor later but I did find the following inside:

Size Small Leggings
Tan IRK bag
IRK bag is the highlight for me. This makes the third color IRK bag I own now. Still surprised I got an IRK this big and heavy; the shipping must have been expensive.
Thank you, Meh!
No pic this time. Contents included:
tan IRK bag
Can Keeper
athletic womens pants, medium size
Bounce Concealer medium honey
Bounce Blender sponge
One, very dusty and very wet - refurbished Cuisinart Cup-O-Matic.
Unfortunately, the water reservoir tank was shattered. The entire unit was broken. It couldn’t be primed. The power button just flashed & beeped violently, then refused to turn on at all. The Old Man declared it DOA and sadly walked it to the garbage can.
Then, I received yet another lecture about mishandling money and overspending.
But, but, BUT… I’m really good at spending money. And, last time we got an entire set of luggage! The longer you stick with IRK purchases - it evens out over time. Sort of.
@tahshar If the evening out is true, I should have quit after I got the electric scooter project.
@tahshar In the future I’d recommend taking things like that Cup-o-Matic to electronics recycling. Best Buy will accept stuff if there’s one near you.
@Bretterson I didn’t know Best Buy takes broken electronics for recycling - that’s cool! Ours gets picked up. Guess I could have specified that he took it to the “garbage area,” not the actual waste can. We have a box for electronics recycling and several ways to recycle electronics, including a recycling center/environmental & ecological services within half a mile of us. They pick up for free. After working for Xerox for over 40 years - The Old Man is a stickler for recycling electronics, so I imagine he chose well. We have a box, by the garbage can, for electronics recycling; a can for recycling; a can for composting and a waste can. I kept the parts that could be reused or resold.
@tahshar Oh wow, that’s awesome. I take some things to work, but the stuff that’s a pain just sits at home until someone gives in and decides they’re willing to drive to the place near downtown with crappy hours.
Best IRK yet, especially after June’s IRK (nothing even useable) which was the worst one ever.
1 pair of gym shorts that fit.
2 pair of chinos that can be altered to fit.
1 ice head wrap - meh
1 IRK bag
It was really nice to get something that was useful. What made this a great IRK was that the clothes fit. What are the odds of that? Retail value $258 plus the bag. Side Deal value $50. I’m good with that.
I got a blurry picture of my package outside of someone else’s house. So yeah instant regret for me.
@Phoenos Yep, that’s how FedEx rolls in my neck of the woods, too, blurry pic & all. It’s like they put Vaseline on their phone lenses, then take an extreme close up in hopes that nothing in the photo is identifiable! I can’t believe Meh pays them for this so-called “service” – it’s bad enough when you know what you’re getting, but with an IRK, it’s even more galling!

/giphy sad trombone
/youtube sad trombone
@Phoenos Take heart!
It might have been a REALLY CRAPPY IRK
and someone else gets to agonize over what to do with the debris.
… or, of course, it might have been a set of Cuisinart lidded pans inside brand new luggage …
… or, a new color TV, so keep an eye out for neighbors disposing of such a box, then you can TP their house in October, because they almost certainly won’t contact FedEx to complain …
I am happy with mine.
1 tan IRK bag
1 3-pak members only boxer briefs XL (will donate)
1 box of original jacklinks 20 pieces (already eating)
1 Poseidon Countertop waterpik (will re-gift)
1 members only flannel pj bottoms L (will donate)
1 12 count box Dream CBN sleep stuff (will give away)
@EdgarAllenPope I got the XL 3-pak in my IRK, also. I’ m an L, but the XL’s work fine for sleeping in.
I posted mine in the for sale thread by mistake
I received
a hair straightening comb, in a taped up box
womens XL rose print pajamas
womens XXXL baby blue pajamas
mens 36x32 khaki pants with a weird line across one side (manufacturing defect?)
A mattress band that’s supposed to hold your sheets on
No bag. That’s it. All of this stuff is going into the donate bin
I’m finally leaving this God Awful website. I was sent a back massager with no power supply. A can of hair spray and a phone protector that won’t fit any modern phone … 100 dollars I spent for garbage. I was hoping the garbage I was sent actually worked. I’m finally leaving. Really I am… See watch me… I doing it!!! Why aren’t you watching!!!
/giphy spying on someone with a drone

