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4-Pack: JIT 3-in-1 Charger, Flashlight & Lighter Keychain

  • You really don’t need this.
  • BUT… you do get 4 of them for $10, which renders the the level of need to justify purchase so low as to be almost zero, so…
  • Maybe buy this?
  • It won’t fully charge your phone: only gives you about a 2.5 hour charge, but that might be enough time to send a few crucial Snaps before you can get to a proper power source.
  • It’s also a little light and a little lighter, a la the ones in cars.
  • Model: 63993, which is, IMO, kinda excessive for this little guy.
see more product specs

It's A Steal

You’ve assembled your crew for the heist and have everything covered. Gina is your computer whiz. You can tell because she wears glasses and says words like “pwn.” She’ll disable the security systems by typing furiously on her laptop, making it possible for Rick to set the explosives that’ll blow the vault wide open. Rick often speaks calmly and philosophically about the nature of the universe while flicking an old lighter on and off. That’s how you know he’s the real deal.

When the vault’s open, it’s Crazy Rita’s time to shine. She’s always laughing maniacally and saying crazy things, but a little crazy can help in these situations. She’ll run in there and grab the prized painting before the smoke even clears. That’s the plan, your plan. You’re the ringleader here.

Which means you’re in charge not just of planning, but of getting everyone the gear they need. That’s why you purchased this four-pack of JIT Portable Chargers. First off, they have a light. That’s always useful, whether you’re hunched in a dark ventilator shaft, trying to connect to the main security system; or getting the wiring just right for a maximum boom; or… well, fine, maybe Crazy Rita wouldn’t need a light. But she’ll appreciate that it can work as a lighter when all’s over and done with and it’s time to light the victory cigars.

And okay, sure, you’re right: as previously mentioned, Rick has a lighter, which means he could light everyone’s cigars, so that part isn’t super useful in this scenario either. But the charger? That’ll be of utmost importance if your phone dies before you get a chance to call the authorities and turn yourself in.

Because, see, trying to make off with a prized piece of art worth nearly nine figures? That’s just what they’re expecting you to do…

So far today...

  • 53434 of you visited.
  • 50% on a phone, 7% on a tablet.
  • 4507 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 447 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $5033 total.
  • (including shipping)

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