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4-Pack: Primula Peak Insulated Stainless Steel Tumblers (18 oz or 20 oz)

  • Four 20- or 18-ounce tumblers that’ll keep hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold for a while
  • The bigger the vessel, the more you’ll hydrate: that’s just science
  • A 4-pack means you can have one for water, one for coffee, one for tea, and one for your tall mid-afternoon vodka tonic
  • Colors are randomly chosen and duplicates are possible
  • Where can you see a bunch of really horny drawings of these cups: on a tumbler Tumblr
see more product specs

Hydration, Caffeination

“Have you had enough water today?”

“Have you had enough coffee today?”

These two questions can feel condescending, especially because they often come in response to saying things like, “I have a killer headache,” or “I’m worried I’m going to pass out at my desk,” or “I’m so angry right now,” or “I can barely focus on anything.”

Like, oh yeah, I feel like absolute shit, both physically and mentally, and the thing that’s going to solve everything is a glass of water or a mug of coffee?

It’s the same as when you come down with some serious throat-shredding sinus-crushing illness and your one friend is like, “Hmm, make sure you drink some orange juice and brew some echinacea tea.” Thanks so friggin’ much, Jane! I was thinking I’d mainline DayQuil and ibuprofen until it’s late enough to take some codeine cough syrup, but yeah, you’re right, probably oranges and flowers are all I need.

Our point is: it’s annoying to pretend hydration and caffeine can solve everything. Because they can’t. They can only solve, like, 93% of the issues you face in a day.

Sorry, it’s just true. A heaping helping of H2O and a bit of coffee will cure a whole slew of your day-to-day woes.

Which means you should invest in good vessels for both needs. After all, if you’re drinking water out of a juice glass so that you have to get up every fifteen minutes to refill, you’re not gonna take in as much water as you need. Likewise, if you go to take a sip of your mid-morning mug-o-joe and it’s cold, your dissatisfaction will leave you less likely to actually finish it.

And, yes, we’re aware you can microwave that coffee. Except, oh yeah, there is this one problem: coffee reheated in the microwave FUCKING! SUCKS! It’s the freshness, not the temperature, that makes coffee appetizing, people!

Sorry for the tangent. What we’re getting at is that if you want to easily hit your hydration and caffeine goals, you need something that: a) holds a good amount of liquid; b) keeps cold stuff cold; and c) keeps hot stuff hot.

That’s what these do. And we’re selling four-packs of them.

So buy some!

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