@natekimh Well that is a giphy fail but I’ll keep it because it is you watching to see if we are watching
@natekimh If the massager uses a standard connector (such as a barrel connector) for the power supply it would be easy to find something suitable.
@Bretterson @natekimh How would anyone familiar with this site and the potential for regret actually pay a net $100 price for an IRK? (meaning they either didn’t buy any of the companion offers originally just didn’t understand the rule).
I got my box today and I’m okay with it
The"massage" slippers (not what I would call slippers) were apparently supposed to have some sort of power that snapped on to them
@Confusedkitty I’m guessing they’re intended for use with a TENS unit. They sell adapter leads, like these, altho you’d need to confirm they are the right size. I think most units/connectors are pretty standard these days.
Tens Lead Wire Adapters, Convert 2mm Pin to 3.5mm Snap, (Quan: 4) Discount Tens:
Thanks for the info - I figured it must have been something like that. 3.6/5 on Amazon with some reporting great results. Too bad I no longer have the Tens I got from W… years ago. Anyone want some slippers to go with your new Tens?
July IRK
Tan IRK bag
FoxyBae Mini travel Kit 79.95 to 39.95
Cobaltx Mood Tower LED Speaker
was 49.99 now 19.99
bag of Unreal Chocolate Peanut butter cup 5.95
bag of Sola Gluten free Granola Strawberry Vanilla 4.00 to 8.00
So it’s “worth” between 73.89 and 139.89 not counting the desirable IRK bag
I spent about $77 in the Mehrathon, so I guess this should end up![enter image description here][1] costing about $23.
@AnniKat IMO, those Chocolate PB cups are actually pretty good; kinda like Reese’s, but not as sweet. Hope you like such things.
@phendrick I would like them although I don’t like peanuts except green peanuts (OK I’ve got weird taste buds) but I’m diabetic, so I gave them to my son. He was happy.
I got a 20 pack of .7 ounce corn nuts. Large members only flannel pants. 3 pack of member’s only boxer briefs. 12 pack of the Dream sleep cbn garbage. IRK reusable shopping bag(The highlight). I call BULLSHIT. I can’t even pretend that this is worth any where near $100.
@wiscmcb Sounds like you got EXACTLY what you paid for: INSTANT REGRET!! Can’t say you weren’t warned! Hopefully you bought $99 of stuff during the mehrathon that you needed so you’re only out 1 buck. If not, live and learn!!
/giphy deep regret

@wiscmcb “large members only”
They make special pants for people like that? How do they stop people with ‘small members’ wearing them?
/showme three legged pants
@wiscmcb Ugh, not the “cheese” ones?
If you have a dog, mine do love these, and they’re just the right size for my destructive monster’s treat toys. Otherwise… maybe squirrels?
Regret was delivered today!

At any rate, thanks and happy birthday, Meh!
Finally had time to open mine.
IRK BAG , some PJ 's for the wife, headphones that work !!!, bed sheets that fit !!! Some gold coloured thing to glue to a phone And a compact that I dropped and is now broken … all in all, (after I explained it only cost $1)… I was… unbelievably… not in shit for getting another IRK.
But were you in any shit for buying what it took to reduce the cost to $1?
Mine just arrived.
1 tan Meh bag
1 pair of shorts, too small for me.
1 water flosser, in working condition
1 Martino hair straightening comb, untested
1 Lucas rolling duffel bag which is actually pretty nice, even if the pattern isn’t one I would have chosen.
I’m really just not feeling the regret here, Meh. Thanks and happy birthday!
@Pony your bag goes with the shirt I got
@mbersiam Ha! It does!
1 beige bag
4 sweatpants (1 med, 1xxl, shorts, 2 unknown size)
Beige bag. A few other items not worth listing or photographing. Truly disappointing.

@sammydog01 Is it just me, or are the inked IRKs all awesome?
@sammydog01 NICE!!
I’ll have to post a photo later (sorry about that)
The ice pod pro - which I was excited about as I have no bath tub. Unfortunately it is too large in diameter to fit in the shower and I’d be scared to use it not in the shower in case it leaked - not to mention it would be tricky to get the water out if it wasn’t in the shower based on where the valve is to remove the water.
3 pairs of walmart stretch black shorts not my size nor my daugher’s size (although I don’t wear skin tight stretch clothes anyway but she does and would have liked them).
Cooling towel in a carrying container. Directions to that are - get the towel wet. Shake it in the air to cool it down. Use. Umm could do that with anything although this at least gives you a container to put the wet, used towel in and hopefully remember to take out to dry before it gets mildew. I might use it since it’s been the temperature of hell here just about daily breaking record after record.
That wrist band thing that holds sunscreen.
Blue irk bag. I like that shade of blue.
Total value is over $100 and everything looks new even though the ice pod pro was a return (mailing label taken off along with the cardboard under it) but some of the pieces weren’t opened and it looked like no one even unfolded anything.
Thank you meh!
@Kidsandliz Maybe you could get one of these and put the ice pod inside it?
Although the emptying would still be tricky.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh I was also thinking a wading pool would solve the leakage concern.
As for draining, as a waterbed owner, allow me to suggest gravity as a solution. I’m assuming the drain is at the bottom: if you can put the tub in an upper story, attach a hose, and drain into a rain collector/ directly into your garden, you can not only make draining possible, you can also reuse your water! (No bath salts though)
You may need to get the flow started, but you can buy simple pumps for that. They used to be very common for waterbeds, but now those are all stupid sink-attachment options that require some fiddling.
@brainmist @Kyeh I live in an apartment so that makes things more tricky. The valve thing has no way to attach a long hose that I see. If I put it in my livingroom (the only place big enough for a kid’s wading pool) and I’d have to hand fill it. I think I am just plain out of luck which makes me sad. If I figured out how to make a seal where the water leaves the thing to a hose I’d have to do it in the dead of night and hope all the water evaporates by morning so I am not caught.
@brainmist @Kyeh I am going to carefully see if I can cram it in the shower and maybe not blow the sides up as much so that maybe it will stay in there. Then I will slowly fill it with the shower getting in and out every couple of inches to see what happens with it staying or not. I’ll have to make sure the drain is against the back wall of the shower in case the sides end up over the edge. If I am lucky this will work. If not… hopefully I’ll not have a flood.
@brainmist @Kidsandliz Good luck!
@Kidsandliz Interesting, that Ice Pod Pro. Here’s an article talking about the standard version.
If yours fits completely into your shower stall, possible leakage shouldn’t be an issue, as any water could just go down the usual drain. Otherwise, I’d test it outside before filling it up in my apartment. Find a friend who has a place with access to a good garden hose. And in a garden, the water used wouldn’t be wasted.
You going to do the ice bit? I generally take cold showers as it is (because the hot water heater is at the other end of the house and it takes forever for the hot water to get to me) and it wasn’t too hard to get used to (even before summer got here), but don’t know if I’d have the fortitude to do ice. BRRR.
/image Chilly Willy

@phendrick Won’t fit in the shower. I was going to use it filled with warm water for soaking when my back hurts. I beyond hate icy cold water so no way!!!
Here’s my belated photo. The black shorts are in the bag. Basic stretch, no frills. Despite the fact I could barely get the ice pod pro parts back in the box once I took them out (and didn’t even set it up yet) meh managed to cram in there the other things.


/giphy wow!
I now want an ice pod!
Got my IRK today, and I am now convinced the lovelies at meh worked hard to make sure the inked/ newly inked had no regrets.
-Cooling towel… I’ll give it a try.
-Slippers 2 sizes too big (plus I’m basically a hobbit)…will rehome
-2 piece very light PJ set… it’s probably too big, but who cares? PJs! and they look and feel super comfy!
-A turquoise Meh bag AND… it all came in the very damaged box, with very damaged styrofoam (which I’m guessing the rest was used to replace) of a
This is flat out fabulous. Some dents in the front (probably why it was returned - that box is PULVERIZED!) but it’s unused and looks pretty damn cool.
I’ll report on whether it works just as soon as I can figure out where to put it! (Smallish kitchen, little counter space)
Has anyone who was inked gotten an IRK that sucked?
Not sucked - not broken, but definitely meh. I’ll post it later. At least it’s not broken or missing a major component like like a couple of recent ones.
@brainmist It does work! Hurray!
Got my box yesterday. Not pictured is a tan irk bag. The rest is all women’s clothing. 2 sets of pjs, the blue is a 1x and the pink is 2x. Some athletic style black pants, xl. Grey fruit of the loom light sweatpants, medium. And some fuzzy slippers, large. I’ve only tried on the slippers. Some will be worn (depending on fit) and then I’ll offer them to my adult girls. Not a bad box.
I got the tourist starter set

Tank IRK bag
Size large tourist print (eiffel tower) button down
Size large shorts
Women’s size 8 fuzzy top slippers
Big purse with scarf and rechargeable battery inside
@mbersiam Not a bad haul!
Got mine today. Someone remembered my hint about needing a vacuum.
Beige IRK bag
Women’s pj set with zebras in XL
Women’s black athletic shirt size L
Men’s work out shorts size L
Jashen cordless vacuum, the box was buldging pretty good since everything else was stuffed inside, parts were scattered but I think everything is there, putting it together currently to see.
All the parts to the vacuum were in the box, but it appears to not want to charge. Probably the battery. Not sure if it’s worth it to try and fix.
@metaphore Pretty kitty!
Was so excited to see a box with a Jashen cordless vacuum.
As I undertook assembly of said vac, my excitement turned to regret as I saw that the floor head was broken.
After some of the disappointment subsides, I will assemble it (checking for more broken parts) and see if it charges. The replacement part is $30 on the website, with a 10% discount for new customers.
I also received in the box…

A size 3xl plain white tee
One mens shorts, size large
One womens pajama set, size small
A tan IRK bag
@gogrrl perhaps @metaphore could spare some parts if not fixing theirs. Or they might like the website to order a spare battery.
Ooof, got my contest/sidedeal IRK and… well, tattoo IRK def outdid it.
1 purse: actually pretty nice, but not my style, will rehome.
XL-XXL pants: too big, but I can always use casual lounging pants, and these look cozy.
Tooth whitening kit: Um, Meh? What are you saying?
Chin tightening thingy: Like seriously, Meh, what are you saying?
And a beige bag.
@brainmist Yeah, your teeth and chin look fine to me!


A good makeup job can really help you reveal who you are.
Also the lounging pants are in fact pretty cozy.
Mine arrived Saturday just before noon.

A new Shark Apex that meh sold a little while back for $160. Thankfully no broken or missing parts.
My daughter is wearing Heidi & Oak pajamas that were in the box, with a msrp tag of $78. Size large.
Kittens were not included.
Not pictured 2 pairs of size large shorts.
Also not pictured is a blue IRK bag.
Thank you!
@bady You did VERY well!!! Cute kittens too!
@bady @Kidsandliz it seems a lot of people are getting cute kitties. I’m going to keep ordering IRKs until I get one!
@bady @pmarin Be careful. You might get a dog. A few people have gotten those. If you don’t want to buy an irk over and over to get one they are often free on facebook, craigslist, nextdoor…
@bady @Kidsandliz @pmarin oh I want a new doggo fren! Can you send me one please!!!

@bady @CharlieDoggo @pmarin I don’t think a new dog friend would be happy if we taped it in a box and sent it through the mail. It’s going to get hungry, have to go to the bathroom and want to go for a walk. It might be stuck in the box for a week. That would be really, really hard for the doggie. Tell you mom to go to the dog store to get you one.
@bady @Kidsandliz @pmarin WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!!

@bady @CharlieDoggo @pmarin You hear that @tinamarie1994? I think you are being told.
@bady @CharlieDoggo @Kidsandliz @pmarin he talks a big game, but you should see him around my sisters 11 week old puppy. God forbid it touch or dare lick/kiss him. I had a 50# ball of fur ON MY LAP
@bady @CharlieDoggo @pmarin @tinamarie1974 Oh my goodness. I hope over time you can coax him out of that reaction.
@bady @CharlieDoggo @Kidsandliz @pmarin I am sure it will happen. New things are scary!
@bady @Kidsandliz @pmarin I have 5 foster kittens that are looking for homes, well 4 now. @boo4cats is their Instagram
my kitties make an appearance sometimes too! Unfortunately no shipping with or without an IRK though.
Well so much for the trend of people with ink get good IRKs this round:

I didn’t even pay for this IRK and I regret it.
I was going through my crap and found the irk before this one that I didn’t get around to posting. So here it is:

-leather purse, retail $148 (haha)
-compression sleeve, leg? Arm?
-raspberry pi keyboard and mouse
-solar lights
-5 cables with raspberry pi logo
-shaping undergarment
-giant letter A for wall
-200 CR2016 batteries.
I think that’s 300 batteries I now own.
@sammydog01 was your “A” scarlet?!?!?

@tinamarie1974 It was white but I have a red sharpie.
@sammydog01 nice!
Mine made it on the truck for delivery but before FedEx delivered it was marked as address updated and then returned to Texas. Address was correct, someone was home. No idea why - I did contact customer service.
Finally opened the tractor box and here is what it looks like inside. I’m terrible at putting things back in boxes so I think I will bring this to donations and let them have fun with it.

@JT954 That’s not the remote over there below the loader bucket?
It is there. There also appears to be some batteries and other accessories that involve wiring. I’m getting ready to drop it off to donations within the next hour.
@JT954 Oh, MAN - you got a complete one… so lucky!!! I got one without the remote, unboxed - it would work if it had a remote